How long did your joycons last before you got the inevitably stick drift? Mine lasted from Dec 2017 to March 2019

How long did your joycons last before you got the inevitably stick drift? Mine lasted from Dec 2017 to March 2019.

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Almost immediately. Things are piles of junk.

Dec 2017 to March 2018

Half a year. Each pair lasts half a year for me.
I just order sticks to replace now.

I've had two pairs since launch and it's never happened.


Seriously this. If you don’t take care of your shit it’s on you.

>If you don’t take care of your shit it’s on you.
What kind of care do they need?

Not much. Just don’t be a fucking gorilla when you use them.
This is the 3DS circle pad when smash came out all over again.

I bought a launch Switch and an extra set of Joycons day one and they still work fine. But I really only play Smash a lot with a Gamecube controller and use a pro controller for other games so the joycons really don't get much use.

Like 4 months. These controllers are absolute garbage, if you plan on buying a switch mainly for playing at home, sell the fucking joycons and buy a pro controller.

What is stick drift? Only had the switch for 7 months

>sell the joycons

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I got the system at launch and stick drift started a few months ago. I don't even know if I can send it in or whatever and don't really care because I bought a pro controller long before it started happening.

Thanks Doc.

It's when the stick registers inputs without being touched, leading to potential losses in game.

Oh fuck
Yea hasn't happened to me yet

You know how if you don't alternate which pant leg you shove your flaccid dick down every day, eventually it starts to drift slightly to one side over the other?

That's stick drift.

Browsing the UI is perfectly doable with a pro controller or even the touchscreen alone.

I'm sorry about your color blindness, user.

Yea but how will i play mario party???

People who can't look after their toys general.

Use your imagination nigga


I guess you just don't play much, user.

It's got nothing to do with how well you take care of it. The switch joy cons aren't very well insulated and dust gets stuck inside causing the drift. If you're gonna boast about something, say you dust your house more often or something.

>a product can't be poorly manufactured and if you dont ease the joysticks while wearing cotton gloves you are to blame because everyone knows hardware isnt supposed to be durable
do you not remember the faulty launch consoles?
i take nothing but care of my consoles, yet i have had my PS3 disc laser die twice, xbox360 red ring, xbox360 controller wire fray (look it up) and my PS4 literally attracts bugs because of a design flaw that lets the fuckers crawl right in because its warm and the vents are wide enough to fit cockroaches. oh yeah and my ps3 controller presses cross and square when i try to click the left stick, due to a problem with the controller's detection of electricity.
all my shit is clean as fuck and i am someone who values their consoles and cleans them when they start to get a bit dusty or if i need to open for repairs and storage upgrades. fuck off corpshill. hardware is never perfect.

I dunno, I havent played my Switch Since November 2017

Got mine at launch, and they're still going strong.

>You know how if you don't alternate which pant leg you shove your flaccid dick down every day, eventually it starts to drift slightly to one side over the other?

Y-yeah, I mean who DOESN'T have that problem...

April 23, 2018-March 4th, 2019 - Very heavy use. Left joycon randomly gets slight drift to the left RARELY but rarely is still enough for me. Original right joycon is fine
Bought first spare set. Then bought a DIY repair kit to replace stick for single joycon for like $10. Takes literally 20 minutes. Now have two sets.

Got mine early December 2017 and they still work as if they were new.

From January 2018 to around August 2018, they got noticeably worse but didn't completely start sucking ass until a few months later. God, fuck these things! I bought a chinese pro controller and they still feel better than these fucks, infact it feels better than any controller i used. NINTENDO GOT OUTDONE BY A BUNCH OF BOOTLEG PRODUCTS!

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Got mine in Dec 2017, played with it constantly for a year. Dug it up again for a BotW replay a few months ago and motion aiming became impossible because the stick would constantly register micro inputs that completely cancel out motion controls.

Nintendo better put out revised joycons soon; I love being able to play with my hands apart.

Same, I own all colorways.

July 2018 to December 2018, I had to replace the sticks.