What metroidvanias have you enjoyed, Yea Forums?

What metroidvanias have you enjoyed, Yea Forums?
What do you believe to be defining characteristics of the 'metroidvania' label?

Attached: best-metroidvania-metroidvania.jpg.png (900x430, 415K)

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Character/movement progression, stomping all over beginning areas late game.

Attached: comfy shantae t.png (1200x1027, 553K)


My favourite is the La Mulana remake still


It needs boss fights, power ups, a reason to back track and use those power ups. Needs hidden areas/loot to find. I think the big thing is atmosphere and a continuous map. As much as I love Shantae that's just a platformer and not a metroidvania.

Its linearity strongly diminishes its standing as a metroidvania, definition.

definitely* not definition, christ

Rabi-ribi is great
Other than that I've played Guacamelee but don't remember anything about it, and Xeodrifter is short but fun

I'm citing the obvious one, but Hollow Knight is really good.
And I guess nailed it for the most part. Exploration and discovery is also a huge factor. For example, as a child Sector 2 of Metroid Fusion blew my mind. The game gives you the "official" maps of the sector, and then you find out that it's only the tip of the iceberg.

Attached: BSL_Sector_2.GIF.gif (372x340, 9K)

Found the pedo.

Found the twat

Great game but holy shit do they need to dump the loli garbage. Pirated it just because I don't want it showing up on my Steam profile.

>As much as I love Shantae that's just a platformer and not a metroidvania
This is objectively untrue since Half Genie Hero while still fun is the worst in the series.

I really enjoyed that and La-mulana 2 but could't clear them without spoilers.

The best Shantae is the one that was the least Shantae-esque game in the series.

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KATAM isn't talked about enough, and I should revisit it. sotn is great but I'm starting to think Aria might be better imo.
Also I was inspired enough by metroidvanias to try and make my own. Here's 6 keys:
(pastebin because I hear bots can take keys, but it's never happened to my own when I've done this before.)

Axiom Verge
Environmental Station Alpha
La Mulana
An Elysian Tail if it counts, but its barely a metroidvania really
Cave Story (but also too linear to be a true metroidvania, like AET or metroid fusion)
Bunch more I cant remember
Bloodstained cv3 clone
Odallyus the dark call or w/e it was
Slain if that counts but I wouldn't count it
Does Rain World count? It has the exploration and discovery part down, but not the rest of it isn't metroidvania. But it really is a great game. But more of a exploration/discovery platformer (Think oddworld abes exodus / flashback / heart of darkness / another world, rather than metroid or SotN)

metroidvanias only work if there's battle sex, so you're motivated not to fuck up

that's a motivation to lose, dumbass


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Rain World counts

Mech Chip, eh? I'll give it a try then. Thanks, user

Thanks user. Looks like shit. I'll be sure to run it in the background long enoug to make it look like I've played it and leave a negative review.

porn games ruined metroidvanias for me
sex was always a great plus side to them but normal ones don't have any

La-mulana is the best metroidvania

finally some excitement in my life

he saids on steam, bro

post some porn metroidvanias

based fellow RabiChad

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Kurovadis (finished)
Unholy Disaster (finished)
Night of Revenge (unfinished but reliably updated)
Alien Quest Eve (unfinished and will likely never be finished)

Enviromental Station Alpha was pretty great.

Also Ante Chamber. It' s not REALLY a metroidvania, but it felt like one.

>What metroidvanias have you enjoyed, Yea Forums?
Only the OP image said on steam.
Nevertheless, a game you can get without a launcher is better than one you need a launcher for, no?

I agree entirely but OP and most of the dumb fucks on this website wouldn't go download AM2R, and if they would, why wouldn't they just play one of the 20+ Super Metroid romhacks or a SotN randomizer or SM randomizer?

Fuck I forgot Eroico and, arguably the best, Forest of Blue Skin

Knytt Underground is great if you just like chill exploration.

toki tori
the mummy (demastered) (YES REALLY, MUCH BETTER THAN THE MOVIE)
the messenger
la mulana 2
yoku's island express
hollow knight
steamworld dig 2
axiom verge
ori and the blind forest
dead cells
salt and sanctuary
cave story +
magicians and looters
megaman ZX
truly underrated:
valdis story: abyssal city
shadow complex
insanely twisted shadow planet
castle in the darkness
rain world (survival/platform/exploration)

It's been so long since I've played a porn game. Last one was Parasite in City, I believe. I suppose I could try some of these out myself.

valdis story

I really like Momodora and I'm looking forward to Minoria. Seems like they'll (probably) be announcing the release date at BitSummit.

I quite liked Environmental Station Alpha, same guy that made BABA IS YOU.


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Axiom Verge was good, but damn did the final boss suck dick.

is steamworld dig 1 good?

Actually the correct term is action adventure.

Can someone recommend an anime looking metrodovania?

It's already been mentioned. Can't go any more anime then this.

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how sexual is it?

Played it already any other one

A bit. The fanservice is not really strong though, but many girls are definitely lightly clothed. But it's more cute rather then outright sexual.

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Well there's also the sequel that will come....eventually?
I also keep hearing good things about Touhou Luna Nights.

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