What the FUCK happened?

What the FUCK happened?

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No updates. Trying to compete with a game that's already had several updates. Ugly characters was what did it for me.

it got boring.

meme game of the month

Battle Royales aren't actually fun, they're just skinner boxes.
They have skinner box bullshit not just between the games, but a round itself is almost nothing but. Actual gameplay is minimized to allow for as many truly epic "Ooh I found a golden thingie!!!!" moments as possible. Whether you die in the next firefight or not doesn't matter, you found the epic golden thingie that one time!
The problem with a game that doesn't really entertain you on its own merits arises, when you run out of new shit to find in your lootboxes both in menus and in gameplay.
So you need to put ever new things in the skinner boxes to keep them functional. Respawn being generally bad at post launch support failed to deliver that and now all the kids moved back to the skinner boxes that keep putting the ground bones and tears of their employees into ever new lootboxes.

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Ugly color palette and models
No content updates or bug fixes
The advertising money ran out

No content. They've added what? One character and a single gun since the game was released?
No solo meant people got bored of getting grouped up with morons
Rampant problem with cheaters

Congrats you've managed to get every single point wrong, try playing it yourself instead of coming up with imaginary reasons why people play it.

Got boring

Played it a lot for the first two weeks and just lost interest.

go woke, go broke

Only good Battle Royale game is Tetris 99
Change my mind

no patches, no new content, shitty battlepass, chinese cheaters galore on pc.

They were a small sub-studio under EA who weren't ready for the attention, and they were suddenly thrust into the limelight, and when you're a third rate studio with barely any staff and you're suddenly a competitor for the #1 game that exists and your fans are asking you to work overtime forever to compete?

They don't have the manpower. they're collapsing, and they don't deserve it they're doing what they can and I can respect that.

Fortnite is killing games as a service games. Either you update every other week and work your employees to death or zoomers get bored and complain about it. Whether this is good or bad is up to you

It's still a top 3 battle royale. They did fuck up being a fortnite killer because they underdelivered on new content and the devs are fucking lazy.

it really wasn't anything special to begin with
everyone thought they were trying to compete with fortnite and didn't realize EA probably just wanted to cash in on the BR fad

people thought this was supposed to be the next PUBG
but in reality it is barely a Realms Royale

Apex Legends? more like Gaypex Laggins

1+ month between "patches" that commonly introduce new or worsen already present, often gamebreaking issues. What a joke.

None of the patches have been negative you non-player.

Is tittiesfall 2 potato-friendly? It looks fun

Le diverse and no white man characters!

EA chose to make a push in vain attempt to save Anthem instead of giving their primary support to Apex.

Uhm they literally made Gibraltar and Caustic worse when they tried to buff them, sweaty...
Audio issues have gotten progressively worse each time they've attempted to resolve them, now at the point where everything in the game sounds like it's underwater, instead of just gunfire and footsteps sometimes glitching out.

Le incel face

imagine releasing a multiplayer game with one single map

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Gibraltar and Caustic were fixed last week
Audio has never been a major issue and they improved equalization now. You must have a really shit setup.

Shit gives you two types of currency that you can buy fucking nothing with and the third type of currency is acquired by paying real money. You barely can unlock anything by leveling and the shit you unlock is fucking ugly anyway.

Joke's on you, I actually did play it and it was boring as shit, with the actual gameplay spread so thin, I felt like I could play entire rounds of other games in all the downtime where I did nothing but run around and look at boxes. Not to mention the actual downtime between starting to search for a game and actually touching the ground so I get to actually play.

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It baffles me how they looked at Fortnight with its weekly updates and thought "Yeah, that's what we want to compete with!"

you're a fucking idiot if you think the new audio "fixes" were positive

Shit-tier voice codec. Can't understand what anyone's saying and they can't understand me. It's a team based game.

I-I like to play as Bloodhound...

W-what about you guys?

Team-based battle royale was never going to work. Fortnite works because there is no pressure to perform, you are rewarded for failing, and there's a reasonably high chance to end up in the top 3 without doing anything. In Apex, the only way to learn the game is to play it, which means you're going to be forced into a team of people who know what they're doing and will be frustrated that you don't, especially because actual competent teamwork is required to win.

I would still play if it had solo. I don't want to play with 2 chucklefucks every time.

I don't think you have ever played Apex in your life.

>Battle Royales aren't actually fun, they're just skinner boxes.
>skinner boxes

user, you play games all day and are generally pretty uneducated so I hope this helps you understand better the world around you.


His ability is useless, but otherwise I like him and his ult

Shitty loot games like Diablo and World of Warcraft where you find gear to watch numbers go up so you can grind even more gear to watch numbers go up yet again are skinner boxes. Battle Royales are not you inbred mongoloid.

This lmao. Apex is infinitely more forgiving and easy to pick up than the autistic buildfights in fortnite

You should probably read the link I sent you. And also try to be more humble when you have been shamed in such a way. We all have to learn some time.

Lack of updates.
Fell for the battle pass meme.
Paying streamers to boost player count.
Muh diversity.
Lack of bug fixes.
Lack of promised weapons and characters. Lack of new modes.
Too much downtime before actual game play.
Map is basically a drop here or die layout.
It's all made from old assets.
They have no new content planned it was a random "success" due to marketing.
Battle Royale games are CANCER.

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I played it once, got forced into a team with two high level players who immediately started groaning over voice chat, could barely follow along with the game because I had no prior experience with battle royale games and was killed after about 15 minutes of nothing happening. Immediately uninstalled, no patience for this zoomer genre.

The fact that you think finding normal gear in a Battle Royale makes one go
>"Ooh I found a golden thingie!!!!"
Is why I'm calling you a mongoloid. The only "skinner box" shit Apex has are the loot boxes that are rewarded for leveling up.

Too fast pace, no building autism for the fortnite crowd.

>pure FPS as FPS can be
>can't understand 3 player team kills everyone else on this island concept

you might have brain problems

>Elders REACT to Apex Legends!

No, that's just what you think the definition of skinner box is.

You're talking to someone else. I made the claim in the first place. And despite what you think, small rewards are still rewards. Your brain lights up like a christmas tree when you find a chest and it does all the little noises and animations and then presents you with all the stuff you can choose from. And then if it's actually good shit you're even more engaged. And if it's all garbage, you're frustrated and compelled to find more boxes to find cool stuff.
Most games obviously have some elements that fall into this category, but for Battle Royales it's especially pronounced since three quarters of a game is nothing but opening boxes.

It'd past its apex you might say.

Terrible content updating on top of already minimal launch content.

Never mind trying to keep up with Fortnite. Would it really kill Respawn and EA to at least put in solos and duos?

Reply to this post if you still occasionally play and enjoy Apex Legends because you're not an ADD riddled faggot.

Seems like Yea Forums is now infested with Zoomers who need a game with new patch notes every 2 weeks, with a skinner box progression system that gives them shiny new things they can dedicate their entire life to or it's not a fun game.

>It's not Fartknight so it bad
>I played it for 8 hours a day for 6 weeks, why am I burned out?
>Why won't the devs give me more things to click on?

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>three quarters of the game is nothing but opening boxes
Sometimes I forget Yea Forums doesn't actually play the games they talk about, unless you mean to say that killing other players so you can scavenger off their corpse is the same as the five minutes spent early game rushing through your starting zone for loot.

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It ran well enough on my pc at the time which was shit.

can't change your mind, you are right

Battleroyals are boring as shit

Who knew.

Define well-enough
It requires quite a tank CPU though. My laptop has 12gb ram and just enough VRam. Wonder if it could get 60 fps at 720p

It's battle royal crap so i didn't even look at it, what's wrong with you ?
You played that shit ?

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Battle Royal is the gatcha of FPS games.
>Oh boy I hope I get lucky and loot a not shit weapon this game
>Spawn, get shit, die to the top tier sniper weapon some 12 year old kid got
>Join a new game and try again

Not only are these cash grabs designed around lootboxes which are soon to be banned, the fucking gameplay is designed around loot boxes as well.

But the gameplay in every single battle royal game has been utter dogshit, the only reason why people latched onto them in the first place was they were a godsend from the modern rank grinding FPS that COD and Battlefield became.

another one bites the dust

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I had an i5-3330 which was in the process of slowly dying, 8GB of RAM and a 280x. I was probably getting a steady 40 fps at 1080.

Also it is cracked, so just pirate it to see if it runs well on whatever you have.

Alright will give it a torrent. How can you play a fast paced fps @ 40fps is beyond me though