What are you staring at?

What are you staring at?

Attached: lLySAYw.jpg (836x1200, 166K)

your weanus peanus of course haha :)

No mam, I'm SNIFFING at.

stop, i've been trying not to fap.

stoppedl iking this game once i heard about the devs being venezuelan greedy CUNTS


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Attached: 1544497087687.jpg (980x1272, 81K)

A cock-sleeve

>Mfw my pantyhose fetish kicks again

Attached: Ahhhhh!.jpg (1242x808, 120K)

id sting her ray if you know what i mean

Attached: 1553970175989.jpg (2063x3131, 1.14M)

Anime feet? Time to whip out dick

She's not wearing panties.

Patrician taste

She looks like she fucks all types of men except black ones.


Attached: 1534270743536.jpg (970x545, 64K)

how come?

Have sex

Attached: naked jill.png (500x600, 120K)

Who would want to catch aids?

She's racist


Attached: 447530_screenshots_20170119201407_1.jpg (1280x720, 191K)

My eyes went to her feet immediately

have sex

Attached: 447530_screenshots_20170126203101_1.jpg (1280x720, 209K)

is this somehow a bad thing?
I want to fuck her and marry her!

You think racist women don't fuck men of other races on a daily basis on the planet? Women do what they feel at the time regardless of racial standings.

Attached: 447530_screenshots_20170205151046_1.jpg (1280x720, 186K)


Attached: 1626581828237.png (1052x742, 582K)

your p-pusshehehe

jack off

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not your warm damp pantyhosed feet

Mom's spaghetti

How to get a jill gf?

Attached: file.png (1696x736, 82K)

full pic?

jill is a size queen

I dunn geddit

Pretty sure she’s a lesbian.

literally me

Attached: god_I_wish_that_were_me_0.jpg (10000x10000, 1.61M)

Give me a quick rundown on this game

it's bad


Attached: Dorothy.png (307x373, 10K)

Go on..

Attached: 1522514135832.jpg (1175x715, 66K)

It’s a visual novel about degenerates in a cyberpunk distopia with the only gameplay being drink making which is piss easy. If they gave you a time limit or made you stop using the recipe guide after a while it might have been better.

Attached: 1470295511381.jpg (800x2450, 460K)

Tights are just the best things, bros

Attached: 1503162168730.jpg (1450x2048, 263K)

Are there any lewd scenes? If not I'm not wasting my time.

Attached: 1557168968026.png (1200x700, 506K)

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Attached: 1547708766363.jpg (1024x1004, 102K)

of course not. it's a safe normiebait game.

Nope. Just lewd talk.

Dude sex lmao

Attached: 1502407025246.png (387x392, 21K)

big yikes

Attached: doomer.png (458x546, 138K)

Thanks for the reminder. Getting this week's yom tights episode right away

They're lying and got the bad endings.

Donovan is the hero we don't deserve.

Attached: 1517525878651.png (1300x1136, 643K)

It's comedic and easygoing, and lewdness is there for comedy's sake.

Look at this fag. I bet he projects in his porn so much he likes fat old bastards

Attached: 1554611252532.jpg (320x454, 27K)

Don't lie to me user

Attached: 1557282471644.jpg (890x719, 84K)

I bought it a couple weeks ago and I can sum up my reactions as
>ha ha that is somewhat funny
>wow drink making is piss easy
>when can I actually do something?
>the jokes are pretty repetitive
>why should I care about these characters?
>does this get any better?

eeeeh the right foot is too short

Attached: __ajax_azur_lane_drawn_by_kure_masahiro__97d7639af722e81f620d3469760c43ab.jpg (789x1251, 139K)

t. bigfoot

more to love

Attached: __alisa_ilinichina_amiella_god_eater_drawn_by_kumiko_shiba__sample-a71d523651b58948b1dbfdfe981f7c14. (850x1046, 106K)

Does she fuck black men?

Fucking ew.

Attached: 1558623544719.jpg (1280x720, 112K)

No faggot, she’s a lesbian.

All women still love dick

Fucking based

There's 6 endings:
>Bad end
>Sex bot end
>Fat guy end
>Big titty cyborg end
>Idol end
>Good end(True end)

Attached: 1558761992247.jpg (500x453, 30K)

Of course not silly, she's a bartender not a washed-up pornstar.

true that

Attached: 1554117030868.jpg (1000x1000, 335K)

>Bartenders don't fuck any race possible

You never been to a bar?

She's bi.

Fuck off.

Attached: 1511377679335.png (751x946, 446K)

Nobody likes black people, Rugga, especially not pindicked NEETgers like you.


Everyone loves black people
Im not Rugga
I have a bbc
i'm not a NEET

lol ok retard

I only love black tights

Attached: __akemi_homura_and_kyubey_mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_drawn_by_streamingsun__6a3643270dbdba7e93322c71 (1240x1365, 154K)

You already know
This but unironically
Maybe you should have it, then.


Attached: 1535764986696.jpg (600x600, 111K)

Blackposting is literally on the same level as "you should draw her giving birth"

I have a high IQ

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-26 (0) v - What are you staring at - Video Games - 4chan.png (183x164, 7K)

It's barely a game.
VN where nothing happens but the world seems cool.

>two left feet
what the fuck

Attached: 051_54661750_p0_621079620160111_1532.jpg (1024x1024, 136K)

now that you say it

Attached: __akemi_homura_mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_drawn_by_streamingsun__f8f6bd024000e8536eb014e3616c985d.jp (1200x848, 93K)

this is a tights thread. footfaggots can leave anytime, thank you.


Attached: 1554823674020.png (991x660, 1.08M)

tightsfags and feetfags are natural allies

Attached: __akemi_homura_and_kyubey_mahou_shoujo_madoka_magica_drawn_by_dobunezumi__1e235ab0ed7fe40ad1f53cb0e7 (1088x1500, 388K)

A shame

Attached: D4JiGZ-UYAEJwax.jpg (858x1200, 96K)

Been a tripfag for 8 years get over it

I don't hate other tights colors, it is just that black is the best.

Attached: __anchovy_and_nishizumi_miho_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_derauea__20828dff275a779c246371862f3bf042.jpg (1478x1908, 1.46M)

Attached: D6MbrjvUIAAb1FC.jpg large.jpg (848x1200, 162K)

That I can get behind.

Attached: DmyLEyvVAAA5_Ot.png (960x1200, 865K)

>"big yikes"
>retarded nu-Yea Forums EPICK DEWMURRR MAYMAY image
Jesus fuck, neck yourself.

lurk moar

>What are you staring at
Where are you standing at you fucking 2D Whore, Don't make me come over there and beat the shit out of you until your bleeding out on the ground in shitty 240p, Old Style.

Attached: 1544417086763.png (768x781, 284K)

Go back
Go the fuck back to whatever normalfag website you came from
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, newfag.

lurk moar

Go back


lurk moar

Attached: 1558635810984.gif (500x383, 486K)

>another thread ruined by footfags

Fuck off with you cancerous fetish
This is why nobody likes you guys

hey, a pic i havent seen before.

cry more
this way I have a reason to dump my pics on you

Attached: __drawn_by_aida_takanobu__sample-68f3ac35af7f0036b74698c537904d8a.jpg (850x1201, 217K)


That's a weird of spelling saved. Take a big whiff, user.

Attached: 1558470624300.jpg (4000x2250, 3.77M)

did you honestly except a good thread with that OP?