Tfw we barely get superhero vidya anymore

>tfw we barely get superhero vidya anymore
Who should be the next superhero to get the Spider-Man PS4 treatment?

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Iron man so i can fly

This, been waiting for a good iron man game.
Also prototype 3 with a bayonetta tier female protag.

Will be interesting to see the avengers game reveal and what the bamham devs have been up to.

what the actual fuck are these heroes

>hijab woman
oh non ono no nohahahahhhaha

Choose your fighter

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Damn, Captain Future and Cat both are packing

Fucking Tim

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Zoom zoom

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Iron man with suit customization both in cosmetics and in stats and abilities depending on the different modules you equip (like a light machinegun mounted in the shoulder pad, those infinite war back laser cannons etc)

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None. The whole open world hero simulator doesn't work for every hero and some diversity would be fun.
Give me a She-Hulk game full of wacky court cases, divided up by brawler/beat em' up sections and gathering evidence to make a stronger cases

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Remember when CoH/V was coming back on a private server and you spergs let a tranny ruin all your fun?


They should pack several Marvel movies into games and have most of the MCU in vidya format
I mean everyone wants to fucking play as his heroes when Cap says "assemble" in the last battle against Thanos
an Injustice-like 2D fighting game would be good too, with Mjolnir Cap, dual wield Thor and nanomachines Ironman as secret characters

Does V-man fuck the V-boys?

>V-Man and the V-Boys

Basically Daemon X Machina but with Iron Man? God I'd kill for that game

Please fuck off back to a dark souls topic

why so many father-son pairs

Because most if not all of these were probably made to appeal to young boys and the kid in the pair was probably the reader surrogate.

The red hijab chick has some nice milkers

I figured it'd be weird if it were Man-Loli pairs.

The fuck does that mean?

I want a Sabretooth game.

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Woman in Red is prime alleyway gangbang material

How about Hitman like game about Mystique

holy shit are these bad... they are so bad, I can't even call them designs... there is no design there at all. It's just some diarrhea an uninspired brain shat out

A lot of those are sidekicks m8 like batman and robin

MCU Captain America would probably be one of the easiest heroes to adapt into a game. He's a dude that hits things, he hasn't got some weird niche power that'd cause technical problems to even attempt.

Let me touch you, browdy

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plebian taste


Iron Man's getting a PSVR game later this year by the Republique devs.

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Awful taste, I bet you think boku no faggot academia has good designs


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Sorry, forgot to clarify that it's in the same universe as Insomniac Spidey.

That's the point you stupid retard. These designs are based on old capeshit archetypes, they're nostalgic reference designs

Holy fuck people can zoom this hard? Anime fan I take it?

Because they were made in an age where sons had fathers.


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>just Tim

go back to jerking off boku no reddit academia


Yeahbik gonna have to go with Tim

Marvelo or The Woman in Red

>Does V-man fuck the V-boys?
No, otherwise they wouldn't be called V-boys now would they?

>tfw you can reliably make most of these in city of heroes private server
thank you based favela niggers for getting the source code released

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don't fuck with Tim

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Tim is so fucked. Did he abuse animals as a child?

>making superheroes based on torah
absolute state of burgers

He's doing it right now.

>killing yellow murder monkey's.
>fucked up
... How so?

Spider-Man has the uniqueness of the whole web swing going for him, but 99% of others superheroes don't have anything that would make it worth making a game about them.

What are you going to get? Hulk? Literally just a strong guy. Why bother with the copyrights and not just make a random game with a normal guy that's strong. Thor? Strong with lightning. So unique and worth it. Wolverine? Random claw guy. Point is, you don't need to make a game about any of that shit. They're not special enough to warrant a game.

>golden age of superheroes game
>basically mafia with superpowers and world war 2

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Mr. Face and V-boys are /our guys/

They want the kids to call them "daddy" but they aren't their fathers user

Because dads used to buy and read comics with their sons

Go make up another religion and call it your Heritage, fag.

I appreciate you.

Ultimate Destruction was pretty fun, a game built around building momentum as an unstoppable monster could be great.
Give us some Planet Hulk. Start out in the pits then by the end of the game you're fighting the Red King's hordes.

Oh wow... i couldn't give less of a shit