What are some good vidya book adaptions?
What are some good vidya book adaptions?
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they arent cubed who would even buy this shit
>He was destroyed!
some of the most zoomer-looking artstyle I've ever seen
>calarts style
>the state of California
>Characters not square
God if only, Big One when?
>tfw people are leaving Cali and NYC and moving to where I live and jacking up the rent
You live in Nevada too?
Move to the midwest, coastal fags are scared of all our nothingness and cornfields. Hope you like depression and heroin addiction/alcoholism
>black man in media
>is a weak gay numale, probably trans too
What do they mean by this?
black people are weak
Oh rlly?
Trying to counteract the "black man in media is a buff angry macho man" stereotype but completely fucking it up.
everyone is dangerous
blacks are naturally weaker than other races though
>humans are drawn with round shapes
>girl in front has an animal costume, animal is blocky
This is bothering me.
Oh fuck this art. Even the black kid looks gay and I'm pretty sure the "girl" in the left is a tranny.
To be fair they mostly kill each other.
>living in a 3rd world shithole
Still pushing the 'nonthreatening black male' meme from the 00s.
whites are physically and mentally weaker than blacks, I'm sorry
Jokes for minecrafters is pretty good.
>whites built civilizations and conquered the planet
>blacks were cucked into slavery and still live in mud huts today
Facts state otherwise.
I thought that was Adam Ellis's art for 5 seconds
That has more to do with resources, climate, motivation, culture, population, peace, tools, language, etc.
>amerimutt ((((humour))))
>Did you hear about the poster who told the janny FUCK NIGGERS?
>He was destroyed!
I'm sure the only person laughing the is writer, it probably took him 2 hours to write this and sell it to autistic 12 year olds as fine literature.
It was actually written by the mom of some autistic kid, I don't think he is vegetative enough to know how to write
>tfw too smart to live
The Vikings barely had any resources and lived in a shitty climate yet they went out to disvover and rape everything just the same.
Why's the AI rate so high? Didn't know robots could kill themselves.
We all started with nothing.
Most niggers get shot by fellow niggers before they even have a chance to off themselves so that makes sense I guess. Same with mehicans.
Then where was their territory besides frozen wastelands out in the arctic?
Did you know gold, precious metals and other resources were just lying on the ground in Africa? Did you know African weather is perfect for giant farms?
Meanwhile most of Europe and the Siberian steppe were desolate wastelands and if you wanted any metals you had mine deep down into the Earth
yeah but who had fish?
but whitey got a head start because of copper n' shieeet
all over the world
you can totally tell the white twink on the right side gets blacked daily
>that shitty artstyle
I can't take this crap anymore.
We were all in the middle eastern desert before that.
>calarts style
dumb fuck
What the fuck are niggers supposed to use gold for other than replacing their teeth? Gold is one of the softest natural metals and has less conductivity compared to copper. God /pol/ucks can be retarded as fuck.
>Did you know African weather is perfect for giant farms
I am going to need proof on this shit
Who's "we"? Sub-Saharan Africans had never traveled outsider their homeland.
>Washington DC
I swear I remember reading that it was one of the safest cities though.
Why aren't they cubes
all of scandinavia
all of russia
I hope you are not shitting on my boi Carver here because The Weekenders was fine shit
Man, it seems like every piece of marketing has to include as many minorities as possible, fucking retarded.
This. Why can't they go back. No one wants Cali faggots fucking shit up with their shitty driving and stupid braindead women.
Where the FUCK is my obligatory cripple?
they're too stupid to realize they fuck up everything
And then what? Did they do anything with their conquered land? Did they simply hang out and fucked the locals or something? What did they do on this land?
Safe when comparing most american cities, which are all violent as fuck. It was the murder capital back in the 90's, but that changed real quick because of gentrification.
what did xir mean by this
You won't find any "proof" on this, because these are problematic facts, but Rhodesia and South Africa produced enough food to feed the entire continent
No ramps on minecraft, cripples are offered to the gods upon birth.
>tfw no crippled wheelchairbound gf
Niggers were already eating watermelon before the white man came though.
>What did they do on this land?
More than the blacks ever did.
they solidified a stable society and argueably one of the best societies filled with the most attractive people
The reason they went out was to find fertile land for farming because back home the winters were too harsh and the earth stripped of minerals to grow food so they just conquered and raped others and took their land.
Its a Boston dynamics holocaust cover-up
>This cant be real.png
Blacks aren't any stronger than whites, but they're more willing to be violent.
Ever heard the term 'retard strength'? It's not because downies are somehow super strong, but because they're mentally 4 years old for their entire life they're more willing to shove or hit you because of whatever trivial reason, so you notice their strength more even though they're no more stronger than, or most of the time even weaker than a regular person.
It's the exact same reason with niggers.
These vapid, zero personality, faggots who pay 500 dollars for a pair of pants are going to cut down all of our nice green and turn it into a fire pit just like their own state. Fucker's should go back to the dead earth they created.
wow, they just keep getting worse. amazing
yeah but thats not what im saying though
im saying if you have 2 identical people with identical lives and identical looks except one was made black then the black guy would be weaker and slower
So the vikings did something that literally 90% of civilizations do? Cool
They have higher test levels and muscle mass on average.
>Short Synopsis: A kid is convinced that shooting a bird will turn him into a "Man". Loosely based on a true personal story.
Yes, it is true that I watched this Simpsons episode.
They did a lot more than blacks ever did.
>then the black guy would be weaker and slower
The fuck? The majority of blacks are literally more athletic then whites.
I enjoyed the LA manga, there's also a ishinomori link to the past one off which is absolutely gorgeous but kind of insubstantial
>niggers and women
So it's a bad thing that African hunter-gatherer communities didn't attack neighboring tribes at random? Why are white people so violent?
>Tfw live in Detroit.
It's not that bad since most of the nignogs killed each other.
oh lawdy
They are also,
>over 22 trillion dollars into debt >permanently stuck in the affairs of the Middle East while defending Isreal
>have obesity problems
>needed to bailout their own banking overlords
>needed to bailout their own underperforming auto industry
>need to bailout several of their own countries
>getting outperformed in academia by the Chinese
>getting outperformed in athletics by Blacks
>have to start banning Chinese products because they can't compete market wise
>nearly half their own media is owned by one company (Disney) despite being supposedly anti-monopoly
>killed over +30 million of their own people in WW1&2 but bitch a half century later that they are being out reproduced fertility wise
50% of the population has 100% of the births
not true
many blacks are obese
>implying mutts are white
>hatin on the D
Post the your mom will die in her sleep
Aren't obesity rates much higher for blacks?
So are whites
this is fucking bullshit
i cant believe we let them get away with this shit
Did Morbo write this?
only in america :)
There are also more of them in physically demanding sports then whites.
That's a small percentage of their population. But to be honest, blacks seem to either be roided up or fat as fuck. Not much in-between.
>nigs murdering each other with guns
>sign of physical prowess
So you just concede that easily? lmao
im pretty sure there are more of them in sports because they dont have the mental capacity to demand anything from the ones that own them
user how are you posting from Nevada?
You should be dead, Nevada is a wasteland.
>impying violence is exclusive to white people
good one
Violence is common in all great apes. In fact, gorillas are probably the least violent great apes ironically.
You can’t take test levels of every male on the planet, retard. Not even close to it, either. What site do you get your propaganda from? Try to remember that we’re all one race, the human race.
>doesn't know about Norman/ Viking territories all around the med
Educate yourself, brainlet
Probly cuz their slave ancestors that worked the fields want them to live the same way they did, not using their brains.
That's why we're talking averages, you don't need to survey 50% of the population to get an analysis of a country.
Nevada isn't really a wasteland, it's just getting constantly shat up and destroyed by filthy Californian tourists
Nothing ironic about that. Gorillas and Orang Utans are bros, only chimpanzees are niggers
yeah and chimpanzees are pretty violent
>take tests from 1000 people and base that as an average for the entire world or even a country
Damn... makes sense to me!
why are blacks so emotional?
its like talking to a retarded woman
That's how most surveys work, you learned something new today.
That doesn't refute that they're more fit then whites. They're also much faster considering how many of them are in the Olympic sprinting division.
As for IQ, you just want to say Blacks are stupid because Redpilled shit or whatever.
Well I don’t count those surveys as any more valid. If you really believe this higher test shit you’re just /pol/ but the opposite, and no better than them.
blessed thread
You’re literally just as racist as /pol/, you’re fighting fire with more fire. Why not be a better person and quit fooling yourself?
I'm not the one saying white/blacks are smarter then the other. Just that Blacks are more likely to be physically fit because of their interests and lifestyle.
Way to project.
>why are blacks so emotional?
>Already seething
Projecting isn't healthy
>on average
yeah because they make up a larger percentage of manual labor I'm sure mexicans are even higher but that has nothing to do with their genetic potential.
what do you mean?
im talking about real life here
they always find something to bitch about
>manual labor
Lmao it has more to do with plenty of blacks hitting the gym you think niggers like to work? LMAO
This one
>they always find something to bitch about
And white people aren't? Have you been to /pol/ or twitter in the last 3 years? It's two sides of a retarded coin and only the loudest and most whiny faggots get noticed.
oh wow the internet finds something to bitch about wowee
go outside retard
>I'm sure mexicans are even higher but that has nothing to do with their genetic potential.
Lots of Mexican's are either obese or very unhealthy. Their water is so shit that their only access to clean liquid is soda.
Clearly I've been out more then you, you sheltered faggot.
sure you have nigger
all you talk about is /pol/
But blacks are the fattest on average and also suffer from the most diet-related illnesses.
>all you talk about is /pol/
>Mentioned it once
I guess everyone that says /pol/ is the same person.
but i saw this movie where a black guy wasnt fat
>most diet-related illnesses.
Pretty sure that's Mexican's because of Most Black people can't afford to be fat if they're going to Gang bang and run from bullets.
zelda manga
No, blacks are the fattest, with black women being the fattest demographic.
A lot of blacks are also either obese or very unhealthy but that says nothing about their muscle mass, go down to a construction site and you'll see how unhealthy the fuckers look they aren't exactly the image of fitness but they still have a higher muscle mass than most bourgeois faggots.
Yep, thanks for proving my point. Everything by them garbage
>live in Idaho
>fucking AMAZON is setting up shop in a brand new neighborhood specifically for these fucks (even though I've been looking for a cheap house for fucking years and there hasn't been a goddamn thing)
>projected to have it's own market street with a starbucks and some faggy grocery store
>land was originally farmland and was generally a nice site to see
>right next to an already overcrowded high school
thinking of moving to someplace like oregon just to embrace the retardation fully instead of being infected by it. hard to complain when my parents are californian immigrants, but they left to get away from the fagginess.
How is Pittsburgh above Chicago?
>moved the goal post like 5 times already
lmao the cope
>tumblrlrmbumurl tier "artstyle"
>a fucking nigger
gee I wonder who is behind this
Dunno about that, but
>muscle mass
No, they have less.