Most interesting western game to come out in a long time

>most interesting western game to come out in a long time
>has actual graphics and actual gameplay
>has a hot lesbian protagonist

>Yea Forums doesn't even acknowledge its existence

Attached: 3519465-control--promo12.jpg (1280x720, 503K)

Other urls found in this thread:

not on steam, don't care

Literally what?

It's because she has a black boyfriend

Daily reminder that Remedy will be the next Sony's acquisition

Attached: D7VDHMBWsAEfIB4.jpg (1024x768, 155K)

Lesbians kiss girls Lisa.

>send a Japanesw man to negotiate aqcuisition of Western studio

Sony has abandoned Japan completely, hasn't it?

>inb4 Kojima
He's a westaboo. Doesn't count.

>most interesting western game to come out in a long time
But it hasn't?

Bbbbut China bad

>Yea Forums
More like anybody. No one knows this even exists

Depressing as fuck. They even got coverage from Game Informer for an entire month. Those same people that ate up God of Bore and exclaimed that singleplayer isn't dead are the same fuckers that are sleepin on this game. Hypocrites.

>white woman protagonist

God of War has actual gameplay and you don't play as a feminist wish fulfillment. It's not hard to grasp why real gamers wouldn't be appealed by this.

>God of War has actual gameplay
No it doesn't. God of War has context sensitive jumping and railroaded climbing/platforming. Control already looks way more fun.

And Kratos is a male feminist. "Real gamers" by your definition should be hyped, but it's not a sony game so no one cares.

Confirmed for never actually playing the game.

>you don't play as a feminist wish fulfillment
what's wrong with a female protagonsit ? Is it feminist simply because of that ? Fucking hell...

>western game
>lesbian protagonist

Attached: 1534098106328.jpg (230x230, 10K)


>lesbian protagonist

>most interesting
this is what the devs think is 'interesting' enough to put at the end of the trailer

I was looking forward to it because of the telekinetic powers, but then it got announced as an Epic Store exclusive.

Ok retard

>released one year after the chinaman store
Fuck off. If they don't respect me as a customer, they don't deserve my money. I will play Control, but I won't pay for it.

>chink used steam as free advertisement while never showed their released date or preorder option.
>Meanwhile you can pre-purchase it already on chink store
Not even jews do this.

>pretending you were ever going to buy it

this game looks very good
I hope they don't downgrade it

It looks cool, what are you taking about

>grasping at straws

This year alone I've bought RE2, Sekiro, Dirty Rally 2.0 and AC7 at release.

>most interesting western game

is this the shill thread? I'd argue Outer Wilds looks more interesting mechanically. this looks like generic trash. it looks like fucking Quantum Break but with a tumblr girl.

I’m not going to but it from epic either but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t play the game. You can always just pirate it or play on console.


You never know with these guys. It could end up decent like Max Payne or crap like Quantum Break.

So far it looks boring to me

but he already said he's going to pirate it dumdum

What exactly makes her a Tumblr girl? It's just a cute redhead.

The people on this board, Jesus Christ.

As a rule, I don’t bother with games where it’s not possible to jump kick an enemy.

I find that in at least 85% of cases, this is a solid rule.

>epic store exclusive.
Another one added to the shopping list next year.

They might be part of the same universe, so that could be intentional.

Who the fuck wants to play as a chick? Yawn and borepilled.

Attached: bigyikes.png (452x536, 242K)

Kek, we have the same taste for vidya.

>doesn’t mean you shouldn’t play the game. You can always just pirate it
> I will play Control, but I won't pay for it.
Chink reading comprehension level = 0

>saw this shit at $13 on EGS
>still didn't buy it
if they're lucky I'll pirate it, I'm not giving tim my money

They'd talk about it more if there was more marketing, a Lara Croft or a common protagonist...
I'd give it a shot : fed up of all these FPS/TPS/RPG/sandbox/always online games that come from a printer.

>lesbian protag
Wow, so progressive, so strong
I sure hope the lesbian community is big enough to support it

$13? What country you in?


Attached: 1442390685.jpg (1077x834, 129K)

There was a 12 page spread in my PC gamer magazine about it and I just skipped it. Another """"female protagonist""""" bullshit game. Why can't these dumb fucks just make another death rally?

>lesbian protagonist

>walking simulator
>third person dogshit

oh I'm so sorry I offended the cute red head girl. please forgive me. that was toxic and mean. thank God you were here to defend her.

why dont they just make alan wake 2 ffs

rise up

Remedy died after MP 2, why should their games be acknowledged at this point?

Attached: 1550354858889.png (421x389, 210K)

since when is she lesbian?

You didn't answer the question. Perhaps identity politics fried your brain?

>on EPIC store
get fucked, I'm not downloading your spyware Chairman Mao

Shitposter 101: mix facts with half-truths or outright lies and watch the outrage erupt.

Real? Thats enough for me to drop it.

>PS4 content and timed DLC exclusivity
>Epic exclusivity
Even grosser

>TPS action game
>bullet sponge
>health meters

why do people keep doing this crap. if absolutely sucked the fun out of Alan wake. copy Max payne and make sure enemies drop fast.

Its literally a reskinned quantum break. It's going to be shit.

looks neat

I'll get it on xbox. The last time they made a PC version of a game it was broken for a whole year and not even the best GPU of that time could run it at 1080p with a locked 60 fps.

Yeah they have a child together. A mutt baby

fuck off tripfag


I'd rather have inFamous 3

are you for real lil nigga? you want me to explain my joke? ok sure I guess. I called her tumblr because she is literally a dyed haired dyke and that's usually what you think of when you think of tumblr users. this is a pretty common/well known thing on the internet.

that's it. a joke. you didn't find it funny. it's not really got anything to do with 'identity politics'.

>It's just a cute redhead.
Imagine being this fucking stupid
Just imagine
Not realizing the subtext in decisions like this

Attached: THE WEAK SHOULD FEAR THE STRONG.png (751x986, 1.68M)

except she's not a lesbian

One of the newest Game Informer has new black Spiderman on the cover (for that Marvel game on Switch), but no actual Spiderman anywhere. Sick of this shit.

The gameplay looks good, but it looked good in Quantum Break too.

Besides that, nothing whatsoever about Control is "interesting". If it wasn't made by Remedy nobody would care.

>most interesting western game to come out in a long time
Gunplay looks shit, powers look boring, combat looks slow.
The only thing it has going for it are the aesthetics.

But her hair doesn't look dyed and she doesn't really look like a dyke either. You're the weirdo who immediately went there. I concur with >Perhaps identity politics fried your brain?

I am interested, will wait for it to be on steam. Got Quantum Break on that HB monthly bundle and it surpassed expectations since I went in not having any. The OST was good, gameplay was fine, effects were nice, story good.
CIA did nothing wrong.

Remedy hasn't made a good game since Max Payne 2, what makes you think this won't be shit?

>3rd person scripted shooter
Into the trash.

have sex

Yeah, Quantum Break was perfectly fine. I remember story getting a bit too convoluted at times but it could have as well just been me not paying attention.

>EGS exclusive

That's why

>remedy after quantum break and alan wake

Attached: remedy-quantum-break-story-does-not-require-players-to-watch-tv-show-501445-2.jpg (1024x576, 74K)

every game is scripted

because it's fucking awful

>epic store exclusive
Thanks for reminding me to pirate it. Epic already paid for my copy after all ;^)

>muh cool guns
Sweaty, gravity gun isn't cool anymore
>muh cool abilities
Sweaty, flying isn't cool and never was cool
>muh cool graphics
Literally looks like an indie game, sweaty
>muh lesbian
Stop right there LGBT scum

>perfectly fine
Not really. It felt like one of those 360 TPS games where it's non offensively mediocre and you sort of go along with it because of the production value.

>beta tester here!
the game feels amazing, work great, the story fuckin' sick! got a plot twist huge one!
the guns feel little uncomfy at the start but later you love it!
the soundtrack feel too much good man
Sam Lake did it again! going to buy it on the PS4
fuckin 30FPS

>hot lesbian protagonist
>she ain't hot at all
The game itself looks very interesting though. Day one pirate for me

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I will, played quantum break and it’s clear the gameplay had potential but it was way too focused on story

>looks like quantum break dlc
>girl is ugly
>gameplay looks super boring and shit

What a terrible aquisition that would be. Remedy hasn't made anything good for more than a decade.

max pain: never played it

alan wakey: 6/10 solid game, very soulful

quantum break: 5/10 good game too, somewhat derivative but some cool scenes

cOnTrOL: durr SJW femal protag thats a lezbo but likes black dick also the story is an allegory for abortion

more like Cuntroll

max payne solid game 10/10

yeah you can't take jokes I get it.

See, you think that you made a good joke and that people don't like it because they're "offended" which probably makes it even better in your eyes, but actually your joke makes no sense and people don't like it because they don't really understand the leaps in logic your politics-addled brain is making. I feel like you should understand this difference.

it came out? got good house of leaves vibe