If HL2 was released in 2019, Alyx would be called a forced ugly goblina mutt that panders to SJWs

If HL2 was released in 2019, Alyx would be called a forced ugly goblina mutt that panders to SJWs.

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By you? Have you considered you use Yea Forums too much?


Good to know she has character traits outside of being black

No she wouldn't, ResetEra. She cute, first of all, but she's also a great (and not forced) female character


>>If HL2 was released in 2019, Alyx would be called a forced ugly goblina mutt that panders to SJWs.

Except that's what she was in 2004, but pic related was worse

>Hey Gordon, it's me - A BASED BLACK MAN who FUCKING LOVES SCIENCE like you do

Why were Valve games so reddit like in appearance? Plus HL2 itself is a terrible FPS

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If HL2 came out in 2019, she could be exactly the same but Yea Forums would be clogged with dozens of threads calling her a forced ugly goblina mutt that panders to SJWs.


Alyx always was a forced ugly goblina mutt from the start. People hated her father much worse. They took a Progressive Insurance guy level black man scientist in Half Life 1 and turned him into typical Morgan Freeman.

SJWs actually hate Alyx because she like every NPC both complements Gordon aka the player on doing things and at times needs Gordons help. Something about how she exists only to pander to male ego, even though she is no different than say Barney.

If HL2 came out in 2019 no one would care because by now we already have hundreds of mediocre story shooters with bad physics puzzles.

“They”. Are they in the room with your right now?

Lol this but HL2 INNOVATED by creating this horrible concept

Why do HL2's facial animations still look good after 15 years

>No she wouldn't

if HL were a new franchise, Yea Forums would call gordon a soiboi, alyx a globlina, eli vance a BLACK impregnator of white pussy, Dr. Breen would be LITERALLY TRUMP, the resistance would be ANTIFA BASH THE FASH TRANNY REVOLUTION

oh my gosh you guys would be so upset about it all

The race thing maybe but personality-wise she's remarkably anodyne and grounded for a typical stronk action grrl secondary protagonist. They went out of the way a bunch of times in the story to show that she's quite vulnerable as well, plus the (played fully straight, not a deliberate subversion like nowadays) hints of her and Gordon eventually getting together.

Nostalgia goggles.

But there was black scientists in HL1

Why was hl2 set in European looking environments when all the characters are American?

The only game I can think this applied to is Wolfenstein TNO and and that case I think it deserved the scorn desu

hehehehhee, great post ;>

Your fake outrage isn’t fooling anyone

Why would you think I'd be okay with them in HL1?

I swear to god Yea Forums is even more incomprehensible today than usual

lmao this bitch would suck gordon's dick for anything

she was ugly back then and a game was overrated too.

well perfect sjw fest

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Wow it's like you're a real 4channel regular

Forced annoying bitch. Deus ex machine

Cause you can kill them

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Hope no porn gets posted, that would really rustle the advertisers!

>She cute
she really isnt, no western female character (or boi) is

Good point, kemosabe

Its almost as though context matters.

You're a shit person OP, and so is your thread

I hated her for that exact reason. It's obvious that her entire persona was written by a team of psychiatrists who were told to come up with the most flattering possible female companion that a man could want. I'm not an SJW just not a stupid goy like you who gets marketed dumb shit all the time by giant corporations.

yeah, I skipped half life 2 hard. Too bad that crap game fucked up vampire bloodlines, like the ps2 fucked up the dreamcast... fucking media industry is a bunch of idiots

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Eli married an asian women you tard
I don't care if you're baiting you're fucking retarded

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>Alyx would be called a forced ugly goblina mutt that panders to SJWs.

No, she would be called a forced ugly goblina mutt because its an American game, and American games do that. That is why no one ever gives a shit about her character.

well, the problems was less her attitude, but the lack of being attractive. It's the clash of someone in the team wanting to do something and other retards on the team pushing him back. Thus you end up with a fucking miserable broken idea.

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>That is why no one ever gives a shit about her character.

This. I tried to write a fap fiction about her but was absolutely stumped on what to do with her

>-Stronk woman meme (except when she isn't)
>-Likes white penis

okay sorry I don't remember the exact specific racial background of a supporting character of another supporting character who never actually appeared in a 15 year old game
boy do I have egg on my fucking face

HL2 engine was known for its ground breaking physics (At that time). There was nothing remarkable about the graphics at all.

You could've played it off as baiting, you're not too bright are you?

He was black in the original game you idiot.

>i.e. exactly the same
imagine making a post this unaware.

At what point in her games did she ever bring up her identity as a mixed female as some kind of plot point?

She never did. She was a good character through her actions and not through her identity. No one gives a shit if your characters are black or female or whatever. The problem people have is when they are used as some sort of political message or done for political reasons.

You think I liked seeing a black scientist in HL1?

Only because every single fucking game does it now.
Back then she was actually a pretty unique character.
It's like how everyone loved battle royale until literally everyone started doing it, and the market became over saturated with that shit.

Oh my god I'm such a fucking retard because I didn't remember that alyx was half chinese and not half white

oh jokes on me I'm a fucking idiot because she was actually half korean you fucking retard jesus christ how shameful how will I ever recover my reputation on this anonymous message board

this is all SO fucking consequential

I unironically thought that when I first played HL2 this year

I thought she was ugly back then too.

Wasn't really that great of a game it was hyped to be anyway, felt like metro 2033 but with slightly more physics and wacky different weapon types

>No one gives a shit if your characters are black or female or whatever.
why do you say things that are blatantly untrue to people who are at least somewhat alive?

I never liked Alyx. She was always ugly as fuck and she's only used in the game for boring as fuck "objective: survive!" shit while she hacks open doors.

Half-Life 2 sucked.

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>No one gives a shit if your characters are black or female or whatever.

Did you think this was an intelligent thing to post?

Some fringe autists from /pol/ doesn't represent your average person, faggots.

Indeed. What's your point? That the gaming industry is a fucking travesty and that we didn't have to worry about this shit before? I miss it too.

wow you're really pissy about the fact that user called you out on not knowing what the fuck you're arguing about

literally the first or second line of dialogue you hear in the game
>Welcome! Welcome to City 17! You have been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centers.

Obviously when the combine bombers were passing over Russia it was such a shithole already they thought it had already been bombed

I want more Alyx porn that isn't gmod poses desu

Cause that's where they got transported.

So what? Do you really give a shit what the modern internet thinks? These people are complete retards.

I liked the feel and gameplay of the beta a lot more. It was way darker and fucked up.
HL2 just gets campier and campier with each installment, and episode 2 feels like a light comedy in places.

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that does not explain niggers asians and other shitters

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I mean you keep replying and typing an essay without being able to act like a normal human being and say "sorry, I guess I was wrong"
Instead of you have to try and elevate yourself by being a condescending prick. Do it for your own personal integrity, we don't give a shit about you or your awful attitude.

Haven't played it in 14 years, also didn't know English at that time

>oh my gosh
you outed yourself cuckboy

Every character that is not G-men should have already died or just fuck off to be honest. Episodes was retarded and felt like a tv-show.

have sex

>Every character that is not G-men should have already died or just fuck off to be honest.
I feel you, user

The combine cart people around constantly to prevent them from forming meaningful relationships with anyone so that humanity can't organize. It's not that far fetched that one sector would have simultaneously received relocations from Detroit, Vancouver and Dallas.
And obviously it's also incidental equality due to never accounting for demographics. Valve made a set number of character models with different physical characteristics, and distributed them randomly instead of based on those characteristics. If you make a game with one white, one black and one asian character model and distribute them randomly, you get demographics that accurately reflect no region on Earth. Like how in Watch_Dogs a random civilian is just as likely to be late on rent payments as he is to be a 9/11 survivor.


its easier to burn them all in detroit and NY then to transport by train to east europe

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Well the combine are one of the least competent alien invader factions in fiction. It would be trivial to eradicate undesirables and then just lie about it in propaganda but the combine are stupid.

I also remember something about the devs wanting all the citizens to speak a different language because of the transfers.

And instead of doing that they instead just hired one guy to voice every single NPC

why does this webm run better than most of my games

>steam backlog event
>playan blueshift
>notice this in the main menu
has gearbox as a company EVER been good?

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The only reason you think that is that HL2 was released before your mind was rotted by ridiculous far-right propaganda.

The AI being retarded in Aliens Colonial Marines is due to a typo in the code.
So no, they never have been good.