What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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awful bait


Leftist/feminist propaganda

Battle AI is still garbage

CA killed Warhammer and sold out to chinks, their company will be the first to go under when Brexit goes through.

This your first TW game?

>female generals

It’s SJW shit

My point is that they still haven't improved this garbage since the new engine in Empire. The AI is just pants-on-head retarded in every release, making the game a boring map painter for anyone with experience of previous titles.

What’s wrong with it?

They’re clearly pandering to the chink market, fuck those sellouts

>killed Warhammer
Warhammer 3 is confirmed with a dev blogpost months ago.

They did not kill Warhammer, they have drawn it out for far too long (2 year window for every release) that normal TW players lost interest.

That can largely be claimed for literally any game with previous titles. Not the map painter part, but the part where it's easy as fuck for people who played the older ones. Just look at the Dark Souls post quality. It's different groups who argue which one is more difficult based entirely on which one they played first. Dark Souls 3 is easily the most difficult of all the Souls/borne games, but everyone claims it's easy as piss because most of the people here that played it know the formula and how to exploit it, and that part hasn't changed.

Just implement your own personal challenges, or play the old ones. Any fundamental change that would appease older players is going to completely alienate everyone who picks it up for the first time, and that's exactly how you kill a franchise. If you can't do that, your opinion on what is and is not difficult is meaningless because the world isn't you.

>clearly pandering by branching out of european settings to explore one of the most interesting periods of conflict in human history

People like you are why games aren't fun anymore.

Shit setting

This isn't a case of
>I've learnt the patterns and now I'm good
The total war battle AI is literally fucking stupid. It just does the same thing every time: runs at you with its blob and smashes into your front lines while leaving it's missile units unprotected at the back. Every battle is the same if you want to win, you just make a line,wait for the AI to commit then circle some units round and hit it in the back. It doesn't pull units back to regain stamina, it doesn't send in trash units first to weaken your stamina, it's just stupid. Anyone who hasn't noticed this after 4 or 5 battles is literally not paying attention.

Can you blame them?

Nobody bought Attila despite being a good TW game and Thrones of Britannia was a disaster.

Warhammer was a great boost to CA's coffers but interest quickly died down and Warhammer 2 could not replicate the hype the first game had. Even then Warhammer put off Total War history Talibans, it sold less than the disastrous Rome 2.

Meanwhile Chicom hack and slash games are dimes a dozen and are decades long franchises with roughly the same gameplay, can you really blame CA for pandering to Chang and Zheng?

Why would they pander to wyte people in 2019 lmao

Why are Russian/Chinese bots constantly shilling this game on Yea Forums?

t. chang

Same shit and a boring setting that nobody gives a fuck about except for chinks

Will you play as /ourgirl/, Zheng Jiang the Bandit Queen?

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It's literally Dynasty Warriors: RTS, if they didn't have waifus it wouldn't be right

Battles are a bit dull but other than that not much. The game legitimately has deeper and more complex Grand Strategy elements than Imperator (lol). The campaigns are dynamic because of all the cool character interactions and ways events can unfold giving it a lot of replay video and diplomacy is actually extremely important and isn't just a glorified "Declare war" button.

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Yea Forums, you're missing something really important: because it's about bugmen you get to exterminate thousands of them


Nothing, fantasynigs are on full damage control.

What exactly went wrong with Thrones of Britannia?

It's literally the most successful TW to date. The only thing it's done wrong is make europaboos mad as fuck. As a Dynasty Warriors fan this game is fucking kino as fuck

Have they ever said they would ever only do TW games for white people based on white history? How the fuck are they sellouts?

>thrones of britannia


>Chinese government employees are still blatantly shilling this game and filling up the Steam page with fake reviews

CA got lazy and made the same game 10 times.

>one of the most interesting periods of conflict in human history
t. Ling Ping Ching Chong
no one cares about chinese history, even the chinese dont care about anything Pre-1950.

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In Medieval 2 you also play as european nation #4 and raise your peasant shitters aganist the same army from european nation #23

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medieval 2 has sand niggers and war elephants, you tried I guess

You also get to fight Mongols and kill sandniggers

>Chinks bought Three Kingdoms in droves, non-Chinks are literally a minority
>meanwhile non-Japs bought Shogun 2 in droves, Japs weren't even on Steam 7-8 years ago and even today their PC market is only for visual novels and eroges

Chinks BTFO

I bet female players would buy a gook TW like their gook dramas where they LARP like they were relevant

Why do people care about historical accuracy in a TW game, when the games have always had incredibly dubious historical accuracy.

That literally what 3k is except with literal who chinksects

Napoleon wasn't personally noscoping a bunch of peasant stacks

>it's easy as fuck for people who played the older ones
Total War AI was always terrible.

Unfortunately CA doesnt give a shit about who buys their titles as long as it generates the most money. They already pandered when they wanted female generals.

The latest entry in Creative Assembly's long-running Total War series, Three Kingdoms, saw record pre-orders ahead of launch.

That's according to the studio's chief product officer Rob Bartholomew, who told GamesIndustry.biz that this had been driven largely by the Chinese games market. Strategy games are already popular in this part of the world; a factor that when combined with Three Kingdoms' retelling of Chinese history is likely a lucrative combination.

"We have always done really well, since Rome II, on our pre-order numbers," Bartholomew said.

"I am really pleased to say that Total War: Three Kingdoms has had the highest pre-orders of any Total War to-date. And that's down to the great reviews we've had, which has certainly spiked interest, but it has been trending up for quite a long time now."

He continued: "China as a market – as you might imagine – has kind-of gone crazy for us. A huge part of our pre-order population has been those Chinese fans, who either played and like Total War already and are excited for the subject matter, or it's a whole new audience of Chinese fans coming to the franchise for the first time."

"Certainly Korea and China in particular... we have seen them grow as markets over the last few years we have released titles. We know that Steam is growing significantly in those territories, and Steam is obviously a really important partner for us. We tend to grow when Steam grows. But China, in particular, has dramatically moved up through the market share rankings for our titles over the last four or five years. We're now at a point where China is absolutely the most major market for Three Kingdoms. And it's definitely hovering around in that Top Six collection of territories that we have for all of our games that we're selling at the moment.

"We know that Total War has had a big following in China for a great many years. It's just now that we're starting to reach those guys with our products, and they're putting money down and engaging with us much more. With Three Kingdom, that Romance of the Three Kingdoms subject matter is obviously doing a lot to help us along with that."

>female generals
>retarded dynsasty warrior superhero characters
What were they thinking?

Literally every chink I've ever met in my life has extensive knowledge of the Three Kingdoms period. Even the women.

>He continued: "China as a market – as you might imagine – has kind-of gone crazy for us. A huge part of our pre-order population has been those Chinese fans, who either played and like Total War already and are excited for the subject matter, or it's a whole new audience of Chinese fans coming to the franchise for the first time."
Remember when chinks reviewbombed warhammer?

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thats because its literally all they have. its either only 3 kingdoms, journey to the west or water margin thanks to mao

>no Total War about Mahabharata
>no Based Arjuna soloing entire armies

Can’t wait for the based Anglo-Chinese alliance, mutts and shitskins are already seething.

>Remember when chinks reviewbombed warhammer?
They did? Why?

>Remember when chinks reviewbombed warhammer?

These. Literally the first TW game I want to play but will not buy.

The shit-covered spear tribesmen was just a metaphor bro.

Can anyone give me an answer on why wanting to sell games in China is bad? Why does wanting to sell games in the west make you good?

and 3k has a dynasty warrior mode and more grounded mode, I dont get your point unless you dont actually play games

It's especially disappointing because if they went the historical route instead of the dynasty warriors route and expanded the map to include groups from the north, east, and south it could have been kino

Making the most successful TW in history?

That's what (you) think.

Chinese are authoritarian leftists, if you don’t see why pandering to them is bad then you are a lost cause.

Not warhammer

Even historically, Three Kingdoms era generals were known to be killing machines on the battlefield. Battles were won or lost based on who which side won a duel and there are many real examples of generals personally going absolutely ham and killing shitters in droves despite being outnumbered. This is, in large part, due to Three Kingdom's era militaries literally being 95% dumb peasants who probably didn't even know how to hold their weapon properly, while the generals themselves were highly trained and well-equipped.

Chinks are strange alien creatures who all have shit taste, if they come to dominate western markets itll be nothing but dogshit pandering in the future

It's simple. White people feel betrayed because they realize with the success of 3K, CA has a new target audience in China and they no longer have the bargaining power to make demands to CA.

>he thinks the ROMANCE of the three kingdoms is a history

No, I'm not talking about the romance. I'm talking about the actual history.

This is true, but that's not an excuse for the AI still being terrible. How many opportunities have they had to actually implement some AI that isn't moronic? How many years have they been remaking what is essentially the same base game with slightly different visual themes?

Play the AI on the hardest battle difficulty and it still makes rookie mistakes anyone who has been playing more than a few hours wouldn't make it's appalling at this point that they keep getting away with it and not a single critic has mentioned this on any of their games.

Play against a human player and the game is multifaceted, dynamic, and cerebral. You have to predict what they're going to do and bait them into doing what you want meanwhile they're doing the same. Play against the AI and it will fall for an obvious and telegraphed encirclement every goddamn time, it more less ruins the entire single player experience.

>and expanded the map to include groups from the north, east, and south
Wait for DLCs

For lack of chinesse localization

Dueling wasnt that common in real life. The real greatest generals are guys like Zhang Liao and Lu Xun because they used strategy to best guys when outnumbered. Not coz they were the best duel guys.

fantasyfags on suicide watch

Chinese hate American/western culture and are aiming to create a socialist dystopia where all personal freedom is repressed. Acknowledging them is the first step to this transition.

These guys don't know every Total War game gets better with the DLC.
Well, most of them at least.
Man, Shogun 2 felt like three different games.

I wonder if the Chinese will also buy Medieval 3, the game about female knights and black transgender kings.

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vanilla Shogun 2 is trash

Fall of the Samurai is where its at

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To be honest Zhang Liao was a fighter as well but yeah the actual amount of duels between generals and shit can be counted with the fingers in one hand in 3k

How does the Romance/Records mods differ? Can i still have duals if i play Records mode?

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Zhang Liao is a prime example of how retardedly skilled generals of the era could be. He rode out of a besieged settlement with 800 man and assaulted an army of 100,000 men so successfully that he almost reached Sun Quan himself. He's recorded as having personally killed tens of soldiers with his own hand in doing so. When he retreated some of his men were encircled and trapped. He turned around, broke the encirclement, saved them and successfully retreated. This shit scared Quan so much that, alongside other logistical problems he was having, he decided to call a mass retreat despite heavily outnumbering his enemy.

>implying there will be non-Chinks DLC

can one of you fucks that actually played it say if its good or not instead of saying retard shit like Is it anywhere close to the masterpiece shogun 2 was?

this would be kino as fuck and they should do it now that they have this romance mode system

also nukes

I wouldn't call it trash, but it definitely wasn't as good as Fall of the Samurai. Which was like best of both worlds playing Empire and Shogun.

Battles themselves are a bit worse but everything else is better. Diplomacy and campaign map related mechanics have been VASTLY improved compared to any total war ever made. It's a good game.

>Is it anywhere close to the masterpiece shogun 2 was?
It's actully quite opposite to Shogun 2 and Attila

I did a FotS campaign recently
>filled my armies with OP Imperial Guard
>went Republic, first time I'd made it to realm divide
>suddenly had no armies
>had to scramble to pull together a bunch of new armies while everyone in the world declared war on me
Bad times. I had JUST split my forces in two as well, because I had allies down my end of Japan I shipped up to the other end to create two fronts. One thing you really notice going back to Shogun 2 after Warhammer, though; unit upkeep is fucking tiny, you can field a billion units everywhere.

Yeah, and then he shot lasers from his eyes and called in the pegasus cavalry.

You gotta remember, these generals were the only fuckers eating a healthy diet. They were 5'10 giants in a sea of hyper manlets.

If your murder God goes down in a duel your fucked

French muhreens are the most OP unit in the game, get a mod that axes unit limits and break the game.

French muhreens + Armstrong guns = 4-5 doomstacks gone

Are there any xiongnu/mongol, Korean or nanmen units?

They also were in 3k you know.

Actually curious about that as well, don't think the Asian market will give a shit about other TW products at least not to the levels of 3K.

3kangz is a bug-killing simulator, we don't need actual people added

That's the opposite of hating something

>no Boxer Rebellion: Total War
>not playing as a Royal Marine stationed in Peking
>outnumbered 50 to 1 and grossly outgunned

This user is right. Since 3k is about a single leader deciding to make a nation, they can reframe the story as you starting with little territory and then growing out to be a warlord. You are forced to start small but so are most of the computer factions.
The diplomacy is great, with at on of options. The spy system is actually useful. The unique resources of each faction are... interesting, though some are clearly better than others (and they do not go out of their way to explain them).
For instance, I'm still trying to figure out what I'm getting out of being Kong Rong. I get that I'm getting more out of trade deals, but it is implied that it should help me rise in rank as well, but it doesn't. I don't know.

As said, if only for the lack of unit and tactical diversity that you can't really hope to have in 3rd century AD compared to FotS's perfect flashpoint of traditional warfare vs modern gunpowder.
Also, most importantly is this is the first TW game in ages to run like butter. The optimization is ridiculous for a series that can take minutes to load anything traditionally.

There is a way. During the same period is when the song dyansty was fighting the jurchens and later on mongols using proto guns. It makes for a more interesting period than 3k.

But to create a game that stretchs that far from Europe to East Asia is impossible without losing quality

>Battles themselves are a bit worse
>It's a good game.

Tosa infantry are retardedly strong as well
>that firerate

I think one of the biggest things they seem to have done to fix performance has been simplifying unit behaviour and animations, which has also made them behave MUCH better in fights (though look worse doing it). I do hope they carry over the improvements/cutbacks to Warhammer 3, because I value the game working above bells and whistles.

The RTT is only half of a Total War game. For some people, the less important half.

>I do hope they carry over the improvements/cutbacks to Warhammer 3
No, fuck off bugmen

>The RTT is only half of a Total War game.
It's main selling point of the series and even placed in series name
>For some people, the less important half.
For whom? Braindead retards who cannot into Paradox games?

This would upset their new Chinese fans

Memes from people who get their political opinions from youtubers aside, the reason why people dislike companies who pander to China is partially because the Chinese audience is more receptive to shady business practices like microtransactions, lootboxes etc and partially because the CCP puts a lot of pressure on what devs can and cannot include in their games. Now that last point might not be that bad if the companies just settle for a separate version for China, however if the game includes direct funding from a Chinese company in some way that means that by law the CCP can make demands on what the company can include in their games which means no Chinese people as bad guys, jerking of the CCP as being a technologically advanced utopian society, never mentioning based Taiwan and Tibet etc.

That plus the fact that the CCP is trying to become a superpower by dominating western capitalist markets and gamedevs pandering to them essentially helps them in that goal to a small extent.

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What, i didnt notice any of this.

All the other mechanics are insanely improved and interesting. There's a crazy complex character relation system. You HAVE to play the diplomacy game if you want to survive, which often involves playing other lords against each other or making treaties you don't necessarily want to. The character systems allows for really dynamic events to play out every playthrough. I've had a playthrough where Yuan Shu had Zhou Tai as a commander for some reason. I've had Dong Zhuo be usurped by Dong Min, Lu Bu and somebody else I can't recall. I've been able to nab great generals, like Guo Jia, early in some playthroughs as Cao Cao but not in others. Yuan Shu is always a wild-card. All sorts of crazy coalitions start to form all over the place and try to fuck each other over. Then you have systems like the spy system, where I've sent a character into Yuan Shao's army and had him promoted to a field general, where he can perform even more unique covert actions from his position of power. Your spies get different covert actions depending on their positions in the factions they have infiltrated, it's really cool.

It’s trash, just look at all trannies, leftists and chinks coming out in droves to say this is the greatest game ever.

bitch please guan yu is a seen as a diety in china

>It doesn't pull units back to regain stamina, it doesn't send in trash units first to weaken your stamina
Neither does the player, at least if he's any good. Stamina is more or less meaningless in 3K, even on records mode, where it's supposed to be a big deal.

How is the new improved diplomacy in 3K comparable to Paradox titles?

Yes. This is happening. Number 1 is lords' behaviour in battle, they're ten times more capable of attacking enemies, especially single entities, than they are in Warhammer 2. Archers start firing as soon as they're individually ready, they don't wait for a chucklefuck lagging behind, though I've also noticed there rarely are chucklefucks lagging behind. Infantry combat has sufficient weight and they gang up on single targets but also smoothly flow into and out of kill animations (which probably will never make it into Warhammer in a big way because of the sheer variety required).

There's no question it's better.

>All the other mechanics are insanely improved and interesting.
Lol fucking no, the only things they improved was slight changes in diplomacy and expanding RPG-like management of heroes inventory.
>Dong Zhuo
>Dong Min, Lu Bu
>Guo Jia
>Yuan Shu Zhou Tai
>Cao Cao
>Yuan Shao
Can I have Cacao and Hot Dog? Thanks.

Way better, its funny how much of a joke a "grand strategy game" is compared to a fucking Total War.

Unironically a more complex and better grand strategy game than Imperator.

>it's better.
Not so better as Taiwan and free Tibet, Cheng

You've never played any other TW game before, right?

>Way better
Comparable to Vicky 2, CK2 and EU4? Imperator is a joke of a game no one gives a fuck about.

Taiwan are based, mainland China are either vindictive cunts and/or mindless robots with 1 in 1,000,000 being decent people

Literally what this guy said Battles are Atilla/ToB-tier shit ass messes, campaign is easily the best I've played, done 1 so far (Cao Cao) and doing Ma Teng. Way cooler mechanics.

Yeah, I have. "diplomacy" is a glorified "go to war/sue for peace" button and nothing more. Your "allies" would always join you in 1 war, at best, then hate you as time went on and never help you again. Your vassals would ALWAYS eventually rebel. Vassalage and integration are actually proper mechanics now, alliances are actually real mechanics now. You can even make settlements surrender when vastly outnumbered and they'll actually do it under the right conditions.

Not even close to Vicky 2 levels, although it does have a weird, somewhat interesting population mechanic. I haven't played the passed 10 DLCs for CK2 or EU4 but I would say that it's behind them, but not by as much as you'd think. CK and EU are directed at more casual Grand Strategy players and are pretty simplistic, which is the fate of all future paradox games because I don't think they're even capable of making an advanced GS game anymore.

>samefagging so hard

>Attila had bad battles
Sloppy job Ping Pong

So you didn't. Good to know how worthless your "opinion" really is, Chang.

Great counter-arguments. Feel free to give me one more (you) because you're retarded enough to actually believe getting the last word in an internet argument means that you won.

>Great counter-arguments.
it is and the fact you don't realising how you fucked up only proves his words

Nice one faggot, Atilla had fucking terrible battles, if you think otherwise you're a fucking retard who needs to go make grossgermanius in your map painting sim again

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You actually going to present an argument or you just going to adhom until this thread archives?

>Atilla had fucking terrible battles,
>lots units variety
>archers weren't OP by default
>armor actually means shit
>terrible battle

>in your map painting sim again
>says he while praising 3K
Top kek

I have only 50 turns in the game. So i didnt played a lot. Anyway, characters have personal opinions about others, Shit that happens on gameplay also affect that, for example i got a rivalry as Liu Bei against Cao Cao due to beating him in a battle (Also got more negative opinion due to killing a family member of his in battle).
AI is able to use the fucking game diplomacy, Like someone else said, you have to make coalitions, you allies will invite new allies, sometimes you will get allied with people you hate. AI will also make alliances to target you.
I also saw a fucking nice play from Cao Cao to avoid destruction by becoming Vassal of a stronger Lord.

Imagine coming to a noddist tiberium mining forum's video games board to whine about shit your containment board's armchair politicians feed you about places they dont know about or like because you dont play games

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>You HAVE to play the diplomacy game if you want to survive
Just like in every other TW, right? Except you don't and you can just kill everyone else, just like in every other TW.
>but muh coalitions and enemy alliances!
Alliances exist in every TW. There's no denying the diplomacy has received at least some meat on its bones, but it's definitely not mandatory.

>You can even make settlements surrender when vastly outnumbered and they'll actually do it under the right conditions.
This has been a thing before, though.

It's China, shitblaster, and it's China back when they were cool. There were lots of female generals and even empresses.

>only chinks like the three kingdoms period
Ask me how I know that you're massive pleb.

>i got a rivalry as Liu Bei against Cao Cao due to beating him in a battle
Wow, people don't like you going to war against them! Revolutionary! How is this any different from previous games?

>impotent rage

Why are 4channl incels always so angry and can't just talk about the topic?

>There were lots of female generals

No there weren’t, but you knew that already discord tranny

Whatever you say, incel.

>self-hating cuck calls someone a pleb

How can one game make whiteoids seethe so hard?

>Good Sales

For a game specifically targeted at them, I don't think you understand how many chinks there are in the world.

only chinks and weebs. there.

because he didn't get a -x to diplmacy against a faction, he got a -x to relations against a specific character.
So you can be best buddies with somebody that is from a faction at war with you, for example, and try to bribe him to come over to your side.

You could try and bribe armies in some total wars before, but it was completely random chance based on few factors. Now you get to actively "court" an enemy general.



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Cracked when piratebros?

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I find it hilarious that the bottom panel has tons of sameface too.

Not cracked yet

Not to mention those boring "white guy" comic book lines. Imagine touting yourself as an oriental artist with that shit lol

Not him but why are you correcting him on such a small, meaningless point and not answering his question? Stop adding pointless clutter.

>art after unlearning

bruh draw whatever you like. if you draw white ppl is because you want.