What was the last game you pre-ordered and why?

What was the last game you pre-ordered and why?

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Cyberpunk because amazon was ending their $12 preorder discount for games.

nothing because pre-ordering is for fucking retards
>dude give us money early and you get some dumb weapon skins
if you've ever pre-ordered any video game, kill yourself immediately

I buy early access games, but I'm not a retard and will never preorder anything.
And if there is a preorder bonus, I won't buy it afterwards. At most pirate.

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>I buy early access games,
>but I'm not a retard
pick one

>game is worth buying in current state

There are cool EA games, you get something for the money you give plus devs can use that money to continue working on the game

>There are cool EA games
the fuck user.


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>There are cool EA games
name fucking one

Limiting myself to 2010 and on for some semblance of relevancy
>Titanfall 1+2
>Mass Effect 2
>Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
>Mirror's Edge Catalyst
>Battlefield: Bad Company 2 + BF4
>Shadows of the Damned
>Unravel 1+2
>The Sims 4
>Need for Speed: Most Wanted
>A Way Out
>Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 2
And upcoming they have Sea of Solitude & Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

They're pretty much the best shooter publisher in the business and turn out some rough gems from a variety of other genres too. Yeah they drive studios into the ground frequently and kill good series while doing it but they still release a couple good games every year.

I'm predordering Dragon Quest Builders 2 Deluxe edition and there's nothing you can fucking do about it.

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Mario Maker 2, because I plan on playing it

Risk of Rain 2.

They meant EA as in Early Acess, not EA the publisher you retard.

Smash Ultimate.
Don't regret it, good fun game, still have not actually played it with another living person somehow and that causes me grief.

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I'm an absolute fromfag and pre-ordered everything they've put out since DS1. Haven't been disappointed so far.

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arent those goalposts a bit heavy to keep moving them around?

I never even tought about preordering any game
people who preorder games are absolute worst kind of retatds on par with mobileniggers

MK11 because I liked the beta and wanted it day 1

Can anyone explain to me this "preorder bad" meme?

I feel the same way for MK except for in person since I play online a lot. I wish I went to CB.

Every wow ex-pac collectors edition ecept MOP cause fuck the ching chong vietcog pandas.

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Sekiro because I am competent at choosing games

No, lurk more, it has been said over and over and over and over, and thanks to the internet when something has been said is easy to find it again.

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Maybe I am mistaken, but the last time might have been Deus Ex 3, the journalist demo had leaked I played it and decide that I was going to love it and I did.

I don't think you know what that phrase means.
Nobody was fucking talking about Electronic Arts.

Deep Rock Galactic does not feel like an incomplete game to me.

All i can see from reading through these "what if game is bad". And that has nothing to do with preordering, if game is bad it's bad even 5 years after release.

If you buy games from people where you would expect this to happen no fucking shit you would hate preordering. The only times i did preorder was because i knew i was going to buy 100% and knew there either weren't many copies to start with or were going to be sold out extremely fast, though i basically only did it with 3DS games(Pokemon, MH4U/Gen/Stories).

>Pre Ordered Tekken 7 and got Eliza
>Played it for 500 hours

UO was my favorite game at the time. Expansion was awful garbage that ruined the game for a lot of people. Haven't preordered a game since.

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Halo 4, because I trusted it
It was fun for a bit, but halfway through the campaign I could feel how lackluster it was.

Can you be any more fucking dense ya tard?