He's right you know
He's right you know
He's right. RE4 Zoomies will be assblasted to hear it though.
>Resident Evil 4 perfected the RE formula and Capcom is only now realizing it.
No, they realized it then. That's why every game after tried way too hard to be RE4.
>>Resident Evil 4 perfected the RE formula and Capcom is only now realizing it.
only casuals that want action derp games think so
>complaining about RE4 in 2019
The seething over this game is visible from space.
Probably the second most annoying marxist cucks after polygon. Kill yourself.
Re4 is one of the greatest games ever made
He'd better not be saying 4 is bad. 5, sure, but 6 was so close to having a fantastic horde mode, then it took a nose dive with Revelations 1 and 2
It sent the series on a downward spiral because Capcom took away the wrong idea from the positive response. They thought that people liked it because it was a action packed game when in truth they liked RE4 because it didn't control like shit and it didn't shy away from graphic violence.
RE:2 remake is the game we should have gotten immediately afterwards.
Co-op killed RE, not OTS. RE5 was the true cancer.
anyone up for some comfy re6 coop on pc
The duality of man...
The downward spiral started with RE 2. It's still to this day the worst mainline RE game with the possible exception of Code Veronica, and it started the trend of action-focused gameplay with limited exploration that Nemesis built upon, logically leading to 4.
>only just recovered
Is this brainlet actually saying that REmake 2 was a good game? Because RE4 was 500 times better than that god-awful turd.
Only one way to go once you've reached the top.
Of course following titles were garbage in comparison.
i literally just finished resident evil 4 right now as we speak, the last results are on my screen right now
resident evil 4 was a great game
but i like resident evil 5 more because i can play it with my girlfriend and we have a lot of fun doing it
cant wait to play resident evil 2
life is good
Man, I usually hate this website but for once they're fucking right
Fuck off back to facebook
It's an amazing game, yeah. Not a good Resident Evil though.
RE4 is amazing, but it shifted the series entirely away from survival horror and into action horror. You were a super badass doing german suplexes to badguys, who were of no threat to you
There's been maybe one shitty game since RE4, the raccoon city shooter whatever the fuck it was called
I wouldn't say REmake 2 was a turd but I was really disappointed it had less content than the original. It also get's really boring once you reach the sewers.
You've made this thread all day
Don't you have anything better to do with your time you pathetic faggot
it's not re4's fault the games before and after it were so shit
>love Resident Evil 4
>played it a bazillion times on every platform
>own it a bazillion times on every platform
>every time I play it I just get annoyed at each section and say next section is better and repeat throughout the game
The series was always shifting to action horror way back with RE2. I mean RE3 even has a dodge command.
Why does RE4 always catch shit for the things RE5 did.
RE4 was fine. It had the right balance of action and horror. It had atmosphere and it had some of the greatest moments in gaming.
RE5 was a Michael Bay game.
>people praising RE2make also shit on 4
oh my g*d fucking kill yourselves
RE4 is a great game, but yes, it's right. People have been saying this for years.
>every time I play it I just get annoyed at each section and say next section is better and repeat throughout the game
Good question user, why did you play that long that many times if you didn't even liked the game?
That's quite the epic "opinion" and I've literally never heard it before until now.
>they liked RE4 because it didn't control like shit
It controls literally the same. foward is foward. Back is back. You turn like a tank.
Devil May Cry started as a RE game too, but they were smart enough to rebrand. RE4 was a great game but it pivoted the series into action-shooter because nobody had the foresight to say “this is amazing but give it a new brand name”
4 Resident Evil was a great game.
It just wasn't a good Resident Evil game.
There are two kinds of people who like RE4:
>boomers who played it as their first RE game when they were kids and are blinded by nostalgia
>kids who were told about how great it is by boomers and can't form an opinion of their own
resident evil 7 was terrible. Waited til last week to play it after going through all the games in order.
6 was the downward trend.
(give revelations 1 and 2 a go, they are so good)
>People are still seething 15 years later
Come on.
Because unlike RE1, RE4 spawned nothing but casual shooter shit that real fans felt super "meh" about, and since REmake HD, REVII and REmake 2, the fanbase have taken a long hard look at what the fuck happened post 2005 till just recently and look at RE4 as ground zero of the DECADE long problems we had.
Based and true