Would your life be better or worse if video games never existed?

would your life be better or worse if video games never existed?

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The same.
Dont kid yourselves.

I'd probably have a bigger tabletop collection

I'd have killed myself from having no outlet for my shit life.

Why do you white people blame everything on video games for your life being bad? At first it was jews, then minorites, now video games

worse, I would actually be having sex and wouldn’t be an upset anti-sjw transphobic incel

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I would have found some other trivial bullshit hobby to keep myself busy.

Actually, I probably would have taken the 40% of my time that I spend on vidya and divided it up between reading and my TRPG games instead. It's all pretty much escapism, anyway, one is interchangeable for another.

worse honestly, i'd be a shitty normie having a boring life
black hands made this post

So videogames on one end has helped my creativity immensely and allowed me to have an outlet to express this creativity.

On the other hand it is a counter productive hobby. The most game time I have is on shitty competitive games not games that help foster creativity like Fortnite and Minecraft.

The same.

i would've killed myself sooner, so better

I still have my little anime girls

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It's just a hobby, if you failed school, you'd still fail it because you'd spend your time watching TV or hanging around with your slacker friends

w-where's his other hand

I would have been an even bigger nerd and reading books all the time, most likely. Just because an outlet doesnt exist doesnt change who I am fundamentally. We dont mourn what we dont know, so it wouldnt even be a problem, like we dont care about the leisure time the kids in 2300 doing because we cant even think about it

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You didnt green arrow so youre basically saying your the black hands

Terrible posters itt.

Get a job.

Much worse
I will never be successful romantically cause of looks and i am not successful academically cause i am lazy af. If it weren't for vidya i would have probably killed myself by now.

worse, imagine sitting in a dark room 24/7 without having something to play.
like what would you do instead? shitpost on Yea Forums?

cant be worse, thats for sure

vg music is the only thing my ADD enjoys

Post some good stuff

Sorry, gotta sleep

i'd be dead


I would apend my time reading and getting other practical hobbies like painting and playing instruments
I would most likey had several girlfriends (both in my teen and adult life), a healthy social circle and lot of friends, a fun job. I would travel and see a lot of the world


Because of video games I shun myself from the world at young age. I never had any lasting friends, never developed any skills or education, never had a girlfriend

Im soon 30y and never had a job and complete friendless and I'm scared of the outside

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>Never had a job
I would trade the knowledge of the two instruments I know, the five times I have had sex and every video game memory I have ever made to not have to go to work for 1 year.
You're doing fine.

probably be stuck doing cringey furry porn for money if i hadn't been wasting my time playing CS and Diablo II where I met up with internet friends who got me into working IT.

I imagine I'd be more into DnD than I am.

Lost it in a tragic accident. Remember to always be careful around heavy machinery, folks.

Way way way way way
way way way way better.

Why don't I stop?

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>That's somehow a worst outcome

I wouldn't have the same friends, since gaming was the common element that introduced us, I'd have a shit ton more time for other hobbies and life, not to mention a complete change-up of my fap material. Assuming that didn't mean I'd killed myself in high school or something, I'd have to presume things would be better.

Much worse, videogames motivate me because I look forward to playing them

I would have some other similarly time consuming hobby.

>like what would you do instead?
>Card Games
>Wood working
I love video games but people actually did things before they existed you know.

>like we dont care about the leisure time the kids in 2300 doing
I care

Probably better because I might have channeled my escapist tendencies into something useful.

I feel like me enjoying videogames was an innate quality dictated by specific biological traits like pale skin and hay-fever that would lead to one spending more time indoors than out.
I still wouldn't be normal, but I'd be more about
>tabletop, comics and cartoons, sci-fi and fantasy film/lit etc.
Horribly I think about a timeline where instead I emulated my wigger of a brother more and did "act normal".
If that had happened I'd have broken at some point and then would probably have gone full columbine.

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>/pol/ is the one derailing threads!!!
40% yourself, scum

better because then i would make the first video game console and get mad bucks from it

>>Wood working
I would probably be doing this. I don't really like chopping down trees because I like the green around where I live but wood working is some peaceful shit.

daughters > sons

Probably about the same. Before video games there were still loners, but they just watched TV all day or read books instead.

Worse. I would have had a miserable childhood, wouldn't speak English and probably would have killed myself out of boredom.

Looking at my father, worse
Not having an outlet for your autism doesn't make you stop being a loser, it just makes you a more boring loser

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Would be quite different. But probably equally shitty.