Play A Hat in Time.
Play A Hat in Time
Other urls found in this thread:
>playing a 3d platformer
>playing a game made for pedos
I did. Thankfully before the fake outrage started.
yeah it's pretty brazy
>playing a game made for pedos
so any game with male protagonists is meant for gay men?
The new DLC is really good though. It's about as big as Alpine Skyline, maybe even bigger. Tons of new customization options too + online multiplayer for ALL levels in the game.
Hat kid is trans!
>not playing a 3d platformer
What are you, some kind of zoomer?
In the sewer where you belong.
I will. I'm just waiting for the Switch version.
Any day now they'll give us a date.
Any day now.
Is this actually in the game
It's a UE3 game, UE3 literally has no export tools for the Switch, I've no idea why they even promised the port. It's going to take forever (and a lot of money) to port the game over to UE4, IF they even gonna bother with it.
No, a gamer that's been around since fucking forever who knows that 3d platforming has been shit since forever. Mario 64 is goddamn garbage and you all fucking know it.
They could have just said that when they were asked about a Switch port, rather than being cunts about it.
I'm hoping to hear something at E3.
How good is the game actually? Been thinking of picking it up.
Waiting for Switch release so i can pirate there
I did and then asked for a refund before my two hours were up. Fucking Mario 64 was more responsive than this piece of shit game.
Ape escape is good
Imagine being so retarded you can't walk forward in Mario 64.
>sloppy controls
So a zoomer?
im waiting for the DLC to be released On Xbone so i can buy it all at once and not just linger on the maybe
>no, really--try it
Holy Parkinson's, Batman!
I don't think DLC is being released for consoles. Other than Seal the Deal on Switch.
it's fine that you don't like it
but don't need to make shit up if you don't
Maybe I’ll try it once the fake outrage over irrelevant nonsense is over. Right now it’s just a big putoff
>being unable to figure out how to move in mario 64
This is a new level of retardation.
you can pirate it now :^)
Hat Kid is trans rights!
...Fuck, i really wanted the "whole game" had my hopes up that they would have a change of heart with the Yakuza dlc
never been one to pirate games user, for some reason it just doesn't feel right
I'm still confused on multiplayer, the level isn't synced it something like that?
somebody already stole your stale bait friend you didn't even read the thread to make sure nobody did it before you, what's your goal?
Not everything is synced at the moment yet, but a lot of things are.
oh shit so there's plans to do so?
i got this theory that it was supposed to be just 5 people on one room, but someone added the extra 0 by accident and now the servers can't stay still woth a damn
Trans rights!
He's probably pushing a pro-trans agenda by posting it. Why else would this be in a game? I mean in a thread. But since you're a progressive pro-trans person this shouldn't annoy you should it. So enjoy these forced tranny posts
They are though, at least by today's standards.
>putting fetish shit in a game for kids
what did transpedos mean by this?
Yeah it's still in development. Currently the pons are synced and you can also hit the other players to knock them down or whatever. Some level gimmicks (like those ghost bells in Subcon Forests) are synced too. Objectives are shared too (e.g. that paperboy mission in Subcon Forest),
Hat Kid is Catholic!
If those games were made by openly gay men, yes.
I didn't realize hat kid was so big
I saw a real life tranny once. Am I trans now, too?
this but unironically
She's quite cute and funny if you ask me
This is the "No u" of 2019 Yea Forums
That explains why she's a tranny, probably got molested
I hope someone stabbed that graphics artist
It's forced perspective
>ummm sweatie it's perfectly normal to have trannies shoved in your game, deal with it
Hat Kid doesn't go to the Novus Ordo Missae though.
>No, a gamer
Jesusfucking Christ I'm 32 and started playing games at age 3 my first game was the original SMB and even I got the hang of 64 pretty fast if anyone ever needed to hear "git gud" it's you
The game was developed by one of creepiest and most disturbing kind of pedos, the kind that talk like little kids because it's "cute".
Cuteposters are always the most degenerate, like furfags who do the *raises paw* OwO shit, they're always the kind that are hiding some skeletons in the closet.
What the fuck kind of rights do you even want? You keep saying this but you already have all the rights. Not getting ridiculed because you look like a freak is not a "right" anyone has. If any of us look like freaks, we get ridiculed. That's life
There is a PC release
>a single, easy-to-miss bit of in-game graffiti triggers Yea Forums SO HARD that they instantly go from loving Hat in Time and Hatgirl to hating them
Absolute children. literally worse than "wtf white male protagonist this is SHIT" feminazis.
I want to see more references to/support of transsexuals in media to keep you butthurt faggots demanding special treatment from ruining things that are fun. "omg i saw a flag reeeeee!" Get over yourselves.
You have no argument. You have "dilate", the Stormnigger equivilant of "mug patriarchy". Sub-50 IQ.
i think its like a small minority who are insane and get really loud because they have nothing better to do with their lives than try to use a video game board as their political battlefield
>reeeee why are you mad about a tranny flag in a game
Lmao why are you mad about my tranny posts in a game thread? Have sex
im having sex with your mom right now m8
>Nothing wrong with pushing sexual depravity in a game rated E for Everyone
What did you do to this tranny?
have sex
Should probably make sure you don't have aids or an infection.
Reminder to pirate it because it's tranny shit.
Too bad the Boss Battles are shit. They were always the highlights of the other worlds.
user, you are such a colossal faggot
extremely reddit picture
Wait a minute, i recognize this.
Pol incels are ruining our enby hat kid thread.
Same thing as hbomberguy meant. Those degenerates want to mutilate kids.
>sexual depravity
Please, I'm begging you, lose virginity
oh no
>puts trannies in the game
>expects not to have trannies in the thread
Gaming is a mental illness after all
Having a nurse cut your penis off doesn't count as sex, trancel
>i get my opinions from e-celebs
haha no
No? The dude was for that shit. Sadly you don't know the whole story and why trannies force their flags on donkey kong.
No, it's you who's not welcome. The developer made a clear statement that he wants his fans to discuss trans rights issues. Get out bigot you don't belong here.
>actually endorsing pedo culture and words
>being unappreciated vile degenerate
Yeah, sure. Don't give a fuck about /pol/tards myself, trannies have to go away either way.
>Same thing as hbomberguy
Spoonfeed me, what's this about
how active is cuteandfunny? I just got the new dlc and I want to play with some pedo Yea Forumsrannies but I probably won't be able to until after the weekend.
>pedo game
>made by a tranny supporter
What did he mean by this?
there are no transsexuals. there's one (1) (uno) (I) graffiti drawing of a flag. you wouldn't even know what it stood for if you didn't browse /thedonald/ 16 hours a day.
How do you want to be spoonfed? Long story short some tranny appreciating degenerate named hbomberguy made a charity event to support "trans children", "mermaids" the charity was called i think. Streamed playing donkey kong. Now every time on twitch some popular streamer plays DK game, there are bunch of tranny flags in chat supporting this shit.
What the fuck
There are three things I refuse to tolerate. Transgenderism, idiocy and telling me to have sex. And it is unfortunate that our friend user possesses all three of these.
>i-i-i-i-i-it's just one flag
1 (uno) flag is 1 (uno) flag too many in a kids game.
>gosh not that i'm with /pol/ at all i just support and parrot their doctrine 14/88 the holocaust never happened but it should have
have sex
again, this but unironically
Once you've had sex, you won't care about any of those things any more.
Huh? But trannies are white men. Rich white men too, because poor white men can't afford the pills. Trannies are what happens when the most privileged group of people on the planet tries to claim victimhood
Based and trannypilled
What a stretch, i don't care about nazi doctrine. Did you dilated your gaping wound today?
Haha yes everyone who isn't a neo-nazi actually supports the right of parents to sterilize their children. Imagine being against that haha
but why do i need to have sex?
>all these retarded zoomers who don't remember (or never held) the n64 controller was so garbage that several SM64 sections feature walking across a moderately wide slab as a challenge because you had to angle yourself properly to go in a straight line across one and couldn't just do it from any starting point
Because your virginity is clouding your mind and making you a nasty person who copes by being hostile to those who are below you in social hierarchy.
If you had sex, you'd loosen up and stop being abrasive and hateful.
game was good
had fun.
im glad people are upset over the flag
u guys r pussies lol
This. im upset that Yea Forums is being invaded by pol.
>sexual depravity
its just a fucking flag you fucking loser, unironically go outside
Yes as soon as I had sex I realized that children are owned by their parents and if a parent wants to mutilate his property it's his god given right.
its Yea Forums dumbass no one is being invaded god i fucking hate you
It’s just a swastika you loser, go outside
This. im upset that /video games/ are being invaded by trannies.
Angry virgins keep being angry about transgenders.
Non-virgins don't care.
Those are the facts. You may try to find alternative interpretations, but Occam's Razor says the simplest one is preferred.
>penis man make me sad
>penis man make my game bad
haha bitches loool
>haha I took their meme and made it mine!
>I've got them now!
even if you look like pic related, do you think its fair for people to beat the shit out of these people?
>its Yea Forums dumbass no one is being invaded
>pol posts make me sad
>pol posts make thread bad
haha shut up loser
Why are fashies ruining videogames
trannies will always be virgin incels because they cut off their dicks before they could have sex
There was no need to edit this comic the original version displays your point fine
have sex
>implying the website wasn't free to the public
Are you seriously comparing the trans flag with a nazi swastika? whatever, i dont even know why i reply
>fair for people to beat the shit out of these people
Pretty sure that's already illegal, so what more do you want exactly?
>Non-virgins don't care.
Completely wrong degenerate filth.
not enough pepes and wojaks
Remember JonTron?
who cares about pol
nobody fucking cares
once they add the dlc to consoles i will
>b-but trannies something something
This is why you are and will stay a virgin forever.
Until you realize that it's your own responsibility to lose it, you will stay a virgin.
Every time you excuse your virginity with transgenders, you become more virginal.
>it's okay for me to get mad at a flag but not you
>ummmmmmm it should be obvious
Classic. Remember when Kotaku dude complained about lolis in a game and people pointed out that he had a loli tattoo he went "ummmm that's entirely different it should be obvious" lmao
What do you want from modern Sodom? Those people want to fuck everything. They only think of sex and sex and depravity is part of their identity, part of their politics, part of their new religion they are building. They don't want love, marriage, making children and chastity for virgins before marriage, they are addicted to sex only.
>projecting: the post
>the trannies are taking over!!!
i bought a hat in time and got the first dlc pack on its free day, its pretty good. I'm gonna buy the newst dlc soon after i finish Lisa the joyful
I'm an user, just like you. I play video games too. The things you said just might be true. It could be time to start anew...
Maybe change my point of view?
NAH, I say fuck trannies AND whores!
I honestly can't tell if this is ironic.
Why do the two balls in the hub look a bit different?
LMAOOOOOOO niggggga the absolute state of you
You're on Yea Forums, some people just want (you)'s.
Of course you can't you fucking paint thinner sniffing faggot.
>trannies literally shove their flags in games
>b-b-b-b-but it's crazy to imply they're taking over
At what point exactly will it be okay to complain?
If trannies are allowed to wave their flags freely I should be allowed to wave a nazi or rebel flag freely
>taking over
looking a little less masculine already user.
maybe you're right.
Fuck off pol
>If any of us look like freaks, we get ridiculed. That's life
Why so defeatist? It doesn't have to be this way forever.
>calling people faggots
I'd call you a false flag if you were acting like any other group, but /pol/ is genuinely this fucking gullible and retarded that your post is more likely to be real than a false flag.
They represent the warmness and coldness that humanity can show at anytime at a whim. It's really deep and it ties back to Max Stirner's musings on the human condition.
probably more subliminal child grooming from those mentally ill pedos
Occam's Razor says the simplest solution is that nobody likes trannies.
Yea Forums was made for us bro.
/pol/ is just a way for redditors to revision history. We've been dabbing on fags trans and Jews and niggers for more than a decade, cuck.
The only alternative is a world where everyone is lying to your face. People will always be disgusted by disgusting things.
Eusebius of Caesarea was an Arian (like Constantine and his sister and son Constantius; this is even on Wikipedia) and the fake parts of your history comes from him in order to force Christians to politically submit to Rome (as opposed to the history of the 2nd century Waldensian/Vaudois Italian Christians, whose Latin Bible Jerome replaced and Augustine supported).
Countless popes have called themselves God, including a zillion pre-Vatican II popes (pic very related).
I was here long before you, tranny.
>he thinks people care
>you already have all the rights
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're saying this in good faith. Calling you an autist or saying "google is free" won't cure ignorance.
As of this week, three anti-discrimination protections have been rolled back by the Trump administration. Doctors can now legally refuse to treat a trans person, even if their condition is life threatening. Homeless shelters can kick people out for being trans and insurance companies can refuse coverage.
Employers and landlords are allowed to discriminate in most states and always have been. Trans people (and gays, for that matter) are not protected under the Civil Rights Act according to the Department of Justice.
Radtrads don't have any self-awareness or any form of introspection. What else is new?
>As of this week, three anti-discrimination protections have been rolled back by the Trump administration. Doctors can now legally refuse to treat a trans person, even if their condition is life threatening. Homeless shelters can kick people out for being trans and insurance companies can refuse coverage.
>Employers and landlords are allowed to discriminate in most states and always have been. Trans people (and gays, for that matter) are not protected under the Civil Rights Act according to the Department of Justice.
Absolutely based
All of this applies to literally everyone. Sounds like you want more right than me. Landlords can kick anyone out, why should you have a special protection?
great argument
Landlords can't kick you out for being white, or for being male, or for being Polish, or even for being autistic. But they can kick you out for being trans.
>great argument
>But they can kick you out for being trans.
Don't crossdress then and there isn't a problem.
>for being trans
Well you're not born that, it was your choice to become that, so it's their choice to kick you out. I don't see a problem here. If I choose to wear dirty clothes they can kick me out too for being too smelly. That was my choice. Should dirty people also be protected?
Is there a way to tell what version/update I'm on?
Use your dilating stick
>Well you're not born that, it was your choice to become that
Yeah, they can just stop feeling gender dysphoria, just like that!
You're such a fucking retard
if you bought it on steam it should update automatically, if not try looking in game
wtf is a hat in time?
Ummm excuse me are you implying that all transsexuals have gender dysphoria? That's bigoted in current year you know. Fucking retard.
Did the results from the Jewish DNA firm finally arrive? Are you 3% german after all?
a game that angers people
Why is Hat Kid wearing that porno mask?
>self-hating slav
Now you really are subhuman, the rest of us are fine though. I do wish people like you were dead though, and so do all of us. Cheers
funny how this cute little kid makes people so angry
what was deleted? What did I miss?
Slav literally comes from "slave"
you're the negros of europe
>randomly delete some posts
>leave the rest of identical posts
slav doesn't come from slave, you dummy
how's the ost so good, bros?
Usually the correct course of action when dealing with brain problems is to not embrace them.
a bald old man with whipping cream on his knees, a big girl is licking it and there were multiple children in the background with whipped cream smeared all over their mouths
Yeah, you sure are handling your antisocial schizoid well by being angry and pushing people away. That's totally not embracing it.
You guys clearly have a very simplistic and inaccurate view of what being trans is. I could write you a really long effort post with citations from medical journals and scientific studies, but you'd probably just call the sources pozzed and not read it, and frankly, I can't be arsed. So here's the very short version:
>trans people experience significant psychological distress living and socializing as their birth sex
>medical and social transition is proven to ameliorate that distress
>discrimination, harassment, invalidation, and being prevented from transitioning are directly correlated with increased suicidality
>that "trannies who have transitioned are more likely to kill themselves" statistic /pol/ throws around is misleading, because the survey it's drawn from only asks about lifetime suicide attempts; it could just as easily be claimed that trannies who have attempted suicide are more likely to have transitioned, and neither can be proven conclusively from that data point
If you want to learn more, read this survey, it's the largest and most comprehensive of its kind:
If not, keep bitching about some pink and blue stripes in a sewer, I guess. I have some very important video games to be playing. Cheers, faggots.
If anything it's the other way round and slave comes from Slav.
>projecting again
I mean, look at where that genetic stock is coming from. Those parents are doing as a favor by dead ending their family line
The schizo takes medication to suppress his brain problems, not indulge in them.
>As of this week, three anti-discrimination protections have been rolled back by the Trump administration. Doctors can now legally refuse to treat a trans person, even if their condition is life threatening.
>Homeless shelters can kick people out for being trans and insurance companies can refuse coverage.
We are reaching levels of BASED previously thought unreachable
>gender dysphoria
Prove it's real and not just a trend that low IQ children fall for.
Protip: You can't.
The creator of hat kid is 95% likely to be an actual pedo.
good goy detected
Nobody cares, kill yourself, fuck off back to resetera.
Source or it didn't happen
>admitting you're wrong
That's very nice of you.
You faggots say this every time and then get proven wrong. Just give it time.
>it sure will happen
>all those times it didn't happen? don't count
>muh texas sharpshooter confirmation bias
Remember to play hat kids game to dab on pol
Not even worth pirating.
>Landlords can't kick you out for being white, or for being male, or for being Polish, or even for being autistic.
Except for the autistic part, they totally can.
You're mixing up "can" with "would".
U alright?
Your pussy cough up a hairball?
The social sciences have been compromised for decades and the medical research on mental illnesses is extremely lacking. There's no grounds for anything you've said, the "studies" can't withstand peer review and that's why the universities forbid going against the liberal narrative. However, no illness, physical or mental, has ever been treated by exacerbating the problem. There's probably a cure for you but the satanic media has convinced you to embrace your mental illness at the cost of a healthy society. You better start demanding the cure before we wipe you out along with the media and end the problem in an expedite manner.
Who else is severely disappointed by the lack of lewd Empress pictures?
Haha, Yes! Buy our game to own the nazis, That will show them.
>all those times it didn't happen
Except it did.
>neogaf guy
>those aussie fags
All I can remember off the top of my head but there are plenty more.
>Doctors can now legally refuse to treat a trans person, even if their condition is life threatening.
Hahahahahahahaha, get fucked trannies, I'm a doc and I was part of this, we all know you're suffering from a mental illness but gov forced us to treat you and chop off your dick.
We fought for this and we're not cutting any more penises off again, fucking faggot, go to a psychiatrist which is what you fucking need, you were not born in the wrong body, you simply have a mental illness, same as schizophrenia, bipolarity, etc.
Imagine unironically telling a schizophrenic to "follow the voices" or a bipolar dude "you're simply two people", that would be outrageous and protested against today, yet it's what you do regarding trannies.
Imagine writing all this anti-science loon shit and not noticing that you're a loon.
It's pretty sad when someone goes full retard but can't even notice it.
frick yeah! Trans rights now!
>tranny calling anyone else crazy
they want to be a protected class
so like when a nigger beats up a white person - thats assault
when a white person beats up a nigger - thats a hate crime, which is more punishable
Lets take a step back for a moment and realize: had the creator not put this shit into his game he could've continued to make lots of money and give people a fun game. It's not enough for these godless degenerates to just live and let live though.
>everyone who disagrees with me is a part of 0.3%
>it's inconceivable that anyone of the 99.7% would call me out on my moronic bullshit
Someone post the video, you know the one
Science is far-right. Literally none of the liberal media lies are supported by science.
>moronic bullshit
post proof of your IQ if you're going to make claims like this
Nevermind, it's here
>Hat in Time shot itself in the foot like Yooka Laylee but this time it was actually intentional
>Should be happy
>But Yooka Laylee wasn't so hot anyway due to not even having most of the Banjo team
I pirated the FitGirl repack the other day, it seems like a decent game but it's extremely amateurish and the overall style of the game other than "cute grill" has nothing going for it, it's just weird. Honestly I don't funcking get the humor in this game, the fuck is a mafia of cooks? Western owls vs space penguins, wtf? And seriously what the fuck is up with those creepy as fuck time rift levels, it's like they wanted to rip off Psychonauts but failed completely at it.
Honestly this shit just makes me want to play Mario Sunshine or Psychonauts instead.
Transgenderism is a mental illness.
>no it's da joos forcing the scientists to say all of that!
>FitGirl repack
this, gender dysphoria should be treated, not encouraged
embracing a mental illness leads to self-destructive behavior and eventually suicide
The scientists aren't saying a thing about your mental illness, you clown. That's the issue.
Mutilating your own genitalia doesn't make you the opposite sex.
>those aren't REAL scientists because they disagree with me
Who are you quoting? Are you a schizokin, now?
I wish developers added trans flags to all the games especial hype ones evrione wants to play in the future just to see all the fagots crying about it and claiming how it makes them not play the game compromise and play the games anyway.
Face it its easy to pretend you care about a trans flag in a game you didn't care about in the first place.
>fast download
>low storage space for archival purposes
>it just werks
What's wrong with \ourgirl\?
One time she uploaded some sort of spyware or something but only because it was part of the 3rd party crack used to crack the game and it was the only one at the time not her intention so now you have conspiracy fags making a big deal abo0ut it.
Can someone explain the lore behind the mafia to me? I know it's a dumb game made by soulless westerners and the story doesn't matter but I really want to get the lore behind them.
i'll skip. the artstyle reeks of twitter pedos. Not sure if i can get my point across with that analogy but that kind of art style is always either made by or attract furry-lefty-pedos.
i made a few stupid stickers and recooked a couple old broken levels, someone pick a level to play online
Is JonTron voicing the guy at "dead bird studio" a reference to the bird he had in his early videos dying?
How does the multiplayer even work in this game, also, is there any way for pirateniggers such as myself to join? It seems like the online part just doesn't work on my cracked version.
Multiplayer works via Steam's own API/servers, so unless there's a crack/emulation for that then you probably can't join.
>it's like they wanted to rip off Psychonauts but failed completely at it.
More like Super Mario Sunshine. I've never seen so many blatantly stolen ideas crammed into the same game before.
you're an authoritarian and should be killed.
Good. those special protections don't exist for other ideologies & lifestyles & shouldn't exist for you annoying fucks either.
If i'm an unreasonable, crazy sociopath to my doctor he can refuse to treat me too. my landlord can kick me out & it's a lie that you can be fired for being trans. they just wont hire you if you act as cunty and entitled as you controlling fuckers always do. no one gives a fuck about your pronouns.
Until recently your average protag in vidya was a super muscular handsome man with other super muscular handsome men as his team, sounds gayer than the YMCA
>literally worse than "wtf white male protagonist this is SHIT" feminazis.
The difference is that one group is demonized by mainstream media and the other gets to go to the UN and game developers to bitch about white men in vidya. Trannies are subhuman irl anyways
How about you pretend to be a girl and irreversibly mutilate your genitalia instead tranny
>That image
Doesn't Yea Forums act like that about every other big board and site, though? I've been seeing this board constantly get butthurt about Reddit since 2011.
This thread's opened my eyes a bit. Yikes. Tranny propaganda, "smol"faggotry, it's all there.
Pedophiles should be castrated,
Videogames are now officially for the mentally disabled so I see nothing wrong with this!
>Pedophiles should be castrated
They should, including you and anyone else who believes that
>Tranny propaganda
is a thing
What is the meaning of this?
I'm a pirate then buy kinda person, I've bought and I'm nearing the 2 hours playtime on steam so I have to know if I want to refund the piece of shit.
It belongs in the game as much as a real life tranny belongs in a class of pre-schoolers.
mm cuny
Oh no, they're infected!
Quick Yea Forums, bring the reverse dilator!
>you're an authoritarian and should be killed.
Considering the possibility of a society that doesn't normalize beating people for looking a bit weird is all it takes for a metaphorical death sentence from you, cool.
I trust that you didn't get bullied at school, then? Or did you convince yourself that it was necessary to make you a better person?
Start with yourself
refund for what?
To be honest, "colors", just like "pixels", can depict something.
Now, being obsessed about muh transgender agenda is retarded as fuck, but it doesn't change the fact that those aren't just colors, but very specific colors that mean something.
those colors represent a sexual fetish
you wouldn't teach your kids about BDSM or something, why show them other degenerate fetishes?
Fuck this shit. Fuck western gaming as a whole. And fuck Yea Forums for making me fall for the western gaming meme once again.
Thank the gods I didn't pay for this fucking piece of shit.
>those colors represent a sexual fetish
Yeah, and cross represents pedophilia
>this is your brain on outrage culture
You know, I REALLY wanted to be tolerant towards trans people. Honestly, I really did. If someone wants to live their life in a way I can't understand, it's not right for me to judge. But with the recent events surrounding the Desmond is Amazing incident, I really do think these people are sinister. They're very clearly trying to perverse our children and warp them into twisted little sexual gremlins.
This isn't a debate anymore. These people are literally trying to brainwash your kids.
>people actually shilled this game for years
>people on Yea Forums actually bought this game to support trannies
Time sure change
Remove the flag and maybe I'll give 2 shits about it
If you haven't noticed the people who constantly screech over people criticizing studios for putting this dumb tranny bullshit in are the ones who are probably trannies themselves, doing it to get a (you), or are just so retarded they despise an actual conversation on showing ((their)) game in a negative light.
>You wouldn't teach your kids about BDSM or something...
user you should probably leave the internet, you are way to naive to continue on here if you think they aren't. They're literally indoctrinating children in Kindergarten about sex and all of it's degenerate offshoots.
Stay seething tranie
t. guy brainwashed by /pol/
Dude, a trans ten year old literally twerked on stage in a gay bar and the media praised it like some big progressive thing. This goes way beyond /pol/ shit and the alt right or whatever.
At this point, I completely endorse violence against these people. I think it would be funny as fuck.
>try game because Yea Forums won't keep sperging out about it
>it's actually a good game for once
>find out game includes tranny shit
Fuck. Why do I even bother with this retarded hobby anymore. I don't even feel like playing this fucking turd anymore. I'll just replay Super Mario 64 for the millionth time and pretend it's 1997.
>the same three wackjobs are riling up the media
>that means EVERY libtard is BRAINWASHING children into TRANNIES
Get a fucking grip. Also drag is not the same as being trans, it's just a faggy hobby.
>don't like trannies
>still played the game and enjoyed because I'm not an autist
>Haha everything is fine!
>Who cares if the house is burning down? At least we aren't dead yet!
>Just relax
>Things are okay
>The sexualization of children in our media totally isn't a problem
Being trans is not a sexual fetish. Do you really think trans people who have transitioned walk around in a state of constant arousal?
Drag queens aren't trans and many trans people actually resent drag culture due to normies (and asshats on Yea Forums, apparently) being unable to tell the difference.
I...don't care? I don't care if you're drag or trans or gay, if you endorse this then you need to be killed. My issue isn't with trannies or drag queens specifically, it's the people trying to sexualize this poor fucking kid.
>ITT: people letting politics dictate their opinions on video games
they weren't kidding, Yea Forums IS /pol/
>The sexualization of children in our media totally isn't a problem
Good thing it is considered a problem. It's not exclusively an LGBT thing and you've clearly not actually talked to many members of that community if you think the majority of them are in support of the money-throwing (which turned a dance into a faux-strip show).
Also Buzzfeed does not speak for everyone, in case you considered posting a clickbaity article in support of it. It's like if I said Alex Jones represents all conservatives when in reality he's only popular because you have to be controversial to be noticed.
Honestly though, it makes sense that Yea Forums thinks being trans is a sexual thing, considering how heavily this board fetishizes "traps" and crossdressing. Probably a natural extension of having an overly sexualized view of femininity as a whole.
I don't endorse this. If a kid wants to experiment with their gender or play dress up or whatever that's one thing, but they shouldn't be dancing in drag clubs for adults. That's like letting your 10 year old daughter go pole dancing in a strip club.
tfw you will never be a smol cute loli
>tfw I remember the times when everything revolved around Yea Forums shitposting
When politics has been crammed into almost every single Western game, you kind of need to express yourself with your purchases, no? I doubt someone like you would play a game made by an alt-right nazi, right?
>Good thing it is considered a problem.
This isn't just a Buzzfeed thing, numbnuts. The vast majority of mainstream media is supporting this.
I'm not going to let you sneak through this argument like some fucking rat.
>I'm not going to let you sneak through this argument like some fucking rat.
Alright, sorry mate. I'll be sure to let every trump supporter know that Paul Joseph Watson speaks for them and they're sneaky (((rats))) if they disagree with my projection.
You fucking idiot.
Talk to me when the vast majority of our mainstream media supports Paul Joseph Watson, eh?
>mainstream (corporate) media representing the views of the actual LGBTQ community
>not just trying to be marketable to fake-woke milquetoast normies
Let me guess, you also believed people seriously cared about "gender neutral Santa"?
/pol/tard types don't care about reality and what people they demonize actually think.
Outrage culture would not work if they had to actually ask someone for actual opinion, it relies on cherrypicked quotes and clickbait articles.
Oh jesus mother of fuck, how many times are you people going to backtrack from the actual issue?
First it was "the media isn't sexualizing kids."
Then it was "the media may be sexualizing kids, but it's fine because those are just clickbait articles."
NOW we're at "the media may be sexualizing kids, and they may wholeheartedly agree with this sexualization, but it's fine because most normies don't care!"
Guess what, pal. Most normies do care. The vast majority of normies are 100% supporting this. It's gotten to a point where you will literally lose your job if you publicly speak out about this.
>/pol/tard tpyes don't care about reality
First of all, don't reply to yourself. It makes you look fucking stupid. Second of all, I think that cutting off your dick and pretending that you're a girl is the most hardcore denial of reality I've ever seen in my life. Get fucked.
Yet he's one of the most popular conservative speakers on YouTube. He clearly speaks for someone (or everyone by your logic), even if his words don't make it to print.
I'm not a threat to children, Muhammad.
>"the media may be sexualizing kids, and they may wholeheartedly agree with this sexualization, but it's fine because most normies don't care!"
How about we point the buck at the media then, instead of calling for the death of all trannies? You're extremely easy to manipulate if you allow the media to turn you against everyone except for the very people who want you outraged to begin with.
Can't I just tap to Hat kid lewds instead?
>It's gotten to a point where you will literally lose your job if you publicly speak out about this.
>All I did was publicly declare I hate trans people!
>First it was "the media isn't sexualizing kids."
A trans pride flag is not sexualizing kids, and being trans is not sexual. Drag and trans are two separate issues.
>Then it was "the media may be sexualizing kids, but it's fine because those are just clickbait articles."
It's not fine, but those are just clickbait articles. And yes, plenty of normies do agree with them, because it lets them feel good and "progressive" without actually doing anything. That's the point.
>It's gotten to a point where you will literally lose your job if you publicly speak out about this.
Speak out about what? Trans acceptance, or a literal child doing erotic dances in 21+ drag clubs?
>First of all, don't reply to yourself
You're talking to multiple people.
why are euro hours so terrible
Ya'll never acted like this about the Pride flag in the seal dlc
>Yet he's one of the most popular conservative speakers on YouTube.
That sure doesn't fucking mean anything when Youtube stamps down on every single right-wing outlet on the site, eh?
>He clearly speaks for someone (or everyone by your logic)
Good fucking lord, you're dumb. Please, go get yourself checked in a hospital before you choke on your own tongue. You might have had a point if the VAST MAJORITY OF MAINSTREAM OUTLETS SUPPORTED PAUL JOSEPH WATSON. Unfortunately we don't live in that kind of world, do we?
When the fuck did I EVER say death to all trannies, you strawmanning fucktard? I said earlier that I support violence towards anyone who supports Desmond is Amazing, and I still stand by that. If you sexualize kids then you need to be beaten senseless. I will stand by that wholeheartedly, and I will argue to the death that it's the moral stance to take. If you are a trans person and you don't want to sexualize kids, then I have no fucking quarrel with you.
Good lord, when did Yea Forums lose its fucking spine? When did you people UNIRONICALLY care about the feelings of over people?
Anyway, I can point to plenty of anti-white game devs who still have their jobs. Why aren't they fired?
>A trans pride flag is not sexualizing kids
Read the post chain, faggot. We're not talking about the flag. The flag is a symptom of a much bigger issue.
>being trans is not sexual
Yes it is.
>but those are just clickbait articles
Dude, who fucking cares if it's just clickbait? This is gaining actual traction, and it's creating real world consequences, and nobody fucking cares because everyone is piss-scared of stepping out of line and facing the consequences
>Speak out about what?
Speaking out against the leftist dogma. Although Desmond is a good example, you will most likely lose your job if you speak out against leftism in any way shape or form. If you come out publicly as a conservative then I guarantee you will lose your job.
How can Rockstar support pedophilia, self mutilation and child molestation?
Being mad about tranny flags is the new popular thing to be outraged at for the (you)s. No one cares about the gays anymore.
>devs uses 'heckin' in tweet
Fucking hate this retarded baby talk people use these days. It gets worse when they post animal pictures.
of other people*
>They didn't boot JonTron, boycott it!
>There's a flag, buy 2 copies!
>finally realize where this is
>never seen it bc my computer is shit and i play on lower setting and decals are off
honestly anybody even giving a fuck about the flag should kill themselves
>No, a gamer
Wew, gonna stop you right there, bud
>If you are a trans person and you don't want to sexualize kids, then I have no fucking quarrel with you.
Cool, glad we can agree on something.
>Read the post chain, faggot. We're not talking about the flag. The flag is a symptom of a much bigger issue
The flag is what originally derailed this thread into handwringing about evil SJWs, excuse me for thinking you're still on about that.
>Yes it is.
Going to need you to back that claim up. I'll ask again: do you really think post-transition trans people walk around sexually aroused all the time? Don't you think that would get a little annoying? While we're at it, explain why someone would take hormone therapy, something which is known to reduce libido, for sexual gratification.
>This is gaining actual traction, and it's creating real world consequences, and nobody fucking cares because everyone is piss-scared of stepping out of line and facing the consequences
Okay, but as the other user was saying, you're getting mad at the wrong people for it. Trans people do not care about drag kids and a vast majority of the ones I know (myself included) hate drag culture.
>Speaking out against the leftist dogma. Although Desmond is a good example, you will most likely lose your job if you speak out against leftism in any way shape or form. If you come out publicly as a conservative then I guarantee you will lose your job.
I mean, if you spend your time at work bitching about leftists or whatever and annoy everyone, sure. But I very seriously doubt any job in America will fire you for criticizing Marxism off the clock. Can you be more specific about which "leftist dogma" you think you will "most likely lose your job" for speaking out against?
>Good lord, when did Yea Forums lose its fucking spine? When did you people UNIRONICALLY care about the feelings of over people?
Anonymous forum pal, wanting to shit on everyone and everything is not a requirement to post. If you don't want people with different opinions, go to a subreddit with ban-happy mods who will make sure you're never exposed to it.
>The flag is what originally derailed this thread into handwringing about evil SJWs, excuse me for thinking you're still on about that.
Well, excuse me for assuming the best out of you. I'll try to remind myself that I'm talking to a literal retard.
>Going to need you to back that claim up. I'll ask again: do you really think post-transition trans people walk around sexually aroused all the time? Don't you think that would get a little annoying? While we're at it, explain why someone would take hormone therapy, something which is known to reduce libido, for sexual gratification.
pic related
>Okay, but as the other user was saying, you're getting mad at the wrong people for it. Trans people do not care about drag kids and a vast majority of the ones I know (myself included) hate drag culture.
Again, the vast majority of normies support it. Go look on Twitter.
>I mean, if you spend your time at work bitching about leftists or whatever and annoy everyone, sure.
You are so fucking dishonest and sneaky, holy shit. Just take a look at the countless people blacklisted from most career choices because they ASSOCIATED with conservative outlets.
>Can you be more specific about which "leftist dogma" you think will "most likely lose your job" for speaking out against?
Not supporting the LGBT movement, not supporting the Syrian migrant crisis, not actively supporting BLM. If you speak out against any of these things on a public forum, you WILL face consequences.
>Anonymous forum pal, wanting to shit on everyone and everything is not a requirement to post.
Thank you for blatantly admitting that you're an outside. I'm guessing you're part of the tranny discord server, eh?
>Good lord, when did Yea Forums lose its fucking spine? When did you people UNIRONICALLY care about the feelings of over people?
I know one of them is just baiting. He even admitted it in a previous Hat in time thread
>trans """"""people""""""""
Sorry, the last part was meant for Yeah, it figures. I know I shouldn't get so worked up over obvious bait. I'm done now.
why do devs date their games with shitty memes?
>you will most likely lose your job if you speak out against leftism in any way shape or form. If you come out publicly as a conservative then I guarantee you will lose your job.
Bull fucking shit. If that were the case, half of America would be out of the job for voting Trump.
Being conservative will only lose you your job if you go out of your way to shit on people the company might potentially hire down the line. Why employ people who start shit in the workplace?
The only actual example I can think of is MDE's World Peace getting pulled after Sam shat on a Buzzfeed reporter who retaliated with a hitpiece, which I will agree was ridiculous but anyone who followed him before he got his show would know he was OY VEYing left and right for years beforehand and saying far more controversial shit on KSTV.
>If that were the case, half of America would be out of the job for voting Trump.
Buddy, I want you to openly endorse Trump on a social media platform that your work has access to. I fucking dare you.
>Thank you for blatantly admitting that you're an outside. I'm guessing you're part of the tranny discord server, eh?
Damn you caught me red handed, I am indeed one of the Discord Trannies (TM)
Get over yourself
Fuck off you russian piece of shit, I'm tired of your assholes shitting up every single hat in time thread. NOBODY CARES.
You want to "push back"? Stop FUCKING CARING. Get your head out of your ass and realize that progressivism in media has been a thing for as long as media has existed. I can go back to 1980 and find pride flags in children's cartoons.
You think NETFLIX She-Ra is feminist? If you'd been in this country more than 10 years you'd know she was part of the second wave of feminism that occurred in the 1980s-1990s along with the Terminator and Alien franchises, all of which are STILL hailed as breakthroughs in female representation.
Did you get mad at Fat Albert when he had the retarded kid? That was AGAIN part of a progressive movement to show more disabled people and raise awareness for disabilities. Captain Planet's collect every color cast wasn't a fucking accident either, in addition to its ENTIRE EXISTENCE being environmentalist propaganda they had MULTIPLE episodes on racism.
But no. You are a Russian piece of shit here to sow discord. This isn't your game, you don't have any right whatsoever to tell them what they can or can't put in it. You're no different from the book burners of the early 20th century.
No need, plenty of people do that already and still have their jobs.
In what fucking universe are people ACTUALLY getting fired just for being a Trump supporter? Did all of them lose their jobs when Trump got into office?
why does this game look so cringy?
>No need
I rest my fucking case.
>You might have had a point if the VAST MAJORITY OF MAINSTREAM OUTLETS SUPPORTED PAUL JOSEPH WATSON. Unfortunately we don't live in that kind of world, do we?
Nah, but we do live in a world where everyone has access to the internet. You think the alt-right movement would have any traction if people these days didn't get most of their news from the internet?
>still no evidence whatsoever of this dystopian world user bangs on about
>I rest my fucking case.
top kek
which is funny because the normalization of homosexuality is what led to this nonsense
>Nah, but we do live in a world where everyone has access to the internet. You think the alt-right movement would have any traction if people these days didn't get most of their news from the internet?
You...realize you just proved my point, right? If we didn't live in an age where information is so easily accessible then someone like Paul would have been struck down. I don't even fucking like him, but surely you realize how dumb this point is, right?
Reminder that this website has been compromised by Russian trolls. All political trolling should be assumed to be an IRA operation.
We shouldn't enable mental illness.
It panders to memesters, including literal tumblr.
It allows some sort of private server thing, though. It may be a mod or something.
>Get to this part of the level
>Take a few steps in the opposite direction
>Find the Anger sticker/emote
Had to go in peck because cuteandfunny is always fucking dead and most of the people prefer to stay in the ship than doing anything
bend over
>supporting "woke" and mentally ill enabler devs
Just pirate the game, which is actually pretty good.
/ourgirl/ has it.
I don't want to play it, it's a fucking mario clone.
Still, devs fight a good fight so if I had any interest in the genre, I'd buy it.
Magnet if you don't want to go to her site:
>No, a gamer that's been around since fucking forever who knows that 3d platforming has been shit since forever.
Based user. Keep telling these zoomers, they'll never understand that the best 3D platformer out there still can't match the worst 2D platformer.
>he doesn't like children being cute and funny
I used to love talking about this game, but you /pol/ fags have killed it. Go make like your "hero" Hitler, we don't want you on Yea Forums
>we don't want you on Yea Forums
yes we do.