>How to age 20 years in 5 years edition
Are Dancers going to be mandatory in progress groups?
>How to age 20 years in 5 years edition
Are Dancers going to be mandatory in progress groups?
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Probably not. They'll be popular for sure like GNB will, but ff14's big aim is obviously to delete meta-composition completely.
My guess is the following;
all groups at launch of raid will have DNC and GNB
give it a few weeks, or maybe the first tier
then itll be back to [whatever is supposedly best], and i actually doubt many people will stick with DNC if it has subpar personal DPS because of the ego pissing match in ff14's community (esp. NA/EU).
itll probably end up a fairly rare class due to this, unless it's inarguably overpowered or class balance is totally fucked.
>1 unreliable proc-based combo
>2 boring spenders
>simon says to pad you monk
Did Lyse design this job?
The red mage revolution is coming lads. Prepare yourself for the storm.
>or class balance is totally fucked
this is pretty likely though, there are barely any games where class balance ISN'T fucked.
Don't disagree but i think ff14 does a better job than most games of keeping things 'competitive', if not totally fair.
Games like Wow have classes doing literally 3-4x what other classes do. FF14's discrepancies are significant but not retarded.
>Games like Wow have classes doing literally 3-4x what other classes do
>someone post the charts.
How complex is MCH?
>or class balance is totally fucked.
They removed nearly all synergetic buffs from the game. Only a handful of jobs can now even buff and some are unconfirmed - for example we don't know what trick, brotherhood and litany do if they're still available while a lot of other buffs like hypercharge, foe's, resistances are simply gone. In other words things will be much easier to balance now for the dev team since it's not likely to be skillset issues anymore, but just raw numbers.
there cant be a meta if everyone is bullshit.
Remember people
Volvo Balance>blizzard balance.
Not very intuitive but not complex at all once you know the rotation. It will be a completely different job in a month though.
Currently it is very complex.
Come ShB it will very likely be a lot easier.
Right now, it's exceedingly ping-dependent and relies on very tight timings and managing a lot of factors.
>there cant be a meta if everyone is bullshit.
There ALWAYS is a meta.
Can someone say what BLM gonna get/what does change?
Maybe not 3-4x but the last time I played wow the highest dps were sitting around 2x the lowest dps.
>in 5 years
Do you think, by the end of the next expansion, that we'll have finally progressed a single year from the beginning of ARR?
>Come ShB it will very likely be a lot easier
Is there anything that'll be more complex in ShB? I want to play the highest IQ job
Should I level MNK or NIN while doing the MSQ? Im trying to get through AAR rn.
of course theres going to be the MOST efficient ways of doing things. what they're trying to do is that the most efficient are also not too far from any other comp.
The only classes that benefit from this are samurai and black mage. You remove synergistic job skills and now the only thing that matters is pure DPS. Now every party demands a dancer/blm/sam/smn comp. Congrats you just made the meta stricter than it's ever been.
Be careful what you wish for, if you haven't played ff14 before you might get overwhelmed. FF14's rotations and class complexity is vastly retardedly bigbrain compared to games like WoW; not that WoW doesnt have its merits.
Right now i'd say
MCH or SAM qualifies as the bigbrain class.
come SHB, nobody really knows yet, we won't know until a week or two from now, or possibly even release itself depending how much NDA gets broken
Doesn't matter, people are going to flock to the most efficient option even if the advantage is small.
I dont remember the last time the delta between top and bottom DPS was bigger than 30% and I used to check both logs and simulations with autismal dedication.
Havent played WoW properly in years but looking at raidlogs for Jaina right now shows that top DPS do about 33k DPS and bottom of the barrel DPS about 25k.
Thats still huge up to the point where some classes get banished to the bench but not even close to double.
It doesn't matter if the difference is literally 1 dps, metafags will always go for it
>SCH gets the best fairy
>AST gets more fun with cards
>WHM gets black lilies
Nobody actually mains WHM right?
You're assuming every other number stays the same when they explicitly said they're changing calculations on everything. SMN is now just as much of a selfish DPS as BLM. RDM should be below since it still has Embolden, but how much? BRD and MCH now completely lost any of their buffs so they'd have to be nearly as strong as those casters (though probably less since they all bring party defence). And so on. It's 100% impossible to tell what it will be without seeing final game released, shit, we don't even know if Trick Attack is still 10% party damage up. There will be a meta at any rate however, you can't go around it, all XIV devs do is mitigate its effects to the point where you can just play whatever you like and not be held back considerably. Which is exactly what they're striving for.
People actually care about Seraph?
if it aint brown it aint a bunny
So...I actually played MCH for the gunplay and I liked having to reload and stuff. Why am I supposed to be happy about my class going from 50-50 gadgets/gun to 80-20 gadgets/gun?
I'm convinced that the people cheering for the MCH changes don't even play the class and just want to make gundam suits
Put the gun in your mouth then.
Albino bunny.
It won't be 80 gadgets 20 gun. The bot is just your capstone ability that replaces Rook Autoturret. That's right, Rook is just a temporary summon now, but it still exists. I think Bishop might be gone which is fucking weird but it is what it is. I'd argue there isn't ENOUGH gadgets.
seraph and lily (the faerie you see during the scholar LB3) are different faeries
Honestly not at all. Just very ping reliant.
>When you're trying to bunny but deep inside you're just a miqo'te
I play a midlander and I put him at around 75% of the max height. It actually annoys me how he's fucking taller than 90% of the npc's in cutscenes
>said they're changing calculations on everything
People keep pushing this meme but have you seen the potencies in the tooltips for skills we already have? At best they go up or down 10 or maybe 20 potency. There isn't some huge change being made to job skill potencies certainly not enough to turn a bard into a black mage or justify a red mage's presence in a pure DPS-only meta.
I kind of want them to stop adding new jobs to the game but at the same time I think we really need another pistol/rifle job.
haha manlet
>wanted flop ear option
>got this mess
You realize potencies are only comparable within the job itself?
If they added another gun job it would definitely be chemist.
Speaking of Dancer, what equipment set is Dancer going to share with? The Bard/Machinist equipments, or the Ninja equipment?
According to Kettle to the Mettle we've progressed 2 years at the minimum since patch 2.1
400 potency for a samurai is the same as 400 potency for a black mage.
Do I pass the arbitrary and admittedly pretty silly test?
According to data found in the benchmark they just use aiming.
I play a max height male Elezen and I get pissed if anyone is taller than me.
It doesn't happen often.
>is the ranged physical dps going to use the same gear as the other ranged physical dps?
Well gosh, I just don't know, I just can't figure it out
I'll say this is one of the best Face 4's I've seen.
MCH is not really complex but it's Ping dependent so in like Japan it's perfect since gbt have little to no latency but other areas of the world it's kinda meh.
Getting to basically be VI Edgar seems pretty sick to me, I don't play it though.
I think tying weapons to jobs wasn't the greatest decision and there's going to be this problem from now on. SE probably feels like they can't just add another gun job because then it steps on MCH toes. Just like how there will never be another job that uses a greatsword, or a 2h axe, spear, etc.
next year is FFXIV's tenth anniversary.
>Eyes are same colour.
That's a shitter signal missed
you pass my test
I play Elezen and feel the same. Helps that there's basically 0 roes in the story.
Asking this every thread, dumb retards
Aiming which means Amon set bitches. I usually don't care about glamor but this is my DNC set.
>squashed face
I'll miss reloading but I won't miss a chunk of damage being tied to the barrel and hot shot, losing the DoT, the current turrets being a relic from the gunmage days where they did a bit more than sit around and shoot until you blow it up before a jump phase, and flamethrower only existing to go into your overheat phase.
Hopefully all the extra gadgets will make the job more engaging. Its certainly flashier but that won't matter if its still just about constantly doing the same thing before the overheat windows.
Is he fingering her?
Maybe you should've gone Lalafell then buddy, or didn't make yourself an above average tall midlander?
You can't really put your dick in her.
I'm gonna have to ask where you see either of those first two things.
I main WHM but I've been playing SCH for the past year since that's what statics wanted. I'm hoping 5.0 will finally equalize the playing field.
There's Hoary Boulder, and Biggs, and Gosetsu is technically one.
I mean, just look at the office of POTUS. If being president can change someone that much in 8 years, imagine what being the defacto savior of the world could do.
Gosetsu is really the only Roe of any consequence in the story
>WoL will continue look more and more grizzled no matter how little time has passed
>but Alphinaud and Alisaie will never finish their giraffe growth cycle
That is some bullshit right there
In your dreams, MNKuck.
MChads, BLMlords and NINbros are gonna run SO.
MoenbrydHAhahahahahaaa oh man I can't even do that with a straight face.
>play hyuran female
>made her like 10% taller than the default height
>90% of the playerbase looks like midgets next to me
Why do people insist on playing as ants?
Because they're children on the inside?
Uuuugh thhiiiiiiccckkk
Some "people" want to be smol and cute.
Nonstop fighting for months would make anyone look grizzled
Short is usually associated with cute for a lot of people. I say this as someone guilty of the very thing. It helps that I'm tall as fuck irl and just find everyone else adorable.
cats and lizards can't help it, they're total manlets even at max height. Most people go for 0 on the height slider on top of that.
Anyone have the removed skill list?
Some "people" call me the Space Cowboy
i'm not small you're too tall.
despite what people say the healers are actually pretty balanced right now. people only do ast+sch because radical speedkillers prefer it
95% of the people will never take any meaningful potential difference from this healing comp, and you cant balance stuff for fflogstards/speedkillers; there will always be two/four that are meta for a role and the rest that isnt for any respective fight
Not very. You just have a lot of "down" time because of the bullet gauge where DPS isn't constantly optimal. You also have to rotate your gauss barrel to make sure it doesn't overheat before you have the ability to instantly bring it up to 50 again or you lose DPS. It's just overly complicated for a ranged DPS when bard, blackmage, and red mage are alll far simpler.
What you say is correct. But unfortunately I need to raid and I can't convince those recruiting me of that so WHM is in the shed.
>Au Ra females that short
I hope you will enoy doing dungeons with your scion buddies, because there will be no healers. No new healer class, healer gameplay going to shift away from damage to only healing making it more of a snore fest and none of the new shit for healer looks exciting in any way.
Why anyone would heal in ShB is beyond me.
How do the Au Ra even breed?
People who make characters this ugly should be forced to use default presets.
Is there any reason super bolide makes you do this other then to make healers panic?
God I want to breed a qt au ra girl.
MY qt au ra girl.
>Midlander is 5'11 at 100
>Midlander at 50 is still taller than almost every npc in game
So Eorzea is a world of manlets?
user, there's a tribe of Xaela that literally marries horses. They can manage.
>pull up X's tooltip
>"Does 150 potency plus additional potency relevant to remaining hp"
Gee that was hard
yes because tearing shot does potency based on your inverse hp; less hp = more damage and ripping shot is the opposite
so the gnb can play around both having high health and the timings of tankbusters/raid-wides for variable damage output and mimax based on raid timings and boss choreography rather than just a flat cd-base rotation
Well it is a japanese game.
we have 0 information about the raids user. what makes the gameplay interesting and fun is the fight and only them
every single job in this game gets boring when you generate muscle memory for the rotation
Well, yeah, it'd be pretty hard to grow up when you're dead
How can I level a different job/class fast if I haven't done a character to Lv.70 yet?
It's just the unfortunate side effect of how quickly cats breed.
I just watched the dancer demo, her crit was heigher than anything the BLM did at their max. how is that balanced
>I want to play the highest IQ job
Trust me no you don't. Raid mechanics get very stressful and require a lot of precision. You really don't want to fight a war on two fronts.If you aren't perfect you will fuck up a DPS/TNK/HLR check and wipe the raid over and over. MCH has had significant problems since its introduction. Finally it might be fixed. If you want a complex role try healing or any DPS. DPS are autistic math nerds who, and HLR are jaded problem fixers who are fixing retards mistakes all the time. Monks are a complex DPS considering you have to do positional damage and deal with mechanics. I played one from 2.0 to 4.0
How do you not have a 70? Are you still stuck on HW MSQ? Either way, the usual PotD for DPS, level relevant dungeon for Tank and Heal still applies, just slower thanks to no armory.
>You can't really put your dick in her.
Fairies were made to be onaholes
Nigga it's machinist not marksman.
DNC only attacks like once every 10 seconds
oh my
Just pick them up and go do dungeons? You'll get bonus exp anyway until the level of your highest current job.
5'9" is the world average height for men on Earth. Japan's average male height is 5'7".
>catgirls are smol and cute compared to me
>buns are my height
Bros I would do anything for them to be real. Fucking anything
ok what is this "WE FALL" bs? is it the lyrics to a song for FFXIV shadowbringers, give me a link or somethin.
>tribe of literal horsefucking Au Ras
Is someone in the FFXIV dev team secretly in the doujin scene?
Because I trust no one but me to keep the party alive.
Just missing a rose to be held in the mouth
Fake news
>play max height fem!roe
>get a chuckle every dungeon clear because most of the people are catgirls or aura and my character looks out of place as fuck
Cutscenes are great too.
I'm sure when designing Xaela the lead told everyone "I need 50 tribes, go nuts" then the usual Japan happened.
to make it different from the other two abilities that make you invincible at 1 HP. it's funny, though.
Because I only started playing like a week and a half ago with the steam trial and then had to start again because I bought the game from SE's site so I'm at Lv.50 now.
Have some color.
pales in comparison to HW & SB's dungeon boss themes.
>play as max height catboy
>every other catboy I run across is at least a head shorter than me
Does most of this playerbase just set their height to 0
The eScape remix from the showcase would probably make a better boss theme than this
Yeah that sucks. Just keep doing your daily roulettes: leveling, trial, alliance and main story if you can stomach it. Then deep dungeon for DPS and level relevant leveling dungeon for the other two. You should be 70 before getting to stormblood if you stick to one job.
Most people who play male cats want to play a twink
Honestly don't bother learning it as it is right now.
I just want Warrior to be as fun as it was in Heavensward.
>why is a race of bottom faggots min height
>play max height catgirl
>half the catboys I run into are smaller than me.
sb war > hw war
>mfw Phoenix won't resurrect people
I bet it is just a red Bahamut and that's it.
>max height catgirl
so a futa
The less distance between "just be yourself man" and "100% optimal" there is, the more autistic demanding people follow "100% optimal" becomes and the less I care about a 100% optimal run of anything. Hell, it's already close enough that it doesn't matter, it's for speedrunners that want to shave five seconds off a clear.
Interjecting here, I only play jobs that are extremely complex and have a lot of shit to manage, because I Am Very Smart. Challenge is what makes the game fun. I currently play SMN with full galaxy brain pet swap and Obey(manual pet control) "rotations". I'm pissed that it looks like they're taking a lot of the complexity away for Shadowbringers, but it's still likely to be a comparatively challenging job, considering they're also dumbing down the other obtuse jobs like MCH.
SAM is one of the most braindead jobs. You know nothing.
i still want a separate video/link for this music SO BAD
nah i'm a /u/ fag.
fuck off
How was the fucking idiot who thought it a good idea to lock the heavensward and stormblood content when preordering shadowbringers until shadowbringers comes out. I want to play SAM right fucking now.
Could be your ability to use Resurrection is tied to Phoenix somehow
Lily is Eos's given name, dumbo.
>SCH gets a new fairy to do what WHM and AST have been doing for 8-4 years
What ilvl is fine for Shadowbringers?
>I only play jobs that are extremely complex and have a lot of shit to manage
>I currently play SMN with full galaxy brain pet swap and Obey(manual pet control) "rotations"
Not a problem with that desu
you "cannot" deny this
Have a better pic of that.
It's bullshit. Sorry user. Just wait another month or purchase stormblood to continue.
>no 2B hair for Viera
welp, not changing then.
I've been away from FFXIV since Stormblood launch: am I going crazy, or there are more roulettes now? Which ones are the most efficient to do daily as a level 70?
probably 390
Still the best dungeon boss theme.
the complexity in smn is fucking shit and awful
fuck pet ai
that is correct, lily is eos+selene. they didnt call the new fairy lily though, they called her 'seraph'
390 tome gear. You'll be able to buy the upgrades for the current capped gear with poetics come 5.0 so you can shoot to i400 easily. i400 will be equivalent to level 73 gear but in practice will last you until level 78. If you're a tank you'll need to replace it sooner though since you need more actual defense rating from the new gear.
Lily is your faerie, dumbass. Eos and Selene are just forms Lily takes depending on her elemental aspect. Seraph is her super form, and the one that comes down during Angel Feathers. They got the LB3 name from Seraph in FF6.
I would guess full mendacity (360) would be fine. Maybe a tad higher.
2B is going to be in the game and her outfit and weapons soon enough.
They aren't getting rid of synergy, they are just reducing it overall. Hypercharge is still in, but we don't know if it is a party buff. Trick is still in but is likely to be nerfed. Embolden is still in. According to datamines, Brotherhood, Litany, Dragon Sight and Battle Voice are still in. AST still has cards and not only that but they are now all damage buffs.
They aren't trying to kill off synergy completely, they are trying to kill off BRD, NIN and DRG being practically mandatory jobs because of how effectively they synergize with each other.
DNC having a focus on synergy (with one person) doesn't mean they'll necessarily always make the party overall stronger if their personal DPS is lower to compensate (it will be). The one group of people who DNC is a confounding factor for are parse autists, because now it's going to be impossible to get top-ranking parses without HEAVY catering from the rest of the group.
Alliance raid roulette is great for leveling.
reminder that min height auri girls are the perfect size for manhandling
390 will probably last you until 75
380+ so worse case scenario buy gear if you didn't get welfare gear or BiS.
Not him but I havent seen all the tooltips they have a move that does more damage at lower hp? I'm going to be in love with this job.
whoa some cats deserve to be put down but he looks like a nice enough fella
"Who cares" since as soon as you hit 71 you'll be able to buy vendor gear that outstrips a lot of SB gear
>her outfit and weapons
Just like Eos and Selene are different names for Lily's forms, Seraph is the name of her super form. You only have one faerie, that's how SCH lore works.
They added raid roulettes, expert roulettes, and I wanna say level 70 roulettes.
Honestly I won't be surprised if FFlogs ends up scrapping almost everything in its databases or marking it as "legacy" due to the changed damage calculations/potency calculations and factors such as Dancer.
>Hypercharge is still in, but we don't know if it is a party buff
Hypercharge activates the overheat mode that costs 50 heat, it's not a turret action because the Turret isn't even a constant summon now.
>Trick is still in but is likely to be nerfed.
I think Trick isn't a party buff any longer but I don't have solid sources on this.
>Embolden is still in.
It's shit.
The rest we don't know if they work the same or not.
lol, as a SMN main, the pet part of the job's "complexity" has always been horseshit. The real fun was upkeeping the long rotation and managing your burst phases, not fucking pet management.
>expansion releases literally the day after my police academy begins
Unlike with the MH franchise, square enix has the full rights over nier automata. Capcom just didn't let SE use the armor designs so SE had to improvise.
Yoko Taro's working on it and has heavy involvement with the alliance-raid, he's insane enough he'll probably demand a 2B glamour and will call the whole thing off if they try to come up with "Eorzean-style YoRHa" gear.
Yeah like they gave us Alma's dress
They don't give female only gear now because male chars cry, and 9s is shit and won't be in the game.
It'll be just like old times.
what the fuck this should be a dark knight ability
fucking around with sacrificing hp for damage is literally what dark knights are made for
oh got it
70 white gear will be i385
71 gear will be i390
72 white gear will be i395
73 gear will be i400
74 should be i403 and from there it will start to replace 4.0 gear (especially for tanks) assuming things stay the same they will
I'm partial to this one
Enjoy your black leather circlets and asscapes
this image is cursed dont post it anymore
remember MNK and SB
I've got full fucking Fray gear for my DRK glamour, I'm completely prepared to have a hyur version of me get yanked out of my chest at lv. 80.
What is the real title of your main job?
I'm a Ruin III Mage.
Either you put in my fucking leotard or you lose any rights to the Nier franchise and I kill everyone in this complex, Yoshida.
i loved the job cuck shed shitposting from the lead up to SB
glad to see its ramping up again now that job actions have been teased
Nier Automata is literaly 9shota's story.
I still can't get over how glad I am that the new races are gender-locked, if simply due to the sheer butthurt it caused
I actually like these. I much prefer ff14 looking aesthetics over just porting rathalos armor and calling it a day. I feel like MH World got the short end of the stick with them lazily copy/pasting DRG AF1 over.
ass-slider when. Getting tired of every female in this game having a flat arse.
Im happy about the dnc not being a healer thing, man people were really mad about that
Not even trying to hide it anymore
Seems like all the classes with braindead rotations are from the expansions, which I don't have yet, any of the base game that are easy as fuck? Is there a site that has them listed? Gw2 had something like that.
sorry, soken wouldnt let yoshida die
>any of the base game that are easy as fuck?
It's not like it was ever really hidden to begin with
all the braindead classes are from arr because every class is relatively braindead
The only accurate version.
>Im happy about the dnc not being a healer thing
After seeing how it plays, I'm glad it's not as well. The healer base in this game is NOT competent enough to use that play style AND keep a party topped off.
Looks like Geomancer is gonna have to bail their asses out after all. Or maybe Green Mage? Mystic?
DRG, BRD, MNK are all really easy and impossible to fuck up. Have fun.
when we get an engine upgrade/replacement (i.e. never because 14's money just funds SE's development hell projects rather than itself)
>with them lazily copy/pasting DRG AF1 over.
They recreated the Drachen armor from scratch along with Gae Bolg, gave it a heavy critical-hit and attack-up oriented stat spread to try and recreate the dragoon's own stat-optimization, a Jump gesture with 1.X's Jump animation that can ignore instant-death when timed juuuuust right, and got a full monster encounter with mechanics unlike anything else in the series plus a hard-mode for it (which shitters still wipe to to this day because they can't wrap their head around approaching Behemoth like it's an MMO). World got the better end of the deal by far if you ask me, Rathalos ended up behaving like a MonHun-themed XIV boss rather than a MonHun monster in an XIV locale. He's still fun, and has the same potential for shitter sweeping because of people not understanding how potions work in the instance, but Behemoth executed the concept a lot better I think.
With WHM seemingly getting its Stone and Aero replaced by holy-themed spells, the likelihood of Geomancer being a new job later on just went way up imo.
My prediction on 6.0 jobs are Geomancer as either a melee or caster DPS that uses hammers, with a focus on Earth/Water/Air themed abilities, and Chemist as a healer.
even worse
How about WAR? I have a MAR at 15 so with that I can at least do dungeons and not have to start from the very beginning.
When the 2B costume hits and it gives everyone a big fat ass, like some of the chest armors increasing or decreasing bust size when equipped.
GEO healer and BLU becomes a full job.
Ngl, this would be a BITCHIN DNC outfit
>Viera dancer drawn with heels
>Doesn't have them in game
I guarantee that they were originally going to give Viera unique shoes for all the sets but scrapped it when they needed to add gay furries
Outfit, yes. 9s too. Weapons? heavy armor and other stuff tumblrette Nier fans don't do fanart for? No. only 9s and 2b outfit and maybe some new custom made armor that's new and ugly. Please look forward to it.
the gay furries were developed first
I can maybe see Sage as a limited job with how broken it potentially is in the context of the world and just how broken it usually ends up being when it appears in games. There was that bit of the RDM storyline with the voidsent-boosted red mage threatening to start casting both types of magic with environmental aether and it would've made him catastrophically powerful. I want Freelancer as a limited job where you can freely slot skills to your hotbar from any of your known jobs, and mix-and-match traits.
WAR is a tank
tanking is easy if you're exerienced with hotkey mmos, but theres a learning curve if you haven't
>Lalafell will continue to be flat as a board and make the sexy glams look awful
I wish they would take the extra time needed to adjust "cleavage" clothes to be modeled as something else.The Makai clothes look awful on them.
Think of it as preperation for dealing with irl shadowniggers.
Can't fucking wait. No more dark arts too.
Everything except for guildhests gives a fuckton of EXP, I've gotten two Jobs to 70 just casually playing since I resubbed two weeks ago.
As for max cap, you should just do what you've always done.
They should go crazy and implement battle class switching
>2B glamour with the leotard riding up lalafell crack
Taro's in charge of the raid series, throw out all expectations and enjoy your Drakengard armors
Seems to me that ShB will be a mix of HW WAR and SB WAR.
I don't know how a skill showcase can be so kino.
>we will never get sexy clothes because they would need to make pedofell versions
thanks god for mods
>Doesn't mod your game
2B & 9S outfits + weapons have been in the game for months, yikers.
>First raid is an automata raid
>Second raid is a nier raid
>Final raid is a drakengard raid
0:25 Royal Guard (threat stance)
0:27 (unnamed ranged pull)
0:29 Rough Divide (gap closer)
0:31 Keen Edge (combo 1)
0:33 Brutal Shell (combo 2, heal and shield)
0:36 Aurora (targeted HoT)
0:38 Solid Barrel (combo 3, +1 gauge)
0:41 Heart of Stone (targeted shield)
0:43 Burst Strike (single target gauge spender)
0:45 Blasting Zone (oGCD AoE)
0:47 Continuation Combo, only 4 out of 6 though
Did I get them right?
Have you been taking care of your elezen daughter, DRKbros?
I just want Gunbreaker. So bad you don't understand.
Warr is literally a tank on Training wheels. if you're new to tanking you cant go wrong with it. As a DRK who was forced to level it I found it absolutely hilarious how easy it was and how Warrior players remind me of a certain section of the wow player base that plays a certain class.
Paladin players.
Who gives a shit about mods when there's like a 90% chance that it'll have an official one because Taro is undoubtedly hard while watching his character
mods are cheating and clownsuits 99% of the time
Is he insane enough to remember Heavy yorHa armor and the operator gear? I love his stuff in general. He even made a good gacha that I played on jp. Yoko Taro might actually do it..
You think he's mad enough to do what I wanted and then go even further beyond? My body's not ready but my soul fucking is.
>I love all characters I made
>No, I don't like 9S
You're not getting 2B's outfit so long as lalafell exist.
>doesn't use mods that aren't clownsuits
9S is a little shit and also 2B's canonical love-interest
>Taro will use the raid to unify his universe into a cohesive package
>and force his fans to play through FFXIV's slog of an MSQ or pay extra for the privilege of consuming it
You seem to forget lalafell can strut around in the DNC AF with no redesigns and that's even skimpier than 2B's leotard and frilly dress
based leakbro
I would love this, actually
>SAM is one of the most braindead jobs.
SAM is actually fairly involved at the highest level where you're doing your damndest to get in BLM range and not die. That's the beauty of the job though. The skill floor is in the basement, but the ceiling is in the clouds
It really isn't, DNC AF is literally just a slightly retextured thavnarian outfit too.
Thanks for the leak but how the fuck did you capture it like that?
Then he will make the final boss a 24 man rhythm game and if anyone fucks up it's a wipe
something thats only good for neo enrage, whm is saved
fucking shit I would have loved this for hello world.
when's the 4.x ost drop
Viera were the last minute addition
holy crap, might not be a dmg buff but that's a good start
Nigger what 2B has more covered skin than Yoshida's lala.
>literally just a slightly retextured thavnarian outfit too.
It literally isn't and it's probably the point that it's still within the Thavnairian style
>Sacred Soil on a 120s CD
I'm all about dragoon shit so I was pretty pleased with the drachen set in monster hunter, helps that it's really good. Rath gear in 14 looks like equipment that was already in the game retextured
Leakerbro you're a hero
sitting at my desk vomiting all over my own dick right now. absolutely fucking disgusting. fuck this race and anyone that will play it.
>mitigation plus extra healing
>mitigation means less raw healing needed so the extra healing potency isn't needed
all I want from yorha is this outfit for my lala.
emil head is pretty much guaranteed, right?
>want the drachen layered-armor so I don't have to give it up for Iceborne
>filtered out hard by the requirements to get it
>Largesse with sacred soil attached.
That's actually kinda good, particularly if WHM still has largesse.
Every Viera face looks retarded because of the nose
yeah some of it is also re textured from star velvet
Emil Head is guaranteed level 1 All Classes glamour item as a quest reward
>walking 10% mitigation to an area bigger then medic II and cure 3
the healing potency means shit but 10% for 20s is pretty great
Did they unlock tomes weekly cas already? I am sitting on my delta space tank bis and really dont want to spend much time on gearing before expansion drops. What is bare minimum for the rest of story quests?
What the fuck is going to need this throughput? WHM never lacked throughput why are you giving it more? What the fuck is wrong with SE
fucking NOPE
It's of a similar style which, again, is probably the point, but no it's not the same article of clothing unless you start REALLY stretching what "slightly retextured" actually means
Hey leakerchad is Phoenix just a red Bahamut?
is trick attack still 60s?
>What is bare minimum for the rest of story quests?
i360 for the last MSQ dungeon
I honestly hope Largesse is cut and they put divine seal back in.
just run Orbonne monastary a million times
Didn't stop them from adding a third cane job
Yep it is!
Is the expansion out? I was waiting for it to play the game.
>shift away from damage
imagine being this retarded
Phoenix has a 3rd spell associated with it unlike Bahamut's 2 so it'll have SOMETHING to set it apart
What do i get from it? I am on 341 right now. Whats the level of pleb tomes gear?
BLU isn't a job
>people actually thinking Viera and Hrothgar got options locked for customization that will be available come launch
These people are delusional
It has an aoe hot(heal over time) that it does when it spawns
S-source? I want to snapshot 50% boosted medica IIs.
Don't tease me please.
Au Ra had a few more hairstyles on launch compared to benchmark but that's it.
Is my baby astro butchered or not? You can just give a yes/no I need to know.
I wish they'd allow cross job weapon glamours for certain classes. Maybe as a reward for maxing a class. 70 DRK and you can glamour your spear into a sword on DRG, 70 DRG and you can glamour your axe into a spear on WAR etc
Pick one
>having a six-week meltdown because of one badly translated line
the game is going to be exactly the same, you freaks.
A month to go roughly. If you've pre-ordered you'll get earrings that have an xp boost up to 70 (unlike other mmos something that massive is rare and confirmed to be earring only.) and the other expansions when Shadowbringers comes around. And early access. early access might be the one in a month? i think the difference was around 2 weeks. At this point I'd just do that instead of starting the MSQ right now. cheaper too.
Au Ra males must have needle dicks
in contrast to the other two memelords responding to you i'll offer that they're different sticks despite all being sticks, blm gets straight rods and whm GENERALLY gets shepherd's crooks, then blu gets walking-sticks
what server are you on
Au Ra females just have rubber wombs
That makes sense going by the animation actually. But that still doesn't change the additional spell Phoenix has using the Deathflare animation
Course they do. It's the only way to fit into smol au ra female.
>Story MMO
>Getting rid of Job storylines
Nice story focus you have there
It seems Verraise is a cooldown now, so I had been expecting the same since the Phoenix leak, but Resurrection is still in the SMN skillset.
Would have been cool to have Flames of Rebirth as an AoE raise instead of Resurrection, but I wouldn't trust the devs to not fuck it up. Looks like Phoenix is part of a set rotation, which means it would be terrible to lock your ability to raise to it.
Difference is about four or five days, EA begins June 28th and ends/ShB begins July 2nd
>four nose options per face
>almost none of them are cute turned-up noses
>3/4 of them are hook noses
what the actual fuck
It's not even badly translated, yoshida always refered to WHM and diurnal AST as pure healer.
The community is just that retarded and associates pure healer as nothing but cure spam.
>It seems Verraise is a cooldown now,
It's not, it's a gcd, watch the stream and fuck off
Bunny nose on a human face
i think largesse is kill
The ilvl that gets you into the last dungeon of Stormblood. Something like 360? There's no point in getting better gear than that yet if you aren't raiding.
Makes me wonder just how much healing ShB raids will need since a lot of jobs have single and aoe healing and healers have been buffed a lot on the heal department.
Neat, there's that group HoT mentioned.
The actual difference between BLM and WHM is that BLM weapons are made with bone or precious metals and usually have gemstones to enhance magical power. WHM staves are made of wood, excluding some Ishgardian ones because they're used to working with elementals that live inside stone and steel.
But why?
Please tell me Phoenix can revive people too.
Oh, hm, I guess
Post more leaks pls
depends on how much of the game's gear you take at value, ie whm getting onmyoji sticks and a big fuck-off metal rod with a crystal to give it a cane shape in stormblood. i remember whm gets shepherd's crooks because of the shape of the staff being more efficient for gathering aether in terms of conjury and white magic
>20 potency
Pretty weak regen, it's weaker then eos's
Much thanks netabare-san
so like 15 hp per tick?
Ah fair enough. a bit less than a week then, my bad. I thought the difference was larger for some reason.. at this point it's best to just pre-order and play when Shadowbringers launches even as a newguy though. MSQ at that point especially with early access should mean you'll be fine when shadowbringers launches proper.
Please post something WAR related, I'm starving for more infos ;_;
>20 potency
So that's like 50 HP every 3 seconds for 20 seconds (so 1 second shy of 7 ticks) which means 120 healing potency. So basically less than a single tick of Whispering Dawn, total. Great, amazing ability
>and the other expansions
I was under the impression that the other expansions were included if you bought the game at launch regardless. Oh well, I think I'll buy it now then.
20 potency at 20s is about 7 ticks so 140 potency overall which is less than half of a Vercure
It's the same reason why WHM spins, they're gathering the aether around them with the cane like using a giant net.
Its entire duration is equal to a single tick of Eos' regen. And that's with SB potencies; since potency means less in ShB that means it's even weaker than that.
I would hope it scales of SMN int in the same way healer DPS scales off of mind
Got some Gunbreaker stuff we're still missing?
Likely not, Physick doesn't scale off of INT while in use by SMN
It's coming from a DPS job, what did you expect? Plus it likely scales off INT rather than MND and triggers when Phoenix is summoned so it's supplementary.
nigger its entire duration heals less than a single tick of any healer's regens. It's literally fucking nothing.
Leakbro, is Dreadwyrm Trance still the same or did it get gutted? What does Titan-Egi do now? Is SMN fucked for solo gameplay with no tank pet?
>that provoke change
That's several times more potency than Vercure when you consider that it's AoE though.
>can't be mad at people pulling dungeon trash with provoke anymore
No no it does, user. You don't have to pre-order to get the other expacs. It's just that some went for the free heavensward expac instead. At this point with about a month to go it's better to just buy shadowniggers imo. pre-order does give early access and some extra xp due to the earring though.
Did Yoshi P save FFXIV or did he kill what was a unique and fun world to make a WoW clone?
What part of SUPPLEMENTARY don't you get
Saved. It's too bad we can't explore what was 1.0 any longer but I like what we have going now.
Seriously tho, WAR trailer only showed one new buff and a combo aoe, everything else was stuff we know already, it's the most underwhelming tanks, give some info mate.
You actually get an insane amount of value if you preorder Shadowniggers and don't have many (if any) jobs leveled to 70 or ever feel like making an alt character, that earring is probably the best item you could ever get from shoving money at Square early
When will they let us marry Alphinaud?
>Nascent Chaos
So that's for WAR
>Nascent Chaos
Is that the new Inner Release?
Hopefully you can proc this Nascent Chaos outside the IR phase, that would make WAR so much more fun inbetween its cooldowns!
>range 3y
Super Fell Cleave
Fuck my ass
every melee attacks have a range of 3y mate
No, it says "effect ends upon execution". Meaning whatever procs Nascent Chaos, gives you one use of Inner Chaos.
All melee attacks are 3y
It's an effect granted by *something*, it wouldn't make a lot of sense to say the ability Direct Crits if you had to use it within IR which already direct crits.
Never even noticed that.
Xeno says he's overall happy with how tanks are and that they're pretty well balanced.
Yep. They confirmed that they hate xp-up gear/similar styles since it fucks with the economy. The earrings/future earrings(potentially) will be the highest you'll ever get with that effect. Pretty massive value for levelling new jobs after MSQ for instance.
>Delivers A CRITICAL DIRECT HIT with a potency of 900
don't worry warrior will be updated in 5.1 to be the superior tank again.
anything for astro? how badly did they neuter cards? how does the new combo mechanic thing work for them?
Potencies were changed.
I have a bad feeling that this is not a new animation but rather just the "upgraded Inner Beast" you see in the WAR showcase of the job action trailer. Calling it "Inner Chaos" would make sense as an upgrade of Inner Beast. The upgraded looking version of Steel Cyclone is probably the AoE version of this move.
That's a pretty fucking big potency number with or without the changes lad
That kind of high potency skill needs a Pacification debuff after using it.
please... p-please leakbro... scholar... i n-need... leaks... *extends tongue*
The problem is that there's no new healer since 3.0 and there's a shiny new tank and DPS for people to play.
The only people who will remain healers are the absolute die hard healers who refuse to change to anything else. Maybe people will try something new instead.
Early on in Shadowbringers queue times are going to be hell unless you know a healer to group with.
>People complaining about no hair styles on hrothgar
Oh no, you can't use your shitty black fohawknwith red highlights like your ugly roegadyn.
It's still high, Xenoglossy is 750 potency.
I keep saying, even if it can only be done like once a minute, WAR-friends would still be happy if they got an ability that hits higher than any nuke in the game.
lol probably
He said he'll put out a detailed analysis video once his NDA is over on the 29th. It's a shame really, I used to play DRK in HW and the SB ruined it for me and I quit tanking, but I'm still interested in how they play and how balanced they are.
It's just too bad Quadruple Technical Finish is approximately 1400-1500 potency.
Actually 862.5 counting the 15% damage up of Enochian
Automatic critical direct hits mean the job is balanced for those numbers though, making them less impressive. You can't get huge spikes on your parses from having a lucky run with crits.
>want to do BLM 5.x
>to play with my team I have to stay healer
I just hope WHM ends up being fun.
>Game with cat girls in it
>See a lot of “meowboy” faggotry instead
Why is it like this?
That's what make me sad a bit, I would have prefered if it was just 900 pots and prayed for crit like HW WAR Berserk phases.
SMN is always a popular job though and probably will be even moreso now, and it comes with free SCH for dungeons.
Nope, that was demonstrating that Inner Beast and Steel Cyclone can be done outside on Defiance, as are FC/Decimate in Defiance
fags ruin everything
Isn't that what the Trusts system is for? Queues should balance out if there's many DPS people just doing dungeons with NPCs.
Did they seriously buff enochian?
catboys and femroes were a mistake
Potency and damage aren't equivalent on all classes. Damage is a calculation based on potency and attack power, and tanks have far less attack power than DPS. This is part of why Fire IV does way more damage than Fell Cleave even though Fire IV is 300 potency and Fell Cleave is 520.
Even if it was equivalent, Kaiten + Midare is over 1000 effective potency and SAM is apparently getting a single-target Guren that's ridiculous too.
Then why was Inner Chaos not shown?
Catboys > catgirls
>underage elf
most catboy players are fujoshi in my experience
>Based leakbro is still here
Please share DRK's lvl 80 tooltip if you can!
Apparently yeah.
>HW Enochian gave 5%
>SB Enochian gave 10%
>ShB Enochian now give 15%
Fire IV is 540 potency though
Well at the end of the day, WAR is still a tank and not a dedicated damage dealer, but it's still nothing so scoff at.
You mean Icefrog balance.
Jobs in XIV are almost perfectly balanced right now. There are some outliers, but player skill is more important than job choice in pretty much every situation. Even "off-meta" jobs are such because they're clunky or impractical to play as opposed to bad.
>and tanks have far less attack power than DPS
Once upon a time, WAR would get DPS-like AP with Berserk tho
It was nice ;_;
God dammit, it's getting harder and harder to decide to level between BLM and MNK.
I agree, but as someone that's played through 3.0 and 4.0, relying on crit RNG in your burst made your DPS also incredibly RNG
you could have 10% variance in your damage if your Fell Cleaves(only had 3 per berserk in 3.0) not crit as much, even if the numbers were higher, it's better for the job long term if the massive hits are guaranteed CDH, I think it's also for job flavour as well
A lot of skills weren't shown in the job actions trailer, Inner Beast is still a WAR skill in game files according to datamined benchmark
yeah so the pastebin was fake
>finally met my first Seeker tribe
So I wait, I just realized aren't these things by nature extremely incestual?
It's unfortunately very clear Square likes the direction WAR has gone where you don't have to pray for crits/direct crits during your damage windows, which lowers the disparity between WAR who knew how to line up their shit with party buffs and WARs who unga bunga.
WAR will just forever be the designated unga bunga tank because apparently 4.2 WAR where you actually had to think about your rotation was too hard for forumbabies and they whined harder than ever before.
we already have that you peabrain
>not leveling both
I'm getting ready by going max speed on each, with 2.7k speed on BLM and MNK.
As things stand right now MNK is almost objectively the most complex DPS without being busted jank like MCH. The double TK opener is a result of over a year of theorycrafting and testing.
Which is why you don't play on Aether with the FFlogs addicts.
My only wish for WAR if it has to stay as-is would be for IR to be on a 60s CD and only last 8 seconds. I don't care if that means only 4 FCs per window, I just hate the 80 seconds of FUCKING NOTHING between.
This sucks. Warrior was fun and satisfying as fuck to play. I'm not going to pretend it was difficult to play, but when you pulled off 3 Fell Cleaves you felt good, and if they crit you got a boner.
I also agree with you, but you can't deny that it made the job more exciting when you would get a massive crit at the right time (Ravana's weakness phase with trick attack on him for example).
No, catgirls get to choose if they want to be impregnated or not. It's not a lion like thing where the stronger lion thing so every female gets fucked. It's similar but females have a choice.
Seeker males are something more along the lines of cum dispensers that supposedly lead the tribe while the women do everything.
How come you talk as if you know a lot about FF14 lore but you apparently haven't even finished the free trial part of the main story? Or maybe you just forgot that part?
Thanks, I hadn't seen that one.
Do we have Flood/Edge of Shadow/Darkness' tooltips?
Because it's actually rabbit-like and not kawaii uguu shittery?
You know I was about to suggest MNK to him as well because theres a ton of stuff to manage and situational stuff that must be done if you want to stand out.
I'm not saying Inner Beast is replaced, I'm saying that this new buff "Nascent Chaos" probably temporarily upgrades Inner Beast (or Fell Cleave) into Inner Chaos for one usage, and that's the "Inner Beast" you're seeing in the video. It's the same animation as Inner Beast but has a new particle effect.
This is my prediction: Infuriate is what gives you Nascent Chaos. Nascent Chaos causes either Fell Cleave or Inner Beast to change to Inner Chaos for 1 usage. Inner Chaos looks like Inner Beast but with a new particle effect. Nascent Chaos also changes Steel Cyclone or Decimate into something like "Chaos Cyclone" for one usage, and that's the new effect of Steel Cyclone you see at the end of the WAR showcase. Both times the WAR uses these new "enhanced" versions of Inner Beast/Steel Cyclone, he uses Infuriate right before it.
What, they're worse than Primal about it? Fuck, I should jump to Crystal at this rate.
Male cats have literally the best animations in the game.
>play mostly casters
>decide to level DRG and SAM for the hell of it
>already ran out of glamour plates
I understand the complaints now.
What should I level? After watching the job trailer ten times I am suddenly interested in BLM, DRG, MNK, DRK, NIN and WHM.
4.0 and 4.1 WAR never required thinking
the rotation was just so strict that fucking it up meant losing a big chunk of dps
It was still more fun than current WAR though
You've got a month, might as well do all of them
Can we please just copy Warcraft? Scrap the glam armory and replace it with a glam collection.
>I just hate the 80 seconds of FUCKING NOTHING between.
That's probably why Inner Chaos was added.
We only need to know how to proc Nascent Chaos and if it's RNG based or not.
I agree, but you start running into a problem if you make too many skills 60s CDs, you'll start favouring the shit out of 60s group buffs like Trick Attack, for example
Nope, but the stab/shot we see in the trailer that starts the timer is likely Edge of Darkness, and the slash that extends it is Flood of Shadow, and neither are combos
>I'm saying that this new buff "Nascent Chaos"
The WAR had no buff VFX around him at all, and didn't lose a buff effect once he used IB. I am pretty confident we didn't see it. I also don't think they'd reuse a skill animation, especially a 900 potency nuke, that'd be incredibly lazy.
war is brainlet tier. enjoy.
They also didn't consume blood, right? They must be on a cooldown (shared) or something.
After I hit 70 with Blacksmith, what should be the order I level the rest with to finally omnicraft when ShB hits?
Wait - I got the free HW cause I started playing like a month ago. Did I fuck myself out of something by doing that instead of pre ordering, or can I still get the xp earring
You've already got the important cross class skills so nothing left to do except max them all out.
yup, current WAR has the easiest rotation in the game
brainlet tier for sure
That's fair - I'd also accept other things to do in the 80 second void of wanting to kill myself out of boredom.
nope, the only new info we have about Blood is that Blood Weapon gives you 10 per weaponskill(autoattacks not shown), Stalwart Soul(aoe combo from Unleash) gives you 20, and Delirium gives and IR-like effect where BS costed 0 Blood for 2 uses
>I also don't think they'd reuse a skill animation
Nigga, please.
They already reused an animation right in the same trailer.
The second WAR aoe is actually the 3.X PVP skill Mythril Tempest, same animation and all.
XP earring is pre order only, as long as you do it like a week before early access you should be fine.
MNK NIN and BLM are the most fun imho
What is Fray happy about?
>especially for a 900 potency nuke
Look man I know WAR looked pretty underwhelming in the trailer but it seems like Square put some thought into every other jobs level 80 nuke/ultimate. I'm gonna have a little faith here that Inner Chaos is a new animation.
no more charades
His uninstall wizard worked.
He gets to be angry together
>I'm gonna have a little faith here that Inner Chaos is a new animation.
You're talking of the same company that made 4.0 SCH and 4.X MCH in general tho.
Finally gets to be with his bro all the time.
I meant the order to max all of them out to 70 since they can be reliant to one another outside GSM which only really needed Miner.
does mor dhona take ages for anyone else to load too?
If this actually turns out to be true the WAR bitching will be biblical. It would mean the only brand new animation they got was the party member shield.
If you mean Vieras, then same. Remember that heights don't factor in the ears though.
Not that his word is really to be trusted, but YoshiP also mentioned that we didn't see WARs new nuke in the job action trailer either.
Do CRP, WVR or LTW in whatever order but make sure ARM is last.
This still boggles my mind.
no, that's actually a pvp skill added in 2.1 with the inclusion of pvp, but I would think it's a fair reuse because no one plays pvp
if you really want to look closely, PLD's new aoe combo looks a lot like glory slash, and DRK's new aoe combo also looks like tar pit
Despite what the others are telling you it's also screamed extremely loud in the trailer once he goes WoD.
Oh ok, I'm kind of talking out of my ass here since I don't have access to XIV at the moment to look at recipes but I think your best bet is Armorer/Blacksmith, then Weaver/Leatherworker, then Carpenter.
>WAR bitching
they are seething since fucking heavensward
>Not that his word is really to be trusted, but YoshiP also mentioned that we didn't see WARs new nuke in the job action trailer either.
Well, I'll take your words for it then.
But why would they added new effects to IB and SC then?
Berserk still isn't even close to AF3. AF3 is +80% damage. That's why Fire IV is so strong with "only" 300 potency or whatever it has.
longer then that, since that one patch in ARR where they were bad for like 2 months. That's what started all this shit.
tar pit, although this isn't as close as the others
still my favorite axe
Do you have a video of tar pit?
leatherworker or weaver
Same reason they did for Jump. Outdated animations.
getting removed june 28 man.
Thanks for the correction, I only started playing in 3.0 so I assumed it was a HW addition.
Do you have a webm of Mythril Tempest per chance?
Not sure about that one. It's possible they've reworked the life-drain effect into something different, or Infuriate gets a trait that augments them somehow (both IB and SC are used immediately after an Infuriate).
AF3 is x1.8 so with 300 potency at AF3 Fire 4 does 540.
It looks kind of like one of their other new skills though.
I legit can't wait for her growth spurt.
Not really since it's just learning how to use Hagakure and doing 1-2-3 combos.
Fair point.
>It's possible they've reworked the life-drain effect
Speaking of life-drain, is it just me or after the WAR use the shield thingy on the AST, you can hear Bloodbath effect on their aoes?
The pastebin leak said they reworked some of the animations. Maybe he meant VFX?
DRG too had new VFX for stuff like Vorpal Thrust and Jump. BRD had new VFX for Straight Shot too I think.
Superb taste. No other axe in the game comes close to this masterpiece. Most axes look like complete shit, they are either too small, too gaudy, or don't even look like an axe.
>starts out fairly normal with Automata
>goes full depressioncore like Nier with the second raid
>5.5 is Drakengard and our last major raid in the edgelord expansion ends up with shit like the Grotesqueries as enemies
hoo boy
Where the fuck do you get that one it looks amazing
Reminder that no SMN book will ever top the Mimesis Lux
Can I have Caim/Angelus as the final boss instead?
I mean, isn't that what SinoAlice is?
Yes, you definitely heard it on the AoE abilities. My guess is it's a shield/mitigation+life drain effect where you and your partner are healed by your attacks for a short period of time.
5.0 looks like there's so much more mitigation
does that mean fights will be shitting out damage
There's no need, it is 100% identical, but this is my earliest, clearest video of it
Yes, Stalwart Soul seems to be DRK's aoe combo off of unleash, Lv 72 unlock
Should be axe of the fury, pvp marks, I really like the greatsword version on the right here
>Lmao it GLOWS!
I'm glad some people are easy impressed.
That's a bit over the top for me. I prefer Apocalypse Zeta since it does have particle effects, just not really extravagant.
I hope so
I want to hope so but I get the feeling the game will be very easy at launch and only might receive harder tuning afterwards.
Every SMN book you actually have to apply skill to obtain automatically tops skinner box autism garbage like relic weapons.
Ah this reminds me of how boys make better girls than girls. Thanks for the tips, i'll check out PVP sometime.
1.0 had a lot of interesting ideas with extremely poor mechanical execution. The current game is a WoW clone, yes, but it also has a significant variety of neat ideas too.
Should I keep playing AST, or swap to BLM?
We already don't have much going for us using fucking BOOKS, so yeah, particle effects/glow make or break them.
Are you ready to become a space man?
If yes then AST if no then BLM.
Fuck that is lazy. They just don't seem to care about WAR anymore. Losing berserk and bloodbath really ruined the class for me.
Is ShB summoner really that boring there's nothing interesting to leak except a dumb motherfucking regen? YIKES
Crystal is pretty fucking great, even if you're not an RP autist Balmung's economy is absolutely choice.
good luck clearing in crystal
t. got casual filtered
Boy you sure are a fucking retard. It heals nothing and you don't even get any control over when it's used since it's automatically used when you summon Phoenix, which you need to do as part of your rotation. 99.999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the time, it will do literal nothing.
Delete this immediately
Example? Books already look underwhelming as fuck as it is, and the raid ones fare no better. Only the ones from Ultimate-tier raids look decent if you're talking "skill to obtain"
Honestly, just go down the list and cap them all, unless you think you won't be able to make it in time. If you don't, CRP after BSM since it's another weapon-making class. Then for LTH/ARM/WVR, I'd say go for the one that makes the armor your favored job, to do the 70-80 MSQs. It's kinda hard to say how to tackle things for profit. In Stormblood they added HQ gear rewards for most of the leveling MSQs and sidequests, so they almost completely killed crafting profits while leveling. Hopefully this time the rewards will be NQ like they were in Heavensward and you can make some serious bank the first few days on HQs, but knowing SE I doubt it.
If you're strapped for time and have burned all your leves, one thing you can do is get enough mats for 99 synths, use one of the 300k crafting exp scrolls, and auto-synth while you're busy/asleep/whatever. Or hell just in general, and refresh the scrolls as often as you can. It's very materials-inefficient, but you get more exp/hour than trying to do max quality synths.
>space man
I'm not really sure how to feel about it, from the changes I've heard.
I wasn't enjoying AST all that much as of SB anyway, and I was hoping for something crazy and unecessary like a black hole skill like Ninja's Shukuchi or [Comet].
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, no.
>dumb gaudy bullshit
your book doesn't even have a face that blinks on it
Looks don't matter unless you're an autistic baby faggot and easily distracted by shiny. I have all the Savage books, which are better by default because having them is proof of being a good player. Relic weapons are only proof that you have no life.
>savage books
>proof of being a good player
>I have all the Savage books, which are better by default because having them is proof of being a good player
hahahaha no
Huh now that you mention it.
Will SMN/SCH get Grimoire Weiss?
I will now buy your game.
>wake up in the middle of the night to piss
>suddenly "WE FALL" courses through my thoughts
>uncontrollable urge to turn pc back on to watch the job action trailer again instead of going back to sleep
hype is reaching critical mass
I wouldn't be surprised
>Insecure shitters who never even entered Savage try to talk big while clutching their autistic skinner box glowy relic books
SCH better get Weiss and have one liners too.
>which are better by default because having them is proof of being a good player.
sch will get weiss, smn will get noir
I'd assume no, because alliance raids don't give out weapons.
Unless they make an exception and add in some Gift of the Archmagus/Primal Focus type stuff.
SCH gets Weiss
SMN gets Noir
Finally Illidan made it into FFXIV
24 don't give weapons you arent getting shit
>maybe if i say skinner box enough times someone will be impressed
it's too fucking far way
>Not that his word is really to be trusted, but YoshiP also mentioned that we didn't see WARs new nuke in the job action trailer either.
No he didn't. I rewatched it to check. He did mention there is a new buff that lets you use an action that is higher potency than Fell Cleave, but didn't say it wasn't shown during the trailer