Would you play an MGS made by Konami without Kojimbo...

Would you play an MGS made by Konami without Kojimbo? As someone who grew up loving the series and still does I think I'd give em a chance.

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MGS game without shitty writing? Might be good.

>Dedicate 30 years of your life to creating a passion project that no one thought would bring you success at first
>Becomes one of the most successful and well recognized things you've ever done
>One day someone takes it away from you and says fuck you it's ours now, we can do it without you only better, with black jack, and hookers
>They proceed to chuck it out a window then flip you off and jump out the window after it

metal gear survive was their chance

>Would you play an MGS made by Konami without Kojimbo?
Of course. Metal Gear GBC was good. Portable Ops was good. Survive was good. (Fuck the haters.) I'm pretty sure Konami are working on a new MGS right now.


OP, did you time travel forward from just after the MGSV release? Because Konami has already tried that and it was garbage. Plenty of shills will say otherwise, but it was the laziest mishandling of assets Konami has farted out in years, and it was a huge disappointment.

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>playing storygames

I'm open to the idea but honestly they'd have to really impress me with what they'd be doing with the series. I'm kinda happy with just letting things die and having a completed series of games at this point.

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The threads for this game were so disgusting. Nothing more than whataboutisms and false equivalencies and shitting on Kojima and no one saying why they actually liked it.


Already did, it was the worst zombie game I ever played

>Metal Gear GBC was good
Literally a copy of the MSX games trying as hard as possible to emulate the PS1 game

>Portable Ops was good
And Peace Walker was better

>Survive was good. (Fuck the haters.)
Oh I see, you're being facetious. Well rused, friendo. But no.

>Metal Gear Survive
I can't believe you have even a modicum of faith in Konami.

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Yes. Chaika.

>no one saying why they actually liked it.
>The writing is a lot better than recent MGS games. Women that actually talk and dress like women.
>The survival mechanics add an interesting dimension to stealth. Since you have limited oxygen, you can't just hide in a hole until enemies go away. You have to constantly balance your resources against your desire to not be descovered.
>The Silent Hill aesthetic is rather nice.
>Virgil is my bro.

I am quite a fan of Kojima's mixture of practical American Tacticool and Japanese's sci-fi. No one have been able to pump out that kind of theme and aesthetic to the same quality, sadly.

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Depends on who directed it. If they can find Tomokazu Fukushima to helm it I'd be very interested.

>Literally a copy of the MSX games trying as hard as possible to emulate the PS1 game

You're looking for reasons to hate it, it was supposed to emulate and capitalize off the success of the PS1 game.

Unironically better meta message than TPP anything.

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iterally nobody except "Boo, hoo, I hate survival games" crybabies and Kojima fanboys hates Survive.

Could be worse. This is what you get when you attempt to copy MGS.

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a lot of what made the good MGS games good weren't even because of Kojima, or Hideo.
Honestly I think that, if done delicately, Konami could do a good job with the MGS series. But they'll likely turn it into a generic shooter

If they turned around tomorrow and said they are doing a reworked MGS5 with coop and reworked pvp I'd rebuy it in a heartbeat.

It pisses me off that the Konami developers end up caught between idiotic Konami management and whiny gamers.

If anything it only proves that one person doesn't make Metal Gear games.

Sure, but they need to abandon the current continuity and start a new one with new characters. Leave the old story alone; there's nothing to be gained by sticking to it.
>Portable Ops was good
No. Ghost Babel is great though, yeah.

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You forgot
>literally says every game is his last
>but then never has faith in his team and took for THREE FUCKING GAMES his dev team was making because he wanted control again

Don't forget

>waste five years making MGSV
>it wasn't even remotely close to being finished
>started development on another game

>remove him
>immediately produce something far worse
yeah, Kojima sucks

Nothing suggests Fukushima would be a great choice for directing a whole game. There's a difference between writing or co-writing one and directing one. I don't understand this weird need to inflate his status.

Maybe my younger self. Take Silent Hill for example. I ended up playing Origins and Homecoming because I wanted more. It wasn't until Downpour I started to notice how bad the series has gotten, it was basically fan fiction since it was being handled by different people outside of Japan. I feel that once all creativity is lost, it's time to abandon the series. As now I only consider the first 4 games to be canon and essential to the series. I don't hate the other games, they're ok. I enjoy the music from those the most at least.

Kojima came up with the idea of Survive and if released as it was with his name on the box the reaction wouldn't have been nearly as scathing.

Stop using Survive as a benchmark for what Konami will do with the future of the franchise, it was just a quick cash-in to recover some of V's development costs and was obviously meant to be a gameplay mode rather than a stand-alone title.

Expect Konami to lease out the license out to another developer as they're pretty much done with in-house development.

Survive unironically has better writing than MGSV. Which is all sorts of fucking sad.

I'd say bring Shinta Nojiri in, but he hasn't worked at Konami since NeverDead done died.

MPO is more convincing as a Metal Gear Solid than Peace Walker. And Calling to the Night is a MUCH better song than Heaven's Divide.

>>immediately produce something far worse
What game would that be? Because Survive is better than MGS V in a lot of areas. Unless you mean Death Stranding, which is basically going to be Kojima's version of Survive.

Like, you don't actually think it's a coincidence that Survive revolves around the meaning of death, wormholes+time travel, etc? Survive is very clearly the original concept for Death Stranding.

Origin is actually pretty good if you don't mind it being just a rehash of the older, better Silent Hills. It just felt like Silent Hill 2 got a meh port to PSP desu.

>Says every game is his last
And then constantly got pressured to make more. Konami has been breathing down his neck for ages.

>waste five years making MGSV
>it wasn't even remotely close to being finished
>started development on another game
Due to internal meddling. Konami wanted shit their way, he wanted his own work his way, and he knew for a while they were trying to fire him. You can't logically bitch at someone for not finishing something when you're practically holding them back from their work while angrily screaming WHY ARENT YOU WORKING?

Kojima is a special factor because he has a good blend of Westaboo and being Japanese. Having only aesthetic Japan do their take on advanced modern combat and you end up with some of the cringiest shit. An pure western company would just make another call of dudebros shooter.

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Remakes to see how they change up the gameplay and existing story. The problem is the timeline is fine even if a clusterfuck.

Please stop defending Konami and Metal Gear Survive. you know, I know, we all know it's just a lazy asset flip cash grab.

I could not care less about Solid Snake
Give me more BB fix

Kojima is a retard. I wouldn't buy a MGS game made by him without Fukushima if I'd knew better before.

I didn't say he'd be a great choice, I said I'd be interested. It might put to rest the idea of whether he was instrumental in the flavoring of the writing for the first three that was notably missing for the rest of the series.

How does it retort to anything they said?

As long as they keep the same themes of the series, there is a chance it could be better since Komjima's writing is convoluted as fuck at best.

>it's just a lazy asset flip cash grab.
None of those words mean what you think they mean.


Attached: Written by Tomokazu Fukushima.jpg (1280x720, 52K)

Gee, I wonder what took him so long...

>Keeps on flying to foreign countries
>keep on going to Geoff Keighley's house so he can suck your dick
>take so fucking long and take so much budget, Konami needs to release a fucking paid, physical demo
>put a big hunk of the budget into a fucking model, even going as far as making her a main character, getting more story and closure THAN IN IMPORTANT PLOT POINTS

5+ Years of development, with $80million as a budget that far is fucking ridiculous. THERE'S A REASON THEY FUCKING LOCKED HIM IN THE OFFICE.

Please stop defending Obsidian and Fallout New Vegas. You know, I know, we all know it's just a lazy asset flip cash grab.

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>uses assets made for a previous game lazily to make money on a subpar product
>not a lazy asset flip cash grab

Didn't MGSV make back the entire development budget in a week though

Did you play Survive?


It sold yes, but whether or not it made it's budget back or not is another question.

Consider this.

MGS4 was one of the best PS3 games. Yet it never made back it's budget.

This is a reach because New Vegas is a good game. Survive is not a good game.

would only be a valid comparison if kojima had left for 3 games and came back for mg survive

It's not that bad, but SE is too stubborn to at least fix some of the most basic problems with a simple patch.

And if Survive were a good game like NV, which it isn't.

Best Selling rather.

Even after you had MGO, MG Arcade, MG Touch, etc...

It still never made back it's budget.

1: Konami has no interest in making any new games that aren’t mobile gacha or hits collections of old games.

2: could be good if they find where the yakuza dumped tomokazus body and reanimate him from the dead and have him make it.

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>not loving Kojima
Man, Yea Forums, you guys have really become bitter.

I'm disappointed in you.

Fun fact, MGS5 was supposed to be released between April 2013 and May 2014, that's why they released Ground Zeroes instead.

>was supposed to be released at the lastest in early 2014
>releases at the end of the 2015 and it wasn't even a 2/3rds of the way done


Metal Gear Survive is a game about being STRANDED in a desolate future destroyed by a swam of sentient nanomachines that never learned the meaning of DEATH. Most of the story takes place in a time loop where you rescue a young boy named Chris, and send him back to the past through a wormhole. He wakes up in the 40s and spends decades biding his time, becoming the man who sends you through the wormhole into the future at the opening of the game. The game features largely pointless online social elements that have no real bearing on the main story.

I wonder how much thematic overlap DEATH STRANDING is going to have with this game.

>MPO is more convincing as a Metal Gear Solid than Peace Walker
I don't really agree. PW is mostly stupid and very much redundant, but it doesn't do the kind of amateur cannibalism that Portable Ops does, which serves Big Boss his motivations through his own narrative clone. You might as well have just had a future Big Boss time travel and hand him a note. It's extraordinarily lazy, as is the rest of the plot which makes Lucas's pottery look subtle.

Calling to the Night is great, though.


The senior developers on Survive are all veteran KojiPro people. Your analogy doesn't really work. It's not like Survive was handled by a new team.

The sheer number of bitter retards who hate EVERYTHING on this board is spiralling out of control.

His post has no analogy, retard. It has a factual retelling of events that relate to Fallout development.

I wonder how much of that went into FOX engine
Shame its only used for fucking PES now

It's based on the idea that Fallout: New Vegas was made by the original Fallout developers while Fallout 3 wasn't. This analogy doesn't work because MGS V and Survive (and Peace Walker) were made by the same people. Only a handful of veteran Fallout devs worked on NV, anyway.

>Yet it never made back it's budget.
Source? Oh wait this is a Kojima related thread, proof doesn't matter here and you can just make retarded claims then everyone just believes them.
MGS4 made a profit. If it didn't Konami would've shelved the franchise like all their other ones and MGSV wouldn't even exist.

Fox Engine development started right after MGS4 release, so it got additional 2 years. MGS Rising was supposed to be on Fox.

Fox Engine started development in 2008. Metal Gear Solid Rising was to use it as the first title.

ALLEGEDLY, NeverDead was going to use it too.

It doesn't work because Kojima was not involved with Survive and Sawyer was involved with NV. It's a 180 degree flip. You pointing out that NV was mostly new devs further strengthens the idea that the directors and writers matter more than the code monkeys do.

>It might put to rest the idea of whether he was instrumental in the flavoring of the writing for the first three that was notably missing for the rest of the series.
Ghost Babel's story is decent but not particularly fresh or interesting. I think Fukushima had a large hand in crafting the flavor detail that people tend to like in MGS1-3, but nothing suggests he had much to do with the overall fabric of the stories or the mission statements of the games. And I think the fundamental goals of the series post-MGS3 are where most of the problems are.

Show me the proofs

I'd play pretty much anything as long as it replicates(or improves on) V's mechanics, for gameplay alone.

After how terrible Survive's story content was, no.

>It doesn't work because Kojima was not involved with Survive and Sawyer was involved with NV.
Josh Sawyer? He didn't work on Fallout or Fallout 2. His first Fallout game was the canned Van Buren project.

How was Survive's story terrible, or worse than MGSV's, the game that actively shit on every other game in the series.

>Would you play an MGS made by Konami without Kojimbo?

As long as Konami strays away from the originals that Hideo Kojima directed I'm fine with it. I know this is going to be head canon but it would be real neat if someone re-cloned Solid Snake and Otacon in a distant future with Cyberpunk elements.

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Then what the fuck is user going on about? This analogy makes even less sense now.

>It doesn't work because Kojima was not involved with Survive

I wonder if Kojima did work on Survive but just said no and didn't want to take credit so Kojima fans didn't throw money at Konami?

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Survive was a bad game, but for entirely different reasons than what was usually spouted (ie the blatantly false information from e-celebs).

He probably worked on stuff that made it into the game but I doubt he actually had anything to do with the Survive concept

>You have to constantly balance your resources against your desire to play multiplayer.

It was obviously a bad game because it was a real generic zombie defense game but tacted on with MGSV gameplay. It wasn't going to last. The majority of MGS fans wanted stealth.. Not a run and gun tower defense game.

Seriously man? I take it you haven't played MGS1? Solid is the best and it isn't even a question really

nice whataboutism, but you should critique the game itself

He's possibly thinking of Chris Avellone, although it's worth noting Avellone primarily worked on New Vegas's DLC. The idea that New Vegas was "made by the original Fallout devs" is a little bit strained overall, I think. It's something Bethesda-haters latched onto.

Sure, I'd give it a shot.
>Seething Xcucks

Jesus fuck. Why can't they release a patch just to fix that?!

>It's not that bad,

It was fucking terrible, thank god for steam returns because i couldnt make it through an hour of that garbage

>It was obviously a bad game because it was a real generic zombie defense game but tacted on with MGSV gameplay. It wasn't going to last. The majority of MGS fans wanted stealth.. Not a run and gun tower defense game.
Survive is a stealth game. I think you're confusing Survive with its multiplayer.

No proofs delivered yet again...

Uhh... Yeah, stealth with fucking brain dead zombies. Nearly half the time you're crafting stuff for your tower defense mechanics.

>it isn't even a question really
it's a big question

Fuck off, underage.


The story was terrible because the plot was fucking retarded about a time looping cripple and your group of survivors never actually resolves their situation because the story is unfinished, plus only like three characters have any story focus at all while everyone else is just there and there's fuck all story at all in the first place.
MGS5's story also being unfinished and retarded doesn't make Survive any better.

Saying what you think the fans wanted the game to be doesn't actually have anything to do with its quality and what its actual problems were VS the problems people kept regurgitating from Angry Joe.

Yes, but
>and your group of survivors never actually resolves their situation because the story is unfinished, plus only like three characters have any story focus at all while everyone else is just there and there's fuck all story at all in the first place.

That's literally MGSV's story. Hey, wonder what Eli and EYES ON... is up to...naw fucking it, that's not important, Quiet needs an ending.

>Fuck off, underage.
Lol says the fucking manchild who stills lives with his parents and jerks off about his mom.

>Yeah, stealth with fucking brain dead zombies.
So literally every MGS?

You should read the entire post before replying.

>Uhh... Yeah, stealth with fucking brain dead zombies.
The game has multiple enemy types. Also, that's dodging the issue. Zombies are a perfectly valid stealth enemy. Kojima himself used ghosts in Peace Walker and nobody whined about it.

That's a lot more of projecting than I ever did.

It isn't.
V is hot fucking garbage.
I'm most surprised that Kojima is such a narcissistic cunt he thought anybody would be impressed by that Quiet storyline.

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Whether Survive was a good or bad game didn't even matter. Kojima fans were pissed (including me) we didn't ask for a zombie game. We wanted an actual stealth game with military drama. Konami didn't deliver and it was honestly obvious they didn't give a fuck about Kojima or MGS. Konami was retarded for making Survive and I knew they were going to fucking fail on day one of them announcing that shitfest of a zombie game.

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Looked cool and such. But the gameplay looked so incredibly stiff

>implying MGSV had military drama outside of the introduction

I was fine with zombie survival game in fox engine but I didn't want a fucking loot treadmill tower defence.

I don't remember people being this assmad about Konami releasing TWO card game spinoffs for PSP.

Ghost recon wildlands seemed like a better copy of MGSV mechanics

Well whatever it was still a tower defense zombie game. No one wanted that game.

They also sold just as bad, if not worse than Survive did.

>tower defence.
tower defense
While I'm not really a fan of the tower defense sections, they're a zombie genre staple and make up a relatively small potion of the game. It's like calling Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood a tower defence game.

Was MGS ending after any of the mainland games at the time? No. We knew we were still getting the main MGS games getting pumped out while we got the MGS card games. After the disrespect by Konami to Kojima and the sudden ending of the MGS franchise and Konami wanting to be a fucking douche cake releasing a ZOMBIE TOWER DEFENSE GAME after all the Kojima drama people were pissed. That situation is completely different.

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MGS was already dead as a franchise by the hands of its creator. Its not as if this sort of shift is unprecedented with Revengeance.(which is overrated shit by the way)

I was initially indignant but then they showed more of the game and it had clearly taken huge strides compared to the early footage, so I gave it a chance. Unfortunately it was still a blatantly unfinished mess of contradicting ideas.

To be honest I only tried the open beta weekend with like 2 missions and they both were base defences against waves of enemies. I really didn't and still don't care about the story of Survive but I was hopeful for the multiplayer content. I ended up not buying the game.

Acid was actually good though.

How fucking stupid do people have to be not to understand that another mainline Metal Gear Solid is in the works? Survive was a spinoff. What "sudden ending"? Konami are still making games, and they were hiring people for a new Metal Gear a while back.
Did you play the multiplayer beta and assume the entire game was like that are something? I'm getting flashbacks to people who played the beta for Homefront 2 which only had the weird co-op side mode nobody liked, and they assumed the entire game was like that, when it was actually a singleplayer-only open world game.

>Konami are still making games
Could have fooled me.

Kojimbo hasn't made a good game in over a decade so I't be open to it.

>MGS was already dead as a franchise by the hands of its creator

Ohohohoho you're so so so wrong. But to be frank.. I personally think Kojima didn't care much about MGS. Just like any creator out there they didn't want to be known for one thing. I honestly think Kojima wanted to originally branch off into other things like film especially.. If that didn't work out I know he would make more games. He really wanted to stop making MGS but a death threat forced him back into devleopment and lo and behold MGS4 came out.

So subtle.

Truly, anti-Koji cunts are retards.

>tfw FOX Engine will never be open source
it hurts bros, I want so much to mess around with it

Are you implying Kojima is fucking subtle in the goddamn least.

I think they released a new IIDX last year.

>How fucking stupid do people have to be not to understand that another mainline Metal Gear Solid is in the works?

Yeah user the newest Pachinko MGS game was superb for all the old Japanese Business men who got jerked off at a pink salon. Also no official confirmation. Besides, us Kojimadrones hope to fucking god they don't make another one. Let it die. After the lackluster sales of MGS there's no way they're going to dip into another MGS game.

Wasn't that bad, did miss a couple of console generations tho

If it's Murata leading I'd definitely be interested.

>I personally think Kojima didn't care much about MGS.
Oh did his entire pseudointellectual fourth wall break in MGS2 not make that perfectly fucking clear?

Kojima is a narcissist and a faggot.
He could have stopped making MGS games at any time. He chose not to.
So what did he do because of his inability to create literally anything else of value with his existence? He tried to punish his fans.
If you enjoyed MGS4 you are an ultimate cuck.
Kojima took Snake, cucked him with the guy who shits himself in every game, then tried to make him kill himself. That's how he feels about you, the player.

Then to top it off he made the hot garbage that is MGSV.

It's time to wake up to reality and realize that the people who made MGS great were the coders and programmers that made the mechanics. Kojima is an active detriment to his own projects because of what an incompetent writer he is. Firing him was the best thing to happen for MGS.


In 2018, they released Survive, PES19, and Bomberman R. Major publishers like Activision typically release 2-3 games every year. Konami have development studios and they make games. They make quite a few mobile games. Konami was more profitable in 2019 than ever before.

Kojima wasn't even originally going to direct 4. But again, he had NO FAITH in his dev team.

>Oh did his entire pseudointellectual fourth wall break in MGS2 not make that perfectly fucking clear?

What are you fucking smoking? MGS2 was fucking intelligent, smart, and beautiful. One of the greastest games to ever exist with so much symbolisms of passing of information and influencing the world instead of genetics. It's one of the most important games of video game history. You don't know shit about the series. Even if his love for MGS dwindled away after MGS3 majority of his games were pretty good and worked hard.

>Yeah user the newest Pachinko MGS game
??? Are you talking bout the MGS3 Pachinko game made by a completely different division of Konami that has nothing to do with their videogame division? Japanese companies make Pachinko games out of everything. Straw-clutching Kojima die-hards claim to be massive Japanophiles, but they're awfully ignorant about Japanese business culture.

>In 2018, they released Survive
Yeah, it sold like shit and we'll never see another MGS and I'm fucking glad. Because no Kojima no buy. And yeah the rest of their shit products did sell well so there's that.

>MGS2 was fucking intelligent, smart, and beautiful.
It wishes it was as as smart and beautiful as the installer for Deus Ex.

They're still stealth games with a typical Metal Gear plot. They also don't suck ass like Survive.

Yes, hideo wasn't alone making it, the rest of the team is still at konami.

>??? Are you talking bout the MGS3 Pachinko game made by a completely different division of Konami that has nothing to do with their videogame division?

So what that their "team" wasn't a part of their video game division for their fucking MGS3 Pachinko machine. That's the amount of effort they put into it it's clear as day they don't give a fuck about MGS.

>Yeah, it sold like shit
They don't seem particularly bothered by that.
>and we'll never see another MGS and I'm fucking glad.
You're in for a rude shock in the next year or two.

His dev team made some of the best gaming mechanics in MGS with 4. So what does their director do? Makes on-rails zombie sequences and stalking sections.

His dev team should have had no faith in him to make a good game. They carried him so far that his own ego got out of control.
>MGS2 was fucking intelligent, smart, and beautiful. One of the greastest games to ever exist with so much symbolisms of passing of information
Sure thing pseud.
It has some interesting ideas but they aren't Kojimas and they are transmitted terribly. Good writing is never that convoluted. What MGS2 tried to pull off has been done, and better, by other media.

You are a shill and a dick riding homo.

>You're in for a rude shock in the next year or two.

Uh-huh, you and the rest of the retards said the same thing with fucking Survive. You guys even started to shill to everyone liking Survive because Kojima wasn't on board.. Just to spite us Kojimadrones. We're going to win again and not buy another MGS game again, just watch. It's going to fucking flop without Kojima.

>uses the term pseud
Stop. You don't look smart, it doesn't reinforce a point you're making, it only serves to make you seem like an asshole who thinks they're smart but really isn't which is exactly what your term is supposedly disparaging.

>They're still stealth games with a typical Metal Gear plot.
Survive has the most Metal Gear-ass plot of them all. It's more anime than Peace Walker if that was even possible.
>That's the amount of effort they put into it it's clear as day they don't give a fuck about MGS.
What does that even mean? A branch of a company that has nothing to do with videogames gets permission to make an arcade machine for Metal Gear. They make a really good machine because they want it to be popular. This has absolutely nothing to do with Metal Gear videogames. In Japan, nobody actually buys non-portable games. The real money is merch and shit.

>It has some interesting ideas but they aren't Kojimas and they are transmitted terribly. Good writing is never that convoluted. What MGS2 tried to pull off has been done, and better, by other media.

Vastly better than the shit anime you watch though for sure.

>You don't look smart
Neither do you, dick rider.

>Uses MGS name to promote more Pachinko machines
>Doesn't even use their video game dev teams

How many times do I have to remind you Konami doesn't give a shit and you're proving my point retard.

>What MGS2 tried to pull off has been done, and better, by other media
Such as?

You can be in denial all you want, but we are going to see a new Metal Gear game within the next few years. You don't have to buy it. You can boycott it like you boycotted Twin Snakes.

>Stop. You don't look smart
And you don't look smart touting MGS2 as literary genius, read a book.
I don't watch anime.
MGS2 is overrated.
Its time to stop sucking a games dick just because 90% of it is unintelligible.

>Neither do you, dick rider.

What are we going to call the retards who buy the new MGS in the future? They're going to buy it to trying to spite us again like they did with Survive to get us Kojimadrones seething. Watch these fucking losers do this.

The division that makes Pachinko machines has nothing to do with the division that makes videogames. The division that makes videogames is making videogames.

Or do you get angry when you see those Halo arcade machines because in your head it means that Halo 6 must be cancelled?

Deus Ex, Spec Ops the Line, just in video games alone.

>You can boycott it like you boycotted Twin Snakes.

We'll boycott it like Survive too.

>MGS2 was fucking intelligent, smart, and beautiful

Something you seem to forget is that Survive was a niche game aimed at a niche audience. The next Metal Gear will be a mainstream game aimed at mainstream audiences. The haters will be drowned out, GR: Widlands style.


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>Something you seem to forget is that Survive was a niche game

Are you telling me zombie survival tower defense games are NICHE?! Look on your mobile phone and look up zombie tower defense games and tell me how that's not niche.

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It's true, and you know it.
I actually hated Spec Ops for being a shitty generic video game, but in terms of writing it absolutely accomplished what MGS2 failed to and in spectacular fashion. The writer behind Spec Ops is clearly above Kojima in that regard.

I highly doubt Fukushima would have rescued MGS4's or PW's stories. The codec would have probably been more prominent again, I think, given Fukushima's role in scripting those. But MGS4's biggest issue is that it's so insular and self-obsessed. It has more to say about Metal Gear than it does about anything else, and what it has to say about Metal Gear is pretty fucking stupid. The entire foundation of what MGS4 tries to achieve was a mistake, and I don't think Fukushima's involvement would have steered things that much. The same is true for PW and MGSV.

lmao Spec Ops. You're so fucking retarded. I liked Deus Ex so MGS and Deus Ex can be on the same line in terms of quality.

I jumped of the MGS wagon back when MGS4 was released. It was that disappointing. Years done the line I discovered how Kojima was actually pushing for all the wacky things in the series. Going so far as to telling Silicon knights to make Snake surf on a missle. It was mostly kept to a minimum in the first three games which why I appreciated it more.

I would be cautiously optimistic about a MGS without Kojima if they can land the tone.

>I liked Deus Ex so MGS and Deus Ex can be on the same line in terms of quality.
Stop being a shill.
Deus Ex is out of Kojimas league. He never has and never will write anything on the level of Deus Ex.

Spec Ops and MGS2 are perfectly comparable in terms of having schizophrenic narratives of self-aware main characters. Spec Ops completely blows MGS2 out of the water in this regard.

Its amazing that Kojima can have cultists this devoted to defending him online when he actively resents MGS fans and makes that the entire plot of his games.

>Are you telling me zombie survival tower defense games are NICHE?!
Why do you keep calling it a tower defense game? Unless... you've never actually played it, have you?

Singleplayer-only survival stealth games are niche. It's a hardcore genre with a fairly narrow audience that enjoys it.

>Deus Ex is out of Kojimas league.

Nope you're wrong. Deux Ex lacked awards and anymore gaming sequels. The rest her streamlined mainstream pieces of shit. Deus Ex is a good game but the MGS series had fucking layers. It had drama, action, socio-political themes. It was about genetics, information.. The intricate layers and references to pop culture. The characters with actual human feelings behind them. Kojima and his team won so many awards. Compared to Deus Ex they don't mean shit. So what Deux Ex "predicted" the future, big deal. But Kojima changed the way games were played by using actual themes that actually had meaning. Furthermore, most of it had actual historical accuracy and references to them. Storytelling was the biggest thing that changed the gaming industry forever.

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>Be in big open area
>Have a limited time to farm for resources
>Build your base
>Have waves of generic zombies with half-assed functionality

Absolute retard.

>but then never has faith in his team
Which is justified.
Why do you think Metal Gear Solid Rising was cancelled and given to Platinum?
Because Kojipro had no fucking idea what they were doing.

It's narrow indeed.

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>>Be in big open area
>>Have a limited time to farm for resources
>>Build your base
>>Have waves of generic zombies with half-assed functionality
Did you actually play the game? What limited time to farm for resources? It sounds like you're talking about the multiplayer, which is completely different to the singleplayer. It's like talking about MG Online and claiming you understand MGS V.

>Nope you're wrong.
Not reading the rest of your post.
You are incapable of being objective due to your vapid fanboyism. Posting thots does not validate your shit opinions.

A 5k all time peak is pretty decent.

Spec Ops and MGS2 aren't particularly similar. It's a bit of a stupid comparison.

MGS is a narrative driven franchise who's plot ended in MGS4.
We already had two games ever since that were completely unnecesary, PW and MGSV.
On top of this, the people who have worked in MGS games have absolutely no idea about gameplay, the gameplay of all MGS games is pure trash, and when they are alone it's still trash, looking at MPO and Survive.

So no, I don't want more MGS.
MGS should have died in 2008 already.

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>that dick riding
>lacked awards
Jesus you are retarded

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You're stupid. They are both postmodern narratives.

MGS2 is fantastic and made him recognized as being more than just another guy churning out soulless sequels.

Not really, it's lower than even flops like Battleborn.

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You're absolutely fucking retarded. both single player and co-op are connected to one another and that's exactly it. You're trying waaay too hard making it seem like it was some "spesul niche" it was just a zombie survival game

>Stop being a shill.
>Deus Ex is out of Kojimas league. He never has and never will write anything on the level of Deus Ex.

Same with your half-assed response because "you said so".

>the rest of the team is still at konami
Those talentless hacks that made MGSV and Survive?
No thanks, I don't want another farming simulator.

Postmodern is a huge category. Maybe less so for games than other media, but nevertheless MGS2 and Spec Ops have vastly different themes and points of emphasis. They both reflect on metanarratives and acknowledge the player, but to different ends and through different means. These differences are large, and it's why Spec Ops is so tastelessly emotionally manipulative. MGS2 is much more constructive, and I don't just mean that its ending is optimistic.

There literally is MGS Survive, so go give them a chance as you say.

We're not talking about spinoffs obviously

Just remake MG1 and MG2. Then you have the legitimacy of following the original story but also have a lot of room for adding new gameplay shit.

>another mgs thread another psued randomly bringing up books as if that's an argument or relevant

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MGSurvive was fantastic, and the only mg game that isn't cringy.

>shilling for a fucking pachinko machine company
Jesus Christ, wtf happened to this site...

>Spec Ops is so tastelessly emotionally manipulative. MGS2 is much more constructive, and I don't just mean that its ending is optimistic.
Both are self-reflective fourth wall breaks and commentaries about the players psychology and expectations on entering the game.
Entirely comparable, Spec Ops just did it better because it wasn't bogged down by heaps of bad writing.

There is one problem with this: Fukushima doesn't work at Konami anymore. Konami would have to try and persuade him to work with them again.

>wanna go back and actually finish PW
>remember I have to take care of the base

>both single player and co-op are connected to one another
No more than MGS V and its MP were. Survive is a strictly singleplayer game for the most part. For some bizarre reason, people keep confusing the SP and MP.

>Spec Ops just did it better
I don't think rubbing the player's nose in an imagined fault that the video game itself manufactured is very good writing. Again, MGS2 is a lot more constructive because it's not so wrapped up in half-baked moralizing. MGS2 uses the player's control over Raiden as an illustrative tool, not a pedantic entrapment that wants the player to feel guilty for its own restrictions.

>it's not so wrapped up in half-baked moralizing.
It does though, both are meant to cause the player to question the reason why they wanted to play the game to begin with. Both obviously have moral lessons regarding the subconscious desire to harm other people under the guise of playing the hero.

Of course the only place on the internet with people who unironically think Survive is anything but trash is Yea Forums
This place is a laughing stock.

>a pedantic entrapment that wants the player to feel guilty for its own restrictions.
MGS2 absolutely does this too.
At the very end of the game the "character" liberates himself from your control which led him through all that trouble to begin with.

>to question the reason why they wanted to play the game
>At the very end of the game the "character" liberates himself from your control which led him through all that trouble to begin with.
Sure, but it's not a castigation. It's the opposite: it's an illustrative tool to signify that the player ought to try to do the same thing with respect to the various external influences that shift us and try to control us. MGS2 invokes MGS1 and its status as a sequel because it makes for a convenient (and fun) metanarrative to play with. There are legitimate specifics about sequels that aren't insignificant, but it's most important as a metanarrative *example.* The Patriots are a political organization with a concrete role in the plot, but they're also an abstraction for society's push-and-pull at large and the game makes this connection very clearly. MGS2 is absolutely heavy-handed, but moralizing it is not.

MGSV didn't need a proper story. They could've gone the Hitman: Blood Money route of having a journalist research the legend of Big Boss, interviewing people who knew him like Campbell and Miller, giving a biased account of their time with him.

Don't credit Kojima with shinkawa's work

Are you guys looking forward to Metal Gear Death Stranding though?

It's gonna be 2039's GOTY easily.

But it's releasing this year

>MGS2 invokes MGS1 and its status as a sequel because it makes for a convenient (and fun) metanarrative
It is entirely parallel. You are brought to task for having wanted a remake of MGS1 to begin with. It is discouraged to have that attitude.

Spec Ops takes on the guise of a generic shooter, in the way MGS2 draws on 1, to make the player ask personal questions about why they did that.
>MGS2 is absolutely heavy-handed, but moralizing it is not.
It really is, though. Kojima was clearly bitter about people wanting MGS sequels, as is indicated by his later involvement in cucking and killing Snake and shitting all over 2.

It's going to be like Uncharted, but without the action part.

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Sony confirmed it
Did you watch all trailers?

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Absolutely not.
All the MG games made without his input have been absolute shit.

>Metal Gear GBC was good.
And was overseen by Kojima.
>Portable Ops was good.
Fuck off. It was awful.
>Survive was good
Kill yourself.

Let's not forget that MGR was literally about to never ever happen before Kojima stepped in and managed to salvage the project, ironically by throwing the bone to Platinum.

Just let Platinum Games make another MGR. I'd like to see more of post-mgs4 part of the timeline.

Yes. I'll give them a shot for one or two games.

I don't like Kojima that much anyway. Too much of a sellout western worshiping cringe.

Yes. Ghost babel was good and po was alright so I don't have any worries. Murata was supposed to replace him since mgs4 anyway.
Rising also was made without him and it was glorious.

Poops was better than Piss Walker.
Though that doesnt say much

Rising almost never happened because Kojima didn't wanted to send some big dev to the team that was composed of new guys.
Also Kojima did jackshit for ghost babel.

And Survive is fun as a little spin off. While the story was weird it was still interesting.

>You are brought to task for having wanted a remake of MGS1 to begin with.
>Kojima was clearly bitter about people wanting MGS sequels
"Brought to task" is a lot more severe than what the game really does, though. The similarities to MGS1 are a lot more relevant to the characters within the story than they are to what the player spends his time doing. MGS2 is a legitimate sequel that expands on its predecessor and features tight game design to boot. It is, by most standards, successful as a conventional sequel too. It just uses its similarities to MGS1 to illustrate and play with its status as a sequel. Like I said, the game does operate as a critique to sequels, but it's a lot more sincere than something like Escape from L.A. which tackles similar things. And, again, the fact it uses this as a metanarrative example in and of itself is more important to the game's overall themes, and this is even reinforced by the plot with the actual explanation of S3.
>cucking and killing Snake
Huh? MGS4 exists as a total celebration of Snake and puts him through the wringer as a way of emphasizing his integrity. If you actually think MGS4 shits on Snake just because he didn't get with the girl at the end you're beyond help. MGS4 is an awful game, but it holds up Snake as a hero for the entire game up to the very end, where Big Boss comes back from the dead just to tell Snake what a good boy he is before dying again.

I'd consider a full on remake of the original 8-bit games in the fox engine. Fighting grey fox in a mine field makes me hard just thinking about it.

Remakes are a shitty idea. I'd rather have something new given how little a remake is likely to resemble the original games anyway. They're still great games anyway.

>Poops was better than Piss Walker.
Fuck no.
PO was a clusterfuck fanfiction, that practically ruined the lore for the whole series (lol FOX unit was the eeevul people of teh future! BB stole the idea of Outer Heaven from a totally-not-BB!! :^)). Its gameplay was garbage as well.

PW fixed literally everything POOPS did wrong, and is actually the 2nd best game in the series, right after the MGS3.

False and extremely shit taste.

>play with its status as a sequel.
Raiden literally enslaves the human race because he desperately wanted to be a secret agent through video game training.
>MGS4 exists as a total celebration of Snake
Hahaha, getting cuckolded by the pantshitter and shooting himself in the face is what you call a celebration. Fucking WOW.

I don't trust Konami's brain trust enough to make anything original. At least giving them some boundaries with remaking the original games they might not outright fuck everything up.

Most of kojipro stayed at Konami, so I guess Murata could do it. Guy directed zoe2 back then and worked on almost all the games as a writer. Hell I think he even worked on the acid games (where Kojima did absolutely nothing.).
Rising writer could also help, he's also still at Konami.

>practically ruined the lore for the whole series
Poops does not ruin MGS lore more than Kojima himself did. MGS4 and V are real fucking shit. Why you'd make this argument to begin with astounds me.

user look at metal gear solid rising then. The director was literally a random art guy and the producer was a true literal who.

>Would you play an MGS made by Konami without Kojimbo?

we did, it was one of the worst games ever made

i dont like Kojimbo recent hackery but why should i have faith in Konami doing the series justice? Konami couldnt do any of their own games justice for the last 20 years.
Castlevania? dead
Silent Hill? dead
Contra? dead
Bomberman? might as well be dead again after R being mediocre in sales and reception
hell they wont even release proper collections of their old arcade games
fuck Konami

Bomberman r got big free updates for almost 2 years. The bombergirl spin off in Japan also is doing really fucking good to the point there's some esport shit.
There's a castlevania collection and a contra collection coming.
MG is still listed in the share holder things for the future of the company so no, not dead.
Only true dead is probably silent hill because of the shitshow that was the pt situation. Nothing of the game was done beside the pt demo so it was impossible to make the game

I'm so glad Kojima didn't get to butcher Silent Hill more than it already was. The last thing I could bare is another stupid Kojima story about rectal parasites.

>Raiden literally enslaves the human race because he desperately wanted to be a secret agent through video game training.
It's true that Raiden is very gung-ho about being a FOXHOUND agent initially, which is also a parallel to the player wanting to play another Metal Gear game, but I wouldn't call that some deep censure of the player. Raiden is as much a victim of the Patriots as anyone.
>getting cuckolded by the pantshitter and shooting himself in the face
You realize the game didn't end with Snake committing suicide, right? Besides, he thought he was a biological weapon waiting to go off. You seem to mistake bad things happening to a character to mean "The writer doesn't like this character." The game holds him up as a symbol of tenacity and righteousness from start to finish. The fact he didn't get to plow Meryl doesn't change this. Maybe Snake's Revenge is a better example of what you want. Now there's a guy that will slay pussy!

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Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 14 outta 88, free ticket to the gas chamber

>I wouldn't call that some deep censure of the player.
Yes, it is. It is your misguided desire to play a rehash that created the problem.
>Raiden is as much a victim of the Patriots as anyone.
He is a victim of YOU.
>You realize the game didn't end with Snake committing suicide, right?
You and I both know that's exactly the ending that Kojima wanted. Kojima also knew his fanbases fetish for Meryl, and their desire for a "happy ending" between the two. So he purposefully chose to cuck those fans.

It is not even that hard to figure out. Kojima cucked his fanboys and made snake kill himself.

Based and kojima pilled

this was horrible

I'd rather have something new that's shit than something familiar that's shit. Any Metal Gear game going forward is going to have to grapple with the lack of Kojima, and the best way of doing so is to sidestep direct comparison as much as possible. Remakes would not help this whatsoever, and MG1 and MG2 have design sensibilities that are a far cry) from contemporary trends. Their entire structure would need to be revised, even more so if you're insistent on retaining MGSV's stealth mechanics which are more geared towards open outdoor areas than restrictive interiors.
>misguided desire to play a rehash that created the problem.
But Raiden didn't create the problem. He's manipulated and enlisted by the Patriots.
>He is a victim of YOU.
The player is not the Patriots. The player's control over Raiden is obviously a mirror for the Patriots' control over Raiden, but the Patriots in general are, again, an allegory for authority and society more broadly which is where Snake's philosophical spiel at the end comes in. It uses the player's control as an illustrative tool, not as a way of guilt-tripping the player for their habits of entertainment consumption. It uses Raiden as an example of the existential struggles of everyday life, and Snake's advice goes for the audience too.
>that's exactly the ending that Kojima wanted.
It doesn't matter, though. That's my point. The fact bad things happen to Snake doesn't change how much the game exalts him at just about every step. In fact uses the bad things to demonstrate just how iron-willed and selfless Snake is. Shitting on Snake's character would be like having him suddenly do a heel-turn and cry out "Fuck yeah, Outer Heaven! I love war!" or something. And either way, the game's ultimately optimistic ending is the one Kojima went with, so he obviously saw some merit to it.


>But Raiden didn't create the problem.
He does though. He wanted so badly to be Solid Snake that he never questioned his orders.
>not as a way of guilt-tripping the player for their habits of entertainment consumption.
Wrong. This is exactly what it is. You were easily manipulated by the force of authority by means of your consumerism and desire for a sequel.
>The fact bad things happen to Snake doesn't change how much the game exalts him at just about every step.
I think your own bias prevents you from seeing it for what it really is. Kojima was sick and tired of Solid Snake games, so he cucked his fanbase and made Snake kill himself all the while disguising it as fanservice.

On top of that, instead of making him badass he is old, ugly, and has a Magnum PI moustache. That's the real icing on the cake.

Fanboys will persistently deny that any of this was a jab at them, instead trying to interpret that absolute dogshit story into something deeper than it is.

Even though it completely retcons MGS2 into becoming trash with it.

>>Survive was good
>Kill yourself.
The absolute state of seething Kojimadrones.

>He does though.
He does not. He doesn't create the Patriots or even empower them. This is made clear by the end, when we find out that even Solidus's grand insurrection was ultimately encouraged and enabled by the Patriots. The only thing that's particularly at stake in concrete terms is Olga's child, who is used as leverage toward the end when the cat's out of the bag.
>He wanted so badly to be Solid Snake that he never questioned his orders.
>This is exactly what it is.
These things aren't mutually exclusive of course, but illustration is not always the same as moralizing. The Patriots' sins is nowhere near analogous to the player's. The player did not create MGS2. The player is not the Patriots. The game doesn't make this mistake, either, even if it consciously uses the player's control over Raiden as a mirror to that aspect of the Patriots. The game isn't so clumsy as that (though it's plenty clumsy elsewhere), which is why Snake's message at the end has the tone and content that it does:
>I know you didn't have much in terms of choices this time. But everything you felt, thought about during this mission is yours. And what you decide to do with them is your choice...
The fact the game acknowledges this is why it isn't superficial and moralizing.
>your own bias prevents you from seeing it for what it really is.
No, I think you have a juvenile idea of what constitutes shitting on a character. Making a character go through hardship is not the same thing as shitting on them. If you really want to play the game of pinning down Kojima's intent, here you go:
>So I had Snake, who continues to fight despite his age, live by example instead of offering a direct message. It's like a father going out and working hard everyday to provide for his child rather than simply telling them he loves them.

MGS4 being shitty doesn't change this, no matter how much you hate the fact Snake is old and would rather play as Lieutenant Super Cool Rambo.

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