Fat Gamer Thread

Fat gamers only

>What games are you currently playing?
Tales of Berseria
>When did you notice you're fat?
When I was pissing and couldn't see my dick any longer because of my gut
>Why are you fat?
Zero movement throughout the day and I'm gulping down energy drinks daily
>GF Status?

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I came here to laugh at fatties

>Being fat
Lol, like, just stop eating pizza every day?



Fat guys are OK
Fat females are subhuman. Even more subhuman than thin females.

Imagine being fat haha
where my skelechads at?
155lbs here

fat people piss me the fuck off

Ok roastie trying to lose weight but failing at it

Hey now, you can't just claim to be fat with no evidence.

I'm gonna need you guys to post a picture of your belly to verify that you're true fat gamers.

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I want to marry Callie.

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>155lbs is "skelechad" tier
Maybe try losing another 20lbs, fatty

How tall?

155lbs can be fine if you aren't an ultra lanklet.

I lost 30 pounds over the past few months, 250 to 220. Only 30 more and I can be normal.

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I'm trying to cut down on carbs but I don't know what to eat instead

how fat is too fat?

>mfw chubby and have a hotter gf than anyone itt
losing it though, im ashamed inside still. really though when does it go from "chubby" to "fat" for guys? obese people (especially ones who act like its something to be proud of) make me sick still, as someone who has been overweight i just cant imagine how much fucking food youd have to eat to get to that point, actual mental illness.

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Raw human penis

i wanna kill myself every day

i made tacos last night with cheese shells instead of tacos shells so it was pretty much carb free and worked extremely well, just google "cheese taco shells". its easy as fuck too

W? is a change in diet enough or do we really have to get up and do sports? ugh

90 kg

>laughing at people who have a fucking disorder
Love how you're actually about to pass out and can't fucking function unless you eat more food is somehow my fault but being lolsad and "depressed" because the world is shit is somehow a disease.


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Energy drinks don't make you fat. It's just a drink. Stop eating pizza and burgers instead

Eat less idiot

I'm not fat any longer, but during my glory days I played a ton of single player Diablo 2 and San Andreas, while consuming cheesecakes, potato chips and gallons of soda. Those were the best times.
>GF Status?

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You don't have to be fat to feel that. 125lbs btw and I want to die every day.

Slightly overweight girl here, I'm playing borderlands 2


>90 kg
Maybe if you're a super shorty, aka under 180cm

weight loss protip just go on a meth bender for 6 months

I ran cross country and track in high school, I'm used to getting up and running a few miles everyday even if it's a lot harder now. I also cut junk food out, so I mainly drink water and milk and only eat things I can cook. I used to be 180 a few years back, and was a total lanklet in high school. Exercise helps a lot but it is mostly diet, you just need to tell yourself "no" when you're shopping and only get the stuff you know you won't hate yourself for eating. But I'm still fat so what do I know?

this is why ur a fatty
u fucking lard

>O N L Y W A T E R

6'8 300 lb basement ogre here

>What games are you currently playing?
Trying to 100% the first Disgaea, Dead By Daylight
>When did you notice you're fat?
>Why are you fat?
Zero movement, lots of cheez-its
>GF Status?

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to the ethiopian third worlders on this site, a normal sized person like, I don't know, John Travolta, John Travolta both young and old is fat to these 4channel third worlders

haha fatties

5'11 176 pd all muscle gamer here i don't have gf either :( don't worry we're gonna make it even you fatbros

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>5'11 176 pd all muscle gamer
Lol, you're not all muscle you fucking faggot. If you are, you're ottermode as fuck.

i'll pray for you dyel

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my work schedule completely ruined my eating habits, I'm out for so long that I basically sleep through breakfast and just skip it, I'm also usually too busy to eat during work so I end up having to pick something up on my way home(so fast food is pretty often which sucks) and end up eating at around midnight because of this, and sometimes I don't have time to eat lunch, so on some days I'm basically limited to that one meal at midnight. Because of this I'm like 15 lbs over the healthy weight range for my age and height.

Is 6'0" 93kg fat enough


>tfw years of poor posture and being fat has fucked up my back at 23
>tfw exercise that involves even walking is difficult due to back pains

You're normal at best, maybe even skinnyfat. Your weight and height are too low to be even close to "all muscle"


Well done man

I am still a fat fuck, but 3 months ago I was 292 lbs. I'm working on fixing that though, and at that time I went on strict keto diet, and now after three months I've lost 50 lbs already and I'm feeling great. Just over half way there to my complete fitness goal for the year.

A big first step is to only drink water and black coffee, if you must. Breakfast for me is basically always eggs and bacon, lunch is a couple pieces of grilled chicken, and dinner is a green salad of some kind and a small amount of meat. The first couple weeks were shit, almost like kicking a drug habit, but after that I adjusted and now I'm barely hungry anymore, like sometimes I miss a meal and don't notice.

I acknowledge that it also helps that my wife is there to cook these meals for me, which I know not everyone has.

>cont'd cope
okay fatty

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If you're going to larp at least do it right faggot.

Why does that boy have big boobs?

America's hour I see

thats not even unhealthy though dipshit, you dont put cheese on the tacos so it balances out.

I have almost no muscle though, I can't even do ten pushups

>ywn be this mad about someone else being in better shape than you
feels good man

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Same pretty much but I wouldn't call myself fat

I'm losing weight cause my new meds suppress my appetite

I supossed americans were sleeping right now

5'6 and 130 pounds :3

I thought Monster drinks were just a meme but I can't stop drinking 'em, even though I know they're literal poison. Wat do?

STFU lardass

>losing 1 pound a month

how can you guys be happy with these slow results
just fast and lose a shit load of weight quickly
t. lost 15 pounds in 4 days fasting with salts

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Stop drinking them

An attractive 5'4 girl weighs 90lbs. So just add another 5-10lbs for each additional inch. Any more and it would be getting into the fat tier. If you're 6 feet and 90lbs, then you're a skeletor.

>stop eating altogether
Sorry sweetie, you're doing it wrong.

>What games are you currently playing?
First person shooters with CSGO taking the number one spot.
>When did you notice you're fat?
It crept up on me, but years ago. I've gone down from 120kg to 95kg though. Trying to get to 85 this year, stopping weight loss when I reach 80.
>Why are you fat?
I'm too lazy to cook most of the time and I snack on bread.
>GF Status?
Doesn't wanna rush things after a long relationship so for now she's a friend/occasional FWB. I like her a whole fucking lot. as in "reject a 19 year old vidya loving athlete for a chance at a 27 year old single mom"-lot.

Switch to coffee.

>fast and lose weight quickly
>skin at maximum bagginess

>stop shoving food into your mouth
>pick a thermodynamics book

There I fixed you fattie

How do you guys keep from slipping back into bad eating habits? I've lost some weight but a month and a half is about as long as I can go before caving in and just eating total garbage for a week and putting back on a number of pounds.

If you're really losing weight that quickly isn't it all water?

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cute manlet

>Another manlet thinks his 176 pound body is "all muscle"
Well I can live with that.

How do you get fat in the first place? Like nigga stop eating

I wish I was cute

>he's still fuming
lmaooo why you mad tho

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This, like how it can be so hard to not do something? Literally sit down and dont do it

>Have this fat ugly black coworker who nobody likes
>Goes to mcdonalds everyday at night
>Probably eats a big breakfast
>has a shitty attitude

Why do fat people have bad attitudes?

Manlets are cute by default.

Wow, your personality is annoying. I pity anyone who associates with you

I eat around 1500 calories a day and I'm still fat, I definitely can't go lower than that though since that's dangerously unhealthy, what the fuck do I do, I rarely have time for exercise outside of work too so jesus am I just fucked by genes or something.

Having sex helps lose weight

you have no idea how fasting works
dry fasting fixes saggy skin but dry fasting is cringe

nah, i only weighed 160 theres no way i had 15 pounds of water weight

Because you're a great example of why manlets are a meme, nobody cares if your body type is whatever but talking about some lanky ass body as "all muscle" is embarrassing.

You are full of shit, probably sneaking extra calories somewhere

But I'm black

Yes, and?

stop being fat

I don't even mind being fat, I just don't like my man titties.
It also helps that I'm not at the point where my movement is hindered, like how the fuck do you even reach that point.

>What games are you currently playing?
>When did you notice you're fat?
about 4 years ago I noticed my clothes were a bit too tight. 2 years ago they stopped fitting me altogether and I had to buy clothes a size bigger. thankfully I don't seem to have gotten fatter since then though.
>Why are you fat?
Believe it or not I don't eat much (only about 1200-1500 calories a day). However I am an alcoholic who almost exclusively drinks beer, especially malt liquor.
>GF Status?

>like 10 minutes tops of moving your hips
No, that doesn't do shit. You need to do cardio and eat better to lose weight.

Don't forget Yea Forums. You can lose weight. You are not beyond help. Take care of your body.

What's your job and hours + commute time if applicable?

>t. probable dyel skeletor
LOL no nigga you are the meme here

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Alright amerifats, it's time for sleep

>and I'm gulping down energy drinks daily
Say goodbye to your liver and/or pancrea, fatty.

i only eat one meal a day typically around 1100 calories and then later in the day I'll have something small that is around 400-500. I also typically drink coffee in the morning and usually drink water with every meal

It absolutely feels like you're starving to death if you don't eat, and I know that makes no sense, but that's exactly how being fat to the point of obese is. If you have a few extra pounds and shit, it isn't like that, you've just ate more than you should, but being obese for your entire fucking life means YOU HAVE A FUCKING MEDICAL ISSUE THAT NO ONE WILL FUCKING ACKNOWLEDGE IS A MEDICAL ISSUE BECAUSE OF SHORTSIGHTED FUCKS WHO REFUSE TO BELIEVE AND YET BELIEVE IN BULLSHIT LIKE "DEPRESSION" AS MEDICAL.
You skinny as fuck little kids will never understand. Holy hell, I hope you will never understand, and I'm glad you don't understand. You don't want to be like this. You don't want to miserably fail and have your health go to shit and not be able to do SHIT about it, and then having even doctors tell you "lol, just go on a diet and exercise fatass".
Enjoy being healthy.

Why do fags on Yea Forums get so absolutely triggered by overweight people? It makes no sense desu. Im assuming its because of their own body image issues?

>inb4 t.fatass

I cant be cute :(

But you only got to that point because you ate too much.

>Drink water
>Go down 5 belt loops in 5 months
wtf how did that happen

>be 200 pounds
>decide to stop being a fat blob and start watching calories
>tfw eat 3-4000 calories a day all the time
Fuck man. I've been at 200 pounds for a long time and want to reach 170 but fuck I just keep eat delicious food.

>got hooked on these
>they were already more expensive than the other monster drinks
>price went up anyway
>didnt quit
>everywhere normal sold out/stopped stocking them
>still didnt quit, just had to walk 30+ minutes every time I wanted one
I think the part where I am scouring all the weird little corner shops for one that still has a few cans is the point where this got out of hand

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>ugh, I don't wanna be tired, I can't lose weights without getting tired sigh

Bro just put down the burger

>500 cal is something small
>1 meal day

nigga what the fuck, eat 3-4 normal meals, if you eat a single one you will feel hungry and fall into temption very easily

probably self-hating fatasses or angry skeleton tranny types, i dont like fatasses but i dont hate them more than anyone else really, unless theyre american-tier motor scooter types

stop being a pathetic fatfag man

do you understand how energy is stored and used?
when you don't eat your body will turn your stored fat into energy, as long as you have the proper minerals (sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride) your body and mind will be fine

fat people are basically just huge cupboards full of food honestly

Replied to the wrong post because I'm stupid

As I already said, manlets are cute by default.

i was 340 lbs and now im 180 have some willpower nig

Your unconscious ooga booga loves food and tricks you into feeling bad if you dont eat

>Drinks energy drinks
>Has no energy
REALLY makes you think.

143 reporting in

500 cal can be pretty small depending on the composition. Like 500 cal of vegetables is a shit ton of vegetables, but 500 cal of something like cheese is a LOT less cheese.


it actually does this, im a former fatass and my brain would literally make up excuses, it wasnt shit like EAT A WHOLE PIZZA it was like "oh its just a cupcake bro it wont hurt". you get chipped at and you just get used to giving in, its pathetic.


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>What games are you currently playing?
Bravely Default
>When did you notice you're fat?
Always been since I was 5 years old
>Why are you fat?
No exercise and too much junk food, but I started to work out recently and lost 20 kg in 4 months, so I have hope for the future
>GF Status?
Sadly none

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Any issues with loose skin afterwards? I'm around 290 and a bit worried my body will be fucked once if I can get back to a normal weight.

You will never understand. Good. Just stop hating on people who do.

what weight range do you guys even consider fat?

Are you a woman or a manlet?

Ok :/

Every fat person should kill themselves. They are a burden on society.

I've got a terrible problem with stress eating. I can grit down and drop 20 pounds in a month but when shit goes wrong I turn back to shoving shit down my throat.

It obviously depends on your height too.

stop buying food you can binge then

t. only buys raw meat that requires time to cook

I'm going to kill myself.


it all just depends, youre going to have SOME loose skin guaranteed but theres lots of creams and shit you can use that help, sometimes its like nothing ever happened and sometimes its horrible. either way having loose skin is better than being fat. if it really bothers you theres treatments you can get.
go ahead and doubt, plenty of people have lost even more. all i did was cut carbs/sugars and ride an exercise bike in my house for at least half an hour a day for about a year and a half, thats literally it.

Eat 1500 cal/day for a week and tell us if you die or not. Protip: You will not

so if you were in the 5'11-6'0 range, what is considered fat?

Is that extra weight from your penis?

The way you're so insecure about it makes you even cuter.

You type like an idiot but I do agree that skellys will never understand that fat people just view things fundamentally differently, like portions for example, they eat too much in one sitting and think it's normal, or eat until being bloated without thinking about it. A lot of it probably stems from subpar parenting.

>gf is going through old clothes
>she has put on quite a bit of weight and looking at this old clothes really puts it into focus
>she used to have a really nice petite body
To be fair we both have put on weight, but we are both fixing the issue

Depends on muscle, too. But I'd say if you are over 180 pounds at that height you are fat, unless you are VERY muscular.

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depends on more than just height, muscle composition too, imo the 25-29% would be chubby. onwards would just be fat, then past that obese because when i think "obese" i dont think of a normal fatty but like a giant one.

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350lb lardass here.

What should I incorporate into my diet in order to lose weight? I don't drink anything besides water but I do admittedly have meals such as Frosted Mini Wheats, Ham and cheese sandwiches, and chicken tacos which might not be the healthiest options for me.

What are simple meals that I can cook myself that are healthier choices?

bmi is retarded because it doesnt account for muscle at all
its simply the truth

blacks are cute.

The first guy I ever fell in love with was a qt 5'6 black weeb.

>in the edge of underweight

feels good to be skelly

water is the secret fatties

No you're cute

Based fishposter


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Broccoli is a top tier vegetable and tastes great baked, same with cauliflower. Honestly losing weight is heavily about portions for most people since they just eat too much. Look at your portions and cut a third of them and you'll probably lose weight from that alone.

>try to drink excess water to curb constant hunger
>have to get up to pee every 45 minutes
It's a solution but not a very convenient one

Skellies are just as disgusting fag

this image is retarded the guy in the 30-34 image is obviously fatter than the next two "fatter" ones, the next two just have larger frames

>tfw work at a school
>met with lunch staff and saw dietary info
>one school lunch ranges from 830-950 calories a day
>thought this shit only happened in America
Really fucks your diet when your work requires a 850 calorie meal.

yeah i agree it is, just grabbed the first one off google.

unironically drink boomers.
they won't make you fat at least.

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But I'm not a manlet.

Was at a point where I can't tie my shoes without holding my breath
I'm normal now
You can lose weight if you try

Nothing due to work
Been fat since I was young. Bad parenting and even worse motivation/friends to hang out with until highschool
I like food.
Had a GF once but she was either insane or pretending to be because she wanted nothing to do with me


>Drink a gallon of water a day
>Need to piss constantly
>Living conditions means it's easier to get up to pee outside than it is to pee indoors
>Feet get dirty from doing this so I have to constantly vacuum the floor
>Vacuuming cuts into vidya time

Yeah that's worked in the past. I just fall in bad habits when my anxiety peaks. Get antisocial and avoid grocery stores, only eat fast food so I dont run into people I know, shit like that.

I need to get my doctor to prescribe some fucking emergency xanax

>lose weight
>doing so reveals your gorgeous face and huge cock

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eh some girls dig it and its low mantainance

user! You CAN lose weight! It's never too late! Weighing less feels incredible. It's worth the effort.

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But only manlets can be cute.

Alabama based and outhouse pilled

You’d do well to just buy food for a couple weeks to a month at a time, freeze it all and use when necessary

Losing weight isn't even hard
You order two fast-food burgers? Get one.
Large soda? Get a medium.
You start cutting down on things that simple, it will have a noticeable effect, you don't need to just abruptly switch to a paleo diet.

Reminder that fat people are literally more of a drain on the health care system that trannies
LITERALLY worse than trannies.
Think about that bros.

Some. Just like some girls dig fat guys. But for the most part you will juar come off as sickly and pathetic looking

>Large soda? Get a medium.
Honestly make this a small and you won't even really notice. You stop noticing the taste of sweet things after the first 2-3 mouthfuls anyway.

Actually. Yeah. I got a fuckton of roommates so there just wasn't a lot of space, but if I buy a personal deep freezer...that's a good plan. Thx

I’d say illegals, the elderly, and hypochondriacs are a larger drain

Drink water

Fat people are definitely larger.

Buh dum tss

It's really not rocket science, like user says more vegetables and greens, less sugars/sauces/condiments/melted cheese and avoid overloading with oils, olive oil is incredibly energy dense for example.

End of the day if you've made it yourself and it looks "healthy" it probably is.

the biggest issue is and always will be calories though, you need to just eat less, so my rules are never eat outside of specific meals, (so no snacking EVER.) no energy intake via liquids (you're already doing this) and I highly suggest intermittent fasting, cut out breakfast if you can, if you eat two regulars meals but cut out breakfast and DON'T eat outside of those two meals you're gonna find it a lot easier.

Counting calories and using a scale would make this a lot more objective but I never bothered with that, I just ensured I was hungry all the time. You're going to be unhappy dieting, I'm just putting it out there, you're going to want to eat and know you can't and you're gonna feel super hungry to the point where it's distracting. You're breaking something akin to an addiction here it's not going to be easy, I'd like to say after one week it goes away but it doesn't, it takes months, but you'll get there.

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>Just like some girls dig fat guys.

Literally never happened fattie

Yup. Also cuts down on time being spent worrying about getting groceries

When did i say i was fat you dumb ass. Is your body leeching off your brain for nutrients? I pointed out how fucking dumb it is to say some girls like skinny guys. Some girls also like to fuck dogs. What does it matter?

drink water

have sex

That’s kinda hot

I eat pizza everyday and I weigh 130 pounds.
I'm having trouble gaining weight.
I'm 5'10", tips, fatties?

I've been fat since I was 5 and I haven't been to a doctor in years.

Eating one pepperoni off of a pizza does not count as eating pizza, dumb skeleton

Literally eat more nigger. It doesnt matter what you eat more so how much you eat.

>I eat pizza everyday
You probably have 3 slices then nothing else.

Literally eat foods that are filling and good for you and drink water, beans and rice are great at this.

Same as fatties that try to lose weight but the opposite, you think you eat alot but you don't eat enough. Count your stuff.

the difference is that fat fetish is extremely niche like fucking dogs, dummy, now stop lardie

What about fat trannies tho

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>tfw lost weight because I lost the motivation to do anything
>including eating more than 1 meal a day
>even if I turn out to look like a giga chad under all that fat I'd still spend more time posting on Yea Forums than having sex
I just hope getting under 200lb will lead into the bloomer stage, I'm so close.

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What's that in english?


I wonder how their dilation hole smells like

probably covered in cheeto dust

not that dude youre arguing with but i see fat guys (not obese mind you) with fairly cute girls all the time, theres some sort of primal provider shit ingrained into females i think since in the past being fat would have actually been a good thing and meant you were so successful that you got fucking fat while others starved. would they PICK a fat guy ideally, i think not. but they will most certainly see past it quite often.

Well I usually don't eat until around 6 or 7 pm and when I do eat I'll usually have a full Trader Joe's pizza or get take out, sometimes chick fil a, and then I always have moosetracks ice cream afterwards. It's at least 2000-3000 calories, I call it the chaos meal

You are really dumb user. How often do you hear girls with a "skeleton fetish" you delusional fuck. I feel like you hear girls say they like fat guys more often to be honest. Makes sense since most women like to feel protected when they are eith their man, hard to feel safe when your boyfriend weighs less than yourself.

Regardless keep projecting your body insecurites onto others you stupid skelly.

fuck you op

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Unironically kill yourself.

As long as you’re happy with yourself and what you do.

Eat more pizza. If you can't at least stomach down 2 mediums in a single sitting it's not enough

>imagine being so fat your eyeballs stretch and this looks normal to you

sounds good user I live right near Pepe's Pizza and they're considered the best pizza place in America.
I'll probably get some today since Chick Fil A is closed

Imagine being at computers

I would want a big belly vidya friend to give rubs to.

Please god direct me towards these girls who like fat guys

>all this coping

Im sure your girls feel safe with a fat ass that barely moves kek.

drink water
have sex

Same haha

yeah but are you also handsome, not short, charismatic/funny?

I’ll be your friend but no rubs, that shit feels weird

What does hugging a big belly feel like?

post belly

no rub no friendship

Well, I have retard strength and take showers regularly

I’m not your sex object user.

Yes you are. Post belly NOW

it's not about sex I just want to chill nice and snug with my fat homie on the couch while we play games.

I just want to rub your belly.

it's getting harder and harder to wipe, bros

hahaha fat fuck

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No. Now apologize
I could oblige that, platonically.
A lot of people do.

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>What games are you currently playing?
just started Sekiro
>When did you notice you're fat?
I've been fat my entire conscious life
>Why are you fat?
constant overeating with lack of exercise
>>GF Status?
absolutely nothing

So you already get lots of belly rubs?

the absolute state of black people LMFAO

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Am I a dog to you?

i'm not your user, cumrag


Don’t be. Just be you.