>13 days until E3

Oh god the wait is LITERALLY killing me..

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Other urls found in this thread:


I would suggest lowering your expectations to avoid fatal disappointment.

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>being hyped for fucking MS


I am only watching this E3 for more Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay. Might even skip it and watch it later separately and read endless sperg threads.

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Cyberpunk is the only fucking thing keeping me from necking myself at the moment.
So yea i would say im pretty hyped

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Please bring us some good games this year

also Dying Light 2


Division 2 refunds

There’s been threads every day, they get 404’d constantly though

RIP OP. Or stop using literally wrong, you illiterate fucking child.

He still does, you retarded fag

i've given up on good games but the console shitflinging is too good to pass up

>they still live in 2013
Nigger MS had by far the best conference in 2018. If it's anything like that again but longer it's gonna be one of the best E3s ever.

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inb4 star wars basedboy crying about his chicken tendies and mario

said the squidward fag

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Well OP is literally not wrong though, since waiting (and literally any action/state) brings you closer to dying of old age

>6 year old irrelevant information

whatever you say, gramps

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>tfw boss approved my leave

I really miss being young and getting that same feeling leading up to Christmas.
Now it's just something i scan for interesting content. I'm curious to see if Sony gives in terms of ps5 details. I would like to see Nintendo actually show content that would get me very excited, but I know itll be what we've come to expect post odyssey from the switch.
I expect some good content, but itll mostly be boring. If it's the latter, I'd rather it just be a shit show for the shiposting

most kids and people in general that are gonna buy the Xbox 4 would forget about some trivial thing that happened 5 years ago you should learn not to be buthurt salty

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Exactly the same feelings. It's no xmas anymore. I hear if you have kids, all those moments return by watching them live them.

Agree on the e3 shitshow as well. I don't expect good game content, I expect good meme and cringe content.

that doesn't make any sense only squidward fags find squiliam suffering funny

no sony, nintendo only doing short direct. Xbox conference confirmed 2 hours longer than last years 50 games announced. cant wait to get the most powerful console which plays games across 4 generations. the Anaconda is going to be a beast

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I really fucking hope we can join Trauma Team

FF7 Rumors
-The game will be released in two parts with the first part ending with Aerith's death.
-The game will be playable at E3.
-There will be a playable demo released on PSN during E3.
-November 2019 release.

>50 games announced
Cool can't wait to see all the new games I'm gonna play on my PC

less than half will be on windows 10 but thanks for supporting microsoft btw. fyi most consolers find it cheaper to buy one console each gen rather than overspend on constantly upgrading computers. also this is e3 were talking about not pc exclusives good luck waiting for half life 3

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>good luck waiting for half life 3
The dream's dead nigga, quite literally.

>Xbox basically has the third party surprises

>Smash newcomer, regardless of who it is, will destroy the board

Looking forward to it

>Astral Chain
>Sword and Shield
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>New Fable
>Halo Infinite
>Doom Eternal
>Retro's new game before Prime 4
>Garden Warfare 3


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>this is e3 were talking about not pc exclusives
Not Xbox exclusives either gotee

Doesn't matter what Xbox have, Sony's whipping out a big fresh pink and juicy uncut full of sticky white DEMONS SOULS 2

why do pcücks always act like games on pc makes the conference bad?

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>buy one console each gen rather than overspend on constantly upgrading computers
If you know what you're doing you should only need to upgrade at the same rate as console generations anyways.

It doesn't. I'm literally excited to see all the new PC games at the Xbox conference.

Yeah at which conference?

This, they've really been killing it the past couple years

why cant you just say games? btw pcück here

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>twf going to E3 this year and can't enjoy threads that I have been watching and creating every E3 so far

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