Play Insurgency Sandstorm

play Insurgency Sandstorm

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Maybe when it's on sale, I haven't heard good things about it though.

I hope it goes on sale soon it could use a boost of players even if they shit up the servers for a couple of weeks learning to play

me too, when it on sale.

Yeah play this buggy unoptimized game with barely any content
I already do

>half a year after release
>just adding a 7th map now
>no workshop

play squad or rising storm 2

insurgency is better

>play squad or rising storm 2
who are you people that keep saying this, these 3 games are all completely different styles of games just because you're army men and shoot stuff in it doesn't make them an either or choice

Why don’t you play World War 3?

dead game temporarely brought back to life due to an update

won't save it tho

Attached: dead game.png (1447x1195, 942K)

Well, that’s pretty sad.
I really enjoy WW3 despite it’s clunkiness.

sandstorm a shit
everything about it is shit especially the gunplay

Why so? No recoil or something? People tend to praise the IS2 gunplay.

Ew, why?

Does it still run like complete shit and have no reason to play when its superior predecessor is still available and being played?

the previous insurgency is still better

I only played Insurgency and I remember enjoying it. How did they fuck up Sandstorm exactly, aside from having women in it which is already enough for me to not get it?

Lack of content? I played the Sandstorm only during the free weekend but game felt uninspired for me. Where in the first one there is a great variety in maps (ranging from ones set it Iraq up to some set in Somalia or Afghanistan) second one feels flat in that regard.

it has a severe case of slow devs but the foundation of the game I think is really special, as soon as the workshop gets added I think we're gonna see some great stuff coming out of it

>brought back to life

Nigger, try playing a firefight match. It's DEAD.

Squad is Arma for people with no friends

just play the first one

the thing about sandstorm though is that while at first glance it seems very similar to to the first one, it is actually played completely differently, the slow parts of it are slower and the fats paced parts are faster, that's why maps are so slow to come out, because if you play them each enough you start to see the way they're put together and how complex they are in order to work

I played about 300 hours of the first game and I've already played over 500 of Sandstorm, I think it's a huge step forward

How so?

>out of bounds glitching can be exploited, but they ban you if you upload vids of exposing it
>when you play the game it fucking hits you in the face that they are not too experienced with UE
>therefore not as smooth as source
>I am not sure if bug open maps with techies was a good idea, but that is just a question a preference

dunno how it is now but when I tried there were also:
>weird bugs
>bad optimalization

My honest opinion is that it is just the same as the first game. Release and afterwards it's shitty, but with time they'll fix it and then you can go on a buy it.

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So it's another case of "sequel starts worse than current state of first game, and hopefully it becomes just as good"
I think I'll just reinstall Insurgency

Sounds like complete theorycraft. Give actual reasons why that's the case ( by mentioning real game mechanics ) or stop posting.

>hardcore fps made for trannies
An interesting game concept but not for me OP.

I really loved insurgency, mostly due to the loud as fuck gun sounds. It's really terrifying to be shot at. How's the sound department for Sandstorm? RS2 guns sound pretty weak, though Artillery and Napalm are 10/10

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I think the whole weapon/attachment system has been perfected, now it's not so much about personal preference across all games but personal preference in certain situations, as in guns and what to put on them is both more flexible and essential

the maps too are great, and I like coop modes, hardcore that they just added the other day is great,a ll it needs now beside more content is some better optimization and then it'll be golden

best sound design of any fps I've played

why is she crouching like that?

Don't want to be seen by those VC
imagine if she wet herself haha

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She needs to pee but is too shy to take off her clothes.

yeah then while she crawls away from danger she falls into a spike trap and as she gets impaled further and further her bladder totally empties itself haha

play squad

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Boner no...

shit game filled with faggot larpers and kids

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Squads explosions and particle effects are exceptional. The explosions on their own look great, but when you can see shrapnel impacting the landscape and hearing it ricocheting off surfaces it really kicks it up a notch. It makes being shelled by a mortar fucking terrifying.

nobody larps in squad but keep taking your only info from karmakut youtube videos dummy

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>nobody larps in squad
why are you telling people to play squad when you clearly have not played it yourself

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I'm quite content with Rising Storm 2 V but I might check out Insurgency Sandstorm one time later. I just don't want too many of these games.

Oh I have, and nobody roleplays in squad
Nobody uses ranks, formations, or other larper dumb shit

If talking voicecomm ingame is larping to you stay the fuck away retard

I would if it stops running like ass.

He's right though. I relaunched SQUAD a week ago and outside of useful and obvious informations being said on vocal absolutely nobody larped, and if they did they would probably have mad fun off. Starting with me since i despise larpers.

Attached: S.T.A.L.K.E.R autism.webm (960x540, 1.2M)

>cover me foxtrot alpha golf golf oscar tango moving up
>not larping

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You mean SQUAD is ArmA except superior, right ?

ArmA stills runs like total ass no matter what as soon as you start using a modpack and a decent mission (which is mandatory in 99.99999 % of cases, i don't know a single group running ArmA vanilla). ArmA still has total shit gunplay. And ArmA still looks like complete ass compared to SQUAD anyway. Just look at explosions in ArmA lmao. Puff donuts of smoke. Pathetic.

Attached: ArmA 3 destruction.webm (1200x675, 2.6M)

Hmmm okay retard I guess you know better

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look out guys we got a veteran here

I've played enough matches without encountering larpers to throw in my two cents
Maybe American servers have them but mine don't

never happens retard

Did they update it or something? It had three times less players than Insurgency last week.

update came out a couple of days ago with some new sniper rifles, a new map, a new hardcore coop mode which is fun, and new cosmetics

Is it optimized yet or still a shitshow?

way better than it used to be, now it's just a couple or certain areas on certain maps with lots of assets in them that fuck it up, just stuff like walls with too much detail in them


I do.

The developers are incompetent. Just play old Insurgency or Day of Infamy.

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The only mode worth a shit was the VIP assassination ones. They should have focused on that as their main mode. Goddamn those were some good times on Insurgency classic. Clutching an assassination and escaping with the VIP because of some ridiculous feint.

Rush modes are so fucking boring. No one like throwing yourself retardedly on an objective.

I kinda like the idea of a wave of men getting mowed down by a machinegun while running trough smokes in an open field

already refunded it on release day lmao. the original game is better

>Insurgency or Day of Infamy
don't know which one I wish more to still be getting updates
ins could use new maps and weapons but doi lacks maps too

Only once it gets a co-op mode.

A goddamn shame they cut out the single player. But yeah they were aiming big only to fall hallway through.

>being so bad at videogames that you need braindead ai to enjoy vidya because you can't compete in a PVP environment

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arma is a fucking joke rofl.

I don't like talking to strangers.

not him but coop of a handful of players against an army of ai allows for a different experience entirely, you need to more engaged to do pvp but with coop you can just kind of fuck around

Buy and play Day of Infamy. $5 WW2 Insurgency with small but living playerbase