What the fuck were blizzard fucking with the paladin class in vanilla

what the fuck were blizzard fucking with the paladin class in vanilla

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thank jeff kaplan

what were they fucking? Ur mom probably

just fuck me please im so submissive

what about death knights?

Was Wrath in vanilla? Or is vanilla from the package.

Also, does it pick up before wc3 if wrath wasn't in vanilla?

fucking subs is as boring as subbing to wow

They made the class bad as a joke. Not shitting you they even admitted it

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>is an expansion vanilla

God I hate this board

I saw an Asmongold video where he said Death Knights were able to tank with their three base talent trees. Which seemed OP as fuck, I know paladins were strong in vanilla and pretty much better than every class but didn't know why.

I never played wow, only warcraft 1-3. So i'm also unsure where wows story starts. I think that Wrath was the first xpac, but not sure if it's just was a delayed update with Crusade being the first xpac.

Stfu you socially lonely fucking retard. Stop needing the internet to validate your life

I wasn't sure if it was a delayed update due to it being a story directly associated with wc3.

Like what is the base conflict in vanilla wow? Like from my understanding the first few bosses center around the buildup around the fire elemental god which I have no idea what that has to do with anything.

Go back to facebook, normalfag


Lol tard rage

Reply quicker you lonely faggot

>I saw an Asmongold video

that's all I need to know you're either baiting or clinically retarded

>for free

>assmongloid vid
kill youself

u god damn retardy

I'm interested in warcraft enough to watch the videos but I would never play the mmo itself.

Druids and Paladins were just poorly designed, and going a step further the debuff limitation super fucked Warlocks.

>Was Wrath in vanilla?
What the fuck? How can anyone think this? Even a 2 second search would tell you what you need to know.
How old are you? 8?

They removed two key components of the class at the tail-end of Beta for no reason: Crusader Strike, which was meant to help give them consistent damage that build up over time, and then put repentance as the 31-point talent as a replacement.

Just stack spell power and burst people with holy shock

They thought of Paladins as a support class. Most of their damage moves are "watch auto attack" so you can use their spells to support your allies. Durable but also kind of boring to play.

No need to sperg for double spacing. I just do it out of habit because I go to college where it's required for pretty much all papers.

Asmongold is a pretty big faggot, but he knows a bit about the game. More than the average joe.

im going to assume you are asking if death knights were in vanilla

and i dont know what the hell youre talking about or trying to ask but vanilla was the original game that loosely followed the previous games while wrath is just an expansion that began the casualization of the game

Lawl how old are you? Fucking 30? And you still reply to b8. Imb4 your so fucking stupid you think im the person you replied to

Good, please don't ever fucking play it, just keep donating to Asmongold you autistic retard.

>grab bag template meme
Sasuga lobotomy-kun

they probably wanted a tank that could heal because healing has a good chunk of aggro but they forgot that you could be slapped to reset the cast time

>Like what is the base conflict in vanilla wow?
There wasn't one. Classic was about the adventure of travelling through an immersive world, not about playing the chosen hero and fighting the randomly designated loot pinata for that expansion's shitty lore arc.

This post is sad

>Kind of boring
>Not watching porn while you auto-attack

Fuck off kid.

Is it true he made Paladins useless because he didn't like how he had to compete with them for DPS gear in EQ?

What makes men say these things?

>watching wow vids
>watching ass mongloid
fuck off with ur annoying spacing habbits you mega faggot

>debuff limitation
Who needs debuffs when you can fear

Hey look I'm replying hahahahahaha

please rephrase your question
im sure it makes sense to you but every time i reread it it makes it a little more confusing

Yeah I played warcraft 1-3 and nothing after that. I looked up and crusade was the first xpac, which I find odd because wc3 literally ends shortly after arthas becomes lich king.

Seems kind of delayed and should have been attended sooner. I would appreciate warcraft 4 that goes through the story of wow, as I don't want to play an MMO.

I would never donate a penny to a streamer lol. Asmongold is one of the most popular warcraft players because of his game knowledge. I understand he is pretty shit at the game.

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>crit sitting doesn't proc reckoning
F to pay respec for all pallys

*saves wpvp*

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It's three seperate questions in relation to the OP question.

Death knights in comparison to Paladins, I initially thought Death Knights were in vanilla because of Warcraft 3.

People already answered the questions though.

Whoever came up with this sheer fisting of an encounter can go fuck themselves. Do me a favor so I don't waste my guild's time on this kind of jackass shit-fest again, send me an email at [email protected] when you decide to A) Implement an encounter that wasn't designed by a retarded chimp chained to a cubicle A.)Get a Quality Assuarance Department C) Actually beta test the fucking thing and D) Patch it live. And please for god's sake -- do it in the order I laid out for you. Don't worry, I won't charge you a consulting fee on that one. And for good luck you might as well E) Pull your heads out of your asses. While you're at it rename the game to BetaQuest since you've used up you're alotted false advertising karma on the Bazaar and user interface scam of '01.Fix the Emperor encounter. Fix Seru. Rethink your time-sink bullshit. Fix all the buggy motherfucking ring encounters (I suggest you let whoever made the Burrower one do this since that dude apparently laid off the crack the rest of you were smoking). Fix the VT key quest. Fix VT (just guessing it's fucked up considering your track record). Don't have the resources to fix this stuff? Move the ENTIRE Planes of Power team over to fixing Shadows of Luclin AND DO IT NOW. If you don't fix Luclin, you jackassess will be the only ones playing the Planes of Power.

these are the comments that make me excited for vanilla

I remember when I got that dress in AQ. It was a good night.

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its pretty late in the game to start anyways and the plot and lore has been thrown out the window like 4 expansions ago
hopefully WC4 ignores WoW completely

Hello 2013 posting

The story of wow is awful. If there ever is a wc4, it will be a reboot or forget wow ever happened.

Yep you were a stupid person. Thanks for the confirmation. Try not to get stuck replying to this topic

ah that is a shame. Yeah I figured when I hear info about Sylvanas burning the night elves tree down and I was wondering how she survived that long.

Especially since undead are 100% evil, seems like it would be a global effort to take them out.

It beats 2019 posting

this guy

>The story is bad because it lacks consistent quality writing that has constant retro-active continuity.
>If they ever make a 4th entry they'll have to retro-actively change the continuity in order to fix it.

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I think it was literally 'shit we ran out of time lads'

No it doesnt. Literally stop being a stereotype

Retro-active continuity is bad when you're replacing good shit with bad.

>mfw retardins have to switch to healing and use cloth gear to actually get into raids

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>im lonely

kaplan didn't design the classes, that was kevin jordan. paladins were originally different but they cut some stuff to make them play less like warriors and focused on seals. wasn't perfect, as we all know

And you think the current writing time will be able to replace the current bad content with better content? Have you seen the already retconned and hole-ridden Chronicle series that they've published? It's shit. It's shit and it keeps getting changed and ignored anyway. The first one was retconned before it was even released.

>i literally have no close relationships


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Despite everyone saying they're boring aren't Paladins still better than Priests? They definitely have better survivability and from what I've heard their heals are almost as good.

Not in pvp. Priests are much harder to kill

>and from what I've heard their heals are almost as good.
You've read wrong. Priest's have better mana efficiency, better AoE healing, and better spot healing, along with a decent HoT and a shield.

Paladins in classic have 3 heals, one of which has a 20 yard range. You bring paladins for their buffs, not for their healing.

from what i gathered paladins have more healing output and never have to worry about mana if downranking, but have less options than priests. I personally would just play a braindead paladin healbnot and spam one ability than having to think for 3 or 4 hours of raiding on what best to use while worrying about mana usage.

The only point you made that is remotely true is AoE healing. Priests do not have better mana efficiency at all, Paladins are literally the most Mana efficient thing in the game. They also do not have better spot healing, because Paladins spam their 1 second FoL while having infinite mana. Renew is terrible, and doesn't scale well with spellpower, PW:S is similar and also prevents Warrior tanks getting rage for damage taken. Circle of Healing also only heals people in your group iirc.

pally t2 is kino

If I remember right, Paladins are hands down why Alliance is better at PvE.

The current writer will never be replace because she is a fucking women.
Blizzard is so off from the playerbase they literally have no idea what to do with the game anymore.

Down-ranking Heal is the most efficient healing outside of Druid down-ranking Healing touch.

>They also do not have better spot healing, because Paladins spam their 1 second FoL while having infinite mana.
Priests can do this better with downranked Heal and Flash Heal. Renew is bad, but better than anything Paladin can do to cover someone or heal on the move.

>Circle of Healing also only heals people in your group iirc.
Prayer and Holy Nova are amazing, but not better than Chain Heal, but still better than anything Paladins can do.

They took the concept of hybrid too far and made paladin good at nothing at all. It wasn't until WOTLK that Paladins could actually be better than offtanks and offheals

> A.)Get a Quality Assuarance Department

Was that in the original? top tier humor if so.

>Down-ranking Heal is the most efficient healing outside of Druid down-ranking Healing touch.

No it isn't, Paladin Flash of Light is. Are you completely forgetting that Paladins got a 100% mana refund on crit? Saying Paladins spamming downranked FoL had infinite mana isn't an exaggeration, they could literally do it forever without dropping below 98% Mana.

There is a blindingly obvious albeit somewhat tricky way to fix this.

>WoW retail is an absolute mess that no one seems to enjoy, a buildup of 10~ years of horrible design decisions taking the game in the wrong direction
>Also chewed through so much lore they are nearly (if not already) out of usable story for expansions and WC4 is entirely out of the question
>Classic is seemingly far more popular than anyone anticipated
>If it does well it could potentially pass retail in player count
>Among other smaller ideas is the grand holy shit concept of creating a new expansion for Classic instead of retail and starting a new alternate timeline WoW
>Would fix all the lore and design issues in an instant
>You'd even be able to leave yourself room this time for a WC4

it's a bold move but hey, the option is there

>Among other smaller ideas is the grand holy shit concept of creating a new expansion for Classic instead of retail and starting a new alternate timeline WoW
There's no way this would fly with how many people want BC and WotLK though.

They could always take the opportunity to unfuck the problems with those expansions, and flesh out the things that were cut from the originals
>Outlaw system
>Utgarde raid
>Unfuck the Illidan lore
>Not kill off literally everyone

Well it would take time to make anyway, they'd have to gauge interest first and if they were going to go through with the idea it probably wouldn't even get a go ahead until Classic is pushing into Naxx range. At that point you might have to throw BC in while working on the expansion and build off of BC instead.

Nothing wrong with that though, for the most part BC was a refinement of Vanilla.

Paladins get 100% mana cost refunded when they crit, and in good gear they crit alot. They can pretty much spam FoL forever. There is no healer in the game that is more efficent than a paladin.

>slow removal
>mana efficient healing
>the fuckton of armour
>not an instakill for rogues
>decent damage with holy shock
>easier to kill than priests
Sorry but I doubt it.

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They did not design the game with raiding & topping the DPS charts in mind

Paladin's work exactly as they are suppose to, they are a hybrid/support class like Druid, they excel at this in both PVE & PVP

If you wanted to do top DPS, play Warrior, but you entitled fucks wanting to be able to heal while doing Warrior DPS & the Class design has suffered because of that, homogenisation & removal of any hybrids made the game less fun

Shaman t2 > gayadin t2, only shoe wearing faggots disagree

How do people mana regen in raids? chug Mana potions?

I remember they have long cooldowns and dont even regen that much MP

You go afk for 5 seconds.

Wotlk server is literally "you think you do, but you don't"

People will play it for a week & realise how boring & unbalanced it is, you can beat Naxx & Heroic dungeons in level 75 greens, fuck Wrath

But its true

>Only good thing about the set are the shoulders
>Better than Judgement Set
Delusional mut-dwelling faggot, roflmao.

I just wanna blow up somebody with lava burst again

In todays WoW?

In vanilla? you barely healed anyway so you never even ran out of mana.

If they did go this way, one thing I'd really want for them to have is build up to a defining moment where the Forsaken and the rest of the Horde see each other as brothers-in-arms. I want a cohesive Horde that learns that its differences can make it strong, and works together to form a stronger whole by having each race advise and assist the other.

Instead of constantly being stuck with "lel I'm evil" Warchiefs and dumb writing fuck ups like Cairne dying and leaving his limp-wristed son involved, and also having Orcs do literally fucking everything of note.

I didn't like BC because it invalidated everything in Classic. It wasn't as bad as it is these days when and expansion hits, but it was bad. I'd honestly rather they keep the cap 60 and just have quests give gold and be for Raid/Dungeon keys instead of experience. Keep the gearscore from spiraling out of control too.

I really didn't like WotLK and I don't know why it's praised to much. I left the game for the first time about a month into WotLK because of how utterly retarded DKs were and because they butchered all the classes and turned them into shadows of what they were, instead of building on them like BC did. The rampant homogenization, terrible raids, gated content, and absolute destruction of server community kill WoW for me. I only recently tried Legion about a year ago and everything is so watered down and made to match Diablo 3 that I didn't feel like dealing with the game as a whole. Dropped it after doing LFR a few times.

mp5 gear, or they stop casting so 100% spirit regen kicks
mages had evocation and those stones I think? never played one
faggot warlocks lifetap their asses of so they waste healer's mana instead
hunters can feign dead to get out of combat and start drinking
healers use lesser heal ranks to conserve

this shit always riled me up
>druid and priests have in-combat spirit regen
>paladin don't even need because LMAO CRIT HEALZ 4 FREE
>"here have a long ass cd that's mostly for your party and not yourself FUCK shamans and FUCK niggers" t. jeff kaplan


Stop casting for 5+ seconds, or down a dreamless sleep potion.

You casted a heal and then you did nothing for atleast 5 sec until your mana regen came back.

>muh books on shoulders
>muh bucket helmet
Lmao at you bubble boy

Vanilla Paladin was pretty based. It sucks ass and is a flavorless "yellow light warrior" these days, starting from Wrath.

So you want more fun classes in BFA? thats what people want, Wrath's content sucks

>not an instakill for rogues
Rogues instakill anything in 1v1 if they know what their buttons do. World of roguecraft tier shit will be relevant in classic.

Did they give orcs the broken 25% stun resist because they literally look like green niggers otherwise no one would play them?

I'm playing a male human warrior and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

Rogues kill bad people. Once people start getting better gear, and they actually know how to play against a rogue, rogues lose to most shit.

Yes there is, I can play a Horde mage and camp you forever.


It's not even a bad class. No class is "bad". A good player can make any class do well.

Pal is literally a bad class, you homo.

Go listen to people like perplexity talk.

Double based if troll

Being shit at it doesn't make it bad :S

Rogue and Warrior are only good classes, rest are shit. It's amazing how good Rogue is, it's like playing on retail. Everything melts.

holy shit this is some cringey autismo right here

Healing in vanilla is actually way more fun and challenging than doing dps. Compared to just doing a dps rotation healing is a combination of reacting to stuff quickly, making good split-second decisions, and predicting what the enemy is going to do next. Blizz is doing paladin players a favor by making them healers instead of dps in vanilla, they just don't realize it.

They were thinking diablo 2 paladin.

*laughs in frostbolt*
Mage is the best class in classic by far

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>Has to sip mana after every encounter
>only fire has a proper repertoire of spells. Arcane is just Arcane Bolt and Arcane Explosion, Frost is just Frostbolt, CoC, Blizzard and a PBAoE snare that all specs use anyone
Seems like you never played vanilla Mages.

Depends on your class I think. Healing is the only role I think Blizzard solidly improved on in retail over the older models. Playing a Resto Druid or Holy Paladin in Legion was really fun compared to doing nothing but spamming downranked FoL or Healing Touch literally all the time.

>took them 2 expansions to make prot/ret semi-viable
>after like 6 expansions their gameplay is still shit
Legion Blood and Frost DK is what paladins should've been

This. Fucking piece of shit easiest class in the game.
Oh look my fireballs crit for ten thousand and put up ignites that roll for a hundred thousand per tick.
>solo pvp
Oh look, a frostbite proc. Oh look, another. I hope you like getting frozen every single time you hit me hit no DR.
>group pvp
lol aoe best fucking class
>solo pve
lol aoe


Not so in vanilla at least. Priests of the non shadow variety was very easy to burn down

The opening line of this rant will never not be funny

How is Classic gonna work out:

>the content will be absolutely steamrolled through because of much more informed playerbase not playing on toaster with garbage internet connections = there will be a pretty casual attitude to minmaxing all around, since the content is so easy to crush for competent people
>the fact that vanilla is essentially a solved game means the expectations for absolutely correct minmaxing and tryharding will be everywhere

Which of these will happen

so kevin jordan said that they removed holy striked and crusader striked because they were place holder while they develop the seal system. which is ironic since those two abilities are better than the retarded: seal->judge->seal->afk until judegement is on cd.
also the auras, blessing and everything else was nerfed and changed. they were cool in the beta, had blessings that lasted for 30 seconds, so you were actually constantly applying benefits to your party, and changing your auras mid and post combat, with hp regen, mana regen, a single aura for all kinds of magic protection.... they were better in the beta that in the final release.

they were thinking CHUCK NORRIS is going to fuck your mom Rtard.

Neither. A very low percentage of players will be min maxing fags who live and breath for raiding. The mass majority of people will play the game just like before, but now with questie. Guides for your class existed before, and people still didn't use them so they remained shitters. The over whelming majority won't magically get better just because people have rotations listed somewhere for them to follow.
Niggers on Yea Forums are people of hyperbole, there will be try hard guides just like before, but its nothing new. The only thing that will be different is that e-celeb niggers like Assmuchbald are guaranteed to be scarab lords because of their hordes of fans.

>How should we make the paladin feel less like the warrior?
>I know! Remove ALL of their melee abilities, leaving them only able to auto attack with
This is the true tragedy of classic. There's so many classes/specs that could become viable and fun if they were just tweaked a bit, but it'll never happen due to nochanges. We're stuck with every mistake vanilla made.

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Chuck Norris fucked my mom to death, true story
t. Mankirk's son

Would enh be viable if youcould use stormstrike in raids?

>beta paladins had a stacking instant hit that would increase holy damage taken
>it got removed
feels bad man

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Holy/crusader strike is only better in the I WANT TO PRESS MORE BUTTONS ALL THE TIME department. If you want that, play a rogue or warrior. Seals/judgement are actually unique, and make paladins more than just warriors in a dress.

Nope. Shaman was fucked at a core level and blizzard had no idea what the fuck they wanted for that class.

Someone justify to me why the debuff cap shouldn't be removed.

I liked that paladins were a melee class that scaled better with spell power and had lots of cool little things. But then Blizzard steered right out of that shit fast and turned them into Warrior 2 holy boogaloo

Content was developed around it, for better or worse.

ie. if the cap was removed, bosses would get crushed even faster with dot stacking?

So absurdly fast that everything that use to be a joke already just falls flat.

Bus shock could fix them

In literally seconds. It would more than double the DPS of half the specs in the game.

The way seal of casino scales and the lack of plate spellpower aborted this concept. Even in TBC you build somewhat like a warrior in ret because SoC procs are attacks that do holy damage

>played mage and warrior on vanilla
I only got a pally to level 23 or so. I knew the class was shit and didn't bother. Right away my 200IQ 15 to 16 year old brain knew warrior and mage were best class without looking at guides.

What's funny is I first got a warrior to 60 and it was hard as balls. Lucky for you faggots in the patch 1.12 warriors are much easier to level. None of you will have any fucking idea how insane leveling a warrior was the first 10 or so months of the games life. It was fucking hell.

When I made my mage it took maybe 1/5th the time to get to max level. I AOE grinder from level 40 and up. I believe the was talent points to put in to reduce the movement speed of blizzard even more up to absurd numbers like 75% slowed. AOE grinding was the nuts.

Do you kiddies want a story? When I hit max level I did so the same time a alliance pally in full tier 2 tried to kill me. When I killed the mob I dinged and then I destroyed the fully geared pally on my fresh 60 mage.


Would it be viable to pump the hp numbers on bosses as an answer to that?

Wrong. You actually have to manage when to use them. You want the the stacks first, but you also want the big damage. And after 5 crusader strikes, you only had to make sure that you used another one before 30 seconds. All that while you had to manage the old seal and aura system, which was more reactively.
Go take a read

dear diary

How are paladins for tanking? I was gonna be a rogue but I always played rogue and thought it might be nice to try tanking.

dude what’s threat lmao

Holy based

Yeah, I understand that, but I still don't like it, Paladin had such options to be entirely different thanks to SoR and other holy damage abilities that scale pretty well. But instead is just became strength class.

oh man, I remember reading
>"Death knights start at level 55 in their own place"
>"Wow, that sounds gay as fuck"
>queue for some battlegrounds
>stop enjoying battlegrounds entirely
>quit game

Dude please pull for me
Dude I need to drink after every pull

Maybe? They'd have to do it by a LOT, and this is why the "no changes" philosophy exists. A lot of changes that seem minor or trivial would require further changes to supplement them in order to preserve the experience.

You have horrible ass threat generation. And if you lose it you're never getting it back. Its more of the "Hey Im super geared so let me help my friends by tanking" spec.

they are amazing tanks except on bosses that have aggro drops due to no taunt
that and gear obv mean they aren't real raid tanks, but they are good for everything beforehand

It's from Strat UD.

No. Holy strike was literally heroic strike except with holy damage. Crusader strike you could compare to sunder except with damage.

Seals and auras were simply split into seals, blessings, and auras. Some of the old seals kept their functionality as short duration buffs on party members (BoP, sac, plus the addition of freedom), while others, the ones with no real reactive usage, were turned into self seals (righteousness, fury [later changed to righteous fury], reckoning/light) and one to a longer blessing (salv). Aura functionality was essentially the same, but some were turned into blessings.

neither, your poopsocking tryhard fags will be 1-5% pop of any given server. Leaving plenty of room for non cancer ridden guilds to play with.

Your only way to ranged pull is with linken's boomerang or something like that.
You take more damage than warriors.
You go oom after every other pull.
You go oom during boss fights.
You have no taunt.
Your single target threat sucks.

But at least you can handle large packs with non-elites with conc.

Asmongold is far from having good game knowledge. at best he gets spoon-fed every bit of information by his lackeys.. pick anyone else. if you want to know bout lore WoW starts somewhere after Frozen Throne expac. Kael thas, Lady Vashj, Illidan, Archimonde, Kil'jaeden are killable in TBC. Arthas, Kel'thuzad, Sapphiron, Anub die in WOTLK.

>Dude please pull for me
Things that never happened general? All the Battlebabbies are coming out of their troglodyte-caves.

>Things that never happened general?
What? Do you think people go around body pulling shit? When sub 30 I ask people to pull stuff occasionally even as a druid because of no FF. Hunters pulling because of their long range and FD is also normal.

imagine playing classic wow like a retard and tricking yourself into thinking you are having fun

Whatever they were thinking they got 6mil subs at the end of it so it was pretty good all things considered.
Not everybody's farts have to smell similarly in order to asphyxiate the boss into giving you loot but live fart huffers simply cannot understand that so they force the cook to always serve the same burrito to everyone and call the people who want to eat different stuff "blinded by nostalgia".

Yeah, theres no mounts, cheevos, pets or titles to easily grind.

I know you're a shit tier troll, but why are some people so invested in Classic WoW failing?

A melee healer akin to grace warrior priests in WAR could have been cool, but there's no way blizzard couldn't fuck it up

Because they hate the idea of their 14 year old collection of virtual toys and costumes may be invalidated

ffxiv healers are a lot more interesting than WoW ones anyway. The only interesting healing WoW ever had was fistweaving, but that shits mostly gone now

Most player will quit after they realize the game is just a big drag to keep you as far away from "completing" it as possible. The ones who manage to get to level 60 will keep dropping once they realize there's absolutely nothing to do, other than collect extremely rare pieces of gear that are all locked behind guilds, since you require a guild to be competitive at all.

The ones who are the most persistent will join guilds and will find themselves in a world of pain, since they most likely will never find a group, and if they do, the group will most likely be garbage, unless it's the main "core" group of the guild. Those who manage to kill a few bosses, will realize they need a lot of money to raid, and that raiding itself isn't guarantee of gear, and they will be raiding for months before they start getting anything decent to improve their character. The ones who manage to go through all this shit, will eventually realize they spend most of their time looking for groups and farming nodes/mobs, instead of "having fun".

The only actually fun aspect of the game is stomping low geared players once you are already geared up to the teeth, but the people who will actually manage to get to that level will be a very insignificant minority.

Vanilla is the polar opposite of BfA, where you get everything for free, which doesn't mean Classic is "superior" to it in any sense. The only compelling part about classic is that every single player sucks, and the game consists of farming gold and hoping to miraculously get SOME gear at some point.

The idea that elitism will take over classic is pure utopia, since the ones who will ever actually make it to naxx are an insignificant minority.

Retailfags don't want their game to be killed by classic.

You can't kill a polished pile of shit by just dumping an unpolished pile of shit right next to it.

Classic and retail are the exact same shit, and you are an idiot if you think either is better than the other.

a lifetime of leftist ideology pumped into their gay little heads
hes probably on HRT etc

You yourself just said that retail is polished compared to vanilla, which means you think its better, which means you called yourself an idiot.

i miss warhammer online. punting faggots off a cliff with my knight while they tried to enter the back of a keep was the most fun i had in a mmo.

vanilla was pretty much old gods and elementals and shit
Ragnaros, C'thun etc

For vanilla? enjoy running oom all the time, it wasn't till BC paladins got an ability to get a % of mana regen from damage healed which let them function as a tank.

A polished turd is still just a turd.

absolutely based

>Holy strike was literally heroic strike except with holy damage
no, it was on a 10 sec cd, which meant that while it was on cd, you were casting different kind of seals, being proactive, casting short duration but powerful seals (blessings) rather than just buff every 5/15 minutes and then you forget about those spells.

>Classic and retail are the exact same shit

They're not the same at all, all of the mechanics are different, the classes are different, the art style is different, progression is different, the gameplay in general is different, it's not even remotely the same game.

>vanilla was pretty much old gods and elementals and shit

Onyxia was unrelated to Rag, rag was unrelated to the C'thun shit, C'thun was unrelated to Hakkar. Vanilla was just random villians and that was enough.

It wasn't a GCD ability, you genius. There is no "while it's on CD you do other shit". You do that other shit at all times because it doesn't eat a GCD.

It is the exact same game, the only difference is that one gives you gear for free, and the other ones gives you no gear whatsoever.

Take your head out of your ass for once, you fucking blizzard drone.

A shame it died, maybe less servers would have been good or at least merging them sooner.
>tfw pc too shit to run it and ram + gpu prices never recovered from crypto and phones

#reddit spacing filters

It's time to let go and let blizzard die, ACTI-BLIZZ must die like every big studio.

Because seeing addicts like yourself seething over a dead game mindlessly jumping into its defense as a bunch of sheep flocking to defend the herd is priceless.

You are the embodiment of a failed human being desperately clutching onto whatever gives your purpose. Seeing retards like yourself get exponentially angrier the more people attack your "precious" makes it that much more satisfying to shit on your retarded video-game.

It's not the game failing in and of itself that is so amusing, at least not only that, it's the mindless retards tearing themselves apart by the criticism of a consumer product what makes it so hysterically amusing. You imbeciles are the video-game equivalent of apple customers.

They definitely didn't want that, or they would've made the paladins "increased threat from holy damage" ability work for healing. A paladin has all the tools to do that, cast without interruption, heal and soak damage, but they obviously didn't want a single class filling two roles at once in the party.

>leaving them only able to auto attack with
That's warrior until 34.

Dark/demonic runes, mana potions, mana regen% while casting and spirit, or stacking a buttload of mp5

Overpower alone makes warrior more engaging than paladins at 60

They're great healers.

>Palyfags at it again
Just put on the robe you fucking sissies. You're only good for healing raids bgs, and being buff bots.

this is true. paladins are the king pvp healer. priests are broken in the expansions.

>reddit spacing
How new?

Was Battle for Azeroth in Vanilla? Or is Vanilla from the package.

I saw an Assmongoloid video



take it easy with that wall of text there.

Space that shit out.

use paragraphs,


Why is online games so toxic in 2019 compared to 2004?

Classic is not vanilla. This is a game for streamers

r/roastme commenters took over video games with their epic banter bullshit

>why paladins bad in vanilla

They're not.

They were intended for support and defense, and were fucking amazing in those two fields. It wasn't until TBC where Paladins essentially became contender for best tank, best healer, and burst DPS. With baked in survivability to boot. This was about the time the community got spoiled rotten and demanded every class with the capability of something, be the best at that something.

Post TBC faggots dick rode this class for no other reason besides it being essentially the best in the game for a long, long time. It turned into the babysitter class for small brain dumb dumbs.

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God I hate that faggot ass class so much

>Wrath, the content update
>Crusade, the dlc
>I t-totally played wc 1-3 I swear! Yet I have never heard/read of ANYTHING related to WoW, even though it was spread like a fucking plauge back in 2004->2010!
You need to be atleast 18 to post on Yea Forums. How the fuck does anyone below the age of 40 not know how to use google nowadays?

>burst dps
>hoping for SoC + AA crit + CS which can't proc SoC + jugement on stun

>I watch asmonigger
>I'm not a reddit-tier cancer-poster
Why are these degenerate scumbags comfortable posting here?

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>Doesn't want too play
>Still talk about it on a website designed to talk about your PLAY experience with vidya
I know that 90% of us here on Yea Forums doesn't actually play vidya, but come the fuck on. Atleast we pretend too do instead of watch a grown ass manchild play it and then try to use his opinion as our own.
I hope.

>90% of us here on Yea Forums doesn't actually play vidya
So what? Am I supposed to have anal sex in order to tell whether I want to have men fucking me in the ass or not?

Go fuck yourself with this reddit tier mentality, you fucking cancerous faggot.

He's baiting, don't bite.

Oh no, it's "only" a mortal strike, 1,2- combo if you don't get lucky. Or use your faggot fucking angel wings.

Fuck sake you really don't know anything about the calss, do you? Just use Exorcism, christ sake. 30 yard range on that shit and it works vs all enemy types after the Pala talent revamp, which will be the default state of Classic.

>Am I supposed to have anal sex in order to tell whether I want to have men fucking me in the ass or not?
In all likelihood, you probably should. You already sound like a massive faggot.


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hi, wrathbaby
kill yourself, please

You fucking trannies need to be redpilled on why Classic is complete and utter garbage and I'm not even going to mention layering, streamer bullshit and everything that comes with them or the fact that they're getting bosses and raids nerfed.
The problem with classic is far simpler than that and it cannot be disputed either.
Warlocks are by far the best class in the entire game. It's not even close either. Watch any vid that rates the classes, out of 5 a Warlock will get a 5 in PvP, a 5 in PvE and a 5 in utility / ease of play. Warlocks shit on every single class in the game in PvP. A rogue can sneak up on you, get the most ideal opener ever and that rogue will still lose. SL locks are literally unkillable, I fucking wish I had the math that I read on how much effective health a lock has accounting for his damage reduction he's getting from SL, 2 Void Walker sacrifice shields, healthstones and Soul Stones, without even counting in any of your own pots or bandages or anything, the amount of health you have to burn through while you're in a damage race with somebody who has you dotted up who can fear you numerous times, who can terrify you with death coil. A fight with a lock is a race against time and an SL lock is a fight you simply cannot win, even if that lock played like absolute shit you still wouldn't win.
So is there anything that makes this even worse than it already is? Yes, yes there is. Warlock is the best class in the game, but you know what? It just so happens that the best race in the game can pick Warlock. The fucking Orc. Now you have to deal with a lock that has a near 1 in 3 chance to completely negate your stun. Do you have any idea how many classes just outright lose to other lesser classes if their stun doesn't land, nevermind when they're going against something as gamebreakingly strong as a Warlock? 1 in 3. At all times. Doesn't need to be activated, is permanently up.
Anything you try say against this has been said before, and it's wrong.

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based retard

OK, your newfaggotness is really showing now. Are you one of the Asmongolders?

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo you can't roll on plate gear as a paladin you have to follow the SPREADSHEETS

Continuing with this, let's say your answer to the above is 'w-well you don't have to play the best class', that's not an argument. Purposefully and willingfully gimping yourself is not a good feeling. Knowing that no matter what you do, you'll have to submit to Orc Warlocks is bullshit.
Fuck Orcs in general, they just serve as a highlight to how garbage the balancing is in Classic. Any class that can go Orc, you go Orc. Period. Can't go Orc? You go Undead.
Imagine defending this. It's fucking brain dead and don't even try to say that this doesn't happen. Go look up peoples recommendations for what to pick, if Orc is available they'll say Orc and if they don't they're brain dead. 1 in 3 chance to ignore a stun is hilariously broken.
Let's take Hunter into consideration
>Troll has literally all of its racials benefit being a Hunter
>Troll has better Agi, no matter how minor that is still a + in the trolls direction
>Orc has, essentially, 1 racials that benefit Hunter and the other which benefits literally any class it picks, +5% pet damage, and the stun resist.
Now you'd think this would be close or favouring the Troll but the fact is Trolls are garbage hunters. Berserking just fucks up your rotation and doesn't help you at all even if you used it in an ideal situation where you're low as fuck on health. Bow mastery is worthless because ranged weapons don't have glancing blows and the BIS ranged weapons are fucking Crossbows anyway. +5% damage vs beasts? Negligable. Regen?
And yet despite this, Trolls racials are racials done right, they give small little perks here and there. Orc and to a lesser extent Undead are racials done wrong. We've already discussed in depth why Orc is bullshit but let's talk about Undead real fast
Undead single handedly make alliance warlocks the least played faction/class combo in the game. That's just how powerful WotF is.
Classic is garbage, there's no actual choice to be made, you're pigeonholed into choosing orc or undead

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oh noo, I guess you'll have to settle for an MS combo with a three to four times as likely windfury proc, that also ignores armor, built in until you can figure out how to use CC
that's so sad, almost as poor burst as a pom pyro mage then

>lijum is da best expansion ever

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Imagine being this new.

Google it before you start acting incensed. Then, I don't know, stop talking out of your ass, don't be such a poser faggot?

>Asmongold is one of the most popular warcraft players because of his game knowledge

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This is true, and the only workaround you can really do is to roll horde.

Despite being so absolutely fucking overpowered, Warlocks are still being slept on though. They're one of the least populated classes, especially as alliance.

See This is getting embarrassing. You really didn't know that Shockadin started after the Pala tree revamp when they changed Exorcism and buffed the damage of Judgement? When did you start playing, BfA?

Nice wotlk era article you got there.

>i cant wait to hit stuff with a big hammer while i heal, plate looks cool.

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Good, you should feel embarrassed.

Exorcism was instant cast in wotlk. I know you suffer from crippling ADHD, but try to pace yourself and read each letter one at a time and maybe, just maybe! you'll finally see that Exorcism has a cast time there.

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I do. I feel embarrassed that Classic is gonna be overrun by Asmongolders like you. Might just go and play EverQuest for a month or two to wait for all you shitters to inevitably drop out and go back to BfA tho.

They would need a way to gain mana back. Five stormstrikes and you're out of mana. And no, mana spring totem isn't enough.

>Ship the game in an unfinished state due to lack of time.
>Somehow manage to finish dungeons, but take over two years to fix three of the eight classes.

Seriously, playing a hunter in vanilla was such a pain in the ass. All the armor was statted for shamans, none of your attacks scaled, and your pet died in ten seconds.

>rest are shit
The two most gear dependant classes in the game, sure, they are good, but only in a raid environment or with someone else backing them up.

Warriors die like little bitches if they don't spend 10-100g per fight chugging the entire HP-pot library available in vanilla or have a healer that pocket heals them every two sec. They also do really shit burst unless they are forcefed gear.

Rogues are almost the complete opposite, they start out godlike but get ass ravaged by anyone in even moderately good gear that can play their class and know how to use flasks/pots. As soon as there is a 1v2 or god forbid 1v3 fight they can't do shit after they got nerfed in 1.0.4 or 1.0.7 (can't really remember which patch) and have too run away, their best attribute is that they can start a fight on their terms and have a large amount of control during it, but that also means that they can only single one guy out and then they have too resort to gimmicks just to stay alive if there is more than one.

>people are seriously falling for it

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>You are the embodiment of a failed human being desperately clutching onto whatever gives your purpose. Seeing retards like yourself get exponentially angrier the more people attack your "precious" makes it that much more satisfying to shit on your retarded video-game.

Spoken like a true, butthurt, shitposter. It just sounds like you are projecting whatever image you have of yourself onto someone who just likes a game for what it is, faults and all. I bet you are really fun to be around at parties.

>So what? Am I supposed to have anal sex in order to tell whether I want to have men fucking me in the ass or not?
No, but browsing a forum dedicated to something like that while having no intrest in it raises some red flags user. Are you sure you are not a massive fag?

>I bet you are really fun to be around at parties.
fuck off reddit

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>everything i hate is /pol/
You're outing yourself, cancer.

>Patch changes
> 3.1.0, 3.1.1, 3.1.1a, 3.2.0

Oh god, what is even funnier is that this shitty website shows the right tooltip in the Paladin abillity list and when you click on it it shows the wrong one that was added in Wrath.

Yep, they put in a hybrid tax because they were worried no one would play pure DPS if hybrids were competitive, and as it turns out the opposite is true, no one wants to play a tank or healer if they don't have the option of switching to a viable DPS spec occasionally. It might not've been so bad if the game didn't require a raid ratio of 1 tank 8 healers and 31 DPS most of the time, but the result is if your tank spec can't function as a DPS when it's not needed you just get to sit out of the endgame content.

Why warriors never got hybrid taxed ?
Fuck fury niggers, put on a shiled like you're supposed to warkek

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>Can't use an insult becuase it counts as ''reddit''
Wow, can you get any butthurt about the fact that you just got outed as the one and true thing that killed and is still killing Yea Forums?

Is "The Missing Diplomat" the best quest chain in vanilla?

>requires you to play the worst faction
>best quest

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the best part about vanilla is that retarded complaints and suggestions from morons CAN'T be implemented! your 1button rotation is waiting for you on retail

I know you're jesting but fury dps wasn't all that popular back in the day, especially when comparing to private server metas. Go look up any good guild back then doing Naxx and you don't see 10 warriors in the raids like you do in private servers.

I played Paladin back in the day, i was fucking worthless. Thank god some raid guild took pity on me and pulled my sorry ass all the way to AQ40.

>Yep, they put in a hybrid tax because they were worried no one would play pure DPS if hybrids were competitive

The thing about vanilla is that the tree isn't there to make you choose what you want to do, it's there to make you better and one or multiple different things. In vanilla, you didn't play your spec, you played your class.
Think of it like how TF2 handle classes, each class has it's own disadvantages and advantages, the weapons are just there to improve or lessen one or multiple of these. They are not there to force you into a role, that is what the ''class'' distinctions does.

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You mean warriors. Fury was THE dps spec since forever.

for me, it's velvet_7

Is hearth+bubble still a thing? I have fond memories of using it to blow up the auction house with the exploding debuff from BWL second boss.

Right but they failed miserably. Hybrids weren't "hybrids" they were just healers. Also Shaman's got Hybrid taxed even though Warriors didn't. Tanks have to be able to specialize to function, the devs made sure of that when they invented crushing blows. I love the idea of playing your "class" instead of your "spec" and in a lot of ways classic does do that, at least for leveling content. Really hybrid tax wouldn't be so bad if hybrid dps had been targetted at 85-90% of a pure and hybrid tanking hadn't been penalized at all, but instead they made hybrid dps something like 50% of pure's outside of obscene min maxing like pummeler spamming feral druids. And hybrid tanks were so bad blizz is still trying to raise the tank population.

>Enemy attack failed, you are immune
>Enemy attack failed, you are immune
>Enemy attack failed, you are immune
>Enemy attack failed, you are immune
>You win!
The quintessential paladin experience.

>tfw tauren shaman runs up to you in pvp and you bubble as a fuck you before you give them the experience of getting dunked on by a female dwarf.

why the fuck would anyone want to play a healer in a video game is beyond me. its like, want to be quake guy running around blowing holes in shit? or be some asshole in a dress following quake guy around lobbing med kits at him 24/7

>or be some asshole in a dress following quake guy around lobbing med kits at him 24/7
sounds fun desu

different games, bro.
the """"support"""" class in assfaggots and fps is a fucking disgrace, though, you get that point

>and that raiding itself isn't guarantee of gear, and they will be raiding for months before they start getting anything decent to improve their character.
this kind of cancerous crap is whats killing retail. everyone is fixated on themselves. when I raided in vanilla and saw my mates who are core raiders get gear drops I'm as happy as if I had gotten loot myself.

Being a healer is about enduring and getting through. Healing decides how a fight will go as much as DPS does. It's just bars filling up or emptying at the end of the day.

>when I raided in vanilla and saw my mates who are core raiders get gear drops I'm as happy as if I had gotten loot myself
m8 I'm sorry to tell you this but you're a loot cuck

>tbc happen
>be blood elf
>get seal of blood
>alliance get some shit nobody cares about

TBC started casualizing and making the game worse friendo

how so? I was in full raid gear at the end of the day?


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I used to play a lot of the Medic class in RTCW back in the day and loved it. Although you mostly dispensed first aid packs much like the lieutenant gave out ammo, you could also revive people AND get just as many kills as anyone else because you had a standard rifle as well.

Apples and oranges, but the point is you weren't gimped by just being allowed to use only a knife or a weak pistol just because you could heal people. Paladin is like, all support and very little if any kill potential, and since killing people in video games is fun, playing a Paladin can be pretty unfun.

>He thinks vanilla wasn't casual as fuck

>play mage
>make red bar go down by pushing button
>play shaman
>make green bar go up by pushing button
we're not so different, you and I

Well, a cuck still has his wife at the end of the day so I'm not sure where you're getting with this

mages dont have rage, retard


based and baitpilled

They made it an easy class with not a lot of button presses on purpose. They talked about it in like 2003/04 but I can't be assed to find the video.

group effort bad
solo focus narcissism good
why do you even play mmos you fuck

did I get just le epic trolled or are you really retarded?

vanilla is used to describe original verison, the term is really old.

Except this doesn't translate over to every aspect in the game all that well. As a DPS, you're constantly getting gear that makes you more lethal. As a healer, you're getting gear that helps you fill up people hp bars better. Fun is subjective, but you can't exactly heal someone to death and melting someones hp bar with your sick new weapons seems more engaging than watching empty hp bars turn green. Granted there are times where healing can be engaging but it's usually always in a team environment like pvp or clutch wpvp where you save someone and turn a fight around. If you're by yourself you're pretty much no threat at all to anything except probably a nuisance to kill 1v1.

>Fun is subjective, but you can't exactly heal someone to death and melting someones hp bar with your sick new weapons seems more engaging than watching empty hp bars turn green.

Well it's a matter of preference, I like turning fights around more than I like big numbers. Some people like the team fights and make them a priority.

group effort at fucking your wife is definitely an acquired taste

yeah i dunno id rather play a mage or any dps and get to murder things than be a healer and practically be forced to heal if i want to participate in any kind of content that rewards substantial loot

no one here is talking about cuckolding other than you

>I saw an Asmongold video where he said Death Knights were able to tank with their three base talent trees. Which seemed OP as fuck,
Frost tanking was the most fun I ever had in that shitty game. Critting all the time and dodging shit was glorious.

you definitely did with that getting off on other sweaty nerds taking your loot while you watch quip

Warrior is the only class worth playing. You're the most in demand class when leveling (if you aren't a faggot that refuses to tank) and can freely pick and choose who to take along to dungeons so you get your pick of the loot. You have a fully working DPS tree and are needed in raids and can be a wrecking ball in PVP as arms. Premades are always on the look out for the crucial MS buff dispensers and people will pay you to tank 60 dungeons for them. If you put in any effort at all to set yourself apart from the other Warrior mongoloids you'll be competing with you'll be taken care of.

>goes to college
>still cant tell Yea Forums from college
>is a massive brainlet

Warrior is a shit class that needs a babysitter to do anything. You can't solo anything in pve because you're a warrior. You can't solo anything in pvp because every other class runs over you. Your role in group pvp is to be an MS bot.

How the fuck did we go 300 posts with nobody posting this yet?

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Yeah and the babysitters need a Warrior to kill anything. Both need eachother, you just need to decide if you want to be the baby sitter that spam heals/cleanses or the babysitter that charges in with fuckhuge 2 handers and murders everything

It's nice being a credit to the team and being the one keeping everyone alive when shit hits the fan or gets chaotic is fun.

Share your gold making strats right fucking now.

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Are you implying that only healers are a credit to their team?

>go herb/mining
>woah look at all this gold

They lacked conviction on it but there were cool ideas floating around them.

>Entire class revolved around enabling players with unique location based buffs in the form of totems
>Enhance could have been an amazing tank class with earth shield/self heal, unique totems (earthbind, stoneskin, etc.) and kiting huge amount of adds, they just lacked threat generation. Imagine a pulsing aggro totem and a slowing totem while the tank is running around kiting
>Elemental could have been a shadow hunter spec with voodoo shit, serpent totems and bloodlusting randoms in the group
>Resto could have used more spiritual communion shit and astral shifting

Honestly Blizzard are just lazy and autistic, they don't even understand what a shaman is. They removed totems, then before that they completely shifted the class identity into an elementalist. They have to reduce everything to the simplest form because they want to appeal to everyone and majority of people are idiots. Thing is idiots don't bother to understand things, so you put depth into crap so the people who actually care will take notice.

If you're lucky enough to get the recipe for Lionheart helm early on you can set yourself up for the entirety of classic

Someone in a raid trying to do leetsauce deeps

>pickpocket is massively buffed
easy fucking life

Literally where?

I always loved Paladins and how the trash talking at them was only matched by people seething after getting curbstomped by one.
I LOVED throwing my magical hammer at people foolishly trying to run away from me.

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>i am underage but i am going to pretend to be exactly 18, that'll fool them
nice try kid

didnt hammer of wrath have like a 50% chance to miss or something when it was first implemented? i feel like it used to miss all the fucking time

Any Priest worth his salt had Inner Fire up which gave a lot of armor, Power Word Fort which gave an assload of HP, and generally had PW Shield on themselves. If you interrupted anything Holy, they'd Psychic Scream and run away. It'd buy them a few seconds and was on a short enough cooldown that iflt could be back by the time you broke the shield. Interrupting a Paladin locked them down. No heals, no stun, no judgements, no bubbles. Having that forced CD from getting interrupted was the only thing to block bubbles back then.

>Butt mad Paladin on a pvp server from 2005 to 2009

This is mostly a legacy of Warcraft 3 where the paladin hero was a pure support hero. They were actually putting in an effort to make wow feel consistent with the setting they already established.

>free kill 1v1

I have really fond memories of playing my pally back in 06, people really hated how hard we were to kill and we could be deceptively dangerous, often getting huge, albeit inconsistent burst. I remember a particular paladin on my server was unbeatable in duels.

After playing one on Nost and realizing people back then were just pretty dogshit at the game and that since people have figured the game out, they really aren't all that special.

You watched too many rogue PvP movies.

You left out that raiding MC only takes 3 hours a week. Making it seem like it's some huge time investment. It's not. Also ignoring that single server has any value at all. It's the main reason people are playing classic, not for the software of vanilla....

>pve healer
>pvp damage
This is true patrician. Maximum comfy raids, melt some faces vs players.
Might try shaman this time instead of priest.

Dude I'm a combat veteran of OEF-A and I still get excited about video games giving me purpose. Get off your high horse like you're face down in a book in a lab curing cancer or some shit. Your time on earth is just as much a waste of time as mine is. Fuck off with your pretentious preachy bullshit like you're keyed into the meaning of life or something.

Pretentious fuck.

No DK, Wrath is a druid attack spell, it doesn't pick up after wc3, that's tbc and wrath of the lich king

>It's amazing how good Rogue
Another World of Roguecraft blinded kid who doesn't know we play on 1.12.

genetics + too much animu

If you're raiding with your guild, then sure it will take 3 hours, but if you're pugging or if you're replacing someone, the odds of you ever seeing any gear are pretty grim, especially if you're rolling as a damage spec.

>people foolishly trying to run away from me
Any one worth a shit can kite you forever and there's not a thing you can do about it. Good thing for you that accounts for probably 1% of the total playerbase though

>have to deal with a constant torrent of abuse from people in random bgs
>have hours of afking in capital cities begging people to take you along to premades to look forward to

hope you have a thick skin

>being bad at pvp
Grandmaster here, I am good at pressing buttons

>Dude I'm a combat veteran of OEF-A and I still get excited about video games giving me purpose.
Am I supposed to bow down to some mindless drone who went to the military because he was too stupid to do anything else in his life?

You're probably even MORE retarded than the average braindead incel who posts in these threads, because at least THEY are not as stupid to go die overseas in order to protect the interests of (((bankers))).

Get a fucking clue, you fucking moron. You're not special. In fact, you're WAY stupider than the average, which is why you believe you know anything.

Fucking moron.

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Keep seething.

Paladins were actually in a good spot before BWL

BWL nerfed the shit out of ret and did nothing to fix prot as a tanking spec, though prot before the BWL patch was a really strong support class when it came to buffs, and could stunlock funny enough


Imagine plate classes only started wearing plate at level 1 from Legion onwards, no other game is this idiotic making plate classes wear mail until 40

Nigger, whether wars are bankers wars or not, he has seen more shit than you will in your entire life. Fuck off already.


>nu-WoW fan
Why don’t they just give you raid gear at level 1, too?

>go SL warlock


I only played vanilla up until mid lv20's as a troll mage way back when.
Played in Pandaria until around lv80'ish
Still have fonder memories of that troll in shitty green robes so I'm gonna give classic a go.
I don't have the time to no-life it like I used to so is Druid a good pick for my main?

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>Gear dependent
You see here's the problem with having a shit flinging bonanza about a game from 2004. Even in CURRENT YEAR, Yea Forums discussion about games from CURRENT YEAR is mostly full of people who don't know what the fuck they're talking about. When you start an argument over a game from 15 years ago, even the people who were around in 2004 still have no clue what they're talking about. Because they didn't know what they were fucking talking about IN 2004 and nothing has changed. If you followed any of the popular topics of discussion around the abortions which were the popular forums of the time you'd be well aware that the original Vanilla WoW population were full of shit and will obviously still be full of shit.

ANYWAY. Rogues in PvP were the least gear dependent class in the game, that's the entire reason they were so strong at fresh 60 on launch. The nature of the class is to get significant damage out of an opener which gives them a head start, but the value of that head start depends on Rogue damage versus target health and armour. Health and armour scales up dramatically with higher gear, Rogue skill damage does not.
The reason it doesn't is because Eviscerate is entirely flat damage with no scaling. Sinister Strike and Backstab have a significant flat damage component which doesn't scale. Poisons are flat damage with no scaling. All their Bleeds are flat damage with no scaling and their white damage which is the only major scaling component of their DPS is of minor importance during a stealth opener. That means the damage of an opening combo at fresh 60 with white 2.00 speed butter knives is barely any less than the damage of the same combo with late stage PvP gear.

When you hit 60 players will have 3k life and you'll kill them from stealth in one combo. When you and the person you're attacking have proper PvP gear they will have 5-6k life, significantly more damage reduction and a Trinket while you'll be doing the same damage.

All the hybrids are great in pvp, you're being retarded. Being able to heal yourself and others comes at a cost, an appropriate one in vanilla, since they're all still widely used. The "hybrid tax" is just another word for balance.

assfaggots have the best support, you get all the good abilities and you get to start brawling from minute 1 while some fag is jerking off in the woods until you concede the match

Shut the fuck up and heal me.

You need to be 18 to post here faggot.

alliance won't even start a raid without a paladin

Shamans and Paladins were designed to be buffing classes that were mirrors of one another, but where the paladin leaned more towards melee combat, the shaman leaned closer to spellcasting.

The problem was they nerfed paladins ability to do melee combat, both by removing crusader strike with the very first patch of the game, but also by nerfing seal of command's scaling with the BWL patch by putting it on a PPM system rather then the flat 20% chance it had (like windfury had) and also nerfing its damage from 100% to 70% and changing its judgement effect from spell damage when the target gets stunned, which synergized really well with rogues, and ironically prot paladins who had a seal that just did random stuns on hit, but then changed it to a flat damage that did half damage against targets that weren't stunned.

Still, even by 1.12, a paladin was pretty solid, was one of the few classes that could realistically beat warriors and rogues 1v1, and with a good enough weapon seal of command could still one shot people with a crit

Please respond.

>Dude I'm a combat veteran
real interesting, liked, subscribed, retweeted, please update your blog asap

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"we want the holy knight audience"

On top of this shamans both had spell casting power with some rediculous scaling and procs, AND windfury, even post-nerf windfury put seal of command to shame, I think blizzard at this time put too much stock in armor as a valuable passive stat, and balanced around both having armor, and dealing damage to armor, and still windfury was rediculously more powerful then seal of command either way because you dealt 2 bonus attacks with bonus attack power, rather then seal of command's bonus attack in reduced holy damage

it's a casual game you retard, anything's a good pick for anyone as long as you enjoy how they play

Evisc scales with AP since 1.12. Other than that you're correct, although I'm not sure I'd say Rogue is the least gear dependent class in PvP. Ferals scale much less and are at their strongest in a pre-raid environment. But as always when it comes to Druids, people will cry fowl and spout misinformation.

All the better for me to be a special snowflake.

i vaguely recall some theorcrafting that said SoC is better vs. mail/plate/bosses than WF, anyway it's a shame paladins got nerfed so much just for being good 30-40, they were fine at 60

windfury is 20%, SoC goes up to, what, 70% with a nicker-tier weapon? And you're very wrong about armor. Even a mage is going to be at ~15% mitigation. Anything not a rogue, mage or lock you're doing more damage to per hit, before accounting for holy damage boosts.


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Exactly, but I am saying that early blizzard probably overvalued armor, thus anything that could penetrate armor in their eyes was very powerful.

>Ferals scale much less
Their damage scales less but the mitigation scaling of adding flat armour pieces to a bear is bonkers.
I'm not playing or planning to plan Classic at all so wasn't aware you had the AP scaling on Eviscerate, but even if you had that it doesn't matter. From what I recall that scaling only account for like a 5-10% damage swing tops.

45%~ with a 3.8-4s swing timer

And seal of command does scale incredibly well, but most of that scaling comes entirely from the weapon, meaning the only way to really hit hard with ret is just getting a god tier weapon

I know, that's why I'm giving you the numbers showing you're wrong. Even a fucking mage has some 15% armor mitigation. You're not comparing 100% to 70%, ever. At worst you're comparing 70 and 85. At best, you're comparing 70 and 50(shamans, 2h wars) to 40(bears). That's 18% less damage on cloth(not priests, inner fire is busted), while doing 40 to 75% extra damage to high armor targets. The damage per-hit isn't worse, and whining
>but mooom, Kraknog nailbiter gets 2 extra swings!!!
is just inane when the proc rates are an order of magnitude apart

>both by removing crusader strike
In beta you had crusader strike, but you had no seals or judgement in their current form.

> by nerfing seal of command's scaling with the BWL patch by putting it on a PPM system rather then the flat 20%
This made it better with slower weapons. SoC functioned on a 7 PPM chance, giving it a ~44% proc rate with a 3.8 speed weapon. It was only a nerf if you were using a 2.60 speed or faster weapon.

>its judgement effect from spell damage when the target gets stunned, which synergized really well with rogues
Yeah, I wonder which one of these I'd choose
>Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy for 30 sec, causing 82 Holy damage anytime the enemy becomes stunned.
>Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy, instantly causing 169.5 to 204.5 Holy damage, 339 to 374 if the target is stunned or incapacitated.

>and ironically prot paladins who had a seal that just did random stuns on hit
Not prot paladins. It was a skill.
>but then changed it to a flat damage that did half damage against targets that weren't stunned.
Incorrect. It was a random stun all the way through vanilla.

And the paladin changes happened in AQ patch, not BWL patch.

Overall an extremely misinformed post with a bunch of wrong information.

he has an autistic level of knowledge of tmogs and mounts

How does this work? Are you going to respec all the time?

It's only 100g a week.

i don't even remember 20% PPH SoC, thought it was 5 PPM @ 100% then changed to 7 PPM @ 70%

>ywn play another comfy buffing autoattacking class in an mmo again

Actually it could've been that. For some reason I simply assumed it was static 20% because the guy said so, without thinking any further.

Can't find the numbers for the old SoC with a quick google though.

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
-some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





t. horde iq

Considering the rest of the MMO landscape at the time, Paladins were significantly better designed.

Fuck everquest warriors were litterally nothing but auto attack

Why? Because he went to some summer camp to be yelled at and punished by some obnoxious controlling faggot with a badge and a shitty attitude? Give me a fucking break.

and you morons call yourselves "redpilled"... what a joke.

The paladin class design was fine.

The problem wasn't the class, it was the game's shift towards PVP minigames, and PVP minigames were way too niche and narrowly designed for paladins to really thrive.

Disingenuous cunt, what's your fucking agenda?

Classes were literally the most complex they’d ever been in Wrath, if not MoP.

this is a bot you retards

I had that shield on my shaman, where did i get it from?

Remember to prime sub to asmongold Yea Forums!

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Everquest's design carried over

Isn't that a lot of gold in classic?

2-3 hours of farming

If I recall, they were designed specifically to be played one-handed while you download tremendous amounts of pornography.


Weren't Everquest paladins pretty alright, though? I thought it was warriors that people complained about being in a bad spot.

paladins are insanely good in classic. they're supposed to be a support class

Asmongold sucks in Classic, what do you mean?

>friends wanna play horde
>I just wanna try leveling a paladin

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As someone who leveled up throught the F&F beta and played through vanilla its really simple

Early on paladins were way too strong

In the beta they had 2 active abilities, crusader strike, which did a flat physical damage hit and would proc any seal bonuses you had, and holy strike, which was like heroic strike, in that it made your next auto attack deal bonus damage and the entire damage would be dealt as holy damage, this made them one of the hardest hitting single classes in the game, and all that damage was front loaded because unlike warriors who needed to generate rage, paladins had mana and could just walk up and smack you with a mortal strike and heroic strike in one go, and this wasn't counting their seals.

Even better was that seals and blessings were the same, you didn't have blessings, you had seals, and you also had a healing aura and a mana aura.

What a lot of people in here don't really understand is that crusader strike wasn't simply removed before the game went live, the entire class was reworked entirely before the game went live, seals were split into self buffs (Seals) and group buffs (Blessings) and the strike abilities were replaced by judgement.

And before the AQ patch, paladins had a much better kit with their talents, there was just one problem, everyone was playing the exact, same, spec.

This is because all of the important holy talents were at the bottom of the tree, prot was trash (And remained trash throughout vanilla except for the memetastic reckbomb build for PVP and boss one shotting) you could go 31 points into ret and get all the best talents from holy, thus you could heal and you could DPS just by swapping out your gear, the rest of either tree was rather pointless, and again, prot was hot trash except for reckoning.

What was stupid though is they just had to move the good holy talents deeper into the tree and the basic talents like divine strength and bonus mana lower on the tree

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They were okay, warriors in EQ were still very strong but they were using the most basic D&D design when it came to making them, and thats simply "I auto attack and hit 5x in one swing" Paladins were pretty much the same, but they could also cast spells, but warriors hit harder faster thus could hold aggro.

In reality though EQ was insanely flawed and neither of these classes melee'd except on big bosses, you used summons to tank

Do so, user. You might have to make time to play by yourself, but you can play a paladin.

Complexity doesn't make them good fun or engaging.

MOP had the most buttons to press for sure, but every class doing the exact same thing and talents being ripped out of the game made it so players couldn't play any other way but the forced cookie cutter.

He's wrong about class complexity in wrath, but cataclysm and mop were indisputably the best spots for class design by far.

fuck off wrathbaby

Yeah it balanced the game so well they had to admit it was a mistake and repeal it. It's comical to pretend vanilla PvP wasn't an unbalance mess anyway.

other than healers which were all really bad in cata

You have to be mentally impaired, or a shitter, if you legit think class design was better in vanilla or tbc than it was in wrath, cata, or mop.

You mean tried, made druids so ludicrously overpowered they became the pvp class for an entire expansion by accident, said fuck it and just gave everyone healing?
That's not what a success story looks like.

>bring the player, not the class
maybe your class performed better, the design was irredeemable garbage

>MoP: The Warlock Expansion
>best spots for class design

Oh boy I just love AOEing everything to death
Oh boy I just love having all my talents shoved into one tree because reasons
Oh boy I love playing the exact same as the shittier/better version another class has

That was only for about a month.

People really overplay this "healers were broken in cata" because most healers were shit. Although I admit I personally hated the healing changes at the time, and still hate them to this day, having healing input reduced so dramatically like that really shined a bright light on shitty healers who were used to just one button spam heals during fights.

Warlocks were always great until wod. Stop pretending you know what are you talking about.

Oh boy I just love being useless
Oh boy I love not being invited to anything because my class doesn't have any utility

Yeah... Try again.

i love how hard cata healing was, but design wise it was terrible with homogenized heals and utility

*loses to 8 retards carrying the Retard Kings Esfand & Asmongold in WSG*

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I'm not pretending anything you cumguzzler. MoP was nothing but warlock wankery with outrageously broken talents that made half other dps classes not just inferior, but fucking redundant. You probably failed to notice because you were too busy sucking off your guild leader (male) for a spot in the piss easy casualized raids.

That's because some healers were simply objectively better than others in wrath, especially shamans, which were not even close to priests at the time.

Their design was simply flawed

At launch holy had all their good talents in the first 4 tiers and shit for the last 3, prot was dysfunctional because they lost their only way to do reliable holy damage on command in the beta, and that was holy strike, thus couldn't generate good enough threat, the only way to reach uncritable status was to eat a crit, and their version of shield block was Holy Shield, which lasted 10 seconds had 4 charges but had a 10 second cooldown, meaning there was a small window where you could get hit with a crushing or crit, and that would likely 1 or two shot you.

Retribution at launch was really solid, but due to how bad prot was and all of holy's good talents could be obtained with less then 20 points, everyone would simply spec ret and they would have the best of both worlds with all the best holy and ret talents in one build

The only problem paladins really had was they were entirely reliant on seal of command to do any real damage in PVP, and when they reworked paladin talents in 1.9 ret lost a lost kings, concecretion, and divine favor, which was the bread and butter of the spec and made them really really strong 1v1.

The other big problem with paladins was simply items, there were no good plate hybrid items in the game, the closest paladins had to a proper paladin gear set was judgement, and that still heavily favored a holy build and not a retribution build, and there was zero plate armor with spell power, mp5, and defensive stats on it to make prot viable at all past tanking 5 man undead dungeons.

>playing PvE
That's your problem, right there.

I fucking hated what they did to Warlock in Mists. Made me drop the class after years. I always feel bitter that everyone thought locks were too strong. The addition of that channel that makes your Dots fire (I can't remember its name) was the only positive thing, I just fucking hated every other design decision, even ones that were just expansions of concepts beginning in Cataclysm.

What was so different? I didn't start healing seriously until Cataclysm anyway, I had just been mindlessly throwing Shadowbolts in the preceding expansions.

Now I've been healing in FFXIV so long that I can't ever take WoW healing seriously again, but hey.

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sick autos

Try reading the post again, you braindead failed abortion

Every class was useful in vanilla, try harder.
>But I only did this one thing!
And DPS classes only did DPS! People are so fucking stupid.

it's a video game.

>The warlock expansion
BC called, MOP was still meh compared to the golden era of warlocks.

That's a funny way of spelling paladins. At least BC actually had more than one broken thing.

>leveling as a druid healer with a warrior
how fucked is this?

>Golden Era
wut, are you sure you're not thinking of wrath you catakid

>They are amazing tanks
Why are you lying?

If you want to stand around clicking on people you can always just play a priest.

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As strong as lock was in BC, and as much as I loved playing it, it really was dreadfully boring. Seeing those ginormous numbers on your Shadow Bolts loses its luster after a while. I liked it earlier on, at lower gear levels when other specs were viable or even better than Destro. Actually fire Destro was my favorite but lol no nether protection.

I can't stand MoP Warlock in the least but I have to concede there's way more variety and interesting design. Plus that channeled DoT firing thing, still can't remember the name, that was just wicked cool.

That will be perfectly fine. If you are planning to be duo leveling the majority of the time it will work but if you are planning to go solo for some significant amount of time I'd just do a normal druid leveling spec and work hard to build up a set of healing gear.

literally peak performance, you don't share any gear and can make a group with almost anything

Paladin was really valuable in BC. I don't agree that BC was the golden era when Paladins were so ridiculous in Wrath, but if you think Paladin was bad in BC you must never have broken past that mighty barrier called Karazhan.

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For fucks sake

s o y is wordfiltered, use sΩy

Fire destro became viable once you started getting a lot of haste gear.

You're also forgetting the fact that in BC warlocks were a raid boss in PVP

you still level as feral or restobear, just keep an int set

Level normally, don't level healer.

Just keep a healing set with int and you're golden

we're all going to make it bros

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Redpilled post