They didn't fix the problem were the bosses are bullet sponges and they kill you in 2 hits, i really liked the first game but the bosses are the weakest part about it
Nioh 2
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As long as they don't one-shot you it's an improvement.
I like that they didn't change as much as some people were demanding, but they could have addressed at least some of the first game's weaknesses instead of just adding a few more mechanics.
>i really liked the first game
Doesn't sound like it to me considering you're complaining about the sequel being too similar to the first game.
>the bosses are bullet sponges
Your idiot terminology aside, they're fucking bosses. If anything I felt like the bosses in Nioh died too quickly.
It's funny because the problem is the opposite and it wasn't fixed enough.
Maybe if you go around farming levels but thats a pretty shit game design
>bosses are bullet sponges
Literally what the fuck are you talking about
>being this fucking dumb
Everything in Nioh dies nearly instantly if you aren't fucking stupid.
Go turn on Nioh.
Equip a kusarigama.
Walk up to a boss.
use "reaper". watch boss die in 2.5 seconds or less before it can even attack.
no build required.
no sets required.
nothing required.
same for tonfa.
same for 2kat.
same for 1kat.
same for axe.
You go around hitting a boss for 5 minutes just to die immediately because some retard though it was a good idea that every boss must have a one shot kill move if you're 3 levels behind
Oh. You're one of those literal dipshits that pokes enemies with 1 light attack after fishing for the only animation you understand, aren't you.
>its all clear now
>hes just retarded
do the human bosses still hold block the entire time you're within 10 meters of them
I think it was the level designs and reused enemies that killed the game for me.
Honestly 1 light attack is pretty good since its too risky to even try anything else because you die in 2 hits
looks much easier than the first game though
even the dumbest streamerfags are clearing the demo easy
>Of course it's easy if you level up
>I didn't level up why is the boss so hard
Good thing that isn't actually the case unless you wear light armour and miss huge telegraphs, and even then you can debuff them easily and have several ways to survive death and later negate hits.
is it even possible to stay at the same level as content
I think I was barely 200 when I was reaching 350+ stuff and getting like 1 or 1 and a half levels for completing a mission
Not him but you both need to realize that damage in Nioh is massively variable because their loot system has too much impact. The difference in damage between having optimized rolls on gear from the current level and having random roleplaying stats from several tiers ago is like 300%.
There is no point complaining that things die too quickly / too slowly because the rate at which things die is based on how much you're pushing the loot system. The developers have given up control over player damage as a balancing function in order to provide you with Diablo loot. The only way they can regain control and set pacing themselves is to reign that loot system back in.
Mission level isn't really analogous to player level, it's more like a recommended order of play.
It's not quite the loot system. The biggest factor on damage is the weapon's level which is always consistently given out by the game. It's not till a very long time that effects really overshadowing it but they are always based on the initial damage though they don't help matters and cause the endgame 1shot builds. The stats also get massively inflated by + levels and Familiarity to an extent before then. They have to take the damage buffing or health nerfing or whichever they did back, then they can get a clear look at what any actual issues are.
Yes the weapon's level is part of the loot system. They want you to replace gear every 20 minutes to force the whole inventory and loot management mini-game that serves as downtime between missions, but they accomplish that by making gear have a gigantic impact on your damage output. If they reduced the impact of gear they would reduce the importance of post-mission loot management but would gain the ability to finely tune damage and create a smoother difficulty curve.
It's likely that most of the difficulty complaints from the first game were caused by 2 things:
>Players not realizing how some of the completely unintuitive but absolutely essential mechanics like blocking out of hitstun work
>Players not realizing how important gear is or how to optimize their gear
Gear strength increases very gradually though, it's nothing like needing to replace every mission, especially because the game's mechanics are based around rewarding skill directly with higher damage output, as redundant as that sounds but I can't think of a better way to describe how Ki really narrows any gaps, far more than most weapons. Players certainly didn't bother to learn any of the main mechanics, but the overly high base damage leading to a low presence of them in average fights meant they had less motivation to do so. Personally I think that's stupid and they're stupid rather than it being the game's fault, but it causes a huge damage overflow when you do play the game even somewhat properly. Most advice to people is that they don't even need to learn how to optimize because damage is so excessive that just picking the one at the top works. Blocking after being hit should not be unintuitive to anyone at all.
Let me give you an example from an old argument:
This clip shows 2 kills of the same enemy on the same difficult. All I do between kills is change the weapon for another weapon of the same level with proper damage rolls, buff up and add in the range weapons that complete my set bonuses.
>Blocking after being hit should not be unintuitive to anyone at all.
Using a defensive option after being hit is not unintuitive. What's unintuitive is that in Nioh, Blocking works even in the middle of a hitstun state that prevents you from taking any other actions. People who play other games in this genre would naturally attempt to roll out of combos while being hit and it's normal that you're unable to roll until the hit stagger animation ends, but in Nioh blocking in that state works while rolling doesn't.
There is no common sense reason for why a multi-hit attack which combos you to death without you being able to move or roll can just be blocked at any stage while being hit.
boy Nioh 2 made alot of fromsoft shills come out with really niche shit to complain about because they can't shitpost about the game otherwise.
>Argument between guys who clearly have like 1000+ hours in Nioh
>Fromsoft shills
I'd tell you to go back to Yea Forums but we're already on it.
I envy all the brainlets who don't understand how to break Nioh yet because the game is considerably more fun when you've no idea what you're doing.
nioh shills were in every sekiro thread pre release
you reap what you sow faggot
fromsoftware aside, nioh 2 should've been a dlc as there's not much improvement from the first game which was already mediocre
Mission level is basically meaningless, hell, at some point it goes over the maximum level you can reach, what you should be looking at for difficulty is the grave icons, 1 red grave means easy, 5 means very hard.
I don't know what you feel that's meant to prove in this case. I'm talking about the base damage being too high to begin with from just having an appropriate level weapon. Adding buffs will of course push it even higher, and both them and the endgame set effects play off that, which I already said is when that becomes a problem in particular. It's the symptom rather than the cause.
Dodging is just another defensive action the same way blocking is, anyone thinking it's somehow more intuitive in concept to recover by diving forward instead of fixing your stance to guard to the point of never trying both is just too stuck in another game. The common sense reason is simple, you must actively recover from being smacked.