>fifteen dollars monthly for a static game that will not change, released over a decade ago
Fifteen dollars monthly for a static game that will not change, released over a decade ago
Other urls found in this thread:
>Page ten
Not so fucking fast, Yea Forums. I'm still waiting for you to defend this shit.
The fuck are you talking about? It's free with BFA subscription. It's literally $0 a month.
How is it being literally a dumb and lazy person?
>Giving money to blizzard at all
I haven't given Blizzard money in years. Some other dumb fuck does while I give them my worthless pile of WoW gold.
And it'll be the best mmo on the market.
>Some other dumbfuck does
>It’s free
When did I say it's free? WoW Classic IS free with BFA subscription. BFA subscription isn't free.
People still replay old games that haven't changed for decades. Are you retarded?
>free with BFA sub
So it's not free then is it?
Google the sub to bfa if its confusing to you. You literally don't need to use money
lul thats actually giving blizz more money if anything, those wow tokens are slightly more expensive.
Yeah it wont be from your wallet but you're supporting someone paying them more anyway
yes next question
Do they normally pay over one hundred dollars a year to do so?
Even through WoW tokens, assuming you even have the gold for it, someone still ends up paying blizzard. Those WoW tokens don't just get on there directly from blizz, someone else pays for them.
Besides, if you dont have the gold for it you'd still need to grind for gold and that requires playing BFA as well.
You aren't fooling anyone, Ion.
Yes, it's free.
>Yeah it wont be from your wallet but you're supporting someone paying them more anyway
And? I don't really care. I've got thousands of dollars worth of WoW gold and the value constantly drops. May as well use it.
Oh darn looks like I won't be able to spend that 3.80$ a week on McDonald's anymore, wait that means I'll be losing more weight!
Classichads win again.
>will not change
he doesn't know
>they're literally announced that thaey'll stop retail development in favor of calssic+
Just fucking google it you needy cum stain
Yep, you're retarded.
I can play a private server for free and not give money to blizzard whatsoever. Can’t top that.
can I play classic if I don't have legion or bfa purchased?
How is he retarded you fucknut? People replay old games, yeah, but they already paid for them and don't need to again to keep playing them whenever they feel like. That was his point.
An MMO subscription is based on the fact that it is a continually evolving and developed game, classic wow is not. It's static.
You don't even need to really play WoW expansions if you're smart. At the start of BFA I farmed herbs for a week and made 500k an hour by using 5 accounts. That was $75 an hour while barely even paying attention. I made enough in a week to pay for over 5 years of game time.
That's like playing a PS1 without buying a memory card. Imagine spending a thousand hours on a game for your progress to get erased. Absolutely retarded.
Its not static. You dont read anything about classic do you
>for your progress to get erased
So i can start again.
And that's a good think, i hope they will wipe the servers at least once a year.
Are blizzard niggers really this retarded to pay a monthly fee for a dead game released over 15 years ago?
Holy shit, those people are retarded.
Good thing that hasn’t happened to the server I play on.
poorf*g doesn't know what home feels like.
Great explanation.
It is. Dropping it in phases does not change that, they are just holding back parts of it.
These phases aren't new, they already have them. It's already there.
>has 5 world of warcraft: battle for azeroth accounts
>thinks he's "smart"
>it’s not static
It’s vanilla up to Naxx, again. Something you can already get for free
Just because your one self wants to see it different doesnt make it your way. I can tell you have no close relationships if thats how your thought process works. But you got your channer bros right? Hahahah
Nice. Not a single argument to be had.
I have a wife but way to strawman, retard. The argument isn't to see it different, it's merely pointing how absolutely retarded it is that you guys are paying a sub for something that is static and not actively developed.
>I have a wife
literal cuck
I didnt need to make one when i already wrote a fact, but you probably think a new “you” invalidates past replies. Typical channer
Wait until he sees that all the “official stats” BlizzArd makes up for classic is nothing but diligently rewritten Nostalrius numbers
A wife?i doubt that. If its true i feel bad for her having to live with your worthless shit
Mmm delicious envy
No kid though? Again i pity your wife
it's free if you pay for it, retard
>it's free if you pay for it
I got a son and a daughter, your insult game is weak. Stop embaressing yourself with your seething envy, user
lmao shits free for me. I have so much gold my bliz sheckles are at $350, 10 wow tokens in my bags, and over 500k gold
It looks like i got you now. Please give me more of your captchas . Literally having you giving personal info :)
Just because it’s a good game doesn’t mean it’s good, fuck off
Would you two just Vore each other already?
>fifteen dollars monthly for a ... game
yeah that's fucking retarded.
lmao at the retards who genuinely think MMOs are a worthwhile genre
>I'm going to pretend to be a scary hackerman that'll hunt down your info OOoOO
This is just pathetic at this point
I know he wants to. Living off a fantasy he pushes on Yea Forums in the middle of the night
lmao reading the replies destroying your shill ass felt so good god damn
Hacker? Wow, your dumb. But if your going to keep pushing fantasies. Your going to have to post some family pics otherwise your just bullshitting
That's a pretty rich claim from the nerd that just unironically pretended to be hunting me down through captchas. Projecting much?
Seriously Ouroboros yourselves
>implying i'm retarded enough to post family pics on Yea Forums
Captchas in the sense you keep having to solve them to reply to me .
Im still waiting for those pics, liar
Youre not so good at being user are you? Post tits or gtfo
And we're done here anyway, you have no argument and you've already embaressed yourself enough. I know better m8
this is a roast thread now? ok.
I wrote my fact a long time ago. the game is not static
WoW is sweet, especially vanilla, but I don't have the time or interest to grind and farm, wait on ques, run the same raids over and over to get good gear, etc.
It's just too much of a time investment to REPEAT experiences I already had.
It's like if you were dating a girl for a really long time, had a mutual breakup, then fifteen years later started dating again. It just doesn't make sense.
I'm planning to main a prot warrior in Classic. When I hit 60, are there any particular items I should B-line it to ASAP, perhaps even prioritizing them over grinding gold for an epic mount? I'm curious to know if there are any solid upgrade pieces that would significantly boost my performance as a pre-raid tank that I should be hunting for early, ass opposed to much some big BiS pre-raid gear list. I'd just like some suggestions for reasonably obtainable gear that's notably strong for that spec as they're transitioning into running things like UBRS.
It's extremely expensive to complete the quest and time consuming
lionheart and annihilator are the 2 big craftable items you're gonna want from axe and armorsmiths they're equippable from 55+
then it'd be wise to stockpile at least 100 arcanite bars and hope you get bindings to drop from geddon and garr
You seem pretty retarded after reading your replies.
Fuck you, I'm not supposed to laugh anymore
The helm, right? Because of the crit and hit chance passive it has? I suppose it makes sense, I just wouldn't have thought to use that on a tank since it has no stamina whatsoever. I believe you, just surprised is all, but I get why given that you need to make sure taunts land and that you're building threat.
You still get the latest version of retail WOW
But then again
Really though I hope blizzard learns that they're minigame focused end game has become shit and people just want the immersive open world MMORPG back.
It would be nice if there was like an $8/mo option for Classic only. I can see why they might not want to do that though. Having only a single option means people who buy in just for classic are more likely to try retail.
don't play alliance rogue
>Main a prot warrior
Don't main prot until you're definately in a MT slot for a raiding guild, go 2h fury.
Fury is just better for maintaining threat, and will be better for farming solo as well, not as good as arms starting out in terms of damage, but its more versitile due to flurry, in 5 man dungeons and UBRS all you need really is a shield to tank, it isn't until raiding when enrages are more common and boss crits/crushes become 1-2shots that you need to worry about going prot, and even then you're only going into prot for last stand and 1 point of improved shield block for the extra shield block charge.
wait till all these nufags get to classic and realize that over half the classes and specs aren't even endgame viable. can't wait to see people whining about their paladins and bears taking crushing blows and demanding a fix and all the puristfags being like DONT LIKE IT GO BACK TO BFA lmfaooo
g*mers are the fucking worst
Try to use forums less and youll be happier
Every class is viable at end game
You wrath babbies need to fucking grow up and realize talents didn't define your class, your class defined your class, forcing cookie cutter specs only made classes retarded and boring.
Now everyone is bitching 'wah my class sucks because I don't do as much DPS' or 'wah PVP is dead because everyone has 20 minutes of CC effects' and 'wah healers are OP because they take no damage' when those are all problems with the fact that every class has effectively become the exact same design wise, thus they all have interrupts and 2+ CC effects and high raw DPS potential and healers have to have insane survivability to make up for the fact they can be locked down by any class in the game for 20+ seconds even after DR with no counter play other then "I am healer, thus I don't take any damage"
>immersive open world MMORPG
Classic wew have nothing to do with EvE.
>Every class is viable at end game
> It's free with BFA subscription. It's literally $0 a month.
What are the mental gymnastics on this one? Holy fucking kek
>have to buy the base game
>have to buy the DLC
>have to subscribe
>ingame store sells gold and cosmetics
this is why MMORPG genre is dying
user I know you're an absolute autist on the verge of suicide, but having a wife is literally nothing special to non-retards aka. not you
>n-no bro, it's FREE!!!!!!!
lmao blizzdrones are truly scum of the earth
and losers all over the world will do exactly just that
literal addiction
aren't they planning on introducing burning crusade?
Damn. So it’s only a matter of time until the shit expansions come back around
They've said that if people want it they'll make it. Nobody wants cataclysm.
only wotlk
yeah druids are great at endgame, your point? You posted a fucking talent that druids don't even take if they do go balance. You don't play specs in vanilla you play the entire fucking class, doesn't matter if balance is garbage in raids when there are balance/resto builds that dumpster people in wpvp, most of the 60 content ends up being pvp for the week after your raid anyways.
I don't know why everyone spouts so much shit about hybrids being forced to heal when they end up gearing faster than everyone else and have broken strong dps spec choices in pvp
There is not nor will there ever be a 'classic+' faggot. Stop with that shit right fucking now. No. Fucking. Changes.
you can buy tokens with in game gold and use those tokens for sub time so it is free
>in order to get the gold to begin with you must subscribe to grind it
it's not free, shut up blizznigger
No one said you have to play. Stop shitting on us because you have no home. We are going home, bro.
its free for me like it has been for the past year sucks to be you
Just like there will never be classic, right? :^)
>having no friends and being a zoomer.
Seething Nostbaby detected.
>Having children
What the fuck is wrong with you?
wow so much info :)
>There is a line connecting me to the very first human
>I'm going to willingly decide to end my DNA by not having children
>I'm going to deny the single purpose of being alive in the first place, to pass on your genes as much as possible so that you live on forever.
Imagine being this much of a brainlet.
And you'll also be done with it in a month with nowhere to go once you get to the finish line
You can barely get to 60 in a month if you're not no-lifing it.
You know, most games are static. You're probably too young to remember this, but there was a time when a game was actually finished before it was released, and you bought it in a fully playable state, instead of doing half the developer's bug testing for them.
It's literally nothing like what you said. Kill yourself.
>Fuck socalism
Fuck you.
Don't play Horde anything. Have shoes.
Have sex sperglet
Druids aren't viable any time. Fail class. Should be purged.
seething antifa tranny
I will not play the game since it is confirmed to have permanent Sharding at this point. So I don’t care.
Apparently they do, since HD remasters are a thing.
No and shut it with that shit. No changes.
WotLK was the best expansion hands down but still, NO CHANGES!
We can't be allowing ANYTHING other than Vanilla 1.12 content ever. There must never be a Classic + or any of that bullshit. Just what they have planned and nothing else. I don't trust Blizz to 'enhance' the game with new shit nor do I want to split the player base between say Vanilla, TBC, and WotLK.... Just stay with 1.12 and live there. That's safest.
They are viable tanks
They are better tanks than paladins actually
>World of Warcraft Classic players think some features are bugs
>So Blizzard published a not-a-bug list.
Laughing so hard. Nostalgiagoggles btfo
Classic was universally demanded but we won't allow Blizz to fuck this up. Stop with your zoomercuck smashtard bullshit and get the fuck off my board.
We're getting Classic+ and it will be great.
5 mans for sure, raids you still want a warrior to maintain threat.
Imagine actually being hyped for this and doing it all over again for muh nostalgia. It's almost as pathetic as being excited to go to the park to slide down the slide because it was so cool when you were 5.
Grow up.
No in raids also.
They just need the right gear
wait till all these people get to classic and realize that they can have fun in the game the way they want and don't need to raid to experience objectively good gameplay. can't wait to see people raving about their adventures and experiences
There are MILLIONS of abandoned and unwanted children in the world already! What kind of monster brings another into the world and allows those forgotten kids to keep suffering? You could have adopted two children and saved two extant lives, but instead you fucked them over and brought more useless lives into existence. You are an irresponsible piece of shit. Not only that you brought them into this fucked up world we are in. They may grow up in a right wing led hellscape and it's your fault. Seriously you are a monster.
>5h/day with good pace
even that's a stretch
In raids they're great soak tanks, but they're still awful threat tanks.
They're only less worse then paladins becuase paladins can't maintain proper threat nor have enough defenses
Still have to pick one or the other fuckwad.
No, you aren't. Forget about it. It is NOT happening. You want 'classic+' then.... Go. Play. Retail.
literally the only reason to ever use a druid tank is because they output more threat
stop talking out of your ass you fucking idiot, it's embarrassing just watching you
your are basically paying them in labor at a sub-minimum wage rate when you do that, it's actually worse
We're getting Classic+ and there is NOTHING you can do to prevent it.
I can even see the cheeto stains.
Classic will die like just OSRS almost did if they don't start updating it
>Being so bad at this game and using outdated stupidity because hurr
>Say stupid shit
>Get corrected TWICE
>Resort to insult instead of accepting you were wrong
Why do you do this
Why are you fucking people like this
21st century CHILD
OSRS only got worse with updates
The only reason why OSRS was dying in the first place was because they included the GE, 2014 saw a resurgence of players thanks to ironman mode which removes the G.E. from the equation, if in a shitty roundabout way, none of the updates in 2013 helped bring subs up past EOC.
In the words of our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ:
>forgive him, for he is american
I would enjoy seeing classic get updated OSRS style.
Problem is we all know blizzard will fuck it up somehow.
OSRS is already fucked because they kept in the GE and to compensate for the bot inflation that the GE enables they just made it so slayer fags get 90% of their materials from monster drops, the only reason that OSRS is thriving isn't because the updates made the game better, its because bonds allow people who nolife the game to sub 20 different pure accounts.
>OSRS only got worse with updates
maybe to you but it's more popular than it ever has been. OSRS was dying because it had no content anyone actually wanted to do and as soon as they started adding more things to do it started getting more and more popular.
>Classic WoW
>Literally has Sharding in it
Why do people care anyway about Classic anyway?
OSRS is doing well because of bonds, not just updates.
It also helps that you can canibalize your RS3 account for RS3 bonds which give you game time for both games, and if you're good at flipping the RS3 economy is so fucked up that you can sub your account just by logging into that trashfire once every month
No one defends sharding except blizzard apologists, it wasn't needed 15 years ago, it isn't needed now, but because blizzard is only going to launch with minimal server support for classic they're going to need sharding to keep their servers from crashing, even though sharding doesn't even prevent the dead as fuck live servers from crashing.
Is there a version without the website link plastered all over it
PvE viability is a meme, and anyone talking about it is a retard. PvE is easy, and you can clear it with almost anything. The only thing that you win by doing it with a better comp is save some minutes from your clear times. You clear the same bosses, you get the same loot. And with overtuned private servers, the PvE will be even easier.
The only place where being optimal matters in is PvP, because the challenge is bigger the better your opponents are and the more they tryhard. There is no set level you need to reach in PvP to complete it. Stronger is always better. That is why you want to be optimal in PvP at the cost of PvP.
Essentially, if you roll a human for weapon skill, you're retarded. You'll deal 2% more dps on some boss. Big deal, it made no difference. The boss died 0.2 seconds faster, that's all. But then you face against a mage in the world. He freezes you, and while sitting in his nova, slowly dying to his spells, you will wonder: "Why the fuck did I not roll a gnome?". Because if you weren't a garbage human, your screen wouldn't be gray.
>A spec that is litterally just a walking raid buff
>"duuuuuude why don't I do as much DPS as the class who's only function is DPS"
>OSRS is doing well because of bonds, not just updates.
bonds doesn't make your playerbase go from 20k max concurrents to over 130k max
yes it does
No but it enables people making 200k/h to sub multiple accounts
weird how the biggest jumps in concurrent players are always around big content updates
Thats true with any fucking game.
That doesn't make the updates good
See: WOD
Incarna had the biggest spike in players in EVE's history, and that expansion nearly killed EVE
WOD had the biggest single spike in subscribers of any WOW expansion in a single launch month, and we all know how that went.
>That doesn't make the updates good
maybe to you, evidently not to most people.
not talking about spikes, osrs average player count consistently rises with content updates even after the initial spikes, without content updates it was consistently trending downwards
Yet if you look at OSRS's growth, it started right as Old School Bonds were added in.
Do you think every player has 4 alts or something? Bonds don't cause a consistent trend upward for 5 years straight
Lol, you are working for them
Any PVPer who isn't a complete noob has a main, their pure or mutliple pures, and a scout.
Hardcore Ironman players also have a normal account as well to playtest content before they get themselves killed.
Reminder that Classic is soley being made so of anyone says, "Ive completed all of X expansions content, including old Y expansion stuff" Blizzard can say "Have you tried Classic™?"
>everyone calls druids ass
>soda is literally the best player in beta right now with his
why you guys lie?
>mfw autistic fucks will start a civil war over this shit
>mfw blizzard will unironically cater to them
>mfw blizzard will announce expansions in order to better handle the complaints about imbalance
>mfw there will inevitably be a warlords of draenor: classic
>Any PVPer
>Hardcore Ironman players
The vast majority of players are neither of these things lmao, especially pvp which is dead as fuck. Having multiple accounts is not the same thing as playing them all at once by the way, the former would not inflate player counts
>people who say you will get bored of classic
Bunch of people do frequent classic playthroughs on private servers for over a decade it's just that good of a game
I can't bother to replay oblivion or skyrim, but morrowind is always fun to fuck around on.
Ally or Horde?
The vast majority of players in 2019 are mobile players.
>people complain about class design in retail
>classic is praised despite having one button rotations
Someone please explain this
What else?
lol, go play rock band
No one gives a fuck about rotations
Classic frost mage basic PVE loop
>Spam frost bolt to do DPS, have a plethora of context sensitive abilities and CDs to crowd control, only raid bosses are immune to your crowd control effects
Live frost mage basic PVE loop
>use orb of frost on CD, spam frostbolt, press frost lance and flurry during procs to do average DPS, every one of your abilities is useless outside of a niche mythic raid encountered designed for it like ice nova on adds, but most encounters are immune to ice nova and slows anyway, and why use crowd control when tanks can AOE tank half of the dungeon anyway
Is this the same people who demands F R E S H every time they clear MC?
as a separate thing probably
That's WHY I'm paying 15 a month. I know that I can take a break for a month or more, and come back to the exact same world and character. No need for me to autistically grind just to be able to play the game.
Blizzard killed Classic.
> Auto loot
> Cata water
> Foilage
> Modern cliënt
> 1.12 AV
> 1.12 itemization
> Nerfed Elites and bosses.
> Assmongoloid gets beta priveleges
> Assmongoloid gets stress test priveleges
> Streamerfags completey killing the hype by oversaturating the news with their shit
> Sharding
> Cross realm BGs
This isn't Vanilla! This is BfA with a Vanilla skin. Fuck Blizzard and FUCK STREAMERS
15 dollas aint shit. I wipe my ass with 15 dollas. Hell, I'll give you 15 dollas just to shut the hell up nigga.
does anyone know if the FOV is the same as the 1.12 client?
Oh yeah? How are you gonna stop them from fucking it up?
not a bad thing
this and foliage can be turned off, they literally have a dedicated option to set your graphics to the original classic options
not a bad thing
not an argument it's part of vanilla
not an argument it's part of vanilla
already deconfirmed by devs that the values are the same as vanilla, basically private serverfags got btfo after years of insisting their servers were authentic
no proof
no proof
imagine caring and letting streamers lve in your head rent-free
there's no sharding only layering, learn the difference
also part of vanilla
>imagine being this much of a blizzard shill?
did you make your daily donation of your parent's money to asmonigger today already, incel?
Have sex
no arguments as expected
Come again?
>raid buff
You mean party buff
Horde should have Goblins and Alliance have High Elves.
Classic+ when?
Without updates classic will die like just osrs would have if they didn't add content.
Oh man, that pic is too cute. Elves are the best.
Kys samefagging tranny
>Without updates classic will die
One day I was thinking that maybe they would consider that they got themselves in blind corner with current story and Classic would be reboot and story would go different direction and there would be different expansions than what we know after for example BC.
But since MMOs are more less dead and egine is ancient no one would give them money to do that.
Is 15 dollar a month much for you?
go back.
Except OSRS doesn't require guild politics
And that is a massive monkey wrench in progression, OSRS is just pure grinding.
Go dilate
>redditors and normals will roll their favorite hybrid from retail
>they will level to 60 thinking that their spec will be viable and people will want them
>mfw they will all be forced to put on a dress and heal
The flood of tears on the forums will be more entertaining than any raid.
>joins your group
based frogposter saying how it is
Honestly I'm not even mad at Blizzard anymore, I'd do the same shit if addicted idiots were throwing money at me.
Where has that been confirmed?
joke's on you, I like healadin
>tfw best healer in the game
To be fair she was set up for failure, modern WOW taught her to expect retarded shit, and because the demo started you in westfall and not at level 1 she wouldn't have any time to figure out the basics.
In his mind I'm guessing servers = permenant shards?
a post on Yea Forums confirmed it of course
>Tosses a Fort and Renew on you as our paths briefly cross in Silverpine Forest
Dark Lady watch over you.
people who enjoy playing them ?
People actually watch this garbage? She looks like a boy with a jew beak and doesnt even have huge tits
>all these niggers who've never been home
>Versatile pet system
>Instantly richer than everyone else due to free mounts
>Soulstone to prevent a lengthy run back and reclear
>Rank 1 CoR to stop humanoids from fleeing and pulling 3 more groups
>Can pop a cyanide pill to cheat foes out of a kill
>Infernal/Doomguard for shock&awe tactics or general lulz in lowbie towns
>Only gets stronger the longer Classic goes on
>He OOM but you still suckin'
>Curse of Tongues to instantly delete healers from the equation
>Drain a bitches soul and keep it in your swag bag
>A E S T H E T I C tier sets
>Instantly richer than everyone else due to free mounts
You do realize your epic mounts are not free, and they will still cost a lot of gold regardless, right?
>people crying about PvE servers
> Tosses a Mark of the Wild back
Walk with the Earthmother
since when did listening to pve players became the norm? weren't pve players the down syndrome kids of this game?
It is for a fucking decade old game.
I gladly pay 15 bucks a month if that keeps 3rdworldlers and chinks away from my comfy oldschool game
you do realize that thousands of third worlders and chinks will flood your "comfy oldschool game" because the in-game currency is worth more one-on-one than their real one, right?
Imagine being this poor
The only reason people do that on runescape is because it's free to play.
If you think third worlders could afford the $15 a month and still make gold farming worthwhile, you're out of your mind.
After all, the people that complain about the sub fee in these threads are exclusively third worlders.
you are actually paying them with your time, which is infinitely more valuable than gold user...
never understood this meme
wow pvp is pretty shallow, and has very few mechanics if you aren't melee vs melee, with most big skirmishes being such a shit show it doesn't matter how good you are at the game since you're going to eat 4 moonfires and 6 frostbolts for trying to stop the warrior that charged your line from walking back to his pack
i like being on a pvp server because of the more organic feel of the world, where people will compete for resources and small ganks can escalate into big pvp skirmishes
but to act like you're better than people just because they see it as unnecessary or an intrusion to how they spend their time? you're just as much of a brianlet as the person who thinks wow pvp is the pinnacle of competition
who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick:
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
>Being so delusional you think Druids can actually main any role
Shiggidy. Did the druid lobbying group get to you?
>for a static game that will not change
But it will change. They're not releasing all content at once. They're releasing it a tiered progression, just like it was originally.
If this is successful, there will be TBC and WotLK progression as well.
>Calls layering sharding
>Butthurt Hordecuck pvptard zoomer detected
>$15 a month for the best version of a $15 a month game
you're going to have to come up with something better. fuck monthly fees though imo, that's the reason i never got into wow
>Thinking anyone other than frustrated incels actually gives a fuck about PvP
Kill yourself Faggot. You and your incel chums aren't stealing the playtime I pay for. I only play on pve servers. All other non-incels should do the same. Don't fall for their propaganda folks, this time around wpvp is just an excuse for incels who poopsocked to 60 to gank you and camp your corpse and steal the game I'm you pay for to play. On pve servers this cannot happen. Be smart, don't roll on PvP servers.
I'd pay $5/month but $15 is a lot. I will never touch retail again
Daily reminder that MCP effect persists through weapon swap on classic. Rejoice druchads you will be doing top three deeps easily.
Druchads won
not him but even as a carebear you have to roll on pvp servers if you want half decent players
Finally someone else who knows PvP is an outdated thing that should be removed from WoW all together. For one world PvP should be removed and confined to instanced battleground settings. Then eventually all that should be retired as well to force a focus to PvE whish is what the game is all about. It was never meant to be PvP oriented.
Never horde. Never PvP.
maybe not the pinnacle of anything, but it's certainly the only quality entertainment this game was ever able to provide.
unless you're a shitter, of course.
t. 3rdworlder
Uummm how does a streamer figure into it? He's a fucking autistic mongoloid yes but that doesn't make the game suck. Grow up and have sex. Also your other complaints are discarded. They aren't deal breakers. We. Are. Gong. Home.
If it works that way, it'll either get fixed or it'll actually make warriors even better, since warriors can abuse it better.
The problem is that the cooldown period still exists when you change your weapon. If you have a 90s boss fight, you can't simply start off with MCP, use it, change weapon, and after 30 seconds switch to MCP for the buff again, because that triggers the 30s cooldown on the use effect. So you can do your actual weapon swap only 60s in for your third charge, making the benefit much much smaller.
that's a valid point, but a sub fee isn't enough to stop chinks though.
By showing them when/if they try to announce such bullshit that we won't tolerate it. Change.org petitions, sub cancellations, dropping review scores, etc. We will give the idea bad press. We will even do propaganda if need be. We. Won't. Allow. It. To. Happen. Period.
Again, more "serious" PvP players just moved to other genres (why bother with WoW arena when you can play ASSFAGGOTS?), so you're left with "le ebin open pvp ganks" scrubs that keep killing lowlies with their 60 hunter or rogue.
Innervate pls
>vanilla never had chinese gold farmers
The absolute state of WoW "experts".
See you in the premade :)
Isn't Classic releasing with the old PvP sets? Rank 14 is a waste of time for no reward.
>Implying anyone who has had sex will be this much of a minmaxing poopsock autist
>AUS servers added
>Population drops
>redditors and normals
>reaching lvl 60
They'll quit before lvl 40, dumb frogposter.
>Kills you all
Ganking tiers:
>shit tier
ganking lowbies at STV, Tarren Mill etc
>mid tier
ganking opposite faction in their home cities
>good tier
ganking discord trannies and tittystreamers
>god tier
ganking people at the end of their escort or class quests
>ancient aryan aliens tier
ganking the player of opposite faction after he has finished a duel
People can have different reasons for wanting to play Classic that don't preclude eventual updates. The idea for many is that modern WoW is shit, not that all updates ever are bad (if that was the case, no one would accept anything other than patch 1.0).
Are you trying to look like a hysterical, screaming woman with the caps and single-word sentences? Because it's working.
So when it's releasing?
>omega tier
ganking/dispelling melee classes on their way to the raid entrance, or wiping their whole raid with a few mages
the levels of asshurt are incredible
The best would be purging their world buffs that you can't just easily get in real vanilla, imagine the butthurt
The effect only persists when swapping to another 2hander apparently.
I bet priests would love getting debuffed on their staff quest.
Go play BfA if you want updates, you fucking moron.
>banned tier
using infernal to kill lowbies from your own faction at the starting zones
killing quest npcs,
killing people inside neutral towns,
killing flight master and camping the flight path
Why aren't you advocating for Classic to be on patch 1.0 instead of 1.12 if all updates are bad?
>killing people inside neutral towns,
>killing flight master and camping the flight path
this is just typical scumbag hunter stuff
Do you have a source for this stuff?
Only beast races don't have shoes exclusively
Watched it live soda stream.
At this point it's just a hypebeast. People keep bringing it up and when I remind them about all the horrible parts of vanilla like taking an hour to get to a dungeon or the half-finished zones like azshara and silithus and they really have nothing to defend it with.
>fixing what isn't broken is smart
Absolutely disgusting. Go donate your mother's money to asmonigger, you fucking brain-dead moron.
When was this?
Soda used mcp and swapped to crescent staff and the effect stopped, he used another mcp charge and swapped to a green 2h hammer and the effect continued.
Why aren't you answering my question?
Because he's just a dumb zoomer parroting twitch streamers.
>killing quest npcs
more like kino tier
I'm gonna need a clip of that.
night elf or human for prot warrior bros? my min/maxing autism is telling me human but my dick is telling me night elf
Dishonorable kills, user
fuck you
Gnome warrior
+++you have escape artist, the best melee racial on alliance, you will die all the time in pvp without it
+you are small so you fit in small places other races can't
+big weapons look great on midgets
+++++horde gets pissed off when they are killed by a midget
Human warrior
----you have the worst fucking active racial (perception)
--your racials are only useful for pve which is baby content, who gives a shit about that. seriously you can do that shit with 40 iq retards so why would you care about 1% extra dps
---literally everyone plays a human
Because it's an idiotic question that only some imbecile would think makes any sense.
Expansions were a mistake no matter how you wrap it, and if you think otherwise, you're a moron.
Wait, wait, wait, so all these retards screaming retailcucks at everybody saying bad things about their home coming will literally just pay a WoW subscription like every other retard still on this turdvessel?
Guess I already got my first slice of orbital sides from this then, before classic even has dropped.
hmm you have a good point but i also have thousands of hours to look at such a shit race
Just wait to see them paying for store mounts in the future as well.
>+you are small so you fit in small places other races can't
wubba dubba dubba is that true?
Do I need to buy the actual game or can I just sub to play Classic?
you unironically need bfa to play classic
Then pick nelf. Shadowmeld will save your ass a lot. If you're being ganked, res behind some tree, eat+shadowmeld means the guy will probably not find you. You can also ambush people.
Yes. Various windows are too small for races other than gnomes and dwarves to fit through. In WSG you should be able to fit under the wagon as a gnome.
Darrowshire... home.
Follow your dick and roll a sentinel.
You can tell a tryhard tauren because they'll always be female, female tauren can fit through shit the males can't.
>spend $15 a month for BfA
>August comes around
>wow classic added to sub
>still paying $15
$15 total payment - $15 for BfA = $0
Basic math, brainlet.
You still post laughing reaction images?
that's a female thing
(half)ogres for horde instead of goblins
>make $45 an hour, $30 after taxes
>have to work for half an hour a month to afford Classic
It's not fair! Fuck you Blizzard!
You need to realize this is not retail. It's not SUPPOSED to ever be updated. You classic + posters are cancer.
Females are thinner which gives them access to different places.
All horde are subhuman filth.
Threadly reminder that all wpvp is theft. Ganking and corpse camping is stealing playtime that others pay for. This is larceny and a crime. Only niggers commit crimes thus you are a nigger if you engage in Wpvp. Horde are all niggers and subhuman pieces of shit since God tier Alliance bros would never do so. In short if white roll pve alliance to be based.
Release date?
By this logic, an update is only bad if it's an expansion. Therefore, we can make updates that are part of the base game and not a new expansion, and it should be fine.
If this is not correct, please articulate why it is not.
Both I and the person I replied to were talking about third worlders who grind gold because it's worth more than their native currency. (eg. Venezuelans)
The Chinese are a whole other deal.
>It's not SUPPOSED to ever be updated.
Then do you think Classic should be on patch 1.0?
If you want my full opinion, I think they should eventually do Classic+ (further updates to Classic with a Classic design mindset, not a modern one) to maintain interest while still leaving some untouched Classic realms up forever.
It's not hard. No changes from the 1.12 framework. The goal is to make as authentic an experience to 1.12 as possible. This no more content or 'class balancing' bullshit. It stays the same forever after Naxx drops. That's what the goal is. It's. Not. Changing. Ever.
No one wants your opinion and you aren't welcome here. There. Is. No. Classic. Plus.
kill yourself
>he unironically plays the sidekick faction
But why is 1.12 the ideal?
cope and seethe
Because. A. Streamer. Said. It.
It's even better because everything they pay goes into retail while they get stale old shit they could get for free on private servers and with without sharting.
them dumb niggas are going to stop playing after the first month runs out. better yet go hop on the actual working PS for vanilla and you'll get over it in the same time for free.
I could stomach $30/year, but not $15 a month.
blizzard trannies are insane if they think i'm paying that.
>$15 per month for a 15 year old game
>but you get wow classic free with a bfa sub
bfa is fucking garbage and isn't even worth its box price let alone a monthly sub
classic should be a one-time fee of $20 at most
k zoomer
It's too bad, I don't feel I'm any closer to understanding.
WoW is, and always has been, normie garbage.
retarded logic, it only works out to about 40 dollars a year anyway
You. Aren't. Supposed. To. Think. For. Yourself.
>fifteen dollars monthly for a static game that will not change, released over a decade ago
>gets released
>it's actually heavily modified
>private servers were the real WoW Classic all along
>Blizzcucks will throw money at them no matter what
Why are they so fucking retarded?
>A third the amount a non-third worlder gets paid an hour
>Too much
You can also play the game that will change and was released last year you fucking idiot.
>private servers were the real WoW Classic all along
private servers have been exposed for not being blizzlike at all with the classic beta out now
In the case of Vanilla I'd say it's because it has the most QoL without going completely overboard and basically every class is buffed from release state. (aside from maybe diminishing returns hitting rogues or something) But even then you have people fretting about stuff like 1.12 AV, and they're going with 'phases' to keep stuff like Dire Maul's loot under control.
As for adding brand new content, that kind of defeats the point of the project in the first place. I could make a food analogy but I won't.
you shouldn't really post such shite if you've never levelled to 60 on a private server, most of the quests are bugged a lot of the mobs base stats are altered and nothing like what vanilla wow was and lots more shit
We're going home...
But when are we going HOME?
>that kind of defeats the point of the project in the first place
Is there a singular point? Has Blizzard released a mission statement or something similar?
>with the classic beta out
Anyone who actually played vanilla already knew that. Only retarded Nostbabies thought their server was "blizzlike".
I will leave as soons as I get tired of classic WoW
good thing old school MMOs are a philosophy and not a spreadsheet of exact armor values
Because that's the point in vanilla when all the content was out and the most complete version of Vanilla. It was the last update before the TBC pre-patch. It's the ideal version of Vanilla.
>old school MMOs are a philosophy
And that part isn't going to come back.
Stop. Impersonating. Me.
that`s a good drone
Anyone else just going to battle at Hillsbrad 24/7? I'll be known as "the southshore defender" on my server and I'll spearhead all major offensives in the region.
People have been asking for classic servers since 2007, there's nothing to defend here.
The funniest thing about Classic WoW is that vanilla was shit. The quests were shit, the lore was shit, the dungeons were shit, the raids were shit. The game didn't get good until TBC.
Wake me when they make TBC servers, maybe I'll actually give a fuck then.
blizzard could easily re-sell the game and allow private servers using legitimate copies, i would pay 60 dollars for that but a subscription? fuck that
to boost BFA subs and appease their investors
tbc is when this whole problem started, nobody wants to play tbc
It's sad how the no-changes screamers now all jump on the we want a 1.13 content patch, because they know that the hardcore poopsockers will be done with the game soon enough.
Instead new content, I hope they open new realms to have the fresh-experience and start over with everyone else.
>kills you and corpse camps you until you ragequit
This game is a warning to alien species on how easily we are to conquer.
>Classic lore is shit
>But TBC is fine
I sure do love space goats and setbacks.
I'm glad there's a sub model. Keeps the poorfags and kids out of the game.
>He doesn't know MMOs are a dead genre
You know that this behaviour is the cause for onsided and dead private vanilla servers? People will just get tired of the grey screen simulator after 2 days of stranglethorn and stop playing.
>the quests were sh...
>dungeons were shit
BRD is still the best dungeon they've ever made
Raids were definitely mostly shit, though. ZG was really cool.
they said they're open to changing the game OSRS style depending on player demand
I'm not your bro, you fucking retard.
>tfw playing PvE servers and never have to worry about getting my time stolen my 14 year olds and 30 year manbabies
>all these based players giving me buffs as i walk past them
>cant give shit as a warrior
>can`t tell the difference between poor people and people that don`t want to waste money
It's okay, someone has to be a bottom bitch.
>see a mage walk past
>give him unending breath as a reward
level your cooking and alch and share consumables with people
implying im not a sub irl and get my boipucci fucked every day by my bf until i cant walk
never have i heard someone excruciate over $20 that wasn't a slav/br
I assume this kind of thing would happen on a PvP server? I've been debating whether to roll on an RP or a PvP server since Blizzard isn't doing RP-PvP
it's okay user, there are plenty of free korean MMOs for you to enjoy.
>tfw love Nelf starting area and Alliance towns
>still tempted to roll an Orc because Rogue faggots will make up 90% of the playerbase
you only thing that cause you probably started in tbc. I started in tbc but it still brings back a lot of the feelings TBC gave, I finally feel like getting a green reward in a quest now is amazing.
i'd play horde if their zones and dungeons weren't so mundane and boring, wailing caverns instead of deadmines? fuck off.
Not putting T0.5 in from the start is such a huge missed opportunity.
you can still do Deadmines as Horde
have fun getting rinsed about 30 times before you enter the dungeon
an adult can`t play much more than a couple hours per week, so a subscription is a waste of money. The outcome of this model is that the game will die again and all the time you invested becomes wasted.
wasted money, wasted time.
don`t pay for online only games, idiots
>Hours of grinding VS an hour at McDonald's
>best game of a dead genre
And they are making the same mistake again. No, I don't want the tier 0.5 after being geared full BWL.
Debating the same thing user. I want the mature playerbase and lively world of an RP server, but with the world PvP experiences.
Yeah, I mean, it wasn't done in vanilla. But now, it's just poor decision making.
Technically it could still happen on a PvE server, if a bunch of people decided to start shit at Tarren Mill/Southshore by killing NPCs.
All games ultimately die out and all the time you wasted playing them goes with it, but even a few hours a month of enjoyment is worth that $15. A sub is a far preferable alternative to the crop of alternatives that have surfaced.
you type like a faggot lmao
do you live in some alternate world? i can still play my old dos games. Code does not have an expiration date, all you need to do is to back it up
I would gladly pay more than 60 dollars to own the game knowing i can always play it and create join-private servers
It's important to note that the classic team are not the people working on current WoW. Just like the people that worked on broodwar remastered and wc3 reforged, they don't seem to be under the restrictions of the financial part of the company as the big names and can make actual good games.
I don't want to get into semantics but it seemed pretty clear that this is about online games and not single player games. What you'd pay for your average single player game would amount to about four months of sub time in WoW, and in that time (even if you only played like 10 hours a week) you would very likely get far more playtime than you would with a single-player game.
Same. Why can't Blizz just add a handful of RP-PvP servers? What would be the harm in that? I just know that the instant I will do any sort of RP on a PvP server I will be ganked by five undead rogues spamming ''N I G G E R'' in Orcish, but atst I'm worried that RP servers will be full of ERP'ing cowards who never leave Goldshire Inn
RP players and PvP players are diametrically opposed
RP = Furries, ao3 writers
PvP = Alt right, children, edge lords, man children
>people crying over sub fee
It's better than the game being infested with subhuman third worlders
Who gives a shit?
I'm trying to explain to you that not all games are made by the same people, just because it includes the name blizzard.
are rogues really as OP as everyone makes them out to be in classic? why doesn't every cunt just roll rogue for pvp if that's the case?
What has that to do with this?
because they have no CC in raid spec
because they have lower health, damage and mobility to warriors
because they cant tank
I was always an alliance player but I must say I would never do it again. No matter how much I like the theme alliance players are literal NPCs. They never talk, or their vocabulary ends with a single word, and they disband immediately after quest and don't give a fuck if you still have something left. I'm not saying who is better at the game, its more like I have a lot of experience ally side, whereas I have very little horde side, but while I played horde I had a tribal feeling of it. I mean I was a complete stranger to most of them and they still threat you kindly, while in alliance side this never happened me. Ever. The only way they acknowledge other's existence when its mandatory and the game forces you. I can safely say if you are struggling against something the horde is a lot more likely to help you than the alliance. For example: you are fighting with mobs where there is a vein nearby. An alliance player will most likely take the vein while you fight, while a horde player will help you.
Ironic as fuck since alliance paladins have a fuckton of tools to save others and the class fantasy suggest, yet they never help.
Apparently there's a middle ground, considering Blizz added RP-PvP servers in the original WoW
but they rape warriors in pvp
It has something to do with reputation. The classic games from them have been on point so far and have very little to do with the main games direction they are milking very heavy.
Alliance has always been the no fun allowed faction.
If not for Dwarves and Gnomes I would never play Alliance. Human and Nelf players are all angsty edgelords and autists that make undead rogues look chill in comparison.
i've had the opposite experience, horde players are usually edgelords, I've been playing alliance on a private server and every single person playing a class with a buff has given it to me, even gave me intellect on a warrior. Nothing like this when I played horde
No. Now, mages, they are.
>but they rape warriors in pvp
>someone like drinking diet coke every day for 15+ years
>someone likes to relisten to the same album occasionally for 15+ years
>normal and acceptable
>some likes playing the same game after a 15 year hiatus
>never played alliance
>decided to try out dwarf rogue
>holy fucking jesus he's not even stabbing, his brick arms are just moving back and forth with a toothpick
>Fuck this yeti cave, fuck these overactive cats, fuck these retardedly damaging troll spearchuckers
everything about dwarf feels wrong
PVP breaks up the monotony. It's like a runescape random event.
how are you gonna do an overpower if you're stunned?
>not night elf female rogue
fag, have sex
I would really love to play alliance but its players are so fucking robotic. Vanilla is not for this single player MMO mindset, which alliance adopted and I'm tired of it. I understand that you want to compete, but this type of behavior belongs to BfA. Both private server and retail it always went the same exact way where alliance is more solo minded where the horde is more group oriented.
Random buffing is not something super special, its like saying hi.
go dilate.
> Stunned
What's that?
>wanting the dilation station
no thx, i'd rather go guhnome than not-drow legolas
Asmongold starting the stream, I suggest tuning in - you dont want to miss out
rogues are so damn boring to level
which is a complete lie
Female taurens actually have a taller hitbox than male
Going to play a Paladin and wear a mix of plate and cloth, there's nothing you can do stop me.
why would i want to watch some e-bum play a game when i can play it myself? why do people watch that faggot when he's demonstrated how retarded he is?
No. Rogues are good at the beginning when people are still squishy and not sporting a ton of stamina. Later on rogues start falling behind, and you gotta git gud if you want to win.
>they can't tank
dodge monkey was a thing
>Horde has best races
>Alliance has best zones and dungeons
I don't know which faction to pick
leveling takes a long time man, the cities on horde fucking suck. if you know you'll probably get bored of the endgame then just go alliance, if you plan to do a fuck load of endgame content go horde
>Horde gets WC, SM, SFK
>Alliance gets fucking Stockades
>Better dungeons
except all those horde dungeons you listed are easily accessible by alliance, good luck getting through stormwind at level 15-20
I'm gonna get a healing (cloth) set and an outdoor plate set.
>instanced battlegrounds say hi
Im sure the ERPers and mary sue snowflake rpers would way more likely keep playing retail instead of classic
..epic mount quest for warlock costs a shitload of money