Denuvo hurts sales

>denuvo hurts sales

OH NO NO NO, Yea Forums you lied to me! You told me that denuvo kills games!

Attached: denuvo.png (1063x481, 455K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Chink insect sales don't count as actual human sales.

Fuck fuck fuck what do we to fantachads how could three kingdoms be more popular than warhammer

god I hate the chinks so much



Three Kingdoms is pretty much fantasy with the generals that can take down entire armies


Is it any good?
I have not played a CA game since Rome II because well Rome II fucking sucked.

muh russia

Chink pleaser

>Rome II fucking sucked
do you expect to get an answer when you trow bait like this?

Based Chinese People turning western markets into their own playground.
Prepare to be discarded by developers wh*toid, they're going to make billions with pay2win clicker games and you won't have anything left to play.


Seething from what? The game is a success


Battles are Rome 2 - Thrones of Soimannia borefest


You are the one whose baiting my friend. Rome 2 was fucking terrible when it released, only after years of patching can it be considered decent. But Of only having about 15 hours in the game so far, Three Kingdoms seems to be in much better shape than Rome 2 on release. Haven't done any multiplayer just the campaign, and it's definitely an improvement overall in that regard.

Euthanize yourself


>Three Kingdoms seems to be in much better shape than Rome 2 on release. Haven't done any multiplayer just the campaign, and it's definitely an improvement overall in that regard.
Get a load of this shill

>want to check out the game on twitch
>all of the streams are in asian languages

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Hahaha this is how you cope? I wasn't him LOL, you guys are so mad that you have to delude yourself just to function

seething copelet

>ring ching dang declares war on bong ming ling

man i sure do love chinese history and games

I caved and bought it earlier. The campaign map has a LOT more going on than ever before, keeping your generals happy and armies working and diplomacy functioning is pretty fucking involved compared to previous TW games.
Battle-wise I can't help but think it's a step down from Warhammer but that was nearly an inevitability considering the flexibility a true fantasy setting offers. I do love the way it almost feels a bit like an RTS Dynasty Warriors with how powerful characters are, and their combat animations (and behaviour) are fantastic, I hope a lot of that makes it into Warhammer 3. I'm not far enough in to comment on much but those are my first impressions.

Performance-wise it's definitely pretty solid, much more so than previous TWs, but I still had to mess with settings a bit to get it how I wanted.

>"haha le chink insects so funny /pol/"

>read up on chinese history

>conclude they are not actually human

>this desperate cope
You just have to accept that it is in fact the best Total War

I'm already sick of all this chink shit.
You would think that the area that has one of the longest histories in the world would be less garbage.

i'm sure china is a beautiful place. it's just a damn shame about all those chinese "people"

because their history is actively shunned by the communist party that runs the country

Nobody was complaining about bugman history when it was Shogun 2.
Face it, you're just being a nigger because you want to shitpost.

Are you actually fucking joking right now or what

>Shogun 2

>i-its not the same
they are all literally cousins.

All you have to remember is that everyone has three names (sometimes 4 or 5)

>Family Name
>Given Name
>Courtesy Name
>Childhood Name

The family name precedes everything, because lineage is important in Asian cultures. Given names and courtesy names were used interchangeably. Childhood names were rarely used beyond childhood except to be insulting. Cao Cao's style name was Mengde, so people would alternate referring to him as Cao Cao and Cao Mengde. Cao Cao's childhood name was Ahman, and his enemies and peers would call him Cao Ahman whenever he did something outrageous. Posthumous names are a can of worms I won't touch.

that is very dumb, why are chinese so dumb?

Cause they are Chinese

my general suq mi diq just died :(

I did.

Don't dismiss something foreign as dumb just because you don't have the patience to learn about it. Willful ignorance is peak stupidity.

Have sex

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doesn't change the fact that this is a near african nigger tier of naming, and i cba learning about their insignificant insectoid events

Denuvo is such a joke. Oh no, we can't play Handball 2015 or whatever. Every relevant game gets cracked, so why bother? DRM is a scam that only hurts publishers (lol good) and consumers (also good) so I guess ultimately it's a good thing. People who buy new games (especially at release) deserve to be punished.

It makes no sense to give one person so many different names.

Are you implying I play modern videogames?

no, it's definitely dumb

It's like calling a white guy:
>Anderson Johnathan "John" Li'l Johnny

It does.

You have many different names such as fag, retard, and homo, and I'm not complaining.

is this literally your first time learning that people have more than two names? I have 4 names and I'm european

>Console userbase buys their games
>And get physical
>Everyone happy

>PC dick suckers either get super DRM infested games or just pirate everything
>Sales dead
>Publishers make console only games from now on

Sucks to be you guys

Does that mean sega do something right for once?

the absolute state of europe

Important people get a lot of names, it's a way of honoring them and their achievements. Your run of the mill peasant didn't get a courtesy name or posthumous name.

>i cba learning about their insignificant insectoid events
Modern day China is shit, but their history is really cool. Dismissing Chinese history as irrelevent or insignificant is what the communist Chinese party WANTS.

the spanish are way more crazy with that, they'll give a kid 10 names just on a whim

Three Kingdoms is a pretty well known period in most of asia, and Total War has a fanbase even in Japan.

mutt spotted

Where have you been the past 5 years m8? Everything is digital even on consoles now.
>Console userbase has to pay for online
No games, poor performance, shit graphics you can deal with, but having to pay some kike for online is a dealbreaker.

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That's fine if there is a system in it. Like using you father's family name and mother's family name. That gives an information about you. What's the point of having 'Childhood Name'?


>I wasn't him
>same manner of posting like fantasyshitposter in /twg/ before 3chinkdoms
Sure thing

This is weak bait but everyone not just whites hate the chinese.


Mutts have a lot of names, user.
>Tyrone DeMarcus Laquandria LeDasha Jones-White

Everything? No on consoles we buy physical and have a CHOICE because capitalism works.

You can go physical or digital. PC dick suckers don't have a choice lmao.

God damn

And for what kind of an achievement "Childhood Name" is given?
> Chinese history as irrelevent or insignificant
It is.

it doesnt kill games, but it does hurt sales
and it makes the games run worse
over 10% lower performance with denuvo

a lot of cultures have child names and adult names, it's a pretty standard ritual of acknowledging someone as an adult, I think it also plays into some superstitions sometimes, like giving a kid a fake name so the demons can't find it or whatever, like how europeans used to dress up young boys as girls to hide them from the devil

>I caved and bought it earlier. The campaign map has a LOT more going on than ever before, keeping your generals happy and armies working and diplomacy functioning is pretty fucking involved compared to previous TW games.
>t. never played Attila or Shogun

>Battle-wise I can't help but think it's a step down from Warhammer
Obvious shill

The Chinese communist party is heroic. They, until recently, did something spectacular: killed fuckloads of Ch*nks and kept them at bay within their own shithole country, preventing them from infecting the rest of this world. It's only within the past few decades that they slipped and failed and lost their way, eager to take over real countries from actual humans.

>didn't even bother to refute that you have to pay for online
keep it up goy

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>A is bad
>B is good
>BA has B and A
>it's really successful in spite of A being included

It's almost like this board is intentionally dumb just to avoid having to confront their shitty opinions being shitty.

>like giving a kid a fake name so the demons can't find it or whatever
Absolutely barbaric.

>yurofags make boys crossdress and give kids 5 names all to "hide" them from boogeyman
holy shit yurop is the land of the 80 IQ subhumans

>intentionally dumb
It's called trolling, kiddo.

He's a nigger. What would you expect?

Nobody gives a shit

>but their history is really cool.
Lol no it's very borring and stagnant
>Dynastyname takes power
>fuckhueg bureaucracy breeds unspeakable corruption
>eventually all land switching from state-property into property of few very very rich land-owners who start buttfucking population even harder
>anti-government rebellion/foreigners invasion
>Rebels/Foreigners establishing new Dynastyname
>Repeat untill westerners arrives and teach chink capitalism and communism
>chinks establishihing CPC dynasty
>declares war on sparrows
>lose it

Hate the Chinese Communist Party, not the Chinese.
Hate Israel, not the Jews.
Hate Niggers, not African Americans
Hate modern feminism, not all women

I hate all of those things.

have sex

>ITT: people who have no idea how the outside world works

Japs at that time literally copied everything from the chinese, from the writing, drawings, architecture (similar to the Greek-Roman culture, just that unlike the Romans, Japs didn't expand outside of their island besides some pirating).

CA should have set this in the warring states period, so It wouldn't be just civil war, but also defence against the Huns with the great Wall, but instead they chose to cater the Dynasty Warriors crowd.


Wait until you see hispanic names

>Hate the Chinese Communist Party, not the Chinese.
>Hate Israel, not the Jews.
>Hate Niggers, not African Americans
All of those things are equally bad. Except, maybe, niggers. One of them studied in my university grop and he was alright.

>Japs at that time literally copied everything from the chinese
Except no?

I saw them and they are alright.

Welcome to Denuvo country, where on a quiet day you can hear SSDs combusting.

you won't say that when the redcaps snag your kid because you didn't bother to hide his name

Wouldn't it make more sense to hide his address? You can kidnap people even without knowing their names.

an address is just a place but your name is connected to the root of your existence, if they know your name they can find your shadows


More of the same, don't bother.

It does. Chinks just dont give a shit anyway, since they already dont have any freedom.
And if you dont believe me, check for the ratio of chink to nonchink reviews. Only chinks bought this game.

>Pirate games
Hahaha stupid devs, why pay when I can play for free? Only cucks pay for games.
>Chinese buy games, so devs pander to them

It's because before modern medicine it was a pretty good chance that the majority of your kids would die before reaching maturity. Some cultures didn't name their children before two years of age, because the risk of death before that was so great and it helps to deal with the loss if you don't grow too attached.

Yeah the reason why chinese bought a game about chinese history is somehow related to denuvo


I mean I didn't buy it but chinks don't think in the same way we do.

those cultures generally didn't bother with proper names after childhood either, where commoners die all the time there's no point in giving them proper names
japanese commoners didn't have surnames until the meiji era either

>but your name is connected to the root of your existence
Okay, it's time to stop.

What about their writing (japanese Kanjis are literally chinese characters), wardrobe (from the traditional han robes), architecture (that distinctive wooden architecture), and even their katana was based on the ancient chink DanDao.
The influence of China at that time was like ancient Greece/Roman combined in that region, by having the greatest extension of land by military conquest and having the most developed culture of that time.

Attached: 065f0f_56d1666ed6984114be77a41c657ed8fd_mv2.gif (717x500, 146K)

don't come running to me when one of those eyeless gray ghouls find you though

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You are a very strange person.

bacause of people like this china is winning the trade war

>He thinks there is a trade war
China serves the same masters as the US, sport. The "trade war" is a distraction.

It's more like
>People don't like A
>Claims people give a shit about A and A hurts sales
>Points out ABs that are garbage to support the argument people care about A
>AB comes out that isn't FarCry Primal or DE:MD
>AB comes out that is REmake2 or DMCV
>People can no longer assert that people give a shit about A anymore
>Pretend people defend A because they want to play B

>The influence of China at that time was like ancient Greece/Roman combined in that region
That's why Japan went full opposite to China in state-system?

Do people not realize that the Steam page for this game is filled with paid reviews? The game’s numbers are being artificially inflated by Chinese bots.

Reminder the 50 Cent Army is shilling this game nonstop, don’t fall for the paid reviews.

He made another game after Blood in the Sand?
Link now

It’s leftist, pro-feminist propaganda.

What do you mean current or ancient?

>total war is pandering to chinks from now on
Who's the next victim?

>Warhammer and Rome died for this anti-white communist garbage

Based chinks saving the game industry from western plebs.

Post proof

>making a game about three kingdoms is anti-white

>Game about Asians
>White genocide
Did you also think that Shogun2 is Anti-white propaganda, you mouthbreather?


>one exception completely invalidates the norm
not how this works fag

Thanks god Rome 2 died

Attached: Rome 1 vs 2.jpg (3188x1262, 1.05M)

Japanese are based honorary Aryans and allies, gooks aren’t.

I remember before the anti-china circlejerk, when it was common to see ''TW in China when?''

Medieval and shogun period specially

They tried to and nobody bought Attila and everyone keeps shitting on Rome 2 despite being the most heavily patched game to have ever existed. You could fill an encyclopedia with patch notes.

That doesn't excuse them dropping the ball entirely but the dedication to fixing it is worth some respect. Attila was a complete turnaround and their most underrated game, nobody cared.

Three Kingdoms is the most refined Total War yet, in all respects.

Fuck off shill no real people bought this game

dont worry guys, with all the money chink total war make we will get a decent historical, r-right?

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>it’s another /leftypol/ slide thread


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That's because Japan never had a centralized government like the Chinese did. Their system was more akin to medieval feudal system (thus why it's always referred as to feudal japan), they even had their own Pope (their emperor who only had the religious power, and "delegated" its political power to the Shogun).
Rome didn't adopt the political system of the greeks to the core either (instead of a direct democracy they had a Republic with senators elected by the people and later on became an empire)

Chinks bought this for 3$

Or a Trojan War: Total War, where they could implement the general/hero system from Warhammer/Three Kingdoms, and I think It'll work really well.

Most of these sales are from the Chinese government, actual consumer sales are nowhere near this number.

>Trojan War Total War
>not Bronze Age Total War

>You could fill an encyclopedia with patch notes.
it just shows how shit was Rome 2 at release

hows your physical PS3 library doing, fine and healthy? me, i can double click on HL2 or any other game from the last 15 years and be playing inside an hour, on any of my PCs.

surely you haven't lost access to any of your back library because you had to sell/toss them for lack of space, or discs became unreadable, or you lost access to a console that could actually run them?

Why are sharts so obsessed with chinks?

Japan is superior to china in every way

Japanese are honorary whites and defenders of western values and traditions, not like socialist chink bugmen in the slightest

Maybe modern japan, but feudal Japan was a shithole

Attached: Tsujigiri.png (1280x720, 650K)


You ain’t white Chang

>waa someone got killed
womp womp

>womp womp
Can someone translate from millennial to english?

When are the mods finally going to start pemabanning "OH NO NO NO NO" cancerfags?

>Play empire:TW with mod
>US campaign
>going well , about 30 turns in
>Spanish land an army and take a city
>can't fight them or the game crashes

well fuck this

You can love chinese history without having to like their current government. Just like ancient greek/rome culture, which has nothing to do with modern Greece/Italy which are both the poorest countries from Europe, or modern Egypt compared to the ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs.

Imagine chinks living in your head rent free.

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Because chinks are the only real threat in terms of market competition. They can't send in army and fuck their economy like they do in the Middle-East because China's not 3rd world.
This makes mutts seethe harder than ever.
Despite what mutts tell you they don't support a free market and never did.

Attached: mutthurt.png (959x799, 483K)

If you bought this propaganda shit you deserve to hang. The only masters of this planet is the based anglosphere. You ingrates can't accept that without anglos you wouldn't have the internet nor this site to shitpost in

Is that how you spell jews?

Samurai could literally murder any commoner without any repercussions. So much honor guyz!

China is the enemy of the United States of America. So it's our duty to ensure that this trash crash and burn. Remember to report any chinksect you see shilling this game.

It's almost like most the driveby shitposters don't actually play the series and only latched on when it ended up in spergworthy news to them.

Fuck off, Trump is his own master, not a cuck like the rest of you.

>bought Mania on sale after denuvo got removed despite being hyped as fucked and ready to drop money day one
>will buy team sonic racing the exact same way
>denuvo hurts sales
Yes, it does.

Attached: __tatsumaki_one_punch_man_drawn_by_mogudan__sample-7bfd38b4db76d5db66ee64e46c9b448e.jpg (850x1278, 94K)

>implying Trump isn't sucking Arab and Jew cock just like every single US president before him

Attached: GOOD GOY.jpg (1200x800, 169K)

You mean Greco-Roman sphere, they are the foundation of Western Civilization not anglos.

Japanese are defenders of their own culture. Not western identity. They put Christian's up on crosses as a rejection of Western influence.
I hopenyoure trolling

But muttland is the enemy of the world. You subhumans deserve to be cleansed by nuclear fires.

If you think they don't account for this than you are an idiot

>r/the_donald still playing mental gymnastics defending this jew dicksucker

Attached: 1491615356234.jpg (516x480, 31K)

>gets BTFO
>n-no, U

Shut your fucking mouths. It's your God damn duty to defend the very same nation that gave you freedom. Stop shilling for the commies you utter despicable cucks. And no, Trump isn't owned by the kikes unlike KILLary, besides they're our friends and the only decent country in the middle east unlike you sniveling euro vermin faggots who bite the hand that feeds you.

That tweet did NOT age well.

>Spouts meme words
Says enough, have a nice sunday

>oh WOOOOW he met a delegation surely he must be owned by them!
Kek, chinks are so fucking stupid. Can't wait until we liberate their shithole.

I'm 90% sure this is bait, but at the same time I'm sure the circlejerks on r/t_d are exactly like that but actually serious.

Attached: 1397183881640.jpg (1236x1500, 96K)

Reminder the Chinese Communist Party is actively shilling this game and paying people to post fake reviews on Steam, just sage and

tick tock

Attached: 1535864349285.png (624x434, 59K)

>chinese population gives non-chinese corporations money
>thats why chinese win trade war

I'm pretty sure the chinese communist party is about to ban any historic chinese game because they want to completely erase the past

Meanwhile, in a Denuvo ridden multiplayer game released 5 days ago not sustained exclusively by subhuman chinks.

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What gymnastics? He actually stands up for the white man and is making America great again unlike chinksects who tries to bully the world into submission.

>white man
>in the US
Good joke, Shlomo Shekelburg.

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Except that has nothing to do with Denuvo and everything to do with the game being shit

This poster is a classic example of a man consumed by chink propaganda.
Either he will wake up one day and beg for forgiveness as he sees the light radiating from God's own country, or he will die defending his soulless masters

I prefer consoles. Give me one reason to game on PC.

I will wait no bait.

When did a Sonic game being shit ever stop it from selling? Face the facts, underpaid street shitter.

>i'm sure china is a beautiful place. it's just a damn shame about all those chinese "people"
funny, because that can be said about America and Americans as well

you don't need any propaganda to hate americans, that's just the standard state of the world

Holy shit you're dumb. Only after the anglos entered the fray was Europe elevated from barbarians, and only after USA was born, did technology start to grow.

they are the only enemy we actually have in the world, they flood our country with their trash

>using random samurai murders as evidence
How about the fact that everyone who wasn't rich looked like a fucking caveman?

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Keep spreading your disinfo, discord agent. I'm sure those yuans and rubles will afford you a bread.
The fact is, everyone looks up to America for they're the sole protectors of the free world.

Don't try to reason with him, user. He's on CIA payroll. He has to shill his agenda, otherwise they'll send him to Guantanamo and waterboard him.

>chink propaganda
What does chink propaganda have to do with the US being the biggest cancer of the world?

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Is this a good game to get into total war with? Its this or warhammer for me.

>boring and stagnant
>imfuckingplying successfull revolutions and underdogs winning wars is boring or stagnant

He is a servant of Israel

The US is not cancer you fucking chink, without the US you'd all be speaking Russian or chink now. Stop lying to yourself because gullible children might actually start believing it.
No. I know this concept is alien to you bugmen, but a based and great man supports his allies in the darkest hour. Hell, it's why America is singlehandedly paying for NATO while the subhumans in Europe greedily demand more.

Fuck off back to flipping burgers, Ruggarrell. Is that faggot Kronie still alive even?

Back to r/t_d with you, faggot.

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Yes. As others mentioned, the unit diversity is less staggering compared TWs set in future time periods or Warhammer. It's a good way to learn some of the basic rock/paper/scissor mentality that TW uses in a lot of it's games, as well as having a stronger campaign mode if that's your fancy.
Warhammer is definitely the bigger and better game for actual battles, though with each faction being so wildly different from others, it's a lot to take in.
Shogun 2 is the best all around choice, especially with it's Fall of the Samurai DLC.

>The fact is, everyone looks up to America for they're the sole protectors of the free world.
literally no country does this

Well, I wouldn't buy any game that uses Denuvo so that's one lost sale right there. OP BTFO

Yes and no.
Warhammer would be cheaper.
It also has a wild variation of units and tactics available.

3K has a very long campaign, the best diplomacy, and better battles than its predecessors. The drawback of this is that playing older Total Wars before Attila will feel completely backwards if you choose to get into them.

I would probably recommend Shogun 2 as a first Total War. Since its generic as fuck RED VS BLUE VS GREEN with super basic unit composition and a hyperlinear campaign.

>The US is not cancer
It is. Both chinks and mutts are cancer.

>The US is not cancer you fucking chink, without the US you'd all be speaking Russian or chink now.
But I already do speak russian, тyпoй ты yeбoк. Pretty much everyone in the Baltics speaks it.

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I'm glad cope and seething are so spammed here, not because it's good, but it makes it easy to find and hide.

I don't work at fast work joints

You’re not white

>The US is not cancer
You blew up your own towers to invade the middle-east in favour of Israel while you support the Arabs in funding Islamic terrorism and blame it on the likes of Iraq, Syria and Iran instead.
If that isn't stage 4 cancer I don't know what is.

Attached: consider.jpg (569x428, 25K)

>surely you haven't lost access to any of your back library because you had to sell/toss them for lack of space, or discs became unreadable, or you lost access to a console that could actually run them?

Evidently not given the controversy and poorer sales Sonic Mania had at launch on pc after a short notice delay too.

And that's because you refused our aid until recently. There's a reason you begged us to station troops and defend your shithole. Can't believe we actually did it, you don't deserve it.
Wrong again. Look up national opinions on the guardian of freedom.
It's funny. Yea Forums used to be great supporters of r/t_d until the great President rightfully decided to save the West by killing the chink cancer. Suddenly Yea Forums pretends you never were our allies. Hmm....

>But I already do speak russian, тyпoй ты yeбoк. Pretty much everyone in the Baltics speaks it.
Oх нy ктo бы coмнeвaлcя, чтo этo нeгpaждaнин.

>That way you can feel superior just for having it in your library
Some things just never change

this is very interesting, please explain

Bullshit, I remember you mentioning that you got a PS4 by working at MD's.

>You blew up your own towers to invade the middle-east in favour of Israel while you support the Arabs in funding Islamic terrorism
It's not only that, if you look into mutt history pre 9/11 they still would constantly invade, support coups and overthrow legitimate governments, even those they themselves considered friendly. Fuck that cancerous shithole.

>And that's because you refused our aid until recently.
Nobody wants your "aid" here, you literally have puppets installed that nobody likes or wants.
>Can't believe we actually did it, you don't deserve it.
Then please fuck off, we will be eternally grateful for that.
>Yea Forums used to be great supporters of r/t_d
Good joke. Now fuck off back there.

Man varbūt vēl pasi nofotografēt priekš tevis, mudak?

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At least the U.S. defends western values such as individual rights and free speech, they are not even remotely as bad as the Chinese.

God, chinks really are terrible at making arguments so they resort to the weakest baiting. Every time.

>the only criticicism shitposters can find about this game is conspiracy theories about how covering one of the most famous epic legends in the world in a series that encompasses diverse nations and peoples is propaganda

>start numerous wars all the time and bomb millions of civilians to shit
>"hurr durr at least we support free speech hurr"

The only thing the US defends is the corporations rights to do whatever the fuck they want

Donald Trumps grandchildren will be Jewish

>Man varbūt vēl pasi nofotografēt priekš tevis, mudak?
Я пo чyхoнcки not understand, commiepetuh.

Literally nobody cares or wants your fairy tale, chink. What the people demand is a game set in medieval Europe, or the civil war. Both which actually is REAL

Ignorance is bliss.

Exactly where did I ever say I got a PS4 by working at mcdonalds? I have TWO PS4s and I do not work at fast food joints.

See? Chinks really are fucking moronic.
Protip, you're only a jew if the MOTHER is jewish. But they didn't mention that in your division 101 book, did they?

And those corps gave you great food, internet, music, television, games. Pretty terrible, huh? Go back to banging rocks, Chen.

They’re doing what cucked yuropoor leftists won’t do by wiping out regressive religions like Islam and liberating people from dictators and despots.

And that's bad new, retarded console player who accept all industry shit smiling

>dumbed down
>could be a console game
>in a series that has not had a good entry since Shogun 2 and Medieval 2 before it
>sells millions due to pandering to the insect swarm
This is the future, if you thought western normalfags had no taste in games, wait until you see the chinks. We'll get progressively shittier, more dumbed down games for chinks that still outsell everything else due to pandering to Chang.

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>At least the U.S. Israel

Attached: 1550774959368.png (620x1044, 532K)

Name a single war we started, chink.
And no, Iraq wasn't an invasion, Saddam supported terrorists and killed innocent people for fun. Iraqis are eternally grateful to Americans for freeing them from an oppressive madman. Iran will be too.

The last historical game they made was Attila, retard. Did you even buy it? Post your hours.

Attached: 1558597281084.png (939x451, 194K)

I bet Assange would love that joke.

>butt blasted hohol
Why are running away in hoards from your country and into mine? Isn't post Maidan hohol land just great? :^)

Foolz thread years back. Some user on Yea Forums linked it as proof that you and your buddies were spamming a thread. You just also happened to discuss jobs and you said you finally got a PS4.

Attached: 1488903471411.jpg (1710x777, 445K)

>wiping out regressive religions
Yeah, no, that's not what's happening here.
What's happening is mutts bombing these people to smithereens which pisses them off even more and makes the place they live in uninhabitable so they're forced to move to Western nations where they spread their cancer around and destabilize what we've built up.
Stop being a retarded fuckface.

Only to instate our own? Get real, it was never about spreading democracy and freedom, just power tactics and resource grabs

But mcdonalds? I never said that. There are obviously people who hate me and bash my name so they come up with random slander. I work a regular job and do not work at mcdonalds. That is Kroni.

3K is more difficult than the other games. The only thing that comes close is maybe salvaging Rome in Attila on top difficulty, but I doubt it. Maybe if you are ill prepared for Realm Divide in Shogun 2, but the game is so easy by every metric that is really irrelevant. You can complete every siege in Shogun 2 without a single loss.

Why would I buy trash that pretends real europeans were savages and brown people civilized? I said MEDIEVAL Europe.

>mutts bombing these people to smithereens which pisses them off even more and makes the place they live in uninhabitable so they're forced to move to Western nations where they spread their cancer around and destabilize what we've built up.
That's precisely the point, don't expect the American Golem to understand though, he's simply fulfilling his purpose for his master.

Attached: 1535120882647.png (645x773, 30K)

>its okay that trumps children will be literal israeli jews, his MOTHER is not Jewish
Just because your mother is white doesn't make you white, Tyrone. Your mother is a nigger loving cunt.

>literally "If you kill your enemies they win" platitude
Eurocucks really are ill.

Do you see difficulty mentioned in that post?

I think either Tali (I think that was his name) or Kronie mentioned MD's, guess I misread that then. Speaking of consoles, what are your thoughts on the PS5 so far?

Hmm, chink shills are out in full force together with irancucks.

The Middle Ages literally starts with the fall of Rome user. And yes, Early Medieval Europe was fucking shit. Western Europe finally picked itself up again in the Renaissance, when pagan Greek writings were all the rage.

>Dumbed down
The only thing dumbed down is your nigger genetics.

Now this is disinfo!
The based English elevated themselves on their own. Maybe you cucked fags had to rely on savages writing pedo books, but the anglos had no need as we're actual humans.

Why can't mutts into context? Let me spell it out for you.
>be random paki farmer
>living quiet life
>family of 6 kids and 2 wives
>amerimutt drone flies over
>mistakes farm for ISIS stronghold
>farm is bombed
>kills entire family except farmer
>farmer seethes with rage
>fuck the west and murrica
>swear to take revenge
>join ISIS
See what happened there?

I see you are merely pretending to be retarded.
Slow night at work huh? LARPing as /pol/ on Yea Forums about "western values" and an imaginary crusade against a video game the only thing you can think of to do for fun?

You made up a story that never actually happened.
So that's your angle, huh? That anglo pride don't exist and everyone should just surrender to the chinks?

The US killed more civilians in the city of Raqqa than ISIS did.

>So that's your angle, huh?
That I like Total War games, and strategy in general. Which is why I have thousands of hours divided between them and Paradox games.

You are not being sincere. You say you want another medieval game, but they quite literally just released Attila and Thrones of Britannia.

>anglo pride


>>butt blasted hohol
Mimo pioner

It's the price for freedom, and I know that they understand.

No games I want so far so i'm just gonna play my PS3 and PS4 until I see a must buy game(Tales,Yakuza,DMC,etc)

I'm in no rush.

How can you be this delusional? All you've done is create more enemies.

Attached: 17598475094735.jpg (500x375, 23K)

This bait ain't even good.


beautiful image

r/The_Donald really are trying to take over this website aren't they?
Guess /pol/ pissed them off when they kicked them out.

Well I think that chinks are indeed white.
What now faggot?

>oчepeднoe либepacтичecкoe oтpoдьe
Why am I not even surprised?

Were there even any actual games announced for it yet? I think so far it's just small bits of technical information. I see a lot of people arguing whether or not it will be always online. Which would be a pretty dumb move if Sony actually did go with that.

Explain further.

Who cares about mudslimes? Kill therm all.

everyone's mad about Epic right now
the whole thing's probably a Denuvo false flag

Complexity isn't difficulty, but I assume you're American so the English language isn't your forte.

>Guess /pol/ pissed them off when they kicked them out.
I don't think that ever happened. /ptg/ circlejerks were still there last time I checked.

What's there to explain, reddit cancer is constantly leaking into here.

Attached: 1513280883482.png (944x4013, 662K)

I care when mutts bomb them to shit to make them hate us and invade our nations because their home countries are now uninhabitable thanks to mutt bombings and undermine our civilization all in favour of jews and arabs.

Attached: 1534537504471.png (939x2742, 3.63M)

Yeah but Isis systematically eradicated most Muslim nations' native genetic stock into being 99.9% islamic by bombing the "infidels".

>Why am I not even surprised?
Cause you rats calling liberals (while you are the modern liberals) all who doesn't want to build "a real working communism".
The only good thing is that you guys will burn along with the other baltics people when the war starts

Sure and ISIS is funded by Arab money who in turn are unironically funded by the US of A.

don't forget the English name
and the non-English foreign name if you're in a non-English speaking foreign country
and the fact that they'll alternate between Western and Eastern naming order to confuse the fuck out of you

So if we really want to fight Islamic terrorism the USA should be fucking the Saudis in the ass instead of Syria, Iran etc.

Just a reminder that mutts are cancerous faggots who constantly try and undermine their puppet states into taking in muslims and africans.

Attached: 1509917763013.png (650x925, 627K)

This shit is all off topic.

Attached: oYrIfgZ.gif (320x200, 1.9M)

I remember a good chunk of Yea Forums used to like the three kingdoms era, and we'd even have some comfy threads on it from time to time (they mostly started of as Musou threads). It's crazy just how much worse this place has gotten in the last few years. I was hoping that once Three Kingdoms came out, maybe the shitposting would die down, and we'd have a few fun threads on par with the Shogun 2 ones, but I guess I was being way too optimistic.

>nobody mentions communism
>reee communism
Бэйceд либepoид, жepтвa EГЭ.

>posting russialeaks
>even an article about a country Russians consider their clay

why do you eat up AJ+ bullshit?

>be random Paki farmer
>probably have a beheaded female tourist buried in your back yard
>IS gives you drug money for providing shelter / logistics to them
>it doesn't hurt that you agree with their ideology too
>US drones the fuck out of your house
>tear your clothes and sprinkle ash on your head when the al-Jazeera news crew arrives

>>nobody mentions communism
>Defending Modern China in "Ameriniggers vs Insects" shitstorm
>nobody mentions communism

>жepтвa EГЭ.
>proud of soviet education
Did you charge your water bottle from TV?

>An actual r/t_d redditgee is here
>he's not even hiding it
thanks /pol/. As if the r/gaming rant triggering from a few months ago wasn't shitty enough

Attached: 1531464651514.jpg (720x960, 106K)

You are obsessed with these bugmen.

I think its more complicated than it seems.
I think its more like that during the Obama administration they were training some rebels and airdropping weapons and vehicles like those Ford trucks. For Syria and what not. Then because Afghanistan wasn't memorable enough with the Taliban, they proceeded to make the same mistake, for like the third time. So some of these rebels were like. "oh shit these guys are going to enslave us", but they've already gotten the equipment and training, and so proceeded to form their own NWO.

Oh gee if only there was someone to keep them down like Sadaam or something. Like a dictator that would squash them with an iron fist because rule of force is the only thing they understand. Maybe there wouldn't be an arab spring either, and it would be much more peaceful.

Man, the shills are out in full force today. Accept it, the world worships USA and love Americans. Women especially fantasize about marrying a white American.

Also what the fuck is "russialeaks"? And no, Baltics and Russia have their own dynamics. Not just "ree our clay". So fuck off with your CNN nigger tactics.
t. Balt

>>Defending Modern China in "Ameriniggers vs Insects" shitstorm
Sasuga sub 80 IQ liberoid.
>>proud of soviet education
Literally our school teachers who hate the USSR still teach by soviet books. That should tell you a thing or two. Especially sciences like maths, physics and chemistry.

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Best in a while.

I'm sorry.

I like most Chinese but hate their government.
I like most Americans, but hate their government.
I like most Russians but hate their government.
It's all so simple.

>Sasuga sub 80 IQ liberoid.
Not an argument, tovarich.
>Literally our school teachers who hate the USSR still teach by soviet books.
Chuhon' zhe.
>That should tell you a thing or two.
You are russian communist who for some reason doesn't want to return to motherland.

Yeah, Russians create fake stories about how Russians are mistreated by balts so they can invade on grounds of "protecting our people". Just like they did to Ukraine and Georgia. Russian division is extremely effective, and telling their channels that west = bad is their forte to turn opinions against civilized countries.
Assange is a mole sucking Russian cock ever since they gave him a television show, one that incidentally only covered the west, never anything about "based" Russia.

>thread about denuvo and an actual game
>people are just shitposting about politics and how much they hate chinks/americans/russians
Thanks, epics game store. You ruined Yea Forums even more than the usual.



t. bought ps+ & ps now to be able to post this.

>It's not only that, if you look into mutt history pre 9/11 they still would constantly invade, support coups and overthrow legitimate governments
That’s just their eternal anglo gene at work. They cannot create so they invade.

Yea, but Israel couldn't have an economically strong and peaceful Middle-East as that would weaken them in turn.

You do know how Saddam came into power, right?

It's a good entry point but I wouldn't recommend you to buy it right now since you could just try any of the previous games for much cheaper. Just pick the game with the setting you like the most and start with that

lol isnt this the retard nigger that posted his tiny dick on another board thinking it wouldnt get screencapped and passed around?

No, and that's irrelevant anyway. He was a crazy mass murdering despot who'd nuke Europe if we let him.

Are we talking about the saxons? Are we talking about the ‘Englishmen’ that got invaded by a Norman Conqueror? Are we talking about the habitants of Londum?

>He was a crazy mass murdering despot who'd nuke Europe if we let him.
Saddam actually really liked US before George KIKE Bush Senior acted like a faggot.

>Not an argument, tovarich.
Actually it is, because you came to a conclusion which doesn't make any sense.
>Chuhon' zhe.
Now this is actually not an argument.
>You are russian communist who for some reason doesn't want to return to motherland.
I don't even have russians in my family bloodline, retard. Liberal niggers like you literally know nothing about what the fuck they're arguing.

>Yeah, Russians create fake stories about how Russians are mistreated by balts so they can invade on grounds of "protecting our people".
What? I mean there are some basic rights that are protected by the EU that our countries are trying to fuck up for russian minorities, like forcing to teach everyone in the official language, even though everywhere else in Europe minority schools teach in their own language.
>Just like they did to Ukraine and Georgia
This is either bad bait or you have zero clue what you're talking about.
>west = bad
I mean, in most cases it is.
>Assange is a mole sucking Russian cock ever since they gave him a television show
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
>never anything about "based" Russia
There were Russian wikileaks leaks and plenty of Russian news agencies have covered them in the past. The fuck are you on about?

How can the existance of just one country produce so much asshurt in americans?

Attached: 1513709618376.jpg (1000x1475, 1005K)

>actually THINKS it was an inside job
>defending your invaders who behead you, and run you over with between the daily bombings
>to the point Europe has over 40k no go zones they've given up on
How cucked can euros get? Really?

Did y ou guys know that Chinese Government operatives use a hacking tool called 'Winnit".

>Winni T
>Winni Th
>Winni The
>Winni The Pooh


The US has the highest civilian kill count of the last century.

I see reading comprehension is not your strongest suit.

Ya saying Rome 2 sucked is idiotic. Until 3k Rome 2 had every sale and play hour record for a total war game. It's like all these people shouting down Rome2, and CA is like but you all fucking bought and play it more than any other TW, what fuck do you actually want us to do.

Slow day at the IRA, huh?

Yeah. By the way I was about to mention them but withheld. Remember when Pakistan and India were supposed to have a happening a while back and some anons say Israel might have been doing something behind it? Israel could have just done their dumb mind games with Sadam still around, and get oil and friens. Key is to use him as deterrent to Iran. Like it or not the old Iraq and current Iran were opposing powers. Today we hear crazy stuff like the US taking Iran on. If Sadam was around, as well as Gadaffi, they would basically auto resolve it without western involvement. Maybe if Trump was president 19 years ago things would be different. Obama and Bush can become president too afterwards but yeah.

>you blew up your own towers
>n-no I didn't say it was an inside job!

What does the Irish Republican Army have to do with this?

Attached: 1497280602733.jpg (640x640, 183K)

See it's literally your job to brainwash yuros into accepting sandniggers into their country.

Chinks does not care about Denuvo

There's literally not a single case were Denuvo hurt sales. What are you smoking?

>U.S, Canada and UK are literally the same
>Germany and France are literally the same
>Iran and Iraq are literally the same

>Actually it is, because you came to a conclusion which doesn't make any sense.
It makes perfect sense because only communists would defend China.
>Now this is actually not an argument.
>depressed parasha
>good education

>I don't even have russians in my family bloodline,
>yet somehow knew about EГЭ
Sure thing comrade

I can't tell who's genuinely an American, Russian or Chinese in this thread. It's like a gangbang trying to make the other two look worse

Whoops almost forgot
>I don't even have russians in my family bloodline
>are trying to fuck up for russian minorities, like forcing to teach everyone in the official language, even though everywhere else in Europe minority schools teach in their own language.
Stop lying on the internet
>There were Russian wikileaks leaks and plenty of Russian news agencies have covered them in the past. The fuck are you on about?
yeah except never on russian info-space

>Check the reviews
>90% are made by Chink Bugmen

Attached: Untitled.jpg (627x765, 106K)

Im only using mostly militias or low-tier units, but I feel like archers and cav are just way better than melee troops. Does that stay true the whole game or are there some good ones down the road?

based honorable samurai's. are there any animes with the premise of testing new techniques on people passing people?

Girl = user
Guy = topic

Attached: Yanchan_may2019_0.jpg (900x900, 51K)

Woah, you mean to tell me, chinks play a game set in their country based on their fiction?? No way!
Guess every med2 review from Europe don't count either due bias.

Rome 2 has been out for years and they were practically giving it away with some of the crazy sales and offers it had because of how fucking awful the launch was handled.

The board was in full fucking outrage mode when it came out. Only years and many patches later was it in a good place.

Literally real life yandere

>It makes perfect sense because only communists would defend China.
You do know that hating on mutts doesn't mean that anyone defends chinks, right?
>>depressed parasha
>>good education
You're just showing how assblasted you are and not bringing up any factual evidence. Literally something a low IQ nigger does. Quite fitting, to say the least.
>>yet somehow knew about EГЭ
>hurr how do people find about memes on the internet
How much more low IQ can you get?
>Stop lying on the internet
If you don't know what the fuck you're talking about then better just stay out of the conversation.
>yeah except never on russian info-space
Good joke. Even fucking Ren-TV did a "report" on it.
>inb4 your monkey brain doesn't even know that we here get russian channels and they are actually statistically more popular than our own local ones

>OH NO NO NO, Yea Forums you lied to me! You told me that denuvo kills games!
No, when the servers go down it does that pumpkin

>inferior dogs barking at based Americans
>arape apologists
>insects shilling their game
>even two Slavs fighting
Diversity works!

It worked for the US, right?

>You do know that hating on mutts doesn't mean that anyone defends chinks, right?
Praising communism makes you communist manjurt, it's not a rocket science
>and not bringing up any factual evidence.
Evidence of what? That latvia is a shithole with poor education?
>How much more low IQ can you get?
It doesn't matter, since it will be above your 15 points
>If you don't know what the fuck you're talking about then better just stay out of the conversation.
So if you aren't russian or communist, why do you care about russians schools?
>Good joke. Even fucking Ren-TV did a "report" on it.
In latvia may be, not in Russia.

Well, we didn't become the nr1 sole superpower by ourselves. That's why Soviets failed and chinks will fail.

>Praising communism makes you communist manjurt, it's not a rocket science
Where did I praise communism, you mongoloid?
>That latvia is a shithole with poor education?
You were talking about old soviet model of education. Please provide some evidence that it was shit.
>It doesn't matter, since it will be above your 15 points
Just as much of a stupid bant as your argumentation.
>So if you aren't russian or communist, why do you care about russians schools?
Well, I am a Latvian and most of my friends are Latvians and are against this. As well as there are plenty of "russians" who I know who are actually Poles, Ukrainians, Belarussians, Georgians and so on. On top of it being a basic EU right that is protected by EU constitution. Something that our government likes to constantly suck on like a dick. Also because a fair bit of people here in Latvia realize that our government constantly tries to create flamewars between the russian speakers and latvians so as that they can more easily pass down shitty laws and steal more money from the people.
>In latvia may be, not in Russia.
There are also channels don't have separate Baltic lines that are also being broadcasted here. Like TNT, rossiya24 and the like.

>Where did I praise communism, you mongoloid?
where you praised soviet education and china.
>Please provide some evidence that it was shit.
After soviet schools people unironically believed that extrasens can charge water with positive energy through the TV.
>Just as much of a stupid bant as your argumentation.
Projecting much commienigger?
>Well, I am a Latvian and most of my friends are Latvians and are against this. As well as there are plenty of "russians" who I know who are actually Poles, Ukrainians, Belarussians, Georgians and so on. On top of it being a basic EU right that is protected by EU constitution. Something that our government likes to constantly suck on like a dick. Also because a fair bit of people here in Latvia realize that our government constantly tries to create flamewars between the russian speakers and latvians so as that they can more easily pass down shitty laws and steal more money from the people.
>and this piece of shit who cares about "muh minorities" calls me a liberal
>state-owned channel
>publishing leaks about russia and broadcasting in russia

Okay, what's the story?

Don't know, but that image was taken from the J-Drama JIN, about modern day surgeon that gets transported to feudal japan, pretty good.

But really, if you like total war and Dynasty warriors you'll like it.

what is the point of Veteran general type for Yellow Terrorists? They die quick no matter what I put them up against. Healer can at least buff the shit out of my troops. Scholar kills generals and infantry easily. Veteran does nothing

Cute Japanese girl stabs her friend because he didn't want to give her the dick.

Attached: nadeko_0.png (540x653, 239K)

He deserved that stabbing desu.

Being less and less white paid off I guess.

I dunno man, I think he was on to something.

Attached: 1558811977907.jpg (1024x768, 102K)

Real life yandere.

>where you praised soviet education
Well, it is factually better than anything we have today. What exactly are you on about?
>and china
Where exactly?
>After soviet schools people unironically believed that extrasens can charge water with positive energy through the TV.
Чeгo бля? Хoтя бы нaпиши yжe пo pyccки чтoбы пoнять мoжнo былo.
>Projecting much commienigger?
Hell, I'm trying to argue with some sort of a logical basis on the other hand you're sperging out and just yelling random nonsense with zero basis. If anyone here is a nigger, then that's you.
>>and this piece of shit who cares about "muh minorities" calls me a liberal
I think I am sounding like a broken record at this point, but you are truly fucking stupid.
You fucking retard where did I ever say it did. I'm just bringing up the fact that there are plenty of russian channels that are broadcasted here.
>>publishing leaks about russia and broadcasting in russia
There was literally a similar news report as this one same topic at least.

Did she write that with his blood? What does it say?

Sad thing is, that wouldn't even be the craziest girl I've been with.

>What does it say?

>Well, it is factually better than anything we have today.
How does it make soviet education good?
>Чeгo бля? Хoтя бы нaпиши yжe пo pyccки чтoбы пoнять мoжнo былo.
Boдy yжe зapядил oт тeлeвизopa, нeгpaждaнин?
>If anyone here is a nigger, then that's you.
I am not the one who chimps out for gibs for my jewish overlords
>You fucking retard where did I ever say it did
Then why you bring it into the discussion about Russian leaks?
OY VEY but it's da либepoиднaя гaзeтa

Dunno. It says "suki"
Tl:note suki means like/love.
She was a cosplayer and incidentally this is her last cosplay from her Insta.

Attached: yandere.jpg (1080x1076, 87K)

Attached: 1537809371116.jpg (1024x429, 80K)


ah, a post about the game
we dont discuss video games here

>How does it make soviet education good?
Because every school and university worth a damn uses them.
>Boдy yжe зapядил oт тeлeвизopa, нeгpaждaнин?
Can you explain with non memes and link to an actual source as to what you're yammering on about?
>I am not the one who chimps out for gibs for my jewish overlords
>Latvia or baltics in general
Based IQlet.
>Then why you bring it into the discussion about Russian leaks?
I just explained it, are you literally so fucking stupid that you can't read?
>OY VEY but it's da либepoиднaя гaзeтa
What does that have to do with what I said? Are you 12 or just brain damaged?

dude should have just cum and dumped

Yeah, because she would clearly be satisfied with that

>denuvo hurts sales
But it does? I have passed up multiple games that I wanted to play just because it has denuvo.

>check nip sites about this thing
>comments say shit like
>"she's cute"
>"i wish i was loved like that"
>"im jealous..."
based nips

>Because every school and university worth a damn uses them.
>Can you explain with non memes and link to an actual source as to what you're yammering on about?
BWAHAHAHAHA It's not a memes, it's the facts.
And if you don't know what is it proves that you are 15 yo russian communist.
>>I am not the one who chimps out for gibs for my jewish overlords
>>Latvia or baltics in general
>Based IQlet.
>pretending russian schools sponsored by God
>What does that have to do with what I said?
Because you said Russia have no problems with broadcasting news about "russian leaks" which is false since it was never broadcasted on Russian TV in Russia so you end with liberal internet newspaper as your primal example. Despite your "hate" towards "liberals"

I never said it hurts sales, I said it kills games because anyone who wants to mod it can't early on, when the game is hottest. It also stops me from buying it because I like my SSD.

>I speak for everyone
I dislike denuvo like everyone else, but it keeps people from pirating, usually. They wouldn't pay thousands of dollars if it wasn't worth it. They could have used denuvo and dropped it if it didn't help, but they continue to use it even now, years later
It seems like the sales lost on anti denuvo people are less than the sales from people buying instead of pirating
Yeah denuvo sucks but don't act like it's not a reasonable business move

lmao retard you dont need to modify the exe to nod games

>I speak for everyone
A retard I see. I never said I spoke for everyone.
The statement was "denuvo hurts sales", and it does, because that's what made me not buy the product.

Nigga if it hurt one sale but got 5 sales from people who would have pirated, it didn't hurt sales, it generated sales

>people who pirate pays when they can't pirate
It'll be interesting to see how he'll wriggle out of this one!


>people who pirate pays when they can't pirate
It'll be interesting to see how he'll wriggle out of this one!

only the yuroniggers would have lenghty discussion about seething at america at 7am on an american made site

Listening to buttmad third world piratepoors on a Mongolian shrimp picking forum

Pic related. Also what is exactly wrong with this example?
>BWAHAHAHAHA It's not a memes, it's the facts.
So you literally pulled something out of your own ass and can't even prove it?
>And if you don't know what is it proves that you are 15 yo russian communist.
>>pretending russian schools sponsored by God
What? Government owned schools literally are sponsored by the government. That's why people pay taxes. Private schools are private schools.
>Because you said Russia have no problems with broadcasting news about "russian leaks" which is false since it was never broadcasted on Russian TV in Russia so you end with liberal internet newspaper as your primal example
Exactly, I was talking about TV, not fucking internet articles. I literally grabbed the first link off of google.

Attached: 1436823296205.png (1456x360, 43K)

user I am from Israel and even I can tell we aren't fucking allies, americans are seriously cucked not to shit all over us after all we've done to you

Ice burn.

Attached: 1415161091000.jpg (400x300, 16K)

the romans had 3 to 4 names.

*vassalizes you*

Attached: yuan-shao-description.png (1920x1212, 3.45M)

I'll give it a shot, thanks.

cool, I'm glad retards are funding my free games

>he is busy watching people enjoy a game he can't play
Now that's what I call Cuckolding.

>imagine buying spyware that also reduce performance

>written by kike

>So you literally pulled something out of your own ass and can't even prove it?
Oх ёб твaю мaть...
Пpoдoлжaй, caхapoк.
>What? Government owned schools literally are sponsored by the government.
So basically it's just russian teachers doesn't want to lose their salaries, so they are agitate braindead parents (live in country for 30-40 years and didn't lear national language is pretty stupid) to chimp out over nothing,
>Exactly, I was talking about TV, not fucking internet articles. I literally grabbed the first link off of google.
So you cannot provide example from russian TV..


right guys

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