Why does reddit love this garbage game so much...

Why does reddit love this garbage game so much? The sailing and lack of any challenge or good puzzle design makes the whole experience just a chore. I can't fathom why anybody would like this over ocarina of time or majora's mask, let alone a link to the past or link's awakening.

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Because Twilight Princess exists.

What do you mean? Twilight Princess might not be as good as the n64 games but it sure as hell beats out wind waker in exploration, style and dungeons

Everyone likes this game, you aren't special for hating it

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It has more backtracking.
Less reason to explore off the beaten path.
And the exact same braindead dungeon design.

TP is a worse OoT
WW is at least unique so people can like that about it

what was #1

>game for kids
>"why does reddit like this so much"
The question answers itself.

hopefully oracle or zelda 2, but knowing zelda fans and their shit taste probably botw


Because of the art style
and because zoomers

>recency effect continues to reign supreme

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Majora's Mask > Twilight Princess > Shit > Every other 3D Zelda

The only thing that aged gracefully about WW is the art style of the original version (before HD took a big blooming shit all over it) and the expressiveness of characters. Everything else aged like fucking milk. The world exploration was absolutely botched and tedious (J-J-JUST GET MUH FAST SAIL crybaby defenders can fuck right off, its existence is a glaring admission of how much ass sailing sucks and it turns a lynchpin aspect of the game's core concept from bullshit tedium to pointless triviality), the dungeons are among the worst of the 3D games (BotW managed to take that grand prize though), and the progression of the main game feels like doing chores.

Before anyone gets cute with me, I'm not a TPfag. That game was only a minor step up in quality.

phantom hourglass is actually the worst zelda game, because of that one dungeon you have to visit over and over again. only blind nostalgia goggles can salvage it. for swords adventures is fun with friends and tp is an alright game

look at the image

arent those contradictory statements

Though the backslice is too easy to pull off, I find the controls and Link's tiny as sword makes running around and hitting things feel less...clunky? Seriously play Twilight Princess and go back Ocarina afterwards, there's something more fluid about it I swear.

But that didn't stop me fom liking MM so whatever.

I found it fun.

I liked it for a few reasons.

1. Good exploration for its time. Yes, it's still gated, but the overworld layout evoked a sense of mystery and adventure sorely lacking in a lot of other Zelda games. Also the Triforce quest is legitimately underrated, since it encourages the player to explore every inch of the map and is nonlinear to boot which is a breath of fresh air.

2. It has a shitload of memorable moments and setpieces, from Hyrule being frozen in time to the assault on Ganon's fortress to that frantic rush to Outset Island with the never-ending storm and more.

3. Ganondorf is more fleshed out as an antagonist than he ever has been; sympathetic but still a clearly villainous character.

4. Comfiest atmosphere. This is harder to quantify but I imagine the whimsical artstyle and setting contributed to it the most.

5. Still has some of the smoothest, most fluid feeling combat in the series to this day.

6. God tier soundtrack.

With that said, the HD version is better and fixed a lot of the issues that made the moment-to-moment gameplay in the original game such a slog.

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What site is this from?

>hasn't even finished zelda 1
>is responsible for ruining the series
what a chad

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the fuck are you talking about you ridiculous cunt.
WW is one the best zelda games out there. also this

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I don't understand the love for any non-NES Zelda game myself. After 2 it went full boring storyshit.

>any DS shit better than TP
Didn't even see the rest of the list, fucking retarded people I swear.

And what zelda stands out to you as being "good?" Don't tell me you're going to say OoT.

>shits on Majora's Mask and Koizumi's vision with MM3D

LA is fun

Discord trannies played it as kids.

wow dude ww was my childhood fuck u

Majora's Mask (and LA if we're including 2D), you silly little nigger. Uh oh, upset that I criticized your first video game?

People like the aesthetics snd disregard gameplay. Also, for a kid it doesn't feel as mind-numbing as it dies for an adult. So if you played it as a child, you liked it at the time, and many people are very uncritical of their nostalgia.

MM and OoT were both better than WW and its garbage triforce chart coupled with its awful, tedious sailing mechanic. As for 2D zeldas its Alttp and LA

>feels like a grand adventure
>great use of the art design
>that ganondorf fight
>fun combat system, though it wasn't challening
Lack of any challenge is pretty typical for any zelda game. It's my favorite Zelda for the same reason Earthbound is my favorite game: i had a feel

WW's unique ideas only shine at the game's end. Prior to the Triforce quest it's as much an OoT clone as TP is, only with a little bit more water. Hell, WW even "opens up" at the same time as TP does, which is to say after the third dungeon, and even then what's the point of the free exploration when you're just gonna get item gated like any other 3D Zelda aside from BotW? WW isn't special, it didn't live up to its ambitions and of the OoT clones it's the worst designed one of the lot.

Fuck nintendo's spaceworld bait and switch. Never forgive, never forget.

I love it
What's reddit

>tech demos are representative of actual games
imagine being this autistic

Not that user but I still want that TP style WiiU tech demo even now.

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So I need to play DaS3 then?

DeS = BB > DaS2 > DaS

Atmosphere and art direction.

I don't think any other games at that point did such a good job of making you feel tiny vs the dungeon or boss.

Also, dragon roost island theme is so soul-soothing

TP is the better game on GC, neither are as good the the N64 games though

How is Spirit Tracks not at the bottom? Are the others games that much worse?

>ALBW and WW best LA and MM
Who made this faggy list?

FSA is arguable but TP is absolutely better. ST isn't devoid of good qualities but Jesus fuck, its bad ones are BAD.

The sad part of the DS games is that they have parts that are good but we’re relega to DS tech demo status which absolutely ruins the experience.

I don't even mind the touch controls. It's the flute and train sections that kill it for me, they're barely functional and unbearably tedious respectively. What really sucks is that ST kills it with the dungeon/boss designs but the bullshit surrounding those gold nuggets really drag it down.

cheat codes unironically fix these whole games.
You can move with the dpad and interact with the buttons. You can blow the spirit flute with the trigger as well. The train section was already playable if a little tedious.

Objective truth.
DaS2 and DaS3 are dogshit.

Holy shit taste, batman

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But TP has the best combat of all Zelda games.

yeah its skill system is pretty good, and I still find its darknut enemies impressive since they have 2 phases

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