When did games lose their soul?
When did games lose their soul?
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Does Yea Forums really hate this shit?
Why am I asking when I know the answer?
When money became more important than quality
I wouldn't mind it if it looked closer to the photos in LA DX and if it came bundled with the Oracle games, I feel like that would justify $60
og is my favorite so im willing to give this a whirl, but im not the biggest fan of the artstyle
I like everything but the blur.
When people lost their ability to explain why 'old good and new bad'.
Hyped as fuck, but I'm really scared it will be exactly like the OG, which means I'll be done with it in 2-3 hours.
Seeing a 3d game move only with 8-direction d-pad input makes it clear.
simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
The trailer music felt like a joke, I see why they went with this art style but it reminds me too much of pre-rendered 90s graphics and that isn't how I imagined an HD version of one of the most important handheld Nintendo games to look like, the blurring also sucks.
remember when Nintendo announced windwaker? I do.
When the industry started creating "standards" that made game design more formulaic and less experimental. This was motivated by desire from profits. Basically, whenever a company makes a game, they look at every game that has been successful in that genre, emulate the successful design concepts that caused its success and call it a day. We have been playing the same 3-4 most successful games of each genre for the last 10 years or so.
Must make ET a masterpiece in sophistication.
>when did games lose their soul
>posts 0.8 verson of the games soul
fuck off m80
It is.
At least we're on the same page.
>games that would now be called soulful were once completely shit on
I remember greatly disliking the cel shading stuff but Wind Waker is such a good game it doesn't matter. The funny thing looking back is that the game aged incredibly well visually due to this art style.
I was wrong, Shiggy. I was wrong.
When you got older.
Personally I don't like Wind Waker over how incredibly easier the game is compared to some other zelda games and it has the triforce fishing.
But I can understand why people like it.
They didn't. You lost interest and cling to nostalgia.
It feels unfinished at times and the boat stuff is more or less time filler and a chore.
Still, it's not a bad game and the art style shouldn't be held against it.
At least that was a new game.
A new 2d-ish game with this style is better than making a second recolor.
Waiting for the remake so the industry can burn again.
this is exactly what i've been saying, if anything they didnt go far enough and should have gone with a sort of re-imagining of the 90s chibi style from the LA DX photos
7th gen
They should have gone for a new game.
why did they feel the need to remake this game at all
obviously that wouldve been ideal but im purely speaking about it on the fact that if theyre gonna needlessly remake this then they might as well do it right
I'm still amazed people were willing to mindlessly defend this game after the announcement. I feel like there's an inherent kneejerk reaction on Yea Forums to defend anything Nintendo does. There were people defending FE: Fates' localization back when it released, too.
Pretty much it.
I'm amazed you can't draw the parallels of mindlessly defending and mindlessly attacking.
Only quality content produces nostalgia.
>4-bit color good
I have plenty of reasons to 'attack' this game. It feels like someone thought they were being cute by 'updating' the visuals of the original in an almost 1:1 fashion- even going so far as to have characters' eyes just be pointed lines.
If they were going to do this they should've at least had the decency to make it a spiritual successor, like A Link Between Worlds (a game, by the way, that could never have been called a proper remake to ALttP, since it looks worse).
Left allows room for imagination. Right is HD with detail but everything looks like a toy world you can't imagine how the characters might actually look because they are extremely realistic and detailed and look like plastic.
Remember when they fucked it up with the HD version? It's almost like NINTENDO HIRED THIS MAN!! Seriously, these were the images Nintendo themselves released before any other footage of the game was shown. These actually looked like they were done in Gmod at the time, were even I had my doubts it was real. The final product wasn't too bad, but what could have been improved from the GC version went completely over their heads.
Perhaps, but quality differs from person to person.
So... Since the 80s?
>We have been playing the same 3-4 most successful games of each genre for the last 10 years or so.
Shit taste zoomer idiots like you have been doing that, not "we".
They never did. You did.
These are the kinds of threads you go to laugh at the disabled people
It's looks like a canned 3DS remake. What the Game Boy could do was certainly a step up from the NES. LA had the best visuals on the Game Boy. But seeing this on the Switch is too simplified, knowing that it can do much better. I think if it was the OoT remake, pretend OoT 3D never happened, I'd be really excited for it. LA Remake would had made a lot more sense on the 3DS if it had taken OoT 3D's place.
The second anti-aliasing options were implemented in games was the second games lost their soul
Remakes in general are cancer. I don't mind how LA's remake looks in and of itself, though; if this were a new game where the artificiality of its visuals were going to be a notable theme throughout the game -- like how it is in the various craft-themed games Nintendo's done now -- I wouldn't be bothered at all. But the original LA's was a pretty typical looking Zelda. It's exactly what you would expect a well-made Zelda game on the GB to look like. That's what makes all the weird shit like telephones and chain chomps stand out that much more. The juxtaposition isn't as noticeable when the game, by design, resembles a play set.
We really didn't need this remake.
The aesthetic choice seems ridiculously superficial. Like, "ha! the game takes place in a fake world, so we'll really make it look fake!" There's no subtlety, or nuance. I mean this is the Zelda that was directly influenced by Twin Peaks, and one of the key elements of that show was you had an idyllic town with something wrong hidden underneath.
Wind Waker is fuckin horseshit. It's one of the worst Zelda games and definitely the worst on the GC.
What the fuck? It’s 60? It’s literally a 1:1 remake of a game that came out over 25 years ago, on a HANDHELD, just updated graphics and music. One of those shitty “HIRE THIS MAN” unity devs could’ve done this for free. At most it should be 20$.
When they become successful and bigger, leading to a larger team of developers for the sequels. This would result in less creativity and more standardization.
I'm glad people are realizing Wind Waker had a lot of genuine faults. I felt like there was almost reverse backlash with it for a while, where if you criticized it, you'd just get a strawman argument about graphics. Doesn't help that it's the Zelda a lot of people grew up with now.
In this case yes, because the new isn't a proper artistic rendition of said old
Ninty only has themselves to blame if they ever have to foreclose
Why are posts being deleted and why is it the ones with 776? Is it a sign for a Fire Emblem Thracia remake?
>mfw I remembered /vr/ exists
I have found the source of this faggotry. Go back to your nostalgia board boomers.
The LA remake looks fine, removing the skeletons was retarded though, every kid sees skeletons on halloween and they did it to OOT3D too
Fuck off Nigtendo shill.
fuck you, I like the right one
this is the key imo, either go abstract and let the brain imagine the rest or go full detail and make the game a visual masterpiece, the in between LGPE looking style sucks
Also I sure hope the remake doesn't have soulless orchestral music
There's nothing wrong with orchestrating music. Link's Awakening's music sounds great live.
true and the 25th anniversary release was pretty good too
They should've just used an edited version of the ALBW model and called it a day
If the left one came out today you'd call it a pixelshit meme game. You only like it because it was made before your father was born.
it looks like a faithful remaster of links awakening, i'm fine with this, its not meant to be a mainline new zelda its a retro throwback, 59.99 is bs though
Well yeah, context is important. The left was cutting edge graphics for the system it was developed for, that wasn't really trying for any 'quirky' style or aesthetic. It looked like what you would expect a high quality Zelda game to look on the Gameboy.
but you see thats the problem.. the left is being made today, the switch eshop is flooded with pixel 2d indie shit. And thats by TODAYS standards...
What happened to beautiful scenic games like EVERY gamecube game ever produced in its time?
Seems like people would rather shit out 20 games a month for 10 bucks each rather than one amazing 60 dollar game in 2 years.
there were no "high quality" zelda back then, the bar was set so low it didn't even matter how much "cutting edge" it was, the simple fact it existed made the game have "cutting edge graphics".
It's just your nostalgia. It's like you don't know nintendo stopped caring about graphics after the gamecube.
Before that stuff on the left was made, I‘ll have to assume. I can‘t find anything appealing about either side. Just because it was old and used monochrome pixel sprites doesn't mean it looked good.
The fuck? You're talking shit. Even back in the 80s Nintendo hyped up the original Zelda because they knew it was a fucking system seller. By this point, there'd been three Zelda games, including A Link to the Past- ever fucking hear of it? Link's Awakening literally used its same box art. Zelda was a staple brand for Nintendo, and a mark of quality.
Is that why you're the most sophisticated man ever to be born?
Multiple reasons. But, primarily it's because AAA stopped being experimental in any way. Now it's all extremely derivative now. The best innovation you can hope for is graphical advancement which is meaningless.
People say this, but I think it's because you get blinded by all the bad things that came out of 7th gen. There are still decent 7th gen games underneath it all.
There's nothing wrong with emulating successful design concepts.
>Making the best out of limited hardware
>Intentionally making a game that looks like shit because muh stalgia
>When did games lose their soul?
When you grew up. Or rather, didn't.
>Making the best out of limited hardware
Nigga, the hardware was shit. If you were legit trying to "make the best" of it, then you wouldn't make it on a handheld at all.
AAA as you mean it was literally never experimental. AAA games cost obscene amounts the likes of which they have not in the history of the medium. 'Big' releases used to be more experimental, sure, but generally because big games didn't used to be as big. The biggest blockbusters of years past didn't cost or take half as long to develop as most modern counterparts. Now if you actually paid attention to games outside of what IGN told you was the hottest release of the year, you might actually be able to find some things that you still enjoy.
Oh yeah lets just ignore the most popular platform on the earth retard
"Soul" is a buzzword for when you have absolutely nothing of value to say.
They should have gone for Ages and Seasons. Built them into one game somehow. Then thrown in an unlockable Secrets for good measure after beating the two, even if Secrets was to be shorter.
Such a remake would have had a reason for existing at the very least.
Do you want to make the best or do you want to settle for mediocre? Make your choice, faggot.
Yea Forums would have despised the LA remake no matter what it looked like
This, even if they tried to replicate the game's art style it would still suck in v's eyes.
I guess when I use the term AAA I'm refering to what you mean by 'Big' releases. 'Big' releases used to be more distinct and with more nuances.
>Now if you actually paid attention to games outside of what IGN told you was the hottest release of the year, you might actually be able to find some things that you still enjoy.
And you're right. If anything modern mainstream gaming media has proven how unreliable it is and in some ways unqualified to review games. I haven't gone to IGN for years. It actually boggles my mind how small indie developers, and sometimes even one person, can develope games with 10 times more creativity than a game with multi-million dollar budget.
The developers were tasked with making a Zelda game for the Gameboy, and they made the best Zelda they visually could.
You seem like a fucking retard.
Either fucking way they aren't using the power of the Switch to make the best game they can, you fucking retard
>The developers were tasked with
Pff whatever user, stop trying to make them out to be so holy then.
>the developers were tasked with making a zelda with conditions X and Y, and they made the best zelda they could
Seems to be the same fucking case for this game then.
Also you sound like this: "they made the best tamagochi they visually could". You're the retard here faggot.
AAA games are inherently soulless because they're all just the same shit. Nothing but sequels, remakes, remasters, open world shit and chasing the latest fad like mobile or BR. They're more about milking the audience for all they're worth while pushing out shit unfinished.
Games only have soul when they're made by small teams because they're passionate and are willing to try different shit. Indies are the only games worth giving a fuck about now. Its sad that vanilla WoW was made by 10 guys while retail is made by hundreds and its pure fucking shit.
They wouldn't be making it for the switch in the first place.
How fucking dense are you? What the fuck else are they going to make Zelda for
>Pff whatever user, stop trying to make them out to be so holy then.
How am I making them out to be 'holy'?
>Seems to be the same fucking case for this game then.
The Switch is capable of doing far more visually advanced things than the Link's Awakening remake. BotW is literally a game in the same series on the same console.
>Also you sound like this: "they made the best tamagochi they visually could". You're the retard here faggot.
I'm sorry, but have you played Link's Awakening? It's a fully fledged Zelda game. There's nothing bad or limited about it. It's on par with anything released up to that point, and is still a highlight in the series.
It's just something people miss a lot. The industry has grown bigger which means that the biggest releases of a given year are more expensive than they used to be. What would've been a massive release in 2002 would be entirely lost beneath the waves in 2016.
>How am I making them out to be 'holy'?
>The Switch is capable of doing far more visually advanced things than the Link's Awakening remake
They probably have a tiny fraction of their staff working on this. And yeah, BotW's limitations on the Switch are still very obvious to anybody who has played the pirated version on PC.
I played enough of Link's Awakening to know that it sucked in comparison to A Link to the Past. The art was minimal, the space on screen was tiny, the map sucked. Also I hated the little not-so-subtle references to the mario games.
I just think the artstyle is weird as fuck for LA, it doesn't feel fitting at all. If it was a brand new Zelda game, I wouldn't care.
Where have I fucking said anything about 'soul'? Stop making a strawman you two-digit IQ faggot.
>They probably have a tiny fraction of their staff working on this. And yeah, BotW's limitations on the Switch are still very obvious to anybody who has played the pirated version on PC.
So your argument is that this is a low-budget, low-effort release? Not exactly painting a good picture for this release, pal. The Switch is very capable of doing more. That can't be said for the original Gameboy release.
>I played enough of Link's Awakening to know that it sucked in comparison to A Link to the Past. The art was minimal, the space on screen was tiny, the map sucked. Also I hated the little not-so-subtle references to the mario games.
Now we're just getting into a fucking review of the game. Link's Awakening was a full-fledged Zelda release put on a smaller system, for half the price of a console game.
right after ps2/gamecube/mid 360
Based high IQ poster
So just so we're clear, are you arguing that any game not pushing as hard as it can up against the technical limits of a system is lazy and/or trash?
No user, YOU lost your soul. Not them. You're getting old.
Other than too much bloom, the HD version is fine.