Videogames will never make you this happy again

Videogames will never make you this happy again

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stop the proyection

Well obviously someone hasn't played and completed sekiro for the first time and got the purification ending or they would feel "this happy" about videogames "again". Sad!

they make me happier now, because im not a casual who plays console AAA trash

play pc and you'll be amazed every day

>pc is for dota
no, that is also for console causals

Nothing really makes me as happy as my high points as a kid except for drugs. Makes me all the more sympathetic to people who had really shitty childhoods.

Games today are just not as good. Only zoomers believe otherwise.

That's okay.

I just hope they make some kid as happy they used to make me.

Partially true, but this applies to basically everything. I remember having fun playing with plastic dinosaurs, I could never do that again.

Ive never been that happy in my life.

I just beat DOOM 2016 again last night and started Sekiro for the first time earlier and both made me feel great

I thought this too until the day they announced both a 2d and 3d metroid
I was cynical about the quality of the games afterwards, but when both got announced, I was the happiest I've been in a long time for like 10 minutes before the overwhelming apathy set back in

Your favorite games from the past were probably shit.

what do you play on PC?

The pic includes one of the games of my time and it was better than anything you have ever known zoom-zoom.

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The one thing that's helped me is going on "dopamine fasts" where I spend a day doing something productive and deprive myself of music, pleasurable reading, rich food and especially internet. You'll find that you'll start to appreciate little things far more when you strike a balance in your life.

I find that one of the reasons why I am more happy than I've been is that I have responsibilities that pull me away from my natural instinct to do nothing but order pizza, play video games while watching anime.

The worst games from the classic era of gaming are far and away better than 99.999% of modern games.

Hell of it is, I think you're right

Dumbass kid getting hyped for a garbage Mega Man reboot. Faggot probably never even played the classics on NES.


8bit fags btfo. X was better


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This. I find weird shit to play all the goddamn time.
My current obsession is swat 4. Goddamn is it good.

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maybe if KT sent me a Nioh 2 Alpha code I would
for like an hour

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really the worst part about gaming right now is that anywhere you could talk about it is filled with politics shitflingers

If an adult acts like this they get labeled as a man child, autistic or get locked up in a mental ward. No we get to suppress our happiness reactions.

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Ever since I quit drinking, video games (and life) are just way better. Actually, it's strange, games that I considered all time favourites are starting to drive me crazy replaying them. Newer games excite me more than they have in a very long time.

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You really missed out when that game was new. Easy to get loads of people to play.

Always turned into 100% arrest matches because otherwise the game is too easy.

Exactly. In a way society condemns happiness and enthusiasm,especially if its over a "childish" thing. Then we turn around and ask why the suicide rates are up and why so many people are unhappy.

its because any time spent having fun is time spent not being a wage slave to your corporate overlords.

What if I dislike anime games

That's part of it,yes. It's scary how well these companies and governments have brainwashed workers and civilians...

get out, /pol/

>you will never be this happy again

You're not allowed to be excited or happy about vidya anymore or you're a söiboi.