Only you can hear me, summoner

only you can hear me, summoner...

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___ _ ____ ____ ____ __

not happy that your shit thread got taken down?

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Hey this is lewd

porn reall does rot the brain huh

more cowtits

How mute is Sona? Is she completely silent, or can she still make vocalizations?

milk truck just arrive

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Looks like you've been jacking off too much yourself.

You shouldn't say this kind of stuff about yourself

Sona wouldn't say shit like this you faggot nigger, Sona is pure.

Attached: puresona.png (457x607, 425K)

A boner for my heart.

Whats the point of having a character be mute but also telepathic?

its quirky bro

Much better.

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Also Yikes!

Miku would never say this!

yeah haha

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>that naive dude at the bottom

She looks like she fucks black men OP

what a nightmare we live in

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Women truly are awful creatures

>milk truck arrived
>posts ass centric image