I just can't comprehend how can blizzard keep wasting money on high budget cg movies...

I just can't comprehend how can blizzard keep wasting money on high budget cg movies, while game in it's worst state since wotlk and wod

Attached: 267px-World_of_Warcraft_Battle_for_Azeroth_Box_Shot.jpg (267x378, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

ftp.blizzard.com/pub/misc/Warcraft 2 Battlenet edition.PDF

Because the majority of players will spend on whatever marketing puts in front of them.
You can swap BfA with literally every other major entertainment product.
This is basic bitch stuff.

Blizzard has an in-house CG studio, all paid for already. It doesn't cost them all that much money because they own the equipment and they have to pay the staff and creators either way.
CGI is considered expensive because most creators outsource to an external company like ILM who charge premium rates, Blizzard paid a larger sum outright to have their own internal studio.

The real question is why the fuck they didn't do the Warcraft Movie internally.

yeah their motion capture studio is owned by Activision, so they have it easy.

Except they won't? While blizzard doesn't release player numbers any longer we have seen a massive outflow of people with bfa. I have seen people that even managed to play through wod get fed up and quit

wod thinned down a lot of will from those players, they know what is coming and do not want it anymore

>Except they won't?
Except they are, and they’re too far gone.

>Except they won't?
Except they do.
>player numbers
Literally means nothing to capitalism.

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haven't played since bfa launched, im curious
what exactly is wrong with retail?
aside from the absurd azerite and reputation grinds.

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I hate whales so goddamn much. Without them we could live in a bright future full of quality, all bad games would die without their money.

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ouch, this is pretty much mostly money from people paying for level boosts for their allied races

It’s more of a MOBA now than an actual RPG. PvP is fucked beyond compare and has been since MoP

effort reward system is broken, grind, timegating of everything, classes are the same you can interchange from class to class and don't feel any difference, no tier sets, story is a mess, titanforging etc etc etc

wow never was rpg

>muh table top rpg definition
will you people fuck off to /tg/ already?

Yes it was

People buying shit like this will keep them afloat.

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>100% linear game without any actual roleplaying
>roleplaying game

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What's the next stage of "yikes"?

when I was on my 2 week nostalgia trip in december people in gchat were proud to announce such purchases, took em a lot of efferot not to swear at them

>A literal paypig

Shouldve done it anyways.

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>Classic just exists to shut up the vocal minority of NEETs hoping to relive their pasts and stay out of retail paypig's hair

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>He’s never tried RPing with other players
Yeah, RP and G

Unironically, Soul vs Soulless. Modern WoW is so heavily boiled down into mathematically defined "player engagement" metrics that it's just entirely anti-fun. It's not an RPG, it's a skinner box simulator. Blizzard has mistaken a higher volume of "player engagements" where the player logs in to grind something while hating every moment of it as being better than a lower number of logins that players actually enjoy.

Or shit like this.

Attached: fucking blizzdrones buying this shit.jpg (300x168, 10K)

That has the potential to backfire severely. Unless all crossgame discussion is silenced

>t. female nelf priest

>We /still/ want the furry audience

I am mostly sad about classes, this whole spec purging is what kills any interest I have about the game, I want my 50 binds back.

at least it was a guild where people were talking, 99% of others people keep silent all the time

>historically low player count
>take advantage of this and finally hit rank 1

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t. Shutin with no friends or social skills

>it's a skinner box simulator
I think this is what it boils down to, except it was always a skinner box simulator. The concept behind it was just done better in the beginning. I mean it's pretty depressing as a player to hear how blizzard hired psychologists for bfa in order to try and mentally shape the players into the correct mold

Don’t forget to buy a few WoW tokens and a character boost

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I wish all the tumors of retail could be removed without killing the game.

Literally the only reason I'm playing is because of my guild's mythic roster that I'm a part of.

I'm not playing because of that, if I get into mythic it would be hard to get out and I would have to swallow all systems that come with it.

Why wouldn't they? It's like officially sanctioned commissions for their escapism world. The money will never stop flowing.
Don't at all be surprised if they offer nude skins perceivable only by the player in the future.

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The disgust I felt when someone in my guild bought that thing.

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>hired psychologists for bfa in order to try and mentally shape the players into the correct mold
They fucked up pretty bad, then. The number of blizzdrones breaking conditioning is at a record high.

The difference is, in old WoW the skinner box was complemented by a genuinely interesting world,. You had great questlines like Stalvan or the EPL ones which actually engaged you, world resources (gold, herbs, ores etc) actually held value, and a lot of quest rewards were good well into BWL or even Naxx in some cases.
Modern expansion zones on the other hand are utterly uninteresting in terms of lore, have no interesting quest, no interesting rewards, and there's no useful resources.

Another problem is the music. Vanilla music had a lot more ambience, Ashenvale is a good example. Almost all the music in BfA on the other hand is a full blown orchestral piece which overpowers the content and gets incredibly tiresome when you've spent 15+ hours listening to the same bombastic shit over and over.

I miss this feeling. Thankfully Classic will bring this back.....hopefully

That makes me all too glad that I play on private servers. Fuck that autism

>full blown orchestral piece which overpowers the content and gets incredibly tiresome when you've spent 15+ hours listening to the same bombastic shit over and over.
I hated the MoP music for Stormwind when that’s all this was. On top of being mixed in with the ambience

I loved this track. And in general zandalar themes, it's the only thing that made me happy in bfa.

people don't seem to understand how fucking rich most furries are. power, wealth, and affluence can break a mind until you escape into your own fabrication of the mind colored like an old disney cartoon. Something modern WoW gives in spades.

It also inevitably turns games to shit.

Modern expansions cater too hard to one faction. They tried to solve this with less resources in BfA, but all that did was make both islands mediocre.
Also they switched music to an outsource studio in BfA. It's painfully obvious. WoW music was never that good and borrowed too heavily from fantasy score tropes. BfA's is the same, except lazier.

I just want playable naga.

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Too bad, here’s another reskinned elf

ALSO the player's faults.

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>literally nobody plays the allied races


But which would you rather listen to for 5 hours straight, that or this?

Blizz fault for pandering to the incels instead of trying to build an interesting lore.

>tfw was genuinely excited for Legion
>despite this, I figured I'd be disappointed
>despite it's flaws, I ended up actually fucking loving it and was subbed for 90% of it's duration
>BFA is announced, faction war shit again
>immediately turn expectations down to 0
>comes out and it's shit

I don't what happened, but I'm not even remotely mad.
But damn did it feel good to actually have hype pay off for once.
And in turn, setting the bar so low for BFA made it so the "blow" was so soft that I didn't even care, I just simply stopped playing.
I truly feel sorry for those who skipped out on Legion after the shitshow that was WoD, only to come back for BFA for whatever reason.

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I just realized, but harbingers were actually good unlike warbringers retardation where only Azshara was decent

This some chink new year thing? It looks retarded, why would you want to ride around on that thing? Embarrassing.

What is the state of shamans in BfA?
Its the only class I give a shit about, but by now I know not to have high hopes.

“Embarrassing” describes the current fanbase pretty accurately.

Because nobody wants to reroll on a dime when you have to grind 120 levels, grind out all your reputations AGAIN, grind for azerite, grind for gear, etc, etc.
The allied race unlock system is retarded.

easy chinese micro transaction money when you cater to them

Anyone else having shit just flat out disappear from their collections? I've collected transmog, mounts, titles and achievements and some of the really old ones (like the Olympics tabard and pet) have just vanished.

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The subscription numbers are the lowest but the small amount of people who are there are the highest amount of spenders. I believe they are probably making more money today than they were in WOTLK with less servers to manage and more people willing to buy micro-transactions on pets and mounts and shit.

In business it's not always the highest number of people that give the most amount of profit.

It still doesn't answer question why do they waste money on the pro alliance saurfang cinematic and lose not soiboys player base when they could make game better

The people who work on CGI cinematics aren't game developers you absolute brainlet. They can't contribute to the game being better or worse either way, they just make cinematics. How retarded do you have to be to not understand that?

>being a sylvanas fag

Normalfags jack off to worthless CGI shit. Just look at every single comment section on youtube. It's full of variations of
>blizzard should just start making shows on netflix this is awesome
while being ignorant of the fact that a 5 min clip of that quality takes months to make.

They're basically very expensive adds that supposedly work because i don't think anyone is paying for those out of their own pockets.
>while game in it's worst state since wotlk and wod
You're not the target audience anymore. The low attention span, pet battle, instant gratification crowd that's bitching about classic wow not being full of garbage mechanics and quality of life changes is.

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It doesn't even matter of being fag of some character
When LorThemar screams that Baine is heart of horde and orders you to kill sunreavers to protect Jaina, you just know how retarded they went with this rebellion.
I replayed wod few days ago while leveling moose tauren, Thrall no name uncle was actually pretty cool dude, true orc that died fighting enemy .
Shame now orc's honor is kneeling before enemy leader while begging him for mercy kill
It also strange that expansion about war doesn't have cinematic with characters fighting other faction, instead we got some stupid drama.

I look like the guy on the bottom picture but none of my female colleagues ever thought Im harrassing them when I talked to them. Guess there is more to it than just the looks.

when does this with baine killing sunreavers happen? 8.2?


I love how they made a whole cinematic about Jaina who is a "warbringer" who realizes that his father was right while in game it's the exact opposite.
Based Blizz dabbing on its drug addict fanbase.


sweet. after genociding night elves I also get to kill blood elves now. Feels good being OG-Horde these days.

>player numbers
>Literally means nothing to capitalism.
Unironically this. I don't think some people here understand how businesses work when they start sperging about "muh player numbers"

Let me give you a pro tip: when a business presents their income statement to shareholders at a meeting, they don't show "player sub numbers" at the bottom. It's fucking net operating income you fucks. As long as whales exist, the game will continue to be viewed as profitable.

Fuck you if you've ever bought cash shop jew shit

>Feels good being OG-Horde these days.
>Feels good killing orcs and taurens guarding Baine
>Feels good being forced to defend Jaina and alliance spymaster

Being a cuck is an original horde player's experience.

I mean you get to be a genocider, rape night elves since 15 years... and still get away with it at the expense of some retarded blood elves.
How isn't that based?

They still have more subs then any other mmo on the market.

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>How isn't that based?
Because game implies that true horde way is feeling bad about killing night elves
But I admit
>Shani began by saying that Tides of Vengeance gave the team its chance to “tell a little bit of Tyrande’s story” but that the focus in Nazjatar is going to shift to delve into other characters and to see more of what Sylvanas and Anduin are up to.
>“I think she had her moment where we told some of her story and she got her revenge for the Night Elves. I don’t think we’re exploring her story too much more in Nazjatar though.” Shani said.
>Morgan picked up the conversation. “The problem is there is so much to be told. Everyone has characters they want to expand on, but we also want to introduce new ones and to find ways to weave those stories together. With Rise of Azshara, the emphasis is on Jaina and Azshara herself. They are the focus. There’s just so much happening.”
Blizzard saying that 8.1 was night elves big revenge moment and that they won't get another focus, while we get more Jaina cinematics in 8.2 was kinda awesome, in sense "fuck you non human players"

>kill elves for a decade
>warchief says "kill elves" and i do it
>new warchief has the biggest elf killstreak of all time, fuck yeah
>quest has me kill elves
>literally never bat an eye

>suddenly killing elves is BAD NOW FUCK THIS COMPANY

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>The real question is why the fuck they didn't do the Warcraft Movie internally.
didnt they say in some Diablo documentary that those short CG cinematics took 3 or so years to render ? A movie is 2 hours long...

>Because game implies that true horde way is feeling bad about killing night elves
Who cares? I bet that the mongols felt bad as well sometimes. Still we invaded Kalimdor, invaded every Night Elf territory, nuked Thermore, stole the Blood Elves despite them being the biggest noble-civilized-condescending race and Lordaeron is ours.

>Blizzard saying that 8.1 was night elves big revenge moment and that they won't get another focus, while we get more Jaina cinematics in 8.2 was kinda awesome, in sense "fuck you non human players"
Night Elves are the weakest race in WoW lorelet.
It makes sense that it's a big achievment for them to kill a valkyr.

jesus people are so butthurt about this pig, there's been a pets/mounts store in the game for fucking years, the fuck

That's a pretty ridiculous figure, it's generally like 5-8 hours per second of footage for the actual rendering, which isn't remotely unusual.

No, it's about getting rid of Sylv. True Horde must be led by an alpha orc, not some psycho bimbo scared of dying.

the pig launched at a point in time when there was literally nothing to complain about in the game.

All the "major bugs" people were complaining about were adressed
Their complaints about the gameplay changes with global cooldowns were just making them look retarded and clearly ignored
DPS meters were all stable on the current raid
There were no complaints about the decent raid at the time
People realized all the "complicated" mechanics of azerite were simple and if you complained about it it actually made you look stupid
Island expeditions and warfronts were both "mandatory" or "a worthless waste of time" depending on if they got any loot at the end
Azerite levels were no longer a "grind" and everyone got enough levels to do everything they wanted through casual gameplay

basically the pig came out when reddit was just tweaking at the idea of raging at anything. If it hadn't come out we would be seeing complaints about random fucking tweets chris metzen made in 2009 or something

>i dont know about this undead warchief, grug. It looks like she doesn't have the common peon like me in mind when leading the horde.
>Actually Gug did you hear she personally set fire to the night elf city on her first day back from the broken isle? I hear every single night elf orphanage and old folk's home was set on fire first before killing every able bodied person on that tree.

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furries aren't rich, they just can't manage money

source: am furry

>True Horde must be led by an alpha orc
Name one that still around

>Night Elves are the weakest race in WoW lorelet.
Not really


jaina is very cute
the rest can fuck off, though
what if jaina made sylvanas her pusy slave?

I can't fathom playing alliance after wrath. It's the most cucked faction in any video game

Thrall? Successfully freed us from the Humans, lead the invasion of Kalimdor. Hold the gains of the Warsong in Ashenvale, invaded Azshara and Hyjal. Is better at nature than Malfurion. So much alpha that Malfurion bows to him and attend to his wedding right at the foot of Nordrassil.

Hmm yes sweaty. They are the only race who lost 99% of their territory since wc3 and their leader bow to the powerful High King of the Alliance.

Should've said "Imagine paying 25 dollars to ride on a different set of pixels than the ones you ride on"

Have you forgotten gnomes? Forever cursed to be a niche joke race even less developed than Pandaren.

Forgot to mention that Jaina is so wet at the sight of his cock that she betrayed her father for us.
So Thrall defeated the Kul Tirians and one of the biggest hero of Wc2.

Was beta shitter since wotlk who feels bad about fighting humans
Also according to wotlk lore, he forced orcs to live and starve durotar from race guild towards his alliance masters
Thanks, no
Daelin wasn't even in wc2, retard

WoW's music is one of the things I consistently love. There's plenty of atmospheric tracks in BFA, too. Vol'dun is great, and the softer music they did for Kul Tiras is gorgeous.

The issue is 100% implementation. I have to assume the audio for the game is written with spaghetti code. You step outside of the inn in Boralus, and you're just blasted with the city theme. It's a great little track, but it's jarring. Same for when you fly anywhere. Music changing every five seconds cause it's built for specific places, and you're zooming over them.

They also don't outsource the music. What the fuck are you on about? Glenn Stafford is the lead composer for WoW and he's been doing the score since Warcraft II. He's been at Blizzard for over 25 years.

Their mindless sheep followers will keep giving them money, regardless of how shit their expansions get.

They're literally paying a monthly fee to play a dead game released over a decade ago, just because streamers said that version of the game is less shit than the current one.

I mean, at what point are you supposed to take a step back and realize you're being milked out of your parent's money by a company that keeps delivering shit products and rehashed garbage?

>Daelin wasn't even in wc2, retard
Jesus fuck you are truly dumb aren't you?
He's literally the fucking leader of the KT in wc2.
>At the behest of his long time friend Anduin Lothar, Proudmoore has pledged the assistance of his merchant-nation to the Alliance.
ftp.blizzard.com/pub/misc/Warcraft 2 Battlenet edition.PDF

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He wasn't hero unit in wc2, so I fail to see your point

>warcraft 2 TIDES of darkness
>mfw sylvannas waifufags hate Thrall so much that they pretend that proudmoore wasn't even in wc2.

We are talking about the lore here asshole. Stop with your shitty mentalgymnastic.
>durr, durr Arthas killing his father is nothing, he wasn't a hero unit xDDDD

Blizzard released four store mounts for four months in a row. This is particularly insulting when the game is at the worst state it's been in, even worse than WoD, and they decide to not only do jack shit about it, but double down on their shitty decisions.
But the truth is they don't have a reason to care. The whales and collectathon autists will continue to suffer through their sunken cost fallacy, while people who actually care about actual gameplay rather than playing a virtual checklist is going to be reeled back with classic.

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Well, I didn't saw how Therenas was "greatest king lordaeron ever had" in wc3, that's for sure.
But hey he was according to lore
>Alliance faggots who want to see another bootlicker in charge of horde, now defending thrall, guy even elementals left because he was such a beta faggot

how do i know you haven't played wow since wrath of the lich king?
call it a hunch

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>leveling is at the absolute worst it's ever been, and only gets worse every expansion with 10 more levels to suffer through, and less to keep you entertained between levels (skills, talents, etc)
>have to unlock the allied race for the privilege of race changing or starting over from scratch (basically, the first 20 levels don't really matter)
>race changes continue to be overpriced for simple, fully automated services that shouldn't have such an impact in gameplay (if racials were properly balanced)
>people who aren't willing to race change are discouraged from rerolling simply because the previous expansion rewarded you for getting one of every class to level cap (for the exclusive mage tower skins)

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i only care about warcraft for the porn now. oscine92 or whatever made a good set where tyrande gets knotted by a druid worgen

You'd be wrong.

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Shut up waifufag. Get out of this thread. You exposed yourself by pretending that killing daelin wasn't a big thing by saying that he had no unit in wc2.
Your shitty waifu only works for her agenda.

Are you planning on making actual posts or just mindlessly defending the hollow corpse of Blizzard being puppeteered by Activision?

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You are really desperate
Yeah, killing Daelin wasn't a big deal, and it wasn't even Thrall who did a job

Level scaling is thw worst feature by far. Blizz shou remove it from future expansions and from the the pre legion zones. The broken isles, zandalaar and KT should keep it. I think that level scaling has destroted what was left of the journey feeling that was so emblematic of wow in the past.

They know their audience. The only people stupid enough to still be playing retail are MOUNTSPETSCHEEVOSMOGSTOYS retards. This is what happens when every piece of gear is instantly replaced 5 minutes into every single patch, and "progression" means "the same fights but with higher numbers and one more mechanic".

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wow has captured that candy crush audience. ie people who play wow and do not play any other kind of video game at all

Classic is essentially the same game, but without gear being replaced every 5 minutes.

You're still doing essentially the same worthless shit, the only difference is that everything in the game is also trash, not just the content and your life.

>Slaughter the Kul Tirians and their hero.
>Not a big fucking deal

And yes it was under Thrall's Horde that we defeated them. It's thanks to Thrall that Jaina betrayed her father. He makes the Horde presentable while allowing it to conquer territory.
It's thanks to Thrall that we have Azshara as well.
Meanwhile your waifu achieved literally nothing except backstabbing Garithos. Can't even finish off Malfurion.
And again she doesn't care about the Horde.

>Horde disolves under the weight of second civil war this time against sylvannas.
>Orgrimmar is burned to the ground
>All horde leader bend the knee before Anduin
>Anduin becomes gof emperor of azeroth and strikes a bargain with the old gods
>Thrall leads a rebellion against Anduin and we kill him in the penulitmate raid of the next expansion
>Afterwards we kill a void lord and venture into the great beyond where the last expansion takes place.
Mark my words

Well ofcourse they don't say it to your face dummy.

>t. didn't read 8.2
Jaina the "warbringer" is pefectly okay with making peace with the Horde so it's statu quo again and we still have 90% of night elf territory.

>Thrall is going to be warchief again

wtf, that guy fucking retarded, first he picks garrosh who undoes all this work and starts a world wide war against anything without severe back problems and anyone who isnt green.

And after that bullshit he picks his troll friend who dies 4 or so seconds after taking the job, who then picks the OBLIVIOUSLY super evil dead elf chick.

fuck this lore im out.

Anduin is planning smth big. He released Saurfang because he expects that he and Thrall will trigger some drakspear rebellionesque conflict within the horde. Then he will do what his father was withheld from doing and end the horde.il

>KulTiras hero
>Never did anything or was even called like that
>It's thanks to Thrall that we have Azshara as well.
No, it was only thanks to garrosh while Thrall personally executed every orc and tauren who went into night elf lands to please his alliance masters
>It's thanks to Thrall that Jaina betrayed her father
No, it was only thanks to Rexxar, Rohan and Chen gathering a horde army, thrall downgraded their efforts by sparring theramore and letting alliance to be a threat until true orc Garrosh fixed this mistake. Even Rexxar now says that sparring Jaina back then was a mistake
Jaina literally says that Horde will pay for the Telldrasil after you kill Azshara, retard. While LorThemar says how he glad to lick alliance boots again despite his own people not approving it

Anduin is a twink. He's the non toxic white son that Golden wanted to have.
He just wants to get rid off Sylvanas like anyone.
Saurfang main objective is to save the Horde, look at the cinematic. He knows that Sylv works for herself and is a threat.

That would make the game no longer horde vs alliance. So it is physically impossible for it to happen.

>trust no one not even yourself

>"Her father, Admiral Proudmoore of Kul Tiras, was one of the great heroes of the Second War".

please let andiun die, I know it wont make the game any less shit, but I just want him dead.

because there's a difference between making a 3 minute short with terrible dialogue and making a full length film with terrible dialogue. Educate yourself

It's thanks to Thrall if we have Goblins in Horde.
Goblins are the one who invaded Azshara.
>Rexxar now says that sparring Jaina back then was a mistake
Why do you lie?

The game has been shit since cata. It's not an mmorpg anymore, it's third person diablo.

>it's third person diablo
>shit since cata
Fuck off wrathbaby.

True but maybey Anduin can be the alliance's Garrosh. Having him turn evil and betraying his father's legacy would make his charachter all the more interesting and would finally give the boys in blue a chance to experience some internal conflict.

>The game has been shit since cata.
Found wotlk kid

cata was good only for release patch when heroics were fun, it went downhill from there

Legion was a breath of fresh air but what you are saying is true. There is little challenge in the game besides high end pvp and mythic raiding.

>Golden's perfect boy
>Ever doing something bad.
Man he's the ultimate mary sue : His body hurts when he does something wrong, Velen bows to him, and he communicates with the spirits and sees the futur.

Oh and he makes undead of lights.

Fuck I forgot all about the gdmn comic book. Well I guess anduin leading the war against the void is good enough.

the Azshara Warbringer was better than the Harbinger animations, but the other 2 were fucking awful

legion =BFA
it's just bfa utterly dull thematically, and got content speed issues. gameplay is still shit.

He coukd team uo with Yrel tho and become light hitler. Yerl woukd be goebels and Velen would be himler or smth.

The supplemental materials are the worst, the story is bad enough when you get all of it, but having half of it ripped out and put in a shit tier light novel or comic just makes it ridiculous.

Again, Anduin is meant to stay the perfect boy.
I would like them to remember about characters like Malganis. Making Malganis of Light would be fun.

I agree. The story shoulb be entirely contained in cinematics and the in game experience. Leveling shoud slow down dramaticaly and Blizzard shoul rething their questing design philosophy. Leveling is just so damn easy nowadays. Also dungeons though improved in terms if design are a shitshow of such epoc proportions that nobody gets to actually enjotly them.

you know those people who buy every single item off the wow in game store when it comes out?
Its them. Gas the Whales.

I think they are afraid of doing any huge overhauls to how to game works. Looking at something like Cata that tried to do this, they can't take another hit like it.

someone please put the wow lore out of its misery, this is just fucking depressing.

Mal'ganis could work. Not to shabby an idea. However I would sell my mother to some ching skave trader in order to see anduin commit genocide or smth and pursue world domination through the light.a

Bottom guy has his hand on the cubicle and is invading the space and isnt elaborating on the interaction beyond a greeting, leading her to assume the worst.
Top guy is leaning away from her space slightly with his torso, one hand in his pocket with the other extended to reinforce the straightforward compliment he's giving.
Appearances are definitely a factor, but unintentional or not the artist managed to add more nuance than that.

I bought some things for WoW and HotS back when I was at my lowest, like, 'I think I'm gonna kill myself' lowest.
The whole system of in-game purchases easily exploits vulnerable people who seek a bit of dopamine to live through another day. This is way begger problem than whales.

>catakids seething
Ulduar was the last time the game was any good, 2nd half of wotlk was mediocre and the game dropped into terrible territory once cata happened. Raid progression turned into blowing through the raid in the first week on normal mode then doing the same raid with higher numbers and a few extra mechanics. Classes became fully homogenized and item level bullshit had finally taken over and ruined gearing. The cancers from post-ulduar wotlk remained and made everything even worse.

Vanilla is the original and TBC is an expansion for vanilla. 3.0-3.2 is the beginning of a transition into a different game but still good. 3.3 is the tumors appearing and Cata is terminal cancer. Cata heroics being nerfed is the doctor giving up and letting the patient die in peace.

I don't think they know how to fix it anymore. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the design team was full of interns who got their degrees from 3rd tier colleges.
It's just so clear that the game is rudderless.

>2nd half of wotlk was mediocre
No, it was terrible with only lk fight being good
First half of wotlk was terrible too
Cata at least had first and second raid tiers, people like wotlk ulduar ONLY because it was between two worst raids in wow history and because it was first 25ppl raid for casuals

>cata heroics being nerfed

fuck I still remember that, world content was trivial at that point and the random heroics was the only bit of bite the world had left in it. It was a damn shame to see it die to whining faggots.

The state of the game has nothing to do with budget. It doesn't cost anything to put master looter back into the game.
They are making bad decisions because they are insane and have no idea what they are doing.

>and TBC is an expansion for vanilla
Holy shit
> 3.0-3.2 is the beginning of a transition into a different game but still good
Holy fucking shit
You can't be even more obvious, wotlk kid
3.0 was fucking awful without single redeeming quality
3.2 confirmed blizzard strategy to make only current raid tier relevant
I can't comprehend how people can defend wotlk

So how exactly is Cata better?

I can't comprehend how people can defend expansions in this game whatsoever.

>movies = get people hyped and buy the game
>most people keep playing because of the sunk-cost fallacy
>some because they actually have "fun" and/or like the lore

It isn't that hard to understand.

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They gutted classes by removing Artifacts and Azerite traits completely failed to fill the gap.
A fucking decade of theme park design philosophy ensuring every new feature would be something that would force the player to log in either daily or weekly for their skinner box rewards.
Allied Race system designed for altaholics/completionists rather than returning/new players. Want to play a new faction with your friends and think DI Dwarves look cool? Well fuck you grind to max level, grind to exalted and then grind to max level again (or buy one of our cheap boosts!)
Removal of tier-sets. Why waste your time collecting a meaningful milestone for your class that actually impacts gameplay when you could instead collect pets/mounts/mogs/titles?
ILVL is the god of everything yet has little impact on the game due to endless scaling.
Lore/Story is a mess with the player waiting on endless dialogue , rather than it being able the adventures *you* have and the real-player friends you make along the way, walk from NPC cutscene to NPC cutscene with the occasional zero-chance-for-failure fetch quest thrown in between them.
WPVP expansion has the worst WPVP, want to siege a city or build structures and capture enemy keeps? Well you can but only in an instance against PVE enemies.

Haven't they released a new store mount every month or very close to it?

>like the lore

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We talking about you saying that
>Game design where you don't need to leave dalaran was "still good"
>How quests being marked on map was "still good"
>How having worst raid tiers in history of game was "still good"
>How not having world pvp despite bc being full of it was "still good"
>How having important vanilla quest chain having removed was "still good"
>How abandoning class quests "was still good"
>How openly lie to players about content on cover was "still good"
>How killing party compositions by making buffs and auras raid wide was "still good"
So why do you bring cata here, wotlk kid?

Aaaaand this is why you should play Japanese video games.

boat, then the fox, then the pig
and somewhere in between was the "lol we're removing things from the shop because fuck you up our quarterly numbers, better pay up while supplies last paypiggie!" scam

imagine being this stupid to think that WoW never was rpg lol

Did you read the reply chain? This is about cata vs wotlk. Please read reply chains before responding to them, thanks.

When will they release a whale mount?

Okay, even after nerf people kept dying on bosses in cata heroics
Cata had two great raid tiers, with first one being best first raid tier in wow
Horde got goblins
People started ganking each other again in the world despite wotlk making popular one sided servers
Just from the top of my head

I think the difference is that now the game is too fast paced in a sort of way. Stuff is irrelevant too soon, dangers are too big and they happened too quickly etc.
Legion managed to hide these issues behind the artifacts and class hall, but when players lost those a lot of them realized just how meaningless everything they have been doing is.

>classic WoW releases and easily overtakes retail in active players
>the jews at activision take note of this, as classic can no longer fly under the radar
>they demand that microtransactions get added to classic
>the titan falls once again

>Replaced less shitty Legendaries and Artifact Weapons with Azerite Gear
>No new Abilities/Talents
>The entirety of Islands/Warfronts
>Master Loot is gone
>Tier sets are gone
>Have to level up a character to 120 and grind Reputation to be able to play an Allied Race
>Story is an absolute mess

>Game design where you don't need to leave dalaran
Dungeon finder did not happen until 3.3
>class quests
Already dead since TBC.
>party composition in raids
Was only a concern for raid leaders in the first place.
>cut content
Legitimate complaint.
>world pvp dying off
Legitimate complaint.
>worst raid tiers
Naxx was a rehash but it was a rehash of a good raid. Ulduar is god tier.
>removed a vanilla quest chain
Who gives a shit.
>quest markers
Existed in addons since vanilla, doesn't matter because you can ignore them and read the quest text to find out where to go anyway.

Blizzard is able to waste money on WOW because the game is kept afloat by whales.

For any 5 normal players who gets fed up and quits, there is 1 whale who buys store mounts, server transfers, boosts, and race changes because they're too fucked up in the head to realize that blizzard is making the game worse so they'll buy all that shit.

And blizzard has been going out of their way to ban the fuck out of RMT carries, but they're A-okay with gold carries, because whales will buy WOW tokens to trade for gold to buy carries, and 90% of mythic raiding guilds only do it because they can sub their accounts for years by selling carries, even method sells carries after they have the content on farm because it improves their bottom line, that and they owe 100 million gold to people due to them having to gear alts with profession gear from 10 different servers so they had a big enough pool of people who could transfer personal loot to their mains for the world first race because blizzard forces personal loot.

Because Blizzard execs are braindead fucking stupid. They THINK the game is in a good state because of course they did an amazing job, right? How could they not, they're so smart and intelligent and they work at blizzard. The game is just bleeding players out the ass because its OLD.
When classic releases and gets 3x the players of retail it'll open their eyes and hopefully they'll get fired.

>expansions for classic are announced
>retards rejoice
>expansion is shit
>retards get angry
>the jews announce a new classic server
>retards celebrate it as the best thing ever
Why are gaymers like this? Why are gaymers so gullible and stupid?

Blizzard has always made top notch CGI movies

>Hero of the Alliance is some chick who told them to fuck off at the start of Legion and sat in her room sulking while Varian was kill

Attached: Hordeball.png (1288x766, 1.63M)

OS, EYE, and Ulduar was the only good raids of WOTLK.

3.2 was when the end game became pretty shit, ezmode for raids should have never been a thing, hard modes in ulduar was a good system because it unlocked additional content that your guild could attempt if you were confident to do so, but the normal/heroic split was too much

The 10/25 split was also stupid as fuck, and only got worse in cataclysm, raids are not supposed to be something that divides the community, its supposed to be an end game goal that everyone bands together to complete.

As for quests, the problem with quests in modern WOW is they're braindead and unengaging due to how the core combat systems are designed around boss speed runs and PVP, but solo PVE its just a faceroll, on top of that when they started to use quest markers they stopped doing quest text, if you mod out the quest markers and objective highlighting you won't have any way to know what to do.

I am not even a nelf player and I want blizzard to stop shitting on them

yaas queen slay
I also love how they killed the stupid old troll king and put a real QUEEN in charge

Opinion discarded, Ulduar was the only good thing about Wrath.

40P raid was shi

>Ulduar is god tier.

>That god-awful vehicle-cancer slough that was the entire first encounter
>Bosses are all forgettable trash except Mimiron, Yoggy and Algalon
>Some of the worst looking weapons/tier sets in the entire game
>""""GOD TIER"""
Holy shit.

>Dungeon finder did not happen until 3.3
People didn't left dalaran long before lfg
>Already dead since TBC.
You still was forced to do them to get form, or mount
In wotlk you could just learn from trainer, and some questchains were even removed
>Naxx was a rehash but it was a rehash of a good raid.
And this rehash was awful and braindead
When you couldn't die during dance in fucking blues, it means raid is shit

>Jaina has been CRRRRRAZY since MoP
>Cue her leading the Alliance to attack the Zandalar while they're weak from fighting G'huun
>Jaina gets some roleplay therapy where she LARPS as Rexxar, this time invading someone else's city and killing some other chick's daddy
>Escapes consequences with her mary sue teleport, as usual
>"lol all better now, hey let's go save Baine I love the Horde."

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>we fight 2 alliance lore characters
>both of them survive
BFA might have the worst lore and storyline of any expansion so far. Hell it even has the most boring of the 3 Old Gods we've encountered.

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>19 years old girl in guild
>Fuckable enough
>plays troll male

Just google Nobbel87. He only does WoW lore videos and most of them get 50k+ views.

>old god responsible for emerald nightmare and deathwing
>most boring
>not literal who c'thun who hasn't done anything other than crashing the servers during vanilla and making cho'gall even uglier

Old Gods are at their worst when they're the forefront of everything which Nzoth is.

I want in the classic beta so bad bros

Trannies play elves
Girls play trolls or undead
Women play tauren

>spend 6-7 hours a day doing pokemon shit
>is fun
>nearly 1000 pets collected and leveled to max
>defeat everyone I encounter in pet battle pvp
feels good

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Wasnt wotlk really well received and generally liked by most?

It was the height of how casual the game was. So of course it was when most people praised it.

Others where crying after seeing the first raid tier beaten in 2 days.

>killing gnome leader
community would rage. as is, he's barely story relevant at times
>killing plot armor proudmoore
you should've known that wouldn't happen. hell, we're not even going to kill sylvanas. she's literally a kakashi of this franchise, with how many players throw money at blizzard to buy shit with her face on it.

>not playing competitive
you're a casual, that's why you think the game is any better.

In my opinion no one has given you the real reason: its because class design now sucks. The classes just aren't FUN to play anymore. the gameplay just isn't there. They totally ruined MM Hunter for instance

my pet battle pvp is competitive enough. niche community that spends more time and effort on min/maxing their lineups.

All of the intelligent people at Blizzard are put on teams designing microtransaction items. The purple hairs get assigned to WoW and the dead games like SC2 and Diablo. Games aren't allowed to be "fun" anymore. They only exist to get you to pull slot machine levers and buy cosmetic items.

actually, legion > BFA is correct
yes, legion was just as soulless and boring as BFA, but legion at least had artifacts and class halls. BFA just removed those and added literally nothing back in to replace them.

>the real reason
There is no 1 reason for why BFA sucks so hard. It is a mix of a whole lot of bad decisions and systems all adding to the overall smell of hot garbage.

Legion also had Tier Sets, Artifact ability, less GCD, more Talents/Traits and no Islands/Warfronts faggotry.

>paying for DLC and a monthly fee to play a way shittier and less engaging version of pokemon

For me the game feels too much like a job. Each day I have to do things I don't like because being left behind would feel even worse.

link me an open world pokemon game with hundreds of thousands of players. also, don't pretend like $15 a month is a lot, not everyone on 4channel is midwestern trailer trash that thinks a $100 bill is bill gates tier.

There's obviously some kind of cultural rot at Blizzard. With Legion you saw the best that nu-Blizzard has to offer and that's pretty damning.

>how can blizzard keep wasting money on high budget cg movies

They made ONE movie you stupid fuck.

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what is pokemon showdown?

>spends more time and effort on min/maxing their lineups
>look up most commonly used pets on xu-fu's, get them to level cap via that one garrison fag in two fights because leveling is boring
>use those 20 or so pets to follow strategies to a T winning every single fight
jesus christ. imagine believing this.

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What about Pokemmo?

Eh, OS was a fun little side raid, but EOE was disappointing due to Malygos being only a 1 boss raid

Malygos should have had a large Tier 7 raid to himself & Naxxramas rehash should have been cut

pve is a meta, pvp is more varied because of your opponents lineup, so just thinking thorn builds work all the time is bullshit. stop pretending like know your shit. i'll gladly post my ID and do battle, but I know you're chicken shit that don't want to get embarrassed by superior 4channel poster.

dude it's balanced you just don't understand

forget the fact that there are only 20 viable pets in the entire game, this is just like pokemon, dude

just refine your lineup lmao

have sex

PVE is fun if you try to find the solution yourself. Minipet fights are nothing more than simple puzzles, I have no idea why people go look at the solutions.

enh and ele are unplayable
resto is middle of the pack

>defeats major paine in 11 turns consistently w/o fluxfire feline
man.. it sure feels good to be cheesy

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>PVE is fun if you try to find the solution yourself.
it really is. user above ruins the experience by going to xu-fu and copying scripts. it's pretty obvious the community is what's wrong with wow, everyone takes shortcuts, addons and guides to play the game. just finding new trainers/masters and approaching blind is a lot more fun than the shit the majority of players do.

>ele unplayable
Gameplay wise maybe. performance wise they are top tier.

yep. I'd still take WoD over Legion though. WoD just needed more content, but what was there was great.

Why is that horseperson popular? I can't fucking get rid of his ugly face from my youtube reccomendations

3, not including expack intro


Ele literally one of best classes for the mythic+ thanks to silence on shortest cd compared to others casters

>yep. I'd still take WoD over Legion though.
You disgust me.

>Gameplay wise maybe
only thing that matters

you vastly overestimate the shits i give about your minigame. if i wanted to play pokemon, i'd just go play the real deal instead of blizzard's watered down garbage.
either way i'm not going to resubscribe just to battle some anonymous faggot.

>forget the fact that there are only 20 viable pets in the entire game
the funny part is that this part alone makes it more balanced than pokemon

my opinion is objectively correct

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The biggest problem with modern WOW though is if one person fucks up, the entire raid wipes, either directly by triggering a raid wiping damage burst or by simply dying early to something stupid and psudo-random and the raid has to wipe because of enrage timers.

What was fun about raiding wasn't that you were wiping 20+ times until the dumbest person in the raid figured it out, it was that you were figuring it out yourself and maximizing your ability to stay alive and apply damage, or efficiently maintain your mana resources so you don't go OOM.

Now everything is a gimmick, and you can't develop an effective strategy anymore because everything is designed to be extremely cookie cutter.

For example, 4 horsement in Naxx was designed with 5 tanks in mind, but it was simply easier to do it with 8 and people had the freedom to do so, now every boss encounter is designed to have 2, and having more just gimps you.

Get that shit out of here

Legion had better dungeons and world content, and the raid content was on par with WOD.

WOD would have been BC 2.0 but WOD was Ion Hozzikostas's wet dream of an expansion and after it nearly killed WOW Ion finally figured out no one gives a fuck about speedrun ladders and world firsts, they only care about loot, which is why challenge dungeons were changed to mythic+ where they actually give loot and not transmogs.

why the fuck would you waste time on a subscription based game's shallow minigame bashing your head against a wall when you could be playing the real deal without being billed by the month?
fuck me, blizzdrones are a whole different kind of stupid.

BFA ist objectivly B-tier.

>worst expansion ever is b-tier
lol. fuck off.

>worst expansion
That honor is shared between Cata and WoD

>WoD higher than Legion
>Cataclysm that high

> story focusses on horde
> getting to genocide night elves
how can it not be at least B-tier?

S: None.
F: All.

>hurr leejum is da best expansumm evah
Kill yourself, asmonigger scumbag.

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who are you quoting, you stupid shit? you know there's more tiers between S and F right?

>there's people who actually think that Ulduar isn't god tier
You're the reason both Classic and retail are horrible and that we'll never get an actual decent nostalgia retro server with WotLK

>The real question is why the fuck they didn't do the Warcraft Movie internally.
It would have been worse

No. Games can only be 0/10 worse than Hitler or 11/10 gotyay

some youtube insider altered the recommendations algorithm to give him insane priority
no joke

>Mists of Daily Grinds unlocking Daily Grinds
>WOD and Cata
>Higher then D

you seem to have made a few mistakes on your objective tier list, my friend. not to worry, i've got you covered!

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WoD is better than Legion
WoD classes weren't as watered down and pruned as legion, plus it didn't have the cancerous world quest system. WoD zones were soulful and had a lot of effort put into the treasure system, where every treasure was unique and had a story around it if you cared to look at the environment.
Legion pruned the shit out of everything, made the game revolve around world quests and turned every treasure into soulless "small box of treasure" genereated randomly around the world.
fuck legion and fuck you. WoD just needed more content. It only had one patch in the entire expansion's lifetime.



>judging expansions by anything other than class design

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>registered users

>Judging an expansion on class design
>posts the expansion where class design was thrown out the window and cookie cutter design was forced down people's throats

Always works for me when i watched 1 retarded video and then get recommended 100 videos of the same person

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>registered users

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>WoD classes weren't as watered down and pruned as legion
class design being so shit you don't feel like playing, and okay-ish class design that is useless because there's nothing to do leads to the same end result: you don't play the game.
>plus it didn't have the cancerous world quest system
world quests are literally just dailies with variety. better than that faggot at your garrison pestering you to go genocide one out of two areas for a LITERALLY WORTHLESS currency.
>WoD zones were soulful and had a lot of effort put into the treasure system, where every treasure was unique and had a story around it if you cared to look at the environment.
what the fuck is this trash you call an argument? who the fuck gives this much of a shit about some lootable that gives you 100 garrison resources?

this is some low hanging bait

I have already done this shit multiple times for the same channel.

>what the fuck is this trash you call an argument?
>world design doesn't matter
lol. go play skyrim faggot.

>wotlk in s tier
I see you're a lichbab

WotLK was objectively shit, it laid the groundwork for all the cancer the game is plagued by today. Automated grouping, catchup mechanics so overwhelming they make previous content and patches irrelevant, hardcore class homogenization, the separating of raids into three million difficulty settings, the list goes on for a long fucking time. WotLK is B tier at best.

wod rogue
>you shadow dance with ring, pray for as many capacitor procs as possible, and then afk until next dance/ring, dps ladder is an RNG-fest

legion rogue
>micromanage dances, finalities, put much more thought in cd, energy and gcd management, basically a harder version of wod burst and you do it every few seconds instead of every 2 minutes, dps ladder is consistent with skill

stupid revisionist, WoD made classes worse from MoP, and that's all that matters. Legion just continued what WoD started.

Because everything that's not mythic raiding is a waste of time and afk to win

>thinks cataclysm was bad because casual content was shit
you're outing yourself, shitter.

I literally mained rogue in both wod and legion fucktard, none of what you said is true. rogue during legion was so braindead it made me stop playing entirely.

>S tier class design
>When they removed talents and forced trinity

I came back in legion, all classes were braindead.
I guess unholy DK got some tricky timings but that barely counts as complicated.


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>tanks in pvp is a good thing for the game
go dilate

More like
>Legion Assassination and Subtlety
>Just wait for CDs for burst windows

>Legion Outlaw
>Roll the Bones and hope you get not shit buffs, or pick the talent that is a strict DPS loss, even if it removes the chance for you to get bad buffs

>ruined the entire vanilla world, turning it into a shitstorm of DUDE POP CULTURE REFERENCES and fire and brimstone everywhere. level up continuity is still broken to this day
>at the sacrifice of end-game content (vashjir has no ending, raid was cut)
>destroyed the talent system
>decided they wanted the hardcore audience but WotLK's damage was already done and it was irreparably so they quickly backpedaled
room temperature iq post, apply yourself next time

>is a casual retard
>thinks good game design orbits around making shitters happy
you're outing yourself, reddit cancer.

but vanilla was full of references too, they were better done, true

cute, I was consistently in the 98-100 percentile during both expansions, saying "you're wrong" doesn't make you right, retard

>I was consistently in the 98-100 percentile
would you mind translating for non current players?

that is literally the opposite of what i said, learn to fucking read

Roll the bones has no "shit" buffs, just some buffs you need at a moment and some you dont.

If you got the cooldown reduction buff as your only buff, you obviously blew all your fucking cooldowns immediately to generate enough finishers to make it count
If you got the same buff again afterwards then you obviously rerolled

doesn't make it a bad buff

if you're saying leejum is any better than ANY other expansion, you're objectively wrong, and there's no way around it. you're a retard.

Harbingers Gul'dan was pure fucking kino.

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I didn't read your post.

The fact that you're a PvE nigger explains why you're so retarded.

>>ruined the entire vanilla world
That was bc, with 2.3 patch removing red mobs from startinng zones and elite mobs from old world
Wotlk hurt it even more with removal of quests
Cata if anything fixed this inane shitfest
Oh so you just underage shitter and can't understand wow-wotlk references

>The most uninspired rng fiesta meme ability that forever destroyed combat as a spec

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It's always funny how "classic" wotlk kids defend state of old world in wotlk
Shit just insane

there is a big difference between naming an NPC who doesn't even give out quests as a nod towards some obscure band or movie, and having an entire fucking zone revolve around sucking the cock of not-indiana-jones

hey, I loved Uldum. remade vanilla areas were terrible though.

Harrison Jones was what had opened my eyes to the lazy slapdash nature of WoW's storytelling. After finishing Uldum, I simply couldn't unsee it. Everywhere I looked, I saw glaring inconsistencies, plot holes, lazy writing, and worse. The harsh desert sun had bleached my rose-tinted glasses, and now I saw the awkward dialogue of WoW in all of its wince-inducing glory. It really sucked, to have that innocent joy replaced with a harsh reality.

Soifang KYs you have no value

Cataclysm fucking sucked because the vanilla questing system which was far superior with hub based adventure themed questing was replaced with the linear cinematic meme infested shit like CSI Westfall and Redridge: First Blood

And random dungeon queues was fucking cancer, cata heroics requiring group co-ordination was a good thing no doubt, but the problem is you can't expect people in a queue to ever fucking work together, and the way tanks were designed from WOTLK onward everyone expected to essentially be carried by their tank, thankfully they revisited the idea of making dungeons somewhat challenging again in legion when they made mythic mode not queuable, and if they simply made that change in cata they could have kept making difficult dungeon content along the lines of BC, but the problem was thanks to the gearscore elitism and speedrun meta of WOTLK the clear rate of the initial cataclysm heroic dungeon difficulty was pathetic because this is what happened
>Queue for a cataclysm heroic to get some gear
>50 minutes later you finally get one
>Zone in
>The tank immediately uses his gearscore addon and finds out that you don't outgear the dungeon, and he just wants fast badges
>He tells everyone to kick you or he's not pulling
>Everyone either kicks you or kicks him for being an asshole, he doesn't get a debuff and gets an instant queue, or you get kicked and wait in queue for 50 minutes again
>Or the tank queues in, sees the group is noobs and just leaves, deserter debuff and instant queue is better then trying to teach people in newbie gear time wise
>because of this newbies couldn't gear up, and no one would invite you to groups because you didn't have enough gearscore.

>that was bc
no, those were a natural responses to a lower amount of people in leveling areas. by that time the xp requirements had been lowered too so people were just moving on to other zones, skipping those quests.
>Oh so you just underage shitter and can't understand wow-wotlk references

seething soifag

>playing anything other than PvP
Get fucked, reddit cancer.

You must be retarded, there was litterally an addon created to tell you when to reroll your RTB because of shit buffs, and the potential DPS range for outlaw was either god tier for 6 buff, or shit tier for bad buffs.

>you either support the single worst character in the warcraft universe who only continues to exist because of waifufags or onions incarnate
i fucking hate you black and white vision fags

Wow, so you never did quests in bc and wotlk?
>People defending wotlk old world where thanks to inane stat fuckery you could pull 5 mobs and kill them, do 3-4 quests and outlevel zone
Holy shit, just holy fucking shit

>Playing an MMO for its moba minigames

That was litterally fucking cataclysm though, even without using hierlooms.

Also i'd rather complete 3-5 quests and turn them all in at once then doing quests 1 at a time

kill yourself you subhuman reddit tier mong Syl is a better character then MARY SUE KING WHO CAN NEVER DO WRONG and MUH HONOR siofags like you

>Holy shit, just holy fucking shit
Oh fuck off, I'm done replying to (You), your illiteracy and putting words in my mouth. Have fun getting mad about shit you made up.

they're all shit character
kill yourself nathanos

>That was litterally fucking cataclysm
Wotlk kid now literally ignores reality
That's just pathetic

This. Look at all the faggots watching flashy capeshit movies. Marketing is the only reason those movies are so popular.

>playing shitty poorly executed garbage instead of focusing on the only self-sufficient aspect that the game has to offer
No wonder you suck.

>putting words in other people's mouths is btfoing them
seek help
last (you)

nah just them and yourself kill i won you lost you subhuman nigger

Warcraftlogs rankings, you upload your combat log and get scored according to your raw output performance.
Most valuable during the first weeks, after 3-4 weeks of farm, getting top parses relies on cheesing the boss for max dps sometimes making the boss harder just to rank higher.
Top players can still parse in the 95%+ fairly consistently though

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I can put something else in your mouth, if you're interested.

women came in, so now they care more about the hem on Jaina's dress than making video games, because video games are for men.

>the absolute state of this thread and the autists arguing
anyone still defending anything blizzard has done especially after last year's blizzcon should be rangebanned from this website

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retards have 15 bucks too, you know?

gotta appeal to all that e-celeb money from the asmonigger sheeps.

Both were piss easy the difference
Get 5+ kill/gather quests and go around the zone to complete them all before returning to town to turn them all in and getting 2-3 levels, you pretty much 1-2 shot everything with a basic attack

>Get 1 quest to follow NPCs as they RP walk and talk, then get another quest to kill some NPCs that you can one shot, but every kill results in more RP events that you have to sit and watch to get credit, 20 quests later you say fuck this shit and just do dungeon queues

Welfare loot is always going to be welfare loot
Also if your healers are bad you get your shit kicked in unless the enemy team is equally as retarded

You are some sort of furry to believe this.

You must be some sort of mentally retarded transexual to believe the best class design this game has ever seen equates to someone wanting to have sex with dogs.

So 4 years of rendering for a 2 hour movie if we're going by 5 hours a second. That's still massive.

>the lore is made 3 years in advance and nobody realizes how retarded it all is

>it's generally like 5-8 hours per second of footage for the actual rendering
maybe in 2008 it was, highly doubt rendering farm on modern hardware takes more than 15m per 30-50sec.

No, they made ONE.

In-game movies don't count.

The only movie they made was the Warcraft movie.

Already missing retail. How cure this addiction?

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how the fuck can you miss retail? last time i played cured my itch for good. fuck blizzard, fuck their MAU padding endless grinds, and fuck the allied race scam.

Sport, study, play good video games rpg like fromsoftware games.

I thought the movie was a flop? Maybe they just realized they're incapable of making worthwhile games.

Sylv fanbois are incels man. She did nothing beside usurpation of power and betraying the humans. Then in WoW she fails at everything and suddenly she gets the biggest plot armor of the game.
I can't even imagine how Arthas would be popular if he was a girl.

the movie made a ridiculous amount of money in china.

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>Unironically using the word "creators" as a job description

God your brain is fucking mush.


it's incredible how playing that game again almost instantly sends you back in time, and you immediately feel like dying as soon as you log in.

i remember it wasn't so bad in cataclysm, but ever since wod, this game became unbearable to play for longer than a day or two.

Repent and have sex, incel.

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>hear about free weekend
>log in
>everything is still shit, garbage content doubled down
>log off 2 hours later, never to return
this shit put me off from even trying classic. you just know they're going to fuck that up too.

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you first waifufag
literally nobody cared about your shitty literal who character until HotS devs turned her into a bimbo

cringe and weebpilled

Are you shitting me

people worshiped the ground Whitemane walked on since 2004, even more so after Cataclysm

>imagine being such a virgin that you literally have sexual fantasies about fictional characters

you people really are pathethic, jesus fucking christ.

tell me more about this crazy parallel universe you just came in from. was vash'jir's ending amazing? was azjol-nerub a great underground zone?

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have sex

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>what exactly is wrong with retail?
unrewarding content cycles

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0 ? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





Always the same image, surprised you didn't include your signature "blizzdrones"

Honest thoughts on Legion?

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in a nutshell? pic related.
the main focus of the game is leveling more and more alts to throw the dice weekly at rare aesthetic drops. even blizzard has stopped hyping up actual content and instead just going "LOOK AT ALL THESE NEW TOYS PETS AND MOUNTS IN THIS PATCH GUYS!!!"
and it's no wonder, actually playing the game feels unrewarding due to the incessant catchup systems that replace your entire gear every patch and RNG loot drops. and progression is just the same fights but with bigger numbers and a single new mechanic.

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early legion was just as bad as WoD. getting fucked over because of legendary RNG caused half my guild to quit especially after their patience was already worn thin by WoD.
once they fixed the legendary system the content became lacking (timegated shore and tomb of soakgeras).
argus patch was okay, but mostly due to the mage tower.

shit expansion that only retards and e-celebs like

everything post mop is shit tier garbage

I only played the very beginning of it but I hated what it did to the classes I played, and immediately I thought "whats the point of grinding this artifact weapon and heavily invest into it with all these mechanics when its just going to be thrown away in the next expac?" so I dropped it after a week I think.

It was alright
World quests were okay
Emerald Nightmare was pretty boring
Trial of Valor was pretty alright until Mythic Helya
Nighthold was pretty damn good
Tomb of Soakeras was pretty awful in mythic, pretty good in heroic
Antorus was pretty boring
Mythic + was pretty fun

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it was okay

Not as bad as wotlk and wod

everything bad about bfa was in legion.
the only difference is class design wasn't completely broken and theme was cool.

but user, everything post wotlk (wotlk included) is diarrhea tier garbage. especially cataclysm.

wotlk gone bad only during trials. it was okay at first.

back in 2005 yes, nowadays? nopoe

I loved the Artifact system, shame there weren't many weapon skins so it seemed a bit unrewarding for mogautists. By endgame each ability had some sick ass extension and modification, you genuinely felt more powerful for each level up, until it was heartlessly wrenched out of the game to be replaced with this god awful heart of azeroth system.

The story was about what you expect for WoW, but the Argus and Legionfall campaigns were excellent. Their dungeons and raids are honestly some of the best the game has seen in years. Whoever had the idea of going from fighting the Legion and literal Titans to ANOTHER faction battle between the Horde and Alliance needs lynching.

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Legendaries were dogshit but aside from that it was a good expansion overall.

This is where it started, This is where it could have ended. If you got this horse, even as a gift, you are to blame.

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>everything bad about bfa was in legion.
Mythic+ was ruined in bfa
AP grind was ruined by becoming azerite grind

Diablo devs destroyed the "MMORPG" it used to be, it's now a single player action game

cata was perfectly fine (apart from the lack of a water-themed raid)
>but muh old world was gone
you mean those old zones and quests which you'd done a dozen times already?
>muh memes
outside of a handful of zones, it's absolutely fine and a complete non-issue

>How do we top the scale of Legion
>I know lets have another Horde v Alliance plot

Was it so hard to simply have a balls deep Old Gods expansion instead of teasing it behind the weak BFA plot all this time? Once we finally get to the Old Gods in this expansion, the new pack will be already announced at Blizzcon this year.

1. was bad in legion
2. was bad in legion

only if you play PvE.

pvp completely died in wod and it never recovered.

no it wasn't
raids were garbage, naxxramas was literally recycled, everything else was one boss rooms. it is painfully obvious that ALL of their development costs went into ulduar
dungeons and heroics set a new standard for accepting the braindead into the community, and LFG accentuated it even further.
the fucking cash shop was introduced.
catchup systems and invalidating everything but the most recent content became the norm
WoTLK was the beginning of the end.

>tfw Blizzard sent me a Cinderkitten to my account as a apology early BFA due to my character being very buggy and took several hours to fix
>Couldn't even say no to the gift and I got 0 stuff from their store
>Account is tainted

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>Diablo devs destroyed the "MMORPG" it used to be
But vanilla wow was created with diablo 2 experience as base
Just how new are you?

>beginning of class pruning
>talent trees gone
>finally admitted to catering to casuals when they nerfed heroics
ok catababy.

That's your opinion though, every true oldfag loved them

yes, now it's diablo 3 experience.

The talent trees didn't disappear until Mists though.

are you sure people liked legendary lottery and AP grind specially first months of expansion?

cata's pruning was mild and necessary
>talent trees gone
that was mop you dumb cunt
>nerfed heroics
yes that sucked, but with a casual game like wow, you have to understand that most players are morons so things need to be dumbed down occasionally
I still have nightmares about ozruk

>are you sure people liked legendary lottery
Wasn't mentioned in my post
> and AP grind specially first months of expansion?
It actually wasn't that insane grind, nightmare mythic was cleared by guilds with two golden traits and near nighthold everyone had full 3

my best time tanking wasn't heroic lich, it was cata heroic before nerf. hate mythic+ tanking.
those were some great heroics.

>bc and wrath in the same tier
>dreanor above anything and not in lowest tier with the others
>mop above cata

S -> Vanilla, the accident that built a community
A -> BC, an honest try but added arenas which would start the real shit show of blizzard's poor balance ability for years to come, homogenized gear making niche builds even less desirable in endgame content and pvp
B -> Wrath, introduced most mechanics that destroyed the sense of community but was the pinnacle of one of the only relevant storylines that had any character progression and world building done prior to WoW, with the only others being KJ, Sargeras, Deathwing, Xavius, and Azshara
C ->Cataclysm, Brought Deathwing but split the playerbase between "hard" dungeons and regular dungeons, introduced LFR effectively killing the need to be in a guild and socialize to do end game content. Story focus wasn't Deathwing and instead they threw his motives to the side and said "lol old god" while making Garrosh the center piece for the majority of the expansion even though the vast majority of his character development happened outside of the game in fluff, then reacted to playerbase hating his character by making him the next expansion's villian
D ->
E ->
F -> Pandaland -> Finally brought pandaren in, but shat on established lore to create a contrived reason for them to join either faction, as well as retconning already established lore to make Garrosh a because "lol old gods and pandaland=emotionland", got rid of talents and was the start of pruning
Y -> Legion, among piles of shit, slightly shinier than others but did not do much to improve from its previous expansion
Z -> Dreanor and BFA, completely disconnected content that had place in a game that was supposed to be reliant on its community

>character got stuck in the shadow realm during early WoD
>could see terrain, could go anywhere
>but couldn't see any objects, people or NPCs
>high volume of tickets from the sheer broken state of the game and low-level intern incompetence wasting my first few tickets meant i was unable to play the game for a good two weeks
>was offered a free month plus grinning reaver as compensation
>forever marked as a good goy now

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loved it, nighthold was great raid

is blizzcon not canceled this year? when do they usually announce new expacks? I'm curious if anything even left there for them to explore.

>in this day and age Ozruk is still capable of wiping out entire groups with a single shatter
>blackrock caverns and halls of origination had to be removed from the rotation because people simply could not fucking do them

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As DK I solo tanked his last hp a few times, I remember that well.

At least it says 0.00$ spent on my account history

much better than warlords

It other way around.

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The artists are poor. The con-attending fandumb is mostly rich whites.

off I typoed a lot
> Garrosh a
garrosh a badguy
>that had place
had no place*

There's literally nothing wrong with it and everyone else that replied guaranteed haven't even played it and just parrot what the cool kids say.

To be fair be racials have been op since they were created

Is it true Blizz have two dev teams for WoW?

I resubbed and legion is fun. However blizz decided to remove everything fun about artifacts so I feel a bot cheated

the way the game is going i have doubts they even have the one

>I don't what happened
They thought they could get away with doing everything they did in legion, but watered down.

I fucking hate this.
>be 10k old space goat
>be 10k purple elf
Has to bow to some little faggot who was born yesterday by comparison.