ITT: Games you finally played as an adult and liked but wish you played it when they originally came out for the first...

ITT: Games you finally played as an adult and liked but wish you played it when they originally came out for the first time.

I was too young, too short for toddlers my age, didn't have a playstation, and my parents weren't the type to buy me whatever things I wanted if I asked, especially expensive stuff. All I had at the time was a super nintendo with 3 games.

What's your story?

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same I played ff7 first time on psclassic a few months ago and that shit was like magic. glad I finally got around to playing it its my favourite of all time

I remember watching the commercials and kept thinking "I want to play that"

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I'll play the remake
PS1 looks too shitty

How was this acceptable when the n64 looked fine

Played it few days ago on my Switch and God damn it I love it, I never got to play RPG games because I mostly cared about cartoonish games, I used to play just Crash, the Asterix games and Rayman, I never cared about RPG's because I thought they were boring.

If I cared about those when I was a kid then I would have spent mostly Final Fantasy games than anything else, but I always preferred cartoonish ones cuz I was a big Tom & Jerry fan.

you dont deserve the greatness that is ff7.

For me it's the Metroid series, I went through Super, Fusion and Prime trilogy in like 6 months and holy shit I wish I had played them sooner.

As someone that hates most FF I still think it's a great game, sure it's not technically good most of the time but it just has tons of fun characters, scenes and enemies.

It's interesting to see people playing it for the first time and loving it. I haven't played it in years but I have really fond memories of it. Everything about it screams 1990s to me, from the environmentalism theme, that self consciously edgy swearing back when that wasnt the norm in games, characters like cloud and barrett and cid exuding tude, prerendered backgrounds, all that stuff. Does it feel fresh and new to you guys or does it give you those vaporwave nostalgia feels?

grew up with mostly nintendo so I didn't play MGS1, Sotn and ffvii until I was way older, indeed was missing out

>ywn too short to play a video game

i feel the exact same way user. i'm playing it now, at least, on my switch during downtime at work. pretty comfy game desu

>as someone that hates most ff
heretic. Also why?

I never had a SNES so I always think about all the games I missed out on that. I've played a few through emulation and re-releases on Nintendo's eShop.
I do remember seeing all the marketing for FF7 and thinking it looked really cool and wanting to play it. My brother got it but never played so I only saw a little bit of it until a few years later.

I don't enjoy the original versions of most of the pre-VII games (I think only V and VI truly compete with other SNES rpg) and the ones after that are really inconsistent except IX and X.

Archaic shit
Pretty good
Pretty good
Never understood the hype. Hate having 1000 playable characters who are all separate from one another through a good chunk of the game. The opera scene was 100% muh games are real art wankery that doesnt hold up. Static sprites at that point in the snes's life cycle were unacceptable considering what chrono trigger looked like
Stone cold classic, 90s af
Faggot tier. Lol wtf is that battle system
Alright. I'd say I liked it about as much as 4-5
Maybe it was the leap forward in graphics or something but fuck me if this isnt my favorite ff aside from 7. Love the world, story, battle system, pretty much everything

Dont really have an opinion on anything after 10

>I don't enjoy the original versions of most of the pre-VII games (I think only V and VI truly compete with other SNES rpg)
again, why?

Not that user but if were talking original versions:

>target enemy
>targeted enemy gets killed by another party member
>you strike at the air for some reason instead of just targeting something else when your turn comes up

Dont speak moon


Jap only

Dunno, snes version is better than the ps1 release and I've never played any other version

NES FF1 is just broken, FC FFII and III gameplay was improved on other games, IV is a NES game on steroids and it shows the story it's fun though, if it was a NES release it would be top tier because there's ambition behind the game but like I said it competes with SNES which is the golden era of the genre.

The entire FF series is subpar trash just like basically the entire idea of JRPGs (and modern western RPGs, which are basically the same fucking thing because JRPGs corrupted them to be the same storyshit garbage).

You want an RPG, play one that isn't story-heavy shit.

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1-3 are archaic but at least 1 and 3 are still good. If you're playing 1 though go for the PSP version
>Never understood the hype.
It basically just takes what the other SNES ones did and did it better save for maybe V's job system.
>Hate having 1000 playable characters who are all separate from one another through a good chunk of the game
It's not like it's Suikoden or Chrono Cross. There are some optional ones that are completely inconsequential to the story but that's about it.
>Maybe it was the leap forward in graphics or something but fuck me if this isnt my favorite ff aside from 7. Love the world, story, battle system, pretty much everything
Honestly for me it was the story and the battle system. The character designs were some of the worst mainline FF has had but the plot was just fantastic from start to finish.

>that height checker who always stood by the consoles to see if you were tall enough to buy one

DS version is true GOAT version though.

No one is saying FF is the best thing ever you autistic fuck

>You want an RPG, play one that isn't story-heavy shit.

I want an RPG with an interesting world/story and fun characters but also a deep level of interactivity. WRPGs beat the shit out of JRPGs in terms of mechanical depth but JRPGs beat the shit out of western games in terms of characters/music/story/general aesthetics. I just want a game that's best of both worlds. Most deep WRPGs have just generic dull characters and worlds that are either Tolkienshit or straight Arthurian.

Oh hey, it's generic western fantasy #57

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He's just going to reply with stupid cherrypicked images don't bother

Literally the same thing just replace FF7 with shenmue.

I wish I played SotN when I was a kid. Too poor for playstation,

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>the n64 looked fine

The fuck are you smoking? N64 games looked like garbage.

You are looking for then. Please go there and don't return. This is VIDEOGAMES.

This SoTN, Valkirie Profile and FF7, at least i didnt miss Crash Bandicoot and Ace Combat 3

Who was the target audience for sotn back in the day? I probably would have dismissed it for being 2d instead of cutting edge warpy low poly ps1 3d. I always assumed it was similar to castlevania 64 until I actually played it several years after release

>yeah I love all of my characters in RPGs to be boring and bland! And I love having the world just be copy+pasted Tolkienshit with minimal changes!
The fact of the matter is that all of the options CRPGs give you simply feel more meaningful if the setting and characters are more interesting.

I don't think they made games for target audiences, devs just made games they themselves wanted to make. Like indy devs.

Actual gamers who hadn't yet drank the Kool-aid of modern shit gaming.

Pretty much the whole time I was playing through this game I couldn't help but marvel at how much it would have appealed to the 10 year old me.

Shit was too good.

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maybe it was acceptable because FF7 is about a hundred times bigger than any n64 game

Remember when Yea Forums pretended FF7 was bad and only Nintendo games were good? I do.

in my top ten games of all time, mainly just because the music is incredible

I never played it but knew the music was good after hearing anons play it in the old Yea Forums Plug often
I always wanted to try it out after that but never got around to it

Skies of Arcadia. I only played the demo as a kid and was already blown away by it but never got the full game. I emulated it a year ago expecting a decent game but not as good as my kid self expected it to be. Turns out it was ever better than I'd hoped, I fucking loved it and it instantly made it in my top 5 favourite games of all time. If it had that effect on me a year ago, I have a hard time imagining how much 8-year-old me would have creamed his pants playing it.

I just started KOTOR a few days ago. I'm enjoying it so far, despite its flaws, but I accidentally learned about the plot's big surprise quite a while ago. I wish I'd been able to go into the game without that knowledge.

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Survival horror games as a whole. I missed out on them entirely.

FFVII is the greatest game ever made and the greatest game it is possible to make. The graphics aren't bad, they are stylized, and cannot be improved. You are just too much of a pleb to appreciate this.

not him but most FF games are mediocre, there isn't a single FF game I would consider excellent. FFXIV is only excellent in the context of MMOs because the standards for MMOs have dropped considerably. FF stories are decent at best, with combat ranging from bad to mediocre. The best aspect of FF was the presentation, supported by the fantastic tunes of uematsu. It really is baby's first jRPG series alongside pokemon, there isn't a single thing FF has ever exceled at gameplay or story wise

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I just beat Silent Hill a few days ago. I enjoyed it immensely, but I felt a sense of emptiness. Like I could never fully appreciate and understand its impact. At the same time, if I played it first in 1999, those puzzles would've drove me fucking insane. Would've rage quit, I'm sure.

I played it earlier this year on my ps1

I still prefer Legend of the Dragoon because I actually had it as a kid, but the materia system was really neat

i played chaos theory on the ps2 when it first came out..

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>FFXIV is only excellent in the context of MMOs
jesus christ

yeah, it's the best MMO out now, and it's still pretty bland. Same old formula since 2.0 with hallway dungeons, only the ex/savage/ultimate content is really good which is less than 5% of the game

its not excellent in any shape or form you fag

compared to the competition it is, hence why I said in the content of MMOs

even then its still a clunky shit game with a dragged out single player story.
its the anti mmo.

and that's a good thing, I'll take a pseudo-MMO which is really a co-op 8 man boss fight simulator

kill yourself

lol why mad?

pic related
I was struggling with college and a part time job at that moment, so for the first time in my life I didn't have free time to play for long sessions
I had to hear all my friends go crazy with it for months
I finally got to play it two years ago ant it was indeed amazing, but I can only think of how that sense of openess would have felt ten years ago

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I only ever watched my brother play this, and that was from borrowing the game from a family friend. All I could think of was how cool Cloud was because he looked like Cell Games saga Gohan, and how sexy Tifa was with her fine legs, and the simple yet effective black and white with a hint of dark red color scheme.

Played the game years later, and still loved it. Mastering every materia was tedious but I felt obligated to do it. Tifa is still my favorite FF character ever.

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