What are the good points from MGS4?

What are the good points from MGS4?

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i blame that game for spawning all these movie shit AAA games

It ended the main timeline. MGS3 and it's spin-offs are the only good things in the whole franchise.

>Niche Jap Game with HUGE lore requirement
Not even close, dude. Blame Last of Us for that shit.

Man you enter a Yea Forums thread and the first couple post are someone's awful opinion, its like clockwork

Massive weapon/mod variety
All the boss fights
Funny monkey

MGO2 was good.

I liked seeing the various factions fighting and competing for map space in early acts, I just didnt like how you couldn't choose who to side with just to give battlefields more dynamic stuff.

Act 1 and 2 are genuinely some of the highlights of the series

The beginnings of every MGS game are somehow just the most amazing shit in every single one
Expect Death Stranding to have the most ludo intro humanly possible

>I just didnt like how you couldn't choose who to side with
You can if I remember correctly; if you kill enough soldiers from one faction the other one will give you gifts and fawn over you if you walk by.
It just happens to be on the rebels' side more easily because of how the levels are designed.

led into mgr

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And then the replies are pleb opinions, dude its so predictable

I don't find the beginning of MGS1 to be better than the rest though, the game is just a solid chunk of excellence.

Best/most unqiue online multiplayer mode I've ever played. They'll never be another like it

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>9-11 happened in the Metal Gear universe
>It's as big a deal there as it was in reality
And yet no one talks about the time a robot battleship the size of a small island literally squeegee wiped half of New York off the surface of the Earth. In fact they named some back pain pads after it.

Watching it slowly get worse and die off was painful. It was such a treasure.

tfw you'll never play it again

Meryl made my dick hard
So did Mei Ling
And Naomi
And the B & B corps
And Raiden / Vamp a little bit

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Everything about the game is great except for Otacon, Sonny, and all the long, boring cutscenes involving them.

Also Johnny was shit.

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Nive try japfag

All of it

The fact that it's still eons better than V

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it made Raiden a better character than he was in 2.

>ywn be one of Mistral's dwarf gekko

>And yet no one talks about the time a robot battleship the size of a small island literally squeegee wiped half of New York off the surface of the Earth.

maybe THAT was 9/11 in the MGS verse?

What did you not understand exactly about the Patriots completely controlling the flow of information?

But that was on April 30th, user.

those dwarf gekko's can barely hold her up look at them struggle boy she THICC

I forgot about that part.

All remember about MGS2 and dates is "do you remember what day it is tomorrow" that Rose kept on bringing up over and over and over

that fight between the 2 pmcs in the city was fucking breath taking

Photo mode with the girls

the bosses in bodysuits
especially laughing octopus since she had the least uggo face

It killed like 90% of the cast of the series so there's no chance of Konami making another game that takes place after it with forced cameos everywhere. The most they could do is another Raiden game.

Lalilulelo, man. It got "Suppressed" from history as the final test of S3's effectiveness. Don't ask how, they just had the power to do so.

There's a fan server up now and I'm pretty sure you don't need to mod your console anymore