Series that LITERALLY only have fans on Yea Forums
Series that LITERALLY only have fans on Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
your mom
muh secret club
This isn't the only site that likes SMT
The best JRPG series
Games turn to shit once Normies touch them. I wish that the entire world could enjoy my fave franchises, I WANT to share them with ppl. But they're all retarded and once the Devs smell $$$ they'll water it down and sell it to them instead of me.
You think you're being open minded. You're just being suicidal.
Real answer: only the most garbage games, when Yea Forumsirgins defend them to get (You) 's
eg. YIIK, Megaman X6, Dark Souls 2
don't forget anthem lol
Dragon's Dogma thread then?
it's true i used to visit the subreddit like 5 years ago , the mods were just anons form /smtg/ so basically it's probably the only place on reddit where you can call someone a nigger faggot and the mods will agree with you i know it because i did it
sounds pretty based
Your post made me sad
>tfw want people to enjoy my favorite games
>once they do the games will turn to shit like literally everything else that reached mainstream
muh sekret club
good, let Persona rake in the normie money and then let mainline deliver on the competent release
not anymore, it's been pozzed by redditors and persona tards, I saw a post about how catherine and p5 were transphobic that got a bunch of le upboats
I found SMT commentators on YouTube and their videos together are literally just "so did you see that thing on /smtg/ lol"
we have battle network threads. we have rockman zero threads. we have zx threads. people make jokes about megaman legends and other people understand the jokes. the crazy motherfuckers that defend x6 are more than happy to hook you up with a patch that fixes everything wrong with it. Yea Forums is a magical place.
Persona went mainstream and it's still fine because there are difficulty settings. Yeah they chose to create a social sim aspect out of it but it's not like the devs suddenly sold out because P1/2 were that popular when they decided to take that direction with Persona. Mainline SMT will always be focused on dungeon crawling no matter what. At worst you get an easy mode for the few normies that get into it. None of the SMT games are THAT hardcore anyway and they just aren't as popular because the dungeon crawler genre is already niche in and of itself.
aw man that's sad, i also remember that one time a persona fag made a post called " how persona 3 saved my life" and we just fucking laughed at his story that involved his dad almost dying, the next day it got turned into a copypasta by a guy who made a shitpost titled "how nocturne saved my life"
looking back at it maybe we were too mean but the shitpost really made me laugh
That just sounds like you guys were edgy faggots
If they didn't have the social aspect, then what's the fucking point of them? Just play one of the mainline SMT games at that point.
>Mainline SMT will always be focused on dungeon crawling
Mainline hasn't been about dungeon crawlingin a while. Last SMT that was an actual dungeon crawler was SJ.
You're just a little bitch
believe me, i bet if he had just been better at telling his story we wouldn't have laughed but the way he wrote it just makes you think of the mindset of a p3 fan as explained in this chart
That's what happens as a series progresses. SMT IV had dungeons, but they had more emphasis on the overworld.
>caring about redditor sob stories
>it's been pozzed by redditors and persona tards
I wonder why this keeps happening to a lot of JRPG series recently?
Does anyone know if its possible to emulate P4 Golden on vita3k?
P1/2 had decent stories but they were bogged down by shitty gameplay. Any megaten game before then had bare bones narratives albeit pretty interesting settings that carried them. You're not wrong though as the first Persona games really should have been VN's instead.
There is a little more narrative in newer SMT games but they are far more focused on dungeon crawling than Persona is.
>Series expands as new entries release
>Casualries increase more and more
>Fandom is filled with retarded opinions and is never the same again
If you're on reddit to begin with what do you expect?
>You're not wrong though as the first Persona games really should have been VN's instead.
No fucking way dude. My first megaten was persona 1 and it was and still is a fine game.
Also "dungeon crawling" as a term refers to a very specific kind of gameplay, make no mistake, SMT is not a dungeon crawling focused franchise, it is just a regular JRPG.
>It's the "Muh Reddit argument"
This website has unironically been just about as Reddit since the GamerGate shit happened, so there's no point in trying to use that card as an excuse.
P2 IS was way tooo easy even on the Hard difficulty settings. Does it get fixed with Eternal Punishment?
>SMT is not a dungeon crawling focused franchise
In terms of first person dungeon crawling? Megaten focused on it a lot in the past.
Yes but P2 innocent sin is more challenging on the PS1 version as well. I don't know if it's been fully translated yet or not though.
>Megaten focused on it a lot in the past.
That's why I said that there hasn't been an SMT dungeon crawler since SJ.
as far as i know you can only emulate homebrews so far.
for vitagames you have to get a vita
I bought nocturne based on an xplay review half a decade before I ever visited Yea Forums. Maybe that's an argument that anons are born and not made, but either way Yea Forums didnt contribute to me liking smt.
A dungeon crawler doesn't have to be first person. Some of the dungeons in newer SMT games have been more open ended but I'd still say they fall under that genre over all.
>not playing every smt on easy by default
it's like you want to be rng'ed into ragequitting life, i'm playing them in order and a random encounter in smt 1-2 meant either winning in two turns or being permastunned your whole life
What's wrong with the secret club mentality?
It comes off as pretentious and kinda pathetic. Especially over something like video games.
It's not about perspective, it's about pathing and progression.
In a dungeon crawler you painstakingly navigate a labyrinth looking for something with no clear indicator as to where you're supposed to go. Does this sound anything like newer Megaten games?
Those games were easy mode if you knew how to cheese them. All the more reason to justify that there's no need to worry over hypothetical changes compared to how classic games in the series played.
>Group blossoms with similarly-minded people who are enthusiasts of the subject at hand
>Said enthusiasts are willing to indulge and revel in the qualities of the subject at length because they are simply interested in the same topic
>As a result, community has cohesion, all others who are part of this group are equally passionate and interested
>Introduce 'outsiders' to this group
>Many of which lack the same passions and fervor as the insular enthusiast body has, only willing to indulge in a casual manner as if it were simply another activity, as they themselves have plenty of other things to express a casual interest in
>Group is now chaotic and messy, with people unwilling to engage others in discussion as the old guard are too passionate about the topic to want to engage in discussions with the "new" fans, and the "new" fans don't care enough to spend any effort talking to the old guard, causing immediate rifts and upsetting things
I know you don't have anything you're passionate about, but there's a reason why gatekeeping winds up being a thing.
You still map out the dungeons as you explore them at least with SMT IV:A which was the most recent game I've played in the series. It's been long enough since its release that streamlining the dungeon crawling aspect a bit isn't something new.
Nice strawman faggot and who are you to measure someones "passion" by what direction they want to see a series take? People have different opinions and that doesn't change because of how dedicated someone is. Your idea of a "secret club" is just a fucking circle jerk.
>anime is normalfag shit
>normalfag join those areas
>things change to fit their desires
SMT would be a perfect franchise if only it had ________.
The "dungeons" you map out are mostly just straight lines with occasional branches that lead to either a chest or nothing at all.
It's just too basic as a design to say that it takes the main stage man, that's all there is to it.
Persona was the story focused spin-off, that was what the point of them was
confirming that Yea Forums is reddit
In some of the dungeons yeah but I get your point. Regardless I only noticed that being an issue in SMT IV/IV:A so it's too early to tell whether this remains prevalent in every future mainline game.
yeah nocturne did get a bit of attention when it came out, as did IV
>Regardless I only noticed that being an issue
Oh don't get me wrong. I don't even like pure dungeon crawlers very much. I'll take 4 over SJ any day of the week.
I'd say that Nocturne had the best level design overall. Not too simple, not too crazy.
Different user but the secret club mentality does have roots in reality.
You can't deny that a lot of formerly niche games are being changed drastically from their roots to appeal to a larger audience and like said they start selling to them instead of the original niche.
One of the most notable examples being the Elder Scrolls and numerous others.
I do agree that secret club for the sake of it is senseless as it just prevents more people from potentially getting invested but with the way things have been panning out in the real world it isn't hard to see why.
If you're not talking about games as a whole and instead more niche things take a look at the historic Minecraft server 2b2t which ran "smoothly" until it caught the mainstream attention and changed drastically for, at least what many say, is for the worse.
That wasn't a strawman. He just provided a general picture on how the ruining of a hobby happens.
>who are you to measure someones "passion" by what direction they want to see a series take?
People that never cared about a series' main features and try to change them, not because they're interested in said series but because everybody else is, aren't as passionate/dedicated about the series in the first place. Just look at the easy mode in dark souls for example, nobody said those things when demon souls came out, same thing with mass effect 3's "narrative" mode, that strips away all the combat. Nothing wrong with secret clubs, just keep some level of gatekeeping, ensuring that if someone wants to partake in group discussion, they at least are above newfag level. No gatekeeping is what made Yea Forums shit, your 'muh sekrit club' retardation is what contributed to this site's fall from grace(?).
but user, theres a clear difference between "being passionate about videogames" and "being passionate about the atttention you get pretending to like videogames"
look at the RPG genre for example.
rpgs became a trend, mmos became the casual shit and now the genre is pretty much dead.
Anonymous Agony
check yo exo skele teen
I can't imagine any other place having so many fans of eroge. It is pretty much designed directly for the type of person to browse chans bar a few exceptions.
>t. redditor
You shouldn't be allowed to talk about the series unless you've completed Megami Tensei
Leave the gatekeeping to doorkun, user; you're not very good at it.
Isn't Megami Tensei a fucking book that's never been translated?
>It comes off as pretentious
No, it's common fucking knowledge, you're the one coming off as retarded
Every single fucking thread a retard like you comes to scream about how the sky isn't blue.
He's talking about the Famicom games and the SNES rerelease called Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei.
Does Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei count?
I hope so because I fucking loved KMT