You're the tank next

>You're the tank next
What do?

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Disconnect from this shitty game and uninstall it. Left 4 Dead is an insult to the survival horror genre.

Get nervous, fuck up and finally get kicked out of the server

Punch the boomer duh

I get kicked before I get to spawn in obviously

have sex

Go ahead and name the best survival horror games.

Play horribly and get kicked for being such a bad player.

Punch the hunter mid pounce, punch the boomer, punch the charger after he's charged someone, punch a green health guy 100 feet away towards his teammates, get set on fire, throw a rock while getting melee'd from behind.

quit and join a new server cause i wanted to be a survivor

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Panic and fuck up. Every time.

Cockblock and throw rocks from 9 million miles away.

>have most points on team
>get tank
>3 stack kicks me so they can get the tank

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do people even still play this?



alt-F4 because I'm going to throw. Seriously, how the FUCK are you supposed to carry as the tank?

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be in the circus stage where there is a truck, smack the truck into all 4 survivors at once and win the round.

eat zoey

Just be a distraction so everyone else can actually do the killing.

try to stand around a corner the survivors have to come around

I agree, it is an insult to the survival horror genre
and Super Mario Brothers is an insult to the RTS genre
and Chess is an insult to the FPS genre
and bomberman is an insult to the platformer genre

܂>those comments

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Spam rocks.

you aren't. they added the frustration meter because the best strategy is to stall the survivors for as long as possible to get more hordes and special infected spawns. you should try to be out of sight but in the enemies' way, throwing rocks when you need to. the only real problem is if you get set on fire with no water nearby

>That was pretty hot! She wriggled and screamed all the way into its wet stomach!
fucking freaks

find the next chokpoint where i can knock em all off the level
fuck their anuses

>those video recommendations

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Drive the niggers apart from each other so they can be picked off by your team, and smack anyone trying to break off to help their friend.

down three, but one slips by me so im instantly kicked

That's the shitty thing with pubs, a lot of them expect the tank to single-handedly level the survivors and rather sit back than go on offense and use the distraction created by the tank. As a tank you get to be the scapegoat of a team that can't co-operate their way out of a wet paper bag.

>down 2 of them but die to the other two

heh... not good enough kid.
*votekicks u*

get kicked

You don't carry as the tank, your team carries you as the tank.

Fuck up and blame the healer

It's pretty funny how L4D2 Versus community has this shit reputation but the co-op campaign side of the game is completely normal.


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punch all the cars for ez kills

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Literally without fail. I've never gotten to play the infected side cuz I get booted before I really even get to play

>all those guys that wanted her to be barefoot had almost the exact same words in every post
>"if she just started without shoes or just kicked them off it would be great"
>those 2 guys that got there by accident and are utterly disgusted

Get kicked by my psychic teammates before I even know I'm going to be the tank.

Some of the most fun I had in l4d was punching people off the top of the hospital
Or charging a survivor off into an insta kill
doubt it happens often now

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You have the shittiest taste and worst genre knowledge ever combined.

Seriously why is it that every time you enter a public game nowadays in l4d you immediately get vote kicked? Literally every single game without fail.

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actually you get votekicked by your autistic teammates if you don't do these things

While panicking, recall an advice from a forum about using luggage trucks on ded air 5. Kill all 4 out of seemingly unbeatable team, then win the game thanks to 2x bonus to points. Don't forget to scream IRL after your victory.

True story.

It means you are very bad at the game. I had this issue too when I first started playing versus realism, but after playing for a while I haven't gotten kicked even once.
Don't afk, don't spawn the boomer way early and puke the wall and other stupid shit and no one is going to kick you.

Dodge the molly punt the trashcan and get a quad down

No it's not, co-op is just as autistic and cancerous

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I fucking hate social elitist. No wonders the Online is dead..

Does anyone want to play? We could host a room.

>Or charging a survivor off into an insta kill
>doubt it happens often now
Generic strategy on every map where an insta-kill is possible.

20.000 online right now, far from dead.

>left 4 dead
>survival horror people think this?
not everything horror themed is fucking survival horror

honestly, you turning of the anti aliasing on your text is more disgusting than the vorefaggot's horny comment.

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SH2, RE1-2, Dino Crisis, Jurassic Park SNES, Alien Isolation.

Survival horror generally is a depraved and shit genre.

ffs user you don't need that little drop of performance do you?

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Scream like a autistic kid and fling cars at the survivors
Kill yourself
>Pic relate

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It looks better. Crisper. More efficient.

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it looks fucking awful

then again, you posted LOL I'M DEPRESSED THE COMIC so it makes sense you have fucking dogshit taste.

go cry yourself to sleep, shithead.

>L4D is survival horror
It's action horror you ignoramus. Who told you it's survival horror?

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>implying I saved the image directly from whatever comic that came from
>can't even recognize a Yea Forums filename while posting on Yea Forums

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Flail around and hope I smack someone enough to kill them until I get killed.

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Yell at my team for trickling in instead of waiting for the tank to be up. Fucking idiots can't do anything right.

Vote kicking ruins everything

ur gay

>wah there's no puzzles and 90% of my inventory isn't keys!

It's been like that since release.

>join game with new account
>immediate "hey this dude doesn't have [arbitrary amount] of hours in game

܂No u

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>The touched her you know what in the video if payed attention

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>hurr durr why there is no crafting and building systems in my survival horror game

Now we're just making shit up.

Get kicked because only hyper autistic manchildren play this game now.

niggers will call anything survival horror if they find anything in the game spooky. having to deal with people in the subnautica community was fucking nauseating

You've honestly never encountered the gatekeepers in the co-op mode? I wish I had your luck.

>mfw i get instakicked for complimenting my team on wiping the survivors

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Quit being a pussy bitch and learn, that's how. God, I hate faggots like you who come here to cry behind anime reaction images after bailing on your team. You are worthless.

Get insta-kicked, just like when I randomly spawn as a Boomer.

Block doorways with dumpsters and cars.

I haven't played since 2015 and even then it was rampant, it's been a problem for fucking years.

They tend to stick to advanced and above, in normal you'll mostly find people wanting a chill time and complete idiots who I'm pretty sure are trying to play by smashing their face on their keyboard.

why is it like that?