
How did they get away with such thinly veiled anti-Semitism?

Attached: Arcanum.jpg (439x595, 57K)

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Maybe because it uses metaphorical storytelling instead of JEWS BAD.

Because not a lot of people really played Arcanum, and it was released at a different time.


and what exactly do gnomes have in common with jews?

Because historical accuracy for how shitty a Steampunk/Victorian setting would actually be.

Thread reminder that there are no more new RPGs that gives you dumb dialogue, or even reactions from NPCs/Companions that differ depending on your race/clothing/state like Arcanum and other similar cRPGs does

It's been so many years since I played Arcanum that I don't remember most of it, maybe I should play it again.
IIRC guns are not viable right?

Guns are viable but you really have to have high PE and DE, not to mention bullets and maybe some melee skill for magic users.
Late game, guns are pretty OP.

Small arms I think are shit but late game big guns are good?

The most powerful gun, I believe is Droch's Warbringer.
It's single-handed so you can even equip a shield.

If you want 2 handed, you can get the Elephant gun in early game, or even the Hand cannon. That's assuming you know who to get it from.

They didn't get away with it.


the best gun is droch's warbringer but it's a late game schematic that requires a lot of crafting shit. elephant gun and looking glass rifle are both decent and can be crafted and I think bought/found too. the best early game gun is the sharpshooter's pistol that you can steal from the gun store owner in tarant.

How about Blade Launcher and I think tgere's this gun that's electric? Are they powerful?

I don't really remember. there was one gun that used batteries instead of bullets but I think it was kind of weak.

>no more new RPGs that ... reactions from NPCs/Companions that differ depending on your race/clothing/state


Tesla Gun is very powerful (definitely the highest single shot damage for guns), but a bitch to craft.

They're smart and their women are cute.

Is there any other game with both guns and magic similar to Arcanum?



Torchlight games
Grim Dawn too

t. gnome

Attached: 1557077931430.jpg (755x894, 94K)

Neither of those games are anything like Arcanum


I want a gnome gf

My main memory of Arcanum is kiting a golem around a pillar while firing one million bullets at it, so probably.

I wish Troika had more money. Being unable to RP as a female gnome, halfling is sad.

/pol/ tier thread for a /pol/ tier game

I'm glad shit like this doesn't get made anymore

Black Mountain Mines. The place where children become men...
But seriously, that difficulty spike is absurd.

>break your melee weapons
>damage you if you try to fight them unarmed
>immune to magic
>immune to tech
what the fuck were you supposed to kill them with?

Did nothing wrong

Attached: Kerghan.png (800x400, 236K)

Sledgehammer, just like gargoyle in Bloodlines.





What are the chance of the game get remastered?

Axes and hammers were the recommended weapons to bash them, but be ready to throw a few away. Hammers suck, but a tech character can have Pyrorape axes at that point. Magical warriors will have to use normal axes.
Mages only need sufficient Magical affinity to murder them in seconds.
Gunners are fucked, but that's how tje entire early game is for them.

Best soundtrack

You just took it like a man and beat them up with whatever weapons and skills you had until theyre dead.
You were free to go back and forth from the town anyway, but its still tedious.

There's that Multiverse edition if you want it.

>to kill the Ore Golem, shoot at it until it dies

Ask beamdog

It's hidden behind so many layers of jank that only autists might get to this level, and they are probably already anti-semitic.

Beamdog doesn't have the rights to Arcanum.
Arcanum belongs to Activision.

Not much point really. The gameplay is janky but the grafix and UI are fine. It would need a remake to actually have any real effect.

>he didnt play necromancer chad

Attached: [even_smugger_anime_grill].jpg (556x469, 91K)

>get the dog
>use the fire axe
>use magic
Golems are easy, the actual problem are the shitty traps

>when there are literal dozens of detect traps scrolls in the mine

Attached: {smug_anime_girl}.jpg (342x302, 54K)

There's that magic scroll you could use.
If you mean that your companions trigger traps, be in quick-turnbased battle mode while traversing and you will get through any trap-infested room.

I was tech so I used the hat instead. It was annoying cause I didn't know that you can have companions avoid traps till now.

And EA owned bg 1&2.