/comfy/ switch thread

/comfy/ switch thread

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got my 2nd win tonight. a ton of 2nd and 3rd places but wins are hard to come by. any tips?

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Ia the SAO game that came out fun?

Looking for a bullet hell. Waiting for MM2. Considering Octopath.

I just started during the last tournament. I was pleased to finish 3rd once, and during peak Japan hours.

My best runs seem to come when I target attackers early and bait multiple KO targeters with a perilously high stack, ready for multiple tetrises. When it gets late/fast, I switch over to KO targeting myself. I haven't quite won one yet and don't know if it's the best strategy, but I feel like I could get there under the right circumstances. I consistently finish in the top 10, as long as I don't get too fancy or slip up.

what the fuck

My highest KO total so far is close to 20, and I think the most simultaneous attackers I've drawn is about 10.

Currently playing XC2, first run. Should I finish all the optional quest on my first run?

Hooked on splatoon again after a lonnnngg break. Probably check out Tetris also

looking to get Binding of boi since i'm leaving the country for 20 days. anything else i should get

i hear saint row 3 has a problem, assassin 3 is shit, resident evil 0 and 1 is ok and that my plane will crash and i will end up in lost

I'm gonna pick up one of the babby things cheap on eBay once SMT V comes out. Unless YHVH comes through and blesses us with a PS4 port.

Is Realm Royale even good?



I've been treating it as my Stardew Valley machine for a while, I should probably get into Cave Story+.

why did they intentionally not include an ethernet chord?

why did they intentionally make it uncomfortable to hold?

why did they intentionally make the screen brightness so low?

why did they intentionally make it out of cheap ass light plastic

Oh yea, to sell their next version of it. Nintendo are scumbags and their fanbase are actually basedtier consumers. I only have mine because it was a gift.

>see positive switch thread
>walk in to shit on it

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Imagine being over thirteen and owning a switch lmao

I didn't. I just did a few quests here and there. Didn't want to delay my progress in the story

Ys at the moment, Lulu's soon . kinda want to clean up DLC in BotW but Master Mode is the opposite of fun and I don't feel like starting over again

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>both games for it came out 3 years ago

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Anyone getting that Yugioh game? How is it compared to Tag Force?

When are we getting the next Zelda game?

Or Mario game?

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link's awakening sometime in fall
mario maker one month from now

Konami updated Arcade Anniversary Collection to have TATE Mode, which is really great, especially since it's FlipGrip compatible.


switch mini fucking when

Sorry I should have specified, I meant the 3D version of each.
I'd be more excited for Mario Maker if it included a SM3DW-type level builder, and I was aware of the Link's Awakening remake (quite excited for that).

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there's a sixth spot for level assets. would be sick if it was 3dw.

I've heard Dead Cells was pretty rough when it released. Has it gotten any better since then? The sale price is somewhat tempting. Also how is Darkwood? The trailers left a really good impression.

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I hope they mix it up for these two. Odyssey was a boring slog and while Botw is good it pains me to think of every Zelda being an unfocused mess like that. It was a cool experimental but I don't ever want to see them do that again.

prob e3 then launching in august/september with another big title

Is minecraft worth it on the switch if I prefer to play with some mods?

aren't they all the same thing now? bedrock or something

just bought pokken tournament dx. what am i in for?

>unlock Summoning Gate in HWDE
>dancing animation is dumb
>random summon keeps sending out dodongo and never argorok
>try out weak point smash on a boss
>finisher is OOO's Rider Kick
>suddenly goes from being stupid weapon to best weapon

playan TSA
heard it was coming to other platforms so that's cool, hope they enjoy it

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I haven’t done any of the botw DLC yet, how is the master sword trials?

Got a switch just after launch but lost it shortly
Thought it was gone and put it out of my mind
I found it a few days ago

Horrible on Master Mode. Dont recommend.

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is this a common occurrence for you?

>why did they intentionally not include an ethernet chord?
Stop playing with twenty brick walls between you and your router.
>why did they intentionally make it uncomfortable to hold?
Stop pretending any handheld ever is comfortable to hold for more than 30 minutes. Also stop trying to play while in bed.
>why did they intentionally make the screen brightness so low?
Stop sitting outside during high noon with the screen perpendicular to the ground when you live at the equator.
>why did they intentionally make it out of cheap ass light plastic
Stop being retarded.

Not that other user but it's pretty shitty that the dock didn't come with ethernet port, especially when their flagship game specifically advises that you use a wired connection. It's not like there wasn't room and it would have cost them pennies

Guys, redpill me on Sword Art.
Is it a prequel, sequel, is there an anime I need to watch (pls God, no!)

Haven't played a single SAO game.

Which button do you press three times to unlock your switch? I use ZR but I also like the sound of pressing the right stick

Twinklestar sprites is a head to head shmup that's a ton of fun if you've never played it, even better if you have someone to compete with.

Enter the gungeon is sort of a bullet hell. It's a twin stick shooter with randomly generated dungeon floors and hundreds of zany guns. I've probably put more hours into it than any other switch game

FWIW I havent played a jrpg in forever but liked the artstyle of octopath. Played it for 3 hours and it didn't rekindle my love of the genre and I dropped it


Japan doesn't do wired internet for some reason.

Danmaku Unlimited 3.
If you have money to blow for quality, import Psyvariar Delta.
And like mentioned, TSS is great fun vs a friend.

Everything’s made to be rebuilt/earthquake proof which would explain it. Also everyone’s always on trains and shit.

well, that's weird seeing a photo of my switch on a new post.
Currently downloading TSA. Putting Octopath aside as i've played it for over a month daily and got pretty sick of it. Might jump into Diablo 3, Owlboy and Katana Zero

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I've been playing shmups in any free time I can get. Any recommendations for good ones? I've been sticking to psikyo and blazing star for now, but there are loads of arcade comversions and neo geo games I've never heard of.

I just got my ass kicked by undyne for 3 hours. Fuck the joycon's dpad. And fuck the gamecube's dpad. And fuck the switch for not letting me use my snes controller.

I'm a roguelite whore and really could not get into Dead Cells. Its great I'd the right spot and you're definitely supporting good, if French, people, but there's only so many hours of bonking the same two enemies per environment on the head before things get very stale.

>Tfw everything that I want to play isn't fucking out yet
I just want MUA3 and Killer Queen Black goddammit

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I just got one of these and I’m having a lot of fun playing everything I can with this controller. I never thought a controller could be fun.

Forgot pic.

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bit cumbersome innit

wish there was an mmo for switch

>bought my Switch today with Smash
>my mind is already getting started coming up with fanfic tier character interactions out of nowhere
Does the autism ever go away?

just finished RE4 for the first time since wii days in handheld only
still great even though nothing was added in this port

Daily reminder Nintendo is fucking dumb for not releasing OoT and MM on switch

Carry on

as a rougelike thot myself Dead Cells rn with the HUGE update is the best you can get on the switch right now for non-twin stick rougelikes. Nuclear Throne will always be my top.

new systems have new games
we've known this for round about 30 years now

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Will Dillon ever get his Switch game? Dead Head Breakers removed the need for a stylus.

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Tell me, besides FF X/X2 and the Megaman X collection, which games are better to be bought in their imported version?

Exactly how hard can it be to port a 25 years old game
They shouldnt threaten emulation sites if theyre gonna be lazy about classics

>intentionally playing at the edge to kill everyone

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trying to wrap my head around this
would you boycott Ford because the new focus doesn't come with an 8 track player?

>car analogy
We're talking video games here user

you don't seem to grasp the idea that a square pegs goes into a square hole so I'm having to think outside the box

are you familiar with pegs? give me something

Right now I have enough cash to just walk to the store and buy a Switch bundle with BotW. Should I do it, or should I wait for E3 in case they announce an updated version like the 3DS XL?

The ZR button
I like the honking noise

Yeah but at the same time the Miis killed it.

I would say do it anyways. NEW Switch shit is on the way no doubt but I don't think they will do it this year considering the OG model is still selling.

I don't think they'll announce hardware at E3, they've got a good chunk of software coming, and a revision could wait until 2020 to so the PS5/Xbone successors don't take ALL the attention away from Nintendo. At most you may see Pokemon/Animal Crossing themed bundles. Course I'm thinking logically, which Nintendo sometimes fails to do, so nothing is guaranteed.

If you REALLY want BoTW I'd say go for it. Just know that it's not a nonstop action game, it's much more of a relaxed pace with an emphasis on quiet exploration. Also don't be stingy with weapons, unless you are an absolute moron you should always be finding good gear to replace what you use.

just wear cargo pants bro

got the pc/xbox1/xbox360 version of this stick, feel pretty good but I can't find a fighting game that hook me, waiting for samsho

Retard asking questions about it

Is the switch good for party games?
Is it worth getting for having pretty much a smash machine to play with friends when we get intoxicated?
The joy cons or whatever, can they be connected to make a single controller?
Where should I look to find them cheapest? or should I wait for a new version

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>Switch has been sitting in the dock ignored for months on end after playing Mega Man 11 in October
>Pick up Final Fantasy VII for it after getting hyped for the trailer.
>Notice that Okami is on sale, so I pick it up too.
>"Fuck it, guess I'll get REmake and Cuphead while I'm at it."
>Get back into full on Switch mode, so go to the store, and pick up Super Mario U Deluxe, Smash Bros Ultimate, a fourth controller, a bigger SD card, a portable charger, and a backpack
>Going back to my hometown in a couple of weeks, and my friends and I are all hyped about four-player Smash/Mario after we all go see Godzilla

I think this might have actually just vaulted to my favorite of the current consoles. My Xbone X and PS4 Pro are both more powerful, but see a fraction of the use. PC is still number one, but Switch is close second.

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Is Labo worth it if you've got kids/know kids? I noticed it's $40 now for the variety kit.

The Amiimals thing wasn't that bad, it was just weird looking. They should've just used your Mii as the baseline for a more fitting, in-game character creator that didn't use the creepy Mii parts.

Yes, especially if you already have GC controllers and get the adapater, instead of having to buy expensive joycons or pro controllers.
Yes, a plastic thingy comes with the Switch that holds both joycons. But give them a try separate, shit's comfy as hell.
Amazon or Best Buy occasionally have deals.


So it has GC controller ports? I didnt think it would still be supported. Is it an attachment or something?

>Is the switch good for party games?
Yeah. Mario party, Mario Kart, Smash. The usual for game nights.

>Is it worth getting for having pretty much a smash machine to play with friends when we get intoxicated?
That's like 60% of the reason why the console is selling. Yes.

>The joy cons or whatever, can they be connected to make a single controller?
Yes. The switch comes with it's own joycon grip for turning it into a controller.

>Where should I look to find them cheapest? or should I wait for a new version
Get one now anyways. Amazon sometimes have Switch on sale/deals.

Gonna start Lego DC Villians. Lego games are guaranteed enjoyment.

I've given up on AC3. I got to the part where you unlock the real protagonist and start in on the homestead but the game is just too boring to stick with. Maybe I'll come back in the future...

>Is the switch good for party games?
>Is it worth getting for having pretty much a smash machine to play with friends when we get intoxicated?
>The joy cons or whatever, can they be connected to make a single controller?
You can use them separately as a single controller (think the wiimote+nunchuck if it was wireless) and the console also comes with a grip you can slot them into to hold that way. Both methods are more comfortable than they look, though I'd still recommend a different controller for most things.
>Where should I look to find them cheapest?
New? Wherever you can find them on sale. Used? Probably Craigslist.

My experience with kids nowadays are impatient little bastards that couldn't properly assemble the pieces onto a checkers board. Maybe if your kid is already leaning towards crafts or creative stuff in general, I could see them enjoying it as long as you help with the construction. But if you're talking about a kid babysat by tablets 24/7 then no, probably no.
The adapter to use GC controllers is sold separately but that's like fifteen bucks, way better than the 70-80 bucks per pair of joycons or for one pro controller.

So anything below 250ish is a fair enough price correct?

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There's Onigiri.
I wish Square would stop being lazy and throw XIV on the Switch

3D World port when

After I get my XCX port.
Also unironically TMS.


so at what point is one supposed to stop playing stardew valley?

Finally signed up for the online service so ive been (gradually) growing my gsp and playing tetris 99, surprisingly addictive holy shit

Stop being a douchebagel

switch games are too expensive

The text in that game is going to look so tiny on the switch screen, was it tiny on the gamepad?

>Stop playing with twenty brick walls between you and your router.

C'mon user, even people who actually like the Switch don't like this. In fact, people always say to get an ethernet adapter if you want to bother playing stuff like Splatoon 2 or Smash Ultimate online.

Nintendo is too expensive

If you like Isaac consider getting Gungeon too

These 2 are my most played games on Switch

>got it to play smash
>doesn’t come with any games

>why did they intentionally not include an ethernet chord?
Because its 2019
> did they intentionally make it uncomfortable to hold?
not intentionnaly but for practical purpose, must be as thin possible, powerfull as possible a keep a good practicality. Its a balance.
>why did they intentionally make the screen brightness so low?
Battery lifespan
>why did they intentionally make it out of cheap ass light plastic
Cost and repairability also >children

If you cant ask those questions yourself you're a dumbtard

>Dat sudden difficulty curve

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I agree it's poor not to include it but I don't really mind since I still have the USB ethernetport from Wii days and it just works

Does it even have a golf game? No? Ahahahaha

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When Rune Factory 4/5 come out on switch
Don't forget Forte is best loyal wife

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Huh. This looks neat what is i-
>nippon ichi logo


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>post-apocalyptic setting with girls walking around carelessly in clean fashion clothing

I shouldn't be surprised by this shit by now, but god how retarded

>The Capcom Beat em Up Bundle became active again because it was on sale
Playing Armored Warriors with online bros is the best feeling.

The golf portion is good but the RPG portion is complete shit, absolutely no freedom, tacked on for no purpose.

What are some good puzzle games? Don't mention Baba is You. I'm thinking more of like a falling block or other abstract puzzle thing.


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Puyo puyo tetris
Tetris 99
Puyo puyo champions
Magical drop 1 and 2

It would be cool if there was an unannounced port sometime this year. I never played it, on account of no WiiU, but James and Mike Monday made it look like fun, and I'm currently having a lot of fun with NSMBU Deluxe, and I'm willing to bet that 3D World probably makes that look like shit.

Puzzle League when!?

Lode Runner. It's been on most platforms since Atari 2600; from Mac to Amiga to Nintendo to Sega. You can see this 2 ways:
A) why pay for an old game?
B) it must be good to have graced so many platforms

Switch version has all the classic levels and a whole bunch of brand new levels also, of all difficulties. It's a simple game but worth a pick up for the amount of content alone.


Haha what the fuck. That speed, Jesus Christ. I should be honest with myself, if I didn't get any wins back when everyone and their mum was playing on release I should assume I won't win any now when everyone playing is a Tetris playing robot.

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Just started Shovel Knight, got to the first village. Any advice on how to spend gold?

Anyone planning on playing that DC MMO this Summer? Also is there anywhere to get Breath of the wild for less than $30? They're breaking my balls with that Nintendo tax.

I'm buying a Switch tomorrow, quick question: how's the Switch version of Stardew Valley?


I never understood why people online shit on Switch or most online games. Then I saw the speeds average Americans get and I finally got it - you shitheads think a 30 Mbit connection should be enough, you have such slow fucking speeds, you like to shit on the game. You think your shit ping and slow speed is the fault of the ones behind the game.

I literally not once had any problems. I can play a round of Splatoon 2 on a bus, using my phone as a hotspot. What the fuck is wrong with you, saying an ethernet port is needed. You just get a slightly better ping, which isn't as important at the level any of you are playing online.

anyone play project nimbus?
it's been on other platforms for a while but just came to switch like a couple weeks ago

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Peachball - June 3
Fire Emblem: Three Houses - July 25
Astral Chain - August 30
I'll be having lots of fun these next few months.
I hope E3 has stuff for September, October, November, and December

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Aight, then I'll get that tomorrow as well. Along with Smash and Sanic Mania Plus.

is shakedown hawaii forth it on switch?
or is it better on other platforms

My drunk blog post:

Playing RES4 port since I last played it on Wii a decade ago, and got pleb filtered on one of the last bosses. Having a blast despite the port being overpriced.

Bought Resident evil revelations 2 and Darksiders yesterday, going to finish res4 before I get into those.

Always playing smash daily, and the odd Mario kart match.

I've had the switch for almost two years and it's still my main for gaming. Always finding new shit to play.

Based Suda

Do you play USF2 or SF30 ? I also got that stick and I'm looking for people to play with since my friends are shit at fightan


holy shit look at this seething redditspacing snoyboy

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are you literally me?


Wait is that what those games are? I thought they were JRPGs. A lot more interested now, thanks!

>Peachball - June 3
I kind of want this because I like pinball but I think Astral Chain will be the last Switch game I buy until Pokemon and Animal Crossing unless something super hype gets announced. I need to start saving money.

Is amiibo support for games being dropped? Or do they tend to show stuff like that near release dates? Mainly talking about the new Fire Emblem.

Was looking at this too

Damn none of these are like Touhou
I want my screen to be filled with bullets

Why don't you pirate?

Because too much choice + ADHD leads to never finishing any games. I'll appreciate them more and actually finish my games if I buy them.

See I'm the same, but I value my money more than said abstract thought process

What are some good racing games

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Crash Team Racing

I'm kind of having buyer's remorse after buying MK8D because the single player content is trash compared to Crash but it's still a good game.

I wanted a non arcade one, amazing how we still have nothing

What games are you fucks looking forward to?

Animal Crossing
Mario Maker 2
Star Ocean 1
FF Crystal Chronicles

Just a couple weeks until Switch Pro gets announced.

You excited? I am.

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I like Fast RMX, and that Starlink game.

god I love lumines. I played the ps2 version a lot and I really appreciate he remaster. it’s so much better now

>mfw 5:00
I'll just stick to puyo tetris solo thanks

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Psyvariar Delta is being released this summer!

I wanna get a Switch for FE3H, SMT5 and RF5, how does its battery hold like?

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Playing XC2:Torna
Pretty good so far, Mythra is a cunt

Less than a 3DS or a Vita 2000, but enough. For more specific shit, google it.

>Less than a 3DS
Damn, thankfully there's outlets everywhere now, was just asking because I kept on seeing things like "it lasts between 2-6 hours"

Generally 2D games last for a good amount of time, while 3D titles drain it quickly. Then you have the occasionally weird one like Octopath Traveler, which looks 2D-ish but chews through charges like a motherfucker, or Splatoon 2 online, which lasts a surprisingly long time for a 60fps 3D arena shooter using the wifi.

Switch bros, I've been getting weird glitches on Rabbid Kingdom Battle on docked mode in the Spooky section. I've only found one thread on the issue. Anyone else had something similar?

>why did they intentionally make it uncomfortable to hold?
this is my number one complaint I literally refuse to play the console with the joycons attached also I don't play with the joycons at all because they're so trash

what is it with you and americans you seem really hung up

So we have to remove Travis Strike Again from the list? What about Octopath Traveler?

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Twa keeps crashing my switch and forcing me to cold boot. Oh well, I guess I’m not missing out on anything.

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I mostly play smash with it

it's not that amazing the switch is basically a tablet why would someone release a simulation game for it

Yes you have to remove them both but that list is hot garbage anyway

>MK8 port that high
>Snipperclips that low
Yea Forums has shit taste confirmed

That's nice?

I like octopath. Been playing it lately and it clicked on me

>tfw my switch is drifting from both joycons
>mfw no games till July and August and maybe the demo of GE3 in June
No comfy zone

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I know there are mixed opinions on Yea Forums about Octopath but I think it is definitely worth it if you are a fan of snes-era jrpgs or the saga games. It isn't perfect but I still enjoyed it thoroughly til the end. The battle system is fun and continues to build itself up very well over the course of the chapters and never really started to feel stagnant to me. The story isn't always great but serviceable. But I honestly loved it, hope they make another that expands on what they have because it could be a seriously amazing rpg

>Smash Bros came out 3 years ago
>The Switch itself is 3 years old

>The Switch itself is 3 years old
wtf i thought it came out a year ago where did time go...

It came out 2 years ago. March 4th 2017

All of those plus Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3, Luigi's Mansion 3, Rune Factory 4 Special, Rune Factory 5, Metroid Prime 4 and Shin Megami Tensei V.

Pc streaming works damn good. Gone through a few rounds of ror2

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>Bunch of girls get isekai'd into post apocalyptic world and survive on old doujins

That sounds ridiculous but could be comfy

I haven't touched my switch since december
i even bought online for smash

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wew lad

Shame I didn't like mario odyssey and it didn't have anything else worth playing


Fuck magma worms

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Can anyone recommend me a game that's under 30? Was looking at the game last door, seems like an alright point and click.

What games are you guys playing? I have quite a few but none hold my interest for very long. I have BOTW, smash, yooka laylee, rabbids, sonic mania, and skyrim. The last two have been able to hold my attention the longest

Have the framerate issues of Dead Cells been fixed yet? Heard it was rather choppy on release, so I've been holding off on getting it.

How the fuck do you lose a switch for 2 years

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How is the Switch version of Enter the Gungeon? My PC is too shit to run it, but I can't imagine playing with analog sticks

Plays fine. Runs at a good frame rate too. Would recommend coming out of the stone age with that pc though.

The overwatch rip off isnt good, the fortnite rip off is worse

heard its eh, one review i saw said it felt like the demo of Daemon x Machina

it doesnt really matter the platform but Shakedown isnt as good as Retro City, too slow pacing and too much monotony

yeah they fixed it a while ago, patch made it 60fps

Platformers: Messenger, Katana Zero, Hollow Knight, Steamworld Dig 2
RPGs: Dragons Dogma, Diablo 3

please don't support hirez

How is the Switch version of Redout?

Any rare gems in the eshop?

someone make me pick up my switch to play again

i like jrpg and racing games mostly


Looking forward to Link’s Awakening DX, and Pokémon Sword. I hope E3 gives us more info on Prime 4 and AC, I haven’t played either of those since the GC (if by some miracle the prime trillogy gets ported to switch that’d be amazing cause I only played the first 2). Astral Chain looks cool too but I hope we get more footage cause I still have no idea what the fuck I’m looking at. At one point I was hype for Daemon X Machina, it looks cool and I like mecha but man that demo was boring. I was planning on getting TSR and CTR, but after trying TSR at a friends I’ll just wait for a price drop. Hype for CTR though, never owned crash games as a kid so it’s awesome being able to play them on a switch.

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How'd you get RoR2 to stream?

Hacked switch and I home streaming

>tfw my switch is drifting from both joycons
I know that feel
>Those parts in Leftheria and Mor Ardain where you have to stay still a while on small moving platforms
>Trying to build up to the third hit of an auto-attack combo
>Trying to do anything in Smash Bros

My father is playing Moero Chronicles, he is 65 years old has been a electrician for 30 years,retired and now is bored out of his mind he likes leche the best
>hey pop whatcha playing?

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Only worthwhile game is MHXX

Also got Cuphead, just need to beat the dice dude and devil dude to finish it. Not a whole lot to play until MM2, though.

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Thanks for your opinion, user! I’ll check it out I think!

Lots of games. How does Octopath compare?

bro there's a demo just get that

>Not a whole lot to play until MM2, though.

Motherfucker do you see how many games you have!?
Also, any recommendations?

But I like talking to my fellow anons.

I've played on Nullpomino (ultra mode with 20ms lock delay and infinite gravity, I get 85+ lines per minute easily in most plays) for years at work during downtime, I think I could get close to his speed but not his finesse, because I have issues seeing the next piece and especially the following ones. Most of the time I literally can't see the next piece because I focus too much on the field instead, let alone the following pieces. Not sure what the fuck is wrong with me.

Finally beat TSA on bitter for the first time. Playing through it again as Shinobu, then gonna hit up the Bad Girl dlc
Most optional quests really aren't that important to beat outside of Blade quests.
The status of your quests will just reset in NG+

It's okay
IF you plan on clearing all 8 stories, you better have a high tolerance for repetitiveness.

Actually I'm retarded, I get 30+ lpm and 85 to 95 total lines in nullpo ultra mode 3 min. If I'm really focused I can go up to 100 lines. My record is 120 and a few lines, no screenshot though because it's on my work PC.

I found Octopath to be an entirely competent JRPG and that's about it. It's fun beating the shit out of townsfolk while robbing them blind, the combat is fine once you obtain a party, the music is good, it's just nothing especially stands out. I enjoyed it more than XC2, I guess.
The Fall and Part 2: Unbound are short but fantastic point-n-click type games with some wonky gunfights thrown in, balancing sci-fi with goofy and often dark humor. Garage is a fun top-down shooter with a kind of grindhouse vibe.
Those are my favorite hidden gems. Hollow Knight, Golf Story, West of Loathing, Into the Breach, Death Road to Canada, Beat-em-up bundle and Celeste are great and often recommended. Gonner was kinda meh for me.

the DLC is fun as all hell but the trials can suck my nutz

Is there any reason to buy Ultra SF2 if I have the SF 30th Anniversary Collection?

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Evil Ryu and Violent Ken, I guess. Also a dumb 3D mode where you shoot hadoukens. In other words no.