Name a more based man
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The FNV shills are out in full force tonight spamming threads
>stop him from killing off the tribe leader
>he tempers his rage and leads his people and the other tribe to success
>goody two shoes basically gets cucked as his tribe learns that sometimes you gotta stand your ground
best ending
>shilling a 9-year old game
>for a 9 year old game
*Blocks your path*
bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears bulls bears
but user
the bull... and the bear...
he's still right
isnt he a kike
you have to be at least 18 to post here
> can't say anything worthwhile
> resort to nonsense
Ulysses is basically meant to be a mirror/shadow of the player. He's a level 50 player that walked very different paths to the Courier. He's walked the East, the Courier walked the West (meta-reference to the player experiencing F1/F2 but also to literal courier being from NCR). Everywhere the Courier's been, Ulysses was there and did the opposite. He raised up the White Legs, led them into destroying New Canaan and hunting its people in Zion. The Courier breaks the White Legs and saves the people of New Canaan at Zion. Ulysses breaks into the Big MT to steal its knowledge for himself, breaks shit and sends the Think Tank into a spiral of madness. The Courier repairs the Big MT, resolves the Think Tank's madness and shares the technology with the Wasteland. Ulysses is the one who sends Christine on a vengeance quest and Elijah to the Sierra Madre and sends him on his path of madness. The Courier is the one who stops Elijah and breaks his mad scheme., and helps Christine let go.
As a vagabond wasteland courier who had his home and sense of identity/culture destroyed and spent his life doing the same to others, he finally comes across a place he legitimately feels like he could finally settle in and see a future in, when suddenly someone just like him, a lone wanderer, strides in and changes the course of history entirely without a single personal concequence (or even knowing they did it.). His beef with the Courier is a jab at the archtype Fallout protagonist, the wanderer that saunters in and changes history then leaves to go wandering on.
i never bothered with his dialogue because it was like i was reading the middle of a story
but this is actually pretty cool
>muh underage b&
fuck off, i was asking a question.
but you said the big meanie word :(
>He didn't put a bullet in Captain Gobbledygook
The Mojave... Home...
Why does he wear the mask?
He's a large fellow.
He's a warrior of God, not a back-stabbing, two-timing, cap-snatching, beak-nosed, curly haired and little felt cap wearing piece of shit.
I'm still confused on why does he hates the courier
isnt it something about him having seen what the couriers choices result in?
Accidentally delivered nuclear hellfire to a shithole town one time
The followers of the apocalypse as a whole are the most based faction in FO.
>Keepers of knowledge
>Healthcare providers
>Philosophers and scientists
Okay so Ganon was a fag, big deal.
Is information worth any less if it comes from a meat browning sodomite?
Always breaks my heart to think about how if Obsidian were given a bit more time, they could have better fleshed out the Legion and given them a few more quests. Fix some of the other problems too.
An extremely unlikely coincidence that no one could have predicted resulted in a town being nuked. This caused Ulysses to go crazy. He wants to know why you did it, even though for all intents and purposes you didn't do it, and he can't handle the possibility of something so horrible happening for no reason. Remember that he was originally a superstitious and spiritual tribal.
Then that feeds into Ulysses' increasing disenchantment with the Legion and his patriotism-to-nothing, and he ends up wanting to destroy everyone: the Legion, the NCR, Vegas, everyone. He sees nothing redeemable in any of them - they're just repeating the mistakes of the past - and anyway, if the Divide can be destroyed for no reason, why does there need to be a reason to destroy the Legion or the NCR? The Divide town offered a brighter future than either of them to Ulysses, and they were destroyed.
I understand what's going on with Ulysses. The problem I have is that it means that, in practice, Lonesome Road is about a lone madman wanting to destroy everything for no reason. Lonesome Road is about nihilism. The game as a whole wants you, the Courier, to choose the future of the Mojave; and the literary function of Ulysses is to serve as a Courier who has chosen no future for the Mojave. Ulysses' choice is to make no choice, because the choice he would have made is dead, buried under cruel fate and atomic fire. You have to stop Ulysses because, no matter what choice you make in the Mojave, you implicitly affirm that it has value and that it has a future.
That's all interesting, on a literary and thematic level... but it does mean that Ulysses is, ultimately, a crazy person you have to stop because he's crazy. Plus imo Elijah cribbed some of the notes from this idea and did it better.
>did horrible things
>got fucked
>I found god I'm a good guy now
I seriously don't understand the obsession with him
shoo shoo jew
This guy can give half hour speeches and i still have zero clue what just left his mouth. i still dont know how he knows us or why he wants to bomb stuff
The main problem with the narrative in FNV is: TOO MUCH OFFSCREEN EVENTS
depending on your speech choices you have or have not been to certain towns or settlers / met people/ witnessed events, that the player have literally zero knowledge about
they should have done more with them. Fo4 could have used them as a counter to the soul less Institute.
it's crazy how little time they got. absolutely ridiculous. then Bethesda takes 10 fucking years to make a game. hypocrites.
>Set on fire and dumped into a canyon
>Survived and crawled out
>Finds a tribe of dumbass radioactive natives
>Spends his time servicing 1911s and teaching dumbass radioactive natives
>Operates on faith and fury alone
wtf why do people think he's cool??
But really, the character people actually praise in Honest Hearts is Randall Clark
His expansion was too short
that sounds retarded. Wish they were more straight forward with his motivation
It's a close call, but I gotta hand it over to Arthur.
kek, this dumbass thinks obsidian is paying people to promote their decade old game. Surprise, some people on v actually like videogames. the chosen few
its so surreal seeing people with that tattoo and they probably don't even know that its from a video game
>When you complete Honest Hearts all the characters including Joshua disappear
why though?
>Yfw you can't take him to the Autodoc in the BigMT
>Yfw he can't be a companion
>Yfw you can't team up and fuck up Caesar together
It's not fair bro's
>played old world blues before Dead Money
were you not supposed to do that?
It makes more sense for DM to be played last because of how much they hype Elijah up in OWB and LR
Arcade is Enclave.
>It makes more sense for HH to be played last because of how much they hype Joshua Graham up
>It makes more sense for LR to be played last because of how much they hype Ulysses up
The expansion should have awarded the player Graham as a companion. The whole expansion was a wasted potential. Say all you want about OWB, but at the very fucking least it wasn't less than an hour long and it actually had new content
>Okay so Ganon was a fag, big deal.
I don't know why everyone shit's themselves about that anyway. It's not like he tries to proposition the Courier so who give's a shit.
He finally finds a place that he thinks he belongs in (his "home") and the guy who destroyed his original home without even realizing it comes and waltzes in. He is the antithesis to the general idea of Fallout (that there is "fallout" to what you do, regardless of whether you are aware of it or not and one person (you, the protagonist) can change history, without even realizing it) is antagonistic to that general idea, and sees the Courier as representative of it. You can convince him to help you if you tell him that it goes both ways and that just as one person can destroy everything, one person can also rebuild everything too, which ties back to another core idea of Fallout that life and civilization will ultimately continue and rebuild itself
nobody gives a shit about Arcade's homoism since he barely mentions it. I mean for fucks sakes the lesbo NCR Ranger was more in-your-face with her sexuality than Arcade.
Point being is that unlike nowdays, these characters' entire personality doesn't revolve around being a fag
One of my favorite characters
>nobody gives a shit about Arcade's homoism since he barely mentions it.
I agree with you mostly but you must have missed the numerous NV threads with some retarded cuck screetching about what a faggot Arcade is and that anyone who doesn't give him to Caesar is a faggot too.
I really should get around to playing FNV, but looking up a guide and installing a bunch of mods is annoying.
Do you think Caesar fucked Arcade in his free time?
Compared to you.
Or perhaps he's wondering why someone would burn a man before throwing him off a cliff
>leaves his family and risk your life on a stupid mission to teach natives about God
>they're so retarded they think The Father in the Cave is the same thing as God
>meanwhile at home his wife is getting spitroasted by Jamal and Tyrone
Daniel is a literal cuck
Maybe. Caesar was legitimately upset when he killed himself. Arcade was the only intelligent person he had around to talk to and they apparently had many debates.
>carrying approximately 230 pounds of expensive shit to sell to the gun runners
>walking about the speed of old man penis but that's okay because this will get me every unique item and have 8000 caps left over, plus walking along the road is kind of immersive
>get suddenly spun around
He was talking about the good ending for Joshua. Why are you bring up Daniel?
I didn't know this thread was up before posting my own, anyway where's Fallout 4 New Vegas? I hope its not just Vaporware.
all his work is for nothing and he is a faggot. even his ending is gay. the tribe turns into cowards.
I can't
I've never seen anyone deny that Daniel was top cuck. He's completely useless and serves only the purpose of making Joshua seem even more based in comparison.
The followers are probably the most lawful good faction in the series
explosives 20/25
>the tribe turns into cowards.
This is what upsets me the most about him desu.
Randall Clark saved their ancestors yeas ago with the hope that they could find his stash of weapons and defend themselves. Then Daniel show's up claiming to care about the Sarrow's but what he's really doing is handicapping them to the truths of reality. And to make shit worst, he doesn't even let them have a decision on weather to leave their birthplace or fight for their home.
His way is basically guaranteeing their eventual destruction.
Daniel is actually fucking retarded
and he symbolizes everything I hate about religious people
he knows these tribes are innocent people yet he decides to sacrifice them in a vain attemp to revert the wasteland back to old world values
those times are gone, the world has changed and circumstances do not allow such a tribe to survive, innocence in the wasteland is ignorance
It's still getting worked on but it probably won't get released until 2030
They recently showed some of the animations for the perks when you select them
I don't know if they should do any of the DLC's to be honest. Joshua and Ulysses VA's are basically irreplaceable.
I think we can live
Why the fuck won't Bethesda just let them port over the damn voices
what tattoo
Todd is stingy as fuck if Fallout 76 hasn't tipped you off yet
Because rights. I don't know why they couldn't just makes hooks into the original NV.
Anyone here used Tale of Two Wastelands since the overhaul?
He's literally the only human NPC you talk to in that DLC. If Ulysses doesn't have his original voice people will drop it faster then that one shitty overhaul mod for Honest Hearts.
if you tried to reply to just look up "i survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me tattoo" without quotes and you will see a few people with that quote tattooed onto them.
I don't know what FO4 New Vegas is but if it's a mod then can't someone else just mod the original voices back in?
They had an overhaul?
i did mean to reply to that post
>can't someone else just mod the original voices back in?
Yeah, but the user would have to be responsible for for doing it themselves. The mod authors can't post the game with the voices already installed because copyright shit.
can't they post a tool that does it?
I mean, I'm not a mod author
but surely it'd be as simple as a few lines of code and then selecting the original F:NV installation folder and then selecting a destination to port the voice files
>can't they post a tool that does it?
Possibly. It 'does' sound like a gray area sort of thing but who know's with these corporate faggots. They would probably find some way to shut it down if they didn't like it.
Going for a Logan's Run style character this time. Took Logan's Loophole and Skilled with tags in Energy weapons, Melee and Science. Does anybody who uses JSawyer Ultimate know if you get 10 or 11 perks with the default JSawyer leveling perk rate? Would it be better to offset the lower level cap of 21 by being able to gain a perk every level?
penis envy
>Knowledge is for everybody!
>Even people we know we can't trust to use it in the spirit it was given!
>Whoops now we've created a massive group of psychotic, drug addicted raiders!
>We will never admit to any wrong doing!
Ah yes. So "based".
Nothing that can be done about that. They're trying to educate the public, not be fucking mind readers.
>worst DLC by a large margin
>only thing that makes it decent is this motherfucker and the survivalist dude
>we'll never see Graham in an actually decent DLC/game ever
Fuck off, anyone with half a brain knows there's a line you have to draw when passing on potentially harmful knowledge.
The Great Khans were not some poor hobos, down on their luck, living in their own filth because their ignorance prevented them from making something of themselves. They were inveterate raiders, a tribal culture and society built solely around violence and living off other people's hard work, living in a shithole because the people they raided finally pushed their shit in and forced them into hiding.
At no fucking point does anyone who isn't an optimistically altruistic hippy faggot think "these people will surely use knowledge of chemistry to make medicine, like we taught them, instead of hardcore drugs"
To hide the fact he's not a horribly scarred monster of a man
i liked his character
>Eliminate choice for others
>It's for their own good
Spotted the BoS fag.
Yeah fuck off buddy, all he might say is "THE BEAR AND THE BULL", but goddamn if his voice isn't amazing.
Hey, Follows-Chalk was great too.
Why would I play 3 and NV when I could just play NV
They're literally anarchists. They're the purest definition of Chaotic Good
I just googled this shit, why so many wuman are quoting this?
daniel is a cuckm fuck him
No, NCR calls them anarchists. Besides this one reference to NCR being "oppressive" in their view, and Arcade objecting to the three factions because they're all run by assholes, they don't ever voice a single political opinion. What they actually believe in is never brought up.
Compared to the King, whose entire character revolves around the concept of government control in Freeside being the Worst Thing Possible.
Thanks lad, I was looking for this
Someone else will just mod the voice files in lmao
Because without context it's an empty quote about surviving adversity, the kind people who have never really suffered like to think they've overcome
holyshit I got exactly what I was thinking, unarmed brute of the caesar's legion
The Followers are arguably the closest thing to an "objectively good" faction you can find but they're extremely weak as a faction (i.e they lack the resources and the manpower to help everyone)
I also like how the leader has a punk haircut, nice throwback to Fallout 1
Can you explain the alternate you for me? you pick the "you" with the alternate you? or only one?
Why can't you disgusting witherfags and bethdrones accept that NV has a more devoted cult following than either of your shitty games?
Who wouldn't want to help these lovable scamps?
Dead money gold?
>Salt Lake City Double Penetration
A lot of people agree one of the main things the game is missing is an actual Legion town. So how would you have done it?
>have to be at least liked to even be let in by guards to show how seriously they take security
>caravans going between the town, the fort and an outpost like the Mojave Outpost are all flanked by guards and there's little to no random encounters on those routes
>quest where you're asked to solve some pretty basic tech issues to help them to show how crippling not having a fucking science department is
I'm part of the TTW team and I commonly talk with Roy Batty (who is semi retiring) I do highly recommend it even if you don't play fallout 3. There's so many fixes for New Vegas that arnt fixed from YUP because TTW requires NVSE and JIP LN plugin.
If you have any questions feel free to ask
have all the talented people left obsidian? i wonder what they could do with another fallout game.
Just a town near the Colorado river that sees a lot of Legion soldiers stopping by because it's an important stop from the rest of Arizona onto the Fort and Legate Camp.
People who can't decide whether or not the Legion is a good thing. Stories of brutality from Legion soldiers and the tribals who lived in that part. Praise for the Legion and the Rangers who used to keep the peace. A disgruntled ex-Ranger who wants your help sabotaging Legion supplies. A Frumentarii agent who wants your help uncovering any co-conspirators he might have. A local who wants you to frame another local and get them executed by the Legion for petty personal reasons. A love affair between a local and a Legionary or a doctor who shouldn't have patched up a wounded Legionary but did anyway, with you deciding their fate.
ulysses? more like usyless
For me, it's Black Widow
>not having the big haul perc
you pleb probably didn't even max out bartering
I heard that the original idea for NV was that the beginning was going to show the NCR in a positive light and the Legion in an extremely negative light, but later it gets flipped. You see sprinkles of it from time to time (like the Legate is described as a ruthless monster in the radio, but you can actually talk to him and reason with him when you fight him in the end and he reveals he values honor) but unfortunately the developers ran out of money
Why did they put a lamp in? What is it meant to signify?
Time. They tried to do too much in too short a timeframe for it to be feasible, while also fighting the limitations of the shitty engine and their contractual obligation to make two console ports at the same time.
still haven't played any dlcs
should i? which ones?
Alright then
I like them all but there's a reason you might not like each one. Dead Money tries to be a survival horror game and pulls it off, sort of. Honest Hearts is too short and easy. OWB's humour will be very marmite to you. Lonesome Road might be too linear and Ulysses too annoying of a character to care about what he's actually saying.
They're all worth a go though, do it HH > DM > OWB > LR in that order. People will tell you to swap HH and DM and they'd be wrong.
Is he the strongest npc in the game?
its phallic.
Fuck no
>i survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me tattoo
"A quote spoke by famous poet Joshua Graham"
ayy lmao
Let the good times roll
intimidation, its kind of this well established tactic throughout mankind's history.
>A Light Shining In the Darkness
The pistol had a cool fucking name
>blamed the messenger
He could have been a way better antagonist had it been revealed he was behind what happened to you in the other DLCs like you had to walk the same roads he did instead of just the Divide
It's named after the Bible quote etched into the sides
lets go
no, dumbass. courier could have killed both white legs and Canaanites. faggot avellone needs to fuck of with his shitty novel games and let rpg stay as rpgs
>Be not a "slave"
>Legion-mongrels rape your wife and daughters on a daily basis
>It's okay though because you're safe and have food!
You really have to hate women to support the Legion.
They ran into the issue that they can't use the original game's voices so they're re-voicing everything themselves
I reinstalled Windows recently so I need to fix my FNV by basically backing up all my mods and putting them back into a fresh install... Then again all my mods are from like 2015 so maybe it would be best to download everything again to get the newer versions. Still would take days before I could play again.
rolling for this
Trying to achieve a cult of personality using his gifts and traits as a Warrior where Caesar used persuasion and charisma. Lanius knows his station and following is based entirely upon people being afraid of him, revering him, as well as upholding a reputation for being an unstoppable Juggernaut who has never lost a duel or battle. Lanius isn't a man like his Rivals want you to think, but rather an incarnation of Mars walking among mankind to bring the Legion victory, A symbol of the superiority of their way of life, a being for who Victory is everything.
Men die and pass away into history, but the Mask of Lanius is eternal.
Lets give this a try
I just don't get the logic behind dissolving the concept of families. Well I get it but the execution to achieve the goal is pretty nonsensical. You can dissolve tribe loyalty for faction loyalty like Ghenghis did just by mixing up units with young men from different tribes. Forcing women to be breeding stock in shit conditions with no access to the medicine the wasteland has to offer is a horrendous method of increasing birthrates, which is apparently why Caesar did it.
Caesars Centurions and Legates clearly have entire harems of personal female slaves, and the non tribal members living in the Legion Heartland are living largely as they always have just in better conditions. The treatment of women seems to have been included solely for shock value.
Alright lets do this
The guy who sucks nigger feet and supports feminists, yeah I know him... you what? hahahahaha, you call him based?? Hahaahaha
I never had TTW installed but right now I do want to get it. The problem is that I got 70 plugins installed and I don't know if each of them will be compatible unless I spent a week double-checking
>Turned into typical women's decorations and tumblr posts
this one was also pretty good