thank god my mom didn't give a shit. She would let me go on my computer too and shit.
Does anybody even remember what this place was like prior to 2014?
Does anybody even remember what this place was like in 2007 for that matter?
so that means video games are exercise and not just an idle pastime right ma?
>That school is a petri dish, no wonder every there keeps getting sick, parents keep sending their kids to school sick, how irresponsible
>You aren't puking? You don't get to stay home, get dressed.
Wonder if she ever realized
not liking how this netflix adaption of Kawakami looking
Yea Forums has been consistently shit
I remember 2007 but I don't know how influenced my experience was by my age and also the pre-ironic stage of internet culture we were on. Things definitely felt more organic.
Unironically this. I was too sick to go into work yesterday, and there was no way I was gonna play video games. I just laid in bed all day. Anyone who is "too sick" to go to school, but not sick enough they can't play video games is lying.
>I said no video games when sick! That includes no playing on your bed!
2007 Yea Forums had quite a few tight knit communities that were pretty cool. I was in some MSN/WLM groups with other Yea Forumsirgins and it was at least more fun to participate in. The overall posting isn't super different but it feels like with a lot of boards what used to be the worst kind of posting is now just all of the posting so it's easy to say "its always been shit" but it was only like 60% shit where as now it's borderline 100%.
It literally depends on your condition, like if im sick I can’t work my job at the hospital but it doesn’t necessarily mean im bed bound.
I had very elaborate dreams of only fucking her mouth like, my dreams would start out with me hanging out with her son Malcolm but then things would progress and she'd show me porn of herself when she was younger and told me she would let me fuck her mouth pussy and me being am impressionable young lad I obviously did.
I always got my shit taken away when I had a sick day, fake or not, it was bullshit.
Awwwww... cute!
>mfw never got sick for school
>mfw never skipped school
>mfw perfect attendance
>mfw got a free laptop and printer out of it as a result
>Implying i'd even try playing a game if i really were too sick for school
>Implying i wouldn't go to school regardless of whether or not i could get through breakfast
i'm not gonna lie i still would bro
don't you hate it when your mom yells at you to take a shit
dont lie
Yea Forums was cool until like 2012.
Yea Forums was good before /vp/, /vg/ and /vr/ became things
maybe this is what they mayans meant in 2012, not world destruction but everything before your eyes gets worse and worse every year after
Yea Forums was never good
source: i started browsing january this year
Why dont we have a video game e celeb board yet ffs
Tough shit kiddo.
>HS has thing where you get put into a drawing for a free laptop and printer for all 4 years perfect attendance
>It was me versus 2 other people for the drawing
>Principal announces my name over the intercom near the end of senior year for winning
wow im sure it was worth it for your shitty lenova $89 laptop
the /vg/ and /vp/ split was a good thing dummy
>being this much of fag for a laptop
our school had it were you had 10 unexcused absences per semester
used all 10 every semester every year
that 1 time my parents let me stay home from school on a friday when I asked them, even if I wasn't sick.
I never cared about the laptop anyways. I've always looked down upon those who skip class.
Im guessing your school got shit grades enforcing things like that
lmao get fucked fag my highschool had a merit system where if you did something good you got a point for a raffle at the end of the year i only got one point in my entire highschool career because i was a little prick and i still won an ipod
When I was getting bullied pretty hard in 8th grade my parents let me take fridays off and go snowboarding up in the mountains instead on those days.
>I never cared about the laptop anyways. I've always looked down upon those who skip class.
why look down on someone who is better than you?
>study all night for an exam at 9am
>wake up at 10:43am
I’ve been here for 13 years and I’m under 30. Kill me
they didn't enforce anything
that means you could skip 10 days a semester without calling in
and I used them all
40 free days a year :3
>wojak reply
user you're 29 get outta here, i'm 22 and this shit is already embarassing
happened to me last year. got stuck watching a video on why michael bay movies are supposedly not bad
That’s an atypical thing for any school to enforce user
Get a load of this retard
good luck !
>tfw too hungover for videogames
Am I the only one who wants to fuck lois?
How are people this dumb?
yah this site sucks
but not having to log in is nice
and the other chans move to slow
also this is alot better than like tumblr, twitter and instagram
nah i'm with you on that i think we have a mommy fetish or something
can you not read
you didn't have use any of those retard
but why wouldn't you
school is gay
Seriously though this place is shit, 50% of the threads turn into console wars which I refuse to believe anyone over 13 genuinely cares about
Those 40 days a year really add up and it shows
buy yourself an alarm clock you fucking brainlet and when you set your alarm clock check it 3 times to make sure it goes off on the correct times
Don’t pull all nighters, you’ll do worse
you type like a retard
kill yourself
Yes. I remember the day Sonic was announced for Brawl.
>Bryan Chadston still looks good
u jealous i got 160 free days?
cry moar faggot
I usually do and i perform better because I can rettain alot of information and recite it over a short period of time.
I mean it saves spending weeks studying
>Feel extremely bad for not only myself but my professor who said he believed in me days prior.
Yeah I hate keeping profiles and enjoy reading unfiltered opinions, its a shame most of it falls into the same echo chamber bullshit most social media sites do where a couple of niche topics that most people don't care about get beaten to death over and over
>tfw your sister was sick too and you played vidya with her
exact same thing happened to me 2 weeks ago thats crazy
>Guy who bullied me in high school tried to add me on Facebook
Am I being petty as fuck for not wanting to add him?
If you use facebook anymore you should off yourself
yes because more than likely he's just adding everyone
I can't blame you, but i'm friends with some people that were cunts in high school now. People change a lot after high school, at least some of them.
I remember the vocaroo and sound threads. Also Metroid threads, when ACfag didn't shitpost them to death
What was it? The archive didn't seem to get this thread.
the way this is spaced I thought it was a haiku
let me try
retarded typing
your death would be a great boon
you massive faggot
>having a facebook account
>using facebook
>thinking its petty to not add someone you aren't friends with
>perfect attendance
more like qualified faggot award
It’s funny to check in and see how people you went to school with fucked up their lifes with teenage pregnancys and such
This everynow and then i look to see how fucked all of my exs look like and god i'm glad i didn't stay with any of them
I'm barely use it now, anons. I think Facebook is full of retards who don't think posting pics of their houses is a huge security risk. I just checked it randomly one day and saw he sent me a friend request.
I'm guessing you never lost your virginity till after high school
the political threads and whatever are always the worse
twitter screencap or social justice articles should be deleted an ban after posting
Thanks for reminding me that chanarchive is dead and all those amazing threads and OC are forever gone.
>failing literally the easiest part of school, "show up"
>still somehow think your opinion is worth something
Why are we all talking about school? Y'all niggas dumb
>I'm literally Dobson
I'm guessing you never lost your virginity till after middle school
One of the few benefits of having a pushover mother.
>do this
>email professor some bullshit about conflicts
>they send my the pdf of the exam the next day and tell me to send a picture of my answers back
>cheat like a motherfucker but get some questions wrong to cover my ass
why the fuck did he allow that
>I'm guessing you never lost your virginity till after nap time
the only real failure is the dipshit who showed up everyday like a good little teachers pet
You stay at home when you're sick so you don't pass the sickness around and you are wasting your time and everyone else's if you do go as you probably won't retain much of anything with your head stuffed up and have a hard time focusing. Same applies to work.
She looks great for 63 too.
>Send Request
this post feels cursed
Kek. Yeah, that makes sense, you delusional little muppet
a) he knew you were lying but didn't want to pursue
b) he really doesn't care
c) all of the above
Probably c, if its a professor who has been there for a long time. They usually mellow out and get really lenient.
I used to think Lois was such a cunt as a kid, but I see there is reason behind all the madness.
okay teacher's pet go be a faggot somewhere else
go jerk off to that laptop u got
Believe it or not, some professors care about the mental health of some of their students. It's the tenured and PHd professors that are cunts.
i'd rather be a muppet then a puppet of the system pal now go do what your masters tell you to do
>also the pre-ironic stage of internet culture we were on.
this is the big thing, the "ironic" posting is at an all-time high across the entire site and it's hard to get any reactions or conversations that seem genuine anymore. like, go back a few years in fireden and it's baffling, the perceived posting-quality goes up drastically because people in the main that are posturing to other anons to be part of the cool-kids club or being a total memelord aren't doing it on purpose, they're just stupid naturally
I remember we were always given mock exam papers as homework and i was the only one savvy enough to look up the paper online for the answer pdf. God people were dumb
Let's assume your time is worth $100/day (~$13/hr aka dogshit wage). 10 days off would therefore be worth $1000, the top end of what I assume a prize laptop would be ( it was probably cheaper). You can easily miss 10 days a year with no consequence, so that means bare minimum you could swing 40 days of school missed for all of highschool.
You're bragging about surrendering $4000 worth of your time for a
fuck off forty day faggot
i think a lot can be traced back to 'general threads' not being deleted on the spot, as they served as boards within a board, never deleted 24/7 ongoing chatrooms filled with tripfags.
If it's literally just 3 people you may as well give them all the prize. Why the hell even try that hard just to be put in a raffle?
>your brain on wagecuckery
The episode where the teacher goes after Reese is one my favorites on how she loves her kids.
Accepting and dealing with the pain is the first step
Profs either don't give a shit or are concerned about your well being. Either way, if you cheat you're only fucking yourself over if you keep cheating for every exam.
how exactly does cheating on every exam fuck you over
>tfw dad always said "only time you should ever not go to work/school is if you are that sick you need to go to the hospital"
>tfw its been pretty good advice to live by thus far
sounds like npc advice
Yes please continue to sneeze and cough onto the food you're making me because oh you don't need to go to the hospital. What shitty fucking advice