Did they actually think players would give half a shit about this character
Did they actually think players would give half a shit about this character
Other urls found in this thread:
Fallout 4 is just pure garbage.
Mama Murphy is the least of its problems.
The whole rag tag group of fuckos from Sanctuary were stupid as fuck
I used to know this autistic kid who looked exactly like Sturges and I can never look at that guy without thinking of him
Better than 76
Is it time?
LOL, as if that needs to be stated.
76 is the barnacles desperately clinging the bottom of a warped out barrel.
it is, but that's barely a compliment
They should have kept her in the wheelchair like they explained in the artbook. Have her travel down stairs like it's nothing at all.
"It just works."
Choosing between Fallout* 4 and Fallout* 76 is like choosing between a shit sandwich and a shit sandwich with mustard. You're gonna pick the one with mustard but at the end of the day you're still eating shit.
Fuck Bethesda.
Fuck Todd Howard.
Fuck the "fans" that let them turn Fallout into this garbage.
She is much better than this piece of shit. One of the worst characters ever.
>Mama Murphy is the least of its problems.
Yeah naw she's still shit.
Just because she reminds you of your smoking boston granny doesn't mean we relate to that.
Am I supposed to give a shit about any of the characters?
You've clearly never recieved a gumjob.
that is not a barometer for anything
Even so, mama murphy is fucking garbage. This is irrefutable.
EVERYTHING in Fallout* 4 is garbage.
I miss the TAKE ME HOME threads, more fun than he game could ever hope to be
>Meet up with Preston in Sanctuary after saving him and his group.
>Tell him that you've been frozen in a vault for 200 years.
>He isn't suspicious of you at all and completely believes your story, no questions asked.
The writing in this game is a joke.
did we think 76 was gonna be good? no
did we care? not one bit
>build a few beds and a water pump
>dude your our leader now lmao
What the fuck are you even saying?
Try again, R-neck.
>Hey Preston I need the group I lead to help me build a teleporter to get to the Institute to find my son
>I don't think so, General, we haven't added enough worthless farms to the wasteland yet
I remember thinking the same thing. Thinking "when the fuck am I going to get somewhere/meet someone interesting"
Then I got to diamond city or whatever which had been hyped as some crazy ass awesome town, was greeted by the most obnoxious character in any fallout game, and the ushered into the capital of the commonwealth which was as big as fucking goodsprings
Not gonna lie, I kinda want the baked potato power armor
>most obnoxious character in any fallout game
Also one of the most useless and forced characters as well. She adds NOTHING.
Piper was based. I loved her fat ass desu.
I had that faint glimmer of hope that it would be decent enough to warrant buying it to play with friends.
Spoiler, none of us bought it.
Another settlement needs our help Another settlement needs our help Another settlement needs our help Another settlement needs our helpAnother settlement needs our help
I think they were going for a 'she's suppose to be your replacement wife' if you play as a male.
Nick was cooler
Curie was cuter.
not even worth mentioning, it's big rigs tier
>The best companions in the game were all synths.
What did Bethesda mean by this?
which has the better porn mods
fallout 4 or skyrim
I always skip the Minutemen and just rush into a warpath with the BoS.
That depends
any good deathclaw stuff for 4?
Synths are niggerjews
Well the black guy with no personality sucks but Dance is cool
Skyrim has many years more work put into its porn community.
>Danse is cool
So you're agreeing with him?
I just picked up Fallout 4 this weekend. I'm enjoying myself, mostly. The exploration is fun. Looking at screenshots and washing others play I was hoping there would be a real connection to Dogmeat. But no. It's just there and starts following you. I ended up having zero connection to it. Been using Piper now since so far she's the only real connection with a story.
>pls care about my shitty robots
>that power armor
That's a low fucking bar user
Reminder that Minutemen and the Railroad are the absolute worst factions in the game. Without the help of the SS they would be quickly destroyed. The Minutemen were almost defeated by raiders at the beginning of the game, and the Railroad was forced into a shitty underground base.
The Gunners are a much stronger faction than either of them and you should have been able to join them.
The BoS and Institute are the only joinable factions that can actually work without the SS. And a war between them could honestly go either way, depending on who gets certain resources first.
bethesda and their fuckin asspulls to get you to lead a faction. what if i dont want to lead it? nikkers
what went wrong with F4, give me a quickrundown
t. can't even run it
and the best companion MOD is also a Synth
literally if you dont play BoS you're a faggot
if you playthrough again after that, disagree with things piper says to see how big a cunt she is. you dont even have to do that, just dont suck her dick in conversations. shes cute but awful.
bethesda games suck cocks now but there is literally no other studios claiming this free money it's fucking unbelievable
The railroad is so retarded.
I can get over their love for synths over humans, but what I don't understand is them nuking the institute.
It's like if the real underground railroad tried to stop slavery by nuking Africa. Can't have anymore synths if you destroy where they come from.
For every one step forward, they took two steps back. Put quickly though, it was mainly because it got rid of any semblance of being an RPG.
why would the BoS destroy the Institute as well? i understand axing the synth production, but there's other important science stuff going on there they could usurp. then LOL the minuteman ending they literally just enter the sewers to get into the Institute. really?
>become the raider boss of nuka world and rape settlements
>this fag comes up to me and tells me Ive been a naughty boy and need to change my way
>tell him him to fuck off
>"alright man we are not friends anymore but Im still going to follow you because you are my commander"
quality bethesda roleplaying
They were synths retard. Thats why they didnt care about humans. All the shit you could have replied with
The institute is the most powerful when it comes down to it they just lacked the resources for most of the game because of power shortage. At full power they can teleport unlimited terminators anywhere
extremely Reddit tier meme
you have to have a soul to appreciate it, sorry my friend
Maxson argued that the Institute was science that had gone too far, and that knowledge like that is what ended the world so it would be better to destroy it so it couldn't cause more damage.
but really it was just because Bethesda wanted a big explosion to end the game
Play as male or female? Who has a better va?
I don't even know if it is. Fallout 76 was a weird experiment from the start, Fallout 4 is trying to be a direct continuation. It's trying to set a new bar for the mainline fallout franchise, and it's way worse at doing that than Fallout 76 is at being a weird explore-em-up popcorn game.
I just built her a 5 story tall crack shack, in the corner of Sanctuary Hills and forgot about her.
The leaders are all human except Glory retard.
I liked the female va more
Female is the same as Jack from ME2 it works well with bitchy sarcasm
You’re the reason this board is shit. Any semblance of enjoyment is le reddit to fucking losers like you. Kill yourself
>Voiced protagonist and "dialogue wheel" limit dialogue options.
>Shit writing and plot twists. The main character's motivation is a terrible fit for an open world game.
>Limited weapon variation due to relaying on weapon customization.
>Raped the lore even further. i.e. jet in pre-war vaults, fusion cores for power armor deplete quickly etc..
>Large focus on settlement building.
>Creation Club, although that came later.
Bethesda abandoned everything that Fallout stood for as an RPG, all so that they could make an open-world survival shoot 'n' loot with base building.
but the food nutritional supplements user. what about those?
armor looks better on the girl and i liked her voice better
I mean, to be fair, if some random person showed up and led me to a town then built a water pump out of some tin cans and string, I'd probably follow them too.
this game fucking sucks
I need something else to fill the void, is modded minecraft any good
YOu better not be about to hate on Buzz Lightyear.
Because we all know the BoS was the best faction in the base game.
The real question is which Nuka-World faction was the best?
and why was it the Operators
Technically is the best thing Beth has done yet, the problem is that it doesn't try to be an RPG anymore and while it's nicer to play than their past games the whole thing isn't very AAA quality. It's just as middle of the road as it gets.
i'm almost impressed with the quality getting worse and worse each game
where do you even find people that talentless as preston's voice actor or the writers who wrote this trash-fire? what did they pay them in, bottlecaps? what the fuck is wrong with their hiring process?
>fusion cores for power armor deplete quickly
While I appreciate why people disliked this feature for breaking the lore, I preferred it. Power armor actually felt powerful now. It made it more of a treat to use, rather than just being the last armor you get, never taking it off.
Still a fucking retarded idea to give the player a set in the first hour.
They are all probably friends with Todd
[Preston Hates Your Fucking Guts Now You Piece Of Shit For Playing Nuka World DLC]
>but the food nutritional supplements user. what about those?
Maybe they just didn't know all of the stuff going on, maybe Ingram downloaded some data from the Institute on the more ethical experiments, maybe Bethesda hired bad writers
Have you not played all of Danse's quests?
Bethesda did alot of shitty things in Fo4 but the portrayal of the BoS wasn't one of them. They were cringe good guys in 3 now they're arrogant fascists
The whole thing with Fusion cores has some basis in the old lore, in that the OG power armor relied on shitty batteries that ran out very quickly, and it wasnt until they developed MF batteries that they could last for centuries.
The same thing said those batteries would last about 200 years, so I kind of handwaved that they were just using fusion cores cos the better power supplies had died.
I mean, they could have actually explained that in game, but there you go.
>it made it more of a tear to use, rather than just being the last armor you get, never taking it off
But it was effectively this because it was really easy to keep it repaired and maintain fusion cores.
Just as well considering I really, really like power armor and I don't want to be forced to stop using it constantly.
Duh. The Disciples are just typical raiders with a new set of paint.
And you're a fucking spastic if you thing the furries are okay.
Shut up. Stop trying to make it cool.
I reckon there should have only been one actual frame in the entire game, that you do get early, but it's some busted old piece of shit that barely works and you build it up into this rad, super cool piece of kit over the game, rather than just tripping over the fucking things every five feet.
I did, and I stand by it. He was literally Buzz Lightyear.
Screw you, I'm leave you in Concord every playthrough now
I guess they should have just made it to require repairs. That's lore friendly.
Well then you know that I wasn't hating on him when I agreed the synths were the cooler companions. because that includes Danse
I liked the combat and power armor retools.
That's really it.
the plot and factions were much better but that wasnt a hard feat
Pack aren't furries they're just savages that like animals and follow the law of the jungle
Oh I misunderstood, my bad.
Nick was the best companion though.
no? she was just a plot device to tell you where to go next
automatrons are the best companions
>lol i sing lyrics because soulless multiplayer shithesda "RPG"
Yeah I picked up on that.
The thing that made power armor kind of work for me in Fallout 3 and NV was that it was rare, but getting it was always, like, contextualized. Either as a part of a questline or off the beaten path in a high-risk area.
Fallout 4 and Fallout 76 alike both have you tripping over power armor pieces and armor frames every other area in the most low-security what-the-fuck places in the wasteland. Like, don't just put power armor at the top of some random fuck-off building with two enemies in it, put it at the end of a military bunker with a metric fuckload of shit being thrown at you, or something. Something that feels vaguely meaningful.
>mfw I say no to Piper about something and the conversation just continues on anyways as if I was ignored to advance the plot
Speaking of the Railroad, why the fuck was he even with them? Reading terminals on this fucker you find out that he's known about you and been scoping you out for years. He's the only one that does any "actual" spy work and is the only true neutral character in the game.
He's also the only Railroad member who doesn't give a shit if you murder sleeper Synth's while the rest of them will screech about it.
the fact you can change their beeps and crap is pretty great
Yeesh does this companion ever have a fake fucking Irish accent...
this happens frequently with many npcs. 4 dialog options were a fucking mistake.
I'm the user who said about it being a single suit, and to add to that, I reckon it should have been like a prototype armor or something you can find, that was never really used in widespread production, and has to be repaired and upgraded over the course of the game.
But you can still get some of the old style power armor too, that way they keep the lore consistent whilst also having their vision of power armor they wanted in 4.
>true neutral
I got the impression that deacon had something resembling a moral compass considering his backstory involving him going on a psychotic revenge rampage after they lynched his girl who was unknowingly a synth
>Sarcastic yes
>Yes but later
it's trash. i like Cait even though she has almost zero character progression despite the game trying to fool you into thinking she does. the accent is godawful. as is Curies. not at all accurate.
>You can see the future if you’re high
>Children of Atom are human but have complete immunity to radiation
>Ghouls can live without food
at least there are mods
not gonna lie, fallout 4 can be fun, but only if you install an insane amount of mods, totaling in about thrice the size of the base game
So they're furries. Got it.
took me about 100 mods to make the game worthwhile. of course i didnt stop there. why would you?
>had something resembling a moral compass
He does but he's not a "moral goody goddy" like every other 'good guy' idiot in the game. The fucker is a realist, he knows the place is a fucking shithole so may as well make jokes and enjoy what he can with BFF.
>Try to do radiant quest for each group to see how they act
>Operator quest has me defend against BoS with the team
>Aftermath, one Legendary Operator got her legs and left arm blown off, sitting duck on the ground the still holding her sniper rifle
>Talk to me like nothing happened
11/10 would back again
I honestly thought she was doing a bit. Like faking an accent to fool the shmuck she is discovered with.
That's more or less how Lynda Carter keeps getting cast, being married to one of the Zenimax execs.
Her, and others hobos from that group unironically were reason why I dropped game first time
Fucking druggies moved to my neighborhood, so of course I shot them. And big surprise my robot butler attacked me the second I did it/
I loved combat, and items having perks was a nice touch. Need to play on high difficulty though
Is there a reason the Bethesda hiring team couldn't find actual Irish and French voice actresses (besides laziness)?
>He's also the only Railroad member who doesn't give a shit if you murder sleeper Synth's while the rest of them will screech about it.
wait what
>You can see the future if you’re high
Minus the drug thing, psykers have always been a part of the series. The Master and some of his human followers in FO1 were psykers too.
He know he's a pice of shit and that he probably wouldn't care about synths if not for his wife being one. Kind of like that about his character actually.
Yeah, but those psykers were explicitly mutants that got their powers from FEV exposure.
It's the sequels that have retconned psykers into a thing that just exists for no real reason, like the Forecaster.
i love mags even though that crazy southern belle from the disciples makes my dick move.
>boring gameplay
>awful writing even for Bethesda standards
>no mods worth shit
>no porn mods worth shit
Fallout 4 lets you down on every single level, it's amazing really.
>an Irish woman from 270 years in the future of an alternate reality and a robot made by Americans have bad accents
no idea man. not sure how hiring works at Bethesda. do they have a casting couch? i wonder
There is a mission where you have to bring in a Synth who became a Rader. X whatever the fuck number, wants him to be reprogrammed but if the SS says 'he'd rather kill him then let him be taken to the Institute', Deacon ends up liked that.
>Fallout shit is not as popular as Elder Scrolls
Who would’ve thought
not a single elder scrolls game has good balancing or gameplay or even that interesting a world is what i don't get, morrowind actually has a semi-interesting world i guess
It is though.
>their voice acting is bad on purpose!
Oh please.
If I remember correctly, he also likes it when you murder McDonough but doesn't like it if you let him live; not even to be judged by the people of Diamond City.
Didn't even imply that I'm just saying you're complaining about stupid shit again.
why even post this. you don't even believe this
You got it backwards he likes letting him go and hates killing him
How the fuck do I find my lost companions? I'm on ps4 btw
the american accents are fine. even the boston specific ones. theyre just goddamn lazy.
theres a settlement item you can make that lets you track them. i forget the name maybe somebody else here knows it.
Morrowind for the story
Daggerfall for the gameplay
Everything else is just shit.
Complaining about poor voice acting, especially bad fake foreign accents, is a valid complaint. Fuck off back to where ever you came and brought in your braindead opinions.
Completely incorrect. The only one who likes letting him go is Curie. Literally every companion, including Handcock, hates it when you let him go.
Out of all the things wrong with the game the voice acting and bad accents are at the bottom of the list.
Black dude that tries to play a goodboy is the worst trope ever.
she is cute as fuck though
I mean, at least Bethesda hired more than 4 VAs this time.
I think as a character he's fine. Him being a quest giver was a Retard Tier stupid decision.
literally because of voiced protagonist and only having 100 employees.
the art book says everything that was a cool idea couldn't be implemented because there wasn't enough people.
and the voiced protag meant everything had to be recorded.
>they were actually proud that they'd scouted preston's voice actor themselves
so? how does that make them any less worth complaining about?
only complete fucking retards who know jack shit about the lore but swallowed dumb memes on the internet believe the lore has been contradicted.
jet was always prewar. that dumb faggot was a liar.
fusion cores are literally stated to only last a couple of centuries.
ghouls are able to hibernate like coffin willie.
Careful user, you're replying to the keeper of the list of complaints.
I've always hated this argument.
>This thing is bad
>You going to stand trial
>Deacon Disliked that
>Murder the fucker outright
>Deacon Loved That
Interesting. The next time I play this shit game maybe I'll keep him around.
just spat out my drink user ty
>irish accent existing in the usa during the year 2278
imagine being this bitter
Deacon has a low tolerance for institute agents even if they're a synth
The voice acting isn't even bad. The actors were fine, it's just that no one wanted a voiced protagonist with a whole backstory shoved down our throat
>Russian accents also existing
that is just dumb though. then where are the brotherhood of steel getting all their armors? it was a relatively common armor prewar so there should be a ton in the wasteland.
and your hyperbole is just false. they are primarily located in military bunkers and there are only a couple dozen frames in the whole game.
indeed. there's quality talent in Fo4's voice work just...
Apparently. I mean they thought people would give a shit about your son as well or any of the retards you meet in game. Shitty writing means i gave no fucks and being unable to kill the minute men dudes when i found them made me go limp. Fo4 is garbage without mods and with mods its barely serviceable
>jet was always prewar. that dumb faggot was a liar.
source on that user?
There's at least one suit that's been left underwater for who knows how long and is still fully functional.
The guy that was making it in 1 or 2 (can't remember which one) said that it was based on a prewar drug. But that doesn't mean it was the exact same drug though.
Myron says he produced Jet based on an amphetamine discovered pre-War. It isn't clear whether or not it's chemically the same substance.
Fallout 2.
As if that's an achievement or something. A fucking gold sprayed turd is better than 76.
There was a suit in one of the RedRockets.
voiced protag and the fact that every dialogue option had to have exactly 4 ""choises"": yes, yes II, yes (sarcastic), no (yes)
And he was easily the worst voice actor in the game, holy shit
No range, no emotion, weird delivery, what the fuck
>Get to Diamond City
>Three quarters of the population are "Diamond City Resident"
>that time you pick a codename for Railroad
>they knew only 4 options would be lame, so they had a dialogue option lead to more options
Console parity was a mistake.
If they had made her and old black women, doing voodoo and having a floating chair i might have gave a shit.
Write what you know I guess
>best faction
This. He's the only character besides Nick who was even interesting. Ironically they're good friends too.
>Console parity was a mistake.
all of my This
Ivy hates them so they get the Axe. Just how it is.
I wish they had more going on for them. Their hangout was comfy.
>dimond "city"
>its the size of a small village
They had a fun double gimmick, weren't colossal dickheads like every other faction and had a bit of depth to them
But because it's Bethesda you do two quests for them, you're best buds and that's it
You care too much and take things too seriously.
To be fair, it IS Fenway Park.
>modern day bethesda
>The "Real" Fenway Park is fucking huge
>Half the size in game
>Tar and feather your former boss to show dominance
>Colorful and bright clothing that contrasts with the other raiders and shows a sense of fun
>Are actual fucking Beast Masters
Why is The Pack the best Nuka-World faction?
The Operators are alright but the Disciples are fucking boring
The Pack stands out just for being the most out there and with the most clearly defined gimmick
Curie isn't supposed to sound authentically French, she's supposed to have a stereotypical "sexy French accent," in the same way Mister Handies have a fake English accent.
No, I sang the lyrics with Yea Forums because I like the song. We're all in agreement that Bethesda is garbage.
Is this legit? I just started playing and dropped the cause of the minutemen when I saw what kind of "Settlement" he was talking about. A dude in a shack with a field of potatos is not a settlement, it isnt even a bum, i've robbed richer bums.
A bunch of rich kids led by a snob with family issues, her brother, and her psychotic friend (I like to think that she did "personal" things with that farmer she kidnapped)
A bunch of edge-lords. Dixie is hot. Isn't it weird that the Disciples consist of about 90% females.
the people of the commonwealth are fucking idiots. the minutemens cause is just, but misplaced. these people arent work saving.
You come to meet these guys, and now you are supposed to do everything they ask for, and the player character talks like they know each other and best buddies. There are 4 options to choose from which doesn't matter at all, even the No option backtracks until you say one of the 3 Yes. It was legit designed to the ADHD zoomies, who buy shit like unreal engine demos as a full priced game. I get that a lot of people don't care about things like lore etc and steamroll trough the content, but for fuck's sake the content here is downright illogical and stupid. The very first quest just shows this, that its like a telltale game, doesn't matter what you do because everything goes back to one major point.
It just reeks from that the people who made it never gave two fucks about gaming. When you have a lot of experience with gaming you can notice this thing. its the exact same type of feeling when I played TESO. It feels just cheap, like a chinese knockoff.
not weird. that's preferred. shame theyre fucking insane. then again...lol females.
Holy shit. This company is absolute cancer. No wounder they're basically EA now.
If Fallout 4 is garbage then New Vegas is putrid shit, considering its second to Fallout 4.
0/10 Bait
maybe. it depends upon your philosophy concerning what is and isnt garbage. should people throw away shit? probably not. but they do.
>literally howdy fellow video gamers
>its like a movie, ads everywhere, the actual product doesn't matter
Made for NPCs, western gaming is like a cruel joke.
Stay in denial, obsidiandrone.
>Mama Murphy was originally black
So that guy who sent all the Rader's after her in Concord - was he originally supposed to be her son?
the only good character in the game was Strong, but he is more of a novelty than anything.I can't think of anyone else in this whole game. it is so unfunny, cringey, and uninteresting... even worse than borderlands because bethesda is trying to be serious.
felt right to me, if anything it was bigger. I dont think you could fit two big rings of shacks on the diamond.
would have been better, actually making her look ancient could have salvaged the character
Usually i just got her to OD.
Last time I kept her alive and made a bar for her to run called Mama Murphy's in Sanctuary
That's some major yikes right there, my dude, holy fuck...
Bethesda are almost as bad if not just as bad as EA. Never forget Human Head and Prey 2.
It's so easy to tell that Beth's Fo4 production team were told to make a Telltale game (eg something with a branching story that comes back together at the end), a Mass Effect game (eg something with companions), a looter shooter and an RPG at the same time. The end result was the half baked mess Fo4 is.
>did bethesda think people would care about the plot or characters
considering what they made, i hope not
Remember how terrible Bethesda games tend to be the next time you're thinking about giving them money.
Remember how they always market their games with egregious lies and constantly use biological marketing here on Yea Forums.
I came here thinking it's a Pathology 2 thread because Mama Murphy looks like a badly aged Changeling.
damn bae
Voiced protag is a truly awful occurrence
>writing characters
there's your problem
Sure all companions are shit, but when you reach the institute shit really hits the fan.
>It might be hard for you to understand but I need you to take over the institute and re-nuke the wasteland, also I didn't get in contact with you and keep sending death bots after you but now I have cancer. Also I build a ten year old mini me robot.
>It might be hard to understand
I killed everyone at nuka town. Highlight of my playthru
>not wiping out the railroad
I do that shit even on my minuteman runs.
I never save preston. I avoid that city like the plague
I always send that fucker to the swamp settlement on the bottom of the map and never visit.
Damn, she was so cool.
>but we soon realized stairs would pose a problem
Yeah God forbid Bethesda animate anything unique for a character, just make her use the same pre-canned animations everyone else snaps to.
>stairs would pose a problem
Yeah. You can't spend resources animating an NPC helping her, or code her AI to not use stairs at all, or create pre-war structures handicap accessible, or make settlements that were built several hundred years after the bombs fell have any semblance of civilization. That would be effort!
No, iirc he heard about her being a psyker and he wanted to capture her so she can tell him the future (probably to help with planning raids or something)
He knew her from when he was a kid, she predicted he'd turn out raider and he's been trying to replicate her powers ever since.
The writing in Far Harbor is decent, and with more time and resources poured into it, iFar Harbor could replace the main game. Change my mind.
>Involuntary save these fuckers in Concord
>They start squatting IN MY FUCKING HOUSE without asking
I remembered about her shitty quest after finishing everything in the game
is there anything fun to do in this game if you play as a female?
asking for a friend.
kill loot return
You haven't paid tax in 200 years it's no longer yours.
WRONG. The Institute is the best faction and the only hope for the Commonwealth (assuming that new director isn't isolationist).
>It might be hard for you to understand but I need you to take over the institute and re-nuke the wasteland
Other factions want re-nuke not the Institute.
>also I didn't get in contact with you
He knows the whole story of abduction after being promoted as director, later life.
>and keep sending death bots after you but now I have cancer.
The Institute never sent synths directly against you.
>Also I build a ten year old mini me robot.
>It might be hard to understand
Narrative hook to the sequel
What's the commonwealth tax policy
What about Kellogg "Special cornflake"
I think the worst part is that you can't fucking kill them
Free for the taking
The fuck does this post even mean
You can put Curie in a synth body but that user was probably referring to Belethor - I mean Nick Valentine. I think he's a dogshit companion, though, and his VA phoned his performance in something awful.
I think this user is trying to suggest that saying Mama Murphy is the least of FO4's problems means you must have some kinda fetish for smoking grannies.
did they fix 76 yet?
Who is this bitch and why does she matter?
Only white Americans of New England knows that, spiced nigro
Why is he miming holding a lighter with his left hand?
And a lisp too
What the fuck
>Pile of shit vs pile of shit that smells less
I love how shit-tier fo4's modding scene quickly became. People are still making all kinds of quality mods for Skyrim today, yet fo4 only seems to get the occasional weapon mod.
Like seriously is there even any decent quest mods for fo4? The only things that look vaguely interesting are still in development (cascadia, Miami).
I hate her
>Be me
>Want to get achievements for having max happiness in a settelement and the other achievement for being best friends with a companion.
>Have a feeling that the grumpy granny is decreasing happiness in Sanctuary
>Have Cait as companion because she likes naked druggie cap creedy dudes.
>Plan to kill Murphy with drugs so everyone will be happy.
>That senile retard only complains about having to take a seat before talking with you.
>Her special needs chair is right next to her, but she keeps whining.
If that granny hasn't found the chair the next time I continue the game, Oskar Dirle-Bangers adventure is going to take an unpleasant turn.