Was Lala-chan a realistic representation of trans people?
Was Lala-chan a realistic representation of trans people?
it has literally nothing to do with tranny culture, there's a whole weird subset of japanese bar culture where dudes in drag run the places, you see it in the yakuza games too
I thought okama were just drag queens, and trannies hate drag queens
No, they're usually dead by that age
I'll spoonfeed you. It's based off the drag queen named Divine (starred in Hairspray).
Everybody hates trannies though.
oh my fuck
>oh my fuck
what else am i gonna call their fucked up cult
Is she gonna get removed in Royal?
She was voted #1 non-Confidant character in Japan (and that includes Lavenza). If anything, expect to see Lala given a bigger role.
are cross-dressing barkeeps common in japan?
lala-chan was too charismatic and behaved to represent a real tranny
Lala is not a trans, he's a trap / drag queen
Boy you thought
damn, user btfo
Women vote was a mistake
I don't know, but I want to fuck her chin-rolls
What is Goro doing there? He's a Phantom Thief too
>those literal whos higher than Tanaka
>muh redemption arc akechi
No one said it was good culture. Americans have culture too, it’s just shit
No, that's a fat crossdresser. Also
Trannies are subhuman.
Don't cut yourself on those edges, spergyboy
That's because he's not one.
It’s a character trope that’s essentially equivalent to what we call a drag queen. Strangely enough, though they’re not necessarily barkeeps, most of the other examples I can think of off-hand are from girl-marketed shows (OHSHC, Kuroshitsuji, UtaPri).
She's better than Ohya, that's for sure
>hating trannies is edgy
Hating trannies is pure, noble and upright in every way. Defending trannies is edgy and immature.
>only 2 people voted on ohya
Trying to avoid “spoilers” since the poll was so soon after release I assume, he’s set up as a rival the whole game leading up to the Casino so putting him in the thieves would’ve been a hazard. And unfair.
*tips virginity*
the game never mentions he's a tranny and it's implied he's just a crossdresser, so just a trap or drag queen
You would honestly be surprised by the amount of people who didn't know about fixing the broken laptop when P5 first came out
Only a pathetic, desperate incel like you would actually defend trannies. Consider suicide
>hurr defending trannies is edgy
>le kys
You edgelords can't even keep up the act for 3 posts
because he isn't one
>in japan
>there's a whole weird subset of japanese bar culture where dudes in drag run the places
they are basically gays tho
That makes no sense, the plot twist is that he's NOT a "real" party member. Doesn't he even appear in the intro too? Well, whatever
This. Good people always hate trannies and speak out against them. Only genuinely awful, horrible people with harmful and self-centered personalities like, defend or tolerate trannoids.
Beat me to it
he's not a tranny, and trannies are not people.
Made Ohya's link tolerable, at least. Lala-chan has a good on her shoulders.
just because i'm not people doesn't mean i'm not a gestalt consciousness of numerous subsumed identities
check your fuckin individuality privilege
Outside of looking like one, not at all.
he's basically diana extravaganza + matsuko deluxe
but it's literally matsuko deluxe
>that glasses girl in the school hallway
Good choice. In 5th but still.
I honestly had more investment in some of the student side characters than a few party members. The yandere in the hallway, the newspaper girl, and so on. Almost makes me wish for an RPG starring a bunch of obvious side-characters to someone else's adventures.
>About as feminine as a monster truck
Yeah seems about right