Pathologic: Trinity

artemy-fags rise up
pathologic 2 thread since the previous one died
what day are you on? what stories do you have? how fucked are you?

Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:!MPhmnAIQ!Mt886mWYdhhnsXGpE93V8umuZam0j9n45bFeInZZPK0

This game sucks

Is it a good plan to cut people up in one district at all times or should I spread it out? How important is reputation? Right now I'm pretty much respected in every district but if I start cutting people up I'll be hated in no time in atleast two districts.

Is it worth it?

Hit the steppes, ripper

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do what you must
reputation can be however important as you want it to be, people honestly tend to treat it differently.
personally, i think it is quite important but you can gain it back just as easily as oyu lose it as long as you dont go overboard, kill bandits, heal the sick, tend to the needy at the hospital.

Only reliable way to get it back seems to be to save babies. Fighting bandits is more risky and you don't get as much rep.

plague houses can get really fucky though
if you've got those infected fuckers all wrapped up in their clothes they can tear away at immunity quick

I just pull out my knife and stab them to death so they don't cough shit at me. Fuck those cunts. The real problem is the plague clouds, FUCK those.


Fuck that stupid cunt. I caught the plague because of her.

Found a bachelor player!

as much as it might fuck me later on, i did it. i did it for her

>primary goal is to save kids
Lmao fuck them, I'm just saving Lara.

he who follows the lines is a menkhu..

>talking to someone about stealing
>one of my dialogue options mention how someone stole my bull
>go home
>bull is gone

>he bought the bull
OH NO NO NO I did to, fug

Bro, you're following your dick to destruction.
Fucking WHAT!?

First 2 hours I was like what the fuck is this bullshit. No more refund; better try and get some of my moneys worth out this piece of crap......... 8 hours later and I think this is one of the coolest games I've ever played.

Wait a minute I think it disappeared the same day the kin did their bull sacrifice ritual. They may have taken my bull.

>walk past house
>depressing piano music plays

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>buying the bull

Attached: 1481447479785.jpg (640x640, 60K)

I'm honestly surprised at how much of an improvement it is over the original. Not once in this game have i done something i felt was tedious. I think it's because simply traveling in this game is so fucking dangerous, on top of managing all your bars. The sand missiles are ten times more dangerous and unpredictable than the shitty brap clouds in the first game.

Can somebody explain to me the bull meme?

just fucking buy it, don't ask questions

Makes me really glad to know that you're enjoying it user.

go... in... the... house

it's safe user, it'll come back

moo moo motherfucker

Can you even eat it?

>eating the one friend you have in the game who doesn't try to engage you with 2deep4u spiritual bullshit

You don't eat your partner actor...

It's pretty lame when you find out. never buy the bull


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I am confus

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senpai just play the game and stop worrying about playing it right

The hell are you talking about? There's no water, space, or Welsh people in this game

God damn I've missed out on lots of shekels. You make a fuckton selling herbs. One trip to the steppes and you're set for days. Fucking shit, I feel like restarting.

Kindly skywrite this for the muppets on the steam forum for the game.


Is it worth helping the sick in the theatre at all?

My plan was to just hoard meds and use it only for Lara, Grief and the children

Special deals every day, 150 for one specific herb, if you stack up on all herbs early you'd probably be set for all 12 days.

>Day 8
>Only one objective
>Spend the day stocking up and resting to get all my meters under control for once
>Remember I am supposed to report to the inquisitor daily
>Sprint over there to see if I fucked up
>Tells me I shouldn't be relying on map markers to figure out what to do

Did the game just spend 7 days coaxing me into a snafu

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decided to play the classic hd one, tried the demo for this one, just got off the train and was having fun until it crashed and i decided that i need to upgrade my computer before playing more. anyway i'm currently at the early morning of day 3 and i just got a map to the first infected district, and there's plenty of spooky clouds everywhere.
pretty bizarre, yet interesting game, there's something moving through the town while listening to the strange yet catchy music.
day 1 wasn't that bad, but day 2 had that food gathering quest along with the price jack up that was hell on me, had to scrape for coins and was hungry as hell after all of it, broke into a house and found fresh meat and bread which saved me.

>don't get back bottles after making them to potions and then using them
Come on now..

What did they mean by this?

Attached: heart.png (473x185, 72K)

What do you put your potions in?

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>treat patient
>he summons a fucking plaguecloud
Fucking nigger. I don't have any immunity boosters, god fucking damn.

Follow the lines you double worm

I'm at the point where i'm 50/50 on that being a typo or intentional

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Read my post again, retard.

is it any good?
haven't installed it yet, but I love the original

That font reminded me that there won't be a Shitstorm this year. Feels REAL bad, man.

Good for improving reputation, getting you good food and money.

It's literally better than the original in every way; and even has design decisions intended to screw with you like kung fu goddamn super chad bandits if you played the original; the story is also altered enough so that you still end up guessing what'll happen other than major plot points.

Oooh yes. It's getting people butthurt as well.

Even with the major ones there are changes.
It's good stuff user. Only downsides are problems with optimisation some QOL issues/lack of controller support and that we're not able to play the other two character's yet.

Attached: FUCK Clara.jpg (2304x942, 1.24M)

Even characters that I'm supposed to dislike - I'm starting to if not like, the respect. Khan especially.

But the first one was esoteric garbage

Someone tell me I'm not alone in thinking Capella is hot as hell

Her mom must have been perfection incarnate if she got diluted down with Fat Vlad's genes.

Only in the vaguest sense. Really reaching to call it Lovecraftian.

>tinctures barely sell for shit
Alright, enjoy your sand aids then

Nigga sell the herbs to the barkeeper. Don't sell potions.

you obviously crunch the glass bottles in your mouth like the retarded steppe person you are

How do you know which quest is the "main" quest for the day and which ones are optional/complete wastes of time?

Honestly, I might not sell either of them. Diagnostics cost too much.

When is the dead item shop open? I think I've missed it several times. I saw it once and then I didn't have anything to trade at the moment.

It's open after midnight and before dawn but it isn't marked on your map until you exit the theater performance for that night.

I think they only open after watching the midnight shows. Haven't tried save scumming to see if they open without watching yet.

>Every time I starts a new game it crash my video card right after loading


>make it to day 7 but get my ass kicked
>stuck in and endless death loop thanks to bad decision making
>decide fuck you mark I'm restarting from day 1
>use my previous knowledge of the script to kick day 1's ass, ready to do the same to day 2 and especially day 3
Are you happy now mark, you little shit? Is this what you wanted?

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That explains it then, I haven't went to the theatre performance in a while. Shit.

Is it crashing constantly for other people?

If I'm in no rush to play the game should I wai a few patches, are there many technical issues at the moment?

>Not riding the death loop to the end and telling Mark to fuck off with his play

yeah they already released some patches regarding stutter and crashes. if you wanna discuss the game get it right now because there's probably not gonna be too many threads in a few weeks, but if you don't care about that just wait


As far as I know, I did. Before I restarted I died as many times as I could until the penalties maxed out and mark had no dialogue left.

At the moment there are some loading issues if you're not on and SSD, and for some people it's having performance issues or outright crashing all the time.

Otherwise the only bug I've come across is that sometimes people or things will spawn above the ground. Give it a whirl and see if it lights your computer on fire, if not, have fun acting.



Is being split doing multiple things and confusing my objective priorities in this game normal for a firat playthrough? I try my best to get all the points in the act finished but now I'm on act 2 and missed a few


friendly reminder that buying the bull fucks you over on day 8. also, sticky is the MVP

how tho?

A scam, pure and simple, 40$ for a joke of an atmosphere, where's the story anyway ? Right from the beginning we don't know anything and yet apparently we're a doctor. Only 12 minutes in the game and I couldn't bear hearing the howling wolf in the background anymore, the movements are somewhat clunky. It's just not immersive at all, I feel like the trailers simply lied to me.
Not Recommended
0.2 hrs on record

he's lying
buy the bull user

Rule 34 when? 95% of the girls are fucking cute.

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100% Zoom review


eh, i can draw but i haven't done so in months. if you got an idea good enough, i might just try drawing it

BVLL x generic town cutie

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Is that long neck toy thing in the hideout moving around? That shit's really unnerving. Or maybe the plague is getting me.

I'm sure it's just the boy playing with it while you're gone.

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So, are endings still the same?

should i let boos or small vlad go and meet the steppe people
also what killed them? i mean they were locked up and safe from the plague. i am confused

How about Lara getting gangbanged by her old friends?

How am i supposed to get infected tissue on day 5? I cut some ragged person in infected district but it only had normal liver (or at least it had nothing in its description that would suggest it was infected).

you dont
git gud

Bull is tha fucking MVP. Don't listen to bull-lets, they're just jealous.

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Where do i get another scalpel god damnit

Men of taste know Maria is where it's at.

You can buy them in pharmacies.

They're actually absolutely different.

link to artbook?

No one is safe from Suok, emshen.

no idea, mines in the steam files probably as a backer reward

So I don't get it, is this a remake of the first game?

Should I play the first game before this, or should I just hop straight into this?

It's a remake and a sequel. Explaining more is a spoiler. No you don't have to play the first game and, frankly, you need a special sort of self-hatred to enjoy the first game.

can you upload it somewhere, my man?

It's basically a remake, and you can jump straight in. Follows the same general plot and structure of the original and has the same characters.
I wish every instance of this question went to Tinybuild, who forced it to be called Pathologic 2.

what's the easiest place to put a 321 mb pdf?

mega i guess

First game is good but probably not for the 95% of the audience. While the atmosphere, philosophy and survival are great the gameplay consists of extremely clunky combat and an extraordinary amount of running. Running around is such a core concept that you as a player want to spend the time looking at the map in order to save as much time as possible and so the main gameplay mechanic consists of taking shortcuts.

Russian philosophy is probably very strange to most of western audience so that could be a negative factor for you too.

be sure to donate some vodka to IPL!MPhmnAIQ!Mt886mWYdhhnsXGpE93V8umuZam0j9n45bFeInZZPK0

How is it anything like Lovecraft?

>leave your junks at Lara's
>go explore town
>kill some thugs, butcher some folks
>loads of new shit I found
>go back with all the new junk to Lara's place
>all my shit and huge food stash: gone

What the fuck mates, you told me the game doesn't reset cupboards and I'm save to leave my junk there.

>sup fag, so that's where you were hoarding your bread

Attached: 12093042901.png (991x899, 934K)

>start a new game to do a more efficient playthrough
>drop my junk near the factory so i can pick it up later
>day goes by
>all my shit is gone
For FUCK sake
Where the hell do you stash shit before the factory opens

I can actually believe the game pulled this on me.

Lara's house, the Olgimsky manor, Bad Grief's lair...pretty much anywhere you can sleep has some form of storage.

It doesnt save your shit

I left all my shit in Bad Grief's closet for several days, yeah it does.

Other user here, all my shit just disappeared from Lara's house. It ISN'T a safe place to leave your junk.

Did you put it in the kitchen or in the cabinet behind Lara?

Buy bull. Bull never disappears (except once, but he returns)

can confirm this is not dolphin porn
thanks fren

Ye. I put my junk in the cabinet behind Lara.

If anyone is interested, the russian anons are mostly unhappy with the game. Interestingly, you are mostly satisfied with the game. I will name the main complaints.
1. Only Haruspex part was released, although money was collected for the whole game and there is no guarantee that the rest will be released.
2. Lost the atmosphere of the first game. The complaint is mainly to the visual part. Too generic and childish style. The design is filled with these buttons, patches, rags, skulls, beads, tattoos, bare feet, tragic faces, bloody imprints ... But something important in this all is lost. It was as if the main goal was to stuff oddities into the image of each character, even if they are not needed there. A strangeness for the sake of stranginess. An artsy things for the of artsy things. Most upset the people of the Theater with this huge ridiculous face of the tragedian, the house of Eva Yan - why the lell does she live in the observatory now, the Cathedral - oh yeah, it's a spider, we get that, no need to poke us in the face. Most disappointing characters - Maria Cain, Eva Yan, Anna Angel, Bachelor, Chapel, Katerina ... It's easier to name who did not dissapoint, actually.
3. It follows from the second. Or vice versa? Lost a sense of realism, which was in the first game. It is no longer felt that such a town could really exist somewhere in the steppes. Even with the Polyhedron and Termitory and all that stuff, most of the time game was very materialistic and mundane, so that the mystic moments could hit harder.The creators have lost the balance of realism and mysticism, which made the first game such a mindfuck. In this game, we are thrown from the very beginning with visions, lucid dreams, talking puppets, breaks of fourth wall SO OFTEN to the point that nothing in the game will surprise you.
4. Unmemorable music. With the soundtrack of the original can not even compare.

Anyone who feels the same?

Hey/v/, I'm having some troubles and wondered if any of you have any insights into it.

I am trying to play Pathologic Classic HD before I start Pathologic 2, and I'm having an intermittent stuttering and frame pacing issue with the game. It's most noticeable outside, and like this troubleshooting thread says

for some reason disabling the audio in the config file DOES seem to fix the issues. Anyone have any ideas? Already tried installing the latest OpenAL and that did not seem to work

Hoy many times do you need to make the same complains user? Bitching in every thread isnt going to make a patch happen faster.

3 is fair, but 2 and 4 seem kneejerk
the only artistic aspect I found to be worse than the original is the Executor design which looks much more shamanistic, more like a Steppe thing than a theatre costume, but it fits the culture of the town.

That's odd. I figured since the kitchen cabinets refresh it would be the cabinet behind her that would be safe. Well...I know Bad Grief's cabinet works at least.

>playing pathologic classic hd before pathologic 2
They are almost the same game so you will probably be burnt out after Classic

>Just bought the game
>Go to settings to look over the key bindings
>Stealth/Crouch is C
>Switch it to Ctrl
>"Concentration" is now blank
>Set it to C
>Unbinds Stealth

2ch is getting into your head emshen. Only the first complaint is acutally decent

What does the patch have to do with it? Will the patch change the atmosphere of the game?

Alright guess I'll restart AGAIN and use that cabinet this time.

You barely ever need to use stealth

so which liszt track is it?

They nailed the atmosphere though. Thats a retarded observation on your part.

Wait I can't play as Bachelor? Fuck

This is the slav version of soul vs. soulless.
Pathologic 1 looks like complete dogshit and pretending that it looks better and also serves some "feeling" is retarded.

O my god, you are blind.

>The creators have lost the balance of realism and mysticism, which made the first game such a mindfuck.
t. Faggots who played Bachelor first.

1. Russians being overly suspicious. That's a part of their cultural background.

2. The art style seems just the same as I remember it. And I'm really glad they got rid of a lot of shitty stuff from the 1st installment like real photos for NPCS dialogues.

3. It never had any sense of realism. It was always full on surreal and oniric. I don't even know how much vodka you need to drink to consider such town as believable.

4. Well... Here I can agree, the 1st game's soundtrack was better.

Obviously my vision is better than these retards who make complaints like this.

Holy shit this game...

I had never heard of it before and just went in blind after reading about it here. I honestly cant remember the last time I had so much with a videogame...

You get a hideout of your own.

Option #1: Delay the game another year to finish up the unique gameplay mechanics, dialogue, and events for three separate characters and potentially go bankrupt so nobody gets shit.

Option #2) Release the campaigns separately and generate additional funding while giving yourself time to work on and polish each character so they feel distinct.

I don't think people realize that each character will have a unique method of doing shit as simple as treating the plague. The Bachelor can't make tinctures or read the Lines. He's probably going to rely on conventional medical science like phlebotomy and blood analysis via microscope. Who the fuck even knows how to handle Changeling's magic powers?

this game is so mentally draining, i am already at day 6. i cant do it Yea Forumsros...

I agree with the second to an extent (especially the design of the factories) but not the rest. Which is surprising because I thought I would agree with 4, but I now think I like the new soundtrack even more.
I guess I also agree with 1 but if that's how they had to release the game then that's that. I certainly hope they finish the other stories but for now, this one has been worth the $35.

Which day are you on? I noticed stuttering on the first day when I played, but after that it almost entirely disappeared.

I don't understand people bashing the new soundtrack honestly, I mean OG soundtrack was great of its own but this one is also great, it is more focused and has more much more work put into it. Whole thing is 3hrs long yet every track feels unique, that is an achievement.

Do you like circus faggots, who stayed to work after the end of filming of Tim Burton's movie? Because now the Stamatins and Mark the Immortelle look exactly like this. And Anna Angel is like a burrito. And Maria is a shabby old whore. Eva is a stray whore. And Katerina is the owner of a brothel. Victoria is just a country girl. Bachelor aging metrosexual. Haruspex also clearly uses hair gel. Clara doesn't seem to wear underpants. How all this isn't ridicolous to you?

This game is too hard, I am getting PTSD, please send help.

>tried the first game a while back
>got seduced by how weird and uncanny everything was
>everyone seemed insane yet was using you / making a fool out of you
>but that slow walking
>that "what the fuck am I supposed to do???" feeling
>that slow walking really
>that be ready to walk even more because there's a way for you to fuck your entire save up
I really wanted to enjoy this game, but it's just so, so slow and confusing.

So I was wondering if 2 was more "approachable" for someone who acts like someone with ADHD.

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Those russian anons are having a bad case of nostalgia goggles. You need to have been twelve to think that a town with a flying fucking tower and a giant stone heart sticking out of the ground has any sense of realism.

Brainlet here, I get some 45-50 fps even on my SSD and I should have enough VRAM on my machine for it to run this.
What's the deal? Is it just poorly optimized? I'm running default settings.

Who’s this qt? Didn’t think this game would have waifu fags.

The visual allegory is fantastic.

Attached: 20190525202512_1.jpg (1920x1080, 171K)

I'm drunk. Persuade me to play it

It's a slav game, what did you expect? Ofcourse optimization is gonna be wonky and the overall feel janky.

She's a generic townsperson whose model is occasionally used for very minor characters. However there are also very cute, more important characters.

Attached: 1543329447470.jpg (1294x1295, 96K)

Just a random npc. Now imagine the important chars, real waifusm lies there.

I wanna fill Lara's womb with my sperm.

How do I get around town without getting the shit kicked out of me?
I talked to the scar face guy and he said I can't read lines and he doesnt wanna do business with me, did I fuck up?

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Put a smile on her face.

Attached: 20190525201537_1.jpg (1920x1080, 175K)

Based, fuck the town and everyone else, as long as she lives I'm fine.

>Who the fuck even knows how to handle Changeling's magic powers?

Halfway through the Changeling's campaign it turns into The Void 2

No modding support, can't, if there was I'd do more than put a smile on her face.

You run, also, don't go in 2v1 unless you're certain you'll win because they will fucking stunlock you to death. You don't need to be on good terms with everyone. I let characters I don't care about die, if they're an asshole to me they deserve the plague, fuck em'.

>If anyone is interested, the russian anons are mostly unhappy with the game
No, no one care

I am on the first day yes. Almost goes away you say? But it's still there yeah?

Well I planned to play Bachelor on classic since 2 doesn't have that, or do you think I should just wait for them to release that on 2?

In 2 you can run but it affects exhaustion and thirst so you probably shouldn't. Also the game is pretty much about "fucking up" your save, even more so in 2 because it penalizes you if you die and applies it even to old saves.

Russki user here:
1. Economic crysis really fucked shit up. So naturally spending became bigger. Also, keep in mind that some of money was supposed to be used to make on improvements of some locations, like steppe. Cutting corners wasn't an option.
2. They went wild with an art style, but it can look quite charming. I think it's because people did not get used to new Town-on-Gorhon. This sometimes happens when you compare it to expectations created in your head by the first installment.
3. I agree with this one actually.
4. Subjective. There are plenty of good tracks. The reason why people think music sucks is because it's more ambient tracks now and there's more of it too.

Also, was it really necessary to shave Clara? I know it's symbolism and shit, but it looks kinda shit.

The stuttering tapered off - it was there the first day, less on the second, and gone by the 3rd or 4th.
Also you're fine playing Classic Bachelor first.

Attached: smile.png (1325x305, 533K)

If Bannerlord ever comes out I want it to be exactly like this, same recipe of the first one but only better in every way

Although I have to say that main menu theme is better in 1, but that's a subjective opinion

12 days to do the impossible emshen. Be khara.

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The thing is that for a long time Polyhedron and Termitory were the strangest things in the game. They looked alien in the rest of the seemingly normal town. And the hero himself was surprised by them - this is such a strange crap, how does it stay on the ground, who a those weird pink creatures? And you got surprised along with them. If you forget that they are there, the town and the routine were felt very real. Everything was more restrained. All strange dialogues could be perceived as madness or eccentricity of characters.
The game allowed you to stick to a scientific point longer, and then mercilessly destroyed it. The real mysticism that cannot be attributed to mind games or fabrications appeared later and just in time. Here at the beginning of the game you get an overdose from the break of the fourth wall.

just bought classic HD cause I'm drunk. What am I in for? If I like it is 2 the same thing or different

Haвepнoe, вдoхнoвилиcь paкoвыми бoльными, пoтoмy и пoбpили, лoл.

Should've just bought 2

>Also, keep in mind that some of money was supposed to be used to make on improvements of some locations, like steppe. Cutting corners wasn't an option.
There's one small new camp in the steppe that is absolutely empty 99% of the time and you barely need to visit it. Just how much money do you think it took to make it? It's exactly what I would call "cutting corners".

>What am I in for?
I can only repeat the words of another user in a Pathologic thread from weeks ago: "Pathologic is a masterpiece. A masterpiece that is not fun to play. Playing it will make you understand."

The original game requires a degree of patience and dedication roughly equivalent to that of, say, someone who plays upsettingly difficult STALKER mods, roguelikes, or Dwarf Fortress.

Attached: you had an opportunity to stop this.png (997x1400, 1.67M)

So they actually killed savescumming?
Does that mean I'm better off suffering on 1 instead of waiting to get better hardware to run 2?

Try it. You might like it more than P2.

>The game allowed you to stick to a scientific point longer, and then mercilessly destroyed it
I think your problem is that you want a Bachelor route. Haruspex route was always esoteric shit.

I agree about the breaking the 4th wall bit though. The whole intro sequence is a horrible way to start the story and can fuck off along with Mark.

I remember they had goals for improved slaughterhouse/termitry and another one for steppe. And from I heard they didn't get enough to improve steppe that much.

Out of all the screenshots I've taken this one might be my favorite.

Attached: ExhaustionRising.jpg (1920x1080, 223K)

Yeach, i think you right. Release Haruspex part first was a strange choice. Now in the Bachelor route there will no be a surprises. We already know that the town is drained with mystic shit, so his scientific point of view will look just pathetic.

Try again

It's less the worm and more of the general scene coupled with the exhaustion bar.

Attached: ShitsOnFire.jpg (480x445, 27K)

I haven't gotten that far but is there really so much outright mysticism? The dreams are weird but they are just dreams. Beyond that there's just some quirky building designs. I don't like Pathologic 2's opening sequence but the conversation with the two outside of Eva's house in the original also broke the fourth wall so it's not doing anything new there.

>that exhaustion bar
It's really common to get tired of all this shit when the faggot worm refuses you a boat out of a plagued district.

it's only $1

that's $35 where 1 is currently just a dollar right now

>but is there really so much outright mysticism?
Between feeding blood to the Earth, all the steppe culture, and making folk remedies out of herbs? I guess, but they're basically bitching about Haruspex's entire gimmick. As if brewing twyrine infusions to boost your immunity was compelling in any way. At least now the herb shit is fleshed out, interesting, and directly useful.

I just died from getting ganged up on while wandering at night. Does it seriously throw me back to my last save but now with a punishment? Why the fuck wouldn't I always just pause and load my last save when I'm about to die then?

sfm when

Do the red rings prevent death from being recorded on your save? The amount of deaths I have on a save file doesn't line up with how many times I died and I distinctly remember losing track of a ring I thought I had in my inventory.

Yep, it's better to just reload that shit when you're about to die. I learnt the hard way.

>Why the fuck wouldn't I always just pause and load my last save when I'm about to die then?
Yeah you should do that. Death penalty system is retarded in the way it's implemented right now.

>balance of realism and mysticism

That 'balance' was only there because Haruspex's route had way less text than Bachelor's, lmao

Would explain that one time there was no one in the theater when I died. You might be onto something.


>reload earlier save, move all my stashed shit from Lara's to the warehouse guy
>go in the night and do some exploring
>come back in the morning, like 4 AM
>all my shit gone

I swear something has to trigger it, but I don't really understand what.

Also this happened a couple minutes after fighting off the burglars robbing by dad's house. Is it even worth doing that again since there wasn't a whole lot of good stuff/money to loot in there.

Is the remake any better? The original really is a slog. I love the theme, imagery and narrative but the gameplay is basically a walking sim. You go from point A to B with the occasional house call to kill some ninjas so you can buy a loaf of bread.

Attached: 1527121490946.jpg (743x539, 44K)

Midnight, probably

>Fixed a bug potentially destroying all stored items in containers after looting infected houses
could this be it?

It's day 1 night, I haven't touched infected house yet.

I'll have to test it out tomorrow.

I wonder if you'll get penalties in Bachelor campaign for keeping the money for yourself in the prison and hospital sidequests.
You could get insane amounts of money by starting the quest, collecting money and then never finishing it without any punishment, I wonder if they're going to add something to punish players attempting to do it again in 2.

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>dead shop is located at the tip of the cape
>run all the way back to my factory and pick up all "dead" items
>make my way all the way to the cape, losing my mask, taking a huge hit to immunity and getting stabbed
>"today I sell unborn things"
>candy wrappers for 125 each
Nigger fuck you. Time to reload.

>not buying all the candy wrappers
Look at oynon, look at him and laugh.

I can't find this game on the ps store.

I want to make babies with Lara

>Just started playing
>Going around looting in one of the start areas
>Hear niggers laughing at me in the background mocking my every move
this is making my uneasy as shit

She still hides the pain, user.

so do I play it

dead shop never sells anything good
I think im going to stop botheritn with it
i bet it is going to sell some cheap shmowders the only day i wont visit it

>not buying the candy wrappers
Point at him and laugh.
Ah yes very useless items such as shmowders, food, ammo. The dead shop is based, you can get a lot of stuff if you bring all the bloody bandages and broken glass things.

I've missed it 4 days straight because I haven't been going to the theatre. I got two stacks of broken morphine and two bandages. Figured I'd be able to snatch up something valuable but ofcourse the only day I decide to go there it's fucking scam-day aka backwards day.

>we are thrown from the very beginning with visions, lucid dreams, talking puppets, breaks of fourth wall SO OFTEN
I actually agree, the start of the game was trying too hard, and spoiling how fucked the town gets is retarded when the main charm of 1 was thinking "surely it can't get any worse at this point" and it got worse

They're likely going to rework it so it's a constant management effort or something, probably a constant money sink in exchange for reputation.

Wrappers are gay, I REALLY hope you bought the BVLL.

I am playing classic right now. I have my list of bound I can pull up. How do I know if they are ok? Will the list say they are? Or is the list just who is bound?

I don't even have a gun, what a waste of inventory space.

The list changes their portraits if they fall sick

I have a healthy bull and a lot of candy wrappers my friend.

fuck you I'm never buying the bull

if you do your main quest correctly then they wont get ill
Classic HD is much easier than 2

>instantly sets up Aglaya vs Blok final conflict
>instantly sets up the stakes
>"But it's bad cause my slow buildup"

Y'all are storytelling brainlets

Bound in classic cannot die from illness and only get ill when you fail to do all the quests on time, so just focus on those. The list is basically useless in that game.

does anyone want this?

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The bull judges you

Attached: A FUCKING BULL.jpg (1920x1080, 682K)

>sets up Aglaya vs Blok final conflict
Only for Blok to run from town on day 11 and Aglaya to get shot behind a woodshed. Storytelling more like disappointment telling.

This game is so mentally exhausting. I can barely manage to play one in-game day per day in real life.

>Previous Thread:
Stop backlinking you idiot, do you WANT the thread to be banished to /vg/?

I'm on day 5 and I think I've reached dead end to the point I have to replay the whole day, though it's a mid-day now but still. I caught the infection and don't have enough supplies and my health is low.
I'm wondering is it a normal practice in this game to return to previous saves if you think you're screwed? Or most of you just manage not to fuck up?

reminder that capella is 15 years old

He obviously does. Watch him add the word "edition" next time.

The game is fucking up.

>tfw ameriprudes couldnt fuck best girl

>buy expensive clothes
>they "protect" you from plague
>still get absolutely fucked by plague
>breaks like it was made out of glass
Not wasting more money on this scam

Is this a full blown sequel or just a remake?

For me it's Taste of Crime
and you?


You better not come back complaining when slightly touching a black cloud gives you instant infection then

can't wait for the Bachelor route lads
>that final day where he gets knocked out, beaten almost to dea and has to punch multiple dogs to death to survive
>only gets a bandage and a knife from Grace
>has to kill 2 armed soldiers with just the knife
>steals their rifle and kills the soldiers who fucked him up

Attached: savage bachelor.jpg (500x287, 50K)

are there plague angels in this one?

>not twyre
>not a window from the past
granted, it is not an impactful ost but it has its moments

Victoria a cute, A CUTE!

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yes, basically. but they also roam the streets in infected districts randomly. the plague clouds also block some narrow paths,

They already do even with clothes. Might as well go naked.

i respect your choice of waifu user. but yulia is still the prettiest.

Attached: yulia.png (1428x1437, 1.81M)

There's stationary or slowly moving black clouds and there's plague bolts speeding along streets. Haven't seen anything as brutal as sand angels.

grace is the best girl
also does anyone who talked to the cold ones got a flashback to the big talking tree from darkwood?

She looks like slightly aged Lara with different hair. It bothers me to no end that so many characters have sameface.

>Aspity is not human
>Isidor created her
Is this new lore?
I really don't remember this from the first game

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What are some good non-spoiler tips for not getting completely fucked by the game?

Aspity was always an unholy abomination. I believe in classic she was created as a herald of the plague 5 years prior to the events of the game but stuck around since the plague was contained.

rape every kid

buy the bull

snuff herbs, make meth

buy the bull
buy the candy wrappers
dont be a pussy
dont cry when you dont get a perfect game
you cant do everything
you cant save everyone
the plague is not a game-over
if you feel hopeless, you are having the best experience you can get

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Don't buy the bull.

everyone is dying

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 3.07M)

forget about the bull


What's up with these retarded unfair "traps" when you help people at the hospital?
>perform autopsy
>sudden plaguecloud out of nowhere
Unfair and dumb.

Store water early.
Store herbs.
Drawing blood is completely unnoticeable.
Get the last hit on the bandits if someone is fighting them.
Remember who trades what for what value. Getting a couple bars of soap for a peanut can get you some good stuff and a peanut from someone else.
Buy a shmowder for 5 when you can.


>Start of the game
>Walk by warehouses and talk to Grief
>Mfw all these fucking adds to Thoughts that just manifests
That shit escalated real fast

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>help people

it makes sense though, you are in contact with people that have the plague. but its avoidable, they messed up its spawn timing. if you immediately start running after healing the cloud will spawn where you were just standing and you can around for some seconds until it disappears.

>Thanks. It took me a while to notice the guy on Day 1 that is selling meat on the traintracks.
Where is this guy?

Storing water early is actually the best thing you can do, period.

Never sell to drunks, it's a Pathologic 1 trap.

>go to hospital in an area infested with disease
>"lol wtf, why is everyone sick here"

You forgot stock up on food for the first two days while its cheap

Bull-lets when will they learn.

Should I give Notkin's friend Patches some Smowder? or just treat him with antibiotics?

Plague clouds follow you. The time is still running when you are in menus, so the clouds can attack you while you're menuing.

I am Russian. Playing game with Russian audio and english subtitles to work on my reading. It is good game. No game for me has been horrible. All horror games never make me horrible always some stupid monster or cheap scare tactics but this game has made me horrible of my own choices. That is pretty cool.
In Russia we have saying:
кyпить быкa
That maybe sums up game best

Path 1: Soul
Path 2: Soulless

>The time is still running when you are in menus
why are you lying akhar.

I'm not lying dickweed. I got killed by a cloud while I was looting.

user, I...

looting is not the menus though

>bachelor not available
>sell it as a full game
>people buying this scam

Attached: 1558799628168.webm (300x554, 539K)

>The time is still running when you are in menus
preeetty sure it isnt. the only menus that time will go on are looting out of a container/body or the brewing device. it definitely stops when you are in dialogue, trading or in your inventory/thoughts/map. i dont think the time continues when handling patients either.

Time doesnt stop when you are looting, doing an autopsy, talking, or trading. It stops when you pause to go into your inventory.

Pick one and gimmie a reference

time stops when you are talking akhar, please stop with misinformation.

>Look mom I posted it again!

No it doesnt. Look at the clock, go into a conversation, then look at the clock again.

Tragedians are cute!

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File 2large4chan
for her face.

Don't tell me that androgynous hag Aspity and the mutt Changeling are correct?

is it realistic to hope they'll fix the stuttering/freezing people are having? It's a Unity game so I'm not sure there's much they can do

can anyone tell me what the game wants me to do with the "i can hear it if try" at the graveyard? apparently im too dumb to figure it out. i tried standing next to it by day and by night, pressing CTRL and not pressing CTRL.

patches will die anyways the next day, so dont waste the shmowder on him

Ah bayarlaa uth emsh! May Mother Boddho make your feet cold for making me look. Time does not move you are wrong.

what do you think lara smells like?
Asking for a friend

Hear what? When?
You can hear a lot of things, Haruspex is all about hearing.
You don't need ctrl to hear.

>Time starts moving faster

day 6/7/8 at the graveyard. grace tells you there are too many bodies in the earth and tells you to go listen for yourself. this marks a mound in front of the graveyard on the map. the text is "its too crowded underground, the dead are shrieking and smothering each other. even i can hear it, if i try.". i havent figured it out though

>talk to mad granny
>exhausted all dialogue
>about to leave
>both doors have an X on them
Did the game bug out? Do I have to reload a save? I've checked the room with CTRL and nothing is left.

Press X on the mound dude.


>we didn't have the time to come up with more sidequests so now you have literally less time to finish what you have
rushed fucking game, fucking unfair

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That's what they want you to think.
Report! You've gotta remember to do it!

That's weird, I did that shit too and nothing disappeared.

Artemy reporting in, not a fag though

I talked to some rat and it struck me a deal to remove the corpses instead, is this ok?

Attached: worry.jpg (154x194, 6K)

Attached: aRV9ePq_700b.jpg (700x933, 123K)

Oh no
Ohhh nooo

Beware the talking rat.

oh my god, i just had to look down. fuck me dude, thanks guys.

Well, how do you listen to the earth?
With your ear on the ground dude.

Optimization patch when? I want the smoothest experience possible.

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so i completed the game
i don't know what to say, i saw 2 endings, and i think it was quite enjoyable.
from the day 9 i felt my ass getting fucked constantly,i died 80 times, i let a lot of people die, but i don't think it affected the ending somehow
i don't think i will make the second playthrough, but i hope they will add bachelor or changeling, because haruspex route got more detailed and deeper than classic one
the things that i didn't like were music (it felt like there was only 3 tracks or so), npcs looks all the same, especially bandits,you need to eat ALL the fucking time, and even with the sprint option and fast travel you still need to walk a lot

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Honestly this game would be so much better without the food and drink mechanics. Its just tedious having to stop every few minutes to drink from a tap and have a constant supply of food. I like managing sleep I think that makes time management more important, which is the whole point of the game, but the food/drink shit is a bit much.

Is it a sequel or a remake?

how easy is it to learn russian? games like this, metro, and stalker make me want to get into it. i have a russkie background and learned how to read a bit of cyrillic as a babby, but never learned how to speak it that well.

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>Day 1
>talk to Bachelor
>he's all smug, threatens me, and orders me around
>Day 7
>talk to bachelor
>he's on the verge of a mental breakdown
Feels good to know lines

>find Rubin in his warehouse on morning Day 5
>say I'll help him
>immediately get clobbered to death by a worm
Is this even doable without a gun? On my second try I managed to stealth kill 2 of them but when killing the third one the last one must have been really close by because he showed up and killed me just as the other one hit the ground.

Might as well make it a VN then, the whole game revolves around balancing actions and resources.

I love the new water element simply because it adds another layer of decisions and actions.
>Should I repair this tap and get water here for a day or two? What if the district gets infected next? Is it a good, central location? Where did I last see a barrel?

There's nothing so pathetic as being stranded in an infected district, no immunity and eating your peanuts and raisins to get enough hunger off just so you can scrounge up something. It's absolutely amazing.

Yes, took me a ton of tries though. At least they drop good shit.

>Its just tedious having to stop every few minutes to drink from a tap
I agree with that, they should have made thirst decay slower
The hunger needs to stay though

>have to find Rubin's hideout
>try it and get dabbed on by worms
>fuck it
>he dies a day later
>feel bad

>Not drinking from bottles and filling up at the warehouse tap just before home.
Never gonna make it dude.

How bad does the penalty for dying get? I'm very tempted to just edit the value of my profile if the penalty gets really bad.

It's pretty easy if you aren't Anglo

It's honestly just more flavour.
At the worst you lose like 10% max hp but that's negligible.

Then we have different definitions of amazing.
Being unable to progress because of an arbitrary mechanic that has nothing to do with the main theme of the game is pretty lame and frustrating. It shouldnt even be there. The game would be much more fun without it. But thats just my opinion. I still enjoy the game, it just feels very indie with these mechanics that dont really mesh together well.

Would a gun even help? The revolver doesn't really kill anything either way.

first game music was waaaay better

>>Being unable to progress because of an arbitrary mechanic that has nothing to do with the main theme of the game is pretty lame and frustrating.




Attached: hassle.jpg (175x176, 17K)

Also - the mechanics mesh extremely well together. The trading you do and the resources you spend/have are all interconnected with the overarching goal.

I saw this game on Steam earlier this week and just impulse bought it because the art style looked interesting. What am I in for?

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Plague, bulls, cute girls, suffering.

Dude chill the fuck out sorry for criticizing your sacred game

>Being unable to progress because of an arbitrary mechanic that has nothing to do with the main theme of the game is pretty lame and frustrating. It shouldnt even be there.
Pathologic has always made a big deal about the breakdown of order because of resource scarcity. It would honestly be more jarring if everyone constantly commented on how shit the situation was but you didn't have to eat or drink so it didn't really matter to you. The main gameplay of Pathologic has always been that of a grueling survival game and it most definitely is consistent with the story and themes.

You should make your comments more fun and less lame and frustrating to read, then.

i got like 30% penalty, its not like it matters bandits will one-shot you with knife even at full hp

Suffering and stress.

Needing to chow down on something every 10 mins and drink water every few steps is a little bit much.

yes, in classic some houses had unique music, plague houses had some really creepy music inside, music on streets and steppe were great too. in remake it all feels the same, maybe except intense intro theme

>Not buying the bull.

It's just 200, menkh.

I recall it being 400 rubley-doos

I got it for 300.

so would i need to buy the other parts individually.

also give me a reason to buy this

i really love this game but never played the first part for longer then 20 min yet the story is amazing to me

>so would i need to buy the other parts individually.
Nobody knows. It might be free, it might not be.

I bought it with 500 but that means my dividends are also larger.


You can haggle it down.

It's not that expensive and it offers you a complete game in of itself. it's quite unique in modern gaming and by buying it you likely ensure that the other parts will come out.

They explain that due there being a bunch of tyre in the air which makes everyone exhausted and their bodies a lot more vulnerable. But of course that's just horse shit.

The point is to make you feel uncomfortable and unsafe all the time. You always have to be moving, collecting, trading on top of your tasks.

the only reason to keep going

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i never needed to keep the money because stealing from houses was so easy to do without rep loss and you could get a ton of food from it.

Here they've changed that mechanic and it's quite impressive how much it fucks with how I play the game.

This game is frustrating, boring, and really stressful. But I cant stop fucking playing it.

Geez, why is she so glum?

She's autistic.

she's not glum she's just tsundere

I completely ruined my early days by trading with drunks.

All that water, wasted... Next time I'll know better.

>so would i need to buy the other parts individually.
I've seen people saying that the other two parts are coming out no matter what, and they'll be free if the game does well (free for backers no matter what), but I haven't seen a source. You should really buy it if you like it, though; even if the other parts are guaranteed to be released, their quality could be dependent on how well the game does.

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>Ferry now Costs 2 coins

After giving a one of the one and halfs two tinctures to figure out what the fuck was wrong with him, it still didn't know precisely. But the green cloud just outside the diagram seemed bigger. So I gave him drugs for that color. He got better. Maybe. They say it so now.

Is that just a big fat clue? The color blobs outside the diagram? Also, when is a good time to autopsy people for blood and organs? If I piss off people no one trades with me.

When is whether or not someone gets infected/dies calculated? I tried savescumming to change results but it didn't do anything. If one of my bound dies will I just have to go to a save from before I gave them treatment?
Also is time actually going faster?

What do if you get infected? Sleep it off? Pop pills?

Yeah, you're doing the medicine part alright.

The best time to autopsy people is when you've a hospital full of them, or in a district that trusts you so they won't dislike you too much for it.

Here's a quick tip: Taking blood doesn't make you lose reputation.

anybody know of a demo or pirate i can get to see if it runs on my pc before i buy?

I think it's predetermined at some point, don't know where.
Maybe they're not random at all? Now wouldn't that be a doozy! Ha!

Yeah, I was emptying water vials to get blood to later "water" my voodoo witch doctor trees.

You pop pills, but be aware that many pills fuck other bars up. You might be able to make super healthy antibiotic tinctures that don't though, but I'm sure the resources for those will be scarce.

Running through them fast doesn't seem all that bad.

Yeah. I actually like how they tightened up a ton of the mechanics. Stuff that felt more game-y and easy to exploit is now either gone or useless. Stuff that I never bothered with mechanics wise from raising immunity (because you can dodge the plague so easily) and brewying tyrw is now absollutely vital.

Bought it early, it's just pocket change. I have pet bull now.


Attached: golden-calf-syndrome-golden-calf.jpg (1690x856, 480K)

Yeah, but that means spending TIME in exchange for $$$ on material you could make tinctures and medicine out of. A nickel never bought a second of time.

Game is meta as fuck. If you think about it, following quest markers is pretty much repeating history.

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they have very easy moveset, i beat them with my fists without even being hit
remember you can sneak with c

There are more herbs in the steppe than water bottles in the city if you know where to look.

The steppe solves all of your problems.

I wish the journal/letters came back. I liked those, but as something on top of the thought map system.

How different in story is Haruspex to Bachelor? Played Bachelor already. Will it be the same thing but some different details and perspective or is it a big change in how things unfold?

All administrations of tinctures require the physic to yell a "HAIL MARY!" while chucking the empty bottle for the medicine to work. It's standard procedure.

I know how to sneak but that doesn't help with the first one that immediately starts beating you after ending the conversation with it.

Just stunlock it dude.
Get a butchers knife from your good pal at the warehouse.

It's very different. Different perspective, mostly different events (except where the stories cross over) and different mechanics.

She was afflicted with the condition known as freckles. It only made her adorable. Also I want to fuck her brains out, but I'm just a big fat hunchback monster thing aren't I?

The perspective change is pretty big, from an outsider to someone who is trusted with the secrets of the steppe. In the first game there are a few different gameplay mechanics but the campaign starts off really fucking hard. In the second one it starts off very easy but gets really hard, just like bachelor in the first.
Yeah I miss letters too.

Very different. The Bachelor is a civilised outsider with a goal and instructions from the powers that be fighting everyone. The Haruspex is a local boy who's been away and needs to make everyone like 'em.

I'm guessing the RED ONES and big fat center "Idea" is the important ones for that day.

>day 3
>helped notkin with infected house, he get the plague anyway

Too busy with doing quests to even bother watching the shows in the first 3 days.

You saved the district, but he was in the house too.

How to make food/water mechanic less annoying
>slow the thirst/hunger rate by half
>reduce the water/food quantity in the world by half
this way, the resource management aspect is still there, but you dont have to stop for a snack every 10 fucking minutes

Fug boys, perfect run guide when?
Im messing up so badly.

agree, you're thirsty every 10 minutes if you're running and hungry every other hour. should make both degrade slower, in turn should make water/food more scarce for counterbalance

She is such a cute, but is the best.

Stupid sand plague...

I did nearly everything for day 1 and 2, and I suspect doing some things means you miss out on different outcomes, maybe. I don't know. This feels great.

So on day 1 that guy in the warehouse told me his friend was sick and then also told me to grab some medical supplies and stuff from the box, but there was no box anywhere?? What did I do wrong

I haven't even finished Daniil's story in 1. Should I jump right into 2?

And Khan didn't get sick. Guess that polyhedron works huh.

Nice way to make the game fucking easy. You already get forcefed like half the days food ratios by just showing up at town hall.

you either already looted it or are fucking blind

I'm not convinced its possible, especially with the new random infection mechanic.

Only after day 4. and then once you're used to it...

I looked around the entire room, all I found was a cupboard with a masked dude gesturing towards it, but it was empty.

To have troubles before day 4 is to be mentally ill to begin with.

Shit probably gets emptied/rerolled at the new day I'm guessing, only store shit at the underground base where you make your meth.

>a cupboard with a masked dude gesturing towards it
that is the one, you sure you didn't loot it already?

I'm doing fine-ish thus far, not quite as good as I'd like but muddling along in an acceptable manner, but a lot of people seem to be confused as to how to play the game. You should be constantly scavenging, trading, grabbing things as you're moving through town and I don't think they are.

100%. I opened it through the little minigame and it was empty. What is it supposed to contain anyway?

Answer these questions if you wish to succeed:
1) You have a daughter and a son, soldiers tell you that you must choose which one they will shoot or they'll shoot both. What do you do?
2) Is bandage a food item?

>In this game, we are thrown from the very beginning with visions, lucid dreams, talking puppets, breaks of fourth wall SO OFTEN to the point that nothing in the game will surprise you

I noticed that, but I never played the original, I'm enjoying my experience thus far, mainly because everyone is going in a bit blind playing right now.

Modern russian anons are the lowest scum and there is not a single reason to care about their opinion.

don't forget the bvll's balls oynon

Attached: Pathologic 2019-05-26 21-08-07-02.png (1920x1080, 1.84M)

>You have a daughter and a son, soldiers tell you that you must choose which one they will shoot or they'll shoot both. What do you do?
shoot the soldiers with my MILITARY GRADE REVOLVER
>Is bandage a food item?
Of course since it can heal starvation damage and it sure was useful during the Abattoir trials in 1

One correct, you won't be punished but we'll have to confiscate Your bull

shitty scalpel and some other goodies, nothing mandatory but you could use the scalpel to perform surgery.

be honest slavbros: are you going to finish your playthrough even in the case in which all your NPCs start dying?

I've already lost one, but I'll manage.

what does "IN DANGER" mean in the People Tab? I'm at the end of the 3rd day and I know that stamatin could die at midnight, but the mysterious 8th child has been "in danger" since the second day and he's still there. does that mean that people don't die immediately if the plague infects them overnight? can I still cure them the day after?

How do I steal shit without people knowing?

life matters not as long as i find the bastard

Is it explicitly stated that you must protect your Bound? Whatever the case, I hope IPL put a lot of effort into the bad endings.

steal from abandoned districts. just watch out for those knife fuckers

But how come every building I come across I always get a "they'll know" notification even if there's nobody around? Seems a bit artificial.

can i fuck the herb bride now

i lost 2(notkin and sticky) but i don't think it changed my ending.

If you give an infected character Smowder will that keep them cured for the duration of the game?

Finish his story.

is Notkin getting infected on day 4 inevitable?

yes, just like real life

i believe he is scripted to die unless you give him shmowder

1) I don't have any goddamn kids you fucking dumbass inquisitor and I won't let you make me any no matter how much you beg
2) I want to stuff it down Mark's throat every time I see him so sure

Just robbed 4 buildings and killed everyone inside guys

>He didn't get it.

found this guy selling super cheap shit at night near a dead shop. anybody else found him? all of his items except the watch cost just 1 trade value and even a neomycium + is worth 10 units to him. wish i could run into this guy every night.

he takes
neomycinum - 7
ferromycinum - 7
monomycinum -7
neomycinum+ - 10
morphine - 4
basic tinctures - 3
and sells
peanuts, springs, candles, straight razor for 1
pocketwatch for 4

Attached: npc.jpg (2532x1440, 434K)

they were probably witchhunting during the first day, you did good

There's 2 levels. There's "In Danger" which means that the game will roll to see if they will become "Infected" at midnight which is the next level. If they're "Infected" the game instead rolls to see if they will die at midnight. Not sure what the 8th name is exactly but I'm only just did Day 4 and it implies that it's not referring to a person.

>He didn't buy the bull

based and bachelorpilled

Attached: loc.jpg (2570x1440, 750K)

i bought the bull, I even gave him a badass name. can't find it near the house now tho, hope he is ok

Should I finish Pathologic classic first?

thx user, that's what i wanted to know. stamatin is cool but i will probably save the shmowder for some kids. anna can go fuck herself

No. The Plague incarnation said that i cheated, when i cured Notkin with this "barbaric powder", but he has no immunity, so eventually will get infected again.

He bought the bull?

Attached: The Powers That Be.jpg (1000x581, 49K)

about to buy the bull, interested in seeing where this goes

Hill would be a beast playing this game. He was born to manage this like this.

You don't have to. I love Pathologic but it's a game that's best played over a long period of time lest you get burnt out. Second seems much more like I can binge it. First game also is probably going to take anywhere from 60-100 hours to finish, but it's a complete game with all the characters where as this is just the Haruspex.

When do I get the hideout to store shit? Im almost done with day 2 and I can't stock up on foods cus my inventory is full of stuffs

i recently was gifted pathologic hd. im very confused as to how this game functions. is everything tied to a global timer? i keep missing multiple events all at once.

someone spoil me on the bull please

Bro.... i wish i had a bull...


you get it during day 2, after you visit the house of isidor

Yes, time waits for no one.

How many endings?
And damn I wish the inventory upgrades carried over to new game.

is there "sorry" button? I accidentally hit some patrolman when fighting a robber

Just speedrun that inventory upgrade, I think the clothier next to Khans always sells a toolbox, pretty much the most important upgrade in the game.

Man those upgrades feel good.

Where can I pirate the game? On piratebay I can only find an update for the codex release and nothing else.

Olon zuun jeley urda te'e hunde ubshen shulu'un de'egu'ur ebakha, you little Mara? I'll have you know I was made Menkhu of the Khantage, and I've been involved in numerous quarantines in the Town-on-Ghorkon, and I have over 300 confirmed treatments. I am trained in the Lines and I'm the top Oynon in this entire place. You are nothing to me but just another body. I will empty you the fuck out with precision dissection the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit about me over the Districts? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my network of butchers across the Termitary and your location is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and all it will cost me is a fingernail. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of Bad Grief and I will use it to its full extent to hound your ass back to the Capital, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comments were about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn dandy. I will pour blood all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, Daniil.

Just use Skidrow like everyone else.

If you can't figure it out you don't deserve to know.

Is the GOG version up in torrents/Mega yet?

What a chad


Skidrowcodex dot net?

1. You retard it's the fucking opposite.
They were funded just before dollar skyrocketed so they nearly doubled their funds.

The only "sorry" button you need is located on their goddamn faces, punch it until they are cold on the ground. You're the goddamn butcher, rip and tear to see if they have HUGE GUTS.

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>before cursing you, Clara just sits on the bench outside the kids' house where Capella and Maria are supposedly discussing something
>after cursing you, if you go back in, she's curled up in the corner
How the hell did I miss this the first time around?

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He's not. Time is progressing really slow when you're in the menu.

Not that, user, but I think I got attacked by a cloud while I was in inventory once.

are you into bestiality?

what you do to make her like that

Take off her beanie.


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i got it on rutracker, but bought it after the first 30 minutes


So what the fuck are you supposed to use in fights?
>knife breaks hilariously fast
>as do lockpicks
>as do scalpels
I'm mostly punching people and it doesn't work too well

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Run, or use that revolver you wasted 3000 on/stole from the kids.

Broken weapons are still weapons.
A broken cleaver deals nicely with any brawlers, reserve the nice shit for real bad boys.

Your legs. For running.

Im about to buy this game I dont know anything about. Should I?

>day 1
>already got beat up by locals 3 times because I keep running into them
>cant escape because lmao grab or infinite stamina

the bull will stop the bullying

>your legs
that reminds me, why the fuck is the Haruspex unable to kick like the rest of the town can?
this is bullshit

>day 1 passes before I got a chance to buy the bull

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We were all without knowledge once.

Reload the fucking save and buy the bull.
Because he's got meaty uppercuts.

hell I was sneaking around in the alleys now to avoid them completely but these faggots literally spot me through the walls or some shit

just tell me what the bull does

They move slightly slower than you do even when you're not sprinting.

Broken scalpels and knives still stun enemies, especially from behind. Ideally you sneak up on everyone and keep stabbing them in the ass until they drop dead, suffering no retaliation. If you're outnumbered, the only viable options are either guns or running the fuck away, unless you enjoy not being able to hug anyone anymore.

It eats grass and you can name it

Nobody will spoonfeed you oynon, just buy it for 200

He eats Clara's hat.


The bull fucks Lara


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