Don't you hate it when megacorps try to act like they're "one of us"?
Don't you hate it when megacorps try to act like they're "one of us"?
take your r/gaming meme back where it belongs, in the fucking trash can
You do know that corporations have people in them right?
I do but this image assumes i'm a nigger but i'm not
They hire people. Once they get in they're not people anymore.
they are one of us, they just have a job
People subservient to a centralized power.
People who work at finances have no say on what marketing does beyond budget stuff.
It depends.
If they're posting CUTE and FUNNY girls like Nintendo does, then sure it's fine if they astroturf.
If they LARP as SJWs who are LARPing as /pol/ and try to social shame on an anonymous BBS, then fuck 'em.
ok I heard Yea Forums was bad...but do people really just toss around the n word casually like this and no one so much as blinks?
I need to lie down.
Corporations ARE people user.
I hate you and the megacorps.
Imagine not seeing everybody on here other than yourself as a disgusting disease of a person who only seeks to devalue and cheapen the world by making everything about sex.
Imagine actually being one of the retards who romanticize this site or imageboards and the "culture" in general.
You need to be wiped the fuck out.
I think that women and gays shouldn't be respected just for existing.
They have to put in effort towards becoming good at videogames, or doing stuff that straight men might like, in order to earn that respect.
Also I don't think trannies should be respected at all. That includes the "I swear we're totally different to trannies" faggots in denial who call themselves "traps".
Plus, I don't use facebook, twitter, reddit, or any platform that you can get me banned from, because I think Free Speech should also apply to corporations that act as a communications carrier between members of the public.
I hate when they get mad at us for not buying into their bullshit more
If you get this buttblasted over Yea Forums one of the most Reddit boards on here it's a sign you need to go back.
I love that because it's fucking hilarious.
If they wanted us to like them they'd make an effort to be likeable, rather than trying marketing strategies that only work on roasties (slang Yea Forums term for women aged 18-33 whose emotions override their logic and reasoning).
I hate it when people from reddit think they're "one of us" but I'm not "one of us" I think that "legion" shit is faggotry.
>he isn't a Fortune 500 CEO
Yea Forums is the rich man's shitposting ground
I can't call it romantic, but it's better than the alternatives.
Also, sex isn't the same thing as waifus.
this is why cures are virtually no longer a thing and instead we just get treatments. and why cancer will never be cured
Curing patients is a perfectly sustainable model if you reinfect them. In the case of diseases caught by sharing needles, this can be encouraged by simply NOT trying to prevent it; people will do it themselves.
I know I'd be out of business if it weren't for the millions of people who end up $200 short for something they absolutely need because they blow their entire paycheck on weed, beer, and meth.
You know Nazi Germany had people in it right?
Yes. But do YOU know that California has people in it?
"People" is a buzzword, it doesn't mean anything.
what funny as fuck is that people gave ea so much shit for say "sense of pride and accomplishment "
but was quick to say the same thing when people wanted an easy mode for sekuro
gamers are just fucking dumb
How is it possible that EA is so hated yet they always have the highest selling games of the year?
Consumers are retarded. Literally. They will buy anything the ads tell them. That's why AAA games have bigger marketing budgets than development budgets.
Literally marketing. Most sales are to casuals, not """gamers""".
It's not 1993 anymore. Kotaku wasn't wrong when they said gamers don't have to be your audience.
user, those "people" sign contracts which make them part of EA. EA does not care about customers, so those "people" do not care about customers.
EA wants to raise the base cost of games, while also selling lootboxes and DLC. So those "people" want to rob you.
Sometimes I wish I was white so I could be this oblivious.
I would unironically take the disgusting degenerate perverts on Yea Forums over most of the people that are the same color as I am ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.
Like fuck, I don't know how white people can unironically believe that a bunch of dumb high schoolers and college kids shitposting on the internet are worse than a lot of the human trash currently roaming the streets, but I honestly envy how sheltered your lives must be.
If you could pay to skip bosses in Sekiro we'd shit on that too.
If the grind is intended to gate out the people who aren't dedicated enough, then Yea Forums defends it. Look at Disgaea and Classic WoW.
But if the grind exists to get people to pay IRL dosh to skip it, of course it'll be shit on.
The issue is that there isn't any pride or accomplishment in paying for a character class, and trying to justify it by saying you could earn the class the hard way is disingenuous.
Kill yourself nigger.
It's almost as if Captialism is a fucked system that is designed to breed companies like this.
If I was Jewish I would have said I was white and talked about how awful other white people are.
But yea, are you actually sheltered enough to think that people shitposting on the internet and jerking off to cartoons are anywhere NEAR the worst humanity has to offer?
reddit may be more your speed pal
Because gullible retards with no sense of taste are at least 70% of the target demographic, if not more.
You know all those people who you play with in videogames, who are so utterly incompetent and non-sentient that they don't even realise that walking right up to the mob of slow moving axe guys is a bad idea?
Those are a huge chunk of any playerbase. Non-sentient goblinoid cockroach-men who fail to grasp the basic concept of cause and effect, and who will keep doing something that isn't fun purely because it doesn't occur to them that they could do something different.
EA nails that demographic and it makes them filthy rich.
Not really. It's just people who like Fifa.
>obongo's reign is when is when negative
Settle down, mutilation victim.
yeah. obama was a fucking centrist neolib who was in the pocket of wallstreet. the left doesn't deny this. it's why so many leftists hated hillary too.
If you'd buy literally the same game every year, with MUH GRAFIX instead of any changes to gameplay, then that's the exact type of person I'm talking about.
thanks obama
is when it went*
the left acts like he was black jesus you tard.
My mistake, made a knee-jerk response without properly reading.
Some shitty bait you've got there nigger.
I am going to personally kill the chapo trap house manchildren
If you actually thought that post was serious you're a fucking retard
And multiple people still fell for it.
Liberals aren't the left.
Bad bait. I'm only responding to call you out. Maybe if you want attention you're better off waving your dick in public.
>I played myself like a damn fiddle.
My stance on the matter is this:
If we actually tried to enforce some standards and expectations on the street trash, then I expect they'd improve.
But the current strat is to pretend any differences between groups of people don't actually exist, and any measured differences are due to bias in the measurer,
and that we need to counter this bias with universal respect and kindness and free shit, no matter what the street trash do, and to completely ban the concept of "deserving" good things.
I.e. you CAN take the Jungle out of the Nig or the Toasty out of the Roastie if you just fucking try, and people can be encouraged to become better versions of themselves.
The leftards hate this view because they don't believe "better versions of themselves" exists, and /pol/ hates this view because they think it's a wasted effort to even try.
So as a result you've got a lot of bad shit going down that no side is trying to fix.
Dude just keep the jobs that don't make money open lmao
Neither the CFO or CEO is Jewish. It's billionaires that are the problem.
You're a payday lender? You should literally kill yourself, you are the most cancerous plague in the financial industry.
Wageslaves aren't people
Epic r/gaming post dude
take my le upboat XD
Edit: Thanks for le gold kind stranger!
Good. Fuck Activision and Blizzard devs
no you won't
what is the the Prison Mike of the industry?
EA employees are salaried
I'm sorry. I just like skeletons and it seemed appropriate.
its the same thing with the fabled cavities cure and dentists
Most of the people who lost their jobs with zero warning were QA or programmers. Not the people making the shitty design or business decisions. All those people get a nice big paycheck
people who are out to get your money to enrich their shareholders, sure
The spacing gives you away retard ""troll"""