Specs thread

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Ryzen 3600 soon IF the single core performance is good.

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Would upgrading to an i5 9600k from a 6600 (non-K) paired with the 1060 6gb and 16gb of 2400mhz ram that I already have give me a good enough jump in performance that is worth the price of the CPU and the new motherboard I would have to buy?

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Pls don't bully. Third-world here.

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No, especially with Zen 2 so close.

I got an i7 8700k but I'll switch if Zen2 is good enough. All these intel exploits are getting out of hand.

Anyone have something like this with texture issues

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Ryzen 5 2600
16 GB DDR4 2666MHz Corsair LPX (Dual Channel)
SSD Kingston 240GB (for the system)
HDD WD Black 1TB (for games and movies)
Corsair CX 450W
Monitor is 1366x768

OP here, any recommendations for an upgrade to my GPU?

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why is my cpu going full chernobyl?

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Speccy doesn't like Ryzens. It's probably running at a 3rd of that heat.

any reason why it should take like 5-10 seconds to load my backup drives sometimes? are the drives dying?

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is it worth it to buy an amd CPU if I just play games?

You want at least a 1070 for 1080p these days.

1080ti/1080s are pretty cheap now.

Most games are well multi threaded now so they run great.

A lot of older PC games and new emulators still require good single core performance though, which Ryzen lacks.

Wait for Zen 2 (Ryzen 3000s), it comes out next month.

Xeon masterrace reporting in

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No bulli pls

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ah yes thanks user
just got hwmon reporting much cooler temps

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you need a solid state bad user. its a colossal upgrade.

Did you taking a fucking photo of your screen?

Can't wait for the "SSDs die fast" crew to arrive.

Those Xeons back then were actually a better cost/performance than the core series processors.

It's not the case anymore, none of the Xeons are worth buying.

Yes, I have a proper prnt scrn too but I am on my phone in bed. I was too lazy to transfer the pic on my phone back then so I just took a photo.

Do you have a recommendation for SSDs?

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>Intel at 80c

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Yeah, no iGPU and quicksync or sth like that which didn't matter for 99% of people. Was basically a 4770 without iGPU but 50 bucks cheaper.

samsungs are great. depends what you need it for. slickdeals always has good sales on stuff. at the very minimum it makes your boot time nonexistant.

HP EX950 or ADATA SX8200 Pro


Samsung if you want/need to clone your drive otherwise any well known brand goes.

Kingstons are looking pretty appealing to me. Especially with such a low price point.

if you live near a micro center, inlands are great and dirt cheap. i think you can even order shipping too.

What do you guys think about going from a i3 8100 to an i5 9400f?
Unfortunately I can't switch to Ryzen.

Kingston drives are good. As long as cloning your current OS isn't a priority go with Kingston. Other brands do have cloning software but Samsung's is the best by far and will work no matter what.

6c6t IIRC? The 9400F is pretty good looking in that case. If you have the extra money go for an i7 though.

can upgrade my gpu but I'm thinking I'll wait for next meme gen or to see if meme tracing actually gets used in games

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It'll be like as if you went to an i5 8400 because the 9400f is pretty much an 8400 with a minor speed bump and no integrated graphics. Search up reviews of the 8400 and compare it with your 8100.

if you don't have an nvme ssd, you're gonna be fuck when next gen rolls around. oh, at least 16 gb of ram too.

Don't recommend an i7 m8. Literally, every modern i7 is vulnerable unless you disable HT. So unless he's getting a fucking 9700k there's no point in paying that premium.

Fear mongering you tard. Nothing's gonna happen to you as private user.

cpu temp is bug, vram is bug, acer monitor is 120hz
decent budget
im also waiting for new ryzen
micro atx build?
talk about bootleneck
get ssd and gpu bro
that gpu thou

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t. techlet

Don't reccomend any processor right now.

It's just a terrible time to buy a processor.

Zen 2 is coming out next month, so don't buy AMD right now.

Every Intel processor is vulnerable to exploits which require performance-degrading patches, so don't buy Intel right now.

why what's nvme and what's next gen gonna magically do? don't consoles use a laughably small amount of ram?
d-does it only effect i7s?

Unless you're running Linux you can't turn off the performance degrading security patches.

It's fear mongering, retard

what happened with intel? I don't remember much but I thought that the same meme that effected intel also effected amd chips as well but it's been awhile since anyone has brought up the vulnerabilities so I completely forgot

R8 my setup.

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All Intel processors made in the last decade.

Im on 8.1 and you can turn updates off on 10 too. The "up to 40% perf decrease" concerns HT and not regular performance. Regular perf isn't impacted a lot by the patch alone, turn HT off and you'll see an up to 40% decrease 8n certain cases

What is a delid going to do for 80c+ temps? It's probably not seated properly

When the first wave of vulnerabilities hit, Intel was affected by all 3 of them, while AMD was only affected by 1 (the most minor one, at that)

The current exploit is Intel only, and by their own admission the only way to be completely sure you're safe is to disable HT. Assuming you follow Intel's own advice, your 4c/8t i7 is now obsolete, because modern games absolutely use more than 8 threads.

how could a vulnerability like that be this widespread and intel not out of business
what even is the vulnerability is it another government back door?

>it's reporting the fahrenheit CPU temperture as celsius
either that or I'm about to die

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B+, would play minesweeper on

mITX build

check the nuclear core of your pc
is it glowing blue?

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Programs on your PC can request data via the exploit that they usually shouldnt have access to. It's fear mongering and won't affect anyone

next gen consoles will use very fast ssds, and will have access to at least 16 gigs of ram for strictly gaming.

Built it a handful of years ago.

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It's because Intel were lazy and decided to focus on HT to compute things faster and faster, while keeping actual IPC more or less the same.

They didn't do their due diligence to make sure they weren't leaving any room for exploits and now anyone with half a brain wouldn't buy a processor from them for a good long time. Especially not with Zen 2 so close and promising to be a massive improvement over AMD's already competitive offerings.


New vulnerability found last week. Effects every Intel processor made in the last decade.

Security patches degrade performance.

Google has disabled HT on chromebooks. If Google of all companies think it's not worth risking on a PC that's essentially just a web browser, it's probably pretty fucking important to mitigate the threats.

I built this for about $450 around mid 2017

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The techlets and their fear mongering is hilarious, I'll leave now. Based retards.

Good goy.

what the fuck wasn't this the same shit I heard months ago?
didn't intel also get shit for not even putting thermal paste on their cpus or some shit too?

although I did accidentally get shipped an i9 instead of an i7 like I purchased and it was a free incredibly massive upgrade

Well now that you're gonna want to disable HT anyway you've got your i7 LMAO

the fuck is ht? hyperthreading?

Will figure out the overclocks at some point.

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Yeah it's hyperthreading.

Yes, it's hyperthreading.

but then my stuff won't be hyperthreaded and that sounds sick

7700Ks NEED deliding. I got mine done, and temps plummeted.

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Want to know what's not sick? Hardware vulnerabilities.

I've got 32gb and an nvme but I use that for my OS
when is next gen anyways I haven't touched a console in 10+ years
will we finally get games developed for current era technology or will it be drastically behind like every other gen

This build is around 2 years old now.
Should I build a new one?

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>what is delid going to do for an Intel chip

gee wiz I fucking wonder

how vulnerable are we talking here and how hard is the fix/performance loss?

Swap out the mobo+CPU for Zen 2, otherwise you're good for next-gen.

>114 C

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Vulnerable enough that Google isn't taking any chances (), and at least for 8c CPUs the performance impact of dropping HT isn't major atm. That may change in the future, though. Current 4c/8t CPUs like the 7700k are hit HARD by it.

isn't that hot enough to start melting shit?
assuming this is some speccy meme and not reality

Mobo CPU switch means a RAM switch as well.

You have DDR4, you don't *need* to switch RAM.

Enable XMP though, champ.

speccy seems to have trouble telling the difference between fahrenheit and celsius
it's a piece of shit now, same thing with ccleaner. sellout company.

am I fucked mr cpuman

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Oh hey, a fellow hot CPU friend

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Faulty ASUS temp reading. Pretty common amongst ASUS boards.

Any suggestions for upgrades that I can make without spending much?

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ahhh, another 114° day in my room
just how I like it

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ZEN is really picky with compatible RAM. Not sure if that has changed with ZEN 2 on the market.

Either way 2400MHz RAM was never a problem with Ryzen. Also BIOS updates have really helped mem compatibility.

Nah, actually you should be fine with that for a while.

>301 F

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Can't POST without RAM so if your RAM is incompatible in the first place, you are still SOL.

Mister wise guy, you have to enable XMP manually to begin with. All RAM sticks will "work", it's just about if they'll POST with XMP applied.

>user accidentally burns down california
>says it was just a prank

I have seen and helped build ZEN builds that refuse to POST even without XMP simply because the sticks were not on the mobo compatibility list. This was ZEN 1. Of course I am not sure about the mobos nowadays as well as ZEN 2.

Yeah that's not a problem these days.

I just built my computer and everything works fine
except when I turn it on from a turning it off it won't do shit 90% of the time

everything starts up power-wise but it won't kick if that makes any sense, it won't launch to bios or anything just everything is on but not
so I restart like 10-20 times until it finally clicks and launches bios and all that shit and then it just runs like normal with no issues

I just decided to not turn it off anymore cause what if it's the last time
also restarting works completely fine

>buy noctua fan
>turn pc on
>temperature goes down
feels good not to fall for the watercooling meme

mmm toasty

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Make sure your boot drive is properly set and mounted.

you know, I've seen the above 100 temperatures so much, but I just now noticed something else.
it's fucking saying 14nm instead of 12nm.
the fuck?

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they make good shit. Only retards care about the color of them
>mug RBG
I bought this fucker. No regrets. 9700k, OC'd, cool as shit boys.

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I just need to get an NVMe drive then I'm done.

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based HWinfo bro. Speccy doesn't even recognize my CPU lmao

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think that's it? that'd be nice
I'll check next time it happens

1070 Founder's Edition reporting in

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>those mem timings for 3200MHz

nani the fuck, user

Fuck your specs.

BOYS! I have great news!

You know that trany-posting we went through? That was the gays! They ducked us up a lot of went schizo. But for those of us with hot moms... we kept being straight.

Okay now here is the truth. I've been hearing and seeing a lot of 5hings I don't like. I'm addicted to gaeman like most of you. Please don't use gaymaen unless you're super straight. Okay, well... I just a vivid hallucination whete I felt and saw my mom and other females I'm attracted to and fantasize a lot about change the face of the pornstar...

A real live hallucination like magic. On xhamster. I don't know which free porn site works for you but xhamster gives me good feels sometimes. Anyway I also like AdultEmpire and hotmovies dot com.

So yeah, this is masturbation like jever before. It's lust and love.

I haven't fucked with them. More or less just plugged and played.

Bro, I hope you're able to snag a Ryzen 2 upgrade before the Trump tariffs fuck everything up.

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The trick is to take care of yourself.

I'm out, peace.

Well you said everything is running and on but nothing shows on the screen.
Makes me thing it is a SSD/HDD issue.
Are you able to make it into the BIOS?

Asus Strix 980Ti
Corsair Vengeance 32GB 3200Mhz
Standard iMac 2017 16GB

>all of these i5 retards like me
I recently escaped that 4 core hell. Never again.

only occasionally goes to bios, most other times it'll sit with shit running and nothing happening until I restart it enough times that a white light on my motherboard finally shows then I know it's gonna boot to bios and everything runs normally from then

how good's my specs bros

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How old is your mobo? Scratch that HDD/SSD. This might be a CMOS battery issue or PSU.

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they're all brand new and manufactured in the last year
it's a 970 pro SSD so I hope it's not that

wish I knew so I could just replace it cause money isn't tight right now but it seems like an impossible thing for me to figure out with my knowledge

1080ti strix has served me very well

So when you hit the power button, everything turns on, fan spins etc, GPU fans spin up, lights turn on but the screen shows nothing. Right?

still on a laptop lel but it's held up nicely

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heres the gpu

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How big is the thing itself? That's decent hardware.

I've not had problems with running ANYTHING so far, but I'm considering upping to the ZOTAC 2060 when I get paid

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17" screen
8.4 pounds
in all honesty i love this laptop. It's done very well for nt being a desktop and i can bring it wherever.

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enjoy your space heater

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and mine

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Delidding is not going to get you down to normal temps from 80c
Delidding for intel chips should obviously be common practice, I've done it to my own 4790k which had the shittiest paste job I've ever seen, but even the that didn't give those kinds of temps.

correct sorry for late reply

Kinda wished I was on team red for the 3000 launch, i can wait though.

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I got a zotac and this thing runs hot as fuck compared to other GPUs

Might be a per model thing. I had a Zotac mini 1080 before I got my 2080, and it ran fine.

I generally like MSI's fan designs, though. Please Trump, don't tariff my parts.

Then you obviously don't know how atrocious it was for the 7700Ks specifically. Google it.

I wa hitting the 80s for some games with a brand new chip, and never even touch the 70s after deliding.

>So when you hit the power button, everything turns on, fan spins etc, GPU fans spin up, lights turn on but the screen shows nothing. Right?
come back and save me from this hell

>Delidding is not going to get you down to normal temps from 80c

It will for the 7700K. It's notoriously one of the worst offenders in Intel's history. Some claim there wasn't even any paste in there at all.

I want to repaste my Asus G751JY but I'm kind of scared. Never did that type of work on a laptop.

>Some claim there wasn't even any paste in there at all
corporations cutting cost to save pennies
worst meme of all time

when is the next gpu upgrade gonna happen?
this new nvidia gpu meme shit blows

what happened to ati

Look under your chair.

>ordered parts off amazon
>some bloke was selling a 1080 for 300 near my area
>ain't got no cash after buying parts
gpu giving me buyer's remorse

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I know i have an rtx 2070 and an i5 4690k. waiting for ryzen 3600

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>not having LTSC system

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imagine buying anything else than assrock at that price point

Forgot to add this but I'm upgrading to z390 and 9900k this summer after AMD announces the 3000 series and intel drops the price.

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well? who won?

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The highest temp always wins.

gonna get an SSD later this year. Any idea why it says 4gb instead of 8 for the GPU?

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speccy is retarded

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all these hyperthreading goys kek

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CPU, get yourself a used i5-6500 or i7-6700, no point getting unlocked skews with that H110 motherboard anyway.

Also RAM, add another 8GBs, not only is 8GBs pretty much bear minimum in 2019, you're currently running in single channel, which is gonna hurt your performance.

And of course, graphics card, get yourself a used GTX 1060 or an AMD R9 480/580, they're literally like $100 right now on the used market.

is it me or all the ryzen mobo's have retarded sensors or its actually what you running at

My PC is 2016 tier.

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speccy is garbage and spyware

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