Well, he's not coming for Smash so what's the point of staying in a dying console

>Well, he's not coming for Smash so what's the point of staying in a dying console...

Attached: tsa.jpg (1080x608, 223K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Who are you quoting?

>dying console
good bait

>Oh, I'm not getting into Smash?
>Activate it....

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They will butcher the port like NMH1

>instead he'll be going to a console with its days numbered.

Well he has excuses to be a little rage/mad with nintendo or in this case Sakurai

Being bitching about him in Brawl, Wii U/3DS and now Ultimate

>Sakurai is a bad friend

>Hey guys if you want to save NMH please buy TSA on the Switch

>Hey guys if you want to save NMH please buy TSA on the Switch
>The game flopped on Switch even though sales for the thing are through the roof, we'll have bring it to other systems and hope it sells there if we can even hope to make enough money to fund NMH 3 for these lying gaijins

>The game flopped on Switch

He don't need proof you stupid nigger.

I'm pretty pissed. I would have bought it on Steam if I knew. What a waste of money.

They're going to lose sales on No More Heroes 3 because of this. People will be holding out for PC.

It sold fine, I think he meant it got received poorly by journalist because that's who video games are made for.

>people will be holding out on a Uplay exclusive

is TSA not coming to Steam? Why would NMH3 not? I expected Epic since the damn thing is a big advertisement for the Unreal Engine.

>Why would NMH3 not
Ubisoft didn't pay for TSA

>People unironically think this is going to Steam
Be looking forward to this years E3 Epic PC Gaming Show

Attached: 1558847987714.jpg (430x460, 44K)

>steam logo
>not on steam

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>The game flopped on Switch

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>tfw I didn't get a Switch
Feels fucking good

Shut up you nigger

There's a very good reason all the Epic exclusives have been of western games user.

I don't want this crappy game. It looks like one of suda51s worst

Surely the bugmen won't bribe devs to remove it from Steam.

It's actually one of Grasshoppers's best. Almost a fucking decade and there weren't any major Suda directed games until now.
>Shadows of the Damned
>Lolipop Chainsaw
>Killer is Dead
>Let it Die (fuck you and fuck f2p bullshit and needing to cheese the game by specific weapons/mushrooms)
TSA is actually a better fucking game then any of those. All it took for Grasshopper to make a good game was Suda directing vidya again.

Too late they already paid to be the main focus of the game

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I'm sure $1 million from Epic's coffer's will persuade the publishers from changing that announcement page to list EGS instead of Steam

Suda confirmed PS4/Steam tees. Which franchises get represented?

God of War, Little Big Planet, Gravity Rush for the SOLE REASON that the NMH artist is a fan of the game. Steam will get TF2, Portal, and Artifact(in a feeble attempt to save the game)

The absolute state of snoyniggers

It's sorta weird what the Switch got, since a few shirts don't even appear on the system. From Hotline Miami, JSR, to even fucking Siren. I'm surprised Hotline Miami's not on Switch yet.

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TF2 is getting a hat

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HM was made on UE3, which isn’t supported by the Switch

A literal Sony owned IP. What fuckery is this?

tell that to the upcoming Hat In Time port user

Exodus had steam logo on a fucking boxes that had to be covered by a stickers. But i seriously doubt there will be weeb vidya on egs.

MK11 was made in Unreal 3 though user and that's on switch

remember when suda was relevant and made games?

That nigga let me down. He had hype behind him after NMH1 and NMH2. I would see ads claiming someghing like, "from the mind of suda51" for shadows iirc.

That dude wasted any sort of hype he had behind him when he decided to stkp making games

Outlast and Outlast 2 are Unreal 3 games and run fine on Switch.

They modified it. In ue3 you can make a complete vidya without touching engine's source code since engine itself has complete building toolchain that compiles your scripts, but that way you are limited by that toolchain. You can get source for an additional cost(i think it was $500k per game, but i can be lying) and port it on any platform you want, but it's harder and i doubt nmh team could've pulled that off.

Epic is a sjw store, so no japanese games because they are "sexists"

>dogshit tf2 garbage

that game still around? If you cant get dota cosmetics they throw you to tf2

>go to look for UE3 games list
>discover that Splinter Cell Blacklist used UE2 in 2013

Damn, they milked that shit with Splinter Cell.

As a guy who got this on switch Im glad more people get to play this game. Enjoy.

but NMH isn't the team we're talking about, this is about the Hotline devs

is the music as fire and punk as in nmh2? Its not masafumi takada, from what I say

Is this game even good

this is the best thing to come out of this
fucking finally

Attached: MOE.jpg (1280x720, 70K)

>they add a Travis pomp to TF2
That would be pretty neato.


It has tracks like this.

Coffee and Donuts was the worst stage in my opinion.

What’s that

it's a very standard game, the story is pretty fun. The biggest problem with this game is the fact that it's basically designed for Suda fans and only Suda fans.

Yes, it's the best game GHM's put out in 11 years.

Ape Escape shirt based on this design

it's a program that basically let's you connect two PCs for games that only have local multiplayer

suda games are never "good".

Theyre always kind of experimental in some form and come across as someone with a clunky/simplistic game design perspective but with a real sense for style.

NMH has always been a mediocre hack and slash. Its 1 button. But its had style. Like travis.monologuing his entire first boss fight in the game.

Or sir henry mother fucker. Even the cards used as a loading screen where they quickly block the screen was something.

the premises of the games have always been intriguing and unusual.

Suda is sort of like hideo in that he should be making something other than games. Only that kojimas games have solid gameplay

the only grasshopper manufacture games that have actually had solid gameplay were the ones were suda wasnt in charge. But they suffered in that they didnt have the weird sort of premises that sudancomes up with. so they never felt like suda games

basically streams someone's screen and let's you use a controller on their machine virtually
it's silky smooth

Do both people need a copy of the game for it to work?

>"So how many of you have played TSA?"
>whole crowd raises their hands and cheers
>announces the game for other systems
>you guys like this right
>everyone cheers
so is it basically confirmed that the vast majority of people that are going to buy the ports are dedicated suda fans double dipping?

Hotline miami? It's made on gamemaker studio, what's the point of comparing it with ue3 vidya?

that sounds so tame and neutered. It doesnt have the edge of the second game


just one, since it's just a stream/virtual gamepad connector


As someone who has never played NMH before should I even bother with this?

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He had little to no funding making this game, yet Nintendo gave him exposure on the Switch reveal Direct.

I don't think he is mad but if he is then he has no right to be.

im a former suda fan. I mean, Im still a suda fan.

But after a fucking decade of him not actually making games and others taking the reigns you sort of forget all about him.

Last time this nigger was relevant I was on Yea Forums wuth my wii talking about NMH1 and entering high school.

Anyway Im *semi excited*. I was excited when I heard of this game but primRily game on PC. Never bought it. I guess Ill buy it now.

Im not really expecting much since its a top down hack and slash. looks quite lame tbqg flim flam

Emulate the first game

if youre not gonna then dont bother with this

>"Thanks mate, I'm show these chefs what RAW really looks like."

What series is this?

not really
TSA is for people who played all the other suda games, it's like a penultimate conclusion with almost every character from all the games he's made since the 90s appearing in this
unless you're a diehard suda fanatic who's played all of them you'll be lost

They're not gonna charge full price for this shit, right? At least make it worth my wild and add the NMH1&2.

it's probably the one where he tours the drug-making places

Wasn't the PS3 port of NMH one such a failure they didn't even bother porting the second game?

It's ofull price if you think $40 is full price.

I don' think they ever planned to port 2. Would explain why a bunch of the bosses from it are in Paradise

Post Sudaverse artworks so I can fill my folder pls. I will start.

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>advertise game es an exclusive
>go multiplat one year later
Memes aside: how is this not considered false advertising?
It happens a lot with switch and ps4 lately.

To be fair NMH only got the following it did because the wii had N O G A M E S

Microsoft did it for years, announcing timed exclusives as "EXCLUSIVE" and nobody bat an eye

It's such a shitty tactic when companies try to sell games by saying they might make the game you actually want if you buy this game.

>It's such a shitty tactic that game companies say they'll make more games if you buy their games
Yeah fuck those companies.

That's how the world works and applies to every industry.

thats a little underhanded

suda said hell make nmh3 if this side game thats mediocre sells well enough

I was going to post a question about Killer7, but now I can't remember what it was. Carry-on anons.

but what WAS the name of the guy who made that animation?

If there's one thing that truly saddens me about TSA, is that SotD isn't real in the Sudaverse.

Attached: wBRjouh.jpg (1280x5000, 467K)

Just google it

wasn't this the documentary thing about poaching sharks/dolphins or some shit

Is Garcian's Trailer in Killer7 the same one that Travis Touchdown ends up with in TSA? They look almost identical.

"Sudaverse" is a VERY stretchy term. There's no real continuity, so he can just say "it was a documentary videogame" and that's it.

>Days numbered
>PS4 about to hit 100 million + sales

he's talking in a sense that it's about to be replaced by Sony's next console...

Inb4 Shinobu and Badgirl's outfits get censored on the PS4 version

Attached: shinobu_travis_strikes_again_no_more_heroes_by_patdarux_dd0zyn8-pre.jpg (792x1009, 133K)

Playstation home consoles have a long lifespan long after the next home console comes out

ummm sweetie we can't have black women be TOO sexy, that's objectification of marginalized groups!

pretty sure MK11 was made in UE4 not 3.


Attached: 1544083127992.png (872x757, 136K)

Its ue3

Hope they port the actual games and not this shit

nothing is real, travis himself is aware that his life is a videogame and the 25th ward ends with kamui speaking to the player character

What's the deal with the Blue and Red eyes in Killer 7? At first I thought they were to do with monsters in the area, or being low on health, but I have had both Blue and Red under both conditions at this point.

Red means you have enough blood to heal, if I remember correctly.

where the fuck did you see red and blue eyes in k7?

*Couldn't afford

Sit down and enjoy your PS4 movies kiddo

Is it going to be censored?

Your heathbar

I can see it now
>Snoyboys hype up game they dont care about
>Sony censors it

Attached: EF76622F-614C-4550-A96D-1113C1D22A05.jpg (972x1024, 77K)

Eh, it's always been a misnomer. Like Killer7 can't take place in the same world as most of his games yet I've still seen people lump it in. But I you could probably find some level of contradiction between all his games if you tried hard enough. At which point you start getting into autistic fan theories about how it all works together and that everyone has silver eyes.

The way I think of it is Suda would probably rather have whatever idea he wants to shine through than make a consistent world. And on top of that he isn't always able to do what he wanted, like SotD. So caring about that aspect isn't the best way to consume what he does.

Suda literally said during the momocon stream that Killer7 is canon to the sudaverse

There isn't really much to censor in the game, there's nothing sexual about it since it's just about two middle aged dads playing video-games together. The girls don't even have their own toilet animations

Aren't plans and shit banned in the Killer7 world? Well I guess anything goes then

i love how people are saying this game suddenly is shit because its now multiplatform.

>inb4 "but people have been saying its shit since it was released on the switch!!

user... do you seriously not remember people spamming the meta score when the game released?

It is shit. the only people who have been hyping up the game are the diehard Suda fanboys and they'd slop up whatever shit he comes out with.

Attached: 1746435324121.png (655x722, 446K)

More like the other way around you mouthbreathing retard.
For months every response to the game being called "decent enough" was 'LOL NO IT'S SHIT SHIT SHITCH HAHAHA KEK!!!"

Yeah and the DS wasn't a replacement to the GBA

Attached: notareplacement.png (1027x637, 62K)

>before the announcement
>"Fuck yeah Suda gonna announcement NMH3"
>"What are you talking a about? the game sold well on the switch"
>after announcement
>"TSA is shit, enjoy the turd

like clockwork

I'm pretty sure Suda fans have said for years that the games don't play well and the charm is Suda's writing and the worlds you find yourself in... and either way, people have been shitting on this game since the first footage of gameplay came out.

I'm not sure what the correlation here user? PS3 still supported after PS4 released

and the Wii still gets Just Dance games but we don't pretend like the system is still alive now do we?

Good that way they can boost sales for the next big rare shit.

I'm too lazy to look it up but got to the archive and look for the momocon thread. Nincel are creaming for NHM3 and saying TSA is a good game

This is literally all good
>There was enough interest to port TSA
>TSA sells more copies
>Modded on PC
>NMH3 is more than confirmed at this point
Thank you based Suda51

I didn't like it

PS3 is still being sold brand new 3 years after PS4 released, getting games and online support.

TSA has timetravel shenanigans, it's possible that some Timetravel fuckery happened allowing both NMH and K7 to happen in the same timeline.

i was literally in the momocon thread as it was happening and no they weren't, it started with "I hope NMH3 is announced" then it was talking about Suda's new translator and how he seems like a cool dude, then it was talking about Sudaverse, then when the announcement happened consolewar shitters and wojack spammers swarmed in with "OH NONONONONONONONONO" posts

Why are people talking about Ubisoft in relation to NMH3? I missed whatever happened but can gather TSA is being ported, was something actually said about NMH3 as well, or is it just speculation/rumors?

Suda still hasn't mentioned NMH3, Ubisoft gets mentioned because they published the games at some point, but Suda said in the momocon panel that Marvelous owns the IP

>tendies ALREADY rationalising losing an exclusive

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>using Suda51 to fuel retarded console wars
to think Yea Forums couldn't get MORE shameful...

Attached: SudaGETOUT.png (1200x540, 1000K)

This game has looked awful since the first trailer, doesn't matter where this game goes that wont change.

I'm upto the part in K7 where you need to do the Ulmaya puzzle. I'm sure I'm getting the info right from the posters but I keep getting locked out of the compound. Is there some kind of trick to it? I know Travis says that the company is built on lies, but I don't see how what's being shown is deceitful.

no you just have to answer it right
screenshot the posters

Disregard this, I am retarded.

FSR port when?
I want to play it again so I can try to understand one iota of the plot.

Attached: 1548256020760.png (514x92, 7K)

MM2 fixina BTFO 2019
>dying console

they're working on it
probably announce it next year

>what's the point of staying in a dying console...
But it's not on Shitch.

Travis Strikes Again was shit anyway.

Because they are dumb, Ubi has nothing to do with NMH, they just published the first game in NA. It's like thinking GTA is a Capcom franchise because they published SA in Japan

Funny because Grasshoppers financial situation is bleak, really bleak after they burned everything they had with Let it die.

Didn't Let it Die do really well though? I thought that was their most popular game to date.

Twilight Syndrome search&investigation, Moonlight Syndrome, Silver case, Flower Sun and Rain and the 25th Ward are all directly connected and form one continuous narrative, as in, every game leads directly into the next.
In 2001 Suda said as much in a gpara interview (although he obviously didn't mention 25w as it had not come out yet by then)
When Killer7 came out it had a few cameos from past games, but Suda went on record explaining that they were just simple cameos and the stories did not take place in the same setting.
Then the games had no continuity until TSA messed everything up by lumping together Killer7 and the silver case setting, which directly contradict each other. There's really no way for this to logically fit together at all, so it's just a free-for-all crossover event without any consistency anymore.
At least the 25w works well as a conclusion to the original story arc so I don't really give a shit where they go with this

It did so they well that they only have 50k USD in total liquid assets.

What're you expecting a small studio in Japan to own? Private jets and entire rows of real-estate that can be sold on a whim? 50k liquid assets is actually pretty good, probably the cost of their computers and other miscellaneous goods.

>"Do the games share the universe"?
>"Yeah, maybe"
I don't really think he cares about some sort of shared universe with one continuity and consistent logic between each entry.

that includes their total capital not just office equipment.
And thats several times lower than what they had a few years ago.

Grasshopper getting canned if they dont manage to make some big buck is not very unlikely since GungHos situation is not very good either.

>I-it was shit anyway!
Lmao this toddler cope

If this number is anything like "Authorized capital" in my country (I don't know the correct term in English and took the translation from wiki) then that number means literally nothing. A company might have high revenue and profits yet very small authorized capital (usually there's a minimum amount for a certain type of firm).

>i-it's good now that it's no MY console

You gotta remember too that money set aside for wages etc. doesn't count towards this total usually.
>An asset that can be converted into cash in a short time, with little or no loss in value. Liquid assets include items such as accounts receivable, demand and time deposits, gilt edged securities. In some countries, precious metals (usually gold and silver) are also considered liquid assets. Also called quick asset.

>they could have announced a FSR port
>they could have announced pretty much anything else
God damn it

Plebs aren't ready for that level of kino

This intro is so SH3


Attached: FSR.jpg (1024x768, 144K)

HM was made in GameMaker, not UE3

How does Sine Mora (EX) fit in with the Sudaverse?

It takes place in another planet

Would Tim's pride ever allow weebshit to be on his store?