Mfw it's up to microsoft to save this year's e3

>mfw it's up to microsoft to save this year's e3

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what the absolute fuck is that

I want to collapse your wind pipe with my bare hands and then butcher you and dispose of you in trash bags.

this but ironically

now stayvuhn



fuck off

microsoft can't even save themselves lmfao

That's impossible. I literally hate feet and have demanded that every woman I've had sex with wear her socks because feet are the most disgusting thing on the human body.

It's the lowest part of the body, constantly treads over dirt and grime and death. The floor is where animals belong, and that's all feet ever touch. I'd sooner eat asshole than even touch someone's bare foot.

It's up to netflix
And if netflix is no good our only hope is for bayo 3 to turn out to be the second coming of action games.

Imagine being the faggot who stares at feet and jerks off. Pathetic loser.

E3 is a relic of the past. The state of the industry and the press make it no longer needed. Companies are more interested in marketing directly to consumers themselves. Sometime within the next 5 years there won't even be an E3. Screencap this.

how did phil fuck this up?

ran out of money

bugged relationship mechanics
how was I supposed to know that I had to spend time with my girlfriend?

sony wins e3 without being there thanks to ff7 remake and ffcc remake

If netflix pulls a THQ Nordic and buys up old game properties nobody cares anymore then fine. If not, how the fuck would they even save e3?

She has issues with anxiety and borderline personality disorder which are tiresome enough to deal with in the first place (speaking from experience with my ex), and it's extra difficult for someone as bullheaded and selfish as Phil. He stopped giving a single shit about pleasing her and it quickly spiraled out of control with her ER visit which he regarded as a nothing but a big inconvenience for himself.


They have a lot of properties that could make for some pretty fun games.
I haven't finished dragon pilot yet so I don't know if they ever actually fight but but even if they don't in the show they can just change things up for the game and we can finally get a good dragon combat game.

Even better, they could make a game based on that truck hiest from love death and robots.

Phil's was ranting hard this stream. He shit on everyone that's ever looked at him the wrong way. And just tester he said "I'm not a drama channel, I don't talk about other content creators."

I want a game based on good hunting.
We get a game about urban hunting for humans with a cool robot fox and leftists get the white male killing simulator they always wanted, everybody wins.

Sounds hot

>mfw these shitty e-celeb threads get deleted on sight

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>come on dood, I literally had to sit with my full-time girlfriend in a hospital room for like TWO HOURS??? ACK ACK ACK ACK those doctors are so fucking stupid, they better hope I never become a doctor or they'll all be out of business

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I don't mind. Their e3 are just a lot of game announcements, which is what I'm tuning in for to begin with.

She was cheating on him with someone at her work. They were already broken up during the ER saga.

Don't forget was telling his stream about all her personal medical issues. I recall a time she was super sick and good biggest concern was that she couldn't make dinner, though I don't recall if that was the same incident or not.

How the fuck do you Yea Forumsirgins find PandaLee attractive? Sure, she's got a decent body but her face is fucking busted. Bitch looks like a goblin. Are you fags really that desperate?

I think she was sick. dsp was streaming, and he paused his stream to wake her up, telling her to prepare dinner.

You mean PC gaming show

It doesn't look good with the chink sponsorship

>chad warden even on there

This guy made a fucking video YEARS AGO when half of you were in grade school and now he's just living a quiet life.

Also why is AVGN even on there, the only time he's posted here is for reaction images or making fun of an old video of his.

I'd raw dog Pandalee desu.

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i would pierce brosnan her burger.