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*squack errrrooooooorrrrr*

Best monster

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This game is lit. I was just playing it yesterday with some friends. Then we moved onto Wario microgames and that was better.

I'm still pissed that Obsidian was chosen over The Visitor for Godzilla Unleashed.

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what did he mean by this?


Why is this game such shit?

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>[autistic screeching]

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Terrible controls and repetitive gameplay.

>every other option was better than Obsidian
>Obsidian still wins the contest
I had a theory about this. Obsidian didn’t actually win the contest but was put in anyways because his model best fit King Kong’s moveset. If you look closely, several of Obsidian’s moves look fairly ape-like. His beam attack in particular looks like it would belong to Kong by the way he raises his fingers when he breathes fire (like he’s shooting electricity).

My guess is that the devs were working on Kong’s moveset but were told during development that they couldn’t get the rights to put the character in. So instead of scrapping Kong entirely and wasting development time they slapped the moveset on Obsidian’s model and called it a day.

Who hype?

Ghidorah is best

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That's not Gigan



I'll leave this here while I work on a Tier List maker for GDAMM. Keep this thread bumped while I do so please.

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Never forget what he did to Godzilla

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Mechagodzilla managed to draw blood from Godzilla too.
Also, Mechagodzilla 1 is best Mechagodzilla

How do you unlock Orga In DAMM? I’ve had this game since I was little and I still don’t have him

I thought that song was the theme of the game, not just Jet Jaguar?

Titanosaurus for best kaiju

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I forget, I remember I had him and he was my favorite
You probably have to clear the campaign with every monster

I don't remember either. I just remember being hype as fuck when I suddenly unlocked him without having known he was in the game. We went to the roller rink that night and I just wanted to go home and play Orga.

Beat adventure mode on Hard with Godzilla 2000


Will we ever get another Godzilla Vidya

Where’s the list man we can’t keep bumping forever
Eventually. King oft he Monsters is looking to be a big success so I’m sure Toho will want to capitalize on that.

Sorry, am having difficulties with the maker. It'll be here hopefully in about 5 minutes.

Destroyah is one of the ugliest kaijus ever, who thought so many spikes were cool?

>TFW King of the Monsters is looking legitimately good

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Please let me know if it doesn't work for anyone.

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True tier list coming through

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>Orga in S tier
My negro

>rodan not top tier
it's shit


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>mfw I constantly forget I played the ever living shit out of this game on GC
I used to play a lot of licensed titles but Destroy All Monsters Melee was a rare genuinely good one
I feel really old now

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Yeah but what about this game guys

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Objectively better than the godzilla fighters but the lack of licensed characters is a bummer

I found it pretty boring and a lot of the monsters played similar

I've never played this one. How similar is it to the Pipeworks fighters?

I love Anguirus. He is the goodest boy.

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Ugly sure, but one of the best, with one of the best movies. He's also supposed to look completely demonic.

has any anons played this and is it fun?

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Always wanted to but can't read moonrunes

Not at all, arenas are huge and monsters are very mobile. Can climb up buildings and stuff, the view turns splitscreen when the monsters get far enough apart. It was always super satisfying to hit your buddy so hard the screen split

I wonder if the new movies are going to introduce Megalon and Gigan

I hope we're not going by actual in game tierfaggotry because it's been eons since I've played this game and even then I only played it casually.

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Would Rodan make a good waifu?

>Sum 41 starts playing

>tfw bought it at full price

I play it often recently at least

Give me the rundown.


If only they didn't can the Vita port we could have gotten a fan translation at least

Picked these 2 up today at a Godzilla event at a Japanese book store. I hope the upcoming movie doesnt suck and can revitalize the want for Godzilla games.

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Burrowing was too much fun to not to play this monster often.

He's never been a favorite of mine, but I always appreciated the turbo-satan vibe he gives off.

Overwhelming amount of SOUL. Also the most spiteful AIs I've ever encountered.