"Trophy Girls" eliminated/censored in recent CTR Nitro-Fueled Gameplay

>"Trophy Girls" eliminated/censored in recent CTR Nitro-Fueled Gameplay


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Other urls found in this thread:

just-fucking-google.it?s=DUUUR HULK WEAR BRA?&e=mover

If it doesn't matter why would they through the trouble of changing it in the first place?

The comment section isn't too happy about them missing.

What did the trophy girls do anyway? It's not like whenever Coco won, they'd all pile over on her and kiss and lick Coco all over her body or anything. Not that I'd want that anyway. That's gross and lesbians are gross.

Did they do it for an E rating?

Because that would require extra effort the developers probably thought wasn't worth the effort.

That's really gross, but words don't do it justice. Someone needs to draw it in explicit detail to really drive the point home.

I haven't followed this game. Where trophy girls in early trailers?

>Adds a bunch of shitty post CTR characters no one but faggot kids born in 2004 wanted.

I don't expect the Trophy girls to make it, but if Tawna can't get in, then the whole deal is off.

They were in the PSX version.

>busty furries with revealing outfits and unrealistic body proportions are considered inappropriate for a game aimed at children.

I got that, but were they in this version?

I know, right? We must show the world why lesbians and yurifagging is not all it's cracked up to be, so they won't believe things like all the trophy girls having their way with Coco, like putting their hands down her panties, is not a gross thing at all when it is.

Ah yes, I forgot how critically acclaimed the first CTR was for it's realism

Playable content > Girls who could only be seen on a few occasions

It would be really nasty and disgusting if one of the trophy girls attacked Coco's soft yet perky budding mounds, swirling her tongue gently around the ever-hardening nipples and repeatedly fitting the entirety of one of her small breasts in her mouth, suckling on the entire thing softly.


That's really sickening! Fucking yurifags ruining everything and this does not turn me on at all.

w h o c a r e s
Do you guys get tired being outraged by everything

Ironic because they got removed due to outrage mobs.

About time you showed up.

have sex

wait wtf is it seriously 30fps? what the fuck? what is up with this slideshow?

>unrealistic body proportions



Attached: inb4 >but the song is by mastodon.png (400x470, 362K)

And why isn't it okay?
The outfits weren't that revealing, the necks on the tops weren't even that low, nothing you'd not see walking around in real life.
Stop misrepresenting it to make a dumb contrarian point.
Adults play the game too, products dont only cater to a single fucking demographic.

This isn't an anime girl tity sex thing so stop acting like it is one every fucking time, next thing you'll be going on about god damn lolis which it's rarely about even when it is anime games.


>blonde trophy girl in the original wanted to start racing herself because she was tired of handing out trophies
>perfect time to bring her back
>lol no. she will make landwhales jealous.
haha but here are the shitty characters from the other racing games lol

Attached: 68.jpg (315x239, 32K)

Wait until PC version gets released and someone mods them in.

God why isn't the game out yet

>Furfags are cancer kill all furfags
>what the fuck where aI the my are my furry fapwhores


It was the green one in OP's who wanted to race, the blonde one does playboy afterwards

Please just give me Nina god

>inb4 they get added as DLC down the line due to "Fan demand"

>Doing stuff with women runs the risk of pissing off feminists
>Just remove them all and leave CNF as a sausagefest

This would actually be smart so of course it won't happen

>First Spyro guns.
>Now this.

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Should have given them a burka, it would be hilarious.

Yeah but transsexual shit is good for kids am i right?

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This was E rated back in 2000.

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Lmao lefties are the new soccer moms now.

I want them gone.

No, they did it to please the sjw audience, and now I will not buy their game.

Yeah. Totally gross.

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The ESRB nowadays is more about how much are the publishers willing to pay for a lower rating than the actual content.

lol, first they piss off 3DP showgirls by making them lose their jobs to going after 2D showgirls.

Yeah man this was so revealing in 1999 my 7 year old peepee awoke years before puberty kicked in because of how little is left to the imagination.

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What the fuck are they smoking? I remember my sister always liked to draw them because she found them cute. She was never offended. What the fuck is wrong with this generation?

Yeah, those children playing a revamp of a game from the 1990's. As if the audience for this shit isn't sweaty nostalgia fags nearing 30.

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Daily dose does playboy. Blonde goes on to star in Baywatch. Blue hair makes her own perfume out of wumpa fruit and green decides to race.

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>Men growing up with fanservice become less dangerous
>Men growing up with women covered toe to head rape a lot more
>Men growing up being told that big boobs are the demon end up being pedophiles
These are facts

What game is that?


Does anyone else find it annoying that the more technology improves for games the UGLIER female characters get? Pfft what's the point of gaming hardware becoming better if the pussy is ugly. We're better off with the Super Nintendo and PS1 era of gaming mentality. I assure you that right now? A character like Jill from Resident Evil would be hideous. In fact the only reason Ada Wong is attractive is because she's a Jap and no SJW faggots is going to tell a Jap "Make your Jap Woman ugly to appease to us." Hence why Claire is the ugly uncanny valley one. I'm actually afraid of the RE3 remake because I know Jill will be uncanny valley ugly.

And if ugliness is given to human females naturally even the cartoony ones like the Trophy Girls get this treatment. In fact no one is going to say Tawna looks good in the remake with her frankly ugly face and smaller A cup breasts. Again, we've come so far in terms of graphical power and are on the verge of the PS5 (with Sony's No Sexy Censorship Policy), and ultimately for what? To give us ugly women? Fuck these bastards to hell.

Megaman Legends 2

Megaman Legends 2

Megaman Legends 3

>In fact no one is going to say Tawna looks good in the remake with her frankly ugly face
Unironically agree. They made her face look awful. Her body wouldn't look bad if they shortened the torso and lengthened the legs.

Only furfags actually care about this shit. Go kys yourselves you subhuman deviants.

Megaman Legends 4

Its the current year after all

I will now not buy your game.

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Stop buying sony products Yea Forums they are literally for children now

But you'll still pre-purchase games with day 1 DLC.

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Ive never prepurchased a game in my life, why the deflection?


They should be in the game.
I don't care if they de-sexualized them.
I wouldn't care if they covered them up and made them racers.
But they should have representation.
The reason people were so attached to them was because they were other bandicoots which you didn't get to see otherwise.

Literally just put them in pantsuits and make them organize the races or put them in overalls to make them mechanics.
Just anything, it's fucking sad they don't exist in the new game at all.

>Those timelines

T-thanks. I knew it was gonna be an MM Legends game, or even Tron Bonne. Good to see I was on the right track.

By rise up you mean BUY the game anyway. Gamers are the biggest losers ever. They see terrible practices, not even necessarily done by SJWS, and they still reward these companies with money. Gamers love being deprived of everything. Repeat after me...

Games are monetary masochists. They love being ripped off.

Because trannies and ugly women infiltrated in companies. Before the ugly women would shut up or were less insecure, now they want to make everything ugly (except men of course, compare Leon to Claire la Globina).
Look at Horizon: game had good sales but they totally wasted a chance to make an iconic female character, she has been made ugly in purpose

so this....is the power....of 2019....woah....

it takes more effort to model and animate 4 trophy girls than it does to just not do that.

Why do all of these posts reek of English as a second language

They all had the exact same animation though. Just a different skin depending on what character you picked.

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I'd love to smell her odecoot

Buying games day 1 is still basically a prepurchase, why the lie?

Because non-anglo countries have not been fully cucked yet by America.


Lol holy fuck, now I truly understand how bad things have really become.

Do all successful franchises end up having to suck corporate cock?

are you a fucking muslim or something?

If takes more effort to remake an entire game than it does to just not do that too.

>They all had the exact same animation though
No they didn't. It was similar but not exact.

You might as well say that buying a game from a store at all is basically a prepurchase with that reasoning.

this is how companies make me save money, thanks Sony California...

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I was being sarcastic. When I was a kid the only thing I knew about them for certain was that they were girls. Their outfits and how much they revealed never came into it at all other than thinking the blue haired one was N. Gin's assistant because they both wore white.

>comfy garage character select gone
absolutely soulless

>Game is heavily aimed at nostalgic sonybro
>Game is heavily censored
Color me surprised

Make the girls playable?

That makes too much sense for them to do it.

Ew I'd hate to see what that looks like, truly an awful sight to behold

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I wouldn't call their omission censorship, which implies they were confirmed and then removed. For all we know the trophy girls might play a different and yet unseen role in the remaster.

I make SFM porn for a living. I shall be adding this to the list of shorts I need to make.

What's some of your stuff? We need to know whether to look forward to your statement in anticipation or not.

green girl best girl

t. tinyfag

haha yeah.

>removed the disgusting furry fapbait

If you wouldn't fuck them you're just gay.

>massah didn'tdunothiing I like it better that way glory to massah


all plat warped/ctr kid here. I want Zam as he's a cute snapper lizard. so shut up you nigger.

If Tawna is in, just give her Trophy girl skins.Ami should be first priority as she actually wants to race in the epilogue. ironically she would have uka uka as she only hands trophies to baddies. Even Oxide if he's hacked in.

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>But think of the children!
But when the game is from western developers and shows blood, torture or nudity, sony does nothing, I really wonder why...

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And with the proposed "lootbox bill", the developers/publishers might end up putting boobies back in to bump the rating up, so they can keep their lootboxes in.

that's society logic for you and why Democracy is a disease. we should switch to the Geniocrat model ASAP. (based on Iq)

I think children should be shielded from anything that may risk turning them into a fucking furry.

how about turning them into a liberal? that's a legitimate mental illness.

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furry and loli are the same level of degeneracy, that's why both aren't allowed outside of Yea Forums.

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the person who drew this is insane

>unrealistic body proportions

Have you ever seen a cartoon

Since when is "I would have done my job but it was too much work" a valid excuse.

Then Crash threads shouldn't be allowed in general

Except they are

yeah, but lewd furry image dumps aren't.

do you think older games got away with this type of shit cause tits were just triangle polygons

but it's 100% true.

It was a better time politics speaking, before insane bureacracy, victimless crimes and the liberal illness. (classic liberals ain't the same). The mistake is Democracy. it must be culled and intellectuals should have heavier votes.

>it must be culled and intellectuals should have heavier votes.
Like all the "intellectuals" in the universities?

You and the mods have a very weird definition of 'lewd' judging by the kind of shit I've seen get deleted.

>it must be culled and intellectuals should have heavier votes.
Oh yes, let's just give all the votes to university genders study majors and watch the world go up in flames together.

Wew, didn't expect that. I mean, i figured they'd be "fixed" one way or the other, but completely removed? That's really gay

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you're thinking of Technocracy, and that's the failing flaw: the government can define what ''intellectualism'' means. Geniocracy or Noocracy goes with Iq; bonus points if the test institute is in a faraway land for independant results. double-digitters get no vote, simple, 100-110 1 and 145+ (gifted) would get 250 or something. just a draft.

how come tiny is in it then? he shows of his huge muscles

Does this mean the near constant CTR threads will stop? Good, if so.

It was THIS close to being fucking Trumpkino
Now it's bluepilled libtard trash
Fuck all of you for being okay with this

I'd trust gender studies people far more than yokels OBSESSED with their fear and rancor over the existence of gender studies.

Extreme muscles aren't sexualized or considered such. He's WAY over the top.

Bulgaria abolished gender studies as it has no merit for society. Based Slavs man.

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>sexualized or considered such.
says who? the feminist who try to censor any depiction of female characters that offend them?
nice double standard
either unrealistic bodies are ok for both gender or none

It was an explanation, I agree fully with your stance. How do SJWs react to FEMALE perverts such as Pasadena? she is a borderline criminal.

Good riddance fuck furfaggots

2000 was a long time ago.

>they straight copied the mario kart 8 main menu

People seething over characters you only see on the trophy award screen for literally 5 seconds.

I really don't get it and I don't get where the SJWs did this has come from either. I don't see any evidence to suggest this.

>Extreme muscles aren't sexualized or considered such.
Yes they are.

Samefag harder

Hulk isn't either, you're thinking of '''''realistic''''' bodybuilding: like He-Man.

What the fuck is happening in the USA? It wasn't even that long ago. Cultural revolution?

Nothing of value was lost.

there was literally a petition for the hulk to wear a bra because his pecs are too hot for kids

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imagine pearl clutching over furshit

when who and where?

Still a month until release.

i could google it and give you a link but then again you could just google it yourself


you brought it up, burden of proof is on you. Did this stuff get brought forth by SJWs? then it's invalid instantly. We could look for effects to fix this disagreement though; are there any girls that want to ''husbando'' Tiny?

why did you make the effort to make this reply when you could have more easily just googled it. It's not a fucking secret you idiot. You seriously have to look no further than the first link on google.


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Go fuck yourself.

Let me guess, you own a Switch? your maturity glows in the dark.

here you go you inept retard
just-fucking-google.it?s=DUUUR HULK WEAR BRA?&e=mover

No, I'm done with you too late, go cool down in the corner as your mental age fits.


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>do we do a bunch of extra work like adding in a bunch of characters from the other games, and the tracks too
>or add in smelly bandicooters with gigantic eyes when Tawna isn't even allowed to exist anymore

the state of this dude

It feels so empty...

>Design a perfume that smells like alcohol.


soulless as fuck.

>why aren't they allowing furfag degeneracy being pushed on kids
gee I wonder why, fuck off to tumblr

>furfags gets BTFO'd
Fact is; censorship is good when it targets what actually needs to be purged, like furfaggotry. Censorship is only bad when it targets whatever shouldn't be purged.

Who's the Cheeta?

>game is a faithful recreation in regards to gameplay, level design, and presentation
>but now it's garbage because there aren't tits when you win a race

and a few acids too, stuff would be absolutely rancid. that's why she isn't in the remake: financial troubles, homelessness, prostitution and black dar heroin. she ded.

Could something be any more needlessly censored and zoomerfied than this, and still call itself Crash Bandicoot...

And I'm not talking about the girls. I'm talking about the ADHD ridden camera and Crash's gutless fucking dance with the huge soi grin at the end just like N. Sane Trilogy.

It needs the trophy girls just to LOOK passable at this point, to have any fucking character at all. Crash's model just looks that fucking sad on its own.

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Why would anyone really want them anyways? They all look like their faces are melting.

At the very least I guess I would take Tawna as a trophy girl since her model is already available to be used and it's not like she's doing anything with those bandititties

Attached: Crash_Team_Racing_Isabella_Bandicoot.png (241x331, 65K)

Keep being obvious

He's under no obligation to search out your truth on a Mongolian basket weaving discussion steppe. If it's so easy to look up why don't you do it yourself?

And that extra little bit of effort would have made this look better.
Social Justice censoring has literally lowered the quality of games that weren't even on the onions radar.

>no ugly stick figure bandicoot titties

Hopefully they are in in the final build. Or they might even be playable which would explain why they aren't there. It was said that the challenges that used to unlock the bosses now unlock something different as the bosses are unlocked after beating them.

Then they will start censoring gameplay, level design and presentation because Tumblr will find something "problematic" and screech about it endlessly until the executives cave in. A line need to be drawn somewhere before censorship literally starts killing gameplay everywhere.

Because the podium areas genuinely look fucking horrid now and the lack of trophy girls makes it all the more apparent.

>Why would anyone really want them anyways?
What kind of vapid fucking question is that? They were in the original game. This is a remake of said game. They should still be there.

That's why.

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wow this is a peak woman's body if I ever saw it, what a shame they didn't want to bring it back, fucking SJWs

they were passable back then but I'd love for kids not to see that degenerate shit in HD

Cultural revolution is a bit hyperbolic. More like Moral Panic.

>I'd love for kids not to see that degenerate shit in HD
WHY you retard

>high res bandibitch cleavage
yeah its obvious why its gone

yeah just start removing other small parts of the game, you'd be surprised by how fast it loses its SOUL.

because I don't care for your degenerate societal standards, should be obvious but you're retarded or something
>hurr durr why doesn't he want furrfag degeneracy being pushed on kids

when has this ever happened

Because faggotry is okay

It baffles me just how many people here genuinely support censorship now on Yea Forums

What a fucking mistake it was to let you people feel like you belong here.

you mean all those other things that didn't get removed but instead expanded upon, like the tracks or racers

>no ugly stick figure bandicoot titties
This isn't really logical. Are you saying that the titties are stick figure like and therefor ugly because they're stiff? Or are you saying the tits are ugly because they are on a stick figure? The latter makes no sense as people can have great tits with "sub-par" bodies. And the former makes no sense because tits can LOOK great while still being stiff. Why do you think people get breast implants.

thank god for removing content with no replacement

>DUUURRR because I'm BETTER THAN YOU that's why
End your life you waste of air. 20 years ago I played this game and under no circumstances am I a furry. That's not how people even become furries.

go to tumblr with the rest of you degenerate trannies

You're a moron.

>Boobs bad
>Faggotry good
What’s up with the 180 on censorship? Why are people doing this?

Wasn't a Don't Starve character removed because he looked problematic to some?

You first newfag.

lefties disgust me

Boomers need to fuck off, censorship like this is always ok.

you're projecting your insecurity haha
yeah I said that shit was passable when it was made of ten polygons, not in HD
it's not about becoming a furry even, pushing deeply sexualized shit on kids is degenerate

I can't wait for larping as a 90s soccer mom to stop being the hip thing to do on Yea Forums.

wahh muh bandicoot tiddies fucking sjws ruining everything I was never gonna play this game anyways

And there is the typical SJW stock response. Denying that SJWs ever affected gameplay.

Why is Tiny the TIGER covered in leopard print?

>yeah I said that shit was passable when it was made of ten polygons, not in HD
So remake it with more than 10 polygons. It doesn't have to look bad.

>you're projecting your insecurity haha
>hurr durr why doesn't he want furrfag degeneracy being pushed on kids

I'M projecting, dumbfuck?

Warbucks was removed because he was based on that stereotype of the rich british explorer/hunter with connotations towards british colonization. Plus he wasn't fun

They still left his files in the game for modders if they really wanted him still

Attached: Warbucks.png (541x687, 320K)

now you're wandering off from the topic at hand because you got hurt lmao
>DUUURRR because I'm BETTER THAN YOU that's why
this is you projecting some random ass insecurity out of nowhere

In the 80s and 90s there were A LOT of shows with sexy anthro characters, though. I don't think there has been a study to connect furries and those shows.

It's one of his skins.

not really

>this is you projecting some random ass insecurity out of nowhere
Could you be a bigger hypocrite

because it's a soulless cashgrab remake and the devs have no fucking idea what they are doing

Because he's a tasmanian tiger, which I don't know why they were called that. It was a marsupial.

even still that's a skin to make him look like Chester Cheetah or something

Oh, I see

borderlands 2 has a whole dlc where you go to an exotic lodge with a similar colonialist character and kill "savages". the dlc wasnt removed and nobody complained enough about it for it to matter.

warbucks was also removed by the developers.

umm okay I don't know what you're on about but yes I want there to be regulations on what kids consume

They were fine back then. Today however, furfaggotry is a legitimate menace threatening to kill off decency in humanity, hence why sexy anthropomorphic characters are widely considered a major issue that should preferably be avoided at any costs.

"Not really" what? Not really a lot of shows or not really a study?

furry shit back then wasn't actually sexy you just find it sexy because you're a degenerate

modern furry shit is just anime girls with furry colors and a mascot head

probably passes because he was gay and also none of the humans on pandora are native anyways

not all that much hyper sexualized shit

It's actually disappointing, way to go Beenox, it's actually a case of,
>soul vs. soulless

>furry shit back then wasn't actually sexy

oh you are such a liar

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>stereotype of the rich british explorer/hunter with connotations towards british colonization.
Why has it problematic?

>They were fine back then.
Why? What has changed?
>Today however, furfaggotry is a legitimate menace threatening to kill off decency in humanity
There is no such thing as "human decency" anymore. It has already been killed years ago.

Based puritan libtards saving vidya from the incel hordes!

You need to neck yourself virgin.

Because colonisation is the great satan of western history.

I think this sort of shit represent better

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Sure you do, because you can't fucking parent.

Remove Coco from the game then you retard. She's actually the age of the young men playing this game and has far more focus on her than the trophy girls would ever get.

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and a stock response right back, without any examples of censorship effecting gameplay.

the biggest thing of censorship removing gameplay i can remember is the skinship thing from that one fire emblem game. you could rub the girlie characters with your ds stylus and if you poked their boobs they would go "kyaah! pervert!"

which is just lmao. i dont think gamers have ever complained about material being censored if it wasnt sexually titillating for the most basic of lizard brains.

WB furry stuff was kind of pushing it

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If anything the ESRB was more strict about ratings back in the day.
Remember, they were literally created in response to soccermom outrage because of games like mortal kombat.
Look at games like Halo 1. That shit would easily be rated T today.

what does that even me, a parent who cares about what their kids consume would not want some random ass bimbos jumping on screen

Do you think what's way worse? The intro.
I guess the word slave is now problematic and can trigger PTSD episodes.

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God I hate Liberals so much, what would be the best way to kill their ideas? all gloves off. Internment camps?

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God lord, what a bland sanitized safe piece of shit and the devs expect me to pay for this?

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that's the ''unreal engine'' artstyle. If you want better, you needa upgrade to amazon lumberyard!

1. There is no such thing as "hyper-sexualization".
2. I never mentioned "hyper-sexualization", I only said there were a lot of sexy antho characters, which there were . And if not "sexualized" in the way Tawna was "sexualized", you often saw their panties as they wore skirts.
3. A podium girl with an umbrella standing by the side of the podium is not "hyper-sexualization" (whatever that means). If she had MASSIVE tits and fingered her pussy while licking her nipples then you might have a point.

Who cares about smelly trophy girls, where's obj_Motherfucker

>furfaggotry is a legitimate menace threatening to kill off decency in humanity
Here's an idea. Don't buy Crash Team Racing.

Be a 'responsible parent' and avoid picking up a game containing furry characters for your children. Please leave our game the fuck alone though.

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>get hit
>eardrum piercing AAARGH! scream

was I the only one that found it really dark to push them into Nitro crates?

>If she had MASSIVE tits
I mean they did though. Their eyes and tits constituted like 80% of their body mass

Fastest way would be to drop nukes on California and gun down anyone who ever took a liberal arts class at uni.

Violent games don't make violent, furry games don't make you a furry, porn doesn't make you hate women. Poor parenting and/or mental illness is to blame here. Of course nobody will admit this as that would take effort to fix.

well the podium bimbos sure look like they would be hyper sexualized imo
it has no bimbos so it's fine though

Their eyes were bigger than their tits by a fucking landslides. It's comical in the same fucking vein as Tiny gigantic muscles and scrawny legs. Not 'hyper-sexualized'.

but the heat that rises, won't you create more liberals with outrage? KGB methods may work?

okay but it's more about what kind of content you want to expose your audience to, not your made up agenda

>it's more about what kind of content you want to expose your audience to
Exactly. You are NOT the audience and you should absolutely not buy this game because it contains things you deem harmful to children.

It's very simple actually.

Julie Bruin says hi

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>literally think of the children

I don't like it here anymore

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Sex is far more harmful for the mind and society than violence is, as the bar to violence is far higher than degenerate sexual behavior. Look at how mentally ill and obsessed society is with something that's only marginally more fun than Vidya or other adrenalin kicks (not a virgin, but I just CBA) but holy christ, the blonde has a full tracksuit. How is that not okay? Violence, go wild, sex, thread carefully: you're tangling with more harmful forces here.

it doesn't contain, that's what this thread is about...
I'll enjoy this game though while you seethe over it not having some random ass bimbo podium girls

Yeah fair point. Hard times will kill them off since people will be too busy trying to get by to waste time on their ideas, but that's not ideal. KGB tactics would be good but they're long term and I'm not sure how you reinfiltrate and beat them at their own game.

>think of the children

I do user, each morning in bed.

Grid girls were eliminated/censored in real life.

It's shit, but are you really surprised?

I don't know about that, maybe to some extent but I more like the idea of a childhood not filled with degenerate shit

Victimless Degeneracy is literally okay, or do you want a government bullying civilians even more?

>it doesn't contain, that's what this thread is about...
It's really not confirmed they are gone.

>I'll enjoy this game though while you seethe over it not having some random ass bimbo podium girls
Grade-A projection. Phew, I almost had the impression I was speaking to a man.

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ok then
yeah actually they should add OwO bulges on every cheerleader


It's weird because cortex attempting to enslave the people of earth was a major plot point in Crash 2

Yea Forums will whine about "MUH SJWS" but it's likely they were just too lazy to model them and didn't see them as important enough to include.

Degeneracy is inherently evil and should be exterminated wherever it is. Good show from the devs for taking the initiative to cleanse out the degeneracy from CTR.

nobody cares incel

I'm on mobile at work, can someone tell me what's going on?

If people pay VAT for that, and they keep that shit in their own containment zone, sure. Utilitarian Libertarianism is the best way if you aren't an insecure faggot. I'd rather have furry conventions and a larger taks return than not.

You don't even like Crash Bandicoot if you don't like its degeneracy and raunchy humor.

Fuck off. Buy another game instead.

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>That is "MASSIVE"
You're a liar, and you know it.

>hyper sexualized imo
No. You can go on Yea Forums right now and find several board were they post women in abundance who have bigger tits than the trophy girls. It doesn't even need to be threads about massive tits.

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I'm fine with furry degeneracy too but I don't care for injecting that shit where it doesn't need to be

they need to put polar in clothes its very inappropriate for him to be in the nude in a kids game

yeah but ctr is a kids game


Yeah, if it starts leaking like a sewage pipe and infecting areas where it won't belong, we need to act. Do you really think this is harmful for the development of children? I don't think so. Parents need to fucking parent.

Kids can handle seeing clothed breasts for 6 seconds.

I don't know about harmful but I like the idea of a childhood not filled with degenerate shit

but here I am, and I loathe furries. Again, parenting, and what I mean is that if parents know their child is a turboautist susceptile to this shit and starts making horndog comments on primary school... DON'T BUY HIM CTR. It's same with this ''for kids'' YouTube bullshit.

You shouldn't. That's called helicopter parenting.

You will be raising them well into their 30s, enjoy.

>A curvy humanoid female in a video game is too much for children.
I feel like this topic is being blown out of proportion.

You start life fucking sucking on tiddy, you puritan shitcunt.

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I haven't said anything about it being harmful yet
nah you're creating this image in your head
yeah they should just have mario suck on peach titty haha

Another game to the list of "please fail hard". Shame, they were pretty based on Trilogy.

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isn't degeneracy per definition harmful? it means degenerate, degress. destroy.

that's the other extreme, but say, you got an anxious 7 year old that wants you to buy Silent Hill, you should have your head strung up correctly and deflect him to alternatives. Like MediEvil or such?

If it turns out they're actually playable, how would you guys react?

I was actually thinking of picking this up too. I'm so fucking tired of all this needless censorship.

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okay maybe, but I haven't been pushing this idea that it's deeply harmful in any life changing sense

In what way are they "bimbos"? A bimbo is an unintelligent attractive woman.

"The epilogue of the game states that she became a race kart driver herself, saying, "I'm sick of giving out trophies! I want a few of my own!" She is named after Ami Matsumura-Blair, who was the marketing manager for Sony Computer Entertainment America at the time. "

"The epilogue of the game states that she unveiled a new line of perfume called "Eau De 'Coot", featuring the alluring scent of fermenting wumpa fruit. According to the old Naughty Dog website: "Megumi Hosoya, marketing genius, created the Crash Dance for Crash 1's TV ads in Japan. The success of that campaign influenced Naughty Dog to incorporate the dance into Crash 2 and Warped.""

"The epilogue of the game states that she landed a big part in the season finale of "Bay Waters". Isabella is named after Isabelle Tomatis, the product manager for Sony Computer Entertainment Europe at the time of CTR's release."

"The epilogue of the game states that she posed for Bandiboy Magazine, buying her dream Malibu mansion with the earnings. Liz is named after Elizabeth (Liz) Ashford, who was the PR Manager for Sony Computer Entertainment Europe at the time."

ALL of them are named after women who helped make Crash and Playstation a success, and ALL of them moved on to successful lives within the series world without whoring themselves out or leeching off men. Strong, independent women.

>People think this is intentional censorship and not just them being lazy and cutting out what they see as unnecessary work.

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Tawna skins? I legit would be okay with topless, we need to stop this taboo with female chests. genitals okay, sexing and all. Why female chests ever became taboo beats me. Nudist children grow up okay too, don't they?

This is actually one of the few good cases of recent censorship in video games. Death to furfaggotry.

Except everything about the CTR remake sounds better than NST before, during and after release. Try again.

You're being disingenuous. People only want the trophy girls for fanservice. They'd be even more enraged if they were more covered up.

cool, my parents just let me play matures at the age of 12 as it were pixelized messes and they knew I got the psyche to handle the themes and seperate the vidya from reality. If your kid has psychotic tendencies, you should not even buy him anything outside E. ever.

>ignore how the recreated and awesome classic gameplay
>no bandicoot tits so I won't buy it

These trophy girls are based on the very women that made Crash Bandicoot so successful

Pic related is based on the woman who created the Crash Dance.

They are part of history, they should be celebrated, and they should stay.

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Yes and Tiny Toons, Rescue Rangers and Animaniacs are a kids shows

What's your point?

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Easter egg=/=self-insert

I doubt any of them would dress or behave like that IRL. so yes, Bimbo.

again you're going with this manufactured agenda of it being deeply psychologically harmful, even right after I explained that this is not what I'm talking about

>You're being disingenuous.
>People only want the trophy girls for fanservice
>You're being disingenuous

A true scholar we got here.

Fuck off with that line of thinking.
>"I don't like X so it should be removed!"
I don't even give a shit about the tits you dunce. I just personally don't want to support a product that is having content removed for absolutely no good reason whatsoever. If you're going to purchase it then I hope you enjoy the game but why does me not purchasing it due to my own beliefs bother you?

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We don't know if it's censored yet. At least wait till E3 where we will no doubt get the final info before release.

then what's the problem if it harms none? that's a victimless crime.


>"B-But removing them would improve sales!"

Where is that stupid fuck now?

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Why are you advocating spoonfeeding?

I like the idea of a childhood that's not tumblr tier degenerate
it's not like men dressing as women and showing off their bulges is inherently harmful but I don't want that shit pushed either, even though I am fine with people living their lives as they want if they do it with decency and don't walk in panties on streets

>refusing to buy and play what looks like an awesome game, to own the lib

What sort of retard are you!

making pc changes isnt exactly recreating it is it fag

gnahahahahaha! Yes! It is I, the INVESTOR! My toxic vidya-lyme will cripple the gameplay! I need a fifth Lambo! Yessss!

Attached: Investor.png (553x486, 12K)

People will still buy the shit out of this game, pretty much nobody outside of Yea Forums cares about this, hell i dont even think that people played the old ones so they wouldnt know in the first place

isn't that an education system problem then? say your kid is normal and can divorce vidya and reality, and goes to a apolitical school (I did, we were encouraged to say whatever we thought and debate. good model) and the kid learns at the apolitical school... won't he grow up fine? How is it ''pushing'' if the medium like CTR can be easily avoided? Faggot pride is good with none and that should be fucking culled.

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How much new fans did we get from reignited/nsane? I thought it was like 90% old fans.

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I draw this, you know, for fun haha. you can show to your friends and gross them out haha.

I am still not suggesting that it's harmful in any deep sense, literally just saying I don't like that sort of shit tainting ones childhood

Oh my...
Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.

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>Easter egg=/=self-insert
You don't know what either of those two mean. It's neither an easter eggs nor self-inserts. They are just NAMED after the women to honor their hard work.
>I doubt any of them would dress or behave like that IRL.
Any of who? The women they are named after? No, they probably wouldn't but that has NOTHING to do with anything, now does it? The TGs and the women they are named after are all different people.

>so yes, Bimbo.
No. Bimbo implies a level of unintelligence. If one manages to become a race car driver, one start a perfume line, one gets on tv as an actress and one buys a mansion through modeling, than I wouldn't call that unintelligent. People have this notion that just because a woman is attractive with big or even fairly large hips and breasts that they are incapable of being intelligent. No one, even women, takes a big breasted woman seriously because she has big breasts and that's somehow not sexist.

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N. Sane sold over 10 million and I'm pretty sure it's not done.

Lots of newcomers in these CTR threads (very clearly).

I'm almost upset N. Sane didn't ramp up the filth. These people actually got the impression that Crash was some kind of boring kiddy game with no frills or jokes that adults can appreciate.

God bless you user

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Thank you user, this’ll be good for research.

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but shouldn't kids vulnerable to this taint be kept away from it in the first place? too often the few ruin it for everyone.

Man this is what N-sane Trilogy should of been.

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Finally, some good fucking content.

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It is pretty impossibly to guess how many people bought it because they are new to this game or they are fans. Yes it sucks but pretty much nobody cares and if you do try to mention this, people will shush you down for wanting to objective woman or whatever americans complain about these days.

again you're still some fucking how thinking about it from some point of view where it's harmful, even though I have now a million times clarified that that's not what I am talking about at all

>I draw this
>posted 4mins ago

Ok user I trust you, whats your artist name? I like your style

“Gamers” and it doesn’t affect gameplay the way people would think. It just makes the game more bland and less fun to play. And look at ME andromeda for an example. Again, why do the contrary opinions always come from blatant regressive leftists and never or rarely legit centrists.

>perfume, modeling and karting.

you know that's easy to do? kart, 2 pedals. perfume? she literally wants to use ROTTEN FRUIT, she'll be in debt faster than the jew snatching a fallen quarter. Modeling? with that body? yeah, easy.

Actress highly depends on the role and project, so I'll give you that because I'm such a nize person. It's not that dumb causes big boobs, beauty and big boobs causes dumb. why work for anything when you live on easymode and can get it handed to you? the greatest blessing for talent is being so butt ugly you have to slave your ass off for anything at all.

You're quite skilled. Keep it up.

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Because you can't have a crime if you got no harm. it's connected and if there is no harm, there is no argument.

Whoa haha, I'll save this to gross out my friends haha

yeah well I am not talking about crimes either
I just like the idea of a childhood not filled with degenerate tumblr shit

Megaman Legends 5

Not sure why I bothered to make this.

Attached: 1558869848043.png (1908x727, 63K)

That artstyle looks familiar...


>hasn’t read the YouTube comments of the adventure mode gameplay

>"Where is Megumi I can't find..."
>found her

aaaaannnd boom goes the dynamite.

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but that's purely emotional, I hate Nintenbabies but i wouldn't ban Mario just because I like the idea of no Mario.

>back of the knee, maybe...

Fucking good. They were weird, bug-eyed mostrosities that looked out of place even in the original.

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If MK11 has shown anything, normies literally couldn't care if a game is being censored or not. Storwors BF2 was a rare case of normies giving a shit about anti-consumer nonsense in vidya. 90+% of people buying it aren't even going to realize they're gone even if they played the original.

May God bless this righteous user.

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Nothing on e621 under the name and i just got a deviantart page but the style looks different from the sketch. Do you have a twitter or something?

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well people bitched about the stuff in spyro and nothing was changed, i dont think that a youtube comment with 100 likes will change much.

Sure the gameplay wasn’t the priority for MK11? And sure it will have the legs of the previous game SJW

It isn't completely proven yet that they are removed from the game. One Italian Youtuber speculates they've been moved to the pitstop. Pic related. Apparently it's the orange hand near the left.

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I have NG and a tumblr but the stupid bots keep blocking sfw content and appeals do fucking nothing.

Sorry but people didn’t make a huge stink about that as they wrerent removed, just turned from bullets to acid

>you know that's easy to do? kart, 2 pedals. perfume? she literally wants to use ROTTEN FRUIT, she'll be in debt faster than the jew snatching a fallen quarter. Modeling? with that body? yeah, easy.
Oh, I see what this is.

>I'm such a nize person.
Yes. Clearly you are.

>beauty and big boobs causes dumb.
No, it doesn't. I causes people, mainly women, to be jelly and so they do all they can to dismiss the attractive women as bimbos, and that's not sexist, somehow.

>why work for anything when you live on easymode and can get it handed to you?
Because some people want to work? Not everyone likes to sit on their ass and have people give you shit. I hear constantly not to judge people by their looks but that happens all the time.

>the greatest blessing for talent is being so butt ugly you have to slave your ass off for anything at all.
Are you seriously implying that all good-looking people are innately good-looking and has to do nothing to keep their good-looks?


The only raunchy humor started in Twinsanity, so a classic Naughty Dog trilogy fan wouldn't care about it, yes.

You're a fucking fake

this fucking guy

Attached: giphy.gif (320x240, 429K)

Thanks user, will check it out here and there, you got some neat stuff

>ITT Angry Furfags

Attached: 242.jpg (383x700, 60K)

Show me the "raunchy" humor in the original Crash games. I can only think of two instances: Tawna, who was put on a bus by the second game because Naughty Dog felt she was a poor fit for the series, and Cortex in the third game leading up to and doing a fake out as he lamented possible retirement and enjoying his free time with "a woman... with nice big... bags of ice for my aching head!"

Wow, such a raunchy and perverse franchise.

Megumi :(

>Crash blowing to pieces from explosions
>getting flattened and cut in half
>melted and vaporized as you see pieces of him scatter everywhere
>Enemies using real weaponry to do the aforementioned things to crash, swords, tommy guns, rifles, etc.
>Papu's racist as fuck tribe and characterization

You're a fake fan.

Nice works, get pixiv for nsfw

>violence is raunchy

Attached: SK-15-1-9x7-eagle-american-flag.jpg (300x233, 8K)

There are limits. If you're in an argument and you claim something then back it up with a link when someone asks for proof then post a link. They're under no obligation to go looking for you in order to prove you right of all things. If someone posts some cropped porn and you want sauce 9 times out of 10 you can reverse search the answer and people shouldn't get in the habit of asking, yes. But this isn't Yea Forumsutism central and Yea Forums gains nothing out of a dogmatic obsession with refusing to give answers. I'd rather spoonfeed in a recommendation thread every time if I knew I could get more people to play good classic games. Hardcore fans don't grow on trees, if you want more people who share the same tastes as you then you've got to teach others.

This might sound like a totally unsubtle request, but with that podium piece and the old Coco stuff you made during N-Sane Trilogy hype, I was wondering if you'd do Tawna some justice?
Poor gal has been out of the spotlight for so long and even the Trilogy didn't bring her out that much.

For total request, maybe some Tawna boob bullying Coco? Kinda like those PS4 "sales" stuff with console-tans.

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>Must be an american if he finds violence raunchy!
You can't even meme right. Get off this fucking site.

Something good from this shitshow of bickering. Thanks lad.

Attached: Liru thumbs up.gif (350x340, 3.42M)

That's cartoon slapstick you mongoloid

Papu's ass

Wait. So podium girls are "raunchy" now? Have we gone so far down the hole that attractive women somewhat suggestive clothing is "raunchy"? What about "the words you can't say on tv"? What is that classified as now? Edgy?

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man, they really ran this series into the ground huh

Do you even know what the word "raunchy" means?

The likes of which has numerous videos dedicated to displaying the variety and complexity in all the death animations.

So it must be doing something a little bit more in-depth.

It only exists in video games desu. This is the most cucked media consumer base by a mile.

>trophy girls bad
>violence on women good

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Why are you even asking me that now instead of 3 replies ago, as if it's something I only got wrong when I called you on your bullshit

Not that user, but violence isn't raunchy. Sexual violence COULD be classified as raunchy but then it would just be dubbed edgy instead.

Fucking hell, this game looks so soulless

I only have drawn Tawna once

Attached: no way fag.png (1420x918, 731K)

Because sometimes it's better to be thought an fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt.


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>Not that user, but violence isn't raunchy
Funny because you're cherrypicking the same parts

Sure thing.

You sir just won the internet.

Attached: main-qimg-f0c319cfac877d4fcb1800924a1acacb.png (192x192, 9K)

Tiny with a skin

wait, I actually drew another one. As you can see I'm don't have the character in high regards

Attached: you.png (1382x674, 469K)

Not that user.
adjective, raun·chi·er, raun·chi·est. Informal.
vulgar or smutty; crude; earthy; obscene:
energetically earthy and sexually explicit.
US: dirty; slovenly; grubby.

given to or characterized by lechery; lustful.
erotically suggestive; inciting to lust.

Attached: 1493242426195.jpg (232x194, 10K)

you pretty good.

What's the issue then

Please, do school me on how this is such an objective thing I got wrong by claiming dismemberment is raunchy.

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Noticing some seethrough sketch lines on Isabella and Liz hair, but it's not boner killing.

That said, are you going to do more to this piece? Clean the lines or add colors?

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draw more vita-tan you glorious motherfucker

I'm not cherry picking anything. I'm stating facts. Something that's "raunchy" is usually sexual IE Sexual violence COULD be raunchy. The fact that both me and him agree on this should be an indicator to you that you might be wrong and you don't know what the word "raunchy" really implies. Nor do seem to know what "cherry picking" means.

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>30 fps
>Typical Sony censorship
I'm out

Attached: EczgtAD.jpg (500x358, 55K)

>I think dismemberment is something lusty and sexual

Attached: a68.png (520x678, 301K)

Based gurofag

Not that user, but when you say raunchy people think sexual tones unless you've just finished reading a dictionary. You wouldn't be having this discussion if it were not the case.

Sorry, it's 5 AM

yeah, I'll finish it later.

If this isn't a skin we riot

Attached: cocortex.gif (400x239, 2.35M)

Honestly, ever since the 06 era of Yea Forums trying to invade furshit sites and then deciding apparently furries are the step too far above fucking cheese pizza, these sort of posts have been commonplace. It's the one thing I don't get above all else, where furshit triggers the autism harder than actual death, gore, guro and the like. In a site where you can see babies getting mauled by dogs, people eating literal shit and enough brutal deaths and HEEMing to scar the population of a mid-sized town for life, why is it that furries are the one thing that breaks people? And no, oldfags don't get to pull out the "Because furries are annoying and spam their shit" card here this time. 2hufags, Smashfags and many more communities do the exact same thing, and they do not get the same kind of REEEEEEEEEEEEing that shit does.

I'm sick and tired of the site being in this endless "furshit is too much heresy" mindset when they forget where the fuck they even are. And I just want it to end so I can discuss X without some giant autist screaming FUCKING FURFAGS YIFFE IN HELL RUINING MUH BOARD the entire thread for the Nth time to ensure no discussion happens.

Fair enough if there were any challenge to find this shit. But when googling "hulk bra petition" is all it takes, you should be able to do it yourself.

>you couldn't possibly have played CNK after playing CTR as a kid
Dumb nigga

It's an edit of an older drawing about Libertarians. But /pol/-babies are sensitive snowflakes so they edited it.

Funny how that works.

Attached: types_of_libertarian1.png (650x976, 129K)

ESRB was more strict back then, T Rated games didn't even have mild swearing (bitch, damn, shit) like they do nowadays.

Dismemberment is not vulgar, crude, smutty or obscene for one. All of those usually apply to sexual themes. Earthy has to do with bodily functions like peeing or shitting on top of being used for sexual themes.

Dirty, grubby or slovenly it isn't either as this applies to things that are actually dirty, like a muddy shirt.

Lutsful, lechery, erotically suggestive or explicit, yes. Dismemberment CAN be those things but that would mean this is correct as that would be classified as SEXUAL VIOLENCE. Something that is more commonly deemed as edgy.

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>won the internet.

Repeat after me. I will not purchase a sony system.

Coco was confirmed in the game day one, user.

Honestly ESRB aren't the ones that have changed that much (granted they have) it's the people.

People just have way too much power over devs now

I heard

This looks like shit fuck you for exposing me to this you're a faggot and I hate you i hope you get raped on netflix and amazon prime you faggot shit

"this censorship proves leftists are degenerate. but this guy that drew pedophile group sex? based and redpilled"

I see you got my joke user. I even put an image of a reddit gold to clue you in. ;)

who are you quoting?

I'm going to miss comfy CTR threads. It was nice before this weekend.

Furries are low hanging fruit and ever since they’ve gained infamy it’s been pretty easy to steer topics towards ree-ing about furfags. Although, it gets pretty fucking annoying to constantly see this downwards spiral of “muh furshit” spam at the mere sight of an anthropomorphic animal.

Read the OP.


yeah. one thing is killing freedom of expression the other is living it.

I miss more than the threads. I don't think I've slept much since we hit the 1 month mark.

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youre having a confirmation bias here. weve only talked about video game censorship, me partially for, you against, and because i have a different opinion, im your perfect enemy: an idiot sjw libertarian bluepill trans fag cucktard.

its too easy for you to argue like this. if you dont like what the other person says, make them a strawman.

removing pinup girls from the game doesnt make it less fun to play. literally nothing is removed from the gameplay. you dont get the pavlov response of a pretty girlie kissing you(r character) when you win. that is all.

also, andromeda was, yet again, sexual censorship that some gamers were up in arms about.

its a fair point that making the trophy girl a kart racer herself wouldve been a very nice thing. on the far end of the liberal spectrum, theres a lot of subconscious bodyshaming going on against people who are conventionally attractive, especially women.

ill have 3 portions of killing freedom of expression, thank you

What a shitshow this was. I'd advise not making any more threads about the trophy girls (since their models are still confirmed to have been made) but it'd probably fall on deaf ears.

If we shut up long enough, this reactionary tidal wave can die down a little before launch and Beenox can sneak a little bit more of the TGs into the game.

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imagine women being jealous over a fucking fictional anthroprmorphic cartoonish bandicoot girl from a video game intended for children of all things.

>you don't get the pavlovian response of the race queen kissing your character on the podium
Removing a part of the reward for accomplishing a task in a game is a form of altering the gameplay, jackass. Also, if you were to be a parent you'd probably be stuck wondering why your kid ran off at the age of 14 when they develop an ego and figure out you've been disallowing them from experiencing tons of shit.

Kids are smarter than adults give them credit for, they just lack life experience to make properly informed decisions. Sometimes the best way to let them grow up into actual functioning human beans is to let them screw up sometimes.

We don't really have to imagine it as it is actually happening.

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>removing pinup girls from the game doesnt make it less fun to play.
It does make getting podium considerably less rewarding to not see these adorably goofy looking things twirling umbrellas and smiling at you.

It's one of those changes that does its damage over time for sure.

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"Please think of the children" has plagued the Crash series more or less since day one though. It's the strongly rumored reason why Tawna vanished, and offscreen simply broke up with Crash to be with Pinstripe to justfy she never appearing again. Tawna being inspired by a nineties sex symbol such as Pamela Anderson likely didn't tick well with Universal and Sony after the first game.

Attached: 1392761064140.gif (300x225, 1.1M)

>green decides to race


Fact. Cartoon sexuality normalizes sexuality for kids and helps them find out what the fuck is happening in brain when they see boobs.

Cutting all access to steamy but safe content from curious preteens turns that attention towards a possibly violent natural urge to get some action. I am glad I was a kid when it was still ok to be a bit naughty in the media.

Sorry elaborate? They had models made but got removed?

probably not. ctr is gonna sell like fucking crazy.

Those aren't Coco's hands

Only thing that should be censored is loli pedophile trash, anyone that defends that smut is probably a pedo


But why are they hiding them? Why aren’t that at the trophy ceremony?

Real life arrests show that those who persecute loli tend to be pedophiles themselves.

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Because they will get flagged by ESRB 100% if they are ever seen before launch

>Something that was in a previous game 10+ is not in a remake of the game.
>This is regarded as censorship.
>A feature not being shown, hinted, or nodded to in any way is now censored because a game 10+ years ago had it.
Perverts are awful and make for horrible customers. I wish people would stop listening to them, they care as much about games as the SJWs do, which is not at all.

Throw the outrage Twitter babbies out Yea Forums, they're doing no good for you.

I dont believe this, maybe a few instances but I bet most people wouldnt tolerate pedoshit.

ESRB don't work off game trailers.

>Only perverts like the Trophy Girls in CTR
Keep forcing it

more like REmoval

It's like these censors have collectively forgotten what it was like to be a pubescent kid. Little nods to your burgeoning sexual desire with fanservice and sexy character designs let you explore your sexuality safely at a rate that you're comfortable with.

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>children in tranny parades are okay
>seeing virtual tits is not

really makes me think

This picture gets a 10...outta 10.

I've seen far too many cases in the media for it to be coincidence. I'd guess that actual pedos want to try and throw off any suspicion on themselves by publicly appearing to be heavily against anything that even remotely appears to be child abuse material. Also get fucked faggot, loli =/= pedo

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Isabella best girl.
Liz is a whore.

loli literally is slang for child, why do you pedos somehow not process this fact? you anti-sjws defending pedoshit is a good hill to die on

Megumi was always the best, the others are trash bandicoots.

I wouldn't give a fuck that they're missing if they were playable characters as a surprise but you just know this is some SJW bullshit decision

I see pedos everytime I see a kid, it is you who are the pedos

Perverts have a bad habit of screeching "CENSORSHIP" at any indication of breasts or butts being covered, no matter the context. I still remember clearly a similar uproar about Bloodstained, where an enemy's breasts were reduced from inflated balloon jugs to more realistically shaped bosom.

Also, when people scream censorship on Yea Forums, it's almost always about sex. How long has it been since censorship was brought up in a non-sexual context? The Fire Emblem example has already been mentioned, try something else.

I doubt it.

There's no way that most anti-lolicons are closeted pedos. You ask anyone on the street and you'll find they're against it too. But come on dude, the word comes from Lolita, which wasn't a book and movie about some chinese 2D cave paintings.

Sexual censorship is rare that is why SJW

This isn't 'censorship'. They are likely to be removed from the game.

Those people aren’t vocal like the closet pedis though, that’s the difference. I’m not into policing myself btw

He's right though. Aggressively anti-loli niggers getting busted as real pedos is so common ive started seeing it as a warning sign. Five bucks says projarard was anti-loli as fuck too.

>make you my minions

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>loli literally is slang for child
No. Loli is short for Lolita which means a precociously seductive young girl. I have a feeling you don't know what "precocious" means so here is a definition:
1.exceptionally early in development or occurrence
2. exhibiting mature qualities at an unusually early age

While most people seen as "loli" are classified as children by most countries around the world, saying it's slang for child is just wrong as there are women who are 18 and older that still look like children and thus falls under the "loli umbrella", so to speak. It's more of a body type than an age. Otherwise Lolibaba wouldn't be a thing.

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3 > 4 > 2 >>>> 1

I was struggling to explain exactly how they was wrong so thank you for explaining it for me.

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>a Japanese slang term for a young girl who has not reached the age to sexual consent.
one google search, keep reaching pedo

Shut the fuck up pedo scum

most common censorship these days is in fact censorship of titties.
back when jack thompson was doing his thing all of Yea Forums was against him too. Yea Forums makes fun of pathetic censorship in china too. Yea Forums complained when bravely default and smash got censored because muh cultural appropriation. Yea Forums is also against the current localization butchering of the new catherine game.

its evident that you're not from here. this is not resetera. Yea Forums was always against all forms of censorship.

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Are you that daft? You can't hide stuff from the ESRB, when you submit a game for classification you must detail every single bit of content a game might have. That's how the government has allowed them to exist for so long instead of just interveening and classifying games themslves.

It isn't a rumor. One of the creators of crash (the bald dude) and Naughty Dog founder made a series of blog post in the past talking about the creation of the first Crash game at length and said that Tawna died precisely because of that and that ND in the end decided not to fight Universal over it since the relationship with Universal was already bad enough.

Sit down, the adults are talking.

>You can't hide stuff from the ESRB
Yes you can. It's why Radical's Crash games were able to have swearing in them at random points.

- Young girls count as children outside of the internet.
- Many loli manga go out of their way to mention how young and unexperienced the loli in question is. Or do you think "HAVING SEX WITH A 4TH GRADER IS THE BEST!!!" means anything else but what it is in an H-manga?
- Lolibaba is a distinction that has to be made because of the last point, where the character still has the body of a young girl, but it also not a literal child.

tl;dr - You are a liar, and a poor on at that.

you got smoked pedo, go wank off to ur drawings incel

You're the inept retard that fell for an onion article

Sony doesn't allow hot women in its games anymore. They're lowering the birth rate.

The absolute state of nu-Yea Forums. Always finding something to complain about. They give you all tracks and characters from CTR and CNK with a new coat of paint as well as the return of story mode and you all complain about some characters with around 5 seconds of screen time. Did you hear what they even said in the video? Custom animations and camera angles for characters with skins. I'd much rather take that than the same trophy girls for around 5 seconds every time someone wins a race.

There are some places where they don't give a shit about the ban though

>Yes you can
You can't, there will be a demand for recalls and reclassification, happened with GTA San Adreas with the Hot Coffe debacle.

I never thought of any of these three facts but totally agree with them.

quit complaining

>"That woman doesn't become succesfull in the way I think is correct"
Unironically sexist

> young girl who has not reached the age to sexual consent.
So in other words someone who is likely "precocious", like I said. I never stated that a precocious young girl would be in the age of sexual consent.
>The word is contracted from "lolita"
Like I stated.

I never said I condoned it. But I'm intelligent enough to look up facts about things and not throw reactionary tantrums like .

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>They give
The girls were just as important as the racers, given their epilogue blurbs and giving a hint that one of them wanted to race herself. They were also based on women who had a hand in making Crash successful, one who made the iconic Crash dance even.
>Finding something to complain about
The irony in this post.

>I'd much rather take that than the same trophy girls for around 5 seconds every time someone wins a race.
But it wasn't every time you won a race, only in Adventure mode and cup series'.

It was to denote higher achievement, like it made you a professional.

By no means where they 'overused' in the original game. They were very tastefully utilized, I'd even say.

>most common censorship these days is in fact censorship of titties.
Which is why there's more porn in circulation than ever before, and more sexual content in circulation than ever before, and more soft core games being brought over from Japan than ever before.
You lack perspective, but that's to be expected.

>Yea Forums makes fun of pathetic censorship in china too
Everybody poked fun at Winnie the Pooh, but no one was mad, nor did they continue to make threads about it months later

>Yea Forums complained when bravely default and smash got censored because muh cultural appropriation.
But no one boycotted those games like, say, Xenoblade X and TMS. They mentioned it comparatively little, and it was quickly washed away for "HE'S IN".

> Yea Forums is also against the current localization butchering of the new catherine game.
You got me here, because I don't go in to Catherine games. I'm not that interested in them.

>its evident that you're not from here.
>You disagree with me so you must be an outsider!

Which is strange since they had an entirely different Tawna design they were going to go with for a while and then just shifted gears to the other one.

>They were also based on
"Named after" does not mean "based on".

>precociously seductive young girl
You mean a 12 year old girl.

Do not argue with anti-loli pedos

Yes, if you include something that isn't on the rating label.

But you can obviously use the labels given to get creative. I mean; shit. Halo 2 and 3 aren't even marked for language, even though there is a lot of swearing.

So CTR can easily avoid suggestive themes

>anti-loli pedos
What a delightful oxymoron.

Just admit you're a pedophile and all is good, noone wants to hear a dozen poor excuses on why wanking to drawings of kids isnt pedo.

Regardless, they were still important enough to the series' success that they took four characters and not only named them after those women but gave them backstories and a tinge of personality as well.

>its not censorship because there are other sources of titties
this is the level you argue on.
absolutely pathetic. dont even bother.

>You disagree with me so you must be a child diddler!
Yea Forums acts the same way when called out. But they also get really in to it when someone posts real stuff there.

Lolicons are hypocrites and will say anything to defend their fetish. Once you learn this, dealing with them is much easier.


>Young girls count as children outside of the internet.
Of course. I never stated otherwise.

>Many loli manga go out of their way to mention how young and unexperienced the loli in question is. Or do you think "HAVING SEX WITH A 4TH GRADER IS THE BEST!!!" means anything else but what it is in an H-manga?
Of course they do. Why wouldn't they? I never said Loli NEVER was about the innocence and naivety of a small child. Lolis often act a certain way for a reason. But saying Loli is slang for child is wrong because of Lolibabas, that you yourself state is a "young girl, but it also not a literal child.". There is a "loli-mindset" IE why oppai loli exists and there is a "loli body typle" IE why lolibaba exists.

>Lolibaba is a distinction that has to be made because of the last point, where the character still has the body of a young girl, but it also not a literal child.
I know. So what are you on about?

>You are a liar, and a poor on at that.
I have'nt told a single lie. So no.

>30fps team racing

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Go away. We are arguing over much more important issues here.

my man!

I'm thoroughly convinced all anti Loli fags are closet pedos who jerk it to hard core cheese pizza . I've seen them get busted for it so many times it's a borderline internet trope


Stop arguing with the sick ass kid fuckers

I wouldn't. Gender Studies is an awful field which has actively damaged both academia and society.

>they give me the same shit I got in the past but less they deserve praise for that

Oh my, this is an outrage.

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Yes. For some reason having attractive women around is now considered obscene.

Again, you lack perspective, because you're obsessed with you narrative.
Sex isn't the only thing being censored.
SJWs and China aren't the only censors.
But you will never know that browsing here, because everyone is obsessed with sex.

>no articles about this no matter how big the backlash
I fucking hate how biased video game journalism, if even one tranny on twitter complains about something they agree with they run the story all week and make it a thing

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This. Gender studies is basically paying an academic institution a couple hundred grand to learn how to read and write fanfics. It's the scam of the century.

Yes. Like I said most people seen as "loli" ARE children. That's a fact. Not ALL of them are though. Like I said in an other post there is a "loli mindset" which is why oppai loli exists, and there is a "loli body type" which is why lolibaba exists. I've never stated if I'm for or against it.

>Just admit you're a pedophile
>Just admit I'm right because I can't form arguments to prove I'm right
>and all is good
You know that's a lie.
>noone wants to hear a dozen poor excuses on why wanking to drawings of kids isnt pedo.
I know. But I'm not making excuses. I've never said I jerk off to it. I'm simply correcting a statement that was wrong.

Well I mean we don't know if they aren't in the game yet. Just speculation unless beenox has made a statement about them. Jumping the gun might lead to a "persona 5 retard" fiasco which would be bad. Lets wait till at least E3 before we bring out the torches and pitchforks

>But saying Loli is slang for child is wrong because of Lolibabas
Except no, it's not. Loli always indicates at least the body of a young girl. A fully grown woman who acts like an 8 year old is not a loli. A young girl who acts like a 68 year old woman is still a loli. Are you going to tell me that pic related is a loli? Lolicons won't even call Kemono Friends lolis! You twist like a snake but it's obvious to anyone with a bit of honesty what you're trying to do.

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fuck off retard

I recognize this name. Did you draw Minis by chance?
Also, I'm totally showing that drawing to other friends to gross them out and show them why lesbians are not the way and not because I'm turned on by it or anything haha.

Look when you play multiplayer you can't even bump into each other, what the fuck

Cope. And learn to use your shift key.

I'm not. I'm simply correcting a statement. It's like if someone said "all Nazis in Nazi Germany raped cats and dogs and horses with their assault rifles and batons", I'm gonna call bullshit on it. I'm not for the Nazis but I'm gonna correct statements that are incorrect. The one thing humans have over other animals is our brain so why not use it and learn facts instead of jumping on what sounds "good" and build a society based on emotions to statements that aren't true?

No we already know, in the original game when you beat ripperoo you got got to see the trophy girls in adventure mode, now you just get a 'new cutscene' its a clever way of trying to stop people noticing, they know what they're doing,

I swear all threads turn into a debate on pedos or about race, the fuck

a lot

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