There is no functional difference between the Playstation and the Xbox.
There is no functional difference between the Playstation and the Xbox.
You're spot on. They fill the exact same niche and only have different features and games because they wanna make money.
They use different hardware I believe so they're going to have different levels of performance, really it comes down to exclusives because multiplatforms are going to run perfectly fine on either console.
Isn't the Xbox slightly more powerful?
PS4 versions have slightly higher resolution, but you're right.
PlayStation: Has new Japanese games monthly
Xbox One: Does not
The Xbox One X is far more powerful and faster than the PS4 Pro. The problem is that aside from Red Dead Redemption (which already puts hardware to its limits), other games are not optimized for it.
Xbox - has a controller with correct stick placement
PS4 - does not
Both PS4 models fall in between the two Bone models in terms of performance.
Playstation has games
Xbox games are all on pc
One fanbase is far more insufferable than the other.
Sony only got into gaming 6 years before MS did, yet somehow it feels like they've accumulated 30 more years of history.
So much of Xbox is just a lame copy of something else. Crackdown isn't even the best "What if GTA was WHACKY?" game on the 360.
There might be less than 10 "great" Xbox games.
a lot of japanese game have been coming on xbox
sega games are the exception
Xbox - Controller made for sausage fingers
Playstation - Controller made for humans
There is no functional difference between the Switch and the PS3.
Switch has an identity, mobility, and exclusives worth a damn
>Switch has an identity
That's really reaching, user. What does that mean, practically?
>Exclusives worth a damn
It would really surprise me if the Ps3 library can't compete with the 3 major Switch games that are currently out. You don't seem totally impartial. I bet if I brought up MGS4 and Gran Turismo 6 you'd call them bad games, so I wont bother
>claims mgs4 and gt6 are notable
come on lad, try harder than that
MGS4 is a Sony exclusive?
In that case, point. But Sony and Microsoft haven't developed their stable of characters nearly as well as Nintendo has. Where's the new Jak or Ratchet or Ape Escape or what have you?
Metal Gear Solid is legit, though. I give you that. That and Spiderman and Last of Us and Uncharted I guess.
>stable of characters
You sure do love rehashes. I'm glad Nintendo provides that nice, safe rut you seem to enjoy being stuck in.
Yeah. The only major differences are the exclusives and backwards compatibility. Games run like shit no matter the system nowadays so may as well buy something that atleast has some games.
Given SEGA's recent financial reports that may be changing soon.
It also lacks Persona 5 for now.
Playtation has more games xbox doesnt have