A whole month has passed since the official Twitter account posted anything

>A whole month has passed since the official Twitter account posted anything


Attached: Cover_Art_of_Anthem.jpg (250x375, 41K)

Other urls found in this thread:


good riddance


>caring about social media
lmao, it's still fun as fuck.

The game is fucking dead

Your game is trash, shill, and you should feel bad for playing it.

t. people who never played it
lmao, fuck off.




I like visiting the Anthem subreddit to see even the most brain dead website on the internet shit on it.
It would be actually funny if it weren't for the fact that this is what Bioware has become.

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If you're still playing the video game Anthem at this point then you should seriously step back and reevaluate your life priorities

>no romances in Anthem
>beta male virgin protagonist Freelancer
Shoulda had romances BioWare

RIP Bioware, you will not be missed. You already lost your dignity, now just cancel Anthem Age 4 and die.

>in a Destiny clone

It's honestly a goldmine.
Bioware is pulling off a Bethesda.

Attached: 1549813528495.png (939x280, 49K)

thats the only reason these beta-virgin biodrone fucktards even buy bioware games in the first place.
its the "have sex" meme applied practically

This shit game failed cause no romances BioWare shoulda had romances BioWare

What are you talking about?
Mass Effect Andromeda had romances and it was still crap.

Hopefully after lootboxes, congress will look into EA's business practices as a whole. There's a reason why they were voted the worst business in America, repeatedly.

In all seriousness, why would you even consider downloading Origin?

Mass Effect Andromeda sold more than Anthem BioWare

Selling more than Anthem is not an achievement, Andromeda still killed Mass Effect.

I tried it on PC and outside of the horrible stuttering, the flying and magic-ish class were fun. Environments were nice too, but why play it when I could play Destiny as a more polished experienced, and even then why play Destiny when its such a lackluster title save for good gunplay?

and killed bioware austin or whatever it was called. Anthem should have killed bioware proper i dont know why it hasn't or at least hasn't yet.

I hope the game goes f2p soon so I can play it for half an hour.

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Hilarious how obvious it is when EA contracts are up.

You can immediately tell the money has run out because the streamers abandon it, the shills instantly stop spamming, and the social media is dead

>work on game for years
>it just fucking dies

thats gots to make you feel fucked up

bioware office has designated crying rooms

Your game is trash, shills, and your game is dead.
>30 mins to find people to play with on GM2.

They win that because of a bunch of butthurt autists. You can't even compare EA with literally evil businesses like Comcast and Bank of America. EA just sells you garbage $60 games, while BoA has ruined lives and contributed to entire economic crashes

They shoulda had romances

>3(4 now) shitty dungeons


I haven't played since April is there honestly anything thats hype that I or anyone needs to check Anthem out again for?

What this user said EA is a shitty dev/publisher, but they dont hold a candle to actual shitty companies

Bad rep.
Ea will keep Bioware only for some RPG and diversity for the company, also they will try to revive Anthem and make it akin NMS : Next or FFXIV so they can seem like the good guys.

I'll buy this shit game if BioWare adds romances

true but they wear it like a badge stomping around loudly unlike BoA that is a snake in the grass staying out of the spotlight striking when people dont see them. EA just has no shame and no fear of being taken down.

>Fallout 76 has a larger active playerbase than Anthem

Now that's hilarious.

at this point its prob true many have abandoned Anthem so 2 is more then 1

At least in fallout you can build comfy little bases and shit

no the expansion and extra content that mattered all got delayed indefinitely and has no date
most likely holding off until e3 so they can look like they have stuff to announce

im actually surprised how fast the normies and gamer dads abandoned it

This has gotta be the biggest shitshow this side of Star Citizen.

Attached: Anthem news.gif (250x230, 164K)

>buying a game from E FUCKING A

Attached: 1543462997522.png (500x501, 139K)

>caring about Twitter
What did OP the underage retard mean by this? Is he retarded? Did he shit his pants?

The game has been abandoned, Bioware has moved on to Dragon Age 4

Worse than that. They moved from single player DA4 to multiplayer games as service DA4.

>10 year plan
>all or nothing
>our biggest game yet
I always knew casey hudson was rat faced lying sack of shit, and I didn't touch anthem with a 10 foot pole but this is actually making me mad how they can just tell a bunch of lies and fuck so many people over on a whim, like it was nothing to them.

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>hold my beer

what is it with these publishers wanting a game that they expect people are going to play for like 10 years (10 years seems to be the magic number)
the game has to be fun first you dumb shits people aren't just gonna throw 10 years into your shitty grindfest games willy nilly

Because FIFA

Not just that, but people only have time for one of these games, there isn't room for that many live services on the market

reminds me of when WoW came out there were like a million other mmo's coming out, nearly all of them defunct now

>there are people still playing this game

biodrones aren't the most sane individuals out there

What the fuck did Bioware expect?
No one even played their Dragon Age series for anything other than le romancing Morrigan\Leliana\Anders\whatever, why the fuck did they expect to make an actually interesting game with no story, romances or anything memorable? Inquisition barely succedeed baecause of INSANE amounts of pandering and fanservice.
I honestly don't remember the last time they made a game that had actually good gameplay.

Fuck Bioware and Fuck Anthem. Press S to shit on Bioware.

>3.6 million copies sold
retards still bought it. doesn't matter how shit your game is as long as you convince people it isn't shit before you sell it to them for full price

meanwhile masterwork indie titles are getting passed up on the regular and super successful ones manage to sell 300k if they're lucky