It seems that Bamco is actually putting effort and time for this game, maybe they really want it to make it as good and successful as Souls games
Code Vein
Shame about the generic anime designs
I would be so happy if a Souls clone came out that wasn't complete fucking garbage
It's going to get censored, isn't it...
Look at those tiddies. I hope they aren't censored.
user, don't lie to yourself.
You damn well know that if someone made a 1:1 Dark Souls clone that was as good or better than the From Software games... you would still shit on it for being derivative and not coming from "master miyazaki's magical workshop".
You've been cursed with the most hilarious curse of all: you're unable to enjoy games not named Demon's Souls, Dark Souls or Bloodborne.
No retard, I really enjoy the Souls gameplay paradigm and want to play more of it, who gives a shit what name is attached to it.
Darks Souls
like, anime
I don't mind the anime design, I'm scared the characters and controls will feel like god eater 3 which is shit, characters and weapon animations need a heavy feel to them, even dark souls 3 and bloodborne which were quick af had a good feel for controlling characters.
Depends, Is this game fanservice heavy? If yes, probably. Bamco did censor one piece recently.
Imagine being hyped for another shit souls clone
honestly so far most souls clones sucked, some had some saving graces but they weren't as good.
I hven't played ashen though so can't speak about that but I've tried most of the others, if not all.
No, you want a Souls gameplay paradigm attached to From Software's name, nothing more.
The best of all is that you're pursuit by the ghost of From Software even when playing completely unrelated games belonging to other genres.
>"As a Souls veteran, I find this racing game unbearable. Dark Souls is hard but fair; meanwhile this game expect me to run faster than the other cars and reaching the end line before them"
Nioh was amazing; I personally put it on par with the Souls games. Lords of the Fallen was mediocre and never bothered after one playthrough. Haven't played The Surge.
I think I would know better than you, you insufferable pseud. Neck yourself
>nioh was amazing
no it wasn't
post yfw you get cucked and don't get in the network test
It was.
Fairly unique concept, amazing combat, great gameplay, actual RPG mechanics.
I want an Io gf.
just fyi user, the studio that worked on GE 1 and 2 is working on CV. GE3 was passed off to a different studio entirely.
diablo style loot in a single player game, shitty floaty walking/running animations, dumb segmented world, it's a good try but a shit game
If I suffered a fate like yours, being unable to play, let alone enjoy a non Soulsborne game. I would indeed neck yourself.
Fortunately that isn't the case.
I hope you're ready to kill her corrupted form at the end of the game
I played both GE 1 and 3, I didn't think the combat and platforming animations in either was good desu, Although I agree 1 is a bit old and it's quite possible this game turns out better, I'll definitely play it anyway.
and repetitive gameplay loop sadly
delete this right now you triple nigger
>Muh interconnected world
>Muh unique weapons
Why Soulsborne fans believe that the Soulsborne template is the only valid videogame design template?
You don't need to do the optional missions, and even then not all of them used the main story missions' maps; many of them had their own u-
You know, nevermind. I should know better than trying to reason with a Soulsborne fan.
GE3 managed to come out completely uncensored. The camera pretty much focused on Hilda's tits whenever she was onscreen too, so it's not like there wasn't obvious fanservice and they just overlooked it. So Code Vein might be able to squeak by too.
Not him but the diablo loot is just fucking obnoxious to manage and running through the same self-contained levels multiple times gets old really fast.
The generic anime designs are exactly why I'm interested in this shit
diablo loot is shit in literally any game, the guy who invented it needs to be killed in the most horrible way
How about those new gameplay videos? They didn't look that much different from the old ones.
ge3 was full of gay shit no waifu content just gay hugo shit
One pieces hot springs scenes were censored, from what I know this game has even fanservice heavier hot spring scenes in it. I dont think its off the table that it will be hit.
Oh yeah, there's always a possibility these days. I'm just saying that since they didn't touch GE3 they might not bother with CV either.
>One Piece
That still baffles me. Only NA got fucked. I have the EU version and the mission is still in tact. It's not even that lewd, and it's even more weird since Nami already walks around in a bikini top anyway.
It looked better earlier into the dev cycle.
Now all the colours are washed out and dark for the sake of making it look edgy and dark like Dark Souls.
I would have highly preferred a bright and colorful game with the same mechanics.
>Depends, Is this game fanservice heavy?
Nigga do you not see the titty monster in the OP? not that non fanservice heavy games mattered to companies that censor
Is there any sign of a release date for this? Around 3-4 more months and it will have been delayed for an entire year.
Can't begin to imagine how much of a mess the game is/was if they need to delay it for that long.
One rumor/interpretation is that they were going full shovelware, then decided to revamp it based on the significant interest it received.
there's interest if it isn't gay shit like god eater 3
The censorship is so wonky that it misses what you think would be censored and targets a lot of other mundane shit.
Beta test is at the end of this month so I would guess the full release will come 2-3 months later.
>constant bitching about a nonexistent threat
wow you dumbfucks really don't understand irony
>nonexistent threat
Appreciate the laugh