Imagine still playing Souls games in a post-Nioh world

Imagine still playing Souls games in a post-Nioh world.

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>imagine playing adventure games when action games exist

>Nioh 2, Code Vein and The Surge 2 are coming
>Meanwhile From Software sold out to the open world Game of Thrones audience

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>imagine playing video games
How horrifying
From Software has made more than Souls games, zoomer faggot.

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jesus christ why is there so much shit floating on the screen? also nioh is poor man's souls and nioh 2 looks no different

The first Dark Souls was open world.

>eurobeat intensifies

If I wanted epic cinematic attacks and stunlocking I would just play a fighting game

bad level design, extremely bad loot system

>From Software has made more than Souls games, zoomer faggot
I know. They've been active since the early 90's, making all kind of games from shovelware to mecha to RPGs. In fact the first game of them I played was Another Century Episode 2.
I just find funny that they decided to abandon their public to pursuit the Dragon Age of Thrones: Wild Hunt audience, the most casual audience of all.
I hope you like dialog choices and barely functional combat, user.

No it wasn't. It wasn't lineal but it wasn't an open world game.

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imagine playing nioh when sekiro exists

Imagine thinking Nioh 2 is a sequel and not just some dlc

this game is so bad
and the second one is just a copy paste of the first one
imagine thinking this garbage is fun lol

>No it wasn't.
Yes, it was.

Its saturday night have some fucking self respect

Yeah, how dare they make video games, those evil fucking assholes.

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>diablo loot
>worse level design
>no interconnected world
>less interesting enemies

I do seriously wish Fromsoft would just learn from team ninja when it comes to combat animations/hitboxes/overall responsiveness.

Dark souls 1 was absolutely open world.

From have really good animations, though.

we don't even know what the new game will be other than GRRM "consulting" for story, which could mean anything

>fantasy game with From gameplay and world design with a great writer in charge of the setting and story

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No it wasn't. Would you call a Metroid game "open world"?

I've been playing videogames all day and my head hurts; I'm just resting a bit before playing again.

That's the problem: From will stop making videogames to pursuit the walking simulators with dialog options market.

All the leaks pretty much confirmed that Game of Thrones man is the main writer and world designer.

The game being open world is the biggest red flag of all, with the other things being just Chocolate rain on the shit cake. Can you name an open world game that wasn't extremely mediocre from a gameplay standpoint?

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I just started Nioh and wtf is up with all these red summoning swords in the ground?

>No it wasn't.
Yes, it was.

>Can you name an open world game that wasn't extremely mediocre from a gameplay standpoint
Dark Souls 1

Revenant system. Enemy player graves. You can summon other player characters to fight their AI. If you win you get some of their equipment they were using when they died in their world.
Check out the nioh thread.

Those are spots marking where other players died. You can summon a hostile AI controlled version of that player's character to fight against and if you win you get an equipment drop.

>No it wasn't. Would you call a Metroid game "open world"?
No metroid aspect to Dark Souls 1, you could pick where to go right from the beginning. There's an easiest way but you can go whatever way you want up till Sen's Fortress.

Sen's Fortress -> Anor Londo is the only linear part of the game. Outside of that, you can do the rest in any order you please. If Dark Souls isn't open world, then the term has no meaning.

People liked The Surge?

>from have really good animations
their animations generally look pretty good but gameplay-wise are just kinda okay. Nioh's movement and combat feels way more responsive.

dark souls was open word, in fact most of froms souls games are.
There's a stark difference between open world and sandbox.

It was unironically better than DaS2.

Nah, their animations are quite good and provide good visual feedback as well as 'feel' good.

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i never understood this game
is this game coop?
who's the 2nd bloke in that webm?
what the actual fuck is nioh?

>those DLC bosses

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Do you have to do them or is it just like a way to get extra loot?

Normies have finally infested Yea Forums

In an open world game you can walk whatever you want any time you want. You can't, for example, walk directly from Firelink to Anor Londo.
An example of an open world game is Dragon's Dogma.

I dropped it because the saferoom music was giving me brain damage, holy fucking shit the level of incompetence to put a shitty 30 second muzak loop in the area where you respawn and do all your character and equipment management absolutely boggles the mind.

in dragons dogma the gate leading to gran soren is locked until you start that one mission where they unlock it

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>An example of an open world game is Dragon's Dogma.
can you walk from Cassardis to Bitterblack?

I guess Skyrim isn't open world because you can't walk to Sovngarde any time you want? You fucking retard?

dude, you can turn it off in the settings menu lol

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>In an open world game you can walk whatever you want any time you want.
that's a really dumb and too strict of a definition, for example, no one will deny a game like skyrim is open world, but you can't go everywhere from the start, same with oblivion, like the endgame "valhalla" area or some dlc content might be locked behind levels or story missions, etc.

Your definition is retarded, some areas will certainly be locked for story or quest reasons, even in huge sandbox games.

>hurr normies durr
you can be a faggot like exactly how you're doing, or you could talk about videogames
the choice is yours, you fucking nigger

Imagine running through samey looking levels with like 4 types of normal enemies and it's incredibly repetitive and dull.

one thing I never liked about From games is the feeling of running. I don't really feel like I'm propelling myself with my legs, as much as I'm floating around while making a running movement. Hard to explain.

I literally can't walk from the beginning of the game to the Everfall though because I have to complete certain quests for it to become available.

You can apply this exact same shit to Dark Souls DLC area.

>you fucking nigger
Yep, you're a normie

What's the word on code veiny titties anyway?

Is Nioh just Chalice Dungeons sold as a full game?

Just bought this today, dark souls will always be an iconic series whether its memes or vidya history

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It's called bad gamefeel

We aren't applying the logic. We are using user's logic to destroy his point because it's wrong. Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma are both open world games. Open world does not mean "I can walk to literally any part of the game from the beginning with no impediments" because tons of open world games lock areas behind progression walls.

I think it's more that people WANTED it to be good. And the Surge 2 is another chance to get it right.

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nevermind bbi, most "open world" games don't allow you to go anywhere at anytime, there are always areas locked behind main story and advancement of character.

Holy Mother of HUD-gore.

Outside of the first two Fallout games and Breath of the Wild, I can't think of any games where you literally have full access to the world right from the start.

look at this dude getting blown the fuck out
by this logic, far cry 3, skyrim, the witcher 3, minecraft, terraria, and tons of other games aren't open world

Looks good. Is there any info about the release date? Will they release it on Xbox this time? that way we could expect to see more at Xbox E3

there might be others, probably, but I agree most sandbox games still lock out certain areas.

>because tons of open world games lock areas behind progression walls.

DaS1 does this far more so than pretty much every traditional open world game.

Never played Nioh. Whats the selling points of it?

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yeah he's retarded

>can only progress in one specific fashion after a very early point in the game
pretty linear to me, the only "open" part of the world is you being allowed to kill pinwheel. Otherwise, unless you take the master key the game is 100% linear and you have to follow a specific path.

Indeed. GTA3 is a classic open world milestone moment in video games and it literally has a big, massive progression wall stuffed in the player's face at the very beginning of the game. user is dumb.

Does Nioh 2 has separate levels or connected areas? Who gives a shit about the combat

stab demons

see this

Combat and diablo type loot

Alright thanks man

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Separate areas again.

not even botw is open world by this logic because the master trials are hard locked by progression and the entire world is locked until you finish the starting plateau

>Imagine only playing one series of games when you're not a poorfaggot

The first half of the game is entirely open. You can go straight to the Gargoyles if you want, you can go straight to Sif if you want, you can go straight to Quelaag if you want. And the second half lets you tackle the Lord Souls areas in any order you want, too.
Sen's Fortress and Anor Londo is the only linear chunk of the game.

>Nioh 2, Code Vein and The Surge 2 are coming
Only one of those is even worth thinking about.

code vein, right? 'cause of the tig ol' bitties

Don’t be a dumb retarded faggot for the sake of arguing.

when is CODE VEIN coming out!?

>unless you take the master key.

>feel good
this is the truth. idk what it is but in bloodborne, hitting enemies actually feels good. idk if its the animation or the sound or a combo of both, but it feels like it has an impact whereas in nioh it just feels like you are slashing through air.

Wrong, irrelevant, and wrong. Try again.

>as well as feel good
but not as good as Nioh

'cause it didn't have poise, every hit makes the enemy stagger

you /can/ skip the bells and get into sen's whenever you want but it's a fairly convoluted glitch

read the thread and you'll see you're already blown the fuck out instead of replying with ignorance, you absolute retard

Yeah, I forgot about the Plateau, but I feel like that's being pedantic. Once you get off the plateau, there are no hard gates anywhere in the world and you can go straight to Hyrule Castle and end the game.

You can kill Ingward and drain New Londo and still have access to all areas in the first half.

pretty much
But also imagine if despite having a huge full moveset that's at least 3 times bigger than any souls weapon the optimal thing to do it spam 1-2 OP skills over and over

I actually laughed out loud when I saw the demo. Now even ubisoft is this lazy with rehashes

let me restate, hitting enemies even in DS1-3 and sekiro feels good. In sekiro, the audio cues with the deflect, mikiri, and deathblows just feel so satisfying.

>all those piles of shit items you have to look through with that ui

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wow the damage numbers have an oriental font, truly next gen


So was the second one

I’ve read your points and they are wrong. Calling dark souls open world is to be excessively literal to the point of completely ignoring the precedent set by the open-world genre, for the sake of making a point.

The genre was at one point in this thread referred to as “sandbox” which is intentionally mislabelling the open-world genre to move dark souls inside of your new definition of the open-world genre.


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Nioh 2 looks like Nioh v1.5

do you consider the gta games to be open world?

The first Dark Souls is 100% open world. I don't understand how this is such a contentious topic. Not being like Skyrim doesn't preclude it from being open world.

>only I know precisely what this genre actually is, everybody else on earth is wrong

yeah he's a retard zoomer that thinks the differences between open world and sandbox are new when they existed for ages.

but I've spent so much time hating open world games and I love dark souls so I refuse to accept it

just by looking at that webm the basic attacks have too long windup/follow through animations.

essentially: In souls when you press a button it feels you are telling your character to swing the weapon instead of having the damage dealt to the enemy almost immediately upon pressing the button. This is why having long wind-up and follow-through animations just feels bad to play.

>click a button and instantly see damage numbers rise up
no one on earth wants this


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Yes, I do.

Another thing I need to mention is that I don’t consider dark souls games as non-explorative. They are absolutely open exploration and encourage taking alternate paths to reach your destinations.

Dark Souls is not similar to games/serie like GTA, Witcher 3, and the giant piles of glittery shit that Ubisoft plops out.

congratulations on identifying the basic element that adds depth to Souls combat

Based and Gaelpilled.

That's exactly what set Souls apart when it came and it's what people like about the combat system. You actually have to consider and time your attacks and your weapon choice matters because of the little differences in your attack animations.

ok, in gta games the entire game world isn't unlocked from the get go, you unlock more portions of the city as you advance the main story. same with dark souls, the only difference is that gta game worlds are generally large in scale than dark souls games.

They're both open world, in that when you unlock a new are, then you can access it and older areas anytime you want.

Nioh? More like butthole

>Any game with a map with certain interconnected segments is open world

Like another poster has said, this is the same as calling Super Metroid an open world game, which it is not.

Nothing quite like shitting on knockoff souls fags

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Nope, Sony are publishing in the West again.

Damn. I just cancelled my preorder.

>a game with one single instance of linearity is no longer open world
Do you understand how retarded this is and how arbitrarily you're applying it

Super Metroid is significantly more railroaded than Dark Souls, unless you start using exploits. Whereas Dark Souls gives you two completely open ended segments of the game, with one brief linear piece bridging them together. The games aren't comparable at all.

literally looks soulless.
why do normalfags think people like souls games for the combat?
It's for the atmosphere, the perfectly crafted worlds you get to explore.
That's why Sekiro was still liked despite being a much faster action game, the world was still what we had come to expect from Souls.

No one wants your "BING BING WAHOO 3779 POINTS 6594 POINTS" hack and slash garbage.

no because Superb Metroid has tons of powerups that funnel you through a somewhat linear path
dark souls has Sen's and AL and those are the only linear parts, everything else is spaghetti

The Surge 2 is gonna blow Nioh 2 out of the water.

I don't get why you keep comparing it with super metroid, in super metroid you're lead through different paths, sure there are optional power ups but the main game leads you through a specific path.
Dark souls is literally only strictly linear through sens fortress to anor londo, other than that you're free to do and go whereever.

Cant wait for it to come out to wash the bad taste Sekiro left in my mouth.

>Bloodborne Scraps 3

So from the thread, open world is:
>Stitch a bunch of small areas or corridors together with some sections locked behind story (Souls, Metroid)
>A big ass squared map that you can go anywhere with some portions possibly locked behind story (GTA, Just Cause)
Which one is right? Or both are correct?


you just defined open world first and sandbox second, two different styles of world making in games.

The entire map is not interconnected through unlocks the way an open world game is, though. You cannot run from Duke’s Archive to Lost Izalith. You cannot run from Nito’s chamber to Firelink. Painted world and the undead asylum are separated from the rest of the world, granted they are technically optional areas.

Would you consider Bloodborne open world too then? After all, there are less ‘hard’ walls between areas in Bloodborne than in Dark Souls.

These guys are some of the scariest vidya enemies ever.

Bloodborne has tons of hard gates on the player. For example, you should be able to go straight to Forbidden Woods from Central Yharnam, but you can't because the gate is arbitrarily locked.

Dark Souls 1 is the only Souls game I'd consider open world.

yes if the only difference you see is interconnectivity then gta is sandbox and darksouls is open world, literally google this, those terms have been used in gaming for decades.

Monhun and Dragon's Dogma do the same shit and still feel way more responsive than souls.

>imagine playing Nioh when I can play either a DMC game or a Soulsborne: Shadows Die Twice game, depending on which type of game I want to play

>dark souls is open world because you can travel on foot a lot

Literally every single Fromsoft game post-demon’s souls is open world by that definition.

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Is Nioh 2 just a $60 DLC?

I really liked dragons dogma desu, when fighting huge monsters it feels like they took the best parts of monster hunter and added some shadow of the collossus in the mix

Imagine the smell

>Implying BB isn't Ds1 scraps
and Ds1 is Des scraps

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pray is open world, so is the original bioshock, open world does not equal sandbox you literal two digit iq retard

Who are you quoting?

It absolutely looks like it so far. It feels like a big let down.

>so is the original bioshock

nah but desu dark souls 3 was basically bloodborne: pc edition to appease the non sony crowds


Yeah, this is looking like a game I'll wait for until it hits the bargain bin. Which is too bad, since I feel like Nioh had a good foundation, but everything outside of the combat mechanics kind of sucked.

ok retard

Oh, thanks. Then they will probably announce the release date with a State of Play livestream during E3.

>posts knockoff Bloodborne

DeS was just King's Field scraps.


>DaS3 is just knock off Bloodborn-

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The Surge 2???? Nigga I'm HYPE

not really.
Bloodborne was good.

Imagine playing Nioh in a post-Sekiro world

I agree, bb was way better than ds3

that spin to win move is so fuckin sweet literally trivializes every other boss

better setting
worse bosses/enemies

>posts the one weapon in the game that's the most comparable to a BB weapon

>dark souls 3
>better bosses than bloodborne
nigga what?

Ds3 had terrible bosses.

I mean you can travel back to areas your previously visited but unless you are able to make actual progression, which you can't in Bioshock, I don't think that qualifies as open world.

BB has way better bosses, though.

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imagine not having sex

you can't make actual progressionf rom anywhere in gta either, so stop making arbitrary rules that obviously don't apply to the games that you yourself consider to be open world.

I don't want to imagine being you, that sounds disgusting

team ninja animations always feel weightless and shitty though, and nioh is no exception

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Looks like I hit the nail square on the head

Hey look, it's that thing you can do in Ninja Gaiden only it looks and feels worse.

You can't be serious, BB is filled to the brim with shit and underwhelming bosses
>One Reborn
>Moon Presence

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>Moon Presence
>Shit boss

Laurence isn't shit.
Git gud.

You literally have no fucking idea of what you are talking about

I want to stick my dick in you

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Not the same user but I think he is right.
In something like GTA or TES you can go pretty much anywhere and complete side objectives in any order, even if the main story itself is linear.
In Bioshock however you can only visit levels after you've been there because of a main story mission.

sand box vs open world, again, google them there's a difference.

>Fire Cleric Beast
>anything but lazy b-team tier shit
If you enjoy eating shit that's fine, just don't waste your time trying to convince me it's actually yummy, I won't be joining you.

Git gud.

>>Fire Cleric Beast
Except he acquires a completely new set of swipe attacks that trial fire, AoEs, and a radically different 2nd phase. This isn't B-team tier.

My understanding is that sand box game means you set your own objectives and open world means level progression is open ended.
All sand box games are open world, but not all open world games are sandbox.
Bioshock is not a sand box because there's a clear objective and it's not an open world game either because you always visit the same levels in the same order.

Souls games have simpler, better controls. Nioh is like playing a videogame with a rubix cube instead of a controller.

>great writer
Did you ever read the books? No, you didn't. Or you wouldn't be saying stupid shit like this.

Great music and atmosphere
Challenging, but fair high-speed combat that encourages you to get better and is rather satisfying to conquer if you aren't the type to ragequit
High levels of customization

Its weaknesses are that it doesnt explain its plot very well and expects you to know sengoku period japan history, and the enemy variety could be better
The loot system is a hit or miss

>Nioh is so hard!
Until you realize the enemy variety is so poor you get used everything quickly. Not to mention the same tactics work on almost all "human" bosses.
>Nioh is so deep!
So poorly balanced too that most options are traps and it isn't hard to find stuff that trivializes gameplay until you reach WotN. That's just bad design.

>playing a videogame with a rubix cube instead of a controller
You have room temperature IQ. Nioh has many faults, but controls aren't one of them unless you're retarded

what is that weeb flying into the air shit.

He didn't post the aquamarine dagger though

>Deacons of the deep
>Crystal sage
>Old Demon King
>Great rotting tree or whatever the fuck
>Ancient Wyvern

Ds3 had equal amounts shit bosses. also Rom is great

The stance shit feels so fucking unnecessary though, and don't even get me started on the ki pulse bullshit.

I did actually but whatever makes you feel smart

name a single good Ds3 boss and I'll explain to you in detail why it's shit.

not him but
>Abyss watchers
>Pontiff solomon
>Champion Gundyr

Malazan and Wheel of Time is where the true kino is at.

It's not half bad. The armor designs are amazing, combat is alright, bosses meh, level design is pretty good too. Though I only recommend it on sale. I wouldn't say its something anyone needs to go out and play though as DaS1, Bloodborne, DaS3, and Sekiro are better Soulslike games.

>completely new set of swipe attacks
If by completely new you mean exactly the same as the original cleric beast but with a little bit of fire
>Phase 2
2 new attacks, crawl, spit lava.
>Crystal sage
>Old Demon King
Padding, Iudex is a fantastic starting boss
>Deacons of the deep
They're shit but they're better than the Bloodborne equivalent
pic related

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I guess Spider-Man 2 isn't open world since you can't revisit any of the boss environments right?

>Abyss watchers

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Imagine playing Sekiro

Then you'd know he writes like a movie script. It's very "this person does this, then that, and this person says this". There's barely any description unless it's about something absolutely necessary to be described. He doesn't bother to set moods, he doesn't play with the words, it's very flat and boring. There's no imagination.

Filtered by Chained Ogre.

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compare Iudex to Gascoigne..gascoigne is a million times better and nah man, id rather fight any of those shit tier bb bosses than the fuckin tree or old demon king or deacons.

>writer often criticized for having overly elaborate descriptions
>barely any description
nigga are you for real

using overleveled character and tanking a boss is supposed to prove something?

>Champion Gundyr
you're such a fucking idiot holy shit

it feels awful and clunky as fuck the animations are so insufferably, unrealistically slow. 1000 start up frames on every fucking move just makes the game janky unresponsive trash even more than it already was with the shitty movement and camera. fromsoft controls have improved at such an abysmal pace it's like they're behind other action game devs by 15 years.

>can literally cheese him by dodging his attacks and then attacking back

oh alright then

I didn't say he was better than Gas Coin but he's easily better than
Cleric Beast
Ass Demon
Giant Tree Lord

Maybe adding a thousand one hit kill spiders would have improved it
>old demon king
He's the most bog standard souls fight, why dislike him? It's like throwing a fit over Taurus Demon
Deacons > Emissary

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I literally hear the ff7 fanfare.

t. filtered by Laurence.

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how can you defend old demon king while criticizing cleric beast? he was a pretty good early boss and was actually enjoyable to fight unlike demon king.
emissary and deacons are equally bad

I really wish Nioh would just tone down the loot drops by 80%. It does not make the game more interesting to be flooded with tons of garbage. Also the level design is pretty basic and uninteresting and if the game is balanced like the first one I'll have to consciously gimp myself so I don't accidentally become OP and make the game piss easy.

why do you play the games if you dislike the clearly intentional slow attacks

Just finished beating DS3 today actually and dont know any other games similar to it to fill in the hole. Any suggestions?

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ODK and Cleric Beast are pretty much equally boring fights, the difference is one has amazing music and atmosphere.
Neither are bad they're just standard which is why i'm confused why you chose ODK for padding.
>emissary and deacons are equally bad
As fights, sure but visually, no, good atmosphere helps me enjoy one shit fight over the other
Cleric Beast > ODK
Deacons > Emissary

based retard

BB and Sekiro

A ton of Enemies in BB have poise, in fact the poise system is a literal copy/paste of DaS1’s. It’s just that player can not obtain any outside of Lead Elixor.


where do i farm spirit iron chunks?

my dick

dismantle gear at smithy

Guess Breath of the Wild isn't open world, since you can't walk off the plateau at the beginning.

God I fucking hate that rat boss, it's like really easy on some builds and terrible on others.

I wish you could just respec your stats without having to redo all the skills.