So, Yea Forums, you DID like the new demo, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
It was fun enough yeah, although a bit easy thus far.
Good opinion
I can't believe Youmu is a bad girl now
Well you better belive it now
God I want to fuck the chicken.
It was fun, albeit broken
I finally 1cc EoSD. did I graduate from secondary level yet?
>loli trash
no thanks
I can't wait for the doujins of the big tittie newhu
Depends, which shot type did you use?
What difficulty? If it's Easy mode then you don't get to jerk it to any of the characters from Touhou 6. How much less porn do you think we would get if ZUN made a rule stating that doujin artists couldn't smack their weenie to his characters if they couldn't beat Normal or an Extra stage at least haha.
Normal. I vowed to never go easy
the homing rockets
That counts as half a 1CC, good job user. In no time at all you'll be another hard+ elitist primary.
You've asked to question a lot for quite some time now.
ReimuA is such a bad shot type in EOSD that it's 1.5 1CCs.
People who won't shut up about fugging the 2hus couldn't be competent players anyway, if by chance they actually play the game.
why is reimu walking around with a filthy dress covered with dirty paw stains now, is she some kind of barbarian
>easiest Patch
Reimu is always kinda savage
Technically, you stopped being a secondary the moment you started playing the actual games
Yeah she's really fucking bad and does no damage. Her patchouli isn't easy enough to make it worth it. Even the worst player will have an easier time with the non homing shots in that game.
Just managed to beat Double Spoiler, feels great considering that a few days ago I was giving up on even reaching stage 12
Why haven't you played the first 5 games? There's literally no excuse.
I’ve been trying to 1cc with ReimuA, but with no luck. I thought about trying to switch to MarisaB, but I heard that she is so broken it would make the game too easy. Should I se ReimuB or MarisaB?
I hope ZUN does something special with the boss specific beast spirits in the full game.
We're gonna have a triple final boss or triple extra boss. Screencap this post.
I can't 1cc any 2hu games unless I'm playing on easy, yes, I know, I'm a failure.
You're playing the games user. That's more than most.
Post more from this doujin :3
I bet that when you started playing you weren't even able to 1cc on Easy, but now you can: eventually you'll do the same with Normal difficulty
Variable stage 4 at least
Use ReimuB. She's really strong.
Also are you talking about MoF MarisaB? That's the only literally broken shot type. EoSD's isn't anything crazy.
Naw man, the artist can't draw dicks for shit.
What is DDC MarisaB
doesn't matter 2 me c:
ya gotta 1cc ALL the games user
don't go thinking you're some hotshot just because you did the bare minimum
Gotta keep this alive long enough for the Eurofags to wake up...
The thread before this one was perfect.
I slept for a while and then it died. Why?
Eurofag here, I'm going to sleep
fuck daylight
It was autosaged
Party pooper
Depends if you provide source or not
>thread full of game discussion
I refuse to believe
Probably unrelated, but if I want to upload a 1cc run to Youtube what would be the best approach? Do each stage as a separate video or just the whole run in 1?
Also fuck Fraps and its FPS counter glitching when recording these games
Just upload the whole run with timestamps for each stages and bosses.
Just upload what you want to show.
Some people want to share their whole run, the others want to share how to deal with each boss patterns through spell practice. Depends on your intention.
Fuck yokai and fuck yokai sympathizers.
Not that broken
Dunno, didn't play it.
t.youkai miko
If he fixes the UFO powerloss then the game will be fine, if not then it will be shit like the forementioned.
There's a mod that really hates 2hu. They're active at that certain time of the day.
Youmu is Yea Forums personified. She's a dick, but she's also too wimpy to act like a dick in person so she does the spaghetti dropping y-you too shtick.
Seija is literally Yea Forums
Where do I get Touhou 1 through 5 and the PC-98 Emulator to play them?
Uh bro?
Yeah she talks mad shit now that she's possessed by the chad wolf. For a brief time she will experience how a real badass feels all the time.
Buy them from Yahoo auction for a few tens thousands dollars
or download them from moriya shrine.
the torrent from nyaa has the emulator with all the roms
it'll never catch on
lol EOPs
PC98 emulators are made by Japanese and the documentation is in Japanese
you have to rely on premade packs by others
Based ball-buster
Youmu is shit
Dim dream is objectively one of the best games in the series
fuck flower view
The PC-98 era games require me to make an account for the site unlike the modern 2hus
Gonna find that shit elsewhere I guess
Do you guys use gamepad or keyboard?
the nyaa package has them, for an emulator just use project neko II or anex86
no, nyaa doesn't require any account
I was referring to Moriya Shrine
I'll use the nyaa dump then
I just picked up EoSD after playing the Th17 demo, any tips for a complete newfag?
Hold Shift to dodge better. Use the vsync patch.
where do I buy it when it comes out? Never actually ""owned"" a toohoo game physically. I assume someone will release a english patch eventually.
hypers break the game and there's no option to turn them off so I don't like it
On Comiket.
keyboard or stick, gamepad is for degenerates
You can get it on Steam
Or fly to Japan during next Comiket and buy a CD from ZUN
Which touhou girl has sexual encounters with dark skinned men?
someone needs to edit smt 4's smirk onto the smug portraits
Is that a chicken?
Byakuren consorted with demons to get her powers, so there's that.
Picture of her with black men please.
is this the part where she shoots yellow bullets down the center and blue bullets closing in the sides?
wow delete this fucking post. Its making me feel like shit.
>shoots yellow bullets down the center and blue bullets closing in the sides
I recall her having a spellcard that just completely avoids attacking anything in the middle and just shoots done the sides.
The only tip I can give you is "play more"
Don't expect to get a 1cc or even clear the game with continues right now, see how far you can go and move on to the next game once you get stuck, and so on; go explore them as much as you can
By the time you reach Touhou 16 you will have enough experience to get the good endings
Remember that it's ok to play on easy mode in the beginning, but it's bad if you refuse to improve yourself and move on to normal
Ask /jp/
I looked it up yeah, not sure if its just reimus route because I didn't try blondie's route yet but she shoots yellow bullets down the middle making my harder.
He should just suck it up and play on normal. Easy mode is for people who don't intend to be any good.
Seems some of the games start out in fullscreen mode rather than tiny window. which is better?
Whichever one you prefer, I play full screen
remember to set scaling on GPU instead of Screen from your video card settings
If you have to ask, you have better eyes than I do. Tiny window is painful for me. I use the vsync patch for older games to double the size of the window.
I use fullscreen set to 4:3 ratio. The older games are fucking tiny on 1440p when windowed
Is Sakuya the only protagonist to not be a bad girl by now?
she bullies and teases reimu a bit if that counts, but I think she just wants some of that miko ass.
still looks blurry to me bro
She is the only reserved one so yeah.
Too bad she works for faction that barely has any impact in Gensokyo.
just don't collect 3 of a kind bro
But yeah it kinda sucks that avoiding hypers completely takes about as much effort as actually triggering them.
did I just heard that fucking cat?
I saw this post on /2hug/
ZUN sells Touhou to PlatinumGames
How does it turn out?
whens phansmahgoria
like this
i don't like this
the music bangs though
This is disturbing
where's that youmu edit but with the smt iv smirk edited in
The cock
I want to milk the cow.
I think it's the easy mode version of that card.
Haha wow this is funny
You know damn well what will happen. Fucking Platinum and their god awful Star Fox sequences.
The lorehu
Go back to your containment board.
I've been playing IN. Remilia's smug ass portrait makes me laugh.
No. Stop pissing on the carpet and attacking the guests.
what's the best stage theme?
>SA stage 3
You're my fucking brother, but that's the second best stage theme. The best is
Which 2hu would you fug?
I think revengeance level of silly story and dialogue would fit it perfectly
How gud do I have to git in order to stop being considered a secondary?
dude I want a Death Stranding and Ebisu dead baby picture now
>shinmyoumaru game
>boss fights could be revengeance tier with massive size difference stuff
Just 1cc that fucking EoSD dude.
If you haven't cleared all the scenes with Hatate too, it doesn't count. You even get a special message for it from ZUN.
I already did that
ON normal?
Yes with default lives
I want to face fuck that 2hu and hold her head on my dick with those horns FUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
I think their aesthetic for their mecha is too Gundam-ish, make it more organic like in Asura's Wrath then it look a lot better.
Then you're ok.
you're an gentlemen with taste, never let anyone tell you the contrary
Don't worry my friend. The same goes to you.
dude I can't believe shinmy is fucking evil
diisuke likes the cowhu...
You are not a gentleman, and your tastes are questionable
No release HSiFS
She is just an asshole, like 95% of the 2hus. You can count the truly nice 2hus with one hand.
>not being a dickhead
Who else here love Touhou but only for the waifus and never touched the games aside from few tries?
I want to bask in those sex clouds.
Play the fan games
Who else should do porn of the newhus?
>U cup
Her own category?
It's okay, Touhou isn't all about the games, but
Fuck outta here.
Every crossposter from /2hug/.
fucks dogs
Finally, the doujin we've all been waiting for.
So what's the overrall best mainline game and why? I need some primary opinions here.
2hu waifus > everything
Especially my waifu Marisa
Thank you for recommending the intellectuals boad, I'll have to check it out!
Yes! I need more cowhu!
11, the only real argument here is bombs equal to power being shit
why /int/?
Ebi art of newhus when?
I'd really like a Touhou action game. But that's mostly because I'm a lot better at those than I am at STG.
I think he meant /bant/.
I love this artist
>I'd really like a Touhou action game
How would that even work? Let's hear your big game idea
IN and UFO are the best ones.
Big sexy Eirin
What's so broken about it?
I'm sure it's the majority of this thread.
t. Satori
Her damage at 3 power is bugged and it kills every single boss before they can fire any attacks.
Just make it Vanquish with a Touhou coat of paint
Without UFOs maybe
Speaking of Hater, he has been very innactive lately.
He still drew the newhus
That means he's still around
There's nothing wrong with them, you only have to learn the routes. Perfect casual filter.
What should I expect from this artist?
Are his porns good? It won't be degenerate stuff, right?
An action game with lots of slow projectile options where the combo potential comes from hitting people into projectiles which bounce them into other projectiles or into other setups for more combos. Also I really want an action game with a tag team mechanic like Imperishable Night.
Expect pregnancy.
He just drew cowhu and since then felt silent.
Expect sexy mommyhus
can't beat kanakp
I bet I can
But why? I can understand IN as one of the accepted best ones in the series, but I always see people shit on UFO
I guess it's time to post big tiddies
Post your favorite theme RIGHT NOW
His doujins usually involve a lot of the Touhous in an onsen hot spring and some of his faces are actually pretty good reaction material unfitting of the h-work itself. He also has a couple Touhou wife works where you just do lovey-dovey shit with them, his Eirin work in particular is excellent, just search for diisuke on your favorite h-site and you'll be golden.
I'm probably gonna rustle some here jimmies but I think Luna Dial is fucking banging
Play the games and you'll objectively not be a secondary. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a fag.
Very cute
UFO was praised as one of the best 2hu and that didn't sit well with some of the most notorious shitposters thus to be contrarians retards they'll talk shit about it in every single thread.
I didn't mean to reply but thank you!
Reisen is my favorite 2hu
Imagine the smell
Abandon thread, its fucked.
Fuck off.
Smells like heaven
Stop bending over to a spammer and work to save your thread, dumbasses. You're better than this.
Do NOT lewd this bunny! Lewd the other one if you have to, you horny bastards.
Also she's not your favorite if all you do is lewd her.
What is the best 2hu porn you read?
You got it, boss.
Post some Yukari, aceman!
What's wrong with leading your wife?
Sup aceman!
Are you gonna post Yukari this time?
Why's she have to be so much harder than Reimu
LLS has the best stage 4 and nothing can convince me otherwise.
Please play LLS
and MS
and IaMP
Just a little bit.
Nothing, as long as you actually care for something other than her looks, which I doubt you do. Name me Reisen's personality, as well as her likes and dislikes, and how many games have you beaten where she is playable.
Is it because your Yukari folder is small?
ZUN should've stuck with FM synth. Even his new music sounds better that way.
Because I have to do something in a bit. If the thread is still here when Im done then sure if not, oh well.
Is Reimu really much easier? I haven't really tried it much since it felt even harder than Marisa which is ridiculously fucking hard already for a 4th stage boss
What's wrong with liking her because she is a cute bunny girl?
That's too bad.
Good luck, though.
I dunno, I have a much easier time with Reimu. Marisa is all shitloads of tiny stars with very tiny gaps in between them.
I find her much easier than Reimu myself, but ask anyone and you'll get a 50/50 spread on that matter.
Post your favorite 2hu big tiddy artist
That's sick. Too bad the later games don't propose MIDI sound, I was thinking about doing that and trying to plug the synth somehow.
All of them
She's a perfect and elegant meido
Here. Go fuck yourself and take your filename circlejerk back to whatever shithole you came from and stay there.
Diisuke is one of my favorites
Thanks for that user who reminded me
Everything. Off yourself, this bunny offers a lot more than just looks, and is not for lewd.
Tewi is nothing more than a pretty face though, go lewd her instead.
Actually, don't lewd 2hus at all. And stop ruining our threads.
Is /2hug/ spamming the thread again?
>bad girl
Got something to hide?
This is a boobhu thread now
Post sexy cowhu
Well what does it look like? Might as well start posting CP now as the mods aren't going to do anything until the thread dies
I don't have cowhu but Patchy is alright, right?
gets an honorable mention.
Every fucking time.
Every time i see this cover, I always think its the moon wearing a hood or something.
Okay I guess
There's not much cowhu fanart yet anyway
ZUN himself gave the newhu big boobs.
For me, its Reimu's smug portrait in PCB
The fact it comes up everytime you bomb makes it even better
fighting against a spammer in Yea Forums is like egging them on
There is in twitter.
deepest lore
It's gonna keep fucking happening until you do your civic duty. Ignore, report, and focus on the discussion.
will host pofv for (you)s
soku is fine too
Keep the thread alive to make him work towards that image limit.
Can you post them?
>host pofv
fucking hit me up
What did ZUN mean by this expression
>make him work towards that image limit
threads die when the image limit is reached
When will it be released?
I think i can't wait any longer
You fucking crybabies, in the end your "spamner" is just posting touhou pics. Is not posting the same fucking webm saying "japanese humour", falseflagging with persona 5, nitpicking the same goddamn arguments like the dub, the MC and the designers or using insane troll logic to call the game "a flop". Your "shitposter" is just a kid playing, is fucking nothing.
This but with Yea Forums instead of /2hug/
I mean the suika's game in the webm
wrong board /jp/
Even modern /jp/ is better than Yea Forums
I rather have MaZe in this thread desu
There's more game discussion in this thread than there have been in /2hug/ for a month.
It's only better because it's dead
Make that faggot work to the very end while discussing what you want to. Just don't give him the attention he wants and make him waste his time as much as possible
There's more game discussion in /2hug/ than there have been in Yea Forums for a month.
Sure, if image dumping and roleplaying counts as game discussion.
>There's more game discussion in /2hug/
there's less game discussion in /vg/ than in resetera
>He says while people are literally image dumping right now
Oh the irony only makes it better, never change Yea Forums
That poor excuse for a general is complete shit. Avoid at all costs.
Dilate harder.
These threads are nothing but image dumpsters and secondary newfags who still think IN a new game or some shit.
yes mr image dumper
Did you even read my previous post, you schizo?
>literal autist from /vg/ keeps imagedumping on Yea Forums thread that was 100% about games before xe arrived
You really proved us that Yea Forums doesn't talk about games
I want to stomp her until her neck pops.
>not Lotus Love
But yeah overall LLS has a pretty good soundtrack. I ended up buying the corresponding Akyu's Untouched Score for that game.
It's also interesting how Gengetsu's theme is very similar to the Game Over music. Never seen ZUN do that again in any of the other games.
but then how will she be playable
>let spammer hit the image limit
They are the same shit at this point.
There is no place to discuss 2hu without shitposters, period
Still easier than Shou
Keep dumping, keep shitposting, keep wasting your "life". I'm never going to touch your shithole.
If I won't what
why does zun hate cats again
I thought it was Waggysaggy from the thumbnail. Too bad.
There are more feline 2hus than other animals though
what did satori "11 points" komeiji mean by this
then why are none of them playable
This thread is my personal toilet
If the girl on the left had normal ears, she'd be a good design.
God damn it I hate those ears.
The theme rocks, though.
>everyone thought she was a buddha
>nope she's an undead fetus
Crazy pole dancers!
c'mon Yea Forums, where's your posting vitality?
I see we got an entire army here. I wonder what happened?
Yukari's entourage
Koishi is the only SA that matters
Worst buddhist
>completely irrelevant extra boss
translate it weebs
>Yay! They remain up!
My, my, what cute stillborn lady...
>BGM: pure furies
>They stacked out well
>Oh my my
>What a cute stillborn
Fucing terrific, couldn't have asked better than tight Yuuka mirrors.
Thanks a lot for hosting!
GGs fellow Yuukafag, I gotta go now but hopefully we'll play again soon
Your opinion on mature ladies?
Yukari the reddithu
kek i love the 3 satoris meme
Why is Miko such a dumb useless cunt while Byakuren is literal perfection?
I want Marisa or clownpiece to spit in my mouth
>Even smiling, her face is of pure terror.
I love that.
I aint never played a Touhou game where do I get started
>chinese bugwoman scares chinese bugwoman
go to moriyashrine and play 6, 7 or 8
More like
>Good mom scares bad mom.
how can you be a good mom if your son is dead
you don't, you just post 2hus, and discuss which one is the most fuckable.
not her fault
Is wasn't her fucking fault, dammit. Seiga, instead, is a bitch that abandoned her child and uses fetuses as danmaku.
The way she is grabbing her head is appropriate for a neck snap move?
Well she does want revenge on Chang'e
>abaddon her family
>throws fetuses around
>hunted by both Hell and Heaven
>door to door preacher
>reverse Santa
Is Seiga the most based 2hu?
dindu nuffin
And people say she isn't a real hermit.
One easy boss doesn't make up for having to time out basically every pattern in the game because of her low damage. You literally can't kill shit with her. I remember when I decided to switch to a different shot type for the first time and the difference was ridiculous. You actually do damage with other shot types. I'm pretty sure you HAVE to shotgun with Reimu A in order to not time out certain spells
>literally hated by her own student
ungrateful bitch
If she really was wicked she would be causing incidents by now
She is wicked, but not dumb, nobody wants the crimson slasher on their asses.
reminder ZUN hates payoku
Half of the incidents are caused by well-intentioned people just causing problems by being there, who don't know any better.
Seiga's wicked enough AND wise enough to know not to stir the pot, especially with the two largest religious organizations in the area hating her.
>with the two largest religious organizations in the area hating her
And one of those organizations being the one she founded in the first place.
What did the actually Japanese Shadman mean by this?
>cute satori is the upgrade
kill yourself futoshi
punch a payoku
you know, this would have been interesting to explore if it weren't a porn doujin
I miss Chado.
Now that based Pesos turned the whole idea into porn, you can't use it to attack "cute satori" anymore.
Any other based porn artist?
>I made a small censored version on BOOTH. but now that the pirated version has been uploaded, I will not make a small censored version anymore.
Wow, this guy really is discount ke-ta.
help me
i beat kanakp
Fuck this bitch.
i can't*
Now you have to marry her
is that a chink yuuka?
I don't mind as long it's cute
What the fuck does this means?
Speaking of doujin artist, which one that you have fapped to the most?
Just stream bro
I don't pay attention to that type of details.
toho is too pure to masturbate to
Post touhou with the same personality type as you are
ENTP here
which shot type is the easiest?
the one with best bomb
I wish Kanakp were my mom
basically he made a version which is less censored and sold it on a site called booth (japanese law forces people to censor sexual organs, but you can adjust the censoring to be very little), but the book being pirated made him withdraw it
MarisaB (if your version is not fixed)
MoF bombs deal obscene damage anyways
This Lilly White looks a lot like Priestess.
Space Jin
>ahegao shadman
Why do people never mention Spacejin again?
Because he hasn't done new art in a while.
>imizu released 4 of his most famous doujins in FULL PDF QUALITY FOR FREE
>warugaki uploads his doujins for free after the conventions
commit sudoku peso. if you don't like how the internet works become a FoTM whore and run to Jewcob
Name one (1) 2hu that isn't improved by having big milkers
CBT gets old after a while
They are afraid of the safety of their balls
>Space Jin
tewi looks cute the way she is.
Imagine believing this.
If that were the case we wouldn't be here talking about 2hu porn.
Just like the most popular extra boss
That 3 Satoris doujin was pretty funny, wasn't it? Sadly I don't remember the passcode but it shouldn't be hard to find.
>he played the fucking demo first
whats wrong with you user?
What is the best Tewi porn?
I want to jack off to rabbit tonight
you simply cannot like the characters if you've never interacted with the canon you retard
You mean slutty?
The doujins are good enough.
>imizu released 4 of his most famous doujins free
I never knew about that
now if only he'd release or resell some of the ones that literally no one know about like that yuuka one
>best of the best ultimate elder god tier
>regular god tier
I want to fuck black tewi!
It is written "fanbook" user, it's a LN with his illustrations. check
Pic related
I like my fairies flat thank you
Frozen fairy cunny
*record scratch* here
Me too, been touhoufag since 2011 and just recently saw Kaguya instead of a hood
please never diaperpost again
satorin is literally me. intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
What is it about /vg/ that produces such an inhuman level of autism?
Dunno, but it's entertaining to watch.
Which Touhou girl has the biggest butt? Asking for a friend.
Really? good to know
Do I have to clear every single scene or just a specific number like Aya?
Also, how does the ending in 9.5 works? I'm about to unlock the extra stage
I just realized thread went to shit whenever someone discussing porn.
Dumping is not exactly unique to /vg/
They're also behind the image dumping
Their plan is to get Touhou banned on Yea Forums so that their shitty /vg/ thread gets more traffic
Imagine being so fucking retarded you unironically believe this
It's some spamming /vg/ sped.
Tenshi has peach butt
Looks like someone hit a nerve, eh?
Then why there wasn't any spam in previous thread and the other one about shmup in general?
Based Retard
Cause you were asleep.
Hmm hard to tell what's going on here.
You just gotta clear every single scene with both characters. Fortunately Hatate makes most scene easier with her faster charge.
The extra of 9.5 is just another set of scenes to clear.
I was still able to check both threads before they got archived.
No imagespams there, am I wrong?
How'd you get PoFV at such high resolution?
vpatch lets you resize your game window. adonis2, the netplay tool, has it built in too.
Just make a shmup thread. /2hug/ fear the /shmupg/
Pls rember to visit /2hug/!