Other urls found in this thread:
Jacob Seed? More like Jacob Sneed.
Jess best girl
New Dawn eats
Can stop forest fires
>Be canonically shot with "bliss coated bullets" a minimum of 3 times.
>Be just fine to continue your rampage of death.
I also don't get how they managed to manipulate the players/characters in game.
Sure, I get how Giving the people a cocktail of drugs and forcing them to watch something while using an audio trigger might allow you to trigger an adrenaline rush or some kind of extreme agitated state. But no fucking way would it trigger a person to perform such a complicated set of tasks. Same with the bliss, sure it gets people high as fuck and turns them retarded, but how the fuck does faith give complicated commands via drugs, days later after the last admission?
I did like how the game actually acknowledges that the player character is just an absolute bringer of death, and that you're called a relentless killing machine several times by Joseph. But I really wished the world would react to your accomplishments more as you progressed. None of the lieutenants fear you whatsoever, even after you killed everything with a pulse in their region and laid waste to their siblings.
I had to go through this faggots shitty dream section like 5 times before I got to kill him, what the fuck was ubisoft thinking?
>I bet this dream section is a ploy to try and get me to kill people
>I know, I won't kill anyone just to get back at him
>speed run through first level
>use only nonlethal KO's on others
>get to end of final
>see the leader guy, I don't remember his name
>walk up to him
>punch him once
>cutscene shows I shot him with an LMG I didn't even pick up
Really? After John I figured I could get through without letting anyone die.
Why did FC5 have to turn out kind of disappointing? They had the perfect setting for the series, only to have some annoyances in the gameplay and arguably the worst plot in the series.
I fell for it then I immediately googled what happens if you don't fall for it, and was disappointed.
FC5's music had no business being this great
>do the last dream section all the way through
>notice all the whitetail militia dudes aren't turning into a puff of smoke
>"oh, i see what this"
>see Eli
>just stand there and wait for the timer to run out
>it just fails me and puts me back to the start
fuck jewbisoft
>instantly controls you with no conditioning
>can't approach his compound because the song is constantly playing
>doesn't effect you when it plays on the radio
I hate ubisoft
Game has an absolutely KINO atmosphere and I think more people would have accepted the main story & "bad" ending if the side missions were less wacky
But that's the thing about Ubisoft games, isn't it? For every amazing part there's 3 mediocre boring parts.
The flag on his sleeve is facing the wrong way.
I live in Montana and I'm going to simply assume that this was a parody of sorts. As in, the greatest extreme of what is represented here. I could tell exactly where they visited by the landscape of the game (Seeley Lake,, especially places between Missoula and Great Falls, they definitely saw Rock Creek or the Blackfoot River).
The way we're depicted is insulting. Even with the altruistic, good side of the people there. The motivations make zero fucking sense, and it's honestly impossible that a cult could have that much control in that valley.
They'd be so goddamn dead, in such short order that it's ridiculous. I mean, I'm being a bit facetious since it's a video game but come the fuck on. This shit makes sense in foreign countries where uprising are common but, not here.
Even the idea of there being nuclear silos where they're talking about? Those don't exist in the environment they depicted. Meh what the fuck ever screw FC5; damn Canadians.
>The way we're depicted is insulting
Boo-hoo. it's a video game dude.
That one guy. Going from being tortured by having a large swatch of skin from your chest torn off and stapled to you to "asian wife is in labor gotta git us to a dang hospital" the mood whiplash was nuts
shut up faggot
all the women in this game are fucking shit
waifufags should be killed on international television on a 24/7 broadcast
Never have I seen a game so eager to constantly shove its story down your throat any chance it gets while having such a worthless poorly written story and characters.
Every companion shouting goofy shit, or being some kind of wonder dog alongside side missions mostly being jokes killed the mood so much.
>the noises the cougar makes when you pet it
Come on, New Dawn doesn't count.
Likely intentional.
>I live in Montana
>while having such a worthless poorly written story and characters.
Someone didn't understand the kino narrative, methinks.
>The way we're depicted is insulting
Did you think the people, culture and environments in 4 and 3 were depicted accurately?
Look at this fragile cuck.
Bros before hoes, pal
>Get to the church at the end of the game
>Door won't fucking open, no amount of "fixes" has solved it
Guess I'm never finishing this 5/10 game. It's a shame, I was really excited by it because of the setting and subject matter, but Ubisoft make the very definition of boring, generic Western games with a decent amount of polish.
Also to whoever in these threads recommended Church of the Cosmic Skull, thank you.
please let this be pasta
nah bro Jacob >>> John/Faith
I find hurk's parents to be eerily similar to my own
You're right, but gays should be killed first.
Grace > Jess
stick ass white girl
thank you user, this is the only correct response
Farcry 5 was such a frustrating experience for me. It has genuinely outstanding sound design and music integration with gameplay and incredible atmosphere. The villains motivations are understandable and the religious cult thing was applied extremely well ESPECIALLY in faith seed's region. however for every good thing in the game there was something trying to ruin it
>getting caught like a dozen times by the cult and never killed
>bliss bullet
>irritating "good guys"
>no option to join the cult, despite literally swimming in bliss half the game
>100 foot statue of the father
just a lot of inconsitencies like a 10 year old was on the writing staff too. game could have been a masterpiece if it wasn't for all these things
Only Far Cry 2 is probably accurate.
>tfw no mentally and physically scarred waifu
also the forced fucking story shit is goddamn obnoxious
if ubishit was half competent then you could actually fight them off and have things go differently but nope gotta keep the railroad
lying is a sin, anons.
>have things go differently
The entire fucking point of the game is that there is no other way. The seals must be opened. The world must burn. That is all. You can try to resist God's will all you want.
So a cougar and cigar-smoking redneck wannabe politician?
>They had the perfect setting for the series
well that's some shitty taste ya got there user. They pulled it off sure, but the theme in the series is destabilized areas. Not bumblefuck USA. You're either Euro trash or some edgy loser.
>dream sequence where you talk to the marshal
>actually decent monologue about being happy is the only thing that matters in life
>begins walking towards a gate
>"deputy, you have to stop him from reaching those gates!"
>what? how? is this part of the hallucination too? that didn't make any sense how can they see what i'm seeing?
>just let him walk through the gates
>game over it just resets back to that scene again
like what the fuck? it acts like its this trippy mind game going on then just jumps the shark out of nowhere
>one-track prophecy with no nuance or character development
Oedipus did it better thousands of years ago
>Oh The Bliss
>Keep Your Rifle By Your Side
>Help Me Faith
>Let The Water Wash Away Your Sins
>Oh John
>The World Is Gonna End Tonight
>Gonna Build A Castle
>We Will Rise Again
>Set Those Sinners Free
>Now He's Our Father
All of the versions by Hammock are excellent but Oh John, Oh The Bliss, Let The Water Wash Away Your Sins, and Keep Your Rifle By Your Side are pure kino.
Also, John is better than Jacob who is better than Faith. She's not even a good waifu, fuck off.
Your parents are fucking based.
My friend and I made it through the first time without killing the wooden mannequin thanks to a multiplayer glitch.
We tried for like an hour to not kill Eli but it just kept failing us until we figured out there had been a glitch.
Not gonna lie, I would fuck that dog. That's my exact taste in women.
More or less yeah, minus the cigar and wanting to be an actual politician
Have you ever actually read the Book of Revelation?
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Absolutely kino soundtrack and setting, and I was really drawn to Joseph for some reason. Only ubisoft game I bought in years and the only one in the foreseeable future. Can't stress the soundtrack enough, it's some of the only videogame music I mix in with my other music.
Seal Number One:
Everything is unfolding according to God’s plan. I am still here with you. The First Seal has been broken. The Collapse has begun. And we will take what we need. And we will preserve what we have. And we will kill all those who stand in our way. And these. The harbingers of doom will see the truth. BEGIN THE REAPING!
What is the best fight music, and why is is Come Wisdom and Come Fire?
Grow a beard, develop a belly, and travel the world, looking for adventure.
Become Hurk, user. It is your destiny.
Seal Number Two:
A seal has been opened… my brother John was loved by few. Feared by many. Misunderstood by all… except me. John was not born a monster. He was just a child when our family was torn apart. He was loving. Kind. Full of joy… he was easily preyed upon. John was not perfect. Sometimes he was not even good. But he was my brother. And those responsible for his death will be punished. I promise you that.
Seal Number Three:
My children, a seal has been opened… my brother Jacob was a fighter. He fought our parents. He fought the government. He fought me. But mostly, he fought himself… The demons that he brought home from the war consumed him. He thought that he was a weapon without a purpose. That he was a warrior without a legacy. But look around you. You are his legacy. All of you willing to protect our Family from The Collapse. To purge the sinful from our home. And you will, my children. You will purge the sinners from our home. Jacob’s death will not be in vain.
Seal Number Four:
A seal has been opened... My Faith... My Faith... She was not the first to carry that name. But she was the most devoted. She was like many of you when she came to me... Broken... Lost... I put my faith inside her. And she became angelic.... Perfect. And those sinners took her away from us. It is faith that holds us together. And without it... we are lost. So we must never lose faith. And those who try to harm us... will suffer.
Based bot
That's a massive fucking knife.
post snot tech
To be technical the fourth seal is actually:
Another seal has been opened. My family… my brothers… my sisters.. They’ve been taken from me! By a snake in the garden! I thought I knew God’s plan. But I was wrong. I was blind. But now I see. You took my family from me so that I could have yours. We will welcome them, with open arms… just as we will welcome you. We will be waiting for you where it all began.
The player never actually gets a eulogy for the last sibling they kill.
Regardless, Seal Number 5 is:
And when the Lamb broke the fifth seal, and I saw under the altar the souls of the Martyrs, slain because of the word of God…” You made Martyrs of my family… and I am prepared to do the same to yours. But God is watching us. And He will judge us on what we choose in this moment. I told you that we were living in a world on the brink. Where every slight… every injustice… where every choice reveals our sins. And where have those sins lead us? Where have those sins led you? Your friends have been taken and tortured, and it’s your fault. Countless people have been killed, and it is your fault. The world is on fire and it’s your fault. Was it worth it? Was it? When are you gonna realize that every problem cannot be solved with a bullet? When you first came here, I gave you the choice to walk away. You chose not to. In the face of God I am making you that offer one last time… Put down your guns. And you take your friends. You leave me my flock… and you go in peace. Remember… God is watching.
Seal Number Six:
Every slight. Every injustice. Every choice reveals our SIN! John was wrong. Your sin is not wrath. You would rather watch the world suffer and burn than swallow your pride. “And the Lamb broke the sixth seal and lo, there was a great earthquake… The sun became black and the moon turned to blood…”
This game was so fucking bad holy shit
>do sidequests to fill up the progress bar to unlock story missions
and there's what, like maybe 15 missions at most? I think Ubisoft's fanbase will swallow any dogshit and call it good.
Seal Number Seven:
When the Lamb opened the seventh seal… there was silence in Heaven… and the seven angels before God were given seven trumpets.. And there were noises, thundering's, lightning's, and an earthquake… and I heard a great voice from the temple say to the angels… go your ways… and pour from the vials, the wrath of God upon the Earth." It is finished child.
Actually the problem with the game was the story missions triggered way too soon. Fuck you if you want to explore and dick around without getting forcibly yanked into the story.
Far cry drug trips are fucking stupid. Terribly lazy writing.
Formally Chuck
Good example of an Ubisoft fan loving to eat shit right here.
>well see I wish I had to do MORE side missions to fill up the progress bar!
The entire point of Ubisoft's overall design direction since 2014-ish is to get rid of "story missions". Ubisoft's creative lead hates traditional linear narratives. The idea behind Far Cry 5 and AC: Odyssey is that you just walk in a random direction and find stuff to do. This stuff that you do has an overarching point via the central narrative, but you don't play Ubisoft games for "story missions". The story missions are intentionally indistinguishable from random gameplay. In Far Cry 5, there are basically no story missions. There are instead narrative beats that last only a few minutes. And these beats can happen in any order for the most part.
Far Cry 5 is the only ubishit game I've ever played, but keep on being retarded.
Yes because the operative point is that you like Ubisoft games, not that you're so fucking stupid you unironically think filling up a progress bar is good design.
New Dawn was so boring
You wrote all that out just to tell me that Ubisoft doesn't know how to make an open world game.
I don't, in fact like I said, I hate the fact that the progress bar exists at all. I want to be able to dick around like I can in literally every other shitty open world game without getting shot by a crack team of bowniggers while I'm trying to fucking use a wingsuit
Ubisoft games are literally an assortment of side missions. The guy in charge of Ubisoft said something along the lines of "I don't want to be told a story. I want to go out and find thousands of stories". It's a manifestation of an underlying design philosophy called the anecdote machine. Ubisoft games are about walking around and stuff just keeps happening. Animals eat people, people fly planes into the ground, and you meet a never ending stream of wacky characters who want you to go on wacky adventures with them.
If Ubisoft made a game like LA Noire, they'd scrap the central storyline and have you solving essentially random quirky crimes around the city at your own pace.
the story could have been far better than what it was. could have been a downward spiral motif when they carve 'wrath' on your chest and set you loose on a rampage across the county, you kill cultists and civilians in equal measure, drink the bliss, they accept you into the the cult only for you to uncontrollably kill them all and become the new leader yourself
>15 missions
thats still more than rage 2 lmao
Yeah it is. Rage 2 was fucking awful.
Ubisoft are possibly the only developer who knows how to make open world games. Their competitors, especially the woefully incompetent Rockstar, keep trying to shoehorn linear narrative and tedious set pieces into a game that structure that is inherently opposed to it.
New Dawn was absolute kino.
>Awesome soundtrack.
>Awesome superpowers.
>Beautiful visuals
>I want Carmina to step on me.
>Expeditions. Awesome.
I bet you play GTA with cheats too. Disgusting.
Has anyone played with these two chuckfucks as companions?
Holy shit the mayhem.
Hey now. I liked Far Cry 5 as opposed to most other Ubishit but I still vastly prefer GTAV.
Isn't Sharky a furry now?
Far Cry 5 is the worst example of shoehorned set pieces I've ever seen. It forcibly removes you from whatever you were doing at the time to marvel at the main character's retardation
Far Cry 5 was good when it was a fun take on the Book of Revelations. Then they kept going and it sucked.
Don't be ridiculous, Ubisoft's open worlds are completely dead and static. There is no fun to be had. There's nothing but boring side content and a bad story to sit through.
They release the same game over and over with a new coat of paint, and you'll eat it up, and regurgitate this dogshit you somehow managed to type to justify it every time.
> Hating on the most comfy game ever released with the greatest soundtrack of the decade
Imagine being this contrarian.
This. The companions were cool and Dogo was probably the best one but the story was just you're run-of-the-mill cult shit and I never felt like my character was in any real danger.
I'm glad the characters were at least somewhat interesting and the idea was well executed enough to keep me playing to the end.
Still a bad game though, and a bad idea for a far cry game.
imho the ideal far cry game is fc2, it's almost perfect, the setting is excellent, the story and context is perfect. Unfortunately the game is quite rough around the edges and the game can be a bit repetitive and unfun, but a better mission variety (which is something ubi can pull off), and a more polished and more fun version of the gameplay (without compromising what made fc2 good of course) and you get the absolute best far cry can offer.
They tried to get some stuff from fc2 into 5 but it didn't really work I think.
"Let the water wash away your since" is beautiful. I was seriously not expecting a song that good in this game.
This soundtrack is pure fucking kino
My enjoyment of the game significantly diminished once I left John's territory and this song stopped playing on the radio.
>8 missions
holy shit this can't be real
It's incredibly short and relies on padding the game out with collectables.
It's still got more worth than an Ubisoft game because the combat is actually enjoyable, but it's not worth getting at all.
you should play far cry 2
there are several moments where you assassinate people and when you walk in they drop their phone on the ground and start pleading
also nothing compares to running through the African jungle, starting massive forest fires, killing hundreds of people and [\spoiler] becoming a monster [\spoiler]
>9 hours
Can't make this shit up.
If this was a 29.99$ games i'd be okay with it but I ain't paying 59.99$ for 9 hours
At least you're getting a workout while you're sliding those goalposts all over the place.
>that haircut
I don't even hate it but I'm just so tired of seeing it literally everywhere.
I don't really have anything to contribute to this thread other than I finished FC5 last week and it was a great fucking game.
That's a different user. Turns out there's two people that think you're fucking retarded.
Here's the part where you post a shopped picture "proving" you aren't samefagging
You dun fucked up.
>By a SNAKE! *snot bubble* In the GARDEN!
This was the most expensive game I ever paid for at $80 and I didn't even play half of it.
You sound like a SJW right now.
Occam's Razor, moron. What is more likely? An epidemic of people carefully photoshopping (you)s out just to spite your MENSA level arguments or you just being an idiot that people find annoying and/or retarded?
I think it's option 2.
What makes this funny is the guy who was talking about moving the goalposts wasn't even the guy who the GTA comment was even directed to.
That was me.
>O-occam's razor
The best part is I'm not either guy. I'm a third guy calling him a dumbass.
So really this is a shitshow all around. That guy that wanted more progress bar bullshit is still retarded though.
i made all these posts, btw
Impossible, because I made at least 2 of them based on the number of (You)s I see.
Based Yea Forums poster
it was a mediocre game, but I was born and live in Montana.
Little biased on my part.
Fun to operate inna back yard.
I never wanted more progress bar bullshit, I want the progress bar to fuck off entirely because the shit triggers too quickly. Let me choose when I want to do the story.
>Joseph claims that he dindu nuffin, was a good boy and wanted to be left alone
>Meanwhile he kickstarts an agressive cult that scares the living fuck out of everyone
>Creates a drug plant, that quickly takes over Hope County
>Uses that said drug plant to poison the water supply and turn people into literal zombies
>Kidnaps and convers locals to his cult without their own volition
>Traumatizes the protag, and then get surprised why is he so dedicated to kill him
>Kills the OG Faith, then replaces her with Literally who junkie, without anyone knowing
Threadly reminder that Joseph is a fucking retard and he did everything wrong.
How was the soundtrack so fucking good lads? I don't even like country music.
>he's actually pretending to be someone else on Yea Forums's Yea Forums subreddit
Imagine going to these lengths to try to win an argument... it's enough to make a man kek
>tfw apparently I am you and you are me
>without anyone knowing
Both Faith and Joseph admit it to you, and there's also at least one note from a rando that makes it clear it is at the very least rumored among the plebs.
>implying FC5 lore matters
I knew what the ending would be right after you kill the first guy and his dying monologue is just "DUDE WHAT IF SEED IS RIGHT"
>Far Cry 5 won almost no awards for it's soundtrack despite it being pure kino
It's not Christian but it still mentions words like "sin" which makes all the gaming journalists seethe. Of course it didn't win any real awards.
I'm me?
>ignoring the red elephant in the room
What did you mean by this?
>>ignoring the red elephant in the room
What did YOU mean by this?
>Now He's Our Father that low
I have to disagree. My top three is that, Oh John, and Keep Your Rifle By Your Side, at least among the Hammock renditions. The rest are about in line for me, though I feel that Set Those Sinners Free rests higher.
Such a nice album though, I can't really put any of the song in a "low/bad" tier.
I think the biggest crime regarding the soundtrack are the combat themes outside of John's region. I didn't enjoy them very much except maybe one of each from the other regions. And the song that plays when you steal back Nick's plane isn't on the soundtrack afaict.
I can't tell if you're retarded or just pretending.
Most of the mission specific music is in the unreleased soundtrack. Fortunately most if not all of the unreleased soundtrack is on Jewtube.
I honestly don't know what red elephant you are referring to tbph
I don't want to spoonfeed you, but I don't want to pick on a retard, either, so I'll compromise.
>user complains game wasn't lauded with praise by games journos
>other user implies journos were buttmad because of their politics
>I butt in to point out they had specific political leanings that angered them because they don't like something symbolically represented by a red elephant in American politics
>you then shit the bed
you're a faggot. unironically hang yourself unironically.
Cringe yet redpilled
Yikes and seethepilled.
It's not cringe. "Ironic" retards that open their mouths should be shamed mercilessly.
>I can't refute anything
Keep seething cuck
Joseph misunderstood God's will. He thinks God told him to be the savior of mankind. But he made a terrible and arrogant mistake that leads him down a dark path. When Faith talks about Hubris and Nemesis, she's arguably talking more about Joseph than you. After all, she recognizes you for what you really are. "You were the start, and you'll be the end." This is a blatant reference to Christ's proclamation in the Book of Revelation. "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last."
I still don't get why this guy is the poster child for Sneed and not the old guy inside. The ones outside could be anyone, the guy inside is clearly Sneed.
My friend and I had always guessed that the Bliss and the Cult had a somewhat slight supernatural angle to them. Which the end of the game sort of leads credence to, but I would have liked the any supernatural elements to be more overt.
Fuck whoever the hell decided to make all of those "LOL U R CAPTURED" missions though. Fuck off and stop taking control away from me.
The problem with Far Cry 5 and games journalism is that Far Cry 5 is a story about religion. Its central narrative is based on the writings of David Koresh. Most people working in games criticism are not the kind of people who see the opening text of Far Cry 5 about the angel calling out "Who is worthy to loose the seals?" and understand it. Most of Far Cry 5's plot sailed over their heads. And worse, they saw the religious themes in the game as being incoherent rambling. They kept trying to project onto Far Cry 5. They wanted it to be a game about Trump's America. About the alt-right. But it's about something completely different. Something they didn't understand.
>there are STILL people that doubt 5 is supernatural, even though 3 and 4 were unambiguously so
It's sad, really.
Very good.
>My friend and I had always guessed that the Bliss and the Cult had a somewhat slight supernatural angle to them. Which the end of the game sort of leads credence to, but I would have liked the any supernatural elements to be more overt.
New Dawn has a lot of strange half-explained stuff. The pink flowers originate from a pink tree up north that bears fruit that either kills you or gives you Far Cry: Instincts-like animalistic powers. The flowers are spreading and causing strange dreams, and it's worth noting that in Far Cry 5, some of the bliss visions involved a white tree sitting in the middle of a field. Far Cry 5's bliss was symbolized by the colour white. (Although the chemicals were green.) The bliss burns pink in New Dawn.
New Dawn pretty much confirms that Joseph is being given legitimate information by "The Voice", since it tells him about the true Shepherd that is coming, with a face he doesn't recognize -- but he recognizes you when you meet him. The info was legit. His interpretation of God's will was not. Joseph thought that he was the Shepherd. The one who would lead the faithful to New Eden. But he was never the chosen one. And his efforts to be the chosen one were the source of incredible evil.
Jennifer White if she chose to live a virtuous life instead of following the degenerate song of the Whore of Babylon.
>>there are STILL people that doubt 5 is supernatural, even though 3 and 4 were unambiguously so
I think the supernatural undertones of Far Cry always went over some people's heads. In particular, the nature of the drug-induced visions in games like FC3/4/Primal. Those visions let you see things and hear things you had physical way of seeing or hearing. You saw people in visions that you hadn't met yet. You witnessed the world being consumed by fire in both Primal and in Far Cry 5. The Primal vision, "The End of All Things" is particularly interesting because it was possibly foreshadowing FC5.
best girl is Peaches
my nigga
Wonder if next time they'll go full ass creed and let us fuck companions
>Just slept for like, how many hours
>dude it's real did you you know about yoga pants?
hell yes, brother
All I needed was the love you gave
dem dorfs